#madness project nexus fanatic
idyat 7 months
Apologies for the large spaces, I was too lazy to remove them
Fanatics x reader
Down In The Dark Caves
Summary: When you got lost in the Nexus City sewers, you weren't expecting to find a bunch of new little friends.
WARNINGS: Madness: Project Nexus spoilers
What a mess...what a mess you've gotten in...But honestly these sewers are built like an Ikea, can anyone really blame you for getting lost? Well, at least you have a gun and knife, so you'll be able to somewhat defend yourself if a mutated rat or whatever tries to jump you all of a sudden.
Searching for a semblance of what could be a path out, you analyse the area around you. You're in some sort of underground complex. It stinks. It's dark. Chunks of rock are often falling from higher up, and yet some people still find the courage...creativity...insanity? To live in this place. Well, according to what you've heard and to the corpses you've found on your way to search for an exit.
You expected more noises from this place to be honest. But right now it was just...quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were your own footsteps, it's almost creepy. At least you could be sharp on any incoming threat easily.
Yep...anything that would try to attack you...
...would get...
You had quickly turned around and whipped out your gun at the strange duck mask wearing individual.
clic clic
You look down at your gun. No more ammo.
You looked up to the fanatic and had a quick staring context for a few seconds before you started to pull out your knife.
"Ah! Wait, wait! Stop! Have patience, I mean no harm!"
You stopped moving, still with your knife in hand and a fighting stance, glaring at the guy you just tried to kill and tilting your head quizzically at their claim.
"I-Indeed! Observe, I transport absolutely zero weapons on me!"
They open their arms wide to show you that they, in fact, have no weapons on them, which makes you losen up just a slight bit.
"...Besides, if I had wanted to attack you, wouldn't I have done it WITHOUT making my presence known...?"
"Alright, I give."
You put the knife back in your pocket, to which the stranger immediately sighs in relief and leans against a nearby wall to recover their breath and calm their heartbeat.
You're still extremely wary though, this random ass duck mask wearing guy just snuck up on you for a reason you haven't identified yet, and you know these kinds of people are just like everything in Nevada: violent dangerous assholes.
It takes a few moments of you staring at the masked fellow, analyzing their every movement and hovering your hand over your knife before you finally speak again.
"...Why did you "make your presence known" anyway?"
They silently turn their head towards you. It's hard to tell what their face is doing because of that mask. Hey, at least you've got the body language. And they still seem just as on edge as you. Maybe a little bit more, considering they almost just died.
You tilt your head to the side and raise a brow. Which is probably putting even more pressure on the strange stranger.
"I... uh..."
"Did you not have a reason?"
"Sure! You can tell yourself that!"
...Kind of a suspicious way to approve your theory...
Eh, you're not really in the mood to asks questions so you'll just roll with it.
You still keep an eye on the other as you look around, taking a few steps to check for any paths or perhaps a map.
...A map. Seriously? You're going to ask for a map in this place?
You slightly turn your head back to the masked fellow still taking deep breaths. They're probably one of the inhabitants of the cave.
You...would you? Would you dare? After trying to kill them?
They raises their mask up frop the ground to you, tilting it.
Welp, you're a terrible person for this.
"Uh...sorry for the question...right after...tryingtokillyou but, do you by any chance know where the exit of this place is?"
You don't know what you were expecting, but it definimtely wasn't for the stranger to stare at you for a few seconds before completely changing their demeanor, going from limp and out of breath to very energetic and excentric in the matter of a second.
"You ask for an exit to our sanctuary? An escape??"
"Uh...yeah?" You take a step back at their suddenly booming voice and movements.
"Why, you humorous individual! I know no exit, for I NEED no exit!"
"...Excuse me what?"
They turn their back to you and raise their hands in the air.
"Few of us have retained the pathway back to the outdside world, for we have opened our eyes to the reality of this universe! Our happiness is here! The only ones who have kept it in mind are our highest prophets and our all buoyant lea-"
They suddenly stop, frozen in their precious position. Before they slouch down sadly, both their hands and their head now facing the ground.
"Uh...Are you okay?" Both your voice and your movements are slow as you reach a hand to their slumping back, not actually intending on touching it.
"Oh...our leader...our poor, poor leader..."
You are kinda shocked by how sad their voice sounds all of a sudden. Seems like they really cared about whoever their leader was.
