camelspit · 2 months
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luzia + bonus luzpera for vacker weekend!! i am sooo normal about her (lying) @vackerweekend
@skylilac @callas-pancake-tree @arson-anarchy-death @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @neverseen-nevermore @abubble125 @purplesoup-lad-le @gay-otlc @thefoxysnake @keeper-of-the-lost-dadwin @ravs6709 @corruption-exe @kamikothe1and0nly @that-glasses-dog @presidentroarie @even-if-in-another-time @nyxpixels @slozhnos @katniss-elizabeth-chase @sofia-not-sophie @moontoastt @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @purpleunicycle @just-a-honey-badger @loverofallthingssmart @antisocialdork @tamsong @cutebisexualmess @tastetherainbow290 @gayupstraight @myfairkatiecat @famousinfamous @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @oroshka @tw-5 @squishmallow36 @iggydancebreak @cosmxc-ars3hol3
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worldsunlikemyown · 4 months
kotlc valentine's day hcs <3
Here you go!
Main crew first:
Sophie didn't really do Valentine's Day much before (what with being in high school at twelve years old) and honestly didn't get the point. When she found that elves had a Day of Love, she kept hoping one of her crushes would slip her something, but it's pretty serious among elves and a crush will, at most, send you a note because otherwise it's basically a declaration of eternal love. The first elf-Valentine's Day she has is with Keefe, when they go and sit beneath Calla's Panakes at dawn to share ripplefluffs that they baked together the night before.
Biana always gets hundreds of little notes at her locker (and grudgingly at least reads them all, because not doing so would be an awful thing to do). Her dream Valentine's Day is to be serenaded (which is unfortunate because modern-day elves aren't too big on serenading), and she's secretly relieved that nothing came of her crush on Keefe because his singing voice and musical skills really aren't that great.
Linh, just like Sophie, wasn't big on Valentine's day in the past, but Marella was -- not just because she was a prolific sender of notes (half to crushes, half as pranks), but also because who was giving whom notes was big for the gossip chain. Marella simply sends Linh a note in the morning, as traditional, and they meet up at the beach later to have an Aurenflare by the beach.
Fitz entertains hopes of doing something really dramatic for Sophie, but things don't end up working out (as we know). He gets a hail from Dex in the evening, who comes over with some shiny new gadget that Fitz accepts. They sit talking for a long time into the night.
Grady and Edaline like to take some time away from work -- they often go away on a hike in some secluded mountains.
Alden and Della are not too big on the whole event, but they usually go on a nice evening date, and end up coming home a little tipsy and glowing.
Cassius does take Gisela out on dates -- very grudgingly, and it's clear they both hate it (both of them are secretly relieved when everything is out in the open because they don't have to suffer anymore).
Juline and Kesler are always very whimsical about it. They dye their hair fun colours, go to whatever the elf equivalent of theme parks are, and generally end up having a self-contained, civilised riot (and then a less civilised riot once they get home).
Brant wrote sappy letters to Jolie, and she responded in kind. They'd get each other little trinkets and leap to the top of a mountain to kiss in front of a breathtaking sunset (or sunrise).
Cyrah always used to make Prentice little brooches, and he wrote poetry for her. Nowadays he doesn't particularly like celebrating the day, because it was really special for him and Cyrah. Tiergan comes over every year, and they often end up reminiscing long into the night.
Fintan and Vespera are prolific gift-givers even on normal days, so elf-Valentine's Day is basically them trying to one-up each other on their dramatic and beautiful gifts. It usually ends with them curling up on a couch together and reading, petty lovers' rivalry forgotten.
Vespera and Luzia were all about dramatic gestures, so they had the most incredible dates -- some of the big ones were in caves decorated with light, and on a snowy mountain made to look like a ballroom where they danced alone together to soft music.
Fallon is the one who actually serenades his wife properly (Biana only got the idea from seeing the delight on her something-great-grandmother's face lol). They go on picnics in wooded clearings, culminating in an almost glowing Fallon playing the harp for his wife as the moon rises.
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vesperas-mirrors · 5 months
but they were illusionists
(ah, they were illusionists)
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gay-otlc · 2 years
"Don't you think it's time to tell use the truth about your connection to Vespera?" she asked Luzia under her breath.
It's not that complicated, Sophie. They dated and then broke up and Luzia is still bitter.
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worldsunlikemyown · 2 months
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Back when they were young and things were alright...
(Luzpera <3)
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worldsunlikemyown · 5 months
1, 2,4,5,6,12,13,18,24,29 with vespera
(you don't have to do all of them, I know that's a lot)
I can never get enough of Vespera thank you! (Character ask game)
#1 - My first impression of them: boringly enough, I didn't think much of her at first. Just an oddly creepy villain. Had potential, but I didn't see all that much of an appeal at first.
#2 - When I think I truly started to like them: I think it would have been in Stellarlune, which was sad because she died :((. But in all honesty her death was what sort of got me interested in her.
