#lycan king sukuna
greycaelum · 10 months
What is exactly Sukuna’s role in Laluna ? He appeared in one of the chapters but I’m afraid I don’t really understand why he is there 😅
you don’t need to explain if you don’t want to
Cursedtales Collections—La Luna Chapters: {Storm}
—Vampire Gojo Satoru X Reader X Lycan Sukuna
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Heat, fire, the scorching firewood burning in the fireplace. Life seems suspended as the embers of the hearth crackled and fluttered around the air.
A man sat by the window, his knee propped whilst he languidly amused himself by smoking his long pipe. The tobacco swirled a mixture of intoxicating mint to calm the heat inside his body.
It seems as if all that life has given to him is the excruciating neverending heat. For a creature like him who lives in the somber dark side, it is a strange thing to have a furnace-like body, always exuding heat.
The heady scent of night-blooming jasmines filled the room, overpowering the intoxicating tobacco.
A woman dressed in silver ice silk like the moon, covered in rosy ermine fur to keep her warm looked inside the room and locked eyes with his ruby orbs.
"I've been looking for you..." She sighed and closed the door.
Her soft gait didn't make a sound as she walks over to his side. Her cold hands found their place on his shoulder. It immediately spread a sense of relief to his body. Like an oasis in the desert. Her touch calms the beast inside him... Like a balm to a wound. Like ice to the fire.
"What do you need?" He gruffly replied and blew a cloud of smoke in the air. He looked up to her waiting for an answer.
Her nose scrunched from the scent of the tobacco leaves and waited for the smoke to disperse before speaking once more.
"The warden of Phyrria requests your audience." The woman took one step back from the scent of his tobacco.
He sighs and pours out the small ember inside the pipe, staving off the smoke, and hung his pipe on its handler.
"Since when did my mate become a messenger for those fools? Hmmm?" Sukuna took two strides to close the distance between the two of them. The pelt covering the massive expanse of his colossal body dropped revealing the daunting tattoos etched on his skin, lining the ridges of his muscular scarred body.
His nose found a place on the crook of her neck, his two huge palms holding her slender neck as he traces her throat with his nose whilst inhaling her night jasmine scent. His eyes are hazy as he licks her collarbone, scenting her with his musk. "Since when did my goddess become a tool to make me play along with those stooges? Hmmm?"
"I am n-not. Sukuna, c-cease this." She breathes and held her chin high. "You are inviting but danger and enemy with this behavior."
But Sukuna did not stop and instead traveled all the way up to the shell of her nose, biting the lobe of her ear with a husky chuckle as she bites her lips to suppress him from getting any reaction.
"Of what behavior, My Lady?"
The woman is unfazed by his touch and simply pulls his hand away from her. Her eyes look at him with a profound look of mixed emotions.
"Everyone will not follow a king just because he is king. The people will only follow the King whom they love. Not just your brethren but also the seven races."
He clicks his tongue and lets go of her.
"Who needs love? Love is easily swayed. Fear is the real power behind a ruler." He growled and turned his back on her. "I will be King one day, and all of them shall learn to love and fear me as it should be."
The night is cold and so is the moon.
For a goddess isolated from the warmth of life with only the darkness as a companion, it is not a strange thing for your lonely heart to blossom with joy after finding out you will have a mate. The promise of eternity and devotion.
To love and be loved...
But what happens when that love promises chaos?
"Faltered seven high towers
Crimson soaked the loom
Refuge of towers regard
The other half of the moon."
The night owl hoots from a distance. The wind is cold. You slowly closed the curtain and walk towards Sukuna's side of bed. His arrogant face is replaced with a tranquil one as he sleeps. You covered him with the soft ermine blanket and blew out the candle.
A storm is brewing.
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Check out more on La Luna Chapters and the Masterlist
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
General & Cursedtales Collection Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @saoney @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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greycaelum · 2 years
La Luna Chapters
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"To offer you the crown, I lost my throne..."
"You cost me the kingdom I'm supposed to protect."
"I have neither a crown nor a throne, but I can give you a home."
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vampire gojo x reader x lycan sukuna
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Three souls entangled, the moon, the king, and the cold blood. When her fate abandons her, destiny finds a way to bring her back to life.
Your knees faltered as you sink down to the ground, and hollers of pain and heat of fire burned deep into your senses. Why did it come to this? All you wanted was to protect your fated mate... The fates dictated, for you—Goddess of the Moon to be the better half of the King of Lycans—loyalty and duty urge you to come down from your throne and leave your responsibility to help him conquer the Crown that was rightfully his against the usurpers. So why? Why is it that you became the root of this war?