"What...did something...happen to them?"
"Indeed..." They brought their hand up to their mask in a useless tear wiping motion. "He was crushed...murdered so suddenly by a higher mass we could never have possibly seen..."
"Was he crushed by the rocks?"
"No!" They turned and agrily pointed their finger at you. "He knew this entire sanctuary like the back of his buoyant mind! He would not have fallen to such an ordinary hazard!"
"Oh shit. Uh, sorry."
They cross their arms and face their body away from you, seemingly still annoyed, before their body language loosens up a bit and their tone goes back to melancholy, silence setting.
"So...I guess I'll just...seek myself out then...is that okay with you...?"
They turn their head to look at you.
"I'll...take that as a yes."
You slowly start to back away, before turning around and leaving this section of the cave, not minding the creepy stare. You just want to get out of here.
As you walk through the base, it's quiet. Too quiet. You start to hear a sounds behind you. You twist around, knife at the ready, but every time you think you're about to get attacked again you see nothing. Either you're going insane or something' following you.
...It's getting closer. You can tell.
...Fuck it.
"Hey! Whoever's here, show yourself!"
You whip around, yelling into the darkness.
"What the fuck do you want?! I'm just trying to get out of here!"
You haven't hear anything after you started speaking up.
"Do you want food or something?! Here! Take it!"
You impulsively throw the cereal bar you've been saving for yourself in case of strandings like this. You have to admit, it probably wasn't a good idea to throw away your only source of food, but your mind was too busy worrying about whatever cave stalker you had on your ass right now.
But as you glared at the tunnel before you, you start to see a figure step out of the shadows. You instinctively place your hand on your knife, ready to fight back in case it tries to attack you first, until you see a familiar mask reach down to the cereal bar.
"You!" You point at the fanatic, who jumps at your sudden shout.
"Why are you following me?!" You take a step towards them, and they take a step back.
"Uh- I- Emh-"
They wave their hands in front of them as a sign of peace (one of them is holding the cereal bar) as you continue getting closer.
"This is the second time I've seen you sneak up on me!" Your voice and movements are a little more relaxed now since you've seen by now that they probably won't hurt you. In fact, they look quite scared.
"I apologize I apologize! I can explain everything I promise!"
You start to loosen up as you hear their claim.
"You better have a good explanation then. Because whatever you're doing is not inspiring any trust in anyone."
It's the fanatics turn to take a second breather, although they soon start to look more and more embarrassed as they realise they'll ACTUALLY have to explain themself.
You're more patient with them this time surprisingly, letting them find the time to make up their words and muster their courage to barely whisper an answer to your question, not even able to look you in the face.
"I was...feeling lonely. And since a new face that wasn't trying to explode our sanctuary had arrived after so long...I..."
After taking a few seconds to process, you raise your eyebrows and widen your eyes, unintentionally loosening your grip on your weapon.
The shameful fanatic try to shuffle farther from you, but that onky makes you come closer.
"That's it?"
There's a small pause before they slowly tilt their head towards you.
"...'That's it'?" They sound confused for some reason.
"I mean...yeah. It's not really that surprising to be lonely in Nevada..."
"...So you're not angered at me or about to attempt to murder me because of it?"
"Why would I be?"
When you clense their doubts, they seem to perk up, looking around with a clearly calmer head.
"So do you desire this back?" They hand the cereal bar towards you as you put your knife away.
"Huh? Oh, you can keep it. You looked hungry anyway, at least enough to pick it up in plain sight like that."
The fanatic raises their head up. Althought you can't see their eyes, you can tell they are probably wide as plates. But they didn't wait any longer to demolish that cereal bar, turning around so you don't see their maskless face before turning back and clasping their hands toghether, voice overwhelmed with joy.
"Thank you! I give you my deepest gratitudes you holy beast!"
"Ah, uh, it's nothing. No need to get so extreme about it..." You say, flinching a bit at how close they suddenly get.
"...Alrighty then! As you wish." They actually back away, hands behind their back.
"However, I still have a debt of at least one cereal bar towards you. Do not try to stop me, I'm not one to betray my oath."
As they finish talking, you nod, even smiling a little. They...actually seem like a pleasant fellow like that. How funny.
But a question still bugs you.
"Alright. Although if I may ask, are there not any other people like you in here? I've seen other seemingly inhabited places around, and you can't be the only member of your cult right?"
