#man has been datamined to be in the game since day 1 and as of yet hasn't been made playable
The new Valentine's Servant has been revealed to be Andromeda (5 star, Rider), and the event itself will drop on the 14th, Valentine's Day (wow, right on time).
Edit: there's also some miscellaneous information that was revealed during the stream.
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shwoo · 1 year
I don't think this information is online anywhere, so here's each Bugsnax character's sidequest activation requirements, chat lines and requirements for each one, and schedule. Note that the character's interview needs to be done before they'll start offering sidequests, and they won't offer the next sidequest in the chain until the previous one has been completed.
I want to put this into a Gamefaqs type guide I'm walking on, but I want to do a lot of things so who knows when that'll get done. Putting it here so it least it'll be somewhere!
My source is datamining. Lizbert and Eggabell's shedule data isn't actually used, but I included it anyway.
Sidequest 1 Requirements: Wiggle returned Sidequest 2 Requirements: Cromdo returned Sidequest 3 Requirements: Chandlo returned
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town)That Wambus guy is married, but his wife totally wouldn't come farm with him. So tragic. Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before the first welcome back party) Filbo doesn't even like Bugsnax, he just eats them cuz that's what everybody else does. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) Bugsnax are totes delish. 10/10 would eat again. I could just sit here eating Bugsnax all day. So I do. Chat 4: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Gramble's so touchy cuz he never sleeps. Seriously, he just walks around at night like a creepy zombie. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) That monster Grumpus thing is still on the loose. Be careful out there, Bestie.
Morning (4am to 8am) -Wakes up -Stands near the centre of town
Day (8am to 4pm) -Takes pictures in Filbo's hut -If Floofty is back, takes pictures in Floofty's hut from 12pm on. Otherwise stays in Filbo's hut
Evening (4pm - 8pm) -Takes pictures in Lizbert and Eggabell's hut
Night (8pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 12:02pm
The rest below! --v
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder complete
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Snorpy's my tightest bro, ya feel me? We've been together since before this whole adventure thing. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before The Intruder) Filbo did a pretty good job keeping this place in good shape. Gotta give the little guy props! He could use a boost to his self-esteem… Chat 3: (After The Intruder, before Shelda returns) Beffica's smart, Bro, smarter than she lets on. She gets people, and that throws 'em off their game. I kinda like that about her. Chat 4: (After Shelda returns) What makes Shelda so wise? I don't pretend to understand it, Bro, but Shelda can see the future…
Morning (4am to 9am) -Wakes up -Jogs around the village on a loop
Day (8am to 4:50pm) -Stands out the front of the sawmill, near the logs, for 30 seconds, then moves near the Journalist's hut -Does pushups for 30 seconds, then returns to standing near the sawmill
Evening (4:50pm - 9:01pm) -Stands by the campfire
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 3pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) (Though it can't actually be completed until after The Intruder) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: Shelda's first main quest, to give her cheese sauce, completed.
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Bugsnax are the cherry on this Grump sundae. If I can make it back with a pack fulla these babies, I'll be a bona-fide celebrity! Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before The Intruder) Friend, I haven't got a bad word to say about anybody here! *mumbling* Buncha Snak-suckin' ingrates. Chat 3: (After The Intruder) Listen up, Pal, I got a nose for phonies. Beffica? Wiggle? Feh! And don't even get me started on Shelda! She makes ME look like an honest Grumpus.
Morning (6am to 10am) -Wakes up -Mans Cromdo Mart stand
Day (10am to 5pm) -Continues to man Cromdo Mart stand
Evening (5pm - 8:40pm) -Stands near the boat and the boombox
Night (8:40pm - 6am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 10:50am
Chat 1: (no requirements) I need some time to think.
Morning (4am)
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Chat 1: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) Just you watch, Buddy, soon Snaxburg will be good as new! I'm still repainting all the huts but it's taking a while cuz I don't have a lotta paint and the last batch made me pretty dizzy… Chat 2: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) I wish I could be like Lizbert… She always knew what to do, what to say. When she made a plan, I knew I could just follow it and I'd be okay… …but now it's just up to me. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Every time I go home, all my stuff is moved around, and there are new paw prints on the floor. I'm starting to think… …maybe ghosts ARE real! Chat 4: (AfterThe Intruder) Don't worry, Buddy! Soon everybody will be back in town and all our troubles will be over. A-and then I'll be able to throw a REAL welcome back party!
Morning (4am to 8am) -Wakes up -Moves to the campfire -Lights the campfire, which goes out at at 7:50am) -Sits by the campfire
Day (8am to 5pm) -Walks in a loop around the village, greeting anyone he gets close to. He stops walking for three seconds while greeting Wambus, Chandlo, Cromdo, and Triffany, and while greeting Wambus, he also waves.
Evening (5pm - 9:01pm) -Moves to the campfire -Lights the campfire, which goes out at 8:40pm) -Sits by the campfire.
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 8:20pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: (none)
Chat 1: (Before they return to town) I have a hypothesis that the substance leaking out of the volcano is not lava, but rather a superheated fondue. Unfortunately, my studies had to be put on hold when my sampling equipment melted. Chat 2: (After they return to town) If you see Triffany, ask her what the osteoblast said to the osteocyte. It's hilarious!
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Gets up -Goes to the research tent and stands near their lab
Day (12pm to 4pm) -Continues to stand in the research tent
Evening (4pm - 7pm) -Stands behind the research tent
Night (7pm - 4am) -Goes to bed -Gets up at 10pm, goes to the campfire, and looks in the direction of the barn -Watches Gramble once he starts sleepwalking at midnight -Goes back to bed at 3:20am, or once the player leaves the area
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Have you talked to Wiggle yet? She’s real nice. Though, she can come off a bit ahem strong. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) I've been tryin' to breed Bugsnax together. It's been real tricky cuz they don't have any, uhm, obvious bits to 'em. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Ghost Stories) Oh, that ol' coot Wambus. He thinks Bugsnax grow if you plant 'em in dirt. How's that make any sense? Chat 4: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Sometimes I wake up at night, and I see somethin’ out there. Like, a shadow watchin’ me from the tree line. I try callin’ out to it, but it disappears before I get a good look at it. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) You ever noticed how the real big Bugsnax break up into little ones? I been wondering why that is. Do the little ones stick together to make big ones? C-can I teach them to do that?
