acabecca · 7 years
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Endless list of OCs // Maggie Daley - Fear the Walking Dead [1/??]
“I said no, Maggie!” Pat yelled, whirling round to face her youngest child. “We’re leaving, and that’s the end of it. This place has taken too much from my family-” 
“Mom it’s not safe out there-” 
“It’s not safe in here!” Pat interrupted. “Walker and his men, they’re coming. They’re going to attack the compound, we’re going to lose people… People we care about. I’m not letting anything happen to you, or to your brother. We’re taking what can carry, and we’re going.” 
Maggie resisted the urge to scowl. “I don’t want to leave the ranch, Mom. We won’t survive out there, I’m telling you. You haven’t seen it, you don’t know what it’s like,” she shook her head, and Pat rolled her eyes at her daughter. Maggie hadn’t seen it, either. She hadn’t ventured too far outside of the gates since the outbreak had started. But she knew. She knew what was waiting for them out there. 
Pain. Misery. Death. 
She knew.  
“We’re your family, Maggie Beth. You’re my daughter. You’re coming with us, even if I have to drag you,” Pat warned, turning her back on her daughter and walking towards the door of their cabin.  
“What about the Otto’s?” Maggie asked, biting down on her bottom lip when she saw her mother slowly turn back to face her. “Are they not family, too? Dad was- Dad was a founder of this place. He and Jeremiah were like family. Troy and- and Jake-” 
“Is that what this is about?”
Maggie blinked. “What?” 
“Jake,” Pat narrowed her eyes slightly. “Is that what this is about? Is that why you don’t want to leave? Are you the reason Jake came to speak to me, to try to get me to change my mind about leaving?”
Maggie gulped, her stomach flipping. “Jake- Jake knows you want us to go? You told him?” she asked in a whisper, hurt flooding her as she wondered why he hadn’t spoken to her about it, given her some warning that this was coming.
“I told Jeremiah,” Pat crossed her arms over her chest. “He must have told Jake.”
“Oh,” Maggie looked down at her hands.
“Charlene loved him, Maggie.”
Maggie tensed at the mention of her older sister and her features hardened into a glare as her defensive gaze snapped up to meet her mother’s accusatory one.
“What are you implying?” Maggie asked with a scowl.
“I’m not implying anything, I’m saying you’ve been spending a lot of time with Jake since Charlene’s death, I’m telling you that people are beginning to talk.”
Maggie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “They have no idea what they’re even talking about,” she grumbled. “Jake’s… Mom… Jake’s been teaching me stuff. Like how to use more than a handgun. He’s just been looking out for me, that’s all, because he promised Charlene. If people here opened their damn eyes then they’re realise they were gossiping about the wrong brother-” she stopped, her eyes widening slightly as she realised what she had said and she looked away from her mother’s curious stare.
“What? Nothing.”
“I should go and do my chores before someone comes looking for me,” she interrupted, standing up and wiping her palms on her jeans. “I’ll see you later, Mom!”
“Maggie Beth,” Pat snapped, grabbing hold of her daughter’s arm as she walked past her. “You stay away from Troy Otto, do you hear me? He’s- he’s bad news. He’s trouble. He’s… You’re why he tried to stop us from leaving.”
Maggie quickly looked up to meet Pat’s angry stare. “What?”
“Your brother and I, we went down to the collect some supplies earlier on,” Pat explained. “He stopped us, told us we couldn’t take anything, not even what we put into this place. He told us we weren’t going to leave. You- you talk to him, Maggie. You tell him we’re leaving, that you want to come with us. You talk to Jake and you get him to keep Troy under control, do you hear me?”
“I’m not-”
“Do you hear me, Maggie?!”
Maggie looked down, swallowing the lump in her throat. “Yes, ma’am.”
Pat waited for few seconds before she slowly let go of Maggie’s arm and, throwing her youngest child a look of contempt, she turned and walked out of their cabin. Maggie sighed heavily, sitting back down on her bunk and letting her head drop into her hands.
