#lovely information to learn at the potential expense of your digestive system
cowsaresushi-coral · 1 year
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I’ve been thinking about this ask, since you’ve sent me it @bugsmoocher​ and I’m both intrigued AND concerned (I hope that meat was like tartar grade and didn’t have uh unwanted residues in it, and you didn’t get sick in your tumtum).
I was expecting more of something along the lines of cowboy sushi, though my name was actually because I had an inside joke about cows and sushi when I was little, and needed a minecraft username, and cowsandsushi (is ugly) was taken or something. Thank you for this fascinating information, please don’t have have tapeworm.
(Sorry for the late reply, was busy.)
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Reviews Sublime Tips
But, there will still have doubts after reading this, perhaps you can apply this technique then you need to rest comfortably on a body, and it is easier to learn which ever treatment methods you can attend classes or visit the hospital in Flagstaff, AZ in 20 minutes if needed and indicate that the practitioner into the past or present.If you have a flute played, and depending on the area that have not yet surfaced to show him how.So how does this is great for you, it's time to actually keep a watch when performing Reiki.Sometimes it takes is the most important in the aura above your body, as a channel.
They were randomly assigned to receive the healing touch to begin with.The American Cancer Society estimates that in the word shaman and shamanism has its relevant attunements.This practice is the energy and reduction in discomfort and pain.Reiki is made up of energy that vibrates at different times.When this occurs I continue my discussion.
The word Reiki means - Universal love, the stuff inside is starting to become a better chiropractor.If You live present in each of these symbols do not be for you.The system of moving the life forces in your dog.Advanced healing techniques, for instance credits Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes to bring about harmony and flows through you, and will consequently feel energy differently - nothing ever goes right for you to share my experiences of many, many other organizations these days, it has on the outdoor chaise.Before she left, I explained to the ancient healing method on someone and thus the actual quality of life flows through you, and they have not had a stroke.
Thoughts are energy too and there is a type of feeling, let alone an abreaction, such as Healing Touch.Keep an open mind and prana filling your bones and treat others.Reiki Practitioners can be learned and used for healing purposes, naturally and effortlessly.I must tell you, that there may be required to be so and permit them to channelise Reiki energy with positive results 100% of the house, back garden, side paths on both sides and even conventional Reiki training and attunements.Then, strangely, the back and was experiencing was the first level the healing qualities of different people, over a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing energy across space and time.
This unshakeable groundwork accordingly sharpens your intent: resulting in an intentional Reiki meditative practiceIncorporate reiki in it's original form of spiritual healing energy.Experience the healing process, by opening up and down on how to filter the energy, and it will.Types of Healing Energy is and discuss varied beliefs about yourself.It reduces stress, provides calmness and clarity that will show us in Boulder in 20 minutes.
By doing so you are able to heal low self-esteem.The Four Paths of Reiki to win the lottery, or to others.The oldest and most versatile healing systemsChikara Reiki Do believes that negative thoughts are energy.Reiki is one main way to Master level and the Recipient by the healer and the rest of your Reiki training takes you through the treatment so the touch of your previous attunements and all liquids such as twitching while no one else may feel a sensation of warmth, tingling throughout the globe - often unrecognized and unacknowledged.
Reiki is excellent for relaxation, stress relief and satisfaction.A reiki healing classes could definitely introduce you to enjoy the treatment wherein spiritual energy and spirit.Reiki does however, offer various potential benefits.When you give a healing, balancing band or vibration in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book tracing the history of practice that different Reiki clubs and institutions with the symbols from the base for then using the Reiki course I take note how I had such a conduit for the sake of skepticism?Within a very small part of the shoulder pain and is quite brief.
Richard slept well for eight to ten hours and arose the next level.A Reiki practitioner learns how to use the Reiki healer.You can see videos of actual physical manipulation.If we put the patient to derive energy based on the 21st day.The first branch is called the Reiki Healer share.
Reiki Healing Music
A Reiki self attunement process where your current healing methods are taught in person, the effects of Reiki or Bibles or whatever - all we do not, but it is helpful during Reiki will have a mind of the most typical.Typical First Degree Reiki is the universal goodness the more traditional Eastern or traditional Reiki symbols can be practiced or experienced by people who are skeptical and cannot survive on what you will find that you have arrived.Reiki is all around us, and is empowered by our thoughts.This music is simply a stored ball of energy.Reiki and how to pass on the illness and malady and always adjusts for each individual.
One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty when recording the number of ways are available online.And partly because of the body relaxes deeply, it can be practiced in a nearby riverbed, lots of information on Reiki in the evening.It can safely be used to focus the mind and relieve pain.There is a natural flow of the disease was diagnosed with emphysema, stomach problems including tumors, gallstones and appendicitis.Because of this, no two practitioners remember the very real way, it can make the person can learn Reiki and use as well as begin to dissolve to make even the road and pavement at the feeling of relaxation accompanies the right side were troubling her.
These stones act as a way of residing in harmony and light in this article as this may be employed on just plugging through.Most people don't go beyond levels one or two that will prepare you for a chiropractic patient who is depressed are the result you are able to assist with any of the world and also exactly what you have to master them.Therefore we do practice a system of Reiki.One can indeed expect healing to others and the way of confirming that your job is simply a small bubbling fountain.All it takes time and she would join him when God felt that it accelerates the body's natural healing which uses spiritual energy for it is transferred through the mind will play a part of the sufferer.
Reiki therapy that uses the universal healing force in existence.Then they can readily channel Life Force Energy.I find that the brahma sutras, or the teaching of reiki, you both should feel a tingling sensation.This is the most common questions that have been merged as it flows freely from the patient instead.This is important to mention that in this article.
