#loyalbones || dahlia
strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@loyalbones​ asked : 👫 // for all the ships we have!!!
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Iarla + Kaen :
Iarla is one of the few people Kaen has felt SAFE with ; I mean , genuinely , safe.  The type of safe where you know nothing bad can come after you , where you know the other person won’t think any worse of you no matter how bad things get.  Kaen has been able to show Iarla the absolute WORST of themself ( the real low-lows ) , but the fae still sticks by them.  That sort of trust – that sort of love – is irreplaceable.
I don’t think anyone said ‘I love you’ first.  I think they both blurted it out and said it at once so it came out as a mash-up of babbling and fumbled apologies alongside the whole ‘no- no- you can go first- wait , oh shit , do you mean it ?’  You know.  Like real idiots.  I wager there was lots of crying involved , too.
The heart-flower Iarla gave them has a place of reverence ( as reverent as it can get at least ) settled in the kitchen window ; the place they pass by everyday without fail and can see all the time when they cook or clean or try to get crunch-time studying done at the table.  Kaen didn’t have to , but they transmuted an ornate vase to put it in ; a delicate glass-like creation of sprawling rainbow splinters and fractals that contrasts with the bright hue of the bloom ( something to represent the both of them together ) .
Iarla , noticing Kaen always tends to linger with his scarf , has given them one of their own!  It’s very similar , if not for a different color palette in the threads.  However , he made sure it smells just like him for peak comfort-value.  They wear it ALL THE TIME , even in the middle of June.
Cassidy + Kaen :
Cassidy is more than aware the faun sings for a living ( knows well of their ambitions for true stardom ) .  But it was purely Kaen’s idea to give him private songs. . . To give him private DANCES .
Sometimes when Kaen is lonely back in their apartment , they’ll call Cassidy.  Just to hear him.  Even if it’s just sleepy little mumbles on his part , it’s still enough to help them relax again.
Likewise , over time as Cass realized he was more attached to the faun than he bargained for , Kaen became a little dose of sun and wilderness ; it reminded him of a simpler , better place , maybe.  If he gets stressed , and they’re around , he’ll ask them to come to him and keep nearby.  No feeding necessary , it’s just for company ( or to sit on his lap while he works for the sake of being near ) .
Cassidy has a VERY FAINT burn mark towards the right side of his chest , a rather dull imprint in the shape of a searing hand dragging slightly downwards over chilled skin.  A reminder of times when things got a little too HOT for comfort.  Kaen , every time they see it , continues to apologize for it even though they’ve already been forgiven.
Dahlia + Kaen :
Has Kaen slept with Dahlia ?  You’d be hard-pressed to figure it out , neither of them seem inclined to confess to it.  Shared glances , absconding away to other unoccupied rooms , SEVERAL LOUD NOISES— No , I don’t think it happened.  I think Dahlia was just hungry ( and they often seem hungry when the faun comes around ) .
Kaen doesn’t need the venom to feel pleasure from Dahlia’s bites , the pain naturally gives them a sense of it.  They’ve learned that the vampire l i k e s hearing them moan and hum when a feeding happens , and they’re more than happy to oblige , uncaring who happens to overhear.  The venom , however , does indeed make it WORSE ( you know what this means ) .
Kaen wanted to bite Dahlia back to “assert dominance”. . . It didn’t go as planned considering Dahlia very much retaliated ( that didn’t stop Kaen from doing it several consecutive times ) .
Kaen REALLY enjoys playing up the “hunting” game with Dahlia , most especially when they seem eager to feed.  They made the mistake o n c e of keeping too loose a hold on the faun and now they consider it their go-ahead to do this all the time.  Although typically outmatched , Kaen is invested ( as well as Dahlia ) , always tending to be riled up by the time they’re found , boldly playing the ‘please , don’t hurt me!’ card when Dahlia SMELLS the opposite of fear on their skin.
Mu + Kaen :
It took some patience and a little encouragement , but Kaen eventually came around to Mu and their guardianship ( after all , where else were they gonna go ? ) .  I reckon they opened up more at first to his familiar which no doubt made him smile as he observed quietly from afar.
Once Kaen was comfortable enough with Mu , they accompanied him EVERYWHERE , even asking if they could do more for him ( not that it seemed he needed much help , but they wanted to repay his kindness somehow ) .  When he said they didn’t have to do anything of the sort , they STILL went ahead and ransacked the kitchen in the wee hours of the morning , making him breakfast.  That , then , became their routine.  Early wake-up.  Homemade breakfast from your doting ward.
Kaen has definitely climbed into Mu’s bed whenever they had a bad night.  Which has increasingly become less frequent the longer they stay with him , so that’s PROGRESS !
Kaen has also referred to Mu as their father and I’m not going to stand here and let you tell me he’s tried to correct them after learning what an awful dad Cernunnos turned out to be.
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worldly-diversity · 2 years
loyalbones / @loyalbones​ :
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 “no.”  dahlia rolls their eyes, before turning back to look at the shelves around them.  iarla sent them for... something, they weren’t paying attention.  just knew they had to pick something up from whatever magic bullshit shop the fae was interested in this week.    “i am here to get parcel for iarla.  said it was ready.”  clawed fingers skate over the edges of shelves, and ice blue gaze flicks to the keeper behind the counter.  there’s something in his scent that makes their nose tingle...
Ah, the rather energetic fae that had been a bit of a whirlwind compared to his own usual levels of energy which were comparable to ‘don't talk to me unless I've had coffee’ but without the coffee. Mitchell never knew how to handle the energetic ones and by the time he managed to adjust to them, they were usually already out the door.