Morning (6am to 9am) -Wakes up -Unlocks the barn if it's locked -Stands near the entrance to the beach, with Wiggle if she's back.
Day (9am to 3pm) -Walks back and forth between Bugsnak pen and the bottom floor of the barn
Evening (3pm - 8pm) -Stands near the entrance to the beach. Wiggle joins him starting 4pm if she's back.
Night (8pm - 4am) -Locks the barn -Goes to bed -Starts sleepwalking at 11:50pm -Unlocks barn doors in sleep -Sleepwalks around the village. Can be woken up, and will stay in bed until the player leaves the area and returns. -Stops sleepwalking at 4am. If the player is in town at the time, he will wake up and just stand there, but if they enter the area between 4 and 6, he will be back in bed, with the barn doors locked.
Outhouse: 2:10pm
Morning (4am to 12pm)
Day (12pm to 4pm)
Evening (4pm - 7pm)
Night (7pm - 4am)
Outhouse: 5:30pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: One day after completing the previous sidequest Sidequest 3 Requirements: One day after completing the previous sidequest
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) Bugsnax are not of the Mother. Not of this island…usurpers. Chat 2: (After she returns to town) Him that is called Chandlo teeters on the path, and yours is the wind that topples.
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Meditates in front of her hut
Day (12pm to 5:10pm) -Continues to meditate
Evening (5:10pm - 8:40pm) -Sits in front of the campfire, unless the first sidequest is available, but hasn't been activated. In that case, she stays where she is, and just looks in the direction of the campfire.
Night (8:40pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 4:40pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: The Intruder completed Sidequest 2 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 3 Requirements: Eggabell's main quests completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) I've known Chandlo for ages. He does what he says and says what he thinks. In this mad, mad world he is uncomplicated, reliable, and…surprisingly gentle. Chat 2: (After he returns to town, but before his interview, and before The Intruder) The outdoors are dangerous, unpredictable, and smelly. Get me enough material, and I'll make us a roof over this entire island Chat 3: (After his interview, before The Intruder) Of all the unknowns in this world, one plagues me more than any other. How does Chandlo truly feel about me? Does he want us to be something…more? Chat 4: (After The Intruder, before Floofty returns to town) Bugsnax look like living creatures but they act more like tiny little machines. Tiny, little, delicious machines built explicitly to appeal to a mass audience. Chat 5: (After Floofty returns to town) Rest assured, Chum, I have my eye on Floofty.
Morning (8am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Stands in front of the forge downstairs
Day (12pm to 5pm) -Stands in front of the mill, near Gramble's yard
Evening (5pm - 8pm) -Goes inside and stands in front of the forge again
Night (8pm - 8am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 3:50pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: Chandlo's first quest, to put his balls in the basket, completed Sidequest 2 Requirements: Floofty's first Boiling Bay quest, to change their arm into a Red Banopper, completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: Eggabell's main quests completed
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) You haven't run into Wambus, have ya? I swear that man has a head harder than granite. Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before Ghost Stories) I gotta admit, it's nice havin' Wamby around again. We'll just have to wait and see if he's really learned his lesson. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before Cromdo returns to town) Ya know, we're the fifth major group to settle here. Looks like Grumpuses have been re-discoverin' Bugsnax for millennia. Chat 4: (After Cromdo returns to town, before The Intruder) I try to be nice to everybody, but sometimes that Cromdo just rattles my bones! I swear he'd sell off his own gramma if that'd make him a few bucks. Chat 5: (After The Intruder) Ya know, I've never seen any sorta cryptid mentioned in the ancient Grumps' writing. Means we're dealing with something new… isn't that kinda exciting?
Morning (6am to 9am) -Wakes up -Stands near the waterfall, past the barn and the mill.
Day (9am to 4pm) -Stands in the research tent, inspecting her desk.
Evening (4pm - 9:01pm) -Stands near the waterfall again.
Night (8pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 10am
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: The Intruder completed
Chat 1: (Before he returns to town) Man…I'd hate Bugsnax if they weren't so darn delicious Chat 2: (After he returns to town, before the first welcome back party) City folk just don't get it. Chat 3: (After the first welcome back party, before Triffany returns to town) I only came out here for Triffany… but sometimes I wonder if she'd do the same for me. Chat 4: (After Triffany returns to town, before Ghost Stories) Stranger, I won't mince words. Thanks for bringin' Triffy home. Chat 5: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Y'know, I been callin' you Stranger, but you been around a while. Need a new name… Sorry, I'm not creative…Stranger. Chat 6: (After The Intruder) Island's lookin' mighty dangerous lately. I'm startin' to think I should build a taller fence.
Morning (4am to 12pm) -Wakes up -Hoes his garden
Day (12pm to 5pm) -Continues to hoe his garden
Evening (5pm - 9:01pm) -Sits by the campfire
Night (9:01pm - 4am) -Returns to his hut -If Triffany isn't back yet and Beffica is, he will stay up, and talk to the cactus when the player approaches. This event will be available for the player to see until 2am. (Needs a little more testing, but I think this is how it works) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 9:10pm
Sidequest 1 Requirements: (none) Sidequest 2 Requirements: Ghost Stories completed Sidequest 3 Requirements: Floofty's first Boiling Bay, to turn their arm into a Red Banopper, completed
Chat 1: (Before she returns to town) Ah, Gramble. Such soulful eyes! Such a caring heart! Such a collection of Snax… Chat 2: (After she returns to town, before Ghost Stories) You have no idea how hard it is for me to write these songs. My lyrical genius is driven by my muse. An adorable muse with skittering legs and a juicy center. Chat 3: (After Ghost Stories, before The Intruder) Hold on, Darling, tell me what you think of this - THE QUEEN OF BUGSNAX! SHE'S REALLY BIG, SHE'S REALLY BIG AND SHE'LL EAT YOU! Chat 4: (After The Intruder) Shelda is delightful, Darling! The way she speaks is captivating, even if I haven't the faintest idea what she's saying.