The King's eyes flared with a deep-seated loathing. The blame of all these deaths and losses that all traced back to your one action of doubt and weakness scorched piercingly in his eyes. "Having you as my mate is the only regret I ever had since my birth." Ruthless steel plunged unhesitatingly into your heart.
And everything snapped... The reality you have no place here in earth. That your mate has deemed you no more than another enemy he must slay for his victory despite your endeavors to secure his claim. You might be his mate, but you will never be his choice or his priority.
The last thing you remembered was red eyes filled with scorching disdain. He turned his back and abandoned you to your own pool of blood.
With nothing, not a sliver of memory or a penny to fill your belly all you know is that you've been fleeing all your life until everything finally ended. A human, fragile and breakable against the wrath of the snowy mountain. Laying on the cold snow with your mangled body, you could feel the frost and threshold of the underworld claim you... What a pathetic life. A miserable way to die without anyone to mourn for your soul.
“Do you want to live?” Live? Then what? Be hunted by those people as they drive you to death once again? “I h-have nothing m-more.” Ironically you’d rather freeze to death here alone than go back and seek comfort from strangers who will sooner or later exploit you. Cold blue eyes glimmered and extended his hand to you. “Then live for me.”
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⚜︎ Cold [ 📜 one-shot ]
—Grand Duke Satoru hastily comes home from his trip to find you thirsty for his blood and yearning for his hold.
⚜︎ Bonds [ 📜 one-shot ]
—Grand Duke Satoru tries to resist his instincts from drinking your blood, but the hunter couldn't stay away from his nature of seeking his mate
⚜︎ Encounter [ 📋 drabble ]
—The Grand Duke and the King encounters each other, the other protecting his mate and the other searching for his queen.
⚜︎ Feral [ ✒️ headcanon ]
—What triggers the Grand Duke?
⚜︎ Spring [ 📋 drabble ]
—finding a new pass time as the season of bloom arrives, the garden is bound for changes
⚜︎ Clarity [ 📋 drabble ]
—in his damned eternity your his piece of clarity
⚜︎ Premonitions of Past [ 📜 one-shot ]
—the past comes haunting back
⚜︎ Thoughts [ 📜 one-shot ]
—there are thoughts you don't need to know
⚜︎ Trick or Treat [ 📋 drabble ]
—you got your cookie, now he wants his
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235 notes · View notes
greycaelum · 2 years
Cursed Tales Collections
—Fairytales aren't magical because of princess and prince, or kingdoms and magic. Fairytales are enchanted because they tell you even though curses and dragons exist they can be defeated... Yet, keep in mind, happily ever after comes only when you choose wisely between fate or destiny.
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La Luna Chapters
—Vampire Duke Gojo Satoru X Moon Goddess Reader X Lycan King Ryomen Sukuna
He found her in the cold snow. She fell for his cold warmth. Blood and bond intertwined, the strongest vampire finally found his own forever in his cursed immortality. But it fell apart as the Lycan King claim his Queen, promised to him by the fates and prophecy. Threads of fate tangled, the moon must choose between her fate or her destiny.
"You're my blood, body, and soul."
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105 notes · View notes
greycaelum · 2 years
I recently read Cold and vampire duke gojo is so interesting! we know what y/n is like when she needs blood, but what is gojo like when he needs blood?
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Cursedtales Chapters: Vampire Duke Gojo Satoru X Vampire Reader)
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Sanguis meus es corpus et anima
"you're my blood, body, and soul"
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[Notes and Warning: dark content: (BLOODSUCKING, bloodlust, triggering contents, predator-prey dynamic, slightly suggestive, comfort, small peek of aftercare) If you are uncomfortable with these concepts, press the 'back' button. Yourself, your responsibility. Word Count: 4.9k]
The first part is with a human Y/n. The second is after she has turned into a vampire.
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The Ducal Residence of the Grand Duke Gojo lies between the border of Parsua Amara—Kingdom of the Vampire and Finis Lua—Kingdom of the Lycans. The Gojo Duchy stretches from the west down to the southeast, taking a vast quarter of the kingdom's territory. It stands as a border to prevent any Lycan from crossing the border of the Vampires.
