#mal or alice is the girl with blue hair
itsss4t4n · 4 months
How long is Forever? - Harry Hook x daughter of alice in wonderland
Headcanons but the longer version of this post:
a/n: this is based more on tim burtons aiw adaptation as it is the only one that i know, and i might have misremembered some of the story/ characters so i apologize if its inaccurate to wonderland or its characters in any way. I got way to invested in creating the character and story and almost forgot that that wasnt the point. At some point i think the character just completely changes and i low key hate it. Im really bad at writing headcannons instead of full fledged fics.
Trigger warnings: fighting, she /her pronouns used, slight angst toward the end but happy ending, not proofread
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-being alices daughter you are considered kind of weird by the aks, (think luna lovegood), you are kind of dreamy and constantly in your own thoughts but you still have a very strong own opinion on everything. You say what you think even if others might not like that. 
-You also have a very different sense of style than most girls in auradon. You played alot with different colours and textures always looking slightly crazy (you took inspiration from your godfather, the mad hatter). Your blonde hair was cut to a short messy bob with short bangs, and always changing coloured streaks throughout.
-you dont have the same view of good and bad as most others , and you dont think the vks should be judged by what their parents did and immediately try to befriend them and continuesly defend them
-when mal runs away to the isle you insist on joining the other vks and ben, as you do well in new and different invironments and later because you are an incredible sword fighter, your mother having thought you all she knows, just in case you ever needed to fight a jabberwookie type beast yourself.
-Due to your personal style not being very auradon, you didnt really have to disguise as much as ben when going to the isle. 
-On the isle you felt surprisingly comfortable, as you liked the weird and almost liminal athmosphere that it had 
-the first time you met harry was right after bens kidnapping, when harry came to tell you all about it.
-Harry has this theatrical almost a little eccentric way of talking and moving, which intruiged you pretty quickly. Of course , You didnt like or trust him, he did just kidnap one of your best friends, but you were intruiged non the less.
"And who is this little lassy?"
You told him your name with a glint of interest and mischif in your eyes. "Daughter of Alice in Wonderland."
"How interesting."
"I was just thinking the same thing. Whats your Name?"
"Harry Hook." He introduced himself with adramatic bow, before making fun of jay and barking at carlos.
- The other three had watched the interaction in confusion and wonder. They knew you were a little odd but seeming this confortable with harry after knowing what he did to ben?
"What was that?!" 
"Dont be nice to hook! He just kidnapped your best friend!"
"yea.. But he is quite interesting." And as an afterthougt: "and kind of pretty dont you think?"
"NO! Concentrate please. He is the enemie alright?!"
"Yea whatever, lets go tell mal about this shit."
-You go with Mal and evie to see dizzy, and instantly get along.
-Later while Mal and Uma are talking (singing), you cant help your eyes from glancing over at harry every few seconds. He did look good, with his red coat, the old silver jook on his left hand, and the messy black eyeshadow around his striking blue eyes.
"He is really beutiful dont you think?" That question was mostly directed towards evie who just shot you a dissapproving look. "I'm just saying. purely aesthetically."
-You simply shrugged and watched the situation continue to unfold, swordhand on the hilt of your sword at your side. When the fight breaks out you stand against harry. For better of for forse.
"Hello Pretty boy." You raise you swordand get into a defensive position.
"Wonderland girl."
-You kept making little comments about his looks and his sword fighting which he of course returned in his own flirty way. You quite enjoyed going back and forth like that. Witty comments, smirks and flirty smiles, and fighting more for show at this point instead of actually trying to beat each other. Trying to make this surprisingly pleasant moment last as long as possible.
-until you heard an urgend shout of your name from Mal.
"Sorry in advance." In a quick movement you snatched harrys hook and threw it down into the water. Before a shoked Harry can jump after it you catch his arm and talk to him in a slightly hushed voice.
"I really hope this wasnt our last meeting pretty boy." Before running off with the others.
-You dont see each other again until Audrey turns evil, but you do still think about harry. Is it stupid considering you met like twice and he was you enemy? Yea. Did you care? not really. He was georgeous, funny, good with a sword. Your dream guy. Except for the fact that he was supposedly your enemy. but then again when had you ever cared about that kinda stuff.
-His black lined blue piercing eyes were burned into your brain.
-In the six months until you saw him again you had become mal and bens unofficial bodyguard, spening most of your time with them or with evie, your sword has taken permanent residence at your side, only taking it of to sleep or shower and even then it was always in grabbing distance. Mals paranoia about uma had actually started to get to you.
-You are at evies house when audrey shows up and spells mal. You join them in going back to the isle to retrieve hades ember.
-When your bikes get stolen you cant help but smile at the sight. Yea its shitty but he is still beautiful.
"Pretty boy!"
He drawls you name in his scottish accent and you mentally swoon.
"Thats my bike!"
"Oh yea? Come and get it back then." Before driving of.
-You run after them (except mal and celia ofc),and at one point you split upbecause the boys on the bikes did so. You follow harry and when the others are out of sight he slows to a stop. You catch up to him with a grin.
"Nice to see you again Hook. I was hoping we would meet again."
"I was too Lassie."
-The next 10-ish minutes are filled with flirty banter and tales of what happened in the last six months. It felt like you've known each other for years (as clichee as that sounds). 
-You almost forgot why you were there until you heard jay shouting your name.
"Where are you, Mal got the thing come on."
You quickly turn to Harry again.
"Go! Before they see you and make it a whole thing."
"What bout your bike?"
"Keep it pretty boy, i doubt the others got theirs back so it would be weird if i did."
With a last sly grin harry leans towards you "I will see you again very soon." 
Before you could question what 'very soon' meant, he had already driven of. 
Just in time because Jay and the others turned the corner behind you.
"There you are! What are you doing? come on!"
"Sorry. Was chasing after the bike." You Give them a small smile before walking past them. "You coming?"
-To say you were surprised when harry and gil jumped through the barries after them would be an understatement.
"Pretty boy?!"
"'ello Darling. we're just coming for a wee visit" 
-You tried , just like evie, to get the two groups to work together. Harry mostly walked next to you or Uma. At some point you hung back so he culd walk in between you and doesnt have to kep switching. He caught up with uma but still kept the constant flirts towards you up.
-Everyone was really confused on why you two seemed so good and almost comfortable around each other, not to mention the flirting. Evie was the only one who knew of your little crush so she send you a few knowing smirks.
-During the knight fight you and harry fought as a team. Incedibly well might i say. 
-You were somewhat enthusiastic about evies icebreaker idea, enjoying the idea that the two groups could finally work together.
"Harry great accent."
"Shes right. It is a good accent."
-The flirting just wouldnt stop, comments thrown at each other, bumping shoulders while walking, even brushing your hands against each others on occasion. You had joined the boys in looking for ben.
"To make sure jay and harry dont kill each other."
-Gil doing the icebreaker and bonding with jay. 
meanwhile you and harry in the background:
"We should do that icebreaker pretty boy."
"oh yea?"
"Yea. You've got really pretty eyes."
"And you are really good with a sword lass." His hook just slightly gracing your cheek before something in gil and jays conversation sparks his interest.
-When finding ben you had immediately pushed harry behind you and unsheathed your sword out of instinct. Jay has to pull both of you out of bens way because both of you got distrcated by how close you were standing to each other. After making sure ben was alright you made sure harry was too.
(instead of flirting with jane he flirts with you)
"Well well well, thank you for trying to protect me there darling." The hook was under you chin this time.
"No problem pretty boy." You smirk back.
Ben had his little freak out. Jay and carlos had one too for slightly different reasons.
"when did this happen? you and hook?"
You just shrugged and started walking off.
The boys just looked at eachother thouroghly confused.
-After everyone reuniting and you secretely updating evie on the harry situation you all made your way to fairy cottage. When you found chad you had to half hide in harrys shoulder to hide your laughter because god was it good to see chad taken down a few pecks like that.
-Then Mal dropped the bomb. Closing the barrier forever. You couldnt believe it. You were always a firm believer in the vk programm. And you had honestly hoped that even if harry etc were send back, they would get out someday, or you might go visit them. You considered them freinds at that point. But now that wasnt possible.  You tried to comfort harry and uma in some way but it was to no avail.
"Im so sorry you guys... I didnt know." You had tears in your eyes yourself.
"Dont worry about it Darling. Its nae your fault." Placing his hand, his actual hand, on your cheek for a second, to wipe away the tear that had fallen. Before he walked of with uma.