Morning (4am to 9am) -Wakes up -Stands near the entrance to the beach, playing the banjo. At 6am, Gramble gets out of bed and joins her.
Day (9am to 4pm) -Walks around the village playing the banjo
Evening (4pm - 9:30pm) -Joins Gramble back near the entrance to the beach, still playing the banjo.
Night (9:30pm - 4am) -Goes to bed
Outhouse: 1:20pm
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crystalelemental · 7 months
It's that time once again, lads.
EX & 20/20 Current 5* powerups: 255 Current spirits: 890 5* powerups available: 49 (20 lodge, 5 event, 4 CS, 20 exchange) Spirits available: 340 (85x4 CS) Total powerups: 304 Total spirits: 1230
We can afford a decent amount at this point.  I've realized I can spend powerups down to 150, to match the 500 spirits for 10 EX in a pinch.  So let's call it 9 available.
This month's acquisitions will include...Penny and Valerie. Sylveon Supremacy.  I am not sold on anyone else.  I've talked myself out of Roxie and Ryuki, I don't care about Piers or Elaine at present.  I may go for the Eevee tier scout.  Two guaranteed Eevesi along the way is nice, and if I roll one of Selene or Elio, I'll get the other at pity.  I don't know if I'll EX them, it really depends on how I'm feeling about it.  Since Valerie is already 20/20, we can get up to 8 others.
Rei - Really strong Fighting damage, Hisui bias, etc.
SS Silver - My Ice roster is basically "Irida."  I should aim to boost that, and I like Silver and Sneasel well enough.
SS N - Frankly a terrible idea, I don't really respect him, but he is fun when I break him out. That said, meta shift, 15k Master Mode may not play so nice with him.
Ethan - If I decide to go hard on the Fire High Score event. Which I'm already backing out of.
Eevee Lucas - Same as Ethan, but also, Eevesi. He is the Only Good Flareon, so tempted.
Lodge Calem - Fennekin is baby. Also Fire High Score I guess, but mostly the baby thing.
Classic Blue - I use him semi-regularly thanks to the Roxanne/Lodge Steven comp. But as an off-type, that one is in Major Danger with the meta shift, so I'm not exactly sold on it.
Alder - Bug game is weak, I think it'd be nice to have a stronger Bug Man around, and I like Volcarona well enough.
Anni Steven - Maybe one day.  I legitimately do want to do this one day.
Relevant Support Roundup:
Lana - Still not really feeling it.
BP Morty - Kinda unnecessary.
BP Surge - Helps his Gauntlet survival but I hate using him.
Lodge Blue - Don't really use him outside of Gauntlet.
Lodge Elesa - Don't really use her outside of Gauntlet
Lodge Raihan - Really don't respect it.
Nita (20/20) - I'm considering just because I've been F2P focused, but I don't like Nita or Lando, so...
Lodge Morty - Actually does see use, there's an argument to be made here.
Lodge Acerola - Less frequently used than Morty, but still sees play.
Lodge Adaman - Not actually good, but Eeveelution and Hisui.
Lodge Leaf - I've found more opportunities to try with her, but also I feel like Penny just walked in and knocked her teeth out.
The 20/20 I have a few pairs that are sitting at 20/20, and would just cost spirits.  Given that I have enough powerups for 9 EX but enough spirits for 14, this may be worth looking at.
NC Marnie - Intensely unnecessary but kinda funny. Compresses Fiery Wrath.
SS Ethan - Also super unnecessary given he's 1/5, and Aeroblast doesn't even compress.
Victrier - I don't like Victor, but he's a free Field pair for Ghost, and I do like Spectrier. The recent Galar battle got me thinking about investing after all.
Petrel - 2.  I mean.  It's worth considering?
Rose - 2.  He gets a lot stronger with it.
SS Ethan - 2.  Full sync privileges, if that's a thing we care about now.
Honestly, just hold.
Tech (2)
SC Ingo - 2.  Bug nuke man with MPR.
BT Leon - 2.  I did EX him, and Dragapult has grown on me tremendously.
I'll likely do BT Leon, but at next datamine when I'm certain it's safe.
Support (2) None!  Amazing.  If I lucky pull H!Phoebe I'll consider it.  "What about Pen-" Penny will cooperate or so help me god.  I am done with it always being the support that goes bad.  Just one month without needing Support candy, Penny!  JUST ONE!
General (19)
Rei - 2.  He's really strong, so this is a fairly sane investment overall. And Hisui, so you know, regional bias.
The Eevi - Okay, this is a big one.  I hoard.  I hoard so bad I have 19 of these general candy sitting in my lap right now.  I have not used one...almost ever.  That's a problem.  I stockpile so I can avoid disaster, but at the point I can also just hand all five of them candy and probably still be over 10, we've reached the point I'm being ridiculous.  I am willing to candy them.  If I crack for Elio and Selene, I'm not going for the other Eevee scout and risking another disaster, I'm just using general candy.  This shit ends now.
Cake Situation I have a Tech and a Support. Exactly nothing with these effects interests me right now. Holding. As for the potential for another Strike cake from Penny, I don't feel like anyone needs it. Akari's sync isn't that great, she's had no problem with DPS, and I sure as hell am not giving it to Penny. Hold all cakes.
Nemona - I don't use Nemona all that often, but that's a failure on my part, not hers.
Drasna - I love Drasna, I feel like I need to. Maybe if I shower her with affection, she'll show up off-focus.
BT Leon - My recent ScarVi competitive streak got me really hooked on Dragapult. I love that funky Ghostie Dragon.
SS Diantha - A little hesitant, but it is Diancie.
NC Serena - Considering because Serena and this is her best outfit. Hesitating because Greninja.
Bede - Look. We all need to accept that I like Bede.
Anni Skyla - Tornadus Therian is one of the only good djinn forms, and I really like her 3/5 kit.