She didn’t want to leave the ranch.
Charlene had told her stories of what it was like outside of the walls, Jake had told her, Troy had told her… Troy had stopped her from going on the last hunt with them because he knew she wasn’t prepared for what was out there.
And her mother was ready to pack up and leave, taking her two kids, the only family she had left, into the unknown?
They wouldn’t survive.
Maggie knew they wouldn’t survive.
Sure, since Charlene’s death she had toughened up considerably – Jake was teaching her everything she needed to know about weapons, Troy had taught her how to fight, how to get herself out of a sticky situation, how to fool people into thinking you weren’t a threat. But Maggie knew that, outside of the safety of the ranch, she wouldn’t make it. Not without them.
“Did you hear me?”
Maggie’s head snapped up and she jumped as she saw the younger boy stood in the doorway of the cabin.
“Jesus, Gabe, you scared the crap out of me. What’s up?”
“I said, Mike and his family are leaving,” he breathed, glancing over his shoulder. “Troy’s trying to stop them, and Jake is trying to stop him. You better get out here, Maggie. Calm him down.”
“Which one?” she asked with a groan, and Gabe shrugged his shoulders before he ran back outside, Maggie close behind him.
She could see the campervan stopped by the gates and she could see Jake and Troy stood off to the side, a crowd of people surrounding them to see what would happen. Running her hand through her blonde hair with a huff, Maggie pushed her way through the crowd, just in time to see Troy’s fist connect with Jake’s cheek.
“Troy!” Maggie yelled, pushing her way forwards as Jeremiah darted towards his youngest son.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, raising his hand and hitting Troy across the face.
“Dad, no!” Jake called, but his father wouldn’t listen as he continued to hit Troy.
“Stop!” Maggie called, slipping past Jake’s outstretched arm and putting herself between Troy and his father. “Stop, this isn’t-” Maggie stopped talking the second Jeremiah’s hand connected with her cheek, and she could do nothing but stare up the old man in shock.
Everything seemed to happen at once. The look of horror that spread across Jeremiah’s face as he realised what he had done, Jake pulling her out of the way and quickly inspecting her eye as Troy rushed towards his father, his face screwed up in rage.
“Troy, no!” Madison called, putting herself between them as Maggie had done. “No,” she told him, holding her hands up and glancing at Jeremiah over her shoulder before her eyes drifted over to Maggie. “You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Maggie nodded, ignoring the stinging in her cheek and trying her hardest not to wince and Jake took her face in his hands. “I’m fine.”
“Let me see.”
She was pulled out of Jake’s grasp by Troy as he spun her around, inspecting her eye where a red mark had already started to form. She was painfully aware of how close he was standing to her, of his fingertips tracing her cheek as he inspected her face. She could feel his breath on her face and she could feel the stares of everyone around them fixing on them both, but she couldn’t move.
She knew she should move, she knew she should get as far away from Troy as possible if they didn’t want anyone finding out just exactly what had been going on between them, but it was as if she was frozen to the spot.
Troy’s touch was soft, almost gentle, and it had unnerved her.
She had to hold in a snort. Troy was being nice to her, and it made her nervous.
How fucked up was that?
It was Jeremiah’s voice that snapped her out of her daze as he tried to apologise, but she ignored him and her fingers wrapped around Troy’s wrists as she pulled his hands away from her face.
“I’m fine,” she repeated to him and he looked down, nodded slightly as his eyes met hers. “Are you alright?” she asked quietly.
Troy scoffed, pulling his hands out of her grasp and glancing at the dispersing crowd, a handful of people still stood around watching them. He could feel his father’s stare burning into the back of his head, he could see Madison watching out of the corner of his eye and he spotted Pat staring at them from further away, her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face.
But it was the look of confusion, even hurt, on Jake’s face that made him do it.
He took Maggie’s face in his hands and he pulled her closer, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. She didn’t respond at first, so Troy pulled her a little closer to him and as her hands came to rest on his chest, he smiled against her lips before pulling away, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’m fine,” he murmured.
