demencia-literaria · 1 year
Cómo podría olvidarte si fuiste eso que no puedo explicar y me sigue intrigando.
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portalg37 · 2 years
Integrantes da Máfia Azul que atacaram ônibus, mataram um membro da Galoucura e feriram nove pessoas são denunciados pelo MPMG
Integrantes da Máfia Azul que atacaram ônibus, mataram um membro da Galoucura e feriram nove pessoas são denunciados pelo MPMG
Está em fase de alegações finais a Denúncia oferecida pelo Ministério Público de Minas Gerais (MPMG) contra seis torcedores da Máfia Azul pelo homicídio de M.F.F., membro da Galoucura, e por homicídio tentado contra outras nove pessoas. Os denunciados S.P.S, G.L.S., R.E.R.S, W.M.G.L., L.G.S.V e P.H.C.B atacaram o ônibus onde as vítimas estavam após o jogo entre Atlético e Fluminense, no Mineirão,…
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saydishi-kun · 4 years
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Osomatsu and Karamatsu >:'D
Matsuno's Forgotten Forest AU
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OsoChoro :3
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eumente · 2 years
Prefiro amar, passar pela paixãozinha é uma merda.
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ressacademar · 6 years
as once she felt
she was crazy, full of fire, her soul constantly in flames. he seemed to be stable on the outside, but wild at heart, was poetic just by being himself, even when mute. she had not got the chance to know him well. they were not close, but she fell for the little she knew about him and could not even think about the rush of feelings she would get if she had the chance to know him as she wished he would be interested to know her. she felt all the emotions, every single little moment. he did not know at right what was it he was feeling. the passion she felt was everyday blooming like flowers through her skin and heart. the passion for him, for the world. the simple thought of adventures and misfortunes they would face together if they chose the right path. the simple thought of watching sunsets and sunrises, of exploring and discovering new lovely places around the globe and by that finding every never lost but missing pieces of their hearts. just by a glance of him her face would blush and her heart would beat as fast as it could. she waited everyday for the moment that they exchanged quick looks. she imagined what if he, by any chance, felt at least a fraction for her as she felt for him. she gathered every time she had him on sight the courage to look right in his eyes, but she failed at most tries. she felt, she dreamed and still was a fool to rely on the possible doings of the time.
via @ressacademar
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lolia21 · 6 years
Boruto Part 1: M.F.F
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MOTHERFUCKING FRIENDSHIP. Boruto and Mitsukis friendship is a chocolate covered marshmallow. Its sweet and pleasant and if i'm ever sad it's the first thing i’m going to go to. Mitsuki has no concept of personal space, social queues, or normal “human” behavior and that bother Boruto exactly zero percent. Boruto seems to genuinely enjoy how weird Mitsuki is and Mitsuki might actually feed off of Boruto's positive and cocky energy. Sarada is also a fucking delight when it comes to scheming and teasing her friends. 
Where her father was a self proclaimed loner and her mother had an inferiority complex that drove her to always try and act arrogant and had a quick tempered, Sarada is willing to go along with schemes if they interest her, is quick to tease and take teases and never feels the need to talk down to a friend unless they deserve it.
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Her dry wit matches well with Mitsukis blunt yet playful honesty. An the scenes were they team up on Boruto Are genuinely funny but also show how great they are as friends. Because Mitsuki is always on Borutos side, you know what Borut is doing is wrong when he chooses to side with Sarada. It's fun because we get to see Mitsuki and Sarada playoff each other and we also get to see Boruto without the support of Mitsuki, which he has quickly come to fall back on. Also Boruto's actual life goal of support my friends” is just the goddamn best. I loved Naruto's underdog story, how he originally wanted to be Hokage to prove he was good enough, to get attention and hopefully make friends. That's great, good motivation guy. But FUCK THAT!  Borutos goals are so pure and come from such an interesting place that i can’t hate them. He doesn’t just want to support his friends because he cares about them, he wants to give the support he doesn’t feel he has. Boruto feels that his dad has abandoned their family- and he kind of has- and he doesn't want to make anyone feel that way. He wants to be the person who always supports his friends, not the one who leads them. Because leaders have things they have to do, goals they have to put before others and Boruto doesn't want to do that.
To further this point i really want to point out episodes 35-37, were we really get to see the power of MOTHERFUCKING FRIENDSHIP shine through in all the characters. This show has done ten times better than the original when it comes to introducing and evolving a large cast, though this has cost it in terms of pacing and advancing the plot.Or at least thats what ive heard as a complaint. I was to busy in my cloud of loving all of these characters to care. Also i”ve seen and read a disturbing amount of long running action adventure shounen manga, and i've become pretty numb to long over stretched arcs. Shounen anime is my second favorite type of any BTW, My first two being sports anime and magical girl anime. So you can imagine how little fucks i give that the overall plot isn’t going particularly fast.Any way, Those three episodes not only show MOTHER FUCKING FRIENDSHIP at its best it also highlights a really big problem with how the show portrays its character versus how the show -mainly the adults- talk about its characters.
