#mainly because of yvonne
lilyvessticle · 4 months
When (most) songs appear in Camp Here & There
Ok so I'm a little normal about CHNT. Just finished it recently, and I really loved the musical motifs. Big Will Wood fan. The full songs that came from the podcast are some of my fav Will Wood songs, so it was unbelievably cool to slowly realize they are actually about CHNT as it went on. I was confused on one thing though.
What's the deal with Yes, to err is human, so don't be one? I know that it's supposed to be about Adam, with the Vampirism/Cannibalism and all that. But I checked all points he's mentioned, Files 11, 16, and 28, and Yes to err is human doesn't play during any of them. Looking back, the slightly whimsical tune of the song wouldn't really match the vibe of someone horrifically eating their own. But here's the thing. It appears so much throughout the series. I could only recall a few instances of it appearing by memory, so I tried to look up some kind of list of when each song appears in the podcast, as background music or stand alone. I got nothing. I had some time and said fuck it, I'll do it myself.
To preface, I didn't include any instances of When Somebody Needs You or Your Body, My Temple, because I think the meaning and reason for inclusion are easy enough to pick up on: the relationship between Sydney and Jedidiah, and The Elephant Man (who I refer to as e man cause I'm lazy) respectfully. I did however include one instance of Your Body, which I'll go over later. I also didn't include any of the other background songs that didn't have a connection with the main album Will Wood posted for this podcast. I also occasionally added descriptors of the motif itself if I felt that it was noteworthy. If it simply says end, it played during after the episode during the end segment.
First off, the reason why I did this in the first place. Looking at all instances of Yes to Err, I'm starting to realize that it doesn't have a meaning. Or at least a specific one character, like with the other two songs. Yes to Err appears a whole 11 times, and no specific character/idea is really a throughline through any of them. One idea I have is that it might be a theme for dramatic irony. An innocent event/theme that will either end in disaster or turn rotten. In file 1, Sydney questions the e man's existence, which of course takes a spin throughout the whole series. In file 8, it appears when Sydney is playing the 3 questions game with Jedidiah's package. To me it seemed like innocent bickering between close friends at first, but then suddenly turned more heated. Weirdly enough, it played during both times Yvonne covered for Sydney's announcements. I don't really know how this connects to dramatic irony, maybe something to do with Sydney's weird handwriting? But like this, many other appearances feel loose at best when thought of from this angle.
Next up is the main theme, remixed to be played in the background. Like Yes to Err, this one doesn't seem like there is much connection between instances. While listening for the first time, I thought that the main theme was a motif for the whole camp or Lucille. This was mainly because of the instance with staff bonding, and Lucille was mentioned a handful of times while this played. But looking back, there are also plenty of instances where the current event isn't connected to the camp specifically or Lucille, like in file 28 where they are practicing astral projecting.
The final big one that I recorded was Rhumba of Death, which doesn't actually have lyrics but is still included in the main album, so I decided to include it as well. Like the others, no clear connector.
Which leads me to my depressing final point: there probably is no specific reason M&B put any of these background songs where they were. Most likely it was to fit the vibe of whatever situation was currently playing out. When researching, I also saw somewhere that M&B commissioned 2 full songs, but Will provided 4. So perhaps Yes to Err and Venetian Blind Man were unexpected, and so they didn't use either of them in accordance to the lyrics. I realized this like half way through doing this, but I decided to post this anyways. If anyone like me is curious about the motifs of CHNT, they can maybe find this post and find solace that someone had already done it and found no reason.
Extra little tidbits:
There is exactly ONE instance of Venetian Blind Man, another one of the songs that has lyrics. The lyrics talk about Rowan and his fear of the sky. It appears in the end segment of file 2, which is about penguins invading the camp and holding it under threat for fish. It has absolutely nothing to do with Rowan, which is a little funny. However the next episode, file 3, starts off with Rowan's introduction and depicts him freaking out about the sky. It does seem like a little bit too much for a coincidence, but at the same time they weren't even in the same episode. Just thought it was neat.
Another interesting bit is that Your Body, My Temple plays in file 9, when Joshua has his rant about Juniper not being an alpha male. This is noticeably missing any creepy men with masks shaped like a certain animal. M&B might have just wanted to use a song with a more sassy energy, but afaik this is the only time the song is used when not describing The Elephant Man. Weird.
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skarlette1 · 4 months
Pearl Girls: Where I Belong
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--The final chapter of the Pearl Girls series.
Can it really be a single semester since I was given a pearl necklace that turned me into an unwilling sex worker? It seemed like the ordeal had gone on for years. But it was finally over. Finally.
That seductive necklace had turned me from Alexis Ames, PhD, adjunct professor at Skarlette City University (and secretly the superheroine Argent) into “Professor Pearl Girl”. As a mind-controlled tool of Club Absinthe, I had spent the last few months as little more than a sex toy at the beck and call of the Club’s pearl-level members. I hadn’t conceived of any way to avoid that fate until three days ago.
The last seventy-two hours since Yvonne Yates had broken my necklace and set me free had been a whirlwind of activity. As Professor Alexis Ames, I’d helped the police to liberate of all the Pearl Girls of the Chloros Neriada Sorority. Although most of the girls had tried to destroy their necklaces before they could be removed, we’d managed to recover a few pieces. Some would be used as evidence in the prosecution of the pearl-level members of Club Absinthe that had benefited from the Pearl Girls’ services. I’d also delivered several necklaces, well-sealed in reinforced titanium cases, to Libido League Tower. Platinum Panther and Sammie Sims would study their circuitry so they could protect us from threats like this in the future.
I’d given hours of testimony to the police and district attorneys about the inner workings of the Pearl Girl network and its infiltration of the highest levels of Skarlette City University. Dean Dickinson had already resigned in disgrace and it seemed likely that most of the trustees would do the same within the week.
I’d also told the authorities about the theft of antiquities that Lyta Leasch was supposed to be delivering to the museum, although I couldn’t quite bring myself to speak her name. The police were easily able to identify Lyta as the archaeologist in question. Unfortunately, she’d already withdrawn her life savings and left town for parts unknown. Even her husband, Grant Kerry, had no idea where she might be—at least none he was willing to share with the police. I’d considered approaching him as a colleague to encourage him to help with the investigation. But, after all that I’d done to him under the influence of the pearls, I was certain that I was the last person he would want to see.
Even though Treasure Tartarus looked likely to escape justice for her part at the center of all of it, I’d wracked my brain for ways to make her pay for her crimes. But the thought just kept sliding out of my head. It was mainly because I was so very tired, but to be honest, some of it was because of how much I still wanted to kiss her.
By the time the authorities had asked me all their questions, even my superheroic stamina was flagging. It was the middle of the night and there was nothing left for me to do but head back to my penthouse, collapse on my bed still dressed, and sleep. My dreams were twisted visions of glinting pearls, ruby lips, and smoking-hot sex—proof that all those months as a Pearl Girl couldn’t be wiped away as easily as crushing a necklace.
