#mafia byxell
mafia-dia-smthidk · 2 months
Well that celebration was short lived
[he hovered his hand over the neck of his shirt, threatening to pull out a weapon]
“Care to share why you’re here? Did you accidentally set your spawning coordinates in the enemy’s base or something?”
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ner5y · 2 months
Some recent drawings from my mafia au account
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Woah, what, how did this get here-
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mafia-kay · 3 months
Well howdy, I don't think we've met yet
“Hm… I don’t think we have either. Do you need something, stranger? Didn’t think I’d see anyone out here.” Kay said casually, after the whole Dia incident, she just appeared back where she was hanging out around town. She looked at Byxell, acting as if she didn’t already know who he was
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mafia-moshie · 2 months
[Byxell appears at your window]
Moshie looked over keeping their face and body language neutral
"Greetings Byxell... I'm surprised you can so easily visit..."
They watch Byxell remembering the window is locked and consider something (no reason to make this hostile... We could gain something from a conversation)
"If you want in the room I would appreciate it if the glass stays intact.. so unless you can pick the lock from outside somehow... Im going to request for a reason I should open the window for you..."
As they say this moshie puts the microphone and sun necklace they had out back into the void
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the-mafia-bear · 2 months
Hey bro,love the new look, screams detective, that'll probably catch your victims off guard
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"Anyway, I gotta go. Wanna speak to Miss Diamond."
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dia-smthidk · 2 months
So Since Byxell ain't canon, what's the canon reason that dash moved to he reds
there’s chance you could become canon…
just a maybe though…
since yk
REDs need more canon recruits…..
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mafia-diamond-smthidk · 2 months
[Byxell appears at Diamonds window]
[Diamond sighed whilst tucking away a few papers in a filing cabinet, before turning to Byxell]
”We have doors, y’know- good to see you’re back in shape though.”
“Next time when you bother her, maybe think about having a better plan rather than loosing your face.”
[she spoke with a sassy manner]
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mafia-chaos-ace · 2 months
So you're a traitor I guess, how's it feel
*They put one of their hands over their head dramatically
Oh, truly horrible. My heart is aching with guilt
*A smile appears on their face. It appears to be made from the same white glowing energy as their eyes and hands
Well, not really. I find it quite entertaining how each of them react.
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vexation-816 · 1 month
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
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Byxell. I know this is you but I gonna still answer this question notheless.
Anyways my opinion on my mutuals. Well where do I start?
Firstly, there's the 'Greyscale Jester' Rabid. One of the first people that Ive interacted on here. She's a comedic, funny, creative, and an enjoyable person to talk to in general. When I first started on here I didn't think I would get noticed with my art but I started drawing out her characters and her and Glitchy being one of the first people to like my stuff. In the beginning I was honestly happy that people were liking the stuff I posted and shared on here. She and the others are just a big reminder to me of how I matter and just a funny person to be around I really to the bottom of my heart appreciate them for that. You're an amazing person Rabid. Don't you ever forget that.
Secondly, there's the adhd buddy of mine Moshie. Who cannot like this lovable person. They're one of the second traditional artists that Ive interacted with on here and Ive just enjoyed interacting with them for this entire time. They're an absolute funny, creative and amazing person to talk to in general. Ever since we started to talk more we'd just be rambling about our characters and ideas for hours and I just love their personality overall and they've just been an inspiration for me to keep going. You're an amazing person Moshie. Don't you ever forget that.
Thirdly, there's the fluffy bunny friend Bun. He's a funny and creative person to talk about ideas with and they're just funny in general. I haven't talked to them until I started doing stuff for the Mafia AU and when I first talked with them they seemed like a very kind and lovable person to talk to and Im just glad that Ive been able to be friends with them and talk with them. Your amazing Bun. Don't you ever forget that.
Next there's the cuphead fanatic Ace. I honestly haven't talked to her as much but she's honestly a very nice and funny person. She's very creative with what she does and they are just an amazing person to talk to in general. She's a very comedic person to talk to about Cuphead and other topics about the game. You matter Ace and don't you ever forget that.