Thus it is no surprise if the heir to the dukedom is often away to take care of the matters of the border with the ailing old duke, bedridden, simply waiting for his days to end. Such is the result of not drinking blood over decades after the Duchess died. Marquess [*1] Gojo Satoru has fully taken over as the deputy of the Gojo Ducal Residence.
Closing the last of the ledgers you needed to check, your eyes darted to the window of the library. It's been two months since Satoru brought you in after he found you in the snow. You're his mate, he claimed after nursing you to health. He's been nothing but gentle yet distant to you.
At first, you thought that since he's a vampire he would use you as a blood bank. Isn't that what mates are supposed to do? Provide for each other? But then, over the course of your stay never did he bring up the thought of feeding on your blood. Strange, you sighed and felt your stomach grumble as well.
Servants working for the Ducal Residence are either dhampirs—half-human, half-vampire; or simply vampires. Then there's you, a human.
"My Lady, it's time for lunch," a handmaid, assigned by Satoru to assist you smiled and gestured for the tray she was holding, filled with delicious plates and bowls of human food.
"Did Satoru send any word?" You bit your tongue, still awkward at the idea of addressing the Kingdom's strongest vampire without any title. He asked for it, you're his mate and the one and only he permits to call him with his name. Who are you to refuse his simple request? It seems that his name is the only thing that connects you to him. You may be his mate but the tall walls of his heart are nowhere within your reach.
"His Lordship has sent indeed sent a word, he's coming home next week My Lady." The girl smiled and poured a glass of water for you.
Next week... Too far...
The moments you've been with him since he brought you to the Ducal residence can be counted on your fingers. Seven times... in the span of two months, you've been with him inside a room seven times. And now you pull the thick duvet up to your chin and closed your eyes waiting for slumber to claim you, somehow looking forward and at the same time dreading the day he comes home.
Is it because you're a human and he's a vampire? The strongest of his kind, even surpassing the king, and he cannot accept that he's bonded to a mere human? That's why he's keeping his distance... It's the only thing you can think of for him to avoid you to this extent.
A shadow loomed before you, followed by a quiet thud of something hard falling on the carpet floor. You've been asleep for some time but the sudden intrusion of cold air and the stranger's movement roused you from slumber.
Your mind conjured images of possible persons who will dare intrude into your chambers while betraying your instinct to turn around and run. Your breathing slowed down, trying to maintain the act of slumber but your fast-beating heart protests the contrary by its thunderous pulsing in your ribcages.
A cold breath fanned the shell of your ear and the chills immediately spread down your spine jolting you straight up the bed. The thick curtain danced eerily as the wind blows in. Panic started inside the recesses of your heart. The windows were closed when you retired to bed, so how?
"Who's there?" The trembling of your voice echoed the huge bedroom. But other than your heart ringing against your ear you couldn't find anything or anyone else breathing in the room. Breathing? Vampires don't need to breathe. Your back inched to the headboard bumping hard almost spooking the daylights out of you.
"Come out." Your hand slips down your pillow, reaching for the hilt of the knife you sneak in the first time you dined in the manor. You know there's not much point in using a sharp object against a creature that would not die but it could at least buy you a few seconds to flee against the intruder.
"I said come out!"
Your body lifted up from the bed and a gust of wind enveloped your eyes forcing you to close them, the next thing you felt was the pull of gravity and coldness of the night. By all your remaining presence of mind, you thrust the blade up but it stopped midway—opening your eyes you say the blade stopped by one pale slender finger.
"Put that down, you'll only hurt yourself."
Your frightened eyes met the cold blue eyes of the man currently clutching your body.
"Yo—are you out of your mind?!" You exclaimed, lowering the dagger and letting it fall to the ground. "You scared me to death!" You fought the tears and wiggled out of his hold, furious and relieved at the same time.
He didn't argue and oblige your request, setting you down gently but his face remained stone cold. You opened your mouth to give him a piece of your mind but then you notice his eyes, turning bluer in each passing second, and the tight clenching of his gloved hand as if suppressing something.
"What's w—"
"Run," he growled, closing his eyes and covering his mouth bu the gloved hands. "Go." He breathes in, trying to compose himself but he cannot hide the sweat forming on his forehead and his veins popping in restrain as he refuses to meet your eyes.
Against your better judgment, you ran. Deep into the forest, with your feet bare of any apparel to prevent the tiny stones and twigs from scraping your feet. Something was wrong, his eyes were never as blue as they were earlier. Could it be?