I awoke with the sun already high in the sky, my muscles stiff, and my crotch sticky. The mists of my dreams melted in the morning sun like the memory of how passionately I had been desired as “Professor Pearl Girl.” I dragged myself into the shower and let the streaming water wash away the physical residue of my ordeal, cleansing my body from scalp to toes. The emotional fallout would be much harder to scrub away. I let the water flow over me for a long, long time. Its soothing hiss and warm caress slowly helped to center me in the here and now: The first day of my post-Pearl Girl life.
Looking at myself in the mirror, the difference from four months ago was striking. Argent’s short, no-nonsense, honey-blond hair had become long, platinum tresses that reached nearly to my waist. Alexis Ames’s thickly arched eyebrows that enhanced her look of intelligence had been plucked down to thin lines that made my whole face look weak. Tentative. Needy.
Worst of all was the lost confidence in my eyes. As a professor, I knew my subject area, inside and out. As a superheroine, I knew my powers and how to use them to help people. But I didn’t see any of that in my eyes—only a woman filled with regret at her past failings, and profound doubt that she had the strength to avoid them in the future. Now that I was free, I had no idea what I wanted, other than stopping those who had taken advantage of me. Did I want to return to the classroom, where so many of my transgressions had taken place? Did I want to return to active duty with the Libido League, where I would constantly worry that my fantastic powers would fall into the service of a supervillain due to my weak will? Did I want to try some other path altogether?
My stomach growled. I guess at least one part of me knew what it wanted. I wrapped a silk robe around me and headed toward the kitchen. The Italian tile was cool on my bare feet. Halfway down the hall, I was greeted by the smell of fresh coffee. I had barely been here during my time as a Pearl Girl so I couldn’t believe that the coffee maker was still functional.
I walked into the kitchen and found Crystal Creese—my personal shopper and sometime domme—standing at my stove. Wearing a stylish burgundy sweater, black leather skirt, and crimson leather boots, she was … cooking. “According to the news, Alexis, you’ve been through one hell of a semester. Exceptional circumstances call for exceptions to my rules, especially about how I treat you going forward. In addition to your closet, I’ve stocked your pantry. Pour some coffee and fetch the plates. The frittata will be ready in a minute. I’m sure you need some protein. Then you can tell me all about it.”
I stood with my lips parted, unsure of what to say. I wasn’t surprised that she’d gotten into the penthouse, I had given her a passcode for the private elevator weeks ago. I was slightly surprised that she was cooking—she didn’t seem the type. I definitely was surprised that despite whatever she’d heard about me on the news, she still came over to help, or even wanted to associate with me at all!
“Snap to it, Alexis!” Crystal said. “Recovery from brainwashing means I cook you food, it doesn’t mean I set the table.”
“S-sorry, Crystal.” I hurried to prepare the breakfast nook and pour the coffee. Crystal brought over the frying pan and plated the frittata. I forced myself to take a bite. My mouth was awash in sensation. “My god, Crystal. This is the best thing I’ve tasted in months!”
“Don’t act surprised that I know my way around the kitchen.”
“It’s not that. I just realized that I’ve barely been tasting my food for months. Whatever else that Pearl Girl necklace was doing to me, it must have been focusing so much of my attention on sexual pleasures that my other senses were dulled. It’s like every single experience of the past few months was twisted by those glimmering, white pearls.”
Once I started talking, I couldn’t seem to stop. As we finished the frittata and sipped the coffee, I told Crystal nearly everything about my life as a Pearl Girl. From the way I was first tricked into donning the pearls, to my earliest services to pearl-level members, to the way I used Grant Kerry’s feelings against him, my arrangements with Dean Dickinson and the other trustees, and how I’d nearly brainwashed my lover Yvonne into sexual slavery. I even confessed that I’d only started a relationship with Crystal because I had mistakenly believed she was a pearl-level member (she got a hearty laugh out of that). The only things I held back were my secret identity as a superheroine (for obvious reasons), any mention of Lyta Leasch (I’m not sure why), and how much my desire to kiss Treasure Tartarus had shaped all of it (I was still ashamed of how much I still burned for the touch of her lips).
The afternoon shadows had grown long by the time I finished my tale. Crystal’s attention never wavered. She had never struck me as the warm and understanding type, but her presence made me feel seen in a way I couldn’t quite explain. Losing the pearls hadn’t just changed me, its effects were even rippling through those around me, even through someone as strong and unyielding as Crystal Creese.
When I couldn’t say another thing about the last few months, I looked to Crystal—Crystal who had every reason to leave me a distant memory, but was still sitting across the table from me. “So, what do you think?”
“I’ve got a hell of a vocabulary, Alexis, but I can’t find the words to describe how wretched your ordeal was. That’s one of the reasons I’m here.”
“What do you mean, Crystal?”
“I mean that I’m breaking my own rules. I have clients who are just clients. I have clients that become friends. I have clients, like you, who sub for me. Never the twain shall meet. While I might be friendly with my subs, and my friends might think I’m a bitch sometimes, it doesn’t change the fact that my subs are never my friends. But when I heard what happened to you, I realized that today of all days, you needed a friend.”
“Thank you, Crystal. It means more than you know. I don’t know how I’m going to get past this.”
She leaned forward. “You’re going to get past it by putting it in the past, Alexis. You’re going look at what this experience has given you that you can use, and fucking use it. Forget the rest.”
“What did being a Pearl Girl give me that I can use?”
“Me, for one thing.” I let out a small laugh, but Crystal cut me off. “Seriously, those little pearls thrust you into all sorts of situations you never would have tried on your own. Some of them you hated, sure. But some of them you didn’t. Be honest with yourself. Some of the things the pearls made you do were some of the most intense experiences of your life. You know who you are so much better than you did before the pearls, Alexis. Build on that and move forward.”
“It’s not that simple, Crystal.”
“Make it that simple. You’re free of the pearls, so act like it. Choose for yourself what you want to do, and do it. Decide who you want to be, and be it. Become that version of Alexis, right now. Don’t worry about the repercussions. Let the past die. Let tomorrow take care of itself.” Her eyes flashed with that intense passion for life I had seen so often in the bedroom.
“You make it sound so easy.”
“It’s as easy as dressing for the life you want to live, Alexis. In fact, you should go get dressed right now. I’ve filled your closet with beautiful clothes. I can’t wait to see what you choose—what version of Alexis I get to meet. Go in there and put on the first outfit of the rest of your life.”
I opened my mouth to answer but realized she was right—about getting dressed, at least. Crystal looked amazing and I was wearing nothing but a silk robe, my knees pulled up to my chest with my bare feet resting on the seat of the chair. With a little nod, I rose and padded down the hall to my bedroom.
My closet has been completely reorganized. There were stylish but serious suits for academic wear; slinky dresses to go clubbing; a leather catsuit (obviously for the bedroom but that wouldn’t look out of place fighting crime); and lingerie that was more ribbon than silk. Which outfit was right for the first day of my post-Pearl Girl life? Which version of Alexis Ames would I be? The professor for my students? The heroine for the city? The loving domme and mentor for Yvonne?
What could I be for Crystal? Sub? Lover?
Today was nice. I’d never had many friends. But it would take more than a stylish sweater to prepare me for Crystal’s “friend” category. Is that even what I wanted? Her rule was that friends were never lovers. Could I bear to never have sex with her again? To never see that hunger flash in her eyes as she gazed over my body?