#4 - How many people I ship them with: Three I think -- Fintan, Luzia and Gisela (although I'm a fairly casual Gispera shipper)
#5 - My favourite ship of them: Finspera aka starfire (very obsessed with them I love them)
#6 - My least favourite ship of them: I don't think I have one actually
#12 - Sexuality headcanon: bi, and I think demiromantic. I don't have any really definite sexuality hcs for her though :)
#13 - Your favourite friendship they have: hmmm I think it would be with Fallon at first, and eventually Luzia (Fallon is headcanon but we barely know anything about her so)
#18 - How do you think they were as a kid: I feel like Vespera would have been that kind of quietly mischievous kid. She doesn't seem like a troublemaker but really she's the mastermind behind everything. Also very curious about everything and a huge nerd (said with utmost affection). I also like to think she loved to sing and dance, and she was most exuberant (and she used to be very exuberant before she went numb) when she did those things.
#24 - What do you think is a secret that they have never told anyone: That she'd smashed the glass ornament her mother had given her father when she had proposed to him. Vespera had been angry at her parents (for making her do her homework or something along those lines) and scared that she'd broken it and they'd both be even angrier, so she hid the shards away. She didn't actually pin it on someone else, but by the time anyone noticed (twenty years later) she'd made a replacement that was good enough to pass.
#29 - How do you think they would be as a parent: I like to think she'd have been a great aunt and cousin before the numbing, but I'm not sure about a parent. I think she would get too absorbed in her own work in some ways to be a very present parent, and most of my ships for her (starfire and luzpera) are with people who are also like that (Fintan and Luzia, both known for obsessing over their work), so I don't think that she'd be doing a very great job of parenting either alone or with someone else. In a didn't-go-numb-and-evil 'verse, though, she probably wouldn't be a bad parent.
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worldsunlikemyown · 5 months
listened to the way I loved you by Taylor swift and these lyrics fit luzpera
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OH GOD OH YES I love that song so much and it FITSSSS aghsjshgks THIS IS LITERALLY THEM
'I never knew I could feel that much' BAWLING MY EYES OUT (is this what vespera thought of in lumenaria)
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vesperas-mirrors · 3 months
Is it just me or is Astronomy by Conan Gray reallt Luzpera coded?
Like 'we've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars // we've seen everything from saturn to mars // as much as it seems like you own my heart // it's astronomy, we're two worlds apart' is this not them
"a tale old as time, young love don't last for life"
"but here face to face, a stranger that i once knew"
"stop tryna keep us alive, you're pointing at stars in the sky that already died"
and the whole song in general fits what luzpera once was and how it's gone now, and the star imagery too fits vespera
why didn't i know about this song earlier
now i'm adding this song to my luzpera playlist
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worldsunlikemyown · 11 months
Midnight Tryst
Relationship: Luzia Vacker x Vespera Folend
Characters: Luzia Vacker, Vespera Folend
AO3 is down, so have a bit of Luzpera (is that the ship name?) to tide you over if you want it! Can be read as non-shippy. Very fluffy because I think we all deserve a bit of uncomplicated happiness right now I think!
**Compliant with Waning of the Ancient Star.
Midnight Trysts
Luzia thought that there was something very magical about midnight trysts. 
   It was the kind of thing you did with friends, and with lovers. It was dancing in the woods, hiding in caves, staining each other’s mouths red with the juice of wild berries. It was wild and youthful and fun and ‘utterly disgraceful, not at all suitable for a Vacker’ in Luzia’s mother’s words. 
   That made Luzia love it even more. 
   “All we need now is light,” Vespera whispered, a smile in the cadence of her words. 
   Luzia hadn’t expected this much preparation. The cave where they’d planned to meet was covered with crawling vines, hung with glittering beads of gold that were perfect to catch the light if there was any. She loved it. 
   Luzia went up on tiptoes to give Vespera a soft kiss in thanks, and kept gazing. 
   “Light it up!” Luzia felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to look at Vespera’s dimly lit, eager face. 
   Well. Here at least was something a Flasher was good for. 
   Luzia brought forth twenty or so white-gold globes of light, and set them floating around Vespera’s head like a crown. They were cool to the touch, and made it look as though her face was lit from the inside. 
   She looked glorious. 
   Vespera giggled, and wrapped a shawl (it was of Vespera’s own make, and she was getting really good now) around Luzia’s shoulders. It had iridescent threads in it — copper and gold shot through with bright silver, set aglow by Vespera’s crown of light. 
   “Perfect,” she declared, giving Luzia a twirl. “Now we’ll both glow! As long as we don’t drift too far away from each other, of course.” 
   They lay down on the cave floor then, limbs tangled for warmth. The wind had picked up, even though it was still summer and the weather was mild. 
   Luzia reached out a hand to take a berry from the basket, and popped it into Vespera’s mouth. She swallowed it, and sighed. 
   “That’s delicious,” she murmured, and reached over Luzia’s head to take a handful from the basket. Almost instantly Luzia found slender fingers stuffing the same handful into her own mouth. 
By the end of it, their hands, and their faces, and their dresses, and their lips, had been stained deep red. Neither of them regretted it.