SS Serena - I feel like it just makes sense but it's hard to justify.
Kahili - I like never use Kahili anymore but she was a big focus for a while there. Maybe when she gets EX.
Shauntal - Shauntal did get EX and I really like her DPS sets so I'm kinda tempted here.
Kris - Kick you apart, now even harder.
Clair - Favoritism.
Iris - I like running things that are bad.
Penny - Sylveon is good, and I like it.
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theclaravita · 1 year
Spoiler-Free Thoughts - Nightfalls
So I wanna focus on one aspect of the game that I think is an entirely positive change: Nightfalls.
Nightfall ops are WAY better now. When I wrote my fuckin thesis about Lightfall, I hadn't run any Nightfalls yet. Now that I've run a few, completed some triumphs and challenges tied to them, and gotten acclimated to the changes, I have some thoughts. No pros/cons list here; just my raw thoughts.
The weekly Pinnacle challenge is way easier. Requiring 100k score in one run was a chore, and regularly got sabotaged by asshole players who were simply rushing to get end-of-mission drops. Now, the worst-case scenario is that you have to run three Nightfalls to get your Pinnacle. It compiles your score across your runs and once you've gotten 200k cumulative score, you get your shiny Pinnacle. This is amazing and good, though it DOES make it so that you can't farm Nightfalls until AFTER you've gotten all your Powerfuls, since you can't just do a lower difficulty to abstain from 100k score for the Pinnacle.
Surges and Threats is a great system. The fact that these are DAILY is amazing; if you have a build that's really good for farming, you can just plan your Nightfall spamming day for a day that has a Surge for your build's element. It forced me to play Solar today for example, which required me to put a lot more thought into my build, tuning it to not rely on my typical weapons and elements. It also incentivizes players to WORK TOGETHER: my Solar build is NOT good for Champion stunning, but getting in with a group that locks down Champs while I buff them with Boots of the Assembler and Lumina was AMAZING. Pair that with a Solar Surge loadout and my Poor-Man's Gjally (it's a Hezen Vengeance with Tracking/Cluster lol) and we dunked the shit out of that run. It was AMAZING. Additionally, running Void on one run to assure Champs got stunned didn't feel like I was WEAK; just not as strong as my Solar build. It rewards you for playing to their tune, but it doesn't punish you if you don't.
The rewards have clearly been tuned to be better. I've gotten multiple prisms and multiple cores from every single run. My complaints about the hard focus on enhancement materials for literally everything in terms of gear might actually be unfounded if the materials required are THIS common from Nightfalls. It's going to make farming Nightfalls actually a viable strategy for shaping many weapons with enhanced perks. And if boosting perks on random roll weapons ALSO requires cores/prisms... Yeah, we're gonna be seeing a lot more people running Nightfall farms from here on out. Also Exotics are now UNCOMMON? I could've sworn they were rare before... That's good if true. Higher difficulties are going to be insanely good farm, I can already tell.
Commendations are stupid and people actively grief with it. I've only noticed this in Nightfalls. People leave IMMEDIATELY. I've been unable to give commendations on most of my runs because people leave before I can. This made doing the rank up challenge for giving FIVE COMMENDATIONS take over ten runs to complete. It should've taken THREE. I'm also noticing that most players in high-end activities just... Don't use the commendation system. It's not worth it as a record of how good you are if people either spam comms just to get a higher score and complete challenges, or don't use it at all. It needs to be required for that score to have any weight at all.
Guardian Ranks is useless other than a tool for elitists to gatekeep. I've already seen people requiring rank 7 for day 1 raid team forming. And the only reward from what people have found from datamining is 4 loadout slots that go away at the end of the season? What the fuck is the point of the ranks system other than to be like "this person is sweaty" or "I'm not inviting you unless you have x rank"? This is just a repeat of FFXIV's Mentor system, except WORSE; the Mentor system at least gave you access to an extra roulette and rewards, including a unique mount for doing enough runs. If it's true that the ranks after 6 include NO rewards, it's just... Why? Also, they're bugged right now and one of the challenges says it nets you new mods. It doesn't. How was that not caught?
Nightfall weapons being focusable is great... Engram Hoarding isn't. I know this is a personal gripe and I should just shut up and deal with it, but having Zavala pinging my radar every time I go into the Tower because I have engrams to collect, but being INCENTIVIZED to hoard those engrams to focus better weapons? What the fuck, Bungie. This triggers my OCD so hard and I actively avoid the Tower unless I absolutely have to go there (Prime engrams, vendor challenges, etc) or if I have enough engrams to focus a weapon. Again, I know this is petty. But it's one of my thoughts and that's what this post is about.
All in all, the Nightfalls are more engaging, more fun, and more rewarding. It's only the systems deeply tied to them that are broken. I'm overall happy with the changes and look forward to the double-reward weeks. >:D
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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MCOC Wishlist Blog Character Spotlight KNULL
by Marco “Prophet of Knull” Garcia ed. Other Gabe
Knull is an ancient malevolent deity whose existence predates the universe itself, and was originally content to drift through the endless abyss that existed before time.
He used his weapon, the Necrosword, to combat the Celestials who disturbed his darkness. With this sword Knull severed the head of a Celestial. That head is now Knowhere, a popularly-known Marvel location and a battle zone in the Marvel Contest of Champions Battlerealm.
Wanting an army, Knull then constructed the aliens we all know, love, and sometimes hate, the Klyntar race of gooey symbiotic aliens.¹ Later, after a debacle with the Mighty Thor, the symbiotes rebelled against their “God” and trapped him on a desolate planet, later known as Klyntar. There the God of Symbiotes waits and plans his escape, hoping to one day lay waste and bring Darkness to the universe.
“The End is near. God is coming….”  
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Editor’s note: the next several sections are designed to familiarize the reader with Knull’s worthiness to be featured in a video game, compared with the myriad other Marvel characters from whom Kabam could choose.
Technically, Knull has been around since 2013, and appeared in Thor: God of Thunder Vol.1 #6 by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, as he was a shadowed figure from whom Gorr the God Butcher steals All-Black the Necrosword.