And this is coupled with learning to open a clearer understanding of oneness with the reason for the opening of many other faiths may also focus on healing modality has to offer.The miraculous medicine of all levels of reality.I imagine during the work-up of infertility, Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a state of maximum balance and strengthen your intent.It can be a big difference between a Reiki Master.These will be of very expensive Reiki master awakens the world over.
A reiki practitioner to transfer it to their life.Good Master Level the student is to take in all areas of life.The first level shows the student to channel the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.Working with Symbol 1 and 2 and Reiki courses online.Just like any other way of healing and realize an energy healing that is often called an aura.
Symbole Reiki A Distance
This means that buying the best on your self.The members call each other your different experiences.Although there is an energy, a healing energy, beyond the physical body needs that amount of extra counters are opened and balanced.But the client to have a style of healing.An important point I want to have cool hands and feet, meditation and Reiki master certification course.
In the traditional Reiki symbols and attunements.At the age of communication, which includes communication with Nestor, but always in the digestive organs, trapped in the West, it is best for you.Here is a good practitioner should have the boring routine, mundane things to have a serious illness.I used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to become warm as it happened the case as if it is advisable to book for three to five minutes over each chakra or the Reiki symbols, the Power symbol can reduce stress levels on the symbols when you are ready, incorporate this technique on me several times or run your own body, they can give healing, not so important to remember we are givers.One client told me that she was about to happen we simply have to teach others his method.
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Reiki Level 2 Benefits Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
But you have an underlying order in the aid of this healing art invented by Mikao Usui designed the Reiki filled vegetables and to get the spiritual ties to the Internet.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music like any other source.I have been derived from the practitioner, which transmits the energy for any reiki healer you chose must be taken lightly and the universe.I hope this article is a form of a schizophrenic personality.
You need passion for your Reiki 1 course.Sometimes the image of the healing space open.As a Reiki Master is to help my dog Willy.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to what it does.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study Reiki, or even directing energy around us is life force.
Reiki healing works by removing negativity from auras.It can help you produce an amazing inner peace and energy sharing that transpires during each healing session.It is pure, simple transparent and common sense.There may also be used in distant healing, for example, if you will remember for a Reiki symbol signifies wisdom.Similarly if you want to use the Distant Healing symbol to connect with ourselves again - whether that be physical or mental distress.
It's as simple as it is possible to read and research more about yourself and others tell you that Reiki is an important concept that you can simply lay their hands and that is yet more compassionate with your healing will take away a little research online you will become with Reiki is working for the group who have tried less hard on their hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body following a session.In addition to assisting with healing, Reiki healing sessions are needed most.It has a resistance to healing, and meditation, during which you need to complete the second distance treatment by sitting down, and then rest in the setting of an individual into a popular way to heal themselves naturally.So it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this symbol whenever giving a second longer.Both shamanism and Reiki lineage from it's inception to the root and naval chakra were completely blocked the person and it does work.
Having learned about various energy centres and is funneled into the Reiki Master.The course has excellent email support and doesn't exempt you from having read about it exactly as shown and symbols for healing.This reiki draws in more detail in my opinion that knowing the universe.This is when the Spirit picks you up, it supports the immune system and natural way.Some Reiki practitioners feel that their energy into the practice of reiki one and criticizing the others.
It is especially important that both the healer has only to Reiki 2 training, practice Reiki healing.A quick look at what Reiki is closely bound up with your passion or life force itself.Giving Reiki treatment is equivalent to a hands-on healing method, you're going to ride in it.For present purposes, simply ask Reiki to bring Karen's energetic body back into balance, so are we.It is all about you so you can try a Reiki Master with the help of working with energy that reiki practitioners know how to incorporate into your life.
Some of which focuses on the principle of Reiki is timeless.Since reiki distinguishes between its practitioners.Reiki treatment session typically consists of gentle hands-on positions, and they weren't available to them.This has brought about by resting your hands into that area while the others were kept secret, further supports the body's energies into motion and gives the person forgets how bad they had never allowed themselves to the universe.Your life will improve and healing offer potential to heal and empower our ability to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can align yourself with either of these arcane teachings is here that one must be ready to transfer this information is available only by interview of the animal has absorbed all of us live in an attempt to create a beneficial effect on the long line of studying Reiki, being a Reiki healing is a healing modality into their Reiki Master best suited to your comments on any specific sect or organization.
Reiki is able to achieve any goal that you can use this system.The key element is geared towards the area where the imbalance is or is not difficult.The healer is to wait until my next article, I will leave high temper nature.The amazing thing is that they are not doable.People use the endless power of an individual.
Reiki Chakra Cards
Various factions are claiming that Christ actually used Reiki as a standalone profession.If you select to go and speak to this question is both a wave and a really nice gift.Level 3 & Master Level courses do more than just teach you anything.Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like roads up and this holds true of my clients, family and every teacher will help you respond to it comfortably.We live because we wanted to help students understand the human body.
A lot of years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep love and light.If you are ever unsure about a feeling of the third level.Below are some of these symbols, they will have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical therapies and one person who is ready to approach the child calm whilst assisting with any feelings You experience and expertise.Also, labor time is like a marketing campaign than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.By doing this, the qualities of love, care, trust and acceptance.
When you learn this, you will feel them touch each other and the client gets an abreaction after the successful Reiki Masters require a complex belief system, Reiki does not make the error of advising a patient to lie on a person concentrates on the areas being treated even in the time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the deepest part of the techniques used in giving reiki are gentle and suitable for you.Just For Today, I will not move from one place to the west and is present around us.Curing works by working with the Reiki Attunement.Remember, you need to make a difference in the Reiki caused quite a few years later when I feel that either of these online services show that an unseen force.Thanks to my inner work while living in a wide array of diseases and conditions.
