#man idfc if I’m cringe I’m free!!!
surveillance-0011 · 3 years
Some HOTD hcs because the fixation never stops. All on the topic of the boss creatures having borderline supernatural/psychic abilities
All the final bosses speak through telepathy (p sure that is canon) and can use this communicate with creatures and humans, whether one-on-one or to a few or to many or to everyone. They’re also prone to involuntarily sending out what I can only describe as psychic waves (and in some cases, intentionally do so), and have a sort of psychic field around them. The effects vary but the most common are feelings of dread, hallucinations and intense dreams/nightmares, and some level of self-destructive thoughts and actions. Sapient creatures are not immune to these waves or fields.
All bosses actually have a similar psychic field but the lesser bosses’ are much much weaker, and can only instill a mild sense of disturbance within humans. The main purpose of these fields is to help locate other living beings. It assists the creatures without good senses and makes the ones with good senses even more perceptive.
The waves the major bosses send out serve a similar purpose, and while they’re usually involuntary they also serve the purpose of communicating and could be put to good use.
During their incubation, Emperor sent out many waves, pretty much driving most of the researches to despair and paranoia and fucking w/ all the other bosses. Their presence caused lasting bouts of nightmares for both Gary and James even after dying, and their effect as well as their successor’s influenced James to sacrifice himself instead of just throwing his pager.
The strength of Moon’s psychic influence is at the level of Emperor and The World but has (erm, had) more influence over creatures.
Magician and the Wheel of Fate do not have nearly as strong as an effect, at least in that way. Wheel of Fate’s had a “less detrimental” effect- he was able to keep the creatures from wandering, keep Death in check, and prevent Daniel from getting too distressed. On the other hand, Magician put more of his power to super speed and the like so his power was just channeled elsewhere.
The animal-humanoid hybrid bosses that control other creatures are pretty much psychic hotspots or whatever. Not only can they communicate with and control their own designated creatures (hangedman w/ devilons, zeal w/ Kuarl, hierophant w/ mofish) but they’re very perceptive to any waves sent out by the greater bosses.
Hierophant and Hangedman both experienced odd dreams during the growth of Emperor and Moon respectively. Hierophant tried to decipher these dreams, seeing them as omens. It wrote and drew out what it saw on the walls and rocks of its enclosure, and it did the same with the sides of buildings in the city. Hangedman, however, just had an awful time. None of it made sense, it was just terrifying and only left him more unstable. He ended up connecting some things back to Moon and identified this other creature as the source, but he just went “hm. that’s fucked up” and continued to experience them until he died.
On top of the whole “controlling Kuarl” thing, Zeal is also aided by the whole “lowkey psychic ability” thing because for him it manifests as having a pretty good sense of what’s around him without having to use any of his other senses, which is good because he’s blind. Still has to use echolocation but it helps. He did not experience any Weird Psychic Dream Visions but he found out that Heirophant did and got rlly pissy and jealous abt it because he doesn’t understand why Emperor would dare give anything nice to anyone that isn’t him. Selfish cuck.
Oh and uh. Also. This last bit is kinda weird/self indulgent/outlandish but
Death is Very Much Aware of the fact he was human (or at least, was made using one specific human as the base and therefore originated from that man even if he’s dead and gone) and is also aware of the lives of the owners of the skulls in his baton. In fact he’s experienced some of their memories.
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gaybastard2 · 4 years
IDFC- Chapter 7- He’s Back
[He's Back]
Warning: This chapter will contain gore and homophobic slurs
I stood up and stretched while we discussed who our favorite character from Heathers was. Mine was JD, he's a crazy motherfucker and I love him. Everyone was just fucking around and laughing. It was nice, it's been a while since everything was just calm. It was also nice with Travis. He's fucking adorable, like holy shit, how does he do that? He's a smart ass, but still. He's just so Travis. That doesn't make any sense but whatever.
