#lp ep12
yakdee · 11 months
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Don't mind me ... just thinking about Tien and Lomfon's mutual eyebrow flash "oh" moments after that amazing first kiss
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llycaons · 1 year
ep12: why doesn't anyone ever gif the manure scene?
I had such a great time watching this episode. it may be one of my favorites. it's funny. there's important relationship beats between the wens and wwx. there's drama. there's foreshadowing. the kids are not having a good time, but it's not so dire as to be painful to watch. lwj being wounded adds a flair to his character. and it has some nice wwx moments
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he says this, and I believe he means it. he just can't help himself I fear
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ohhh bundled herbs from the ceiling
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maybe one of the first Great Wei Wuxian Moments. god this was so funny. starting with the smirk at lwj like 'look what I'm about to do baby' such a showoff. and then the stretching. sob. I can't believe more people weren't in love with him
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I read somewhere that wwx reciting the lan rules was like an injoke to the rest of the kids - they all shared this experience together than wen chao didn't. it's a reminder of a happier time, a reminder that they're all in this together. it makes jc roll his eyes, but jzx fights a smile
see, wwx complained about CR being strict and unfair, and it was, but they weren't at risk of this kind of physical violence or threats against their family. the food was apparently good. the lans were highly respected and the students learned important lessons about cultivation. although it seemed stressful at the time, it was probably the last extended period of time they were all safe and in a stable position. I mean, compared to being at the mercy of wen chao? man's a maniac. in CR they got to go to lantern festivals and weren't locked in their quarters
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he's just very funny in this pose. and then they get called for MANURE DUTY and they're all like
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THEY'RE ALL SO UPSET. LWJ IS SO MAD. HELP. wwx is like 'oh my god lan zhan. omg im sorry baby I never planned on this' lmao it's just manure. these rich guys could do a lot worse. it doesn't even smell that bad. and yeah I know I said in the past wwx is a sweetheart guy well now I think he's a baby guy
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this visual is so funny
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wwx standing up for himself 🥰🥰🥰🥰 god he is so badass he just grabbed that whip out of thin air. that would be a defining scene for a minor character but he does cooler shit on a daily basis so it's just a footnote
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JZX STANDING UP FOR WWX! I seriously think in an AU where things didn't go to shit, they would have gotten along after growing up a bit
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lwj was so ready to go into that dungeon with him but wwx refused...
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you can't tell in a screenshot, but these walls are shaking as wwx pounds them in a way that makes it clear they're cheaply made and very thin irl. this adds to the charm I think
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wq showing up to jc's prison/house and all either of them care about is wwx but then jc is like 'ummmm lady wen are you okay 🥺" and wq is like 'im fine gtg' it's so funny
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WEN NING!!!!! HERO!!! I love seeing how early wn and wwx's bond became very strong. bc wwx and wen ning are both people who do the right thing no matter what authority tells them not to
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Hellfire Palace....cool name
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it is so sad to see wwx pretend like his injuries and mental trauma are nothing but even sadder is seeing jc yelling at him for not taking it seriously enough? dude, I think he knows how horrific it just was. HE WAS THERE. and if he won't take it seriously, doesn't that mean you just want to keep a closer eye on him instead of adding to his stress? god he sucks so bad as a caretaker and emotional support. I swear. I know jc cares about wwx but he constantly disregards his suffering even when he knows it has to be bad. there's being emotionally constipated then there's just being extremely emotionally neglectful of someone who you're supposed to care about. fucking jzx showed more defense and concern for wwx than jc did this episode
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here's wwx holding jc back as wc threatens LP. he does the same for lwj, way later on
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wen ning standing up to his sister!!! go wen ning!!!!
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NHS EPIC FAINTING MOVE!!! love how we are never told how he gets back to qinghe. we just don't see him after this for a while and then he's back home. how? who knows. its nhs
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um okay this is so funny. you can see lwj in pain trying to walk, wwx is watching with his heart clearly aching, wuji is going all gently. romantic moment incoming. but the thing is...everyone in this scene is just wandering very slowly in circles. wwx and jc are just standing there. lwj could also just be standing still like wwx is. there is no need to walk anywhere legend <3
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jc going 'stop helping people!' kind of makes sense from the paranoid mind of a 16 year old boy, but in a moral, personal, AND political sense it doesn't. wwx sees someone he clearly cares about in need and wants to help them, and it's a sect heir! of course this is a good idea! jc knows that wwx won't walk away from something important to him, and it's just wrong to ignore him anyway when he could be disabled for life
jc seems to grasp at straws to keep wwx from leaving him. he leans on 'he doesn't like you' and 'focus on our family instead' even tho they are literally just standing there and I def think part of it is jealousy. he can tell wwx likes lwj and he's uneasy about wwx being pulled in another direction. also, panicked about their home being invaded and wanting all the support he can get. but wwx stands firm. there is something that needs doing! he will do it! I always liked this about him
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oh, wwx removing jc's hand from his arm. the symbolism...
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when he said this the first time I lose my mind, I was like "that's what YOU'RE always doing you dork!!!" on my first watch I hadn't known how the general caretaking dynamic would be between them and I still quite like wwx looking out for and protecting lwj. this is something they share, and something wwx mentions about wq too, early on
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I just think this is a sweet and genuine smile
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