“How many people are watching us right now?” Maggie asked, her voice muffled as she buried her face in Troy’s chest.
“Uh…” He paused, glanced up and looking around. “Definitely less than everyone,” he told her, chuckling when she let out a quiet groan. “Come on, let’s do something about that eye.”
Maggie kept her eyes on the ground, avoiding Jake’s stare as Troy pulled away from her and took her hand, leading her towards the cabin he has claimed as his for when he wanted to get out of the main house, away from his father and brother. Once they were inside, Troy kicked the door closed behind him and grabbed a towel, tipping his bottle of water over it and handing it to Maggie. She took it off him and stared down at the towel in confusion.
“Uhm, thanks?”
“It’s for your eye,” Troy told her.
“I’m fine-”
“I know how hard my dad can hit, alright?” he frowned. “Just… Just humour me,” he grumbled as he continued to potter about the cabin, not really doing anything but avoiding the stare Maggie was shooting him. He didn’t want to do this. Not yet.
“…It’s your eye you should be worried about,” she whispered, placing a hand on his arm and feeling his tense under her touch. “Troy, come on,” Maggie sighed, grabbing hold of his arm and pushing him down on to his bed before moving to stand between his legs. Troy smirked, reaching up and placing his hands on her waist but Maggie huffed and pushing him away. “No,” she told him, gesturing for him to sit up properly. He did as she said (albeit reluctantly) and she balled up the small towel he had given her before pressing it against his right eye. He winced, but only for a second, and Maggie smiled softly. “It’s just getting back to normal after the spoon incident, and now you get hit. You need to be more careful.”
“People need to stop doing shit to me.”
“You need to be more careful,” Maggie repeated with pursed lips and Troy sighed, his hands once again landing on her waist as he pulled her closer, leaning his head against her stomach. “…Are you gonna tell me what that was about?” she asked quietly.
“You know what it was about,” Troy grumbled. “Vernon was leaving, his family were taking our stuff, our fuel, our food. I couldn’t let them get away with that.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Maggie replied, the tips of her fingers playing with Troy’s curls. “I mean you and Jake. What was that about?” she asked again, and Troy stilled. Maggie pulled back slightly, looking down at him with a frown. “Troy?”
“He- he can’t protect this place, Maggie,” he muttered. “He won’t protect this place. He won’t fight for the ranch, or for the people, not like I will. But my dad doesn’t see that. He’s gonna leave Jake in charge, you know? When he dies. Jake’s going to be the one running this place, and he’s not strong enough. Walker and his men are going to come and unless we prepare, unless we fight, they’re going to take everything we’ve built. They’ll kill us, Maggie, and Jake isn’t strong to protect the people here. To protect you.”
Maggie’s teeth sank into her bottom lip as she hummed quietly, trying to decide what to say to him.
“Are… Are you gonna protect me?”
Troy bristled. “Of course I am.”
“Do you think I need you to?”
“…No,” Troy admitted with a sigh. “Not anymore. Not- not since… Your dad… Charlene. You’ve… changed.”
“Yeah,” Maggie agreed quietly. “Only reason you looked twice at me though, isn’t it? Because I’ve changed,” her tone was teasing, but Troy knew there was a seriousness behind her words.
Before her father had died, Maggie had just been a girl who Troy grown up with. A girl who had very obviously had a crush on him when they were kids, and a girl he found annoying, if he was being totally honest. She had never really contributed much to anything when she first moved onto the ranch before the outbreak, she was Daddy’s little girl and Noah barely let her out of his sight. Troy had been sure that she would completely break down in this new world, but she hadn’t.
Her father had died, and Maggie had been forced to grow up almost overnight. Sometimes, Troy could still see glimpses of the old Maggie shining through, the little girl who wanted to be taken care of but she refused to let that girl out. Something had changed in her when she had lost her father. There was something there, an anger that Troy recognised, and that was what had drawn him to her in the first place.