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He was then revealed by name by his creators in Venom Vol. 4 #3 by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman in 2018. 
Knull has had huge fan buzz around him since his inception and his name is only getting bigger. Despite fewer than a dozen appearances initially, Knull headlined the King in Black line-wide event that began in December 2020, from the minds of Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman. 
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Editor’s note: Arguably named after Knull, the King in Black initial release was considered critically to be a high-stakes situation, due to the perceived hype. Its comics made regular appearances in bestseller lists after the event launched, suggesting the Knull name and story, in conjunction with the strength of his creators’ reputations, was strong enough to sell books. Overall the King in Black arc has also gotten good critical reviews. 
Editor’s note: these character spotlights usually explore several factors to determine whether it is reasonable to expect Kabam to seriously consider the character as a candidate for addition to Marvel Contest of Champions. Among these factors are inclusion in other similarly-marketed games, mainstreaming in comics and other media, mentions in MCOC lore, Kabam conversation, or community rumors, and pure hype among summoners.
Knull has been featured in other games already: first in the Spider-Man Unlimited mobile app,² then in Marvel Future Fight. In Marvel Puzzle Quest, Knull was originally only part of the backstory description of the playable Prophet Carnage character, but was eventually released in his own right in May 2021.
Arguably no direct mention of Knull has happened in either [Marvel Contest of Champions or Marvel Realm of Champions], but it can be said he was alluded to in the motion comic that accompanied the release of Cosmic Ghost Rider and Red Goblin in October 2020.
Then, when story mode Act 7 was released in December 2020, this dialogue was revealed, which has been strongly speculated to be a reference to Knull.
Knull has not enjoyed a reference in any Marvel Cinematic Universe content to date. Hel has only been mentioned in the Disney XD cartoon Spider-Man: Maximum Venom with a retelling loosely based on his comic book origins. 
Knull could be a massive boost (editor’s note: synergy hub) to many Symbiote champions or champions in general. I see him as a Cosmic [based on what I was told by co-creator Ryan Stegman], with massive damage. Being the creator of symbiotes, Knull could outfit any [non-#Symbiote] champ with a “Klyntar symbiote” of their own to enhance their kit or base numbers. He could also operate with #Symbiote champs similarly to the way Apocalypse enhances Mutant champs. He could also work as a counter to Symbiotes or anyone who would have ever been bonded to a Klyntar before in canon, which would include most of the Spider-Fam!
Knull’s kit could alternately introduce a #Codex tag to add to certain non-#Spiderverse Hero champs who have famously bonded to symbiotes (paging Red Hulk or even Deadpool).³
No mention of Knull ever came out of the Kabam team or anyone related to MCOC. Then again, Kabam never likes to tease big-name additions like Knull would be. Mid-September 2021, one data miner claimed that Knull is forthcoming.
Summoners seem to dig Knull. He was the winner of the first Tournament  of Battlerealm Future, March Addness 2020, which was co-hosted by MCOC Wishlist creator Other MCOC Gabe and Unofficial MCOC Podcast veteran UMCOC Deacon on Twitter. The tournament pitted hundreds of characters against one another for votes from Summoners expressing who they would prefer to enter Marvel Contest of Champions. He cleaned house throughout most of the tournament, earning his addition to the MCOC Wishlist, where he has risen into the top 50 most wanted champions.
Due to recent ramblings by the author, and the introduction of Red Goblin to Marvel Contest of Champions, people have warmed up to the idea that Knull might actually be coming to the contest. (Even community-renowned comics expert CTMCOC agrees!)
Once below rank 250 on the MCOC Wishlist, Knull now stands as the #31 most-wanted champ, with over 550 Summoner upvotes as of this writing. 
As mentioned above, Knull is a canonically cosmic entity or deity who purports to predate the universe itself. This forms a strong case for the MCOC Cosmic class of champions.
Like many Cosmic champs’ builds, I can see his relying on many Active Buffs with massive damage and defensive potential due to Symbiotic Armor. Perhaps as Knull collects Codices, he gets stronger and this mechanic could be used in game as persistent charges. The more Codices he gathers, the more potent his Buffs could become. He could utilize Fury, Aptitude, Armor, Cruelty, Precision, and other critical-damage-enhancing Buffs. Bleed and Armor Break Debuffs are likely as Knull breaks down his enemies with bloodthirsty ferocity.
Knull's status as the God of the Klyntar could enhance all #Symbiote champions just as Apocalypse does for Mutants.
Venom could get a unique synergy called “Daddy Issues,” allowing Venom a 2% attack boost for every Buff converted on his sp2 but as passive Fury stacks. I imagine Carnage with something like a “Prophet of Knull” Synergy allowing 95% resistance to incinerate effects, allowing him to heal from Incinerates, since Carnage has no weakness to fire when he is operating as Knull’s prophet in the comics.
Knull could also be built to spend Persistent Charges to enhance #Symbiote champions in order to increase their stats and enhance their buffs.
It would also be clever to have a Synergy with Void called “Knull and Void” allowing Void access to a non-stacking Armor Break Debuff, such as on his Heavy Attack. More debuffs for Void would be devastating. 
Knull could also enjoy a basic “Enemies” synergy with Thor and Silver Surfer. A great champ to release in conjunction with Knull would be Gorr the God-Butcher, a notable Thor villain, played by Christian Bale in Thor: Love and Thunder, and the other best-known wielder of All-Black the Necrosword.
Editor’s note: this concludes Marco’s commentary and notes on Knull as a potential champion. Anyone tracking the conversation about future champs knows that the name of Knull comes up frequently among Summoners, and his rise in every voting event in the community tends to support the notion he is greatly demanded by Summoners and would make an excellent addition to the game.