Next there's the robotic pal Bixell. They're a pretty creative and chill person in general. She's pretty funny and creative when it comes to the stuff that they do. Ive done 3D Modeling in the past and Im glad I found another person that takes interest in modeling. Overall they're a cool and funny person to talk to and Im glad that Im able to talk to them.
Now we have 'The Prince' Dia. He's a pretty comedic person to talk with and they're just very creative in general. I remember that they were one of the first few people Ive started to interact with and their AU and they are just a funny person to talk to. Even when the mood is brought down they always manage to persevere. You're an amazing person Dia. Don't forget that. Make sure to take care of yourself.
Now we catch up to Lilith. I honestly never had the chance to talk to Lilith but from what Ive seen she's a pretty nice and funny person to talk to in general. Im sorry if there's barely anything here I just haven't been able to talk to ya but your a very amazing and creative individual and don't forget that.
Im not sure if Glitch will see this but I will type one out for them anyways. She is honestly a funny, creative, nice, and overall just an amazing person in general. They were always that little voice of motivation that just encouraged me to continue with traditional art and were just there for me whenever I was having a bad day or down to my lowest. I honestly do miss them to the bottom of my heart and I hope they are doing well at the moment.
Lastly, we have the Blob, Neptune. Ive seen them around here a few times before but never gotten a chance to talk to them. But when they got invited to the Sona Mafia server they are just a wholesome, funny and creative person to talk to. When I first saw their art style I was shocked on how good it was and was just thinking 'Why is this individual so underrated?!?" But still Neptune your an amazing person dude. Don't forget that.
Im sorry if some of my writing seems repetitive. Im not the best writer out there but I genuinely mean it when I say that you all are amazing people and Im just happy that I got to be able to interact with ya'll.
To the bottom of my heart. Thank you guys for just liking the stuff Ive done and just being like rays of hope and inspiration throughout my time on here. I appreciate you guys. I really do.
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mafia-onimusha · 2 months
[Byxell appears at Onis window]
Howdy, I assume Xyp made a visit
"So your friend did send the message. Hm."
*He would say, standing up from his desk as prepared a chair as Nacho would hop on his shoulder as he returned to his desk chair*
"Have a seat."
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mafia-lorelai · 2 months
[Byxell appeared on a bar stool]
Lorelai looked at Bixell, <Looks like someone’s back from the dead, again.>
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mafia-dia-smthidk · 3 months
You're blood is yellow too? Blood buddies 😃😃😃
“Oh fuck off”
“I ain’t gonna be seen being ‘blood buddies’ with..whatever you are…”
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mafia-kay · 3 months
Hello! I'm looking for my brother, have you seen him? He's.. uhhhh... Grey? I guess?
👌︎❒︎□︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⬥︎♏︎❒︎♏︎ 🙰◆︎⬧︎⧫︎ ⧫︎□︎●︎♎︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎
“Weren’t you just told this?”
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glitchyk · 3 months
Random half asleep mafia Sona events that happened in my dream. Some serious.. most of them not.
Kay, shaking Dia aggressively: “IM REAL, STUPID!”
Dia: “Gee wilikers you’ve been showing up a lot more recently”
Jeffery is watching the chaos
Byxell: “Bro why are you so hard to FIND?”
Kay, in the distance: “I literally live in what reminds of my previous home.”
Rabid falls face first into the floor of the casino.
Kay who just got in the place: “…The fuck?”
Spoiler alert, she ended up babysitting rabid/silly
Dia when it occurs to him that Kay is real… AND HES RAMBLED SO MUCH PERSONAL SHIT TO HER.
Dia aggressively shakes Kay: “You little SHIT-“
Kay just there casually: “Ah, familial love. This is peak affection.”
Kay is sitting with Bun, in the room she now somewhat spends time in, inside the mansion. Aka after she’s ‘officially’ part of it (despite being ‘indirect’ for who knows how long and delivering info and advice).
“…You know, I used to know someone kinda like you.”