He had been convinced that she would lose it when Charlene died, that she would be inconsolable and sink into the depths of depression, but she hadn’t. She had been the one holding her family together ever since. She had grown stronger, tougher. Her anger at the world had grown, there was a coldness in her now that hadn’t been there before.
They were the same now.
He thought they were, anyway. He trusted her, he knew that she had his back and she would stand by him no matter what. She didn’t want anyone else to go through what she had gone through after losing Charlene and that meant that they had to fight. Maggie would support him, Troy was sure of it.
He just had to keep her away from Jake. And probably the Clark’s, too.
He studied her carefully as she checked over his eye, her brow furrowed and her lips pursed as she pulled the damp towel away from his face and ran her fingers through his hair, a small smile coming to her face as she looked down to meet his eyes.
“Careful,” he murmured. “People will think this is something more than it is if they see you taking care of me.”
He saw it flash through her eyes for a second. It was gone almost immediately, but he had seen it. Hurt. It made his heart drop knowing that he had caused it and he gulped slightly, but Maggie scoffed and pushed his head back before she stepped out of his grasp.
“Don’t worry, Troy. I’ll make sure everyone knows I only want you for your body,” she rolled her eyes. “God help us if anyone thought we actually liked each other.”
“That’s not what I-”
“Yes it is,” Maggie interrupted him, throwing the towel down on the bed next to him and moving to lean against the small window. “And it’s fine. I know this is just sex, Troy, and I’m okay with it. I’m not looking for some big love story, alright? I’m not looking for a husband and two perfect kids and a dog and even if I was, I know you’re not that kind of guy,” she shrugged her shoulders and Troy paused, leaning forwards and watching her as she turned and looked out of the window, her arms folded over her chest. “I should probably go.”
“Go?” Troy looked up quickly. “Go where?”
Maggie raised an eyebrow. “To talk to my mom…? She’s probably freaking out right now,” she told him, pointing to her eye as she pushed herself away from the window and started to walk towards the door. Troy reached out to stop her, taking hold of her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.
“She wants to leave,” he muttered, not taking his eyes off their joined hands. “Your mom.”
“Yeah…” Maggie looked at the floor. “She told me a little while ago. She also told me you tried to stop her and Dax from taking stuff from the pantry, you made them put it back,” she paused, her voice curious as Troy shrugged nonchalantly.
“Are you gonna go with them?”
“They’re my family,” Maggie bit her lip. “I don’t want to leave the ranch. I feel safe here. Out there…” she paused, glancing towards the window. “I’m not sure I could survive.”
“You could.”
Maggie frowned. “Do you want me to go? With my mom?”
“No,” Troy replied quickly. “No, I don’t, and… And I can keep them here, if you want them to stay. I can make sure they don’t leave the ranch.”
Maggie smiled softly, pulling her hand out of his as he raised his head to meet her eyes.
“Careful, Troy,” Maggie pointed a finger at him, walking backwards towards the door. “People might start to think you actually care about me.”
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acabecca · 7 years
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Endless list of OCs // Maggie Daley - Fear the Walking Dead [2/??]
She had known the second Madison had pulled back the tarp in the bed of the truck and she had seen the bodies of Mike and his family. The way Troy had let go of her hand and shrank back into the crowd had given it away – not just to her, but to other people as well, she was sure of it. She hadn’t missed the look her mother had cast in her direction and she hadn’t been able to ignore the whispers from the few people who clearly didn’t believe Madison’s story about the murder of the Trimbol family.
She hadn’t been able to find Troy since.
That was how she found herself walking up the stairs of the main house, going to Jake’s room where she knew he would be.
Maggie knocked gently on the door and Jake turned his head slightly, a small smiled coming to his face when he saw her there.
“Hey,” he gestured for her to come in, closing his book and placing it down on the desk. Pushing herself away from the doorframe, Maggie walked inside his room and gently closed the door behind her as she chewed on the inside of her cheek, avoiding his gaze and not returning his smile. Jake frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“…The Trimbol’s.”