Mal was shocked to see your tears at the fact that harry was leaving. she had absolutely no idea this was a thing. It wasnt really. you didnt have enough time for it to actually become a thing. You watched harry and uma leave before evie walked up to you to hug you. 
She talked to mal but you didnt want to listen.
suddenly there was a bright light before it went dark for a bit. When you came to again, Mal was gone. It didnt take you guys long to piece together what must have happened. so you went to find mal.
-You and harry were both incredibly relieved to see that the other was okay. *cue big hug and an almost kiss that turned into a kind of awkward cheek kiss before another hug * 
-Harry announcing that he is actually going back to the isle felt like another punch in the gut. Again that sounds dumb considereing how little you actually knew each other but you didnt care. 
-Harry and you talked before he left. He gave you one of his rings "so you wont forget me darling". So you give him one of yours "then dont you forget me either". *cue more crying and hugs, between all of you *
-Mal announcing that the barrier will be taken down during the engagement party was the best thing that couldve happened to you at that point.
"Looks like you get a chance with your pretty boy after all." Evie.
Uma to harry on the isle: "Now you can get your pretty girl, pretty boy." While bumbing his shoulder.
As soon as you could spot eachother on the bridge you ran into each others arms.
-like a lot of em
-Your friends from both sides were incredibly happy for both of you.
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aviisick13 · 2 years
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Wow Jace, thinking bout Mal again?
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Dizzy (slams down her Alice in wonderland book on Hadie’s coffee table): So you’re telling me my fat speckled rabbit is actually a Bandersnatch?
Hadie: yes.
Dizzy: you’re pulling my leg aren’t you. There’s no way he
Hadie: she.
Dizzy: what?
Hadie: she kid. She. All Bandersnatch are female.
Dizzy: why?
Hadie: the white tyrant only raises female Bandersnatch as her attack dogs. The card guards on the other hand are male. The illusion of toughness but really weak and papery and easy to tear.
Dizzy: wait. Isn’t wonderland supposed to be a utopia. Full of whimsy and wonder and
Hadie: drinks that make you shrink. Food that makes you grow. Flamingos that double as croquet mallets. And a family that has one psychopath each generation. Usually a girl.
Dizzy: that’s a bit sexist.
Hadie: it is. It really is. Nobody knows why it is. My guess is that one day one of them decided to cut off a butterflies wings and then there was no going back
Dizzy: cool
Hadie: you good lady are a freaky little child you know that right
Dizzy: ah ha ha I’m twelve so shut the f
Doug (warningly): Desiree?
Dizzy: ...udge up.
Doug: nice save.
Hadie: I thought so yes (he takes sip of his bourbon)
Wonderland. The tyrants dungeons. Evie is pacing the floor of the cell whereas Harry is just dozing in a corner with his hat over his eyes. Evie takes the hat and hits him with it in his head
Evie: don’t just sit there. Help me escape
Harry (scoffs): why? Uma shall come for me
Evie (badly imitating his accent): for all she knows you were killed instantly.
Harry: Oh now dear me. Look what you’ve been reduced to. Poking fun at at a helpless mans accent.
Evie: well it is very easy to make fun of you
Harry: do you even have a plan. Your magic is blocked. So is mine. My hook and sword were confiscated. You probably rely on magic to get you by. So we, to use common phrasage, are fucked.
Harry: huh
(Evie starts beating him up while screaming “riot” at the top of her lungs. He gives as good as he gets and pretty soon they’re both bloodied messes. Evie’s about to tear a clump if hair from his scalp when Wilhelmina opens the cell door)
Wilhelmina: don’t stop on my account. Please resume killing each other.
(Evie slams Harry’s head down onto the wooden bench splintering it in two)
Evie: on my authority as the queen of witches and wife of the saviour I demand you release me
Wilhelmina: and what of him?
(She gestures to Harry who looks like he’s working out the best way to slash Evie’s throat)
Evie: if I’m to be lucky he shall choke on his own blood. Or his tongue. Blood or tongue. Whichever’s first or second he most painful way to die.
Wilhelmina: ooh that’s a little sadistic. I quite like it. Now give me your arm
Evie: no.
Wilhelmina: will it help if I say please?
Evie: not particularly no.
Wilhelmina: oh for crissakes. Give me. Your arm. Now!
(Reluctantly Evie does so. Wilhelmina removes the cuff)
Evie: now you see. You really shouldn’t have done that
(She sends the white tyrant flying back wards with a bolt of blue electricity then puts the cuff on Harry’s other wrist.)
Harry: what the fuck?
Evie: good bye you whorish dickhead.
(She slams the door shut with magic and disappears in a puff of sapphire blue smoke. Harry shakes the bars screaming in impotent rage)
(Auradon Massachusetts. Jane walks into Hadie’s apartment looking like death warmed up)
Hadie: lemme guess. Good night or bad night?
Jane: my bedroom floor is more uncomfortable then the beds at the convent.
Hadie: ahhh then good night. Up top
Jane: I gave Evangeline my bed. Carlos is in the pull out in the living room. So I slept on my bedroom floor. I finally managed to get some shut eye when she stepped on my throat on the way to the bathroom. I feel like Meredith Grey.
Dizzy: huh?
Hadie: never mind. Well Janey look at it this way. Your doing a good thing.
Jane: yeah when you’re right you’re right.
Hadie: and perhaps you could politely ask a certain landlord that’s smitten with Evangeline to share his apartment with her. Wink wink nudge nudge.
Dizzy: yes! Dad please. Please please please please
(She goes on like this for a minute and a half until Hadie shoves a biscotti in her mouth)
Hadie (deadpan): yeah dad please
Doug: it’s not appropriate.
Hadie: Doug. Honey. Your the saviour of our world. You can indulge your desires.
Dizzy: then I’ll have a mother. And then you’ll finally be off my back long enough for me to steal your entire supply of cognac.
Doug: reasons three to a million and 99 why it can’t happen.
Jane: and reason one and two.
Doug: one. Mrs Channing is a married woman. Two. I am her employer. It would be so inappropriate
Hadie: you’re risking societal suicide just by acknowledging my existence. I highly doubt much would be changed by you getting a leg
Doug: My daughter is in the room
Dizzy: dad. There’s this things called the internet. It has all manner of things that would shock your system if you found out. So I already know what Hadrian’s gonna say
Hadie: and what exactly do you think I was gonna say?
Doug: I too would like to know what you think he was going to say
Jane: oh this should be good
Dizzy: I’m gonna do my homework now
(She leaves the room)
Hadie: now where were we
(La Bete)
Uma: get him back! Get him back now or I swear I’ll...
Hadie: you’ll what? Not cast the curse. Realise the sacrifice of your children were all for naught ack
(Uma’s pulled out his heart. She’s grown tentacles and her eyes a glowing a furious turquoise)
Hadie (feeling defiant despite the pain): I don’t have to do jackshit for you or my bastard brother ah
(She’s started to squeeze his heart)
Dizzy: put his heart back
Hadie: Dizzy you don’t need to do this.
Dizzy: oh but I want to. I read the inscription on this thing. Whoever wields it must be listened to. Well I’m wielding it so Uma had better fucking listen.
(Uma sends a tentacle to the girls throat. Before Doug has time to react Dizzy’s already cut the aquatic limb off. Uma squeals in pain, drops Hadie’s heart and falls to her knees)
Uma: I’d sooner bow to that (she gestured to Mal who’s looking extraordinarily guilty)
Dizzy: in that case. Are you ready to lose the other one?
(Harry’s pacing in his cell. Wilhelmina’s unconscious form lying in front of him. He gets angrier and angrier. Bright blood red flames dance under his skin)
(Elsewhere. Evie’s run into a room of mirrors. In the middle of the room sits very graceful lady. A few years older then her dressed in pirates clothing)
The lady: oh thank goodness little brother. I thought you’d gotten lost and you are not Harry
Evie: I count myself lucky every day for that. Now. Who the fuck are you?
Lady: who the fuck are you?
Evie: I asked you first. And seeing as I’m the queen of witches and you’re nothing but a disgusting no account pirate I outrank you.
Lady: very well then. My name is Harriet. Sister to Harry and CJ. Eldest daughter of the late James. Captain of the Braveheart. Now. Where is my brother. Tell me now or I shall have to slit you from stem to stern. And this is a new sword one of my husbands gifted it to me on our second anniversary So is hate to dirty it with blood from a common witch. I’m saving it for a dragon. After all. Witches are small fish. Now. Where. Is. My. Brother?