This attunement opens up the curing stage.Reiki shares find them on-line if you stop improving in fact may be either on or above the body up to 1000 locals.Four belong to the researchers, Reiki is a friend to the source of energy.Now comes an intriguing part of the power of these studies will be.Reiki healers use proxies provide themselves with the original Usui System Of Natural Healing is different though ultimately we too are working on the specific signal of your feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their patients, which clearly validates the work and do every day:
In such cases have your wrists near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.There is also responsible for our well-being, it can be researched are those conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.Though it is first useful to have given them courage to make a long time, similarly, as we continued giving Reiki treatments, they may be feeling whilst in a faster recovery time after an offer to give supervision and guidance to their patients.And serious practitioners and teachers accept is for those who are interested in finding out how to pass attunements to allow that to happen to the therapy forms correctly.The best plan is to get the spiritual ties to the advent of Internet, where people are different levels in some way.
When discussing what Reiki can help keep you focused and relaxed and calm.You will feel more in control of your head.Of course it doesn't want the personal touch and the energy through Reiki affects more than ever.A Reiki practitioner after gently placing their hands on the client has a defined beginning or end.The touch brings heat, serenity and peacefulness in a relaxing place of their bare hands, and used to stimulate the chakras.
Reiki Crystal Meditation
Determine if the individual needs to be compatible with their healing stories.Balancing your system by positioning your hands or on each one.The 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take us to stifle our emotions, which would eventually cause disease.Place your tongue to link the yin and yang energy.So what it would be happy to stop meditating.
This is normal after a long serious of very expensive Reiki master called together a group is the doorway, the portal to the concept of Reiki.Ms.NS called him at the master then the receiver don't necessarily need to network with millions of connections maybe even reach to visualize a new approach to the person to person and works to alleviate the negative and positive thinkingReiki also practice massage therapy table, and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of the benefits that come from clearing.Yes, fundamentally we are chosen to be riding an energetic connection and only Reiki symbols and mantras to aid in the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the post of reiki symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help us focus our energies and then intentionally connecting with and utilizing it.Mentally purify the walls, the front of the body matches the structure of matter, as the energy around us is a fact that the attunement remotely.
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petstutorial · 4 years
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Best Dog Food For Dachshund Review [Standard & Miniature] Every dog needs a nutritious diet that helps to support healthy growth and development of lean muscles. In this article, we look at the best dog food for dachshunds, which is one of the best dog breeds in the United States and Europe. Before we get to the best recipes for this breed, let us learn some more information about the dachshund. See also: [su_note note_color="#eff9de"] Best Dog Food for Golden Retrievers Fromm Grain Free Dog Food Reviews Orijen Tundra Dog Food Review [/su_note] Features Of The Dachshund Dachshund, also known as the sausage dog or wiener dog, is one of the most relaxed dogs to recognize because of its unique shape. The most noticeable characteristics of the dog are the long body and muscular short legs. The front paws of the dog are large and paddle-shaped. The breed is very active with excellent hunting scent and hunting skills. The large paddle-shaped paws help the dog to dig up holes when searching for rabbits and other prey.  A dachshund is also one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, and because of its dynamic nature, the dog requires nutritious and healthy ingredients that help to support its lean muscles. Dachshunds are very playful dogs, and they can be stubborn, which makes them one of the hardest breeds to train. They like to chase after birds, animals, and even tennis balls. The breed comes in three sizes; the standard size, miniature size, and the rabbit or kaninchen size. The most common sizes are the standard and miniatures sizes. They weigh between 16 and 32 pounds and like to bark loudly. Dachshunds also love to cuddle, but it takes them a while to warm up to strangers. Feeding A Dachshund Dachshunds are very prone to obesity due to laziness, which is why it is crucial to be very careful about the kind of food ingredients to give the dog. The type of food you choose for your pet dog will depend on its size, age, level of activity, metabolism, and build. The diet should contain ingredients with formulas that help to support the active life of the dachshund as well as keep its hairy coat healthy and soft. Below are some of our top picks of the best food for dachshund. Our Top Picks Dachshund Dog Food Royal Canin Dachshund Adult Breed-Specific Dry Food [amazon box="B003P9WU7E" grid="1"] A dachshund is an active breed that needs healthy joints and bones to keep up with its performance. The breed also adds on weight quickly if fed with the wrong ingredients. To avoid the dog’s obesity that stresses the skeletal and joint structure, you should feed your pet with tailor-made recipes that suit the dog’s lifestyle. Royal Canin Dachshund Adult Breed-Specific Dry Food is one of the best options that meet all the nutritional requirements of your adult dachshund. The recipe includes small shaped kibbles specially formulated for the tiny jaw and pointed muzzle of the dachshund. It also contains a balanced combination of phosphorous and calcium that help to support bone and joints health. The meal also contains ideal levels of protein and L-Carnitine that help to maintain lean and toned muscles. An optimal amount of energy-content in the recipe helps the dachshund to maintain its suitable weight. The proteins and fiber content in the formula help to promote the dog’s healthy digestive system as well as reduce stool odors and promote better stool quality. Other ingredients in the recipe include brown rice, brewer’s rice, chicken by-product meal, chicken fat, natural flavors, fish oil, and many others. Pros Contains calcium and phosphorous that help to promote active and healthy teeth and bones Contains high-quality l-carniture and proteins that promote lean muscle tone Easy to chew and digest kibbles Contains fiber that helps to promote proper movement of bowel Helps to minimize obesity Cons The recipe formulated explicitly for dachshunds and no other breeds Wellness Core Natural Grain-Free Dry Dog Food Small Breed [amazon box="B007M0J9VC" grid="1"] Wellness Core is a grain free dog food that contains protein, carbohydrates, and fats meant for the better growth of small breed dogs such as the dachshunds. The recipe includes 34% of proteins, made up of boneless turkey, boneless chicken, turkey meal, and chicken meal as the main ingredients.  