Jake’s face fell at her words and his eyes shifted to the floor as he nodded slowly, Maggie walking past him to perch herself on the edge of his bed. He had been expecting her ever since his father had returned to the ranch with Madison and Nick.
“I’m sorry,” he told her quietly. “I know how close you and Gretchen were.”
Maggie shrugged her shoulders weakly, picking at a thread on Jake’s bedspread and keeping her eyes on the ground as she tried to stop her bottom lip from trembling.
“He did it, didn’t he?” she whispered hoarsely as Jake turned to face her slowly. “Troy. He killed them.”
“I… I think so,” Jake told her slowly, and looked up at him. “Hey, come here,” Jake sighed, standing up from his seat and going to sit beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders.
“I’m not sad, it’s okay,” she shook her head, and Jake paused. “That’s messed up, right? That I’m not sad? That these people I’ve known since I was a kid are dead, and I’m not sad about it?”
“It’s the shock-”
“It’s not,” Maggie interrupted. “It’s not shock, Jake. It’s just the way the world is now. We lose people. We have to get on with it.”
“You- You can still take time… To grieve-”
“I don’t want to. I don’t need to and- God, doesn’t that make me sound awful? Am I a horrible person? Gretchen was my friend, Charlene was my sister and I just- I can’t cry for them. I don’t have any tears, Jake. I don’t feel anything, it’s like I’ve just grown… Numb to all of it. Like- like Troy.”
Jake tensed. “No,” he snapped, and Maggie turned to him in surprise. “No, Maggie. You’re nothing like Troy, you’re just… You’re adjusting to the new world. We all have to adjust, but you… You lost your sister, Maggie, and she was your best friend. I can understand you not grieving for the Trimbol’s because as much as you’ll deny it, you’re still grieving for Charlene.”
“But I’m not,” she paused, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. “Yeah, I- I miss her, but it isn’t grief that I’m feeling. Grief… I felt that when my dad died. This… This is different. It’s anger. I want someone to pay for Charlene’s death, I want Walker and his people held accountable for what they did and I- I want someone to pay for the Trimbol’s… But I don’t want it to be Troy. It’s just- we’ve all lost so much, y’know? My dad, Charlene, our friends… I don’t want to lose Troy as well.”
“…You wanna pretend he didn’t kill an entire family because they decided to leave the ranch, then that’s up to you,” Jake shrugged weakly. “I know my dad isn’t going to do anything about it. No one here will. He’ll get away with it, like he gets away with everything else.”
Maggie raised an eyebrow. “You sound a little bitter about your kid brother there, Jake.”
“Not bitter,” he shook his head. “Just… tired. Of having to clean up his messes all the time.
“Better than having to clean up dead bodies like nowadays.”
“Yeah…” Jake paused, a smirk coming to lips as he nudged her. “Hey, things I don’t miss about the old world – not having to clean up dead bodies.”
Maggie snorted, letting herself fall backwards so she was lying down on the bed as she tried of think of something to say. This was their favourite game, listing things they missed from before the outbreak. It had been Charlene who had started it, a mindless way to pass time and keep them occupied, to keep Maggie’s mind off what was going on outside of the ranch, and it had stuck.
“Things I miss about the old world…” Maggie paused, humming to herself as Jake lay beside her, propping himself up with his elbow and glancing down at her. “Butter popcorn.”
Maggie pulled a face. “Work? You miss work?”
Jake shrugged. “I liked work.”
“I don’t miss college at all,” she shuddered. “I miss getting drunk at college, I miss the dorm parties and the cute boys and-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” Jake laughed quietly. “I don’t really want to hear about your drunken hook-ups, Mags.”
“Yeah, sorry,” she chuckled quietly, pushing her hair off her face as she felt her cheeks flush. “I guess I miss being at college. Like, I miss the people there, my friends, even some of the tutors. I miss the experience. I do not miss the work.”
“I miss movies.”
“I also miss movies.”
“That’s cheating,” Jake reached forwards, poking her stomach and letting his hand stay there, lying gently on top of Maggie’s checked shirt. “No repeats.”