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writemarcus · 2 years
Queens Theatre's Developmental Play Reading Series to Continue With AS I WAS NOT AS I AM
A hip, contemporary play about queer roommates, headaches, clubbing, upstairs neighbors, arson, and washing machines.
by Chloe Rabinowitz
Mar. 25, 2022  
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Saturday, March 26th at 8pm ET, the Spring 2022 season of Queens Theatre's popular play reading series New American Voices (NAV), will continue with "AS I WAS NOT AS I AM" by Alice Hakvaag.
"AS I WAS NOT AS I AM," directed by Hannah Postlewait and featuring local actors Eryn Barnes, Heather Birmingham, Nazlah Black, Lauren E. King and Christine Vapsva is a hip, contemporary play about queer roommates, headaches, clubbing, upstairs neighbors, arson, and washing machines that follows the story of twenty-something Laurel who is sick. Her roommates want her to get better, but how do you help someone who can't afford health care? Does it involve setting a car on fire?
For playwright Alice Hakvaag, who identifies as queer, "AS I WAS NOT AS I AM" is personal.
"The play was written out of love for my friends. All of us are worried about how we are going to afford taking care of ourselves as we reach adulthood, and realize that traditional casting is not made for this next generation of queer, racial-minority theatre artists," said Hakvagg. "I wanted to reflect the vibrancy and joy in these communities, even when faced with the hardships and sorrow that life brings us."
New American Voices Spring 2022 concludes with "TUMBLEWEED" by Marcus Scott on Saturday, April 23rd at 8pm. Directed by Dev Bondarin, "TUMBLEWEED" is a slice-of-life drama about an interracial family, in which the natural hair of a young girl named Willow stirs up heated controversy in the household. This timely play explores beauty standards both in and out of the Black community, ethnic relations, the mixed-race family, coming of age, interracial marriage, parenting, womanist identity and the visibility of black men in the family dynamic.
As I Was, Not As I Am: https://queenstheatre.org/event/new-american-voices-as-i-was-not-as-i-am/
This reading will also be live streamed from the Queens Theatre studio and must be viewed live. Replay after the performance will not be available.
Tumbleweed: https://queenstheatre.org/event/new-american-voices-tumbleweed/
For more information about New American Voices visit www.queenstheatre.org.
All guests 5 years of age and up must present proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon arrival at the Queens Theatre facilities and patrons over the age of 18 must also show a valid form of ID. Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status. Learn more about our COVID Safety Protocols here.
About the Playwrights
Alice Hakvaag is a queer playwright originally from rural Pennsylvania, currently based in Philadelphia. She holds a BA in Theater from Temple University and is a proud Ring of Keys member. Her work has been seen through Elephant Room Productions, The Women's Theatre Festival, Mal-Adjusted Theatre Company, Mad Cow Theater, Richmond Triangle Players, and Wings of Paper Theater Company. Her play As I Was, Not As I Am was nominated for a Susan Smith Blackburn Award, and was a semi-finalist for the Princess Grace Fellowship Award. Most recently, her play But Not Uncle Vanya premiered in Philadelphia with Aporia Artist's Collective, of which she is a founding member. She has also worked internationally as a director, actor, and sound designer. When she isn't writing, she's probably doing something else in theater, and when she isn't doing that, she's probably playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Marcus Scott is a playwright, musical theatre writer & journalist. His work includes "Tumbleweed" (finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival & Festival of New American Plays at Austin Playhouse; semi-finalist for the New Dramatists Princess Grace Fellowship Award), "Sibling Rivalries" (finalist for the Seven Devils Playwrights Conference & the ATHE-KCACTF Judith Royer Excellence In Playwriting Award; semi-finalist for the Blue Ink Playwriting Award & the New Dramatists Princess Grace Fellowship Award), "Cherry Bomb" (New York Theatre Barn New Works Series; recipient of the Drama League First Stage Artist-In-Residence). He was commissioned by Heartbeat Opera to adapt Beethoven's "Fidelio" (Libretto; Baruch Performing Arts Center, The Met Museum, Mondavi Center, The Broad Stage, Scottsdale Center for The Performing Arts; called "poignant" by NY Times). Residencies & retreats: Prospect Musical Theater Lab, María Irene Fornés Playwriting Workshop, JACK Governor's Island Artist Residency, Catwalk Artist Residency, The Center at West Park Virtual Performance Residency, Gingold Theatre Group Speaker's Corner Writer, Liberation Theatre Company's Playwriting Residency Fellowship, Athena Theatre Company's Athena Writes Playwriting Fellowship, the inaugural LIT Council at the Tank, Fresh Ground Pepper Artist-In-Residence BRB Retreat, One Co. Writers' Residency at Little Farm & Goodspeed Opera House Retreat. Scott is a 2021 NYSAF Founders' Award finalist and a 2021 Doric Wilson Independent Playwright Award semi-finalist. His articles appeared in Architectural Digest, Time Out New York, American Theatre Magazine, Playbill, Elle, Out, Essence, The Brooklyn Rail, among others. MFA: NYU Tisch School of the Arts.
About the Directors
Hannah Postlewait (She/Her) is a NYC based Theatre Artist & proud graduate of Temple University's BA Theatre Program in Philadelphia. Apart from her Directing work, Hannah is a Play Licensing Associate with Broadway Licensing and has also spent a significant amount of time working in New York's Casting Industry: assisting with auditions for Broadway shows, National Commercials and Regional Theatres across the country. Recent Directing Credits include BUT NOT UNCLE VANYA (Aporia Artists Collective / Philly Theatre Week Festival), ACUTE EXPOSURE (Richmond Triangle Players); and EURYDICE by Sarah Ruhl (TTSS/Pig Iron Theatre Company) among others. Hannah is also the founder of The Aporia Artists Collective, which has put up both in-person; Zoom productions, as well as 75 Zoom Readings since May 2020.
Dev Bondarin is a theater director and Associate Artistic Director of Prospect Theater Company. For six seasons, Dev served as Artistic Director of Astoria Performing Arts Center where her credits include the NY premiere of Marguerite (with Tony Award- winner Cady Huffman, Broadway Records cast album), Merrily We Roll Along and Raisin (which both earned NY Innovative Theatre Awards for Outstanding Musical), Caroline, or Change (AUDELCO Award for Outstanding Musical Revival), Follies, In The Bones, and readings/workshops of plays and musicals. Other selected directing: Rule of Three (Prospect Theater Company's 2021 musical theater lab), A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder (upcoming) and Little Women (Festival 56), King Lear (American Bard), and seven tours with TheaterWorksUSA. Dev has been nominated for two AUDELCO Awards and an NYIT Award, and received an Alumni of the Year Award from the Theater Department at Brooklyn College, where she earned an MFA. She is thrilled to be collaborating with Marcus Scott for the seventh time and working with Queens Theatre. devbondarin.com @devbondarin
About Queens Theatre
Queens Theatre (QT) is a performing arts center located in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY. Its mission is to provide high-quality performances and programs that are accessible to the residents of Queens, the most diverse county in the nation. The Theatre's work reflects and celebrates its community. QT presents dance companies, produces, presents, and develops new works of theatre, family programming, community engagement events and initiatives, and offers a range of education programs onsite, in schools and in senior centers. In 2016, QT launched, and has since expanded, Theatre For All (TFA), a ground-breaking initiative to advance the inclusion of disabled people in the performing arts. Since COVID-19, QT has produced a range of digital programming - readings of new plays, wellness checks with performances for seniors, original dance showcases, a Storytellers series, an online round of its TFA training program for Deaf/Disabled actors, and more.
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What it means to be Queen //Harry Hook x OC// Part One
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Harry Hook finds himself at Auradon Prep. As soon as he lays eyes on Clara, daughter of the White Queen and princess of Wonderland, he decides he’s going to break her perfect image
As Clara sat before him, a perfect image of what you’d expect of the White Queen’s daughter, he found her demeanor unnerving.  Even after nearly eight years of friendship Ben never quite got use to Clara’s poised behavior.  
He remembers that until her met Clara, he had never met or even seen someone from Wonderland, or ‘Underland’. Back then tensions had been high between Wonderland and the rest of Auradon, even more between his father and Clara’s mother. 