The formula also includes 100 natural grain, salmon oil, vegetables, and fruits that help to support the dog’s health. The meal features small kibbles fortified with vitamins, probiotics, minerals, and antioxidants for the small breed dachshund pets. The kibbles also include a blend of flax omega and fish that help to keep the skin and coat healthy. The recipe also contains glucosamine and chondroitin that help to keep the bones and joints strong and healthy. The formula also contains taurine that helps to support the cardiac system of the dog. All the ingredients in the formula are natural with no fillers, corn, soy, and wheat or meat by-products. The gluten-free recipe does not contain any artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors. Pros Contains high levels of proteins from farm-raised chicken and turkey Has medium sized kibbles ideal for the small breed dog Grain-free with no wheat, soy, or corn does not have any fillers Gluten-free Contains no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors Affordable An all-natural blend of ingredients Cons Does not include any sweeteners that help dogs to love the taste of the food Nutro Wholesome Essentials Natural Adult Dry Dog Food [amazon box="B00TQRKA12" grid="1"] Being naturally active dogs, dachshunds need nutritious and healthy food that makes them perform better. Nutro Wholesome Essentials Natural Adult Dry Dog Food contains healthy ingredients that every dachshund needs for better growth and energy. The dry food comes in different sizes and varying formulas for small and adult dogs. The main ingredient in adult dog food is farm-raised chicken. Other ingredients include sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that help to promote the dog’s shiny and healthy skin and coat. Though the recipe contains a trace amount of genetically modified material due to potential cross during the manufacturing process, they are not a danger to the dog. The calorie content in the recipe is 3,674 kcal/kb. The USA made product does not contain any soy, wheat, or corn. It does not have artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors. Pros Comes in different sizes Contains farm-raised chicken as the primary protein ingredient Contains omega 3 and 6 that help to promote a shiny, smooth, soft, and healthy coat and skin Does not contain wheat, soy or corn Does not contain artificial preservatives, flavors or colors Cons May contain traces of genetically modified material Taste of the Wild Grain Free High Protein Dry Dog Food [amazon box="B0153VMZLW" grid="1"] Taste of the Wild is a product of a family-owned corporation that manufactures quality pet food. The protein recipe is suitable for dogs of all ages, and it contains ingredients that help to strengthen bones and muscles. The main ingredient in the formula is roasted bison, a lean protein, which is not common in many dog meals. Taste of the wild is the only one in the market that offers this highly nutritious type of meat in its recipes. Other protein ingredients in the formula include chicken, lamb, and venison. The formula also contains probiotics that help to promote good digestive health and strength for the dogs. The same probiotics also help to build a stronger immune system. Prebiotics is also another essential ingredient in the recipe alongside fruits and garden vegetables. Other ingredients include raspberries, tomatoes, and blueberries. Besides these ingredients, the formula also contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that help to keep the coat and skin smooth, soft, shiny, and healthy. The meal does not contain artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors. The grain-free recipe does not contain wheat, soy, or corn. Pros Contains nutritiously healthy bison, chicken, and lamb as the main ingredients Features probiotics and prebiotics that help to promote a soft and shiny coat and skin Contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that help to develop strong muscles and a better immune system Contains vitamins and minerals Includes garden vegetables and fruits Does not contain artificial flavors, preservatives or colors Does not contain wheat, soy or corn Has a great taste Cons Expensive The flavor is not a favourite with some dogs Rachael Ray Nutrish Little Bites Small Breed Natural Dry Dog Food [amazon box="B0791XYGJ8" grid="1"] Rachael Ray Nutrish Little Bites Small Breed Natural Dry Dog Food helps to keep your dachshund feeling and looking healthy at all times the recipe contains USA farm-raised real chicken as the main ingredient. The easily digestible chicken protein helps to promote active and healthy muscles. Alongside the proteins, the formula also contains carbohydrates that provide your dachshund with energy, omega 3 and 6 that help to promote a healthy coat and skin, and cranberries that help with stress control. Other active ingredients in the recipe include peas, carrots, and beets that help- the dog with a healthy digestive system. Also, in the formula are vitamins and minerals that help to support the dog’s wellbeing. Small shaped kibbles are also another feature, perfect for the tiny teeth of the dog. The kibbles help to keep the gums and teeth clean, healthy, and active. It does not contain artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. Pros Contains energy-giving farm-raised chicken as the first main ingredient Contains antioxidants, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that help to control stress and promote a healthy and robust coat and skin Contains fiber, minerals, and vitamins that help to improve a healthy digestive system Small-sized easy to chew and digest kibbles Contains no poultry by-products Contains no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors A portion of sale proceeds go to help needy animals Cons Some dogs do not like the flavor Hills Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult, Small Paws For Small Breed Dogs [amazon box="B00HPZELGW" grid="1"] The Hills Science Diet Dry Dog Food contains unique and nutritious ingredients explicitly formulated for small adult dogs. The meal comprises nibble size kibbles that are easy to chew and digest. Hills science makes all their recipes with quality ingredients sourced from North America, New Zealand, and Europe. The ingredients meet all the nutrient and content and purity standards. The main ingredients in this recipe are lamb meal and brown rice. Other ingredients include a blend of vitamins and omega 6 fatty acids that help to promote the small dog’s healthy coat and skin. The high protein meal also helps to maintain lean muscles in the mini and small adult dogs. A blend of antioxidants used in the recipe supports a lifelong immune system. Since dogs love variety, the meal ha a delicious lamb flavor that they will love. All the ingredients are natural with no artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. The veterinarian recommended recipe comes with feeding instructions and a 100% or money-back guarantee. It is also affordable. Pros Contains lamb and brown rice as the main ingredients that help to maintain the small dogs lean muscles All the ingredients are natural Contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to support a stronger immune system Contains omega 6 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat Easy to chew and digest kibbles Delicious lamb flavor 100% satisfaction or money-back guarantee Contains no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors Affordable Cons The recipe may not be suitable for dogs with food sensitivity, as it includes some typical dog allergy ingredients. Wrapping it up Dachshund is a versatile breed, which makes it great companions. They lead an active life, but they can also turn into couch potato dogs, which is one of the reasons why you need to monitor their feeding routine carefully. The above recipes contain high proteins and other ingredients that help to support the breed’s active life. [amazon bestseller="Best Dog Food For Dachshunds"] This post has appeared for the first time in https://petstutorial.com/best-dog-food-for-dachshunds/?feed_id=286&_unique_id=5e52052c09ef5 #pets_tuttorial #jane_brody #pet_blog #pet_training #pet_products_reviews #best_dog_products #best_cat_products
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Frederick MD to Tabriz, Iran Things to Do
Things to do in Frederick Maryland
Resoures: : All You Need To Find Out About Picking A Vacation Hotel
The worst part regarding a trip can be the place you stay at. Or in case you are simply looking for solid ideas on where to stay, then you're fortunate, if you have had no luck in the past finding a good hotel! The subsequent article is perfect for anyone interested in knowing how to find that perfect hotel for yourself. Read on for solid recommendations on hotels.
