recliningbacchante · 6 months
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t--haga--c · 1 year
uma declaração de princípios
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yogajeannee · 1 year
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My new motto: If I don’t write it down or set a reminder in my phone I won’t remember do it 😵‍💫 Day 3 #alogentleposes | March 6-13 Let’s slow it down and bring in more mindfulness with 8 days of gentle asanas. Get cozy, feel free to grab props and wear something comfy as we do grounding and feel-good hip openers, backbends folds, and twists to restore our bodies 😌🧘🏽‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️ Poses Day 1: Butterfly Day 2: Pigeon Day 3: Frog Day 4: Child’s pose Day 5: Fish Day 6: Bridge Day 7: Reclined twist Day 8: Legs up the wall/savasana Hosts: @yogawithrona @yoginiinheels @_emjayyogini_ @yogajeannee @eriwyattyoga @bethanysmithyoga ⠀⠀ Sponsors: @aloyoga @alomoves ⠀⠀ How to Participate: - Make your profile public - Follow all hosts and sponsors - Repost the flyer as a post, not a story or slide with the caption and tag some friends to join! - Post a video/photo daily using the hashtag #alogentleposes & tag all hosts and sponsors - Show some love to the gallery! . . . #frogpose #manduka #aloyoga #aloyogachallenge #aloyogachallenges https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpi4oxoPWRs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alfedena · 1 year
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islandstyleyoga · 2 years
初代のものを主に自宅での練習用に、色違いの2枚目をレッスンで使用しています。 初代のPROliteはなんと10年目になりました!
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私は普段アシュタンガヨガを自分の練習に選んでいて、長い時は2時間以上練習します。 アシュタンガ特有のヴィンヤサの足の動きは摩擦が多いためPROliteに出会うまではマットの表面が数ヶ月でポロポロ剥がれてしまう状況でした。特に私は足を擦るタイプなので摩耗しやすいのです。(動画を一番下に貼っておきました。) 初代は7年目ごろから少しずつ表面が剥がれてきました。 それでも残念という気持ちなんかなくて「やっと剥がれてきたか」という感じ。 今はマットの上下を入れ替えて使っているのでまだまだ現役です。
素材の密度が高い、という感じです。 同じ5ミリでも潰れにくい5ミリ。 柔らかいスポンジなのか硬いスポンジなのか。 文章でお伝えするのはちょっと難しいですが、そんな感じです。 そして耐久性はもちろん、グリップ力が良い! 初代のマットが使えなくなったら、また同じPROlite(またはPRO)を買うつもりです。 一番初めからこのマットを使っていれば他のマットで失敗した分のお金が節約できたなと後悔しています。 一般的な強度のヨガなら一生ものだと思いますよ!
日常のお手入れは除菌シートで拭き、たまに水洗いしています。 洗濯用洗剤などを使ってブラシで擦り、陰干しして乾かします。 MANDUKAでは水に濡らすことはNGでしたが私は10年この方法です。
ちょっとお高いですが、その品質や手触りにMANDUKA仲間が増え続けています。 長持ちさせるために生徒さんにお伝えしていることは、車の中に置きっぱなしにしないこと。 日光や高熱で品質が劣化しやすいので注意です。 色は汚れが目立たない暗めの色がオススメですよ♪
ヨガレッスンにご参加の方は是非私のマットを触ってみてくださいね。 ※この記事はMANDUKA(マンドゥカ)のPROliteについて書きました。
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teoriacritica · 4 days
"Thiago de Mello es un transformador del alma. De cerca o de lejos, de frente o de perfil, por contacto o transparencia, Thiago ha cambiado nuestras vidas, nos ha dado la seguridad de la alegría. El tiempo y Thiago de Mello trabajan en sentido contrario. El tiempo erosiona y continúa. Thiago de Mello nos aumenta, nos agrega, nos hace florecer y luego se va, tiene otros quehaceres. El tiempo se adhiere a nuestra piel para gastarnos. Thiago pasa por nuestras almas para invitarnos a vivir."