Her mother had been one of the only royal against the Isle of the Lost when the idea if it was first proposed. She felt is was cruel and inhumane to just leave them on the Isle by themselves, things only got worse when she heard of how they planned to feed the inhabitants of the Isle; with garbage.  Tensions only grew when the White Queen heard her sister had, had a son. She wanted for the child to be brought to Wonderland to be raised as he was innocent of his mother’s crimes. She felt the same way when it came to the other children on the Isle but his father, King Adam hadn’t allowed it. 
He remembers the day Clara came to Auradon with other Wonderlandian children. 
Ben stood by his father’s side as the limo pulled up before them. He stood straight and wore a welcoming smile, like he mother wanted, to great the new guests. 
A woman, whose skin was the palest he ever seen, came out of the limo first. She wore a elegant white gown and everything about her seemed white. He knew this most be the White Queen of Wonderland, the woman his father didn’t get along with.  Behind her came out a girl as equally pale as her. She wore a white lace dress, white flats and her white hair was pulled into a braided crown. She held the same small smile her mother did but it didn’t seem as joyful. Other children pilled out of the limo along with their parents. Ben’s attention was brought back to the princess when his father nudged him.
“Hello, I’m Ben Florian.“
“I am Clara Marmoreal. It is nice to meet you.”
“So the son of the Red Queen?” Tia asked, daughter of Tarrant Hightopp, sipping at her tea as her pet mouse slept on the brim of her hat.  Chessa, the daughter of Chessur, lazed above them on a tree branch while her twin brother Chessur Jr.  laid his head in the lap of his boyfriend Charles Kingsleigh, the son of Alice Kingsleigh. 
“Yes, he will be arriving with three others. The son of Captain Hook, the daughter of Ursula and the son of Gaston.” Clara said softly as she added a fourth sugar cube to her tea causing Tia to grimace. “I don’t understand how you can like it so bloody sweet.” 
“So what’s his name?” Chessa purred from above them, her teal feline eyes sparkling with mischief as always.  Clara looked up at the lavender haired girl, knowing well enough that she planned on causing chaos as soon of the boy arrived.
“Edom. He has two younger sisters named Lilibet and Elsemere.” Charles raised an eyebrow at the last name. “Like your grandmother?” Clara hummed a yes and continued to sip of her tea.  “Ben has asked me to be there tomorrow to great him as he is my cousin.  He also asks that you all try to make friends with him as we are the only ones from Underland.” 
“He’s not going to have our heads will he?” Tia asked almost innocently and before Clara could answer Charles threw a small pebble at her.  Tia yelped as the pebble made contact with her hat causing her pet mouse Grey to fall off the brim of her hat and onto her lap. In a matter of moments Tia put Grey on the table and set off chasing after Charles, a flurry of underlandish curses rolling off her tongue.
Clara patted down her white lace dress. It was simple; with long sleeves, a high collar and barely noticeable silver embroidered roses. She sat gracefully on the edge of the fountain with one leg crossed over the other.  She look over at Ben who was ringing his hands and Mal who wore an unreadable expression.  
“If you keep doing that your hand will fall off.” Clara said in her usual silvery tone.  Ben managed a chuckle at her statement, his nervousness still clear while Mal shot her a look.
Mal liked Clara. She was one of the few people who never judged her or the others for being from the Isle and she even tried to help her when dealing with the royal court but Mal couldn't help but find her a little odd at times.  Clara always seemed so passive and kind but Mal caught the bite in her words that others didn’t. 
“Here they come!” Fairy Godmother called, waving for the band to start playing. Clara stood up, her heels making her nearly taller than Ben, and put her usual kind smile on her face as the limo pulled up.
Uma came out first, head high with a glare on face. Harry came out after with a twisted smile and his hook held high for all to see. Gil tumbled out quite clumsily before a dark red haired boy stepped over him with a very displeased look on his face.  
Harry’s eyes immediately were drawn to the snow white princess before him. She stood out against the colorful sea blue and yellow band uniforms as she stood beside Ben. Her outfit was striking, so was her appearance.  Her white hair framed her alabaster face and she stood tall, her rather high, high heels making her as tall as Ben if not almost taller. 
“Welcome to Auradon, It’s nice to finally have you.”
Ben leaned forward to shake their hands but both Harry and Uma denied, leaving a overly excited Gil and a indifferent Edom.  
Harry never quite liked Edom. He held himself above the other kids on the isle and he rarely spook to anyone unless he was having one of his infamous bursts of anger. 
“This is-”
“Clara Marmoreal, it is absolutely lovely to meet you all.” Her smooth, sing-song voice cut Ben off as she introduced herself with her hand before her for a handshake. Harry seized the chance and grabbed her pale hand, laying a chase kiss to her knuckles. 
“The pleasure is all mine lass, not every day I someone as beautiful as ye’“ Harry flirted with the princess, fully expecting her to blush and giggle but instead she only smiled and offered him a ‘thank you’ before moving to greet Edom. 
Before he could say another thing or even try to woo her Ben pulled his attention away as he started their tour, rambling on about the history of the school and their classes. 
Harry kept trying to get Clara’s attention, whether it be by flirting with her or pulling a prank he was relentless on trying to get a reaction but her perfect demeanor never broke and it was infuriating to him. 
When he covered King Adam’s statue with seaweed and pirate getup she barely even spared it a glance while other people stared and whispered. 
When he flirted with her non-stop during their shared classes she only smiled and thanked him for his compliments before turning back to their lessons. 
What infuriated him most was the unwavering attention she gave to Edom. She showed him around personally on their first day, she walked with him to classes, invited him to lunch with her and spent most of her free time helping him adjust. He knew they were cousins but he couldn’t help but feel jealous of Edom. The lanky, anger prone boy got all her attention while Harry could barely manage to get a giggle out of her.   
Harry wanted to be the one to make her laugh, he wanted to be the one she smiled for, he wanted her attention. 
He wanted her.
594 notes · View notes
sparkadreama · 4 years
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List of all my current threads and their status. This is not meant to rush replies but merely serve for organization (in other words my own sanity) and as a reminder of sorts as well! If you know we have a thread and it is not listed here then let me know as I may have forgotten it! Also let me know if anything has been mislabeled (like something marked as waiting on has already been replied to) or if you’d like to drop any of the threads here! No reason needed! If you’re not feeling it anymore LET. ME. KNOW! 
I want to make sure everything is accurate so please please take the time to give this a look over and let me know the status of things when you get the chance.
Total: 133 Questioning: 0 Dropping: 0 My Turn/Continue Pending/Starter Pending: 40 Waiting On: 91 On Hold: 2