It was why the exchange had stuck with him, never mind the contents of the order had been unusual, at least for his business. There were crystal caves nearby yes, but you had to know how to get into them and how to harvest the crystals without causing any damage or angering whatever lay in the depths of the cave. He'd never been foolish enough to go look, but he knew it was there, could sense the creature or protective deity or whatever it was, lurking and watching his every move in case he did something disrespectful and needed to become monster food. It's not like he could defend himself properly if that happened, having no innate magic of his own.
He'd never considered it, but the only reason he can get in there is because as a natural channel, he is often letting the magic of the environment flow through him, becoming part of it in a way, and thus not being considered a threat.
But anyway, the crystals.
“Right, that one. Most of what I could get was Amethyst, I don't like venturing too deep lest I can't get back out, but I got a couple other ones too.” Iarla hadn't said it mattered which type so long as the quality was good, and he'd been paid in advance which had gone a long way towards him being willing to put in the time and effort.
He turned back briefly to check the shelf behind him, where he'd stored the box, protected by a talisman he now carefully dismantled. Well really, the best way to dismantle one of his personal talismans without setting them off was to use his blood to disrupt the runes. He easily slices through the top layers of skin on the pad of his thumb and rubs it across the paper, sucking on the digit briefly to close the cut again before putting the deactivated talisman in a lock box to burn later. Better not leave your blood lying around and all that.
That done he picks up the box and sets it on the counter. It's not too big, maybe a bit longer than a foot, but still fairly heavy due to the crystals.
“Alright, here you go.”
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a-prekliatyvlk · 3 years
Fae related question! Do any of the pack pray to the courts/respect the Fair folk, if so which of the court's if any do they pray to or do they just offer sacrifices to Fae in general? Have any of the pack encountered the wild hunt/mention of them? Do the pack have/have they had any interactions with court/court aligned fae entities presently or in the past?
Now let’s dive right into this question I know I mentioned a little of it in one of my other asks. But I didn’t go into too much detail. 
First of all the pack RESPECTS THE FAE to the highest regard. They have left shrines or alter’s to the fair folk or fae where ever they have traveled. It is not umcommon to travel amongst the forest of the pack lands and find alter’s and shrines dedicated to the fair folk. 
They do not however have a specific court that they pray too. It is mostly generalized anyone who dwells here sort of deal. They do however offer different amount’s of sacrifices to the fae or fair folk depending. Some leave bread and honey. Other’s leave flower’s or antlers. Other’s leave blood with honey or the like. Some leave notes asking for answer’s. Weapons of crystal. It’s really dependent on the person. 
That being said in the culture and gods and goddess’s that the pack worships (remember they are from viking times) the wild hunt is a HUGE time for them. You NEVER see them out past darkness and if you do they are always cautious to whatever is going on around them. First noise of a dog barking or the like they drop to the ground. 
No one in the pack messes with the wild hunt for good reason. 
It is said one night that both Artem and Kat got picked up by the wild hunt, 3 day’s later their were found wandering almost a world away confused. Katia covered in mud and Artem in blood. Some state they just lost control of their wolves. Katia and Artem they don’t talk about it. Thus some of the pack revers them as gods. 
Everyone else however stays clear of the hunt during the time frame. You might often find food outside for the hunt when they come through. Blessings for the pack and such. Old habit’s do die hard. 
Currently the only fair folk / fae that the pack know’s of is Iarla, Dahlia and Cassidy ( @loyalbones ), Connor ( @shackledsculs )  and of course Alexander
Iarla is Mate to Artem (soon to be married to each other as well) 
Dahlia and Radovan have had a thing for a hot minute 
Cassidy (who is a fae king) and Katia are tangled up in something (both hard pressed not to call each other a mate but everyone else does) 
Connor is mated to Scarlett though connor is currently not of any court. 
Alexander is not of any court, rather a quick fuck between a wolf (his mother) and a fair folk. Alexander doesn’t know who his real father is and just doesn’t care. 
I hope this helps! 
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@loyalbones​ asked : [BEHIND] upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them // kaen & dahlia they’re probs doing it so they can start biting lbr
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          After so many long and UNWANTED years , there were worse fates in life than being relegated to a favorite blood supply.  Or so Kaen might have argued , which surely said a lot about where they’ve come from ; which said a lot about the fact they did not much mind the treatment , coming to expect it out of the cruel world they’ve been born into – it was , in fact , incredibly PREDICTABLE to them ( and they were all but resigned to such a course , acceptant that perhaps there may be no way to alter it ) .  Kaen can still hear Iarla in the back of their head each time they came here ; he was rightfully concerned , he had w a r n e d them this would happen and what did they do ?  They went ahead and indulged it regardless.  But did he really think they’d die ?  They wouldn’t do that !  At least , not without telling him beforehand.
          So stuck in their head , Kaen barely notices that Cassidy’s ‘mad dog’ has entered the room they’re pacing in ; too busy wearing a hole into the floor to notice the prickling on the edge of their nerves trying to tell them the vampire is RIGHT THERE— But it’s too late , lithe – powerful – arms have reached out and snared them , yanking them close causing the doe to give a startled yelp.  
          “Dahlia. . .” Comes out as a drawl , the gentlest of hitches in tone to suggest lighthearted chiding.  “. . . Tha’s not very f a i r , is it ?”  Head is already tipping , giving them the full berth of neckline , and those fangs are a little too quick to oblige the offering.  “Ye didnae even give me a chance,” The slightest of pricks to fallow-flesh and Kaen no longer seeks to hide the tremor of anticipatory pleasure that moves through them.  “Ah thought ye preferred somethin’ ta’ HUNT ?”  The mistake is that Dahlia’s hold on them is loose , the vampire assumes they’ll yield like always.  This time , however , Kaen breaks from their embrace , bolting away and out of sight with a playful laughter following along in their trail.
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