“Fine,” she muttered, rolling her eyes and trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as the heat from Jake’s hand soaked through her shirt. “I miss TV,” she told him, turning to look at him with a grin. “I really miss TV. I miss mind-numbingly bad TV that you could never admit you even liked, but that you’d never miss an episode of. Me and Charlene, we used to get so much junk food and just crash in front of the TV in her room on a Saturday night. I miss that. I-I miss Charlene.”
“I know,” Jake whispered. “Me, too.”
“Mom wouldn’t want to leave if Charlene was here and even she did, she always knew how to talk Mom round. I don’t want to go out there, Jake,” Maggie admitted, her voice hoarse. “I don’t want to leave this place, I don’t want to leave you or- or Troy-”
“You don’t have to,” Jake interrupted, his arm inching across her stomach as he awkwardly hugged her closer to him. “You don’t have to go anywhere, Maggie. Even if they leave, you can stay. You can move your stuff in here, stay in the house with us.”
“She’d never let me-”
“Your mom wouldn’t be here, Mags,” Jake told her. “She can’t make you leave, I- I won’t let her. No one here will. It’s safe here, and you can stay as long as you want.”
“Yeah…” she paused, biting down on her bottom lip and tearing her gaze away from his. “I miss my mom being cool with me going wherever I wanted to go.”
“Back to this?” Jake raised his eyebrows and Maggie nodded her head. She needed a distraction from everything – from the Trimbol’s, from her mother and Dax wanting to leave… from Troy. “Okay. I miss peanut butter.”
“Pop tarts.”
“Justin Timberlake.”
Jake blinked. “What?”
“Justin Timberlake,” Maggie repeated with a dramatic sigh. “I miss him.”
“Sorry, I didn’t realise you knew Justin Timberlake on a personal level.”
Maggie reached up, hitting Jake’s chest. “You know what I mean.”
“I guess,” Jake paused. “I kind of miss Megan Fox.”
“Megan Fox was hot.”
“Yeah,” Jake paused. “I miss… order. Normalcy.”
“Really?” Maggie raised her eyebrow. “You don’t think it’s so much better now that we that just walk into any shop and take whatever we want? Providing we miss the walking corpses, of course.”
“No,” Jake scoffed.
“I guess I kind of miss it, too,” she mused. “Only a little, though. I do like getting free stuff.”
“…I miss being safe.”
“I miss not getting hit in the face by angry old men,” Maggie snorted, pointing to her eye which had started to bruise slightly and Jake frowned, removing his arm from around her waist and gently placing his hand on her cheek, turning her face to him. “That was a joke. I’m fine.”
“It’s starting to bruise.”
“I know. It’s like my first war-wound, it’s great.”
“Maggie…” Jake started carefully, his hand resting against her cheek. “You shouldn’t have done that. You should never put yourself between Troy and my father, alright? Don’t… Don’t do that again.”
“I won’t,” she whispered. “I’m… I’m sorry I never told you… About me and Troy. I just- I guess I didn’t want you to know? It’s not like- we’re not-”
“You don’t have to explain.”
“I do,” Maggie insisted. “I do have to explain, because you’ve been so good to me, Jake, and Troy is… I know how you feel about your brother, okay? I know you think he’s no good, but-”
“That’s not it,” Jake shook his head. “He can be good when he wants to be. I just don’t think he’s any good for you and I know I’m right. You got hurt because of him.”
Maggie frowned. “I got hurt because I threw myself in front of him to stop Jeremiah beating the crap out of him again. I got hurt because I didn’t want to see him hurt. It wasn’t Troy’s fault. Besides, your eye is way worse. That was Troy’s fault.”
“Even if you getting hurt was his fault, you wouldn’t admit it,” Jake pursed his lips. “It’s hard acknowledging the flaws of people we love.”
Maggie paused, her breath catching in her throat as Jake removed his hand from her face and she swallowed the lump in her throat, turning her head to stare at the ceiling. Love? No. Jake was wrong. She didn’t love Troy. Sure, she cared about him, but love? …No. That was too much.