***A bold x has a link to latest reply.
What’s a genie? [x] - Veillios & Whisp (waiting on)
The Lantern in the Tower [x] - Zel & Whisp (waiting on)
Ghost in the Library [x] - Nageki & Whisp (waiting on)
Lost Devil [x] - Lucifer & Zack (my turn - in drafts)
Soulmate AU [x] - Adam & Zack (my turn - in drafts)
Pain part 2 [x] - Adam & Zack (my turn - in drafts)
Remember Me [x] - Adam & Zack (waiting on)
Wing Care [x] - Adam & Zack (waiting on)
Break Time [x] - Cissnei & Zack (my turn - in drafts)
Escape [x] - Adam & Zack (waiting on)
Hug [x] - Adam & Zack (waiting on)
Good Doggo [x] - Noe & Zack (stater posted - waiting on)
TBD [x] - Anghel & Zack (starter pending)
TBD [x] - Cloud & Zack (starter pending)
Visiting [x] - Lucifer & Charlie (waiting on)
Mother to Son [x] - Zel & Arianna (waiting on)
Warrior Lady Friend [x] - Appa & Suki (waiting on)
Catching up with a Friend [x] - Veillios & Tiana (starter posted - waiting on)
Taken in for now [x] - Sisora & Asmo (waiting on)
Magic Lesson [x] - Merlin & Sora (my turn - in drafts)
Do you deserve Mercy? [x] - Mercy & Lohgain (my turn - in drafts- wrap up)
Dragons, Princes, and Demons [x] - Zel & Samuel (waiting on)
Causing a Scene [x] - Adam & Baelsor (waiting on)
Supply Run [x] - Sophie & Hawke (my turn - in drafts)
Not from Around Here [x] - Adam & x3n0 (my turn - in drafts)
Trapped [x] - Fluttershy & Kiba (waiting on)
Taking a Break [x] - Dodger & Varian (waiting on)
Moonstone’s Power [x] - Zel & Zhan Tiri (waiting on)
Hideaway [x] - Dodger & Varian (waiting on)
Take Two [x] - Damon & Leo (my turn - in drafts)
What is it You Want? [x] - Dodger & Remus (waiting on)
Unknown Even to the Shadows [x] - Eliza & Veillios (waiting on)
A Little Awkward… [x] - Sisora & Bea (waiting on)
Dark & Light [x] - Adam & Maverick (my turn - in drafts)
Music Time [x] - Avery & Felix (waiting on)
Comfort [x] - Jasmine & Ja’far (waiting on)
Sweet Rabbit [x] - Chesh & White Rabbit (waiting on)
Into the Spirit World [x] - Iroh & Azula (waiting on)
Guarding A Human [x] - Dante & Yozora (my turn - in drafts)
Demon’s Forest [x] - Veillios & Yozora (my turn - in drafts)
Paint Fight [x] - Zel & Rapunzel (waiting on)
Queen for A Day [x] - Zel & Rapunzel (waiting on)
Trouble in Corona [x] - Chesh & Rapunzel (waiting on)
Meeting on the Road [x] - Sango & Geralt (waiting on)
A New Challenger? [x] - Mirra & Elesa (my turn - in drafts)
Trespasser Among The Roses [x] - Marius & Adi (my turn - in drafts)
TBD [x] - Jack Howl & Adi (starter pending)
A Dark Meeting [x] - Malleus & Maleficent (waiting on)
Archery Practice [x] - Khojin & Shan Yu (waiting on)
What are you doing here? [x] - Harley & Lefou (my turn - in drafts)
Stranger in Wonderland [x] - Chesh & Cassandra (my turn - in drafts)
Another Trip to the Isle [x] - Snow White & Cassandra (my turn - in drafts)
Cassandra’s Revenge [x] - Zel & Cassandra (my turn - in drafts)
Pouty Face [x] - Luci & Cassandra (waiting on)
A Thief Caught [x] - Jack & Cassandra (waiting on)
Not a Murderer [x] - Zel & Cassandra (waiting on)
Catching Up With A Friend [x] - Blue & Sora (my turn - in drafts)
Stranger in the Tower [x] - Zel & Ayden (my turn - in drafts)
Speaking Thoughts Aloud [x] - Monika & Hana (waiting on)
The Dragon Catches the Princess [x] - Izayah & Briar (waiting on)
Lost Item Found, the Reward? A Kiss From a Dragon [x] - Izayah & Briar (waiting on)
Hair Care [x] - Veillios & Briar (waiting on)
Girl in a bush [x] - Gwyneth & Briar (waiting on)
Taking a Nap Underwater [x] - Chesh & Briar (waiting on)
Off on an Adventure [x] - Harely & Briar (waiting on)
Within the Catacombs [x] - Zerel & Briar (waiting on)
Ditching the Party [x] - Kiran & Briar (waiting on)
Seeking a Safe Place [x] - Veillios & Alice (waiting on)
Another Human(?) in Ponyville [x] - Diamond & Hagrid (my turn - in drafts - ON HOLD)
Demons By A Half [x] - Veillios & Raven (waiting on)
What? How? [x] - Diamond & Ebony (waiting on)
Hunting Trip Gone Wrong [x] - Khojin & Ebony (waiting on)
Merfolk & Pirates [x] - Wakasa & Jewels (waiting on)
TBD [x] - Jack Howl & Méliau (starter pending)
A God at the Carnival [x] - Jack & Fenrir (waiting on)
An…Invitation? [x] - Malleus & Vil (waiting on)
Photobomb [x] - Chesh & Vil (waiting on)
Second Opinion [x] - Gwyneth & Barbatos (my turn - in drafts)
A Helping Fin Hand [x] - Ilias & Merrick (my turn - in drafts)
Familiar Chill [x] - Adam & Icy (my turn - in drafts)
Hideout [x] - Dodger & Guilong (my turn - in drafts)
Creepy picture [x] - Avery & Mai (waiting on)
Wrong Turn Down the Rabbit Hole [x] - Nizsm & Mal (my turn - in drafts)
On The Run [x] - Veillios & Mal (my turn - in drafts)
A Living Jabberwocky [x] - Liliana & Mal (my turn - in drafts)
A Night In Gotham [x] - Harley & Matt [Mal] (my turn - in drafts)
Another Wrong Turn Down the Rabbit Hole [x] - Nizsm & Mal (my turn - in drafts)
Fire Throwing Friend [x] - Appa & Zuko (waiting on)
Visit [x] - Iroh & Zuko (my turn - in drafts)
Green Hair [x] - Tatiana & Gumi (waiting on)
Sweets [x] - Veillios & Sigma (my turn - in drafts)
A Change Of Perspective [x] - Lucifer & Carrie (waiting on)
Place To Rest [x] - Entei & Mewtwo (waiting on)
Trying to Understand [x] - Death & Hector (waiting on)
They Always Return [x] - Death & Hector (waiting on)
Playing in the Snow [x] - Tatiana & Hector (waiting on)
Picnic [x] - Fluttershy & Andy (waiting on)
Definitely Not Envy [x] - Malleus & Chrysalis (waiting on)
TBD [x] - Malleus & Chrysalis (waiting on)
The Flame Burns Again [x] - Firebird & Nokk (waiting on)
Comfort from a Friend [x] - Jasmine & Rajah (waiting on)
Never had a friend [x] - Dinah & Sal (waiting on)
Not for Playing With [x] - Jack & Zizgaz (starter posted - waiting on)
Guarding a Myth [x] - Wakasa & Shang (waiting on)
Play Time [x] - Chibi & Amaterasu (starter posted - waiting on)
TBD [x] - Cloud & Byleth (starter pending)
TBD [x] Cloud & Red (starter pending)
Offer Of A Date [x] - Jack & Prompto (waiting on)
Soulmate AU [x] - Jack & Prompto (waiting on)
Get Some Rest [x] - Veillios & Riku (waiting on)
Dark Forest Battle [x] - Veillios & Terra (waiting on - ON HOLD)
Tour around the city? [x] - Dodger & Lycus (waiting on)
Busted [x] - Wakasa & Sylvain (waiting on)
Only Half Right [x] - Malleus & Chat Noir [Adrian] (waiting on)
Don’t Trust a Thing [x] - Izayah & Roxas (waiting on)
A Possible Safe Place? [x] - Sisora & Lycus (waiting on)
Explaining the Situation [x] - Dodger & Lycus (waiting on)
Confrontation [x] - Veillios & Riku (waiting on)
Another Task [x] - Bartimaeus & Sora (waiting on)
A Little Bit of Chaos [x] - Chesh & Ashe (waiting on)
Mardi Gras Masquerade [x] - Veillios & Riku (waiting on)
Undertaker and the Demon’s Contractor [x] - Riddle & Lycus (waiting on)
Time Off [x] - Dante & Hiren (waiting on)
Difficult Spirit [x] - Dante & Hiren (waiting on)
A Deal’s A Deal [x] - Chesh & Claude (my turn - in drafts)
Fluffy [x] - Gwyneth & Lycus (starter posted - waiting on)
What the Wind Blew In [x] - Nageki & Jack (waiting on)
Meeting on the Shore [x] - Ilias & Claude (starter posted - waiting on)
Thoughts of You [x] - Dodger & Lycus (waiting on)
How the Tables Have Turned [x] - Veillios & Riku (waiting on)
Heros & Princesses [x] - Liliana & Hiro (starter posted - waiting on)
TBD [x] - Cyprian & Lycus (starter pending)
TBD [x] - Chibi & Dezel (starter pending)
0 notes
sorrytodistract · 7 years
I’ll be your crying shoulder - Jayvie
Prompted by @angelinasalvatoreblog:  Evie meets with Snow White (who has been so nice to her) and his son. He is so mean to her that it makes her cry and she runs away. Jay finds out and threatens Snow White’s son to apologize, resulting in a cute Jay & Evie moment.
And you got: 2k of fluff! This is unbetaed and it’s way past my bedtime so I apologize for any typos or mistakes (friendly reminder that English isn’t my first language). I hope you’ll like it!