"Ah...right... Well, of course I'm not the only one here, we are quite numerous actually, however..."
A small shudder comes against them.
"On the night of our leader's death, us who were left surviving were scattered around quite a bit. At least in terms of morale. And it...simply is comforting in dark times, to gain a possible new acquaintance."
Oh. You feel bad for them honestly, whoever their cult leader was seemed really important to them.
"He was so great...he was our father..."0
You move your head back up to them when they speak in a saddened voice, closing their body language in on themself.
"Did you know he told us about his visions and prophecies every night before bedtime? (No you didn't...) The very last one he told us was about a new prophet who would descend down from another place..."
You're listen to their ramblings, attempting to nod in a comforting way.
"A beautiful one at that. He said fear would have been felt but all it'd take is one illumination to...*snif*...to guide us out of hell..."
"Wow. That's...pretty precise."
Shit. You're not sure if you should've talked at a moment like that.
"Very. It's only fitting that the one who began guiding us all to light has the brightest mind of all. He could even get as close as to say whoever they are would bring us nourishement."
They then start whispering to themself.
"A beautiful prophet...bringing us nourishement..."
You tilt your head to get a better look at the face they hid from you, before letting out a yelp when they suddenly move right in front of your face, analyzing it. How the hell did they move so fast?!
"WHAT THE F- What are you doing?"
They don't answer you, simply staring even harder.
"U-Uh, can I help you o-"
You're interrupted by a loud squeak coming from the fanatic.
"It's you! I have found you!"
They suddenly grab your shoulders and shake you around.
"Our prophet! It's you!"
"Augh- Wait what?!"
"A beautiful prophet! Beginning with fear! Who'd bring us nourishement! You've come down to us!"
You take one or two seconds to process what they just said as they keep rambling on, suddenly interrupting them when you realize what they mean.
"Waitwaitwait I'm not- I am NOT who you think I am! I'm just some randi who got stuck in the sew- wait did you call me beautiful?"
The fanatic finally get off you, but their gesture remains excited and inviting.
"Why don't be ridiculous now! You obviously are!"
You can't tell whether they're talking about you being a "prophet" or you being beautiful.
"No, I...I'm really not."
"Oh please! How about this then: have you been having 'strange' dreams coming to you lately? Or at all? Perhaps...dreaming of this very encounter?"
"Uh..." You raise an eyebrow at their weird question. You have had strange dreams that included sewers and weird cultists before, but you don't think they were as precise as to predict this very moment.
"I guess? But I don't think it's that uncommon with dissonance running everywhere arou-"
You don't have time to finish your sentence before they squeak again.
"Wait no-"
"I need to tell my comrades about this!"
"Didn't you say you were scrambled around or something?"
"Morally in majority! Besides, we know how to communicate, even in such complicated times!"
You raise an eyebrow as they turn around and pull out a funky looking walkie-talkie and whisper something into it.
You're wondering whether you should say anything again, but after a few dozen seconds, your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of rumbling. Then by the feeling of rumbling.
"Huh? What is-"
The next thing to be interrupted is your question as dozens of the same mask wearing fanatics explode through the wall, running towards you like giant rats.
You brace yourself, ready to either die or trip one of the swarming cultists to their possible death, but all of them stop right in front of you, bumping into you at most.
You slowly lower your arms when hearing whispers and the fanatic who called all of them here.
"My brothers! We have found a new savior! The one that was promised by our buoyant leader! The one who may guide us out of our psychological crat-"
"Hey hey hey! I think you got the wrong person my guy! I don't think I'm your savior or whatever!"
You try to make yourself seen and heard amongst the herd of whispers and giggles, but it seems that not anything you say could change the fanatics minds.
"Nonsense! You are obviously one of us!"
The fanatic who brought you into this whole mess then turned to the other and raised their arms.
"My brothers! Let them see our sacred, headquarters!"
You don't even have time to process those words before being picked up with a yelp by the cheering masses and transported to who knows where.
"Will you please listen?! I am not your prophet!"
"They are our prophet!!" The crowd of cultists chant as they run with your dismayed self over their heads.
It takes a few minutes during which you eventually accept your fate before you finally reach the so called "headquarters", and you are finally put down on a slightly elevated platform.
"...So...what am I supposed to do up here?"