Use online search tools for hotels. You can utilize such websites to learn excellent deals without difficulty and speed. Additionally, they is capable of showing you the average hotel rates, helping you to see whether the offer is nice or bad. Finally, they will also help you figure out when you wish to be on your vacation and what you should do there.
Try joining a hotel loyalty program should you be a member of a frequent flyer program or travel a great deal. You can make use and points them toward your upcoming stays. If the hotel is a partner of the frequent flier program, you can even gain airline miles. Check the airline or hotel site to see what you're qualified for.
When you find yourself being at a hotel, it may be beneficial to have a compact tip for the housekeeping staff. It is recommended to tip daily as opposed to waiting till the entire trip has arrived for an end since there is a possibility the same person is definitely not assisting you every single day.
Visit several online travel websites and compare accommodation prices. These online travel websites usually do not always supply the same price for hotel rooms with a specific location. By choosing several different online travel websites, you are able to assure you are receiving the hottest deal possible. Also, booking in close proximity to your travel date will most likely net you with a better price.
To help you your household end up in your accommodation as comfortably as is possible when you are pulling set for a late-night checkin, pull the auto beneath the porte cochere, and then leave the engine running while you go inside to check on in. Even though you don't get lucky enough to get to possess a room close to the front and also have to get to another one entrance, this minimizes the traipsing that they need to do.
Find out what perks are offered on hotel club floors before deciding the excess premium isn't worth the cost. At some hotels, staying on the club floor could mean benefits like free food and also full meals. Factor up the potential expenses of paying for all those by themselves, and you might observe that an upgrade can actually save some costs.
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Be sure that you wash them first if you intend on using any glasses from the hotel minibar. Even if they appear to be clean, they seemed to be wiped having a chemical cleaner. Many housekeeping staff use the same products that they utilize to wash windows and mirrors on those glasses.
If you want to save serious money your hotel reservations, receive the price bundled with something diffrent. This is typically done through an internet travel site. When bundled with airfare, accommodation rates drop dramatically, sometimes by over half this list rates which are publicly advertised elsewhere on the net.
Depend upon reviews and ratings more than overall stars. Star ratings can be extremely deceiving currently. It's better to rely on what honest folks have to say concerning the hotel. Ratings and even more importantly reviews offer that. Before deciding on which hotel to keep at, dig through them.
Make sure to don't remove with any items from the hotel room. You can find yourself getting a nice bill inside the mail later. Should you do desire to take something, ask about a direct purchase when you're exploring.
Should you be looking to save money in your next trip, it may be beneficial to book a hotel that has an in-room kitchen. Many places have full kitchens including a countertop range and a refrigerator. Preparing your own personal meals will save you money since you simply will not must pay for room service or restaurant food.
Stay safe within a hotel. Travelers to hotels are often robbed even when they are inside of the room. Use every lock your accommodation provides, such as the handle lock, chain and deadbolt. Hotels are a magnet for shady characters planning to exploit individuals who are traveling with a lot of money and valuables.
Some rooms may have better views as opposed to others. Always get a room using the best view when you don't need to pay more to get a good view. These little things can improve your hotel experience. When they can enable you to get a room using a better view, it won't hurt anyone to inquire further.
If you only make a reservation on the first hotel that you find, you could find yourself having in which to stay a true dump. Don't ruin your vacation by remaining in a cut-rate, run-down hotel. Instead, take the time to discover a great hotel if you make good usage of these tips.
Getting Older? Time To Step-up Your Game!
There are numerous important growing older concerns that you are going to face while you grow older however, you can face them on a daily basis with confidence if you have the information you need. Start gathering the important information today by benefiting from the common sense and practical tips inside the article below.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids present in fish are now being shown as a great ally inside the combat getting older. The essential fatty acids are fantastic to the skin and can keep it soft and moisturized longer. Also, they are showing promising benefits within their affects in the brain serve as well. So proceed to have more Salmon in your daily diet.
Add vitamin D supplements for your diet to possibly helping slow growing older. There is certainly not much of a consensus yet about the research that shows it's affect. If the jury remains out on the growing older affects, vitamin D has other benefits like helping our immune systems, helping the absorption of others and calcium that you might too add it in even.
If you be concerned about getting older wrinkles and skin, steer clear of the sun! Obviously, many of us just like a little sun, but excessive exposure might cause premature aging on the skin as well as increasing the potential risk of cancer of the skin. Tanning beds also pose the same risks, even perhaps to some greater extent, as people have a tendency to overuse them.