I studied the gorgeous clothes for a long time, trapped in indecision. Then, a single question bubbled up in my mind:
Why do I need to choose? If Crystal can keep her subs separate from her friends, why can’t I have an outfit for every mood? A persona for every relationship? Of course I could. I already had one secret identity as a superheroine; what did a few more matter?
But who would I be with Crystal?
Time for the first decision of the rest of my life. “Crystal? Could you come here?”
The heels of her boots click-clacked their way down the hall. “Have you made your decision, Alexis?”
“Yes ...” I turned to face her, my head hung low. “... and no. I’ve decided not to decide. You have far better taste than I do. You selected all these beautiful clothes. How do you want to see me tonight ...” I drew circles in the carpet with my big toe. It was now or never. “... Mistress Crystal?”
Crystal gasped. “I was hoping you’d know a good thing when you had it, Alexis.” She sauntered over to face me. I could see how much she wanted me just by the way she rolled her hips with each step. “This is a lovely robe, but it’s last year’s fashion. Take it off.”
“Yes, Mistress.” I unknotted the belt and let the robe hang open a moment. I loved the smile that played across her face as Crystal’s eyes drank in the strip of flesh peeking between the lapels. Inch by inch, I shrugged the silk off my shoulders until it slid down my back with a whisper.
Crystal let out a soft moan. “You’re like a work of art, Alexis. A work of art I love to kiss.”
“Yes, Mistress.” I leaned over, my lips parted—even barefoot, I was a bit taller than Crystal in boots. Her lips were just as warm as I remembered.
Her hand made its way up my neck. Grabbing a fistful of my long hair, Crystal pulled me deeper into the kiss. Her other hand glided across my breasts, teasing my sensitive nipples to stiff peaks. She took her time, coaxing the passion from my body. I was moaning in her mouth by the time her hands trailed lower, claiming every inch of me along the way.
Pushing me back against the floor-to-ceiling windows, Crystal broke the kiss. Her brilliant eyes flashed, pinning me to the glass like a butterfly under her passionate inspection. Her fingers explored the folds of my sex, playing my body like a virtuoso. A high-pitch whimper escaped my throat.
“There you are, Alexis. I see you. Cum for me.”
I came, shamelessly riding her hand. Like an all-seeing goddess, Mistress Crystal bore witness to my passion.
When my legs grew too rubbery to support me, Crystal guided me to my knees. I shuddered against her thighs as she stroked my hair and told me what a good girl I was.
After months of being forced to give myself to anyone who wanted me, my first choice as a free woman was to give myself to one woman in particular. Before the pearls, I would have sworn I didn’t have a submissive bone in my body. But as Mistress Crystal petted my hair and whispered her praise, I couldn’t deny there was only place I wanted to be:
On my knees before her.
--The End (for now)
--It’s been quite a ride since the first chapter of “Pearl Girls” in July 2021. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it!
Like what you read? Will you buy me a coffee and request something rich to sink my teeth into? Or peek into the depths of my longer fiction?
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guccibootyellow · 5 months
IWOAW Update:
I just thought I’d let you guys know where I’m at since it’s been a while (in regards to updating anything IWOAW). The reason it’s taking a while is mainly bc of my health (which is in a much better place now!!) but also because I may have decided to rewrite all the scenes with Yvonne and Bonnie… 🫣😶
I’m working to bring you something that I feel is right and makes sense, and I want to give the story and its characters justice, so bear with me as I rework some things and know it’s still very much in progress and is being worked on. Ofc I can’t share anything (🤐) but I know you guys will like what I have in store!! I really can’t wait to share 👀
Thank you sm for your patience; I really do appreciate the continued interest in my story and how understanding you’ve all been 🩷
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Another round of older fic recommendations - somehow I'm still not done going through all my old FFnet favs. I'm including Ao3 links where I can and describing the fics in my own words.
The Master Manipulator by Guildsister - Robert Hogan has been fighting the Nazis in whatever capacity he can since before his country even joined the war and he's not about to stop now just because he's become a PoW.
This one isn't just a favorite Hogan's Heroes fic, it is The Favorite. The best I've read and what comes to mind first when I feel like reading Hogan's Heroes fanfics. Guildsister did a lot of research for this fic, the characterization of Klink here is my absolute favorite, and Hogan's back story just makes so much sense that I forget sometimes it's not canon. It captures the spirit of the show while grounding it more firmly in reality. It's rated T and found on FFnet.
An Unacceptable Sitch by Allaine - Kim's in college and out of the world saving business, or at least she was until Shego shows up one evening asking for Kim's help. The family that's taken over what was Team Possible's niche isn't the clan of goody two-shoes that everyone thinks they are and both Kim and Shego are going to need to put aside their differences if they're going to get themselves back in fighting shape to stop them.
This is the first in a series - six completed fics and one unfinished - that eventually winds up Kim/Shego for the ship. It ignores the events of S4 - I think it may have been started before Kim and Ron hooked up on the show? - so Kim and Ron never dated here. It's one of my favorite Kim Possible fic series, as it captures a lot of what I really enjoyed about the show. Kim's struggles with accepting herself and her feelings for Shego over the course of the series is also interesting - and considering her difficulties with her social life on the show, feels very true to the character. It's rated T and found on FFnet.
Home for the Holidays by Acid Rain - In which the orphanage gang gets together for the holidays and naturally winds up fighting a natural disaster. But the natural disaster is probably still a lot less stressful than the holiday shopping that preceeded it.
It's part of a series, but stands alone quite well. A Seifer/Squall post canon fic with lots of humor. It's actually a multi-author collaboration and I know at least one of them can be found on Ao3 these days. This fic, however, is rated M and found on FFnet.
Insomnia by tikitikirevenge - Link may have time travel on his side, but that doesn't mean he's got all the time in the world. He can only reset reality so many times before the consequences start to set in…
This one is an unfinished retelling of Majora's Mask. And while it doesn't seem likely this one will be finished, it's well worth the read. It really captured the unsettling feeling of Majora's Mask and the urgency of the time limit comes through with how here everything is happening concurrently - so while Link is helping in the swamp in the fic, future versions of him are already completing tasks in other areas. And he only has so many loops before things go wrong anyway. It's rated T and found on FFnet.
A Brief Account of Life With Zombies by Silverpard - The zombie apocalypse happens. Of course the Holmes brothers find it a nuisance more than anything.
A short but humorous zombie fic set in the Sherlock tv series. Not usually a zombie fan, but silly parodies like this are definitely my cup of tea. I was pleased to find this over on Ao3 (and there's a pod fic of it too) where it's rated G. It's epistolary style, with emails and texts mainly, so there's a bit of distance to the apocalypse too.
To the Sticking Place by zephyras13 - Ianto Jones is sent to Torchwood 3 before the destruction of Torchwood 1 as a field agent meant to keep an eye on the place for Yvonne Hartmon. And Jack hates him for it. But it is hard to hate a person forever. And there's more to Ianto Jones than he lets on.