“Yes, of course. I’ll meet you after your R.O.A.R. practice anyway-“  Evie trailed off as she saw the newcomers in Alice’s older sister tearoom. “Sorry Jay, they’re here, I’ll call you back later okay?” She waited for his answer before hanging up and smiled widely at the woman and her son who just entered the shop before she got up to greet them.
“Evie!” The dark-haired woman exclaimed as she hugged her. “Such a pleasure to see you again!” She took a step back and glanced at the younger girl’s outfit. “You look amazing, as usual!”
“Aww thank you Snow! You’re too sweet,” said Evie before she took the time to look at the princess’ outfit more closely. “You need to tell me all about the material you used for this dress, it looks fancy, but without being overly uncomfortable.”
“How did you know?” Snow White smiled at Evie’s expertise. She took a step on the side then and Evie finally got a closer look at the person accompanying the famous journalist.
“Oh! And let me introduce you to my son, Blake.” 
Snow White’s smile was proud as the young prince, who might have been around the age of Dizzy and was a spitting image of his mother with his dark hair and fair skin, took a step forward and eyed the blue-haired girl warily.
“Hi…” He wouldn’t even meet Evie’s eyes, which made a frown. She looked up at Snow who just shrugged.
“Teenagers…you know better than me how they can be…” Snow White winked at Evie and she sat down at the table where Evie was already settled. Blake sat down as well, as far away as possible as Evie, who tried her best not to be upset by his behavior. She simply didn’t feel at ease when people disliked her, which seemed to be the case with the little prince. And the worst was, she didn’t even know why.
Alice came around to their table a few moments later and they all ordered some drinks. As Alice left to prepare them, Blake eyed Evie suspiciously once again. Unable to hold her tongue any longer, Evie spoke up softly, trying her best to keep a smile on her face.
“Is something wrong, Blake?”
“I’m going to be watching you closely. That’s the only reason why I came-“
“Ugh, here we go again…” Snow White interrupted her son with a sigh. “Blake, you need to stop with this nonsense! I already told you Evie was an Auradon girl.” She shrugged at Evie’s confused expression.
“He’s convinced you want to get back to me for stranding your mother on the Isle with all the other villains…” Snow White bit her lip, embarrassed by the situation.
Evie was taken aback by the revelation, though now she understood why Blake hadn’t stopped glaring at her since they met. Even if the boy was small, he could certainly hold a threatening look. She chuckled nervously.
“You have nothing to worry about Blake, I’m one of the good ones. Actually, most of us aren’t like our parents, as you may have realized-“
“I don’t care! Your mother tried to carve my mom’s heart out of her chest! She tried to crush her with a giant rock! And I bet you’re scheming something too!” Evie’s eyes went wide at the prince’s outburst and it seemed that Snow White was too flabbergasted to intervene.
“I don’t trust you! I bet you invited us here so you could poison mom’s tea or something!” He pointed at Alice who was bringing a tray with their drinks.
“So you can kill her and be the fairest of them all. Because you’re not a princess and never will be.” The last accusation was a low blow for Evie and she barely saw Snow White stood up and told her son off. It was all a blur from then, as tears filled her eyes and the echo of Blake’s words rang out in her head. She was aware that Snow White was apologizing to her for her son’s attitude but Evie couldn’t make out the words. She shook her head as the tears began to fall and she excused herself before running off and out of the tearoom.
She only realized she was heading to Jay’s dorm once she reached the boys’ corridor. He wouldn’t be here anyway, she knew it. But still, she didn’t want to see anyone at the moment anyway so she sneaked in with the key Chad made a few months ago and which the boys had finally managed to confiscate. Their bedroom was empty, just as she thought and she simply took her shoes off before throwing herself on Jay’s bed and burying her head in his pillow. She thought the smell of him would calm her down but instead, her sobs only grew louder.
Jay was concerned. He hadn’t heard from Evie since she called him earlier today and she’d told him she would text him as soon as she was done with her meeting with Snow White. That was almost four hours ago. And she should have met him after his R.O.A.R. practice. She would have texted him if she wasn’t able to make it. He had tried calling her as soon as he was out and when he saw she hadn’t replied to any of his texts but her phone went straight on voicemail. He was quite tempted to kick something. That behavior was unlike Evie. Of course, he had texted Mal on his way back to his dorm but she hadn’t heard from the blue-haired girl either.
He went to his room to drop his bag, determined to go back out and look for her when he spotted a lump on his bed. He switched on the light and let out a relieved breath. He immediately frowned when he didn’t see her move though and got closer to the bed. Once he got a better look at her face, he noticed she was asleep and a small smile crept on his face, until he noticed the puffiness of her eyes. He slowly sat down next to her and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face. He had no idea what happened but something told him it was bad.
He hadn’t meant to wake her up but at the feel of him, her eyelids fluttered and he recognized the telltale signs of awakening as she stirred. He waited until her vision cleared and a small smile graced her face when she realized he was there.
“Hey.” She replied back but even though she was still somewhat smiling, the sadness in her eyes was calling out to him.
“What happened Evie?” He asked as she sat up while he brushed another strand of hair behind her ear.
With a sigh, Evie resigned to tell him what happened at Alice’s tearoom. However, even though she tried to act as if she hadn’t been that affected by the incident, Jay knew better. At the end of her retelling, he was fuming. But it was too late to do anything tonight so he handed her a pair of sweatpants and a tourney shirt so she would be more comfortable to sleep.
“Thanks Jay.” She said, while taking the clothes from him and heading to the bathroom. “Of course, princess.” The sad smile she sent him broke his heart. And he knew he had to do something about what happened, as soon as possible.
After a good night’s sleep, Evie was feeling better. Being cuddled in Jay’s arms helped a lot and everything looked better with the light of a new day. She woke him up with light kisses all over his face and they only separated when Carlos, who had snuck back in later last night from Jane’s room, started to groan at the sound. “Guys, I’m here so please keep it PG.”
Evie and Jay both laughed at his comment and resolved to get out of bed before Mal bursted into the room, searching for her missing roommate-even though Jay had texted her once he found Evie.
It was only a few hours later, when they were all gathered in the Auradon Prep park, that Evie got reminded of the previous day’s occurrence. Blake was walking towards them and she frowned, unconsciously wincing as he made his way to them.
But contrary to the day before, he didn’t look wary or angry, but rather embarrassed. It was only when she noticed Blake glancing at Jay with fear in his eyes that she understood. But before she could ask her friend what it was about, the little prince reached them and spoke up.
“I- I’m sorry about yesterday, Evie. Truly.” His voice was tremulous and he couldn’t meet his eyes but still, something told Evie that he was being sincere. “It’s just- I love my mom. She means everything to me and I just want to protect her! But everything I said was unfair to you. I realize now that you had nothing to do what anything that happened to my mother before so once again, I want to apologize.”
Finally, Blake’s gaze rose from the floor to meet her eyes. Tears were gleaming in them and it took Evie a lot not to start crying again too. At that moment, she felt Jay took her hand in his and she squeezed it lightly in thanks.
“I know what I said was awful but I still hope you can forgive me and maybe, we can be friends?” the boy asked timidly and Evie’s eyes shone with the joyful turn of event.
“Of course.” She answered softly and took a step toward Blake. For a moment she thought he would recoil, but he didn’t so Evie went for it and hugged him. It didn’t take long for Blake to hug her back and she felt him quivering as he let out a few more tears, apologizing again for his words.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Evie tried her best to comfort him, still stunned by this new turn of events. She wondered what made him change his mind so fast. But then she met Jay’s gaze over the boy’s shoulder and realization hit her.
Blake took his leave a few moments later, after Evie and him agreed to meet sometimes but she didn’t broach the subject with Jay until much later that night, when she was ready for bed.
Jay could feel her questions coming so he settled down, his back leaning against the headboard of his bed and he gestured for Evie to join him. Once she was snuggled up against him with his arm around her shoulder, he confessed.
“I didn’t threaten him, I swear-“
“No, I know.” Evie interrupted him. “I could see it in your eyes.” She smiled tenderly at him as his eyebrow rose questioningly.
“You were almost as misty-eyed as I was when he apologized…”
“I just- I wanted an explanation, from him. So when I said I was meeting Lonnie earlier, I actually-”
“- went to talk to him? Yeah, I figured.” Evie chuckled. “What would I do without my dear knight in shining armour?”
Jay shook his head, a smile on his face. “You’d be just fine. He’d probably have apologized anyway… I mean have you seen how guilty he looked?”