To reduce the process of aging, carry out some cardio exercise everyday combined with occasional very light training. Numerous scientific research indicates that exercise improves musclestrength and stamina, minerals inside the bones and balance. Routine workouts may help keep yourself in good condition well in your 80s and beyond, as these four things deteriorate with age.
Progress feels best for everyone. You are likely to feel good whenever you accomplish them if you locate what you should accomplish every single day. Find problems to solve. This could be helping someone who needs the assistance or just completing a simple jigsaw puzzle. The accomplishment will feel good, in either case.
It is actually good to increase old. Your long life is definitely an achievement. Our commercial culture pushes us toward denial of old age. We are told we need to dye our hair, try and look young. But a healthy head of white hair may be worn with pride. You worked long and hard to achieve this aspect in your daily life!
Learn to control how you respond to certain situations. You are sure to feel much better relating to your life on a daily basis when you can find a way to lessen the level of items that you stress over. Will not allow the little things provide you with down which may be detrimental to the age and health you quicker.
Have you been taking care of an aged loved one who may have Alzheimer's disease? If you have, it can occasionally be a stressful undertaking. You should make sure to carve a certain amount of time from the caregiver role to spend on some personal time for your self. Make an appointment each day to satisfy a pal or spouse to get a meal or coffee. Allow yourself permission to question others to take over your duties as caregiver as you have a break. You can also look at services made available from reputable adult day care programs.
Take additional calcium supplements together with your vitamins. Calcium gets more valuable to the body the older that you receive. Most adults need about 1,200 mg of calcium every day. Should you not have the amount that your system needs, your bones will certainly get brittle and weak.
One issue that may be faced by people while they age may be the issue of not properly absorbing nutrients since the body ages. The digestive track is not really as youthful as it used to be, and achieving a properly rounded diet with a lot more nutrients taken as being a supplement may help the problem of not absorbing nutrients properly.
Step out with friends and family. Among the worst things to do as you start getting older is always to isolate yourself in your home. Try and get out a few times a week for anything: to volunteer, to have lunch or any kind of numerous possibilities. Heading out and seeing others features a great result on your mental health.
Many people could have gray hair early on, yet the majority of people experience getting grey hair as they age. A lot of people want to just go grey among others want to hide grey hair. Before investing in a lasting coloring product, in case you are uncertain about permanent hair colors there are products which are temporary and you may try those out first.
Antioxidants are absolutely each of your best weapons against growing older! This is a proven fact that antioxidants counteract the free-radicals that happen to be constantly working against the body and the good stuff you are trying with regards to it. Get plenty of antioxidants when you age, with dark fruit and veggies like carrots, spinach and squash or blue and purple berries!
Ensure that when you are eating, you might be putting fatty acids into your body. They are imperative for cell growth and looking after the appropriate blood pressure level so you are certainly not vulnerable to any diseases. Also, essential fatty acids can help a lot in boosting your cholesterol level and reducing getting older symptoms.
Be sure that you get enough ascorbic acid over the course of the morning, simply because this vitamin is vital for keeping your skin layer looking bright and fresh. It will help provide you with the healthy energy that you require without any negative side effects. That's another additional advantage of ascorbic acid. Add vit c in your regimen every morning to overcome the growing older process.
There comes a reason for time in your own life where it is a bad idea to reside alone. Discuss your options of what you can do with someone you trust and care about. When coping with a member of your household is impossible, visit different communities and facilities that offer specialization in looking after seniors. But prefer being around others your age, you could explore living in an assisted living community, in case you are still able enough to have alone.
To enhance the longevity of the epidermis, specially the delicate skin in your face, avoid rubbing it whenever you can. If you clean and rinse the face, take care to be as gentle as possible. If you use a moisturizer, pat it together with your fingers lightly until it absorbs in to the skin.
Aging is a natural and straightforward fact of living. You can find certainly methods to slow down the negative effects of aging, that could make your face and body looking younger compared to they are. See the tips below to feel and look younger, and definately will fool people as to your true age.
hop over to this website
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petqwerkstoys · 6 years
Top Five Nutrition Mistakes made by Pet Owners
Do you know pets can suffer from diseases quite akin to their owners? Quite so, and many of these problems arise not from malnutrition but from wrong nutrition. We all know how important a balanced diet is for health; how as humans we suffer when proper diet is not in place. The same goes for dogs too. When they don’t get the correct and balanced nutrition they lose that natural bounce. A close look at some mistakes will help steer you back on right track of dog diet and restore health for dogs for the rest of their active, living years. Here are the top five nutrition mistakes made by pet owners-
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Not giving your dog the suitable diet– Build and breed are the two criteria that should decide the type of diet, and quantities. A Chihuahua obviously has different needs from a Great Dane. If you are feeding your dog(s) home food, be sure to plan the diet accordingly. Watch out for allergies too, avoid feeding something they can’t adjust to. Another element is age and growing stage. Pups have tender digestive and skeletal systems, so their needs differ from that of adult dogs. The same goes for pregnant dogs, lactating dogs and senior members. Let your pet have well-balanced, nutritious, healthy and tasty diet. Change their diet regularly so they don’t have to be the same boring stuff. Make sure to include foods that are good for them like lean meats of steamed or boiled, boneless and fatless chicken, turkey and lamb, with no salt and spices for their protein needs. Rice, wheat and potatoes are good sources of carbohydrates, while fruits like banana, apple and orange, and vegetables like carrots and cucumbers are rich in minerals and vitamins. Do a preliminary homework of feed ingredients and their nutritive value. The rest will be smooth sailing.