*ahem* Kakashi is hosting the graduation exams this year, but before it he does several interviews were he asks the kids what they want to do and why they want to be ninjas. A large part of this episode is devoted to the fact that Boruto doesn't have a solid “reason” He says he wants to be a ninja because all his friends want to and he wants to support them in their goals and being a ninja is the easiest way to do that. He doesn't really have any plans of his own and is perfectly fine being the Mercy of the group. He originally says he wants to be better than Naruto but that isn’t the only reason. This pisses Kakashi off, he feels that Boruto not really having any plans means he lacks resolve and that can be dangerous on an actual mission. He feels that Boruto should want to become a ninja for some reason and that if he just waltzed into battle because he wants to be with his friends and beat his dad, without any goals of his own he won't have the strength to fight the really tough battles. Kakashi is WRONG. Everything the show ways shown us up until this points completely contradicts this way of thinking, Boruto would never risk a teammate or friend in any situation. His resolve to support his friends would only make him more valuable in a group setting. He has never been shown to  be the type not to make up his mind when it counts and always feels responsible for the safety and care of those around him. The biggest reason he was so obsessed with solving the ghost incidences was because he was the only who could see them and felt obligated to help because of that fact. Boruto has never been afraid to ask for help or get advice when he needs it and nothing about his character has shown the lack the resolve necessary to do what he must for his team and village. 
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Though none of this matters because the conclusion the show appears to come to is that Kakashi is in fact wrong. After Boruto loses and the chips are down he states that he was wrong to become a ninja just to be with friends then figure what he wasn’t and that he inslt strong enough to support those goals. And Everyone says “FUCK NO BRO!” Everyone of Borutos friends tell him that it was his support that allowed them to grow and change as people and that if he wasn”t the way he ways they wouldn't be there.The problem with this is that the doubt he had wasn't there until kakashi said something. It's true that Boruto told Mitsuki it was kind of lame that he didn’t have high ambitions but he was fine with that. He’s just not the type to be overly ambitious, he's happy supporting his friends and knowing that they can fall back him when they need to. The show says that Boruto lacks the resolve to be a ninja, but it shows him to be reliable kid whos good to his friends and family -minus naruto- and who always tries to do the right thing. His friends also say that and they win against Kakashi by working together with Boruto.
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And its even worse because at the end Kakashis like   “now you have the resolve to do what you have to.”  But Boruto hasn't changed in terms of his goals or his mindset. He still wants to support his friends and see them grow, he still as curios and intelligent as before. All that's happened is that he was forced to confront the previously nonexistent idea that maybe he wasn't doing good by his friends and that he needed have more self oriented goals. Boruto's version of friendship is, in my humble opinion, much better than Naruto's. People seem to actually like each other, they actively seek each other out. While a large portion go Naruto story was about him gaining friends in spite of Kurama, that doesn”t change the fact the supposed “friends” he did have treated im and each other like shit. It was perfect for the story that it existed in but can’t hold a candle to its successor.
If you like this stupidly long discussion-rant-review- thing please let me know. If you think i can improve somehow let me, but like in a nice way. If you’re a troll and going to be a dick no matter what, HI!
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buenser729-blog · 4 years
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🤔#EY ... 🙄 CUANDO YO TE HABLÉ 👂NO ME IGNORES 😌 YO SE XQ... TÉ DIGO LAS COS@S 🤔 "" M.F.F. A MY LUCERO☠️MUNDO Y EGGUNS "" 🗣️#BUEN SER ... 🌛☠️😈🌚👿💀😇🌞 (en CCs. Caracas.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBS-PIVDKwW/?igshid=1nxbl6ep4my75
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neko73 · 4 years
@Blacksalena5211(ミラの介 M.F.F.)
@aruma_zirou 病院という括りで見たときに、看護師はケアワーカーとしての役割もあるから一概には言えないけど、医者はそうかもしれない
Twitter for Androidから
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demencia-literaria · 1 year
¿Que será lo que siento por ti? Porque lo único que quiero es que te quedes.
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pacofuentes · 6 years
I preferred to buy food on the street ... 😋👨🏻‍🍳🍳🎉 ————————-/->>>M.F.F . . . . . . #becombetter #yonomequito #deadlifting #theverticaldiet #focusonyourself #stayfocussed #keepgrinding #setgoals #determinedtosucceed #buildabetteryou #disciplined #onlygoodvibes #onlygoodthings #enjoythelife #sundaymood #enjoytheweekend #onlypositivevibes #wherearemyabs #bodyfit #mforwardfit #sinatajos #healthylifestyle #like4fit #zrobieforme #puertoricanqueen #polishfit #silownia #puertoricofitness #puertoricofit #puertoricoenforma
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saydishi-kun · 4 years
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sbbo-noticias-blog · 7 years
Homem não aguenta mais ser traído e faz BO contra a esposa
Homem não aguenta mais ser traído e faz BO contra a esposa
Boletim de ocorrência foi feito à base de muitos palavrões e um desabafo emocionante. Marido, de 50 anos, disse não aguentava mais ‘tomar chifre na cabeça’
Morador de Cáceres, localizada no estado Mato Grosso – MT, procurou a delegacia para registrar um boletim de ocorrência inusitado. No BO, M.F.F. relata que “é corno dos grandes” e decidiu buscar ajuda na Polícia Civil após chegar em casa e…
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eumente · 2 years
Preciso amar outra pessoa, pra ter outra lembrança daqui.
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medionortenoticias · 7 years
Cáceres: Homem flagra esposa com outro, admite que é corno e quer ajuda da Polícia
Cáceres: Homem flagra esposa com outro, admite que é corno e quer ajuda da Polícia
  Um homem de 50 anos, morador de Cáceres (225 Km a oeste de Cuiabá), procurou a delegacia da Polícia Civil para registrar um boletim de ocorrência inusitado. No documento, confeccionado nesta segunda-feira (17), M.F.F. relata que “é corno dos grandes” e decidiu buscar ajuda na Polícia após chegar em casa e flagrar a esposa mantendo relação sexual com outro homem.
Com várias palavras de baixo…
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