You suck a breath and continued running, ducking and evading the branches of the dark woods. You don't know where you're running to, but your heart kept pounding at the mere thought of someone chasing you distracted your mind, and fell down the harsh trail.
Visions of wolves chasing hot behind your trails while you wade through the thick snow, barely hanging on to the threads of consciousness and walking to your death flash before your eyes. Run... don't look back. Pulling yourself together you ran as fast as you can, was it away from Satoru or from the wolves you don't know anymore. But you need to run, or else you'll die.
Your nightgown ripped as you ran past the thickets and shrubs but you didn't stop, you ran without regard despite the sound of bird hooting and an ominous sound you don't recognize but surely would scare anyone to death, it's as if you know no fear of the night other than the one pursuing you. Tired and breathless you came to a clearing, the waxing crescent moon shined its light on the wildflowers.
Yet you didn't see much of the beauty before a force knocked your shoulders and pinned your back to the ground.
"!" Is he gonna kill you?
A soft whimper left your lips, baring your neck in surrender. Where could you have gone wrong for him to torture you like this? You waited for that piercing pain. Inside you blamed yourself for thinking a mere stranger can actually be kind enough to bring you in and shelter you without a price in return.
"Does it hurt?" He asked. It's too good to be true after he pounced on you but you force your eyes to open and saw him remove his gloves and caress the wound on your feet. His eyes brimming with worry and a frown etched on his forehead.
Perhaps your whimpers have reached him and triggered what is left of remorse in his clear mind.
"I'm sorry, I..." He wasn't able to finish and immediately remove himself away from you as if running away from a plague, withdrawing meters away with his head bowed down.
Curses flew out of his lips and drop to one knee alarming you with the sudden change of behavior.
"I lost my composure, forgive me."
No answer left your lips as you squint from the sting of the wounds. When you turned at him and saw the fine veins on his exposed skin turning blue and skin paler than it already is. His sweat has drenched his forehead too, and to think that vampires do not usually sweat... What's going on with him?
Tired and shaken you curled your knees but regretted it as soon as you felt the strange sensation of lightness and air invading your inner tights. Your chemise! You gasp and cover your legs, uttering curses that he must've already seen your body parts with the tears on your dress.
"W-why did you hunt me?"
He looked away and refused to open his lips.
Hunt... Hunger?
Your eyes widened at the realization.
"You're h-hungry...?" You whispered inaudible to a human ear but to a vampire, it was more than enough to award you a defeated groan.
"I'll get you back the manor to be treated, I'll be away to hunt." He moved, cautiously around you as if afraid to spook you out in your frail state. "I'm sorry." Regret filled his eyes seeing you inch away from him in wariness from the brutish demeanor he exhibited earlier.
"Just a bite." Your toes curled. He wasn't trying to harm you... It's just that the culture of humans and vampires are different and you have no idea how his instincts works.
"..." Satoru's eyes widened and stood there frozen.
"Don't speak, one word of the same idea will render me crazy," he drawled in warning but when you look up his eyes betrayed him, deep blue orbs eyeing you with thirst.
"You said I'm your mate. So a bite won't hur—Satoru!"
His body seized you down, pinning your arms above your head.
"You don't know how starved I am to say I won't hurt you, Kitten," he grunted, nuzzling your neck with his nose. He inhaled a shaky breath kissing the hollow of your throat.
You moaned at the softness of his cold lips despite the rough position he has tackled you down.
"I'm sorry," he apologized once again that it was starting to irk you. But when you felt him go down and reach for your wounded feet you didn't expect him to take your foot and shower soft kisses on your calf.
You watch him hold your knee gently, eyes closed while he traveled down, and tug the remaining fabric of your nightgown to reveal your inner tights.
"S-satoru!" Alarmed, you tried sitting up and pulling your appendage away but he pushed a hand above your stomach effectively making you still, and let him worship your legs. Embarrassment couldn't amount to how exposed you felt when his tongue darted and lick your shivering leg like a kitten lapping up milk, making you squirm and beg him to let your legs down.
"No," he stop and smirked at you. "You offered me a bite, who am I to refuse my mate?"
Oh, how you are starting to regret not giving specific instruction on where he should bite.
Quite done with his ministrations, Satoru offered you his hand.
"Squeeze my hand when you're starting to feel lightheaded."
How thoughtful of him. Dazed, you accepted the pale cold hand and nodded in silent permission. He raised your legs and kiss your exposed tights, baring his sharps fangs.