You've had time to calm down and process things up a little on the way to this more open, less stinky chamber of the sewer, so you seem more aware of whatever's going on. The cult doesn't seem all that too dangerous anyways, especially with your newfound status among them.
"Oh! You may just enjoy and adjust to our brethren's lifestyle!"
Every fanatic seems to have brought or picked up a thing for you. Up on your """throne""", you can see all of them, clumping and looking at you with fascination. They seem way less numerous than what you originally felt like, maybe a little over 10 people. That's still quite a lot to have staring at and throwing offers to you.
"Uh..." Yeeaah, you're not really sure if you want to give everything up in a single day for cultists you don't even know.
"Can I...consider not taking the offer...? At least as an option...?"
The first fanatic you met climbs up on your level, albeit with a surprised voice.
"Wha- You do not desire to learn about our buoyant beliefs?"
"I...um...I guess, the problem's really just that I don't want to all of a sudden live wherever this is...at all."
The eyes of the masked people all around you seem to almost glow, and the offers of fresh rats, bird skulls, scented candles and old toys stop to let place for a small silence.
"...Oh well that's no bother! I had said "adjust to our lifestyle" earlier hadn't I? We'd all be delighted to help you get accustomed!"
"...Accustomed to wha-"
You cut yourself off to think about it.
Sure the place may look old and rundown, but it sure seemed to be safer than the overworld where everything wants to kill you. This area even has no rocks falling down, you just realised. And it's not like the people weren't nice, at least to you.
"...Can I go get my stuff from outside?"
"Of course! May a prophet knowing lf the path to the outside world lead our dear new savior to their personal promised land!" Woah, savior? That's a little strong of a word.
Someone raises their hand in the crowd, and walks up the hidden staircase of your platform to reveal a seemingly cleaner member of the cult, dressed in white and pink rather than the dark colors and green of the others.
They ask you to follow them and you do so, followed closely by all the other fanatics, whispering between eachother and you.
"What do you use to look so clean? Is it lotion?"
"Can we be friends?"
"Do you like Pokemon cards?"
"I have more rats!"
You can't help but giggle a bit at their antics, even starting a full-blown conversation with some of them.
But then, as you get closer to the exit according to the prophet, your attention is taken by a poke on your shoulder, turning around to see the first cultist you met, although this time they seemed more nervous than the others.
"Are you going to leave?"
The questions actually widen your eyes a bit. You take a few seconds to think before responding with your best attempt at a reassuring smile.
"I'll...uh...I'll be coming back soon. Promise."
They visibly perk up, walking faster out of joy.
"Wait! Can I come with you? At most to get a glance at the exterior of our home?"
This actually seems to shock the few others who heard your "friend", before most of them actually start to think about spending more time with you outside.
"Of course!"
They cheer under their breath, making you smile a little.
"Hey, what's your name by the way? It's gonna be a little hard to talk if we don't know how to adress eachother."
They raise their head back up to you as you tell them your own name, tilting it slightly.
"Well, before landing upon our buoyant group, the people I used to steal garbage from and eat called me Shithead!"
"Oh. Oh dear."
"Yeah! I even have some shotgun scars from them! I find it quite...how do thy say it nowadays...uh, cool. If you may!"
"Holy shit, are you okay?"
"Yes yes, I think it could be considered quite common in the outside world."
"Eh, I mean, yeah. I have a few scars myself. Can I make another name for you?"
"I don't know, can you? But yes, of course you may! If you are our new prophet then surely only good could come from this!"
"Alright let's see, uuh...Winston?"
"I love it! I am now Winston! God bless!"
You give them a thumbs up. You put absolutely no thought into that name whatsoever.
As you walk and talk, the prophet signals you that you have arrived at the exit, and the blood red and black sky almost looks blinding compared to the sewers.
"Do you require any assistance before heading back to your outside home?"
"No thank you, I know the way."
You can feel the dozens of stares on your back as you start walking away.
You turn back.
"...I'll be back right here soon!"
You point at the entrance grounds and the whole cult following you cheers as you smile and wave goodbye.
You re definitely seeing those guys later.