It's a canon re-write with a dash of fix-fic, though poor Owen and Tosh still don't make it. It's really good with Jack/Ianto as the main ship - the disasters. It's rated M and I was glad to find it over on Ao3.
Truthfully by Salazarfalcon - Loki is absolutely all about causing chaos and starting trouble… but Earth also has this little thing called therapy and it's might actually be helping.
In which Loki starts working out his issues in therapy, discovers he enjoys self care, and becomes more than a bit attached to the Earth. There's no ship here, just family feels and Loki coming to terms with being lied to all his life. Rated T and found on FFnet.
To Turn to the Dark Side, Press Three by frodogenic - The true path to the dark side… being put repeatedly on hold with the insurance company. The hold music keeps playing operas about the Sith - it's really only a matter of time…
A ridiculously silly story about Anakin having to deal with the insurance company after having his arm chopped off by Dooku. He gets put on hold. A lot. The fic is rated G and is indeed on Ao3.
To Save the Queen by AwayOHumanChild - Sabe is living out her dreams of being handmaiden to the Queen when war comes to Naboo. First in a series spanning the Prequel series.
While it's partly a fix-fic, it's mainly just a 'what was going on with the handmaidens' fic. It's a lot of fun - I absolutely adore all the different handmaidens - and there's some Sabe/Obi-Wan going on (very, very, very slowburn) alongside the canon Anakin/Padme. Rated K+ on FFnet. At one point it did start getting cross posted to Ao3, but alas it appears that effort was abandoned part-way through the first fic some years ago. But the series is complete on FFnet and it's one of my favorite Prequel Series fanfics.
Letter to the Manufacturer by Alexis Seven - Kirk writes a complaint about the parachutes used during the mission to Vulcan and ends up in an email chain regarding product warnings and complementary parachutes.
A somewhat dark comedic take on customer service regarding the parachutes used in the 2009 Star Trek movie. Written in epistolary form, it's basically a series of emails back and forth between Kirk and the company that made the parachutes. Rated K+ and found on FFnet.
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coyotevallie · 11 months
can we get a jeddiecore song list
YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUVE AWAKENED I LITERALLY AM CONSTANTLY WAITING FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABT RHE SONGS I ASSOCIATE W JEDIDIAH . anyways im gonna do songs that like .... Lyrically match but also try to align them with vibes . so even if some jhariah songs fit im not putting that on its not the right energy . yk . sorry u probably just wanted like a List but im abnormal about music i associate w jedidiah so ur getting a whole infodump hence why this took like a whole day to write </3
uhhhh starting off again . obviously love love love by the mountain goats the whole examination of the things ull do for love and examining whether thats romantic or somewhat horrifying????? SO fucking him . also the vibes just match perfectly the like sad soft voice and the whole quiet ambience .... literally how id embody him in a song . also lyrics like:
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this abt the ritual with love leading you into a "white and soundless place" (often how death is described) before "seeing each other face to face" (back to life and with him again) and:
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this abt his guilt afterwards??? the way that jedidiah killing and reviving sydney for love haunts him every day?????? goes fucking crazy . it fits so well to me its the jeddie song of ever
another tmg song hes just tmg coded BUT cry for judas is extremely him to me .... the themes of guilt overlayed w religion especially using judas as a comparison w sydney as a christ figure ... goes crazy . particularly
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this part at the beginning . it reminds me a lot of jedidiah avoiding sydney and hurting him and pushing away due to his own guilt as well as his self punishing behaviors plus obviously the themes of controlling time fit lol . i could overinterpret some other sections but i dont want to make this too rambling... but mainly this part makes me think of him and also lines like "sad and angry cant learn how to behave/still wont know how in the darkness of the grave" remind me of his weird lens of viewing sydney + the death themes that obviously call sydney to mind ...... also "some people crash two or three times and then learn from their mistakes/but we are the ones who dont slow down at all" reminds me of jedidiah projecting onto juniper and rowan who work out their issues easily and jedidiah who cant . i ramble
next up uhhhhh self esteem by ajj is basic sadboy music but yknow what . he would listen to basic sadboy music and i have intense lyrical analyses so if you call me on that then i will riot in the streets . anyway so the entire song is about like ..... avoiding other people out of guilt and shame and thats just him!!!! thats him baby . the repetition of this place has taken all my self esteem reminds me of his avoidance of sydney and the camp out of it reminding him of his guilt and shame but some more specific lyrics that remind me of him are
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reminds me of his refusal to leave his office because leaving means he'll see sydney and seeing sydney reminds him of his guilt . especially when paired w sydneys fear
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this part in PARTICULAR is extremely jeddiecoded!!!! to extremes!!!!!! reminds me of the contrast between college jeddie being scared of yvonne compared with jeddie not being able to handle talking to juniper bc he cant stop projecting his own guilt onto him . hes cray cray that way
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a: hes a pathetic little man <3 as well as reflecting his self hatred but let me be funny, b: the phrase "pathetic little dream" reminds me of lucille referring to sydney as his pet project in things like the patreon script preview of s2, and c: jedidiah simultaneously hates and longs for the concept of forgiveness so a song ending on that very note is insane to me
im not gonna include a proper analysis of trees and flowers by strawberry switchblade bc its REALLY more of a sydney song and putting it on a jeddiecore songlist would be evil bc of this but it fits a lil bit in my brain . the whole avoidance of the outside world and avoiding things you cant control like the trees and the buildings
an ode to a bunny i killed near the a19!!!! so jedidiahcore that its insane!!!!!! like it works so well for him that it has Double Meanings with both him having to tear apart the bunny and with him having to kill sydney cmon . its insanely jeddiecore . its hard to analyze this one lyric by lyric because its more of the Overall Feeling of it but the whole thing about agonizing over killing something and not being able to move on and all that nonsense . also the repetitive lines about not being able to do it and not being able to go through with it with the inevitible fact that theyll have to and they did is fucking insane for him because all of his like proper Murders are both like .... described very clinically without a lot of emotion but seem to have left a HUGE emotional impact on him that implies that at least internally there was a lot of emotions bound up in it even if its not necessarily visible. sydneys death is described incredibly clinically but clearly fucking wrecked him to go through with it, killing the bunny is described very matter of factly but he apparently hates doing that kind of thing, the pigs ritual is described very matter of factly but apparently horrified him so much that he cant eat pork anymore, etc etc
heart for brains by roar is more of a sydidiah song (heart-for-brains being sydney) but ill focus on the part that reminds me of jedidiah bc these arent SEDDIEcore songs theyre JEDDIEcore songs
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this part always reminds me of like . a VERY harsh awakening on jedidiahs part of how hes acting . very "i miss you im such a fucking idiot"core lol . because jedidiah Is incredibly cold and avoidant to sydney and it Has paid him well, but also hiding all his secrets and avoiding ever confiding in anyone hurts him just as much and doesnt make anything better or easier for himself like he thinks it does
who could win a rabbit by animal collective is a hard song to analyze lyrically lol its a lot of rambling . but it always reminds me of how others view jedidiah because of this whole idea of CONSTANTLY working and constantly being busy and never taking time to relax and enjoy things as well as the repetitive rabbit motifs reminding me of the whole rabbit scene . also iv generally thougth that jedidiah doesnt properly eat well or drink much during that time bc obvoiusly hes not spending time doing that so "eat it like its gonna get away/your coffee sure is getting colder" with leaving drinks untouched and eating food quickly to get back to work always reminds me of him
poor grammar also by roar is more how sydney Feels about jedidiah as opposed to like how jedidiah feels but im including it bc it fits .... SO insanely well that i can talk about it for ages
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theres this sense with how sydney percieves the way that their relationship grew and transitioned from being teens to being adults that jedidiah didnt mature and commit to the relationshipt he way that an adult would be expected to and that made sydney grow more ad more dissatisfied and thats what this line reminds me of
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this feels like . the EPITOME of pre-sydney running away seddie to me . like absolutely 100% to a t it feels like how jedidiah attempts to interact with sydney . he cant say anything outright he cant Tell sydney anything he cant outright say that he has to avoid sydney but cant handle it . he cant handle properly comforting sydney . so he just shakes and stammers and mumbles his way through a "comforting scene"
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and again this is just a lot more of like . id have to do a lot more sydney analysis here and again this is like a jedidiah song list so thats not erally the point lol ..... but the whole "how am i supposed to get through" having ad ouble meaning of "how can i get through to you when youll never talk to me" and "how can i get through this without you" and the "try repeating once again this time with feeling" wanting jedidiah to express proper emotion and love to him again and "premeditated like some sick joke waited all night for you" reminding me of things like the tower building competition .... yk how it is
and obviously never love an anchor is the jedidiah song of ever but like you could watch the animatic to understand that . no explanation i could give would do better than just watching tha damn animatic
i could probably come up with more but oh my god ive gone on too long </3 but yes those are my fav jeddiecore songs
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k00299393 · 3 months
Silhouette Animation - Background
I put a rough layout of what I wanted the background to be. And discussed with Yvonne how to move forward.