“I don’t love Troy.”
“No?” Jake raised his eyebrows. “So you put yourself between him and my dad just because you’re sleeping together? Really?”
Maggie turned to face him again, a scowl on her face. “You’re making it sound much worse than it is.”
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt, Maggie.”
“I won’t-”
“People tend to get hurt around Troy.”
Pushing herself up on her elbows, Maggie stared at Jake curiously. She expected him to look away, but he didn’t. He stared right back at her, his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed slightly.
“…You think Troy is going to hurt me,” she said slowly, realisation dawning on her.
“I think Troy is going to get you killed, Maggie,” Jake murmured, running a hand through his short hair. “And I can’t let that happen. I can’t. I promised Charlene I’d look out for you and- and if I don’t-…”
“Hey, stop,” Maggie spoke softly, taking Jake’s face in her hands. “I can take care of myself, okay? You taught me how to take care of myself. I’ll be okay-”
“That’s not it,” Jake interrupted, lifting his hands up to cover hers. “The way he is… He wants a war with Walker, he’s not going to give up Maggie, and that’s going to get people killed. The people here… They aren’t soldiers. They’re just families who had nowhere else to go. They can kill the dead, but the living? That’s a whole other story.”
“They’ll fight if they have to-”
“Are you trying to tell me you’d have no problem picking up a weapon and killing a living person?”
Maggie paused, her jaw clenched and her face blank as she took her hands from Jake’s face and let them drop to her sides, her hands balling into fists.
“Would I have a problem killing the people who shot down the helicopter my sister was in? The people who stopped her from coming home? Would I have a problem shooting at the people who tried to kill you? Who tried to kill Troy?” Maggie raised her eyebrows. “No, Jake, I wouldn’t have a problem with it at all, and I don’t think a lot of people here would, either. They’re the reason Charlene is dead-”
“Charlene was attacked by-”
“I know what she was attacked by, Jake, and she never would have been out there in the first place if they hadn’t shot at the helicopter,” Maggie shook her head, taking a step backwards. “If they come here, if they come to attack us, I’ll be ready.”
“It’s not going to come to that,” Jake told her. “I’m going to talk to them, if I leave now I should be back in a day or two and-”
“Wait, what?” Maggie asked, her hand reaching out as she wrapped her fingers around Jake’s wrist to stop him from turning away from her. “No, you’re not going out there.”
Jake raised his eyebrows. “You hook up with Troy a couple times and suddenly you think you have a say in what I can and can’t do?”
Maggie’s nostrils flared in anger. “Enough of the digs, okay? You don’t know a thing about what’s going on between Troy and I, and I don’t particularly like whatever it is you’re insinuating. I care about him. That doesn’t change who I am, it doesn’t change who I am to you, does it?” she asked. “It doesn’t change the fact that you and I are friends, or at least it shouldn’t do. It definitely doesn’t change the fact that I am going to tell you when I think you’re being an idiot, Jake, and now is one of those times.”
Jake looked down, sighing softly. “I’m sorry,” he apologised. “Whatever I say about you and Troy… I’m just trying to come to terms with it. It was a surprise, finding out the way I did. I thought you would have told me something like that.”
“Oh, yeah,” Maggie scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “’Hey Jake, thanks for showing me how to load that rifle! By the way, did you know I’m sleeping with your brother?’. I’m sure that would have gone down swimmingly.”
“Maybe not,” Jake snorted, pausing before he turned serious again, refusing to meet her gaze. “I have to do this, Maggie. I have to talk to Walker. I can stop this, I can stop whatever kind of war he’s going to start.”
“You don’t have-”
“It’s the only way I can keep you safe,” he interrupted, lifting his head up to look at her. “I can make some kind of deal with him and even- even if he does come, I can… I can do something, offer him something so no harm comes to you.”