"Sa—" you moaned the next syllables of his name when you felt two canines sink in your creamy tights. If you thought that being pierced by fangs would give you immense pain it was faded away by the scrumptious sensation of delighting heat invading your senses. Pain and pleasure combined sweetly pool in your core, like a dam at any minute threatening to overflow. Your senses cannot differentiate the pang from the bliss as Satoru buries his canines deep into your flesh.
Instinctively you search for anything to hold on to, and the one you found is Satoru's large hands entwined with yours. You could feel his tongue tracing incoherent patterns against your thighs tickling your skin while sucking generous gulps of your blood while you writhe and whimper under his grasp. You watch his Adam's apple bob up and down, a trickle of blood escaped the side of his lips.
After several mouthfuls Satoru sighed, shoulders loosened and hazy eyes open a bit, finding yours while he drink.
"Are you still hungry?" You moaned and gasp when his fangs retracted and his tongue awarded you kitten licks on the two piercings on your thighs.
"For you? Always." He drawled and slowly let your legs down reaching up to cup your cheeks.
"I haven't squeezed your hand yet." Whispering you tilted your neck to the side.
His eyes widened and his red lips crack into a smile turning to a chuckle as he lick the trail of blood on the side of his mouth.
"I'm not a monster than you thought of me to drain you. And that's enough for tonight, I'm already more than filled that you offered your blood willingly." He hummed and look at your legs resting on his lap. His fingers reach to trace the spot he bit where a small blotch of red remained but no more scar to be seen.
"Your blood, I've never tasted like it. It clears my mind... so much that I'm a bit afraid I might drain you with just how delicious you can drive me crazy. I needed to keep my distance while you recuperate or else I will only hurt your health."
You shake your head, not understanding what he meant.
Satoru smiled at your confusion. His body lay above you, ears pressed on your chest while keeping mindful not to crush you down.
"Just a bite?" he murmured burying his head to your neck, sounding like a child asking for a piece of affection from you as he wrap his arms around your waist and rolled around, putting you above him. His fingers fiddled with the stray strand of your hair falling from your shoulder and tuck it behind your ear.
"... Just a bite." You permitted, curious about the overwhelming sensation of his bite and the satisfaction of seeing him have his fill.
When you woke up the next day, you're back in your room. Clean and dressed in a new nightgown under the comforts of the quilt and heavy arms curling around your waist. You tried moving but something hard pressed against your back, only then did you realize a chin is resting on your head and there are two more legs next to yours, a pair of cold feet lazily rubbing your ankles. It's the first time he has dared to sleep beside you and there's no hiding how this delighted you after he confessed the reason why he kept avoiding you in the past.
"Sleep some more," a raspy bedroom voice said followed by a gentle stroke on your head. "I've tired you last night."
W-what?! You profusely blush and smack his hand around your waist earning a soft chuckle from the man behind who continued stroking your head, placating you with his choice of words while maintaining the teasing demeanor of playing with your ankles.
"Satoru..." You cleared your throat and turned around. His exposed muscular chest greeted you only worsening the rose tint on your face.
"Hmmm?" His fingers found your chin and lifted them to look into his eyes.
"The next time you're hungry, don't scare me like that. Tell me. Understand? You don't have to hold back around me."
Satoru gazes into your eyes for a long time, contemplating his brain. His fingers found your cheeks and brush against them lovingly.
"As you wish, my Y/n."
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You finished cleaning the wound of the gardener's son, smiling you waved at the boy who graciously thanked your generosity and good heart. Treating humans and their wounds is not hard when you're fed and sated.
Speaking of feed, you turn your heels to walk into your mate's office. His Grace has been preoccupied with work. He would leave the bed after a transient embrace in the morning, whispering words of adoration and promising to meet you in the afternoon tea time. But then, the tea time is too short and he'll come to the bed in the dead of the night.
"Greetings My Lady, how may I help you?" The frail figure of the head butler approached you with a bright smile on his face.
"Is His Grace inside? May I come in?"
Even before the butler could inquire Satoru's curt voice called out. As per custom, an unmarried couple cannot stay alone in a room without a chaperone... But with the newly instated Grand Duke who would dare question his words and actions?
Without further delay, the old man opened the door to let you inside as you thank him.
Inside you're met by Satoru's haggard look, his shoulders hunched while reading through stacks of paper with his glasses on his beautiful blue eyes, his blue carvet has been loosened showing a sight of your beloved's firm and hard chest. You stopped a few meters away from his spruce desk.