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I began with sizing it over the lightbox. Then making adjustments until I was happy with the composition. With each new piece I laid it on the lightbox.
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Using a mixture of materials to add texture and depth. Today (Friday) I was working from home. I quickly discovered that it was extremely hard to guess how each material would look without having a lightbox. Luckily my daughter had a type of light I was able to use. It wasn't perfect but gave me a good idea of how it was going.
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I'm very happy with the outcome but I am looking forward to seeing how it is with Yvonne's lightbox in college. Also found it interesting to see the difference in the image when the overhead lighting is turned off.
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Materials Used:
2 Laminate sheets (for transporting it home)
Selection of different tracing paper
Kitchen paper
Toilet paper
Cartridge paper
Brown envelope
Transparent crumpled pallet wrap
Bubble wrap (popped)
Ball point pen
Cutting mat
Light box
Masking tape
Dried out baby wipe
It was a slow process but I enjoyed making it. I did discover that its nice to have different textures but when you introduce plastic you also introduce static which gave me a lot of hassle mainly because I also had everything laid out on a sheet of laminate which didn't help. I have planned to make a second background but that has a lot less detail so shouldn't take as long. First I will use the silhouette figure on this background to see if I can manage the movements I want to create. The figure is very small and Yvonne said I might have to scale everything up. So I'll do a trial run first with this background before moving forward.
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the-kryomancer · 4 months
Hi Nic, it's me, your not mutual (who's name is not Tricks) to ask a question. For the book you're writing, has the first idea changed a lot since you finished the first draft of the story? Did you originally plan for it to go another way, only for it to completely go the other direction? Was there a book or series that inspired you to write your story how you did? Out of the characters for your story, who's YOUR blorbo? I know you gotta have a secret favorite
Ooh man, Not Tricks, that’s a whole loaded question. Be patient with me please
So, the original idea of the draft hasn’t changed that much but I’m still editing. I’m focused on refining details and making sure things make sense. It’s a lot of rewriting and redacting and passive aggressive notes to myself in the margins
But my god has the story changed since my original conception of it. It’ll actually be 10 this May since the birth of the story idea. And the original idea was massively different, with it mainly being a crossover of a lot of different fandoms. There was even a Gravity Falls au for it. Maybe if I can find the original docs of those I’ll post them to show how drastically things changed
I was inspired by a mix of things honestly. My initial inspiration of various and unique colors of magic for users was from The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. But certain parts of the story are inspired by different things. Like much of the realms and the Shadow Elves are inspired by Critical Role, as well as many of the gods in the story. The realm of the Shape Shifters is heavily inspired by steam punk and the Irish mafia. The Ogres and their society is heavily based on Vikings and Viking culture
And how dare you make me choose a favorite child. I simply can’t. Well I can. But it’s mostly based on what I’m focusing on at the moment. Like, I adore Mitchell and his history nerd ways and how I can sort of info dump through him. I love Eric and his redemption arc. I love Sucre and his rebellion against his family’s expectations. I love Nathan and his gray morals and kind of punk/fuck you world attitude. I love Yvonne and how in the end she isn’t truly a villain, just another victim of Edmund’s abuse
I love all of my characters, no matter how much I bad mouth or shit on them because they’re all terribly complex people with flaws just like us
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joy-of-life88 · 11 months
Inked Temptation [a Damian Priest story] 6 A chance to explain
Damian POV
I could not believe my ears. Her fiancé? Therefore, she had fooled me all this time. So much for not having a boyfriend in ages! I felt so stupid. I stared at Ellie for a second. Her face clearly showed how shocked she was.
"I need to get out of here." I muttered, basically running for the door.
"Damian wait! It's not what it looks like. I swear he's not-" Ellie began as she followed me and grabbed my hand.
I tore myself away and gave her a nasty glare. I didn't feel like listening to her excuses. She had obviously lied to me more than once. Why would I want to hear more of it?
"Leave me alone, Ellie! I don't want to hear it. I'm not going to help you cheat." I said as I got in the car and drove away without looking back.
I was so pissed. And I was confused. And I felt taken advantage of and I felt betrayed. So many feelings all at once. My head was spinning. Part of me couldn't believe I had fallen for this. Another part missed Ellie already. Jeez, I was a mess. Right now I was glad I didn't have to see her again until the weekend. Maybe I'd be lucky and my inner chaos would have subsided by then. But somehow I highly doubted that.
Meanwhile it was Saturday, but my thoughts still revolved around Ellie. This was mainly due to the fact that until yesterday she had tried to call me all the time and had also sent me countless messages, but I had neither answered the calls nor read the messages.
I mean, the whole thing was really clear. She wanted a thing on the side and had obviously not expected that her.... fiancé would come home so early.
With a deep sigh, I entered the arena. I hoped that I could avoid her as long as possible. But of course I had no luck. I had just managed to get my bag into the locker room. When I came out again, I was already expected.
Ellie stood leaning against the wall with her arms folded across her chest. Obviously she was very determined to tell me her story. However, I still did not have the slightest interest in it. The only thing that was weird to me was the fact that she was wearing sunglasses.
"Can we talk?" she asked.
"No." I grumbled and walked away.
"I deserve the chance to explain it to you Damian." she replied as she followed me down the hall.
"Go tell your fiancé," I said.