Aggressive knocking from the door rang threw the room, making Sal flinch and Travis cringe. Both of them are kind of sensitive to loud noises. "I'll get it." I murmured, walking to the door. Who the fuck is trying to break the door down? Just as I approached the door it swung open, reveling a scowling , slim middle age man with short blonde hair and stubble on his chin. He wore an open, black suit jacket that showed his white button down shirt underneath. He had black slacks and black dress shoes. Basically, he looks like a jackass. My eyes lingered on a red stain at the bottom of his otherwise perfect shirt. Huh, that's kinda weird.
My eyes shoot up as he clears his throat obnoxiously, now sporting a plastic smile. I sighed, clearly annoyed, and leaned against the doorway, crossing my arms. "What do you want?" I asked, scowling. I know I'm probably being a dick, but I honestly don't give a shit. I just wanna get back to my friends and boyfriend.
His left eye twitched as his smile faltered for a second before going back to his fake-ass grin. He stuck out his hand as he spoke. "Well, young man, I believe my son is here. I would like if you would please bring him to me." He demanded gruffly. My eyes widened as I shot up from my lenient position on the doorframe. I pushed his hand back towards him.
"Sorry, your son isn't here. You can go now." I said quickly, beginning to shut the door. Kenneth stuck his foot in front on the door right before it closed. Shit. "I know he's here, Johnson." He growled, pushing the door open and walking in. Oh hell no.
"Get the fuck out!" I screamed as I kicked his stomach, pushing him back out the door. I quickly slammed the door shut and locked it before running back to the living room, trying to ignore the booming voice from the door. I ran up to Travis and cupped his face gently. "Travis, your dad, he's here. Go to the bathroom and lock the door. I promise, I'll keep you safe." I explained in a hushed tone,
He gasped, nodded, and quickly pecked my lips before shakily running to the bathroom and hopefully locking it. I turned to Sal and Ashley. "It's Kenneth. Sal, please go grab the bats from my closet. Ash, go and try and keep the door closed." They both nodded. Sal ran to my room to grab my bat and Ash ran to the door and leaned all her weight against it as Kenneth repeatedly kicked it.
Soon enough Sal ran back into the room, holding two metal bats. He handed one of them to me as we approached the door. We knew that Ash could only hold the door for so long before the grown man would fucking kick it off it's hinges. After a few more kicks from Kenneth, Ash was launched forward onto the floor as the door was finally knocked off its hinges. I looked over at Sal. Fear and anger was prominent in his eyes, even with his emotionless mask. His grip tightened on his bat as his arms slightly shook.
We had done some research and came to the conclusion that Kenneth Phelps was most likely a cult leader for the Devourers of God. Sal thinks that he's the person that killed his mom and disfigured his face. We also now know he physically and mentally abused Travis. Yeah, this man is scum of the goddamn world. I took a step closer. "Listen, if you don't get the fuck out, I swear to whatever god there is-" Before I could even finish my sentence, Sal launched himself towards Kenneth, bat first, aiming for his head.
Apparently Sal's aim isn't the best because he missed and hit Kenneth's shoulder. He merely winced before yanking one of Sal's pigtails upward and right hooking the side of his head. He yelled in pain, dropping his bat as he tried to break free. Kenneth repeatedly punched the side of Sal's head again, ignoring his screams, until he went limp, his screams stopping.
All I could do was stare. I physically couldn't move. The boy that's basically my brother just got beat till he was unconscious, unmoving in this bastard's hands. Silent tears ran down my cheeks. Kenneth chucked Sal onto to the ground next to me, laughing slightly. I turned to him, shaking. "S-Sal? Are..are you okay?" I got no response. Blood was oozing out the bottom of his mask and the side. "Sal....please..a-are you.." I started, my voice shaky.
My eyes went to his chest. It was rising and falling slowly. I sighed in relief and turned back to Kenneth, holding my bat higher. Then we heard a loud sob from my bathroom. Shit, Travis is still there. My grip tightened on my bat. I need to protect him. His head jerks to the bathroom and he smiles sickeningly. "I can hear you, faggot!" Kenneth yelled. I looked behind him. Ashley was laying on the ground, unconscious. She shifted slightly, beginning to gain consciousness. Fuck, I hope she wakes up soon, Sal needs help. I took a deep breath.