"May I accompany you, Your Grace?" You curtsied and flash him a bright smile.
A heavy sigh left his lips and sets down the paper and removes his glasses, beckoning you to come near. Seeing his tired face your heart softened and immediately reach his cheeks with your hand, pressing your foreheads together. This time, a sigh of satisfaction left his lips, smiling a bit as you stare into his precious azure orbs with worry.
"This will take a while, you'll be bored to death here," Satoru adjusted his chair and made space so you can sit on his awaiting lap.
"It's alright, I will wait for you." You shake your head and declined the sweet offer of being held in his strong arms. Instead, you went to get yourself a book and recline on the resting corner. The velvety cushion of the couch sheltered you in the coldness of the vast office, the occasional flipping of your book and your mate's scribbling filled the afternoon calm.
"Did you touch someone else's blood?" A sudden question left his lips, you turn and saw Satoru's tall nose scrunch up and a small frown adorned his arctic brows.
"Yes, the son of the gardener fell down and I treated him. I can wash if you dislike the scent," you sit straight and set the book down.
Satoru shook his head and set aside his quilt. Pushing his chair back, long legs strode in your direction. Instinctively you made space for him beside you.
"Rest, you've worked hard."
You pat your lap and smiled warmly at your mate's expressionless face. Although the beautiful jade-like countenance of his remains ice stone cold, the tenderness of his precious blue orbs holds for is palpable that your beatless heart still flutters every time your eyes meet.
But, Satoru seems to have something else in mind. His Grace halted in front of you and bends on one knee. His gloved finger tugs on the laces of your boots and removes them from your feet.
"Sit comfortably," His finger pushes you to lean on the couch. Blue eyes look up to you, his irises dilated and glowing like the purest sapphire. However, the man sitting on the floor evades his face and lays his head on your lap.
Oh... Realization dawned on you what he's trying to do. Softly smiling you place your hand above his hand and comb your fingers through the white locks, heart soaring as you hear him purr in satisfaction thus you continue threading his hair as he stuffs his face on your lap.
"Are you hungry?" Ever gently you caress his cheeks lifting his chin by your finger, urging him to look at you.
"I'm thirsty... a bit," he murmured and stuffs his face even deeper into your lap, refusing to show you his face.
You chuckled, his pettiness and childish sides every so often surfaces when he's hungry. This is better compared to the early days you started feeding him. Back then it seems his belly is bottomless and he could barely keep his fangs off of you.
Leaning forward, you brought your lips above the shell of his ears and whispered in amusement.
"Then drink."
"You know what will happen the moment I taste your blood." He looks up and surely his eyes have gone deep blue like the stormy ocean, irises dilated and you could see his fangs starting to grow. "I can't... I have work," he groans in pain.
As if plagued, His Grace removes himself from your lap and flees back to his table, holding his head in a dilemma. Perhaps... it is indeed not time for feeding. You sigh at the stacked papers and made your way to the door, bidding him a small farewell
He'll come around once he's done.
So with a light heart, you followed through with your usual afternoon. Although you may not be the official Madame of the Gojo Ducal Household, the beautiful mark of a blue rose on your shoulderblade is enough to declare who you are bonded to for eternity.
The unattainable blue rose has found the garden he belongs. Satoru called it after you saw his mate marking.
The sun has set a long time ago. Tonight you especially filled your belly with a sumptuous meal knowing it'll sweeten your blood more. Human food may taste inferior to a vampire's tastebuds but there are certain dishes you love the most as a human until now as a vampire.
"My Lady, would you like me to bring you another meal? This one has gone cold." One of your handmaids gestured for the tray supposedly for His Grace, but not a sliver of his shadow has visited your shared bedroom.
"No, leave it there. You may retire for the night." Smiling, you dismissed her after she tidied your plates and quietly left.
His Grace is excellent at hiding his bloodlust. Even you—his mate—can only sense it a few seconds before he fully lets his instincts take over.
"Run" the soft whisper resounded in your ears.
Alarmed, your claws grew longer and swept your gaze across the large room but didn't sense a single movement.
"Run" this time it's a growl, but underneath you heard the silent whine and a mischievous smile filtered through your lips.
Lifting your skirt, you opened the windows and leap out of the 4th floor, landing perfectly on a tree trunk and with swift feet. Looking back into the opened window you whispered to the air.
"Catch me, Your Grace," and with a smirk you leap to the next branch, racing through the forest with nothing but darkness behind you.