"He's not my fiancé, Damian!" she yelled at me as she grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop.
"What?" I asked as I looked at her after all.
"It's true, we were engaged. But that ended over two years ago! I broke up with him when I found out he was cheating on me basically from day one!" she explained to me.
"Then why would he suddenly show up at your apartment?" I wanted to know.
"Because he still imagines he can get me back and my fucking sister is a bitch," Ellie replied.
"What? What does this have to do with your sister?" I wanted to know.
"Because she's a friend of Scott's and apparently has been keeping him up to date  about my life all along. She knew from the beginning that he was cheating on me. She didn't think it was necessary to tell me though. Yvonne hates me and would have loved to see me marry the bastard," Ellie said and then took off her sunglasses.
But when I saw her face, my anger and confusion vanished in one fell swoop. Not just because I had missed it so much, but because she had a swollen, black eye.
"Oh my God, Ellie! Please tell me that not happened what I think..." I said in shock as I put my hand to her cheek.
"No... Don't worry, it wasn't Scott. He wouldn't dare... He's a pig, but he's a cop and he can't afford to hit women. After I made him tell me everything, he confessed that Yvonne told him I had a new boyfriend. And she encouraged him to mess it up for me.
I then drove the 100 miles to her house to confront her. And let me put it this way.... You once told me I should have slapped her... This time I did more... Trust me when I tell you she looks a lot worse.
I just wanted you to know everything. I didn't lie to you. We didn't know where we stood yet. Besides, we haven't talked about our past. Still, I can understand if you don't want to have anything to do with me anymore," Ellie explained while looking me firmly in the eyes.
A sad smile appeared on her lips and tears sparkled in her eyes before she turned away from me. But she couldn't even take a step when I grabbed her hand this time and didn't let her go.
Instead, I pulled her closer to me, carefully took her face in my hands and gave her a long kiss.
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ʚ Welcome to My Page ɞ
﹙☆﹚Get to know me﹙☆﹚
𝄞Hello, there my name is Yvonne I go by She/Her pronouns and I am bisexual!
𝄞I listen to music A LOT.  You may see a song or two included in the story if I think it fits the theme.  
𝄞Fun Fact- I was in the top 0.05% of Joey Valence listeners and the top 1% of Cigarettes After Sex.
𝄞I like to write short stories, headcanons, and I take requests~
𝄞I’ll admit my short stories aren’t the best because I LOVE to drag them on so I often write series.
𝄞I’m not a part of any specific fandom and often fan girl for multiple characters at a time.
𝄞My obsession at the moment is with MW2, the campaign was so good and the characters were so HOT!
〔☆〕Rules and what not〔☆〕
My rules are relatively simple and I hope you all can follow them,
♬Under no circumstances will I write about a minor (under the age of 18)
♬I will not tolerate prompts on SA and will never include them in my story
♬There will be NO incest on this page and no mentions of it
♬I hope to be inclusive with all of my stories so if your prompt is hurtful or rude to a group of people it will be ignored
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
That being said if any of these rules are broken you will be blocked, let’s be respectful~
I have no problem writing NSFW or SFW and Fluff is always welcome.
This page is mainly to help me improve my writing skills since I enjoy it so much but I’ve just never posted it publicly.
Constructive criticism is always nice~ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ 
⠀⠀Love, Yvonneꔫ
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blcckbustergirl · 1 year
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“I hope that you have changed today.  I hope that when you see someone being treated unfairly, you will feel compelled to say something because of what you’ve seen today.  I hope you know that we all have a responsibility and we each have a responsibility to mean it when we say Never Again.” – Yvonne Upchurch
[These are mainly including holocaust films but they are basically my favorite war related movies]
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awesomeshadow773 · 2 years
After some thinking, I felt like making a list of the Pokedex Holders' birthdays, zodiac signs, blood types, and what they specialize in for fun and to have it all in one place to look back on!
For a little heads up the list will have ships that I like to see how they match lol
While I don't take zodiac and blood types too seriously, I like having them as inspiration (along with the source material of course) for a character's personality or for any scenario ideas (mainly shipping haha)
Other than that I just suddenly felt motivated to make somewhat organized character profiles alongside some of the ships I really like! pft
(And because I often caught myself watching the TVs' horoscope in the Unova games, this will also include the Unova zodiac too lmao)
Here's the reference for the horoscope on Bulbapedia: Unova Zodiac
Red - The Fighter
August 8, Leo, Braviary, Type O
Blue (f) - The Evolver
June 1, Gemini, Klink, Type B
Green (m) - The Trainer
November 22, Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, Scolipede, Type AB
Yellow - The Healer
March 3, Pisces, Alomomola, Type A
Mangaquestshipping, Specialjewelshipping
Gold - The Hatcher/Breeder
July 21, Cancer-Leo cusp, Crustle, Type B
Crystal - The Catcher/Capturer
April 30, Taurus, Whimsicott, Type A
Silver - The Exchanger
December 24, Capricorn-Sagittarius cusp, Fraxure, Type AB
Ruby - The Charmer
July 2, Cancer, Crustle, Type O
Sapphire - The Conqueror
September 20, Virgo-Libra cusp, Gothorita, Type O
Emerald - The Calmer
May 31, Gemini, Bouffalant, Type AB-
Diamond - The Empathizer
April 4, Aries, Whimsicott, Type A
Platinum - The Understander
October 27, Scorpio, Lampent, Type A
Pearl - The Determiner
June 6, Gemini, Klink, Type B
Black - The Dreamer
October 8, Libra, Lampent, Type O
White - The Dreamer
October 5, Libra, Lampent, Type A
Blake/Lack-Two - The Arrester
May 4, Taurus, Bouffalant, Type ??
Whitley/Whi-Two - The Liberator
September 16, Virgo, Gothorita, Type B
X - The Loner
November 6, Scorpio, Scolipede, Type AB
Y/Yvonne - The Flyer
February 2, Aquarius, Simipour, Type O
Sun - The Saver
August 31, Virgo, Braviary, Type B
Moon - The Mixer
January 1, Capricorn, Sawsbuck, Type B
For the heck of it, lets put what's known of Galar:
Henry Sword -
December 1, Sagittarius, Fraxure, Type __
Casey Shield -
March 14, Pisces, Alomomola, Type __
(...This might be the result of going through pairing dynamic searches ahaha (specifically for Feeling and a bit of Lucky))
I might make actual character/shipping sheets in the future, but for now I'll have their descriptions here for reference
This might inspire future ship art hmmm
I might make specific art for this list or art based on their zodiac signs...
We'll see!
Feel free to use as a reference too!
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angelamontoo · 1 year
Herman would have a cold nose like a puppy fr. He has sad wet puppy energy.
Lorentz has manic baby kitten energy. Not particularly smart but energetic.
Professor what's his face Fenugreek (can't remember his name) is a dove. Mainly because doves are just white pigeons. He thinks he's better than the peasant pigeons when he's one too!!
Eggman I mean Dr. Google the Gogol would be some sort of bald headed bird. Or even a baby chick that just hatched from its egg. He's a big serious doctor but he's actually a sad little guy hurting because he has no game. I was initially going to say cockatoo but he should be bald. Its his most memorable feature.