Pablo Neruda sobre Thiago de Mello, marzo de 1965
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yogamatcare · 8 months
Best Manduka Mat for Hot Yoga: The Jaw-Dropping Truth
Dive deep into the world of Best Manduka Mat for Hot Yoga and discover why the Manduka GRP might just be the perfect companion for your sweaty sessions. Plus, get answers to all your burning questions! (Pun intended) The magic of yoga lies not just in its spiritual or physical benefits but in the equipment that aids your journey. Among the top-tier gear brands, Manduka consistently emerges as a…
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lookslater · 2 years
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
well i hopped ingame to just. VERY QUICKLY DOUBLE CHECK baby kelth's look because apparently that's just Out There for Everyone to See. so might as well snap a quick shot to put here too.
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this is the nerd. they're paler than a sheet of printer paper because they hail from a long line of nerds and the only light their skin sees is from a computer monitor.
i really liked the full face of void scarring and they've always had it but i'm not quite sure lore-wise why yet. i'll figure it out. it's probably related to the Hella Pale eyes.
swag wise they're currently in a Manduka set bc it's the best-looking (imo) that i could get with plat immediately. (it's also because the sleeves reminded me of limbo and i mean. see the name of this blog) (also the feet have claws and i dare you to try tell me you wouldn't wear that shit on a heartbeat if you're 17, in charge of your own money, and laid eyes on that)
in canon they've got a cane to get around because a sweet 1000 year cryosleep nap has some side effects. they get exhausted very fast, can't seem to build up stamina, and things start hurting if they push themself, so they'd rather not. also canes are badass (and the first one i find that i like on an antiques flea market i am fucking buying)
and i might as well throw their drifter self in here too While I'm Here.
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@ DE please make it easier to sync colours like eye and skin and whatever across operator & drifter because god. also physical features presets. how am i supposed to design other people like this. untenable
anyway this is them. you've seen the back of their head plenty recently so here's the front. they have received No attention in my lore rotation on here yet so Apologies but i'm not gonna start in the middle of exam time.
currently in standard drifter swag. do not perceive them
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breesays · 9 months
You guys, I did JUMPING JACKS in my apartment today. JUMPING JACKS.
This new place makes the old place seem like a bad starter boyfriend. Everything was mini - the stove, the dishwasher. Creaks and leaks. Bigger than our Los Feliz place but not better. The garage always smelled like pee because there were puppy breeders on the other side of the patio. We put a basketball hoop out there for Des but couldn't handle the stink, so we never spent time there. I know that was not necessarily in the management's control, but it speaks to the neighborhood. Also some of our friendliest neighbors moved out suddenly because management wouldn't address a mold problem. I don't know, maybe MANAGEMENT doesn't even know there are better buildings, better ways?
I did enjoy the direct view of Wisdom Tree, and our excellent cat-sitting neighbors.
The other day Des got the urge to dance to "Skip to My Lou" and he raced around the living room and I was filled with that remnant anxiety - but as I watched him dance so hard he was sweating and no one banged on the ceiling at us and the world kept on spinning, it dissipated. It was so great to see him just DO what his body told him to do and not have to reign it in.
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In the old place we hung a tapestry with leaves on it - in this place we keep our blinds open to the trees all the time, and I meditated in the afternoon surrounded by sun dappled light.
I feel insulated here, safe. Desmond has pointed out that there are multiple sprinklers in the ceiling space. This building was well thought out.
I don't know how much bigger it actually is, square footage-wise, but it's at least 9 Manduka yoga mats bigger. That's an acceptable form of measurement, right?
And to think I thought we HAD to move to a ground floor unit. I looked at so many with low light and felt so depressed. The one I wanted second-most, for its space, had a fake-grass yard. They wanted to charge $70 a month for pet rent, on top of a $500 pet deposit. And we would've had to share 8 washers and driers with 100 units.
I know a house is like, the ultimate freedom. But this is a good landing place for now. I just wish we would've picked this place in 2021 instead of the Cahuenga one. But, struggle making a skilled sailor and all that.
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There's so much closet space (two, one on each side of the room) that the IKEA wardrobe I've brought with me is filled entirely with workout and hiking gear. Pinterested me FLIPS OUT over that.
I have a show tomorrow, one I didn't think would ever happen again, so I better get to my beauty sleep.
If you want to come over and dance-slide in your socks let me know, there's space.
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avamsc · 10 months
El siguiente trabajo que haga con AV/A7 no va a tener filtro. Creo que es tiempo de tocar todos esos temas que por temas personales no he podido tocar.