Predators feed in the blood and thrill of the chase. Hearts accelerating and breaths kept low, instincts sharpened at one purpose... to feed. The side of Satoru's lips raises hearing your whisper brought by the wind.
"Gladly." Gloved fingers untied the stifling carvet around his neck, throwing the measly fabric on the floor. The window shutters opened and he jumped out, landing on his feet. He doesn't even have to use his vampiric senses to find you. The lingering scent of faint orange blossoms is enough to ignite the deep-seated hunger he's been suppressing.
Satoru's boots barely made any sound while following meters behind you. He could already sprint and pounce you down. But where's the fun in that? A smirk formed on his lips, your heart may have been frozen in time just like his but your soft giggles while trying so hard to regulate your breathing is more than enough for him to bask on a little longer before giving in to his thirst.
Those little habits of yours as a human that you never lost after turning into a vampire can only leave him shaking his head and smirking when you ask him how he can find you easily.
The night is cold, and Satoru can already foresee a storm moving in miles ahead. Perhaps... Picking up speed he catches up to reach for your hand but you easily slip away like silk, moving to a sharp curve and laughing at his failed attempt.
"You should never play with your prey, Your Grace," biting your lower lip, you disappeared from his sight and move further to the south of the forest.
"Y/n, come back it's starting to drizzle." Satoru huffs and races to catch you, stepping on branches to branches. He dislikes the dampness of the rain. It reminds him of ominous days.
Your soft gasp alerted him and Satoru in a blink of an eye spun around and catch the scruff of your collar before you slip 50 meters down the ground.
"I told you," he growls in warning before hoisting you up on your feet. Your scent is close to overpowering his self-control, but he can still stand it... Still... can... His throat constricted trying to block off your intoxicating smell that will leave him drooling just to indulge you in playing hide and seek with him.
"That doesn't count!" Pouting you spun on your heels, not even mouthing a simple thank you, and runs away.
Have I spoiled her too much?
He doesn't mind playing with you a bit more, but the rain and wind are starting to pick up. Satoru closed his eyes and trace your gaits, heightening his senses. In no time he already caught up to your back, grabbed your wrist, spun you back, and crashed you to his chest.
"I think this is quite enough, mate. It's cold..." He murmured. So far from the stoic Grand Duke revered and worshipped by his constituents, who would believe that the Grand Duke Gojo who slaughtered days and nights straight in the war would be tormented by a small rain?
"Then drink, you keep playing with your food," you chuckled.
"You are not." He warned and pulled the sleeve of your dress revealing his mate mark immaculately engraved on your shoulder blade. "You're my mate."
Satoru drags his sharp fangs on the edge of your shoulders granting you a spine-shivering thrill of his canines hovering over the hollow of your throat. He chuckled at your fist curling on his clothes clutching him for support. Slowly his nose nuzzled your pulse point, holding your waist firmly so you can rest all your weight on him.
"I still prefer biting your thighs," he mumbled, sounding like an aggrieved child, begging for your affection.
"You're hopeless," you shook your head and felt his hand scoop the back of your knee while you wrap your arms around his neck and he travel back to the manor. The moment he step into the room Satoru didn't waste time tossing you in the bed, pulling both your boots off and tearing off the skirt of the sheer dress, exposing your plump thighs to his starving eyes.
"Excellent." His head dived down and wasted no time in biting down and lazily feeding on the steady trickle of your creamy blood flooding his senses with the ecstasy surpassing any worldly pleasure he has ever partaken in, sighing in satisfaction as you play with his hair and scratch his nape.
"You are a vixen," he licks to close the pierced holes and moves to capture your lips. Hands roaming around each body tugging the clothes and moaning each one's names. His claws find the top of your dress and effortlessly rip it off.
"Much charmed Your Grace," a soft chuckle left your lips as you rolled around and sat above him ripping off his tunic and bringing his wrist to your lips where your mate mark—a red and black butterfly fluttering above a lotus is deeply engraved, kissing it with adoration before leaning down to bury your face in his neck and sink in your fangs.
"Ah!" Satoru hissed and held your nape, stroking your back to encourage you more into sinking further your scorching fangs into his cold veins. Your hums and gulps are too cute and the more he listens to it the more he uncomfortably shifts underneath you from the surge of arousal coursing into his bloodstream while feeling your soft body straddle and feed on him.