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worldsunlikemyown · 2 months
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Mira Callides (Fallon's canon-supported wife)
(Alternatively, I FINALLY have a name and visual concept of Fallon's wife!!!)
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worldsunlikemyown · 6 months
Top kotlc ships?
Okay this got long buckle up
Main crew:
Sokeefe (yes I'm basic) and I'm generally open to any others (not much of a main crew shipper honestly I'm fairly neutral about them all)
Marellinh is also great, especially what we saw of them in the Marella short story
Tiertice!!! I just love the devotion and the simple, caring sort of dynamic they have. It's just SO adorable and soft and they've been through so much and ajshdkd I love them
Kesline! They're just so cheerful and feel like they're really THERE for each other through all odds (like their relationship was 'a bad match' and they supported each other through it all)
Ruedacted!! (I'm counting them as adults for the sake of this) THE TRAGEDY is so so compelling! They sound like the most wholesome couple until they don't and it just starts getting darker and smokier and where there's smoke there's fire and the fire burns them both in the end *screams about them forever*
Honourable mentions to Qualden and Gradaline. Also amazing but I don't think about them as much.
Ancients (multishipping incoming):
Finspera. Okay where do I start I am. SO obsessed with them. They'd be like THE top ship the ones I think about the most the ones I could write (and have written) so much about. Fintan risks everything for the chance to get Vespera out. He stands with her in Nightfall, and she seems less...not there when he's around. Their Nightfall scenes are just INCREDIBLE — the whole sequence is an elaborate performance and they're so in sync with each other! Also I have like a billion headcanons about them and just. THEM <3 they're my OTP. They're the tragic soulmate beloveds of all time.
Fintante! Now I love any and every flavour of them (romantic OR platonic) but their shipping dynamic is great. Bronte probably initially looked to Fintan as someone else with a dangerous power, and eventually realised that he was just a very hot and very silly elf and oops he's in love now! They complement each other really well — Bronte is goodness masked with anger and his power is tightly controlled by him, while Fintan is cheery on the outside, angry on the inside, and uses his fire liberally. These two are boyfriends.
Luzpera (Luzia x Vespera). Them!! I headcanon them as being very young when they fell in love, then broke apart (with a LOT of drama), got back together into something pretty dark many years later, and eventually broke apart again to become really close friends by the end. So friends to lovers to exes to lovers to exes again to friends. And yes they're lovers in my head. Also I thought they were way more popular than they are but apparently they're a rare ship (correct me if I'm wrong and direct me to the Luzpera stuff please)
Bonus Fallon x his wife (yes yes boring BUT I have thoughts about his wife that I can't elaborate on yet but they're there. Trust)
Top 3 overall (no sorry no main crew ships here unfortunately)
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worldsunlikemyown · 2 months
Masterpost (work-in-progress)
ASKS (mostly KOTLC worlbuilding, which is as yet untagged)
@ancientsweek: all the relevant information (and posts) are on this blog
Ancients week masterpost (just in case)
Timeline of the Lost Cities: my timeline for the world of KOTLC, intended to be as canon-compliant as possible, 5.8k, complete (link leads to the Timeline masterpost on Tumblr; here on AO3)
The Enlightened Script: my script simulating what I think the actual script of the Enlightened Language looks like; for other related things, see #the enlightened script
#flaming moonlark: a series of posts where I collect proof for Fintan being Sophie's biological father (that's a hill I'm willing to die on btw); may continue this year, but the last post in the tag was from August 24, 2023
#thoughts on the lost cities: kotlc worldbuilding and headcanons tag; other people's worldbuilding can be found in #kotlc worldbuilding; WIP (so not all posts are tagged with this yet)
#silmarillion keeper shenanigans: when I try to smush together two kinds of not-murderous-of-course-not-couldn't-be elves lol; mix of my posts and reblogs
Waning of the Evening Star, Dampening of the Ancient Flame: slightly AU Finspera fic, 23.9k, complete; rated mature, so please heed the tags
A Burning Brand: Ruedacted tragedy feat. Fintan, 9.2k, incomplete but I'm working on it
The Glory of Old (Now Fallen to Ruin): barely-begun Ancients-centric long-fic that I intend to see to the end, compliant with Timeline of the Lost Cities, 3.3k at present, incomplete
Wondering Whether Kindness Can Be Learned: Bronte character study of sorts, <1k, complete
Midnight Trysts: Luzpera fluff, <1k, complete
Keeptober 2023: two parts split between Ancients and non-Ancients, each of which is about 3.3k, complete
*#nevermoorian musings: needs to be collated; doesn't exist yet
Mogtober 2023
A Blessing and Two Curses: AU where Morrigan has a twin brother (I don't think I've put this here before), 5.4k, complete
No One Left to Remember: first part of a Wundersmiths-related oneshot series, hopefully I'll do the other parts one day; standalone for now, <1k, complete
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gay-otlc · 2 years
"Yes, Luzia says many things, does she not? It gets very hard to determine when she is fooling you and when she is fooling herself."
Got something you want to tell us, Vespera?
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Vespera was, and I quote, "fixated on Luzia Vacker."
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