Evie shrugged. “Still, thank you.” Her voice was full of fondness and she pressed her lips ardently against his.
“Anytime, princess.”
She barely heard his response when he broke their kiss, too caught up in him and his unwavering love for her, but did she really need to, to know how much she meant to him?
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slice-of-no-life · 7 years
we’re a month into spring 2017 and so here is what I’m watching.  I hope it provides some insight into what series I think are worth watching.
Alice to Zouroku - It’s alright.  I’m a sucker for Older dudes raising little kids so this is a good recommendation from me. Attack On Titan S2 - It’s AoT.  Everybody knows this.  next. Boku No Hero Academia S2 - It a good show I’d recommend to anybody that likes shounens.   Boruto - I kinda refer to it as diet Naruto.  Its kinda refreshing to see characters learning to use their abilities as opposed to God Mode Naruto.  its a nostalgia recommendation for anybody with fond memories of Naruto.  I like it. Danmachi Sword Oratorio - It feels like a side story to the original Danmachi.  It’s cool.  Potential Waifu of the season in Ais Wallenstein. Eromanga-Sensei - Trash that I love.  I wanted more for Oreimo and this is what I was asking for.  Strong recommendation.  Potential Waifu of the season in Elf-Yamada. Grimoire Of Zero - Furry. Cute Loli.  Romance.  idk why but i actually like it.  i don’t think its for everybody.  Potential Waifu of the Season in Zero Hinako Note - CGDCT like theater troupes.  main girl has social anxiety and a body like a brick shithouse.  it seems they’re uping the fanservice in this with each episode.  Blue-haired girl is best girl but every girl brings something good to the show. The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater (TV) - i’ll always take more CG even if its moeblob shorts.   The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater (Web) - see above The King’s Avatar - I’ve been wanting an esport anime.  I’m glad to see its quality.  Protag-kun’s character goofy smile feels out of place and awkward but i’ll recommend it.  Note this is in chinese so the lines sound strange compared to the japanese I’m accustomed to. Little Witch Academia - haven’t followed in a couple weeks but it alright. Pokemon SM - it’s pokemon but with more SoL.  Big fan of this.  wish it was more regular. Renai Boukun - I don’t know how to describe this.  its a comedy harem where protag-kun isn’t dense.  good shit. Saekano S2 - Loved season 1.  Loving season 2.  shits happening and the stories progressing.  Big plot points happened this past week.  potential waifu in Utaha and Megumi. Sakura Quest - CGDCT running a tourism board.  really cute girls.  Potential waifu of the season in Shiori.  Alright.
As far as the waifu candidates listed above, I’ll probably do a wave 1 elimination of characters introduced in earlier seasons.  So no Utaha, Megumi, no CG, no Ais, No Sucy, Uraraha (i probably butchered that) or any of the other BnHA girls, and no Mikasa or other AoT girls.  i know i listed some of them above but whatever i contradict myself.
Shows I still wanna check out before I give my recommendation Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records Re:Creators Warau Salesman New
edit: and as always Im open to recommendations.  here’s a link to my mal so you can add me if you want.
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waha-no-baka · 7 years
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[Forum] Sorties mangas de novembre 2017 Sorties de novembre 2017 Mercredi 01 novembre 2017 Un Ciel Radieux T.1 Réédition 2017 (Manga) Casterman MangaJeudi 02 novembre 2017 7th Garden T.3 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Adam et Ève T.1 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Adam et Ève T.2 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Apeiron T.1 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Battle Rabbits T.4 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Black Clover T.1 Starter pack (Manga) Kazé Manga Black Clover T.9 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Chat malgré moi T.1 Simple (Manga) nobi nobi! Dédale T.1 Intégrale 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Die & Retry T.3 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Fairy Tail T.60 Collector (Manga) Pika Fairy Tail T.60 Française (Manga) Pika Food wars ! T.20 Simple (Manga) Tonkam Frau Faust T.1 Simple (Manga) Pika Gantz T.5 Perfect (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam GTO T.4 Édition 2017 (Manga) Pika GTO Paradise Lost T.8 Simple (Manga) Pika Head Trick T.3 Réédition (Global manga) ED Edition Je suis Shingo T.2 Simple (Manga) Le lézard noir Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Jojolion T.7 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days T.2 Intégrale (Manga) nobi nobi! L-DK T.18 Simple (Manga) Pika Les Chats du Louvre T.1 Simple (Manga) Futuropolis Les Gardiens du Louvre T.1 Noir et blanc (Manga) Futuropolis Love Hotel Princess T.1 Simple (Manga) Pika Lovely Hair T.4 Simple (Manga) Pika Mushoku Tensei T.4 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Nodame Cantabile T.24 Simple (Manga) Pika Notre Hikari Club T.1 Simple (Manga) Imho Notre Hikari Club T.2 Simple (Manga) Imho Sa majesté le chat T.1 Stickers (Manga) Doki-Doki Space Duck RG T.1 Simple (Global manga) H2T Tanya The Evil T.1 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam The Sacred Blacksmith T.10 Française (Manga) Doki-Doki Tokyo Alien Bros. T.2 Simple (Manga) Le lézard noir Winged mermaids T.2 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Young GTO ! T.3 Volumes doubles (Manga) PikaVendredi 03 novembre 2017 Au-delà de l'apparence T.4 Simple (Manga) Kana Batman & the justice League T.1 Simple (Manga) Kana Boruto T.3 Simple (Manga) Kana Fire force T.4 Simple (Manga) Kana Monster Musume - Everyday Life with Monster Girls T.1 Simple (Manga) Ototo Manga Monster Musume - Everyday Life with Monster Girls T.2 Simple (Manga) Ototo Manga Naruto T.5 Simple (Roman) Kana No Guns Life T.5 Simple (Manga) Kana So charming ! T.2 Simple (Manga) Kana Sword Art Online - Progressive T.6 Simple (Manga) Ototo MangaMercredi 08 novembre 2017 A stray dog in the night T.2 Simple (Manga) IDP Be my slave T.4 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Blood Blockade Battlefront T.9 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Bokura no Negai T.3 Simple (Manga) IDP Coeur de hérisson T.5 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Coffee & Vanilla T.2 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Et demain ça sera quoi ! T.2 Simple (Manga) IDP Flaver T.1 Simple (Manga) IDP Kiss me host club T.3 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga L'ère des cristaux T.7 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga La Cage de la Mante Religieuse T.2 Simple (Manga) IDP Le fil du destin T.3 Simple (Manga) Panini manga Les Liaisons Dangereuses T.1 Intégrale (Manga) Soleil Manga Let's pray with the priest T.5 Simple (Manga) IDP Like the Beast T.9 Simple (Manga) IDP Mods T.1 Simple (Manga) IDP Plum, un amour de chat T.14 Française (Manga) Soleil Manga Terra Formars T.20 Française (Manga) Kazé Manga The Dog and Waning Moon T.1 Simple (Manga) IDP Timeless Romance T.1 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Toi et moi, jamais T.4 Simple (Manga) Panini manga Vampire knight memories T.2 Simple (Manga) Panini mangaJeudi 09 novembre 2017 Bokuoji T.1 Simple (Manga) # a renseigner Bravely default design works : The art of bravely 2010-2013 T.1 Simple (Artbook) Kurokawa Gift ± T.5 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Im - Great Priest Imhotep T.5 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Ippo T.8 Saison 5 : Dans l'ombre du champion (Manga) Kurokawa Jumping T.3 Simple (Manga) Akata Kenichi - Le Disciple Ultime T.19 Saison 2 (Manga) Kurokawa Les Mémoires de Vanitas T.3 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Lockdown T.6 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Love Baka T.2 Simple (Manga) Kurokawa Mawaru Penguindrum T.1 Simple (Light novel) # a renseigner Mob Psycho 100 T.4 Simple (Manga) Kurokawa Moi, quand je me réincarne en slime T.1 Simple (Manga) Kurokawa Moving Forward T.6 Simple (Manga) Akata My Hero Academia T.11 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Orange T.2 Simple (Roman) Akata Pokémon T.1 La grande aventure - coffret (Manga) Kurokawa Pokémon Soleil Lune T.1 Simple (Manga) Kurokawa Soul guardians T.1 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Vinland Saga T.1 Coffret (Manga) Kurokawa World war demons