I feel like a baby chick would do better because its cute and fresh from the egg
Joel would be either a cockatoo or a peacock because he's fancy and expensive. I'm leaning more towards peacock because it just feels like him. I want to see him wear a peacock inspired suit now.
Cornelius Leydon - Capybara. I googled what's the best animal in the world and I got capybara so he'll be a capybara. He's best boy so he deserves best animal.
I also see Leydon being a cute little bunny so there's also that.
Ooh love these!!
Big fan of puppy Herman especially. I think Jonathan and the rest of the Brewsters would be cats, except Mortimer who'd be a turkey(cause hes not a blood Brewster ofc, but also cause he has big, loud, anxious bird energy) and Elaine who'd be a puppy aswell, cause I love parallels between her and herm
Kitten Lorentz is natural. I feel like Billings would be a goat. Also, ik the rest of the Boogie fandom doesn't give af about him, but I love Maxie and I see him as a big Bernese Mountain dog
Very good about Dove Fenninger with everyone else in the film being standard pigeons. Saliano can be a raven and Mainwaring can be an Eagle
Love your vivid description of Gogol. I'm imagining him as that weird lil naked Tweety pie precursor. Maybe Yvonne is a mouse and Dr Wong is a hedgehog
Peacock chole!! Spade and Wilmer are both cats, I kinda like the idea of o Shaughnessy as maybe a fox, Effies a deer, Gutmans a bulldog and maybe the Archers can be rabbits idk
I kinda like bunny leyden better, but those are both good. Peters is an owl, dimitrios is fox, Grodek and Anna bulik are siamese cats Irana is a Swan, Karel Bulic strikes me as a scottie dog and Colonel haki can be a duck
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shotenfamily · 2 years
Kanto Crew Family
Chole/Serena’s daughter Rose’ Rosie Cerise-Yvonne Pokemon Coordinator Team/Performer/Researcher Biological-Mother: Chole Cerise Biological Father (Doner) -: Goh Ketchum Step-Mother: Serena Yvonne Ash Ketchum: Godfather. Lei Kukui-Burnet: Boyfriend. Sasha Ketchum: Half-sibling. (Through Chole and Ash.) Darrel Cerise-Yvonne: Younge Half-sibling (through Serena and Goh) Looks: Maroon/Magenta hair like Chole dark skin like Goh blue eyes, gold hoop earrings. Purple blouse with with shrug sweater, red hairclips in her hair – hair cut short. Often mistaken as a gay boy, though she doesn’t care really; she’s fuckin proud of the way she looks, damn it. Mole birth mark on her right cheek. Eyelashes like whoa. Slightly androgynous appearance aside from the way she dresses. Cinderace: Super Fang, Pyro Ball, Revenge, Acrobatics.   Galarian Rapidash: Mythical Fire, Fairy Wind, Psychic, Smart Strike Swanna: Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse, Ice Beam Vaporeon: Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Swift, Steel Wing Alcreamie: Mythical Fire, Aromatherapy, Dazzling Gleam, Safeguard. Bolthund: Thunderbolt, Flame Charge, Fire Fang, Discharge. Information: Her moms got married after getting engaged under the Pledging Tree in Couramaine City. Then when they had decided they wanted a baby, they went through a surrogacy option and asked their friends to be doners. Goh became a doner to Chole thus having Goh who was married to Ash be Rosie’s father. Sometimes it slips out and Rosie calls Goh ‘dad’ but she mainly calls him ‘Uncle Goh’. Along with Ash who’s Rosie’s godfather. Cinderace was gifted to Rosie as a Scorbunny when she was seven after attending Professor Oak’s Summer camp for the first time.
Serena had then gotten surrogacy through Goh and Rosie’s little sibling Darrel was born. He’s three years younger than Rosie and is a Pokemon trainer and research fellow through his dad/uncle Goh. Wanting to take up Goh’s position as a researcher through Ketchum Labs or through Gary’s Labs in Sinnoh. Though he’s finding it hard to choose. Sasha is Rosie’s half sister through Chole and Ash, Ash was Chole’s doner.
Also ultimately Sasha is Goh and Ash’s daughter. Sasha Ketchum. She lives in Pallet Town with her fathers, and her grandmother Delia, and Uncle Gary. Serena and Chole live in Vermillion City and often travel because Grace stays in Vanville town in Kalos. Though they still make routinely visits for the whole family to get joint-holiday-birthday celebrations. When the kids are old enough they go on Pokemon journeys themselves. Rosie is having a hard time settling on a sixth Pokemon currently.
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theafricanprincess · 5 months
A new year is approaching and I would like to set some intentions that I would like to focus on for the year(s):
- Focus on investing and making sacrifices for myself NOW that will allow for me to be independent and self reliable in the future.
-Make sure that I am no longer people pleasing but instead making decisions because I WANT it not to please others.
-Thinking before I speak, or before I become so combative with others. (A lot of the time I tend to be a “defender of the nations” without me even truly knowing what part I’m defending or “against”)
- Getting and maintianing closeness with my little sister and my family members in general. My sister is one of the most important people in my lives and it’s took me truly seeing her through myself to realize. But I want to make sure she knows that everything I do is for her, so that she doesn’t have to go through these obstacles because she’s already seen me go through it, unfortunately and fortunately.
- Surrounding myself with people who I can learn positive attributes from that I would like to implement in my life. I would like to find mentors/ older woman who I aspire to be like in different aspects of my life. (Yvonne was a “mentor” of mine for some time and I really appreciated our connection, but I feel as if we won’t always align on certain things nowadays, mainly religiously which is a big part of her life)
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ducknotinarow · 7 months
[SF Mikey Von uwu]
"Good morning sunshine," Yvonne greets, over friendly, "I'm Yvonne, the girl Donatello has been arguing with on Twitter for a good while now - he brought me home last night so we could 'talk'."
She couldn't recall seeing the orange banded Turtle last night, even when Don was rushing her to his bed, the needy devil he was. Then again, she was too busy focusing on Don to really care about anyone else in the lair at that time. Smiling, hair still a mess, but make up cleared up, she tilts her head,
"You must be Mikey, Raphael mentioned when speaking to him earlier," She tells him, "Said we need to tell Don off for not telling you that he had company," Yvonne laughs softly, "I hope you don't mind having another mouth to feed, Raphael invited me to stay, besides, would be rude for me to leave without telling Donnie goodbye after last night - don't you agree?"
| Muse Interaction
Mikey soon could feel the sky seemed to wake up beyond the layers of concrete, brick and asphalt that layered just over all their heads in their hide away home. His sky blue eyes slow to open in that nice fog of sleep still hanging over his head it was only a matter of seconds before his body became far more alert. Smile to his beak as he sprung up from his bed bag chair, that he made up to be his own bed. Grabbing at his mask before he went and grabbed at the comic he had been in the middle of reading the night before. He was so sucked into the story he knew it was going to get good! Once the orange fabric was safe and secure around his eyes he went to make way to the kitchen. Mikey normally got Splinter watch duty after Leo since he rose up earlier and depending on how Splinter was feeling he was either the one to cook or Mikey. Well it was mostly Mikey anymore not because Splinter didn't want to. Nah Splinter loved to cook for them mainly his famous Noodle surprise dish.