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dish-detergent 8 months
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fanatic faction propaganda featuring my oc, mustard, an ex aahw atp agent who quit their job and escaped to the sewers!! 馃挭馃従
alt coloring under the cut
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flameofthescorpion 1 year
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Jeckyll my beloved
Its still a mystery how the fuck he survived getting mauled but he did-
he cant wear the usual fanatics mask but hes loyal nontheless
(hes also based off one of my favourite mortal kombat characters, sadly 11 ruined him....okay 11 ruined every character lets be honest-)
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yanderes-galore 1 year
A concept for yandere dr crackpot from madness combat?
Sure! Here's the gremlin rat man- My bad internet blew up my format so I am hoping things are correct.
Yandere! Dr Crackpot Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Implied stalking, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Possessive behavior, Forced companionship, Abduction, Degrading behavior, Cults, Violence.
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First of all, Crackpot is extremely unhinged.
Crackpot used to be confident and stuck-up before the fall of Nexus.
He has always been manipulative and pushy even before he lost his mind.
Crackpot only gets worse when he loses his mind... developing a God complex and starting his own cult in the sewers of Nexus City.
He's obsessive about his own creations and portrays himself as some sort of chosen one.
Crackpot's darling may be overwhelmed with how intense he can get towards them.
Crackpot is Obsessive, Delusional, Manipulative, Forceful, and Possessive.
He's driven by his beliefs and emotions to the point it's instinct.
Crackpot could've met you as a fellow scientist... then met you again after the fall of Nexus City.
When he still had his mind he often used his position to try and impress his darling.
The moment he becomes lead scientist instead of Christoff he's breathing down your neck for attention.
Crackpot is probably a yandere who enjoys praise.
His darling becomes his main source for such praise.
Or at least... he tries to get them to be.
Even when he's sane you think Crackpot's ambition alone is insane.
You knew from the start the Zed project would be a horrible idea.
But all Crackpot wanted to hear from you was endless praise.
Crackpot thrives off his darling's compliments even if they are scarce.
The moment you say something good about him, he eats it up like a starving animal.
Crackpot no doubt shows annoyance to your avoidance of him... but it sadly only adds to his obsession for later.
Crackpot follows his obsession around the Nexus Labs.
He isn't subtle in the slightest and likes to watch you like a hawk.
He claims he wants to know what you're working on... in reality he just likes to watch you.
Crackpot may not get a chance to fully explore his obsession until after the fall of Nexus.
His mind is eroded with Dissonance after his experiments...
Now he rules a cult in the sewers.
You meet him again when you try to take a short cut through the sewers.
Many have done it to avoid dangers on the surface.
Yet the dangers here are probably far worse than up there, as those who travel to the sewers soon find out.
Crackpot has numbers down here.
You feel as though you're being tracked down here when traversing through the stinking tunnels.
Green eyes stare at you like rats in the darkness before scurrying away.
You expect this to be another bandit situation... there's crazies everywhere in Nevada.
It's a bit... weirder than bandits.
Fanatics... a cult fascinated by the Zeds that infect this city.
It just so happens an old friend leads them.
Said old friend just so happens to learn of your existence through chatter among his "children" too.
If you are who he remembers you as, Crackpot is eager to greet you.
You have been brought to him by fate!
That means you're meant to stay here.
Crackpot stalks you through the sewers he calls his home, crawling about through small spaces and paddling through water.
He's like a hunter... waiting for the right time to strike.
The more he watches you explore his sewer home the more the memories of you come back.
He remembers everything... how he used to follow you, how he tried to impress you...
How you didn't think he was worth your time.
Such a thought angers him... but surely you'd change your mind now?
After all... now he has many "children" who believe in his cause!
You can't refuse him now.
The first thing Crackpot would try to do when he finds his darling is indoctrinate them into his cult.
The way you reunite is a bit brutal... Crackpot pounces on you like some sort of feral creature and you hit your head on the ground.
When you awake you're in his little "room".
Tied up by festive lights...
With Crackpot's glowing green mask staring at you with an eager excitement.
Crackpot wants to make his darling help lead his cult.
But with all your kicking and screaming it appears he'll have some work to do first.
Crackpot's dream is to have you care for his many "children" as he does in the sewer.
He should've had you long ago but you always eluded him.
Now how do you feel at his mercy?
Crackpot's mind runs on delusions.
He thinks his darling was sent to him as a divine gift.
He also thinks deep down you do love him.
You don't as he keeps dragging you by a lead of festive lights like a captive or a pet.
Crackpot is charismatic with his insane ramblings.