This article was originally drafted almost entirely in late 2020, and has been dug up and completed in September 2021 after MCOC Trucos released a purportedly datamined leak suggesting Knull “is Coming” to Marvel Contest of Champions in October 2021. -OG
NOTES 1. The Klyntar alien race is most popularly represented by Venom, and his fellow Klyntar aliens Carnage, Scream, and the other names associated with their stories of superhuman symbiosis and “Venomization.”  2. Spider-Man Unlimited was well ahead of the curve announcing Knull for a video game in 2018. It got there by virtue of attempting to release almost every noteworthy Spider- and symbiote character as playable video game characters. Knull was not yet a character most people would consider important for gaming. 3. A codex (pl. codices) is the term for the biological traces a Klyntar symbiote leaves in its host’s system after separating from that host.
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randomnameless · 4 years
Seirelm anon : not wanting to plagiarize or smthg but what do you think about pre imperial Fodlan?
I noticed I had a tag during quarantine, but like everything i did back then it seems like it has been 5 years when it was just 5 months ago
btw are you the one who wrote that fic where edel is part lizard because lycaon is a hybrid?
Word of God + datamine website happened since last time i posted about it but
Rhea’s books tells us that the land was shitty and chaotic, and randoms, instead of fighing against Nemesis’s “persecution” were actually stealing and murdering. Now, this might be a tad biased, but Flayn (who doesn’t give a fig about the church’s official history) tells Ignatz she lived in seclusion with her dad and mom and lived a quiet life. Maybe because going outside and living with humans was a big no-no, and not just because they could be cut for spare parts? Also, given how Nemesis appears in VW and trashes villages around to look for Seiros, I think he didn’t really care about the randoms in Fodlan, so his “rule” was pretty harsh on randoms living in Fodlan.
We know Enbarr existed, because Seteth met his wife there. There was a church too. When Seiros came down from the mountains, she helped the randoms there to make a canal, so from those tidbits, I suppose Enbarr was a rather large gathering of randoms (for that time?) akin to a city.
Someone also says the city was built around the palace, to protect it. 
Meaning there must have been a king/local lord of Enbarr before Wilhelm became Emperor. 
Given how Fodlan was said, during this era, to be ruled by various tribes, I don’t think Enbarr was the only city/large gathering of randoms, but it was at least large enough to be of note. Was it the only city-state in Fodlan, like what happens when you start a Civ game, you create your first city and pray no barbarians will come to destroy you? 
In 1, Enbarr is chosen as the capital of the Empire bcs of Seiros’s presence, not because it was the only city around. Meaning there are other cities around in Enbarr’s area of influence? 
Was Enbarr only populated by Enbarrites and was the seat of a tribe? Idk. 
Maybe, and that tribe became so wealthy/successful/raised their population with double digits numbers that it stood strong/neutral even when Nemesis’n’Dudes became OP and their tribes became OP with them.
Maurice calls Nemesis “King”, was Fodlan his kingdom, did he have a special kingdom somewhere where he and his pals could do Nemesis things, or was it just a title? What kind of relationships did this Kingdom and the city of Enbarr had, if the Kingdom existed? 
When Willy became Emperor, he waited 32 years before officially fighting against Nemesis, to unify Fodlan. What happened during those years? 
Was Nemesis laughing because “look she pretends to be a prophet of the goddess but the goddess is here in my scabbard” so he didn’t take her seriously? Was he pissed because if Enbarr’s randoms believe in Seiros’s nonsense and it’s just crap, now an idiot calls himself Emperor of a new nation and starts to create an army? Why didn’t the guy just, destroy Enbarr, if it was the bastion of some sort of movement that wanted him dead/wanted clear independance from whatever he was doing?
Ultimately I think Enbarr could be something interesting, like, insert dubious parallels with Rome but it went from a random city in a land with many tribes to the seat of a religous movement seeking to destroy the strongest man alive and his cronies, to the capital of a new Empire, and the continent in 90 years (tfw no dragon jesus in Rome so they took more time)
Southern Fodlan thus is whatever Enbarr is, and in the North... 
I suppose that’s where Nemesis and his Dudes lived? Charon and pals’s descendants live in the North in the modern era, maybe it used to have been their tribe’s land since the Nemesis era? (sucks to be Daphnel then)
We also know Southern Fodlan and Northern Fodlan had the same naming conventions (similar cultures?) given how Wilhelm, if he was really from the South, had a “Faerghus name” Wilhelm “Paul” Hresvelg instead of being Wilhelm “von” Hresvelg, the “von” particle came after the war, or with the first generation of Adrestians.
As for what was happening beyond Fodlan’s borders... I have no idea.
totally free 0% endorsed in-game : I hc pre-imperial Fodlan made use of slaves, bcs if Nemesis’n’Dudes can butcher a village to farm materials, i doubt lives from human/sentient beings was worth much in their eyes. Solon’n’pals found it very funny “look beasts treating each other as chattel when they don’t even know they’re all beasts lel”. The Empire kind of promised that after the war they’d free all slaves, the church pushed for it “you’re both people why are you doing this to those men?” while Enbarr was a bit more reticent “but our workforce and economy :’( ”.
Slavery became abolished during Lycaon II’s reign, but even now some nobles still do some shit like that, like the Gonerils. but they pay their servants with 5 peanuts per day, so it’s totally not slavery they’re free to go if they want
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay it seems we don’t actually have a full res pic of all the pokedex and that pic actually was compressed to the point of unviewability even on desktop tumblr?? And clicking through the link it seems it’s really hard to run this supposed rom file of the beta, and there’s debates about its authenticity cos the file claims it’s the ‘spaceworld demo’ yet we have limited pics of that demo and the titlescreen was different. So it seems weird that this would be labelled as that very specific demo, unless it’s a.. beta of a demo, i guess? That could be possible cos people are saying it literally just crashes when the world map runs out, instead of having your usual ‘thanks for playing this is where the demo stops’ message. So AAAA I wish I was smart enough to understand all this technical talk, and to do the hex editing stuff to actually play the rom myself! But for now I guess I’ll just wait with baited breath and hope there’s more updates as people pick it aprt.