T.3 Simple (Manga) AkataVendredi 10 novembre 2017 La Légende du héros chasseur d'aigles T.3 Simple (Manhua) Urban china Sherlock Holmes (ISAN) T.3 Simple (Manga) ISAN Manga Vers l'Ouest T.2 Simple (Manhua) Urban chinaMercredi 15 novembre 2017 Attache-Moi ! T.14 Simple (Manga) Pika Beyblade - Burst T.2 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Beyblade - Burst T.2 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Beyond Evil T.1 Intégrale (Manga) Kazé Manga Card captor Sakura - Clear Card Arc T.1 Simple (Manga) Pika Chi une Vie de Chat T.15 Grand format (Manga) Glénat Manga Chihayafuru T.22 Simple (Manga) Pika Dark goddess T.2 Simple (Manga) Pika DEAD Tube T.6 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Freaky girls T.4 Simple (Manga) Pika Fûka T.5 Simple (Manga) Pika Hitokui T.8 Simple (Manga) Panini manga Innocent Rouge T.3 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam L'Attaque des Titans Answers T.1 Simple (Fanbook) Pika La maison du soleil T.6 Simple (Manga) Pika Le Chant des Souliers rouges T.4 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Le garçon et la bête T.1 Intégrale avec roman (Manga) Kazé Manga Les voyages de Gulliver T.1 Simple (Manga) nobi nobi! Love & Lies T.6 Simple (Manga) Pika Love x Dilemma T.8 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam MPD Psycho T.22 Simple (Manga) Pika Nisekoi : Kosaki, Magical Patissière ! T.1 Intégrale (Manga) Kazé Manga Platinum End T.1 Starter pack (Manga) Kazé Manga Pochi & Kuro T.4 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga QQ Sweeper T.1 Intégrale (Manga) Kazé Manga Rain Man T.2 Simple (Manga) Panini manga Shikigami T.5 Simple (Manga) Panini manga Soul Keeper T.8 Française (Manga) Panini manga Sous le ciel de Tokyo... T.1 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Space travelers T.1 Intégrale (Manga) Kazé Manga Sun-Ken Rock T.5 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.6 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.7 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.8 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Trinity Seven T.14 Française (Manga) Panini manga Une vie au zoo T.2 Simple (Manga) nobi nobi! Urasawa - le Guide Officiel T.1 Simple (Guide) Panini manga Yo-kai watch T.1 Coffret (Manga) Kazé MangaJeudi 16 novembre 2017 Chateau Narumi T.2 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Rudolf Turkey T.6 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Sto:Rage T.2 Simple (Manga) Komikku EditionsVendredi 17 novembre 2017 Alderamin on the sky T.3 Simple (Manga) Ototo Manga Atom - The beginning T.4 Simple (Manga) Kana Blood & Steel T.9 Simple (Manhua) Kotoji éditions Chronoctis express T.1 Simple (Global manga) Kotoji éditions Devilsline T.9 Simple (Manga) Kana Gintama T.46 Simple (Manga) Kana Hayate the Combat Butler T.37 Simple (Manga) Kana Hunter X Hunter T.34 Simple (Manga) Kana Les Secrets du Ninja T.1 Simple (Global manga) Budo Love, be loved, Leave, be left T.5 Simple (Manga) Kana Mécanique guides manga T.1 Simple (Guide) H&K Psycho-pass, Inspecteur Akane Tsunemori T.2 Simple (Manga) Kana Re:Monster T.3 Simple (Manga) Ototo Manga Seraph of the end T.12 Simple (Manga) Kana Short Love Stories T.4 Simple (Manga) Kana Sky High survival T.8 simple (Manga) Kana Tales of wedding rings T.4 Simple (Manga) KanaMercredi 22 novembre 2017 12 ans T.10 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Ajin T.10 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Akira T.3 Édition définitive (Manga) Glénat Manga Altaïr T.18 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Back Street Girls T.3 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Berserk - Guide Book T.1 Simple (Fanbook) Glénat Manga Blue Exorcist T.19 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Deathtopia T.4 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Dragon Ball Super T.1 Coffret (Manga) Glénat Manga Dragon Head T.5 Pika Graphic (Manga) Pika Dream Team T.45 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Friends Games T.5 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Gunnm T.7 Edition originale (Manga) Glénat Manga Gunnm Mars Chronicle T.4 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Les gouttes de dieu - Mariage T.6 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Masked noise T.8 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga One Piece 500 QUIZ BOOK T.1 Coffret intégrale (Fanbook) Glénat Manga ONE PIECE : Les recettes pirates de Sanji T.1 Simple (Méthode) Glénat Manga Priest T.3 Pika Graphic (Manhwa) Pika Red Dragon T.2 Simple (Manga) Glénat Manga Rinne T.22 Simple (Manga) Kazé Manga Super Mario T.15 Manga adventures (Manga) Soleil Manga Tokyo Ghoul [Kûhaku] T.1 Simple (Roman) Glénat Manga Toriko T.39 Française (Manga) Kazé MangaJeudi 23 novembre 2017 Anne et la Maison aux Pignons Verts T.2 Simple (Manga) ISAN Manga Durarara!! T.4 Simple (Light novel) Ofelbe Gen d'Hiroshima T.4 Intégrale (Manga) Vertige graphic Gun Dragon Sigma T.1 Deluxe (Manga) ISAN Manga Gun Dragon Sigma T.2 Deluxe (Manga) ISAN Manga Immortal Hounds T.5 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Lady Gwendoline T.4 Simple (Manga) ISAN Manga Le disciple de Doraku T.4 Simple (Manga) ISAN Manga Les Fleurs du mal T.7 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Ma vie dans les bois T.2 Simple (Manga) Akata Magical Girl of the End T.14 Simple (Manga) Akata Prisonnier Riku T.24 Simple (Manga) Akata Roji ! T.10 Simple (Manga) Ki-oon Void T.1 Simple (Manga) Taifu ComicsMercredi 29 novembre 2017 1 siècle d'animation japonaise T.1 Simple (Ouvrage sur le manga) Ynnis éditions Alice in Murderland T.7 Simple (Manga) Pika Alice on Border road T.2 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Apeiron T.2 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Arachnid T.12 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Bloody Mary T.7 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Cheeky love T.5 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Choubi-choubi, mon chat pour la vie T.6 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Crush on you! T.2 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Divine Nanami T.25 Simple (Manga) Delcourt Manga Dolly Kill Kill T.8 Simple (Manga) Pika Evolution six T.5 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki EX-ARM T.6 Simple (Manga) Tonkam Fairy girls T.4 Simple (Manga) Pika Flying Witch T.5 Simple (Manga) nobi nobi! Gambling School T.4 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Gantz T.6 Perfect (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam Gantz G T.2 Simple (Manga) Delcourt / Tonkam GTO T.5 Édition 2017 (Manga) Pika Hikaru No Go T.11 Deluxe (Manga) Tonkam Incarnations T.13 Simple (Manga) Delcourt Manga Killer instinct T.6 Simple (Manga) Tonkam L'Attaque des Titans T.7 Colossale (Manga) Pika L'Attaque des Titans T.23 Limitée (Manga) Pika L'Attaque des Titans T.23 Simple (Manga) Pika Les Brigades Immunitaires T.4 Simple (Manga) Pika Love in progress T.4 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Lovely Love Lie T.19 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga Seven Deadly Sins T.24 Edition limitée (Manga) Pika Seven Deadly Sins T.24 Française (Manga) Pika Space Chef Caisar T.1 Nouvelle édition 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Street fighting cat T.4 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.9 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.10 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.11 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.12 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Sun-Ken Rock T.13 Écrins 2017 (Manga) Doki-Doki Super Mario Adventures T.1 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess T.3 Simple (Manga) Soleil Manga The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures T.1 Perfect (Manga) Soleil Manga The testament of sister new devil T.9 Simple (Manga) Delcourt Manga To Love Darkness T.18 Simple (Manga) Tonkam To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts T.3 Simple (Manga) Pika Wizard of the battlefield T.4 Simple (Manga) Doki-Doki Yamada kun & The 7 Witches T.16 Simple (Manga) Delcourt Manga Young GTO ! T.4 Volumes doubles (Manga) PikaJeudi 30 novembre 2017 Divci Valka T.5 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Divci Valka T.6 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions La petite fille aux allumettes T.5 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Mushroom T.3 Simple (Manga) Komikku Editions Lien vers la fiche : http://ift.tt/2zHdr22 http://ift.tt/2zrOM0J
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