His followers, the fanatics, listen to everything he says.
You feel threatened at this as if you ever did escape... and one of them found out...
You'd have hundreds of fanatics chasing you down for their leader.
He doesn't even have to threaten you with it as you already have a feeling of what will happen.
Despite Crackpot indoctrinating you into his little "family", he's possessive.
Think of what happens when you try to steal a toy or piece of food from an animal, like a rat for example?
That's him.
Crackpot probably unironically hisses at those who try to get near you.
He also clings to you, often laying on you as some sort of comfort.
You can't tell if he just wants a familiar friend or is trying to be something more with you.
Honestly you aren't even sure if there's a sane thought behind that mask.
All you know is Crackpot treats you like a valuable possession.
Not even his followers get to be near you half the time.
Crackpot makes a rule that only he's able touch you and keep you.
Although if he trusts a follower enough they'll get time with you.
Overall, Crackpot has devolved into a feral animal for his obsession once he loses his mind.
He's possessive and has numbers to provide him aid if something goes wrong...
Leaving him will be a daunting task, you may just lose your mind too.
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local-angst-dispenser 2 years
A Reluctant God
Summary: It has been a while since you've appeared in the world of Madness: Project Nexus and been taken in by three grunts named Becca, Fidel, and Zoey. However, you feel like their faction is slowly turning into a cult: with you at its center.
Trigger and Content Warnings: fanatics, cults, obsessive behaviors, mentions of abandonment, yandere
Note 1: Okay, so I decided to step away from Part Four for a minute. I've come to a dead-end with it and I think I need to write something else to get my mind working. So here is a SAMAU (by @saltymongoose ) but with my ocs: Becca, Fidel, and Zoey. In this, basically you ended up not coming back with the Auditor when he brought you through the computer. You ended up in front of Becca's bar and ended up being a huge help. With some off your knowledge of poisons and your otherworldly powers, the members of Glistening Poison can't help but start to worship you. :)
Note 2: To sort of explain this Player, they can basically create any plants/flowers/fruits. They of course have their other iconic abilities from the original au, but the ability to create plants/flowers/fruits is estinally what kick starts the cult. Player is also a bit of a people pleaser and unfortunately, despite them having good intentions, feeds into the cult by trying to please the grunts. It.. goes terribly.
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You believe that Glistening Poison is becoming a cult, and that's not you exaggerating.
The grunts that consist of the, quite large, organization, have begun treating you differently. It was something gradual, but you had taken notice.
The grunts lowest on the chain would always get out of your way whenever you were walking around the base. They'd bow and greet you with excitement comparable to that of a zealot. If they ever noticed you staring at something of theirs, they'd offer it immediately, seemingly excited to have you showing interest in their items.
(You never got a say in not taking them. You learned after a while it was best to accept the 'gifts' and thank them.)
The grunts a bit higher up, with more acknowledgment and power, treated you similar if not with more fanaticism. You'd notice, whenever you'd make flowers and trees for them in the garden you created in the middle of the base, you'd catch many of them kneeling there. As if they were praying. They'd also leave items there, below the large willow tree you had grown. You'd find those items in your room the next morning.
(You only smiled and nodded whenever those grunts excitedly asked you if you had gotten their offerings. If you didn't say yes, would they abandon you, just like everyone else had in your previous life?)
Those highest on the chain, mainly Becca, Fidel, and Zoey, seemed to be the most.. obsessed with you. One of them would always be near you or walking with you and always find a topic of conversation to have. Becca would hold your hand, Fidel would stand just a bit too close, and Zoey would be completely latched onto your arm. You excused that, though. After all you were closest to them currently and it made sense for some interaction to happen! Even if it was a bit.. invasive at times.
(You didn't dare to bring up to Zoey how you saw her freezing the flower you gave her, and how she placed it on top of what seemed to be a mini shrine. If you didn't let on that you knew, hopefully she wouldn't abandon you.)
But now? Now you wished that maybe you spoke up when you had the chance.
"Becca?" you asked as Zoey pulls you into a room. Fidel is in there as well, digging through some boxes. "What's going on?"
She clasps her paws together and grins. You try not to shudder. Her grin is too wide and too full of pride. "We finally decided that it's time you get the introduction you deserve into Glistening Poison, Your Vibrancy!"