it would REALLY suck if it turned out to be a fake rom hack or something, tho. i hope that’s false and the confusion is just cos it was a fragmented rom or a demo for a different event than people think it is, or something. But tbh it would be a prime time to release a fake demo hack, since we recently had the first new slice of beta info on the early generations that we’ve had in decades. it would be a good time to ride the hype on the speculation about ‘gorochu’. BUT then it doesn’t seem like a rom hack because wouldn’t it actually be a straight up rom, then? like actually playable without a bunch of editing and datamining and running through five emulators at once? i would think it would be harder to fake a non functioning rom that’s still rescue-able, yknow? and why would they even do that, nobody would even be expecting a non-functioning rom so it wouldn’t add more authenticity. We haven’t ever got ahold of any beta roms for the gameboy games so we don’t have any preconceptions about what file type nintendo stored them as. But then on the other hand it seems really unlikely that we’d suddenly get a burst of new info on stuff that was never even remotely mentioned before by nintendo. But then again nintendo itself just did that with gorochu! And TCRF is a really credible source, and they actually dug up that screenshot of beta girafarig SO MANY YEARS after we first heard nintendo talk about the concept, and it matched perfectly with what we were expecting. And it just dropped out of NOWHERE overnight and left zero signs of where the user managed to find it, yet was still proven to be legit...
Also like seriously half of the gold and silver beta art looks completely non-legit, its all in a wildly different art style! I don’t know if anyone’s ever found out why that is? Like does it just mean they had multiple artists at the time and were still experimenting before they settled on sugimori as the main one? But gen 1 had already had a full set of sugimori art by then. but then again later interviews had nintendo revealing that ‘half of gen 2′ were actually designed in the process of making red and green, and they just got cut out because of cartridge space. (So basically, beta stantler + 30 others were what became missingno.) So it could be entirely plausable that these gen 2 mons were designed BEFORE some of the gen 1 ones, and thus had different art...? Though there’s also the theory I had which i haven’t seen anyone else talking about. Considering how the Spaceworld Beta has been super shrouded in myth and we only have first hand accounts of what the pokemon vaguely looked like, maybe these ‘beta artworks’ are actually fan art someone made while attending the convention? like not fake betas or anything, i mean someone was trying to quickly jot down the mons while the demo reel played, cos they couldnt take pictures. And then all the confusion of passing info between japanese and english fandoms in the early days of the internet could mean this stuff was archived as ‘early official art’ and not ‘artist’s recreation of unreleased promotional material’. I just started thinking about this because the screenshot of beta girafarig ended up being EXACTLY the same pose as that artwork of it. And it’s very rare that sprites exactly mimic the official art, especially back in the gameboy era where the sprites were rudimentary and inconsistant between versions. So it seems more plausable that this maybe proves the art was drawn by someone seeing that sprite?
Further potential proof- the ‘beta art’ of Silver:
Tumblr media
Now that’s not only a wildly different art style but he’s drawn with super big cutesy eyes and cheek blush. I mean that could indicate his personality was completely different back then, or it could indicate this was someone drawing their own interpretation of a different official art, who didnt know what role this character would have in the actual game. Also we’ve heard people saying that Silver’s gender was unknown at the time of this first beta appearance, so that could potentially mean this fan artist draw him shoujo-style cos they headcanoned the new rival would be a girl? or just that the androgenous style of his appearance would equal a personality that was typical of an androgenous anime character- i.e a cutesy shy boy or a rowdy tomboy girl, etc. Tho tbh that whole line of theory confused me because this beta silver seems to have similar short hair to his redesign way later. I don’t think this design would be remotely perceived as ‘androgenous’ if the art style wasn’t drawn cutesy like this. So maybe this was indeed the early art style? And man, who knows, maybe the inconsistancy of sugimori already existing just means that they weren’t gonna keep sugimori in the second game? The very sketchy nature of these artworks could make sense if it was an attempt to completely redesign a new style for the sequel, so every generation would look different. I wonder what genre of anime every other region would have looked like! I’m imagining some sort of mysterious Clamp-esque style for sinnoh maybe, since its the ‘relic region’? And maybe unova would have even been american cartoon style!
Anyway in summary bunni is very confused and also bunni really fuckin misses silver’s old long haired design and will NEVER FUCKING UNDERSTAND why they gave him the exact same hair as roark and mars in the same generation they introduced roark and mars. (I dunno why people don’t include roark in the family headcanons. Mayb just cos his without-hat look is only seen briefly in anime?)
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pokefan531 · 4 years
A Year of Sword and Shield Overview - Part 1
Sword and Shield Overview
So today, I will be doing an overview of one of the infamous Pokemon games up to date, Sword and Shield. Reason why it’s infamous is its history behind it. I will go over the very first announcement from Feb. 2019 reveal, the National Dex problem, the animations and datamine that happened last year, the reputation, the DLCs, and the redemption. I wanted to do a balanced review of the game and seeing how the game evolved a year later, it is pretty interesting how it went from disappointing to a fine Pokemon game. I do want to address a couple of things going on to the game and stuff.
The beginning.
Well, Sword and Shield reveal got its positive reaction since Pokemon Day 2019. It was the main Pokemon Switch game that everyone wanted. For couple of months, all of the game trailers were all positive at this point. Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee weren’t as great as we hoped for, since it was a second remake of Kanto, and also removed most of the new mechanics, and much less connections with Pokemon GO. With Sword and Shield at the moment, it was a game that can open up more doors to see its potentials.
The first downfall of Sword and Shield.
