#m gonna tag inversion of fate with your tag too so it’ll be Findable easier
m1d-45 · 1 year
anon who was brainrotting over duality of man here and i am losing my SHIT over inversion of fate OH MY GOD. holy shit. first of all my first mental image was of foul legacy closing its eye and spinning around like they do before you hit a piñata and it is SO delightful. 10/10
AND THEN THE REVEAL… foul legacy being proud of childe for realizing the truth and also having this air of like “i told you so” while childe is so devastated is… CHEF’S KISS. nobody wins in this situation except for maybe foul legacy for being proven right and ME, the sicko (/lh) who enjoys everyone’s emotional turmoil.
this isn’t even mentioning the PARALLELS between childe fighting for control in order to kill you in duality of man vs. him giving it up in order to find you in inversion of fate… thank you so much for this meal i will be well-fed for DAYS
(also since i may or may not return to your ask box to continue yelling abt how good ur writing is may i be teddy anon please?)
very glad you liked it teddy!
foul legacy throughout this whole thing is a mix of “mortals… :/“ and a violent rage from feeling the hatred somebody has for his god—his savior, the one that allowed him reprieve from the abyss—and i’m glad it came across well! he was meant to be like a bitter sort of jaded, just barely biting back an “i told you so” because he 100% WINS in this situation. it’s all positives for him, even if at the price of being locked away for a month or two. nothing he’s not used to anyway- AND he gets to see you again? you, who he knows already trusts him over that harbinger, you who looked at him not in fear but in wonder and welcomed him close,,,, legacy is not losing in this situation. at all.
and regarding the parallels… there’s something to be said, maybe, about how childe’s strive for control leads to bloodshed and him choosing to accept the counsel of others leads to peace, or something… but that’s a lot of philosophical topics for genshin impact fanfiction, don’t you think?
and of course, you’re welcome to come back and yell any time you wish <3 have a lovely day!
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