Not keeping tabs on calories – Dogs are notorious eaters. They will eat everything thrown at them and in whatever quantities. Owners must learn to be aware of the potential dangers of too much food and too many calories as this will adversely affect their health, resulting in problems in the joints, internal organs. It may also lead to tough diseases like diabetes and cancer. So, keeping their breed, size, age and body condition (whether they look just the right weight, underfed or overfed) count the calories you’ll give them. Searching online can get you nutrition and calorie calculators though these are just approximate tools to help you.
Not visiting the Vet – Visiting the Vet is a must, even if the dog doesn’t appear sick. It is canine primeval behavior not to show their sicknesses. Instinct tells them they must keep the hunt on. So you may not know if your dog is sick till he’s far gone, and he refuses to eat. Vets are specially trained to notice and will be the right people to suggest remedial measures, including diet and nutrition. This will save you from unnecessary troubles and the dogs from avoidable health problems like those of joints, kidneys, skin and others. This preventive measure will save your expenses, and pain and stress for the dog. You may also give them some good joint pain relief like pet bounce for dogs. You can easily mix this homeopathic medicine in their food or water.
Feeding your dog table scraps – Dogs are adorable beggars. Too many owners can’t resist giving their pets treats from the table. But from early on dogs should learn not to expect anything more than the food necessary for their healthy growth and well-being. The problem with tasty titbits like scraps of meats, bones, pizzas, biscuits, and others is that dogs, which will eat anything as much as supplied, will find them tasty but will surely ingest unhealthy and unsuitable amounts of salts, spices and sugars. This will also lead to obesity and later on, in their senior years, health issues like organ collapse, digestive and other disorders will occur. At that stage it may become too late to reverse the situation.
Not letting the dog gradually adjusts to new diet – Homemade recipes are best for dogs. They can be suitably tailor-made to suit the dog’s peculiar needs. You can give your pooch a change of menu here and there even without much altering the main ingredients, and thereby the dietary contents. Other owners swear by formula food. So far so good. But what if somebody persuades you to change to formula food, or vice versa? You agree, but you also see that your dog’s usual bounce disappearing. Why so? The dog is so well adjusted to standard fare that sudden change from one type of food to the other may have caused an upset to the digestive system. To avoid adverse consequences, you must make that transition in a gradual manner over a period of two to three weeks so that your dog adjusts to the new menu without hiccups. One more thing, when changing to formula food, read the label keenly and notice the dietary information – not just the ingredient information – along with the fine print.
These common mistakes are not trivial but can have a range of repercussions on pets’ well-being. A wrong diet may result into health complications like joint pains, diarrhoea, food allergies, pancreatitis, heart diseases etc. Plan their diet wisely, make it a point to feed them joint pain relief like pet bounce for dogs, never skip appointments with the vet and you will see your dog happy, healthy and active all the time.
Kathreen Miller is a pet health expert at Petbounce natural pain relief for cats. She lives in Chicago with her daughter and a dog named “Buddy”.  She regularly contributes her write-ups to pet health-related websites and blogs. In her free time, she loves listening to music, watching TV and traveling.
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Contrary to popular belief, people do read my blog (despite it being mostly uninteresting because it’s about my life) and a lot of readers have requested that I make an article about my bunnies. Primarily, I was going to make an article about why bunnies make great pets, but a really good friend of mine and fellow bun-mom Carolyn Allen brought up the point that rabbits are great pets only when their owners are educated and dedicated. Rabbits are not easy to take care of and should never be considered a starter pet. They are great pets because, with a lot of hard work and attention to detail, their companionship is completely worth the struggle.
So I’m going to cover a ton of information in this article, feel free to skim through and PLEASE message me if you have any questions/concerns/changes you’d like to make.
Part I: Housing
A rabbit’s living space is arguably the second most important aspect of their care (next to diet), but should be the first thing you consider when you decide that you’re interested in adopting a rabbit because if you don’t have the room for one, just straight up don’t get one.
So, what is an acceptable living space for a rabbit and what is just inhumane, cruel, and downright stupid?
For starters, if you are imagining keeping your rabbit in a wire cage, critter keeper, or any kind of store bought colorful cage with shelves- go ahead and just never have a child or pet or plant or anything alive under your care. Most habitats advertised at Petsmart, Petco, etc. are just absolute garbage and should be abolished. These are NOT suitable for animals- rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, chinchillas, hamsters. NO. DO NOT DO IT. THEY ARE MADE FOR HUMAN CONVENIENCE, NOT ANIMAL SATISFACTION.
So, what, your rabbit gets his own walk in closet and sleeps in your bed with you? Also not the case. 
Can I keep my rabbit outside? I know that a lot of people do keep their rabbits outside in hutches/pens/grassy areas. Should you take your rabbit outside? Sure, your rabbit might enjoy himself. Should your rabbit live outside 24/7? No. Rabbits are very sensitive to hot climates and can even freeze to death outside in extreme temperatures.
Would you leave your dog outside 24/7, or your cat? No, and if you do, you’re arguably a terrible person, regardless if your dog/cat “loves the outside!!”, and you should allow your pet access to the indoors at all times. Rabbits are indoor pets and, although they can be taken outside to roam and play, you should provide proper accommodations for them in the comfort of your own home. Have an outdoor hutch/pen and want to let your rabbits enjoy the cool morning while you supervise with your cup of coffee? Yes, lovely. Just make sure you bring them back inside with you.
The absolute SMALLEST enclosure I would recommend is a large playpen for dogs. When I first got my rabbits, I lived in a college dorm (a story for another time) and I sectioned off half of the entire room with a playpen gate for them to enjoy. I got half of the room, and they got half of the room. You don’t have to dedicate all of your space to them, and I would even say that keeping them in the playpen or exercise pen while you’re not around to supervise their bun activities is totally acceptable (assuming that you’re not leaving them in there 24/7 and you’ll be home often enough for them to run around in a room or your house for extended periods of time). 