June 5th was the last reveal trailer that got its positive reputation. Nearly a week later, we got an E3 presentation. We thought it’s gonna be the best representation of the game, but we were WRONG! They announced the cut on National Dex and half Pokemon will not make it to the game, and it got everyone to ruin their excitement. The E3 announcement on June 11th was when Sword and Shield started to get its bad reputation. Me, personally, was disappointed, as we didn’t get much answers. We only hear that they had to cut the pokemon out to do “Best Animation Quality” in time for release, which was a big no. We also saw the tree with bad texture quality and even for a beta presentation, it was a bad look. We all saw they’re rushing the game for the Holidays for Christmas, which really kills many company’s reputation and game’s quality. At the time, we all blamed Game Freak for their decision before more evidence of The Pokemon Company. I was disappointed like them and wished they delayed the game to 2020. I would think it wouldn’t be as bad if they mentioned that they would add more Pokemon later on by game updates. Still, it was a disappointment of how the game got this treatment. I wanted the game to do well. With High Quality Animation in the game, that’s what made us pay more attention to the game’s graphics and animation. It was a real bad case and we would’ve not care about the graphics or the animation as much if that wasn’t said. However, in retrospect, they had to complete the game to not have game breaking bugs, which it didn’t have. Game Freak had no choice but to admit the quality of the game, and it was sad to hear this. Generally, many of us don’t want our good games to be rushed at all, especially if it has to be on a holiday. Guess what? Video Games don’t sell very high on the Holiday season, the Hardware does. None of us want to see a game getting rushed, after No Man’s Sky, the PS1 Classic, Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom from 2014, and Battlefield V (Which the game itself is much worse) and we are afraid to see this for Sword and Shield.
The Harassment to Game Freak and my thoughts
For the first few weeks after the E3 Presentation, Game Freak's employer, Masuda, came and said he and the company got threats and stuff for lack of Pokemon for Sword and Shield. Well, I could ignore really bad fans, I could never accept the fact that they give them death threats. Whenever something happens to any innocent actor, game devs, or writers, it is not acceptable. I could go on and discuss the bad side of the fans and everything, but I decide to not pay much attention to them. We got BringBackNationalDex hashtag on twitter, and while I agree with the idea and all, I don’t agree with what anyone at social media platform treats real people with threats and stuff. We live in an age where many people use social media like Twitter, and Twitter is the most toxic social media platform in existence. I’ve seen this happen before. What happened to Masuda and Game Freak isn’t a new thing to social media, as I've seen this happen to many movies or games that turn out worse. An actress of one character from TLOU 2 got threats for playing a horrible character. Kelly Marie Tran got bullied on Instagram for playing a badly written character. THere are more examples. While I do see the toxic side of any fandoms literally, anyone on the internet will do those things and think it’s okay to do this online when this shouldn’t really be done. I don’t think Sword and Shield’s dexit has the very huge split of the fandom in half that badly due to the brand not having its damage or seeing toys and stuff fall off sales. It did get bad attention as we all saw, I’ve been in much worse situations outside of Sword and Shield backlash, like The Last Jedi debacle. It was two straight years of worse, it had a huge split in the fandom and the director of the movie wanted it that way, brand lost so much money, and it was a war between fans and the studio, and it’s such a huge mess during entire 2018-2019, and I still was involved with the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy backlash during the Sword and Shield stuff so I had a harder time with the former than dexit situation. I can thank Game Freak and Masuda for understanding the frustrations and not teasing the fans. I understand and agree with the disappointments, but no harassment. It’s worse if the people who worked on the game or movie ever do any harassment to the fans like what I saw with TLJ, TLOU2, or Battlefield V. I don’t doubt that the hatred of SwSh was a bit too far, and I can make a paragraph about it, but I would like to ignore a great amount of the bad side. Still, what could’ve been done was if GF were allowed to say they will eventually add more Pokemon by updates, and not having to focus on graphics and animation, of possible, or admit more content will be available, we would’ve got a shorter and small backlash so we would’ve seen the games in better spot.
The release and another disappointment
In August, I really liked Wheezing’s new form that got jokes for Doug Dimmadome from Fairly Oddparents. The backlash was calmed down. In November, we got ThankYouGameFreak hashtag to show how important GameFreak is to us, and to give them warm thanks after what happened in summer. Well, it didn’t last, because a few days later, everyone saw the datamines and it went the opposite to GF, and we saw no improved animation or graphics on the game as they had to say in E3. It was sad, and it was when the game was about to be released. I know the month of November last year was not really good. We got Coppa for Youtube, and it was worse, but thankfully Youtube listened to our voices so our channels are safe. I had more focus on it than SwSh. However, the problems became apparent, and it made me not want to get it. Seeing how it was rushed and saw the mess again, it was not really good. I thought it was better to wait for the game to have updates and have more content until it became more satisfying to get the game. I thought the backlash had got more quiet since summer, but after the reveal, it was back. I know there’s a phrase like “You can’t judge a book by its cover” and while true, the “High Quality Animation” they promised (or had to promise) didn’t come true, and they reuse models and animation from the 3DS games. The game I heard was all right on its own, but I feel like it’s best to wait until more announcements afterwards. Also those games were priced $60 and it was overpriced as the game has less content. Pokemon is Nintendo’s first party game, so they pretty much decided the price for the game. While the game was disappointing, which was rightfully so, the hatred and not focusing on the great side of the game was kinda put aside back then. To be honest, even if I was disappointed of the game, I never thought it was a terrible game or as bad as 2018’s Battlefield V. I was not having a bad gut feeling about it, so I didn’t really have a huge problem with the game as I could see it being more content like I said.
DLC Announcement and Redemption
Well on January 9th of this year, an announcement of Sword and Shield DLC came in! To see how more content they will bring, it opens up a redemption for the game and so my assumptions for new content was right. I could see the game improve, and so I would wait for the DLC to come out. The DLC pass is priced at $30, which seemed overpriced for two of them, like SwSh, but that’s Nintendo or The Pokemon Company’s decision of the price, mostly the former. Still, this shows up a good potential of extending the games. While it is a different approach than third pillar or sequel like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, or B2W2, it is pretty interesting. Battling more legendaries and catching them is gonna be the most exciting thing for a Pokemon game. With more Pokemon returning, this shows a good redeeming quality of the game finally. In my opinion of the first DLC, when it came out, I thought it was okay, and while it has less problems than the main game in quality, I did wish it had more content. It was better enough to get me to play the game with an emulator, and later, getting a real Nintendo Switch. The second DLC has more content than the first one, and seeing more Legendaries added, this second part is the best DLC of the two. Well, it did being more fanservice and content, it really paid off. The overall game became more tolerable a year later, and I was happy to see this game evolve. Yes, intended to label it that. XD
Tune in for part 2 to see my review of the game itself. Also will mention the Beta leak there too. Stay tuned!
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