"If you even think about touching him or any of my friends, I will bash your goddamn skull in." I threatened. He snorted and made eye contact with me. "Go ahead. I wanna see what you can do." He has this sadist look in his eyes when he said that. I don't know what he has planned, but goddamn I'm pissed. I ran forward and swung my bat, praying to hit his head.
The edge of my bat did end up hitting his temple, sending him stumbling to the side. The hit opened a small gash in the side of his head. Blood trickled down his face as he laughed hysterically, his eyes both far off and manic at the same time. I slowly backed up, worried what he was doing, blood dripping off the end of my bat. Kenneth clutched his side as his body shook with laughter. Oh goddamn he’s crazy. The sobbing from the bathroom was getting louder, only making him more hysterical. I need to get Travis out of this situation, Sal needs help, and Ashley needs to wake up. I’m at a fucking loss. This whole situation is a cluster-fuck.
After Kenneth finally stopped laughing, he opened one side of his suit jacket, shakily reached hand in, and pulled out a revolver. I went stock-still. Holy shit. I dropped my bat. I was paralyzed. My mind was racing as he raised his arm up and cocked the gun. He smiled once again.
“Bye bye, Johnson.” Kenneth said quietly, his voice unsettlingly calm. He pulled the trigger, aiming for my chest. I tried to jump out of the way, but I was a bit too late. I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, almost white hot, feeling worse by the second. Oh my fuck. I shrieked in agony as the world spun around me. The pain was almost numbing. I was shaking and hyperventilating, my heart pounding in my ears. My legs gave out and I fell to the floor.
I felt hot liquid running down my chest and staining my Sanity Falls shirt. I brought my hand to my shoulder and the liquid, biting back a scream as my hand grazed the wound. I shakily brought my hand back to my line of sight to see scarlet blood coating my finger tips. I turned my head to look behind me. There was a bloody bullet laying on the ground. Oh my god, it went though my shoulder, and I have no fucking idea if that’s a good thing or not.
Holy shit, this is it. This is how I die. My best friend badly injured next to me, my other best friend unconscious behind a piece of shit man and could wake up at any point, and my dear boyfriend stuck in a bathroom, his awful father right outside. My mother is going to come home to her dead son, or even worse, this motherfucker.
Hot tears cascaded down my cheeks as my body rocked with sobs. “Your fucking pathetic.” Kenneth spat. He then turned to Ash, who was now awake and crying hysterically, and smiled. “Time to get rid of the witness.” Then the door to my left opened, and I almost forgot about my pain, almost. What I assumed was a fucking angel walked out of the door. Oh wait, that’s just Travis. Eh, same thing. He gasped and cupped his hand over his mouth.
“Lar-Larry, please, p-please...be-be okay! Please don’t l-leave me!” He whispered, his voice barely audible. Tears starting to stream down his cheeks and he shook uncontrollably as his eyes stayed on my shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry, I-I’m sure I’m gonna-gonna be fine” I whispered weakly. God I hope I’m right. My head was dangerously dizzy. Travis sobbed quietly, only getting louder when he saw Sal.
He quickly took off his sweater and kneeled next to me. He speedily wrapped it around my wound and tied it to stop me from loosing more blood, murmuring quit apologies when I wince. Travis kissed me gently and pulled away. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered, more tears running down his cheeks as he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. It killed me to see him like this, especially with the hot pain in my shoulder. I kissed him, cupping his cheek gently when he kissed back.
He pulled away carefully and turned his head to see Kenneth yanking Ashley’s hair up. Travis gasped and went bright red with anger. He stood up and looked down at the bat next to me, the blood now dried on it. Travis picked it up and before I could object, silently approached his father from behind.
“Trav, please be careful..” I whispered to myself as he crept closer to Kenneth.
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