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sharky857 · 1 year
wf ask game 001:
4 7 9 18 20 26 30 33
4. Who was your starter frame?
Excalibur. I trusted the in-game description saying he's a beginner-friendly Warframe and went with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Which faction has your favorite aesthetic/architectural design?
Corpus. Their (new) ship interiors are just 👌👀 Orokin architectural design is a close second.
9. What’s your favorite Operator accessory?
Manduka sleeves.
18. What’s your favorite track in the OST?
I'd say "We all lift together", but the truth is I've been having "This is what you are" in loop on my Somarchord, lately. And before that it was "Sleeping in the cold below". I kept this latter looped for several months straight.
20. Which faction do you hate fighting the most?
Corpus, because of those f@ckin' Nullifiers and their gigantic bubbles. 🙃
26. Cetus, Fortuna, or the Necralisk?
Pre-TNW Fortuna is a sight to behold. 💖
30. Do you play public or solo?
I'm mostly a solo player, although it's not uncommon for me to play with a friend or two in team. Pub runs are reserved only for… specific reasons. *hard glares at the ragequit-inducing Archon hunt stages*
33. Business, Son, or Master Teasonai?
Teasonai all the way. Biz needs to feckin' chill and stop half-triggering some RSD, while "Son" is on ye olde "you're on fckin' thin ice" with his attitude.
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yogajeannee · 2 years
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I had the pleasure of subbing tonight at @floyogacycle and it felt so good to be there. Thank you everyone that showed up, I definitely needed it and it came at the best time Day 6 frog pose, now this is a stretch I can definitely get behind 📢 NEW ALO CHALLENGE June 11-18 #AloDivingDeep Summer is approaching and many of us have beach and water activities in mind. Join us for a week of fun in the sun as we focus on water animals and creatures. 🌊 Hosts: @bayoubornyogi @yogajeannee @eriwyattyoga @yogirl.trinaa @beccarez @ethereal.flame 🌊 Pose Line Up: Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ Fish 🐟 Seal 🦭 Dolphin 🐬 Turtle 🐢 Frog 🐸 Flamingo Starfish (any star shape) 🌊 Sponsors: @aloyoga @alomoves 🌊 Prize: $100 gift card @aloyoga 6 months subscription @alomoves 🌊 How to Join: -Repost this flyer to your feed! -Follow all hosts & sponsor! -Invite some friends to join and please make sure your profile is public! -Post daily using the hashtag #AloDivingDeep and tag/mention all hosts & sponsors! -Have fun with a safe practice in mind and engage with your fellow participants and hosts #frogpose #yogafriends #manduka #outdooryoga #outdooryogapractice #yogaoutside #yogaoutdoors #outdooryogis #fitmomjourney #upperbodystrength #yogashapes #happyyogi #bodyconfidencemovement #yogamovement #yogalifestyles #yogaeverdayy #homeyogapractice #yogainspired #yogachallengeseverydamnday #yogaworkout #creativeyoga #liveyouryoga #yogatransformation #armbalances #yogamoves #bendyyogis #alochallenge #practiceeveryday (at Chandler, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2mNdULDPJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yourjourneyyoga · 18 minutes
Full Body Yoga || Feel Better || 65 Min
Recharging depleted energy is imperative to maintain good health.  This full body 65 min stretch will help you feel reenergized and so good!  Great stretches for your whole body.  Learning to move mindfully and be present within each breath will help you gain and retain flexibility, mobility and efficiency in the way your body moves.  Posture, balance, gait and attitude are all improved through mindful movement and breathing.  Who doesn't want that? Wishing you a wonderful day, feeling healthy and strong! All the best, C #freeyoga #yogaforlife #fullbodystretch #tensionrelease #feelgoodyoga #liveyourbestlife #stretch #livewell #flexibleforlife #feelssogood #bepresent #mindfulmovent #reset #selfcare #quietmind #releasetension #consistency #strong #lululemon #manduka #bestyoga #60minyoga #mentalhealth #feelssogood 
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katluv0428 · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: (NWT) Mandela Yogitoes Skidless Yoga Mat Towel In Bubbles Print.
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spotlessmind28 · 9 days
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