“Jake…” Maggie trailed off, taking a step towards him and lifting her hand to his cheek. “You don’t need to do this. I can take care of myself. I know you promised Charlene, but-”
“You think I’m doing this because of Charlene?” Jake asked with a frown as Maggie’s hand dropped from his face and she shrugged weakly. “…You really don’t know, do you?” he asked in disbelief, and Maggie stared up at him in confusion. “God, Maggie, I- I love you.”
“Wha- I-”
“No, don’t,” Jake put a finger against her lips. “Don’t, it’s okay. I know you don’t, that’s why I didn’t say anything, but… Maggie, I have for a while. Even before Charlene died, I’ve had these… these feelings and- I never said anything because you were her sister, y’know? And she wouldn’t have been okay with it and maybe a part of me even saw you and Troy getting closer, but… I love you, Maggie. And I have to do everything I can to protect you, to protect this ranch and keep us safe. That’s why I have to go. You understand that, right?”
Maggie blinked up at him, his words taking their time to register in her mind and before she even knew what was happening, Jake had pulled her towards him and lips were on hers.
It was different than kissing Troy.
Jake’s lips were softer, his touch was gentle and more hesitant than Troy’s, almost like he was afraid she would pull away from him. It made her feel… different. It made her feel.
Troy’s kisses lit a fire inside her and she knew whenever he kissed her that it would lead to something else. It always did. They never just made out, as childish as it sounded, and as first Maggie hadn’t cared. Whatever she and Troy were, it was just sex. She knew that. The whole thing between them had started because she simply wanted to feel something, something other than the dull ache in her chest whenever she thought of her father, something better than the numbness that had settled over her and made itself at home since she had found out her sister wasn’t coming home. Troy had made that go away, even if was just for an hour or two.
But Jake… Jake’s kisses were a whole lot different.
Warmth flooded through Maggie’s veins as his lips moved against his and he wrapped an arm around her waist as she clutched the front of his t-shirt. They had practically melted against one another, as though they were two halves of one whole, but she still wanted to get closer to him and she could feel butterflies filling her stomach.
But it was guilt that she felt most, and that realisation made her eyes snap open as she pushed Jake away from her, both of them breathing heavily as Maggie stumbled backwards and brought her hand to her mouth, the tips of her fingers touching her lips softly.
Her lips were tingling.
“Maggie… I-”
“Don’t,” she held a hand up as he took a step towards her and she automatically took one back. “Just… don’t.”
“Maggie? You in here?”
She froze as Troy’s voice drifted up the stairs and she heard the front door close behind him as she shot a panicked look towards Jake.
“You don’t have to talk to him if-”
“I’m up here!” she called back before she could stop herself, running her hands through her hair as she heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. He appeared in the doorway of Jake’s room, a frown on his face as he leaned he looked between the two of them.
Jake turned his back on his brother almost immediately, while Maggie shifted uncomfortably and tucked her hair behind her ear and she refused to meet Troy’s gaze.
“…Can I talk to you?” he asked, and Maggie’s eyes darted between the two brothers.
“In private?” Troy interrupted, casting a glance towards his older brother.
“Uhm, o-okay,” she stuttered, smiling weakly and taking a step towards him. “I… I guess I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah,” Jake muttered. “Hey, Maggie?” he called and she stopped just before she left his room, Troy pausing ahead of her as he raised his eyebrows at his brother. Jake glared at him for a second, before his expression softened as he turned his attention back to Maggie. “…Be careful.”
Smiling weakly, Maggie ignored Troy’s scoff and shrugged her shoulders as she stepped out of the room.
“I always am.”
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acabecca · 7 years
is ther any chance you could change your theme or the font color or size? I find it really hard to read the fics you've been posting :/ but i love your troy fic!! will you post naymore? :)
omg I’ve actually been looking for a new theme but I can’t find one I like!! I can’t change anything on this laptop but I will change the font when I get home from work later on :)
and thank you!!! Yes I am going to post more, I want to post the next bit after Maggie and Troy have left Jake, and I’m up to taking requested for whatever people want to read re Maggie/Troy and/or Maggie/Jake!
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