Before you came, he would wander throughout the lands, trying to find a good hunt to fill his ravenous appetite. Satoru could empty a whole mountain and all its living things yet none of those could ever quench his thirst. If none of them could, then he would just rather starve himself than fill his belly with disgusting blood. Until you...
Perhaps the ravenous appetite wasn't about the food. What his soul was yearning is a bond with someone that could genuinely share with his blood and body for eternity.
Stroking your head laying on top of his bare chest, Satoru pulled up the duvet to shield your sleeping body, tired from the amorous activities shared between you two amidst the thunderstorm outside. Satoru could care less, as long as you're safe in his arms.
He's faithfully bound himself to you forevermore.
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[Marquess *1: is an example of a courtesy title bestowed upon noble children or relatives before they succeed the noble title of their parents or of any royal connection. It is not of any legal significance but rather a custom or courtesy the same as honorifics.]
Check out La Luna Chapters and the Masterlist for more.
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used, belong to their respective owner(s).
General/Cursedtales Chapters Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @saoney
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greycaelum · 2 years
i just read your vampire duke gojo x vampire reader and i've been having this week of reading pregnant readers (i know it's weird 😭) but what if vampire reader gets pregnant (by gojo of course) and gets kidnapped by the hunters 👀 i just can't imagine how mad gojo would be,,, he'll definitely massacre these hunters 😆
Hi, thank you for visiting! Nope, not at all, it's not weird I read those 24/7 LOL, especially A/B/O ones but those are quite rare finds.
Lemme add something to that, COLD has actually a small drabble in the end that I didn't post this one because I was running out of time while editing it.
CursedTales Chapters have different cultures from the usual vampires, werewolves, and other more folklore verses. Will be further explained in upcoming chapters.
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Swift wind passes Yuta and when he looked forward his Uncle is already leaping into the rainy night heading towards the forest. The apathetic duke only uses emotion when it comes to the Lady. And Yuta sympathizes with whoever trespassed the lands, His Grace will never bestow clemency to anyone who threatens his and his mate's sanctuary.
"What do you think you're doing in my land mutt?"
They came to a clearing where a huge man in shadows is laying on the damp grass while looking up to the crying sky.
Yuta's eyes narrowed and move to guard his Uncle's back, scrunching his nose in disgust from the earthy scent of the canine before them.
"You are the lord of this land?" The sleeping man opened and red eyes met the blue ones.
"Leave my place."
"Good grief, suckers like you can't even let one man rest." The red-eyed man smirked and sit up. His nose moved, sniffing the air and looking up to them. "I'm looking for someone. She smells like orange blossoms."
"Not my business, leave."
Yuta looked down, hearing the low growl in his Uncle's command.
"You smell like her..." The man emerged from the shadows, markings adorning his copper skin an emblem like a crown marked on his forehead, pink hair a little brighter and it will be of blood shade. "I can smell her blood in you."
Yuta's eyes widened. Blood splattered along with the rain. The white tunic of His Grace turned red as the man earlier fell with a hole in his guts.
"Fool." Satoru coldly eyed the fallen body and turned his heel to leave.
Deranged laughter echoed in the dark forest disturbing the hiding critters and booming with the thunder and streak of lightning. Red eyes preyed on the neck of His Grace.
"Well, she is with you," black claws fly by, and white strands of hair fell along with blood dripping down the white jade skin. The Grand Duke's stoic face turned grim and wintery blue eyes glowed in the stormy night.
"Give me back my queen, my mate." The Lycan King demanded swinging away blood from his black claws.
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So imagine, if you were pregnant with Satoru's heir and Sukuna robs you away claiming you are his long-lost mate and queen he lost because of hunters raiding your village. Sukuna has been searching for you far and wide and now that he found you... He can't believe you've been turned to the very kind he abhorred and even carrying the child of the bane to Sukuna's existence.
Back to the Ducal Residence. Everyone has already fleed away from the manor after the Grand Duke went on a blind rampage after seeing your blood staining the carpet and not a whiff of your scent in the room. Satoru almost choked Yuta to death just because you were fearful of the intruder in his land what more if you were taken away from him? Keep in mind Satoru was the reason the vampires won over the Lycans in the war.
He will burn down everything to ashes. No doubt not even ruins will be left of the Lycan's pack the moment Satoru traces you. And if you're harmed with his child... He will most surely enter a frenzied state of killing anyone in sight, deeming anything and anyone an enemy apart from you.
But then again, the King of Lycans is not an enemy to be taken lightly.
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La Luna Chapters
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