Mikey just took to the cooking as they grew up since he spent so much time in the kitchen with Splinter. Claiming he was always hunger. It was more he was bored and not so much a lack of food or need for more as a growing mutant turtle. Eventually Raph and Don would be rolling out of bed themselves. If Don went to bed of course that is. Don hadn't been working on any projects though? It been a bit since he touched anything hands on. He seemed far more invested in his Twitter account if anything. Hmm something sweet to start the day should be a good idea then. Help the sour taste Don would have in his mouth after all. Funny considering when Mikey got caught up in his own that was apparently different from Don's need to argue with some other user.
Of course, Mikey was aware he followed Don after all so he saw their post here and there. He never understood ANYTHING they posted about but he always gave it a like. For support. But ever so often this one account would soon been on the comments and back and forth the would go in the comments. It was something near amazing that anything could tears Don's attention off wanting to fix whatever needed to be fixed or worked on. And offered Mikey chances to be a pain as he was as the youngest sibling telling Don he shouldn't be on his phone during meal times. Getting Splinter to return the sentiment when he joined them the same excuse that he was doing some important. Yeah sure, more like Don had a need to prove he was right. Sure is funny if he really didn't like talking to that other user he could just block them. Why Mikey followed her to. Just see Don being just bad commenting on their stuff. The science talk went over his head but he did kind of eat the internet drama up. Tone in text sometimes can be hard but Mikey was sure he could hear it loud and clear.
Comic spanned open as he walked towards the kitchen only time his coordination could be consider good as he went about the card boards with ease. Pulling out a bowl, a spoon, the per mix batter. Fridge popped open to snag some eggs to add in along with some oil, and a bit of the villain extract April got for them. Along with a bit of Cinnamon as well. Little tricks to make the batter taste better and of course milk over water as well. Sure all you had to do was add water and cook them up that way. If you like your pancake flat and tastless that is. OR you could make them good with out throwing in a bunch of needless sugar for 'taste'. Not that should stand much ground since Mikey himself like to top his own stacks with a Diabetics nightmare of sugary toppings.
Pan was set to the stove as he waited for that to warm up he went back to his comic book. Eyes were so fixed on the art and scene the current artist had quickly become his favorite. Drew the characters so well even when they got smaller in panels with more actions the expressions could be read.
"Good morning sunshine,"
A manly sqeual escapse the orange banded turtle as his comic fell from his hold. Landing into his pancake batter mixture spoon flying out and splattering across the, well everything it could cover as it flew over to land on the ground. Mikey whipped around hand over his heart eyes held wide seeing he wasn't the only one here. The only reason he didn't out right scream for help or throw the ruined batter at the intruder was because Raphael was standing near by lookong pretty amused as he returned to texting on his cell.
"I'm Yvonne, the girl Donatello has been arguing with on Twitter for a good while now - he brought me home last night so we could 'talk'."
Well he understood what she was saying he also didn't. Not because her British accent was thick or anything just mkre his brain hadn't fully recovered from the little jump scare he had dealt with just know.
All he understood was there was a strange mutant in his kitchen. But Raphael was nearby, so she wasn't someone to be scared of. He just needed the rest of himself to catch up on this fact. Mikeu always just felt a tad bit safer when the graud dog of the family was around. Mikey was pretty sure he went to his room early last night after getting his latest issues of comics he read to he pasted out so he wouldn’t have noticed if anyone new came in let allow been escorted in by one of his brothers.
"You must be Mikey, Raphael mentioned when speaking to him earlier,"
Mikey offered a nod, as he felt himself slowly claiming back down. Thinking for a moment on what she was saying as if here words were on a delay to his own ears. Might as well be.
"Said we need to tell Don off for not telling you that he had company,"
"Wait..Donnie?" Oh she mentioned that actually right? Looking back to Raphael who snorted at the mention of Don's name. Mikey wasn't following tilting his head. He watch Raphael look back up at him.
"They joined forces last night."
Mikey blinked before he started to really understand. Honestly there was so many times Mikey wanted to drop a gif of 'just fuck already' in the middle of one thier threads between each other. Guess they took the suggestion anyway.
"I hope you don't mind having another mouth to feed, Raphael invited me to stay, besides, would be rude for me to leave without telling Donnie goodbye after last night - don't you agree?"
"Yeah Raphs pretty good at getting company to come over." And with that mention alone? Mikey seemed to click into what was going on here at last. Smile a little himself now. "Oh of course, ya knkw guy don't sleep often either it's a real problem. So may be out till Dinner time. But that's fine like I said we don't get Ned people around much and Splinter and Leo will wanna meet Donnies online friend to. He talks about you all the time after all." And off to a good start.
Mikeys whips back around fishing his poor comic out from the bowl luckily it wasn't ruined as he eaily wiped the batter clean of the pages and tossed the bowl into the sink. "Gonna call for an extra big breakfast! So it'll take much longer but if Donnie boy ain't up by then we'll just enjoy lunch later and than dinner too. She'll well call it a early week movie night too if we gotta." In other words Donatello was going to be facing the music sooner or later as Mikey was being loud on purpose as he spoke up.
Mikey new bowl in the works as he moves to look back at Von. "I actually follow you on Twitter I'm the OwOsunnyflowerOwO." Mikey happy to point out. "So I see all of your and Don's arguments so glad to see you patch up and be 'friends' though." He smirks a little "since it's gonna take a bit wanna tell me how that all went down? By chance?"
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cyberrats · 9 months
10 for all of your dragon age ocs, don't hold back
SO sorry for taking so long to get to this!! Have had a busy past few weeks ^u^ I couldn't get all of my DA ocs into this, so I'm answering for our Triplet Champions/Hawkes, mainly because our new da2 playthrough has us thinking of them.
Do they have any regrets? Gareth Gareth is tough to answer for! On one hand he has regrets, often very very specific ones, but at the same time he tends to refuse to see those regrets as consequences of /his/ actions. Especially when, during most of the events of Act 1 and 2, he wad paired up with both his triplet siblings, most the time during these acts, he tends to push off his mistakes onto Yvonne and Maurevar in a 'I'm so sorry for my brother/sister's actions. I'll do everything to make it right.' attitude Maurevar Kind of tying into Gareth's answer, absolutely. Good ammount of it is feeding off his brother's point of view, and believing himself to be the cause of a majority of issues, when that's rarely, if ever, the case. Key thing about Mo is that his regrets, negative emotions, anything related to that tend to cause him genuine distress, despite being normally very high-strung and on edge. When these things come back to him, he's damn near unreconcialable, whether is be through anger or sadness. Yvonne Yvonne is the opposite of Maurevar when dealing with her regret, approaching it with a mix of bitterness and humor when Gareth's issues get pushed onto her. She tends to ghost or run from things that are genuinely her fault, while accepting it was her fault. Yvonne HATES being the center of attention, after Act 2 with her and her brothers being named Champion, she bolted from Kirkwall entirely, and being the center of attention in negative situations especially trigger her flight reflex.
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