ultimatethread · 6 years
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Prem pal, Mamat Ji and Papa and I took a trip to Kentucky. 🍁This was before Prem received the messages from the Divine💫, I guess because Papa was still getting them. ⚡️ Prem scored a pony🐴, I was V jealous of baby bro, but Papa said, “Don’t worry Satpal, one day you will take over as a spiritual guide and all the ponies will be yours.” 🦄🦄🦄Of course, that never happened. When Papa died, 8 year old Prem jumped up pointing to himself “Papa is still here!” Mamat Ji figured it was a sign from the Divine, and he became Guru Maharaji Ji. 👳🏽‍♀️TBH I was kind of relieved, being a guru is hard work, everyone is watching drop #peacbombs ALL the time. ✌️💣❤️ #DivineLightMission #GuruMaharajiJi #premrewat #innerpeace #spiritualdynasty #directlinetothedivine #peaceempire #selfknowledge #hope #choice #thirdeye #heavenlymusic #nectar #elanvital #indianboy #timetouristselfies #PeaceBomb #maharaji #horse #mamatji #kentucky #ranch #american #southern #farm #indianfamily #ashram #contentment #stillness #dvds #jetpilot #polyglot #spiritualentrepreneur #secretsdontmakefriends #givepeaceachance #paytopray #babyguru #krishna #cultofpersonality #pony #barn #brothers #painting #portait #selfieart #selfiestick #jessicafindley #sonicribbon #jessicalingfindley (at Martha, Kentucky)
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