Bun just tilted his head as he looked at Kay, “What does that mean?”
Kay shrugged, leaning back against the bed frame, “…A mix. I knew him forever ago, though.”
“Oh…” Bun looked away a bit, he didn’t even know Kay personally, yet she seemed to already know what he is. He didn’t like thinking back on that.
Kay looked to the side, than back at Bun, “…You can always talk to me, if you want. Since I.. kinda know what you went through. Even if not personally… if it was anything like what they had to deal with.. or if not, you can just.. hang out, if you want.. you know. When I’m not back in the between.”
Bun would after a moment look over at Kay and purred a bit, rolling over a little, his tail swaying contently. Kay just have a small amused chuckle, “Yeah, I get it.. you’re adorable, Bun.” she’d say before giving him a little pat on the head.
“Well… this is inconvenient.” Kay, after a fucking explosion happened and she got the full blunt of it, “…You fuckers are gonna be the reason my hair starts to turn white. Again.”
Kay: “Do you want a hug?”
Dia: “No.”
Kay: “..I figured as much. Do you want glowing sticks?”
Dia gives Kay an unamused look: “Why the fuck would I want glow sticks?”
Kay crossed her arms and spoke simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world: “To drink. Dumbass.”
Dia: “…Fine, fork em over.”
Kay is hanging out with mafia moshieee, and some of the puffs are just around, the Floffis seem confused by them. Kay out of nowhere just goes “You know… puffs are hollow… how would a strom inside affect one of them, since a lot of them are already made of negativity?”
Moshie would just give them a confused look, “…I don’t know.”
Kay is trying to introduce Rabid to Saro (the snake being with arms)
Kay, smiling: “He’s just a cute little guy.”
Rabid, restraining herself from breaking down: “Kay…. Kay that thing has arms Kay.”
Kay just tilted her head to the side in a bit of a confused manner: “He’s just a little guy, rabid.”
Rabid slowly looks at Kay: “…That is the same damn thing you said about a fucking centipede. I don’t think you know what ‘cute’ is.
Disappointed Kay noises/silly
Dash just gives Kay an unamused look, he doesn’t know her well, so he just assumed she’s some newbie: “And… who are you supposed to be?”
“That doesn’t explain anything-“
Kay, kidnapped and being held hostage by the reds, and deciding to be the biggest pain in the ass they can be.
Arsenic, covering his ears, he just signs to the person nearest: “God she needs to shut up”
Diamond sighed: “I hate this job.”
(I know this wouldn’t happen.. realistically she’s not stupid enough to do that, plus I know the reds would without hesitation shut her up, but it was a funny scenario in my brain)
Rabid, walking into the place with a half out of it Kay, arm sling across her shoulder
Dia, genuinely confused: “What the— what the fuck happened? Last I checked, she wasn’t affected by alcohol.”
Rabid sighed: “Okay first off, apparently it’s she’s mostly not affected by alcohol, and second off.. it’s not alcohol”
Kay is literally just wrapped around Rabid and fucking out of it, looking like a drunken idiot.
Dia slowly looks at Rabid, expecting it to be something like a poison or something like that doing this: “…Than what was it?”
Rabid looks away, than back at Dia, away again, than at Kay, than Dia: “….She drank 20 gallons of chocolate milk.”
Dia just gives rabid an unamused look: “..Okay, you can’t be serious. What happened?”
Rabid just gives Dia that look, “No that is literally what happened. It’s like Moshie with coffee.”
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the-mafia-bear · 3 months
Speaking of our scapegoats, seems to me working for the aces is more trouble than it's worth honestly
I mean you joined them to avoid death but it seems like they're all hellbent on dying one way or another
...fFuck off....
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mafia-diamond-smthidk · 2 months
*There is a knock at the door
Diamond, are you here? I'm sorry to bother you again, but there's something you need to know.
- @mafia-chaos-ace
[She was right. Now really isn’t a good time to take out the papers, people just keep entering her office & leaving.]
“You may come in, Ace.”
“What’s on your mind?”
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