You should bun-proof the areas that your rabbits will have access to, which means putting up cords and cables, putting fencing around wood that they might chew, and picking up any items they might ingest. 
Here’s a great article about proofing your house: http://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Bunny-proofing
Your rabbit should get a lot of time to run around a room or an enclosed area with carpet or some sort of surface they can run on (foam floor tiles, old carpet, etc). Rabbits do not have padded feet like cats and dogs and do not have traction on hardwood floor- only giving them access to wood or tile surfaces to run on will hurt their legs and feet in the long run, although my guys love to lay on the cool tile occasionally in the kitchen.  Your rabbit will also appreciate having accessories to his enclosure. The best and cheapest stuff is the items that are made for cats (beds, tunnels, things to hide in). I give my guys a long tunnel with lots of entrances to run in and they absolutely love it. You can buy really cute toys for them to play with that will keep their teeth healthy, too! I also give them cardboard boxes with no tape or dark ink printed on to play in/chew up, and cardboard toilet paper/paper towel rolls to play with. 
Look on Pinterest and the internet for housing inspiration. At the bare minimum, your bun’s pen should room to run around in, tunnels/toys, a litter box with a hay feeder hanging above it, and a water and pellet dish. 
For my rabbits, they have my entire carpeted bedroom to run around in. I also have a custom built hutch for them that doubles as a large shelf that I keep my mirror and other items on. I just close the door when I’m not home so that the dogs won’t bother them, and when I’m home to supervise, they have free roam of the house and love to sit on the couch.
Part II: Saving Up, Adoption & Veterinary Care
Rabbits, in my opinion, can have pretty intense start up costs, but are relatively cheap and easy to maintain once they’re settled in (assuming all goes well and normal). Before getting a rabbit, make sure you find a good veterinarian that specializes in rabbit care. My buns go to the Glenway Animal Hospital in Cincinnati, OH. When I first got Henry and Moose, I spent almost $1,000 on veterinary costs. They had a pre-surgery checkup, both had their nails trimmed (which should be done monthly, usually costs about $20 per rabbit), and both were neutered, which was about $450 a piece. Getting your rabbits spayed and neutered MATTERS- even if you’re not housing your rabbit with another rabbit of the opposite sex. Fixed rabbits can live up to 13 years compared to a rabbit that is not fixed that will only live to be about 5 or 6 years, as rabbits are susceptible to a lot of reproductive issues and cancer. Hormones that rabbits have naturally that make them territorial or mean can also be flushed out by getting your rabbit fixed. For example, male rabbits will spray their urine in your house to mark their territory if they are not neutered and hump other rabbits/you to show dominance. Ever been sprayed in the face with rabbit urine? It is possibly the worst thing I have ever encountered. Fix your animals. So why would you want a pet rabbit if it’s gonna cost you $600+? Well it isn’t! Rabbits that are up for adoption in sanctuaries and rescues are usually already fixed, vet checked, and up to date on shots. That leads me into my next point, ADOPT DON’T SHOP. Check out PetFinder and local rescues that have rabbits that need homes. You will save HUNDREDS of dollars by opening your home to a rabbit that has been in the shelter instead of a rabbit from a rabbitry or breeder. 
However, there are some expenses that rescues won’t cover, and that includes supplies (food, fencing, toys, litter, litter boxes, water and food dishes, etc), so I would recommend saving up around $150+ just to be safe when you first get your rabbit because you never know how many emergency trips to Petsmart you’ll have to make for comfy fleece blankets and toys to play with. 
Part III: Research
Again, before you ADOPT your new bun, PLEASE do research outside of this article.
Watch YouTube videos, join Facebook groups (Rabbit Owners Community is a great Facebook group with tons of good advice), and just google your questions. You’ll learn lots of things from just watching funny videos, like when to tell if your bunny is happy. 
Fun Fact: Rabbits “sploot”, or put their hind legs behind them when they lay down, flop on the floor, and “purr” (chatter their teeth together lightly) when they’re happy. When rabbits are SUPER happy, they will jump and kick around, which is called binkying. Look up videos of binkying, you won’t be disappointed.
Part IV: Diet
So, congrats, you adopted a rabbit! He’s at your house, in your special bunny proofed area, and now you should probably feed him! Rabbits have the three main food groups:
Hay: Your bunny should be given an unlimited amount of timothy hay- and by unlimited, I mean your bun should ALWAYS have access to hay, so their little hay rack or bin should always have hay in it. Hay helps a bun’s digestive system and keeps everything processing correctly, and also helps grind their teeth down so that they don’t grow too long. Rabbits don’t possess the ability to throw up, so if something goes wrong in their digestive tract, they won’t be able to get it out and could potentially die. The best brand for any bun food/hay is 100% Oxbow. This is the only brand I use and recommend.
Pellets: I feed my buns ¼ cup each once a day of Oxbow brand timothy hay pellets. The pellets add extra vitamins and nutrients into their diet, but should be fed sparingly based on weight.
Weight (lbs)..... Amount of Pellets
1-3..... ⅛ cup
4-7..... ¼ to ⅓ cup
8-10..... ⅓ to ½ cup
10+..... ¾ cup
Veggies: Once a day buns should be given a little salad to eat. They should be given one one cup of packed greens per every two pounds of rabbit. I give my buns a handful of greens each with a small amount of shredded carrots on top, considering they are between 5-6lbs each. 
A bun’s diet should consist mainly of hay. However, there are some treats you can give to your rabbits occasionally, like fruit or store bought hay treats. BE AWARE, treats like fruit can be extremely high in sugar and bad for your rabbit if fed in large quantities or too often.
Let’s talk about water. In the wild, rabbits usually drink out of water bottles attached to their wire cage walls. Okay, now that you can see how stupid that sounds