"'Your Vibrancy'..?" you echo quietly as Fidel steps away from the boxes. In his paws he has a neatly folded piece of clothing. He walks up to you and holds it out, carefully and delicately.
"Here you are, Your Vibrancy," he spoke and you dug your fingers into your palms. His smile was too lovesick. "We made sure that the materials were only the finest."
Zoey nodded and clapped her paws. "Yeah! Mhm! Becca reeeeeaaally made sure! Those lowly grunts nearly messed it up, but when she reminded them who you were, they were working fast and efficient! Their scared faces were hilarious." Her snickers unvered you.
"Uh.. okay." you nodded as you took the clothing. "Can you three.. turn around, please? I'd rather not be watched."
"Of course," Becca responded as she adjusted her glasses. She quickly turned away from you, Fidel and Zoey doing the same.
You took a small breath to steady your beating heart before changing.
It was a bit difficult, but a few minutes later, you were finally changed. You turned your head to look in a mirror propped up on a wall and you felt a sense of.. comfort surge through you.
The clothing had turned out to be a large cloak. It was a beautiful gradient of pink, green, and white; with iridescent stars scattered all over it. It was trimmed with gold - even the hood. You pulled it up and hummed softly. Even with the hood up, no shadow was over your face. Looking down, you spotted the clasp near your neck which would close the cloak. You did just that, snapping it shut. With that out of the way, you glanced at the sleeves, which were the same as the rest of the fabric.
"You can turn around now," you tell the three grunts as you turned look at them. The three did just that and they all gasped. You were sure that if they had eyes, they'd be wide. You didn't miss their blush.
"Oh, Your Vibrancy, you look amazing!" Becca gushed as she walked up to you. Fidel nodded in agreement as Zoey reached for another box. "You've always looked amazing!" the female grunt added as Fidel bumped her shoulder. "Just even more so now."
"And to complete your already stunning look.." Zoey hummed before grabbing two boxes. She walked over to you and presented them. "These!"
You pulled your hood down before grabbing once of the boxes. You opened it and gasped softly. It was a necklace of flowers, encased in ice. As you gently picked it up, you were surprised to find that the ice wasn't cold. Delicately, you took it out of the box and put it around your neck with little struggle. Then, you grabbed the next box.
You opened it and gaped. It was a golden circlet. How they even managed to get this, you didn't know. However, since you could feel their anxious gazes on you, you picked up the circlet and placed it on your head. With the look you had taken at it, the circlet's centerpiece was a small carving of ice which was shaped like the willow tree, except its leaves were flower petals and small fruits seemed to hang from it as well.
"Its.. beautiful," you spoke after several seconds of silence.
You smiled a bit at the three's excited cheers. Fidel then gently grabbed your hand as Becca opened the door to the room. "Now," Fidel spoke, "we can finally do your formal introduction to Glistening Poison."
You swallowed a lump forming in your throat as Becca, Fidel, and Zoey leaded you through the oddly quiet halls of the underground base. Just what did they mean? What was happening?
You question was answered not even a minute later as you were brought out onto a stage in front of a large audience. The members of Glistening Poison. You felt your breath catch in your throat as Becca began to speak.
"Followers of Their Vibrancy!" she began. "It's with great pleasure that I now announce to you what shall change! Glistening Poison will no longer be focused on expanding and taking over Nevada -"
Your eyes widened. That wasn't what they had told you their objective was. You thought it had been to take down both the AAHW and the Nexus Core!
" - instead, we will be spreading the word of Their Vibrancy!" Becca threw her paws into the air as the crow roared with cheers and agreement. "No longer will we be taking over Nevada simply to restore it! No! We will be taking it over so our God can rightfully rule the land that is theirs!"
As Becca continued her speech, you could only force a smile as Zoey and Fidel looked up at you with their own smiles.
You were in too deep now and you knew there was no way you were getting out. Especially with how much a people pleaser you were.
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bccfggffbgv 3 years
Is Dr. Crackpot alive in your au?
Victor Hex: Ah yes, Dr. Crackpot!...He has been quite helpful for us after I had given him his sentience back after resurrecting him!
Dr. Crackpot, with a new Disassembly Drone cybernetic arm and stitched in Bilesack next to his heart: I am forever thankful for his buoyancy and for allowing me to bring along my faithful followers in his quest of giving everyone within the multiverse his gift of ascensionism~!
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