wawamouse · 1 month
Do you take asks? Because I’d very much like to see more Chico AU content from you. (I’ve read all your works lol) Can you do a day in the life scene from your restaurant AU? (And his relationship with Miguel) Could be after Oz or in a world where they never went to Oz.
Sorry I took so long to respond :P It's mainly because bulletpointing ideas is a lot easier than thinking of a specific moment to write out 💀 I ended up writing a little moment for a version of a restaurant AU where it's post Oz or something like that.
A hush fell over the kitchen as Chico tromped in, everyone inside staring at him. Two of the younger line cooks were already in, prepping for the day, the clacking of their knives against the chopping boards audibly slowing with his arrival. Olivia the server chick was hanging around, too, leaning against the wall by the counter, a container of napkin rolls held loose in her arms.
Their silence made him pause, old, quick anger that he was supposed to be done with flaring up like bile. He swallowed that shit right back down, skin prickling. “What?”
The cooks looked down, and Olivia made herself scarce, heading back up front to finish her own opening duties.
Chico threw his shit into a locker and put on an apron in the back office, coming back around to the kitchen to wash his hands. Once again, he heard a sudden silence, whispers hushing. It was pretty fucking unsubtle. Of course, he knew what they’d probably been talking about before he walked in. It wasn’t his proudest moment, blowing up at Miguel yesterday the way that he had. He was supposed to be keeping his head down—working hard.
Fuck it.
“Anyone seen Alvarez?” he said casually, guessing it was probably what they wanted.
“He ain’t here yet,” Keener piped up at the same time Shawn said, “Are you gonna fight him again?”
Chico scoffed, drying off his hands and tossing the paper towel, which hit the rim of the trash and fell in, thank fuck. “That wasn’t a fight.” Getting up in Miguel’s face, screaming—okay, maybe it looked like a fight to these—these twenty-somethings, working this shitty kitchen job for the summer or whatever. He hadn’t swung, though, and neither had Miguel.
The back door opened and Miguel walked in, pulling off his baseball cap. “Hey.”
Squinting, Chico said, “Why’re you so out of breath, man? I thought you said you were just going across the street. I got here before you.”
“Out of breath ‘cause I ran. Late ‘cause this lady in front of me—swear to God—was paying in dimes and nickels. Here—” Miguel reached into his pocket, getting ready to toss the pack of gum.
“Nah, give ‘em to me later, I just washed my hands,” Chico said bluntly, turning away. As he went over to check the cooler and see what else needed doing, he could feel Keener and Shawn staring a little. He looked up, catching Shawn in the act, Keener wise enough to look down in time. “You start the bisque yet?”
Dumbass. They always forgot the fucking bisque.
Chico waved a dismissive hand. “I got it.”
He was around the corner at the back stove later when he felt a presence behind him, Miguel making no attempt to hide his approach.
“You need any help?”
“No.” Chico could feel something against his backside—a box of gum being stuffed into the pocket of his jeans—Jesus, he’d said he’d take it later, hadn’t he? He turned his head to say as much, then saw a flash of mischief in Miguel’s eyes—felt a quick squeeze against his ass. “Fuck off!”
Miguel’s throaty chuckle followed him as he strolled off, practically whistling a tune.
On the far side of the kitchen, Keener and Shawn had turned around to see what had happened, their probing eyes too late to the scene. Chico glared at them and turned back to the stove.
He’d get Miguel back for that one, at their lunch break or at home, or—or in about twenty minutes in the walk-in probably.
In front of him, steam curled off the surface of the red-orange soup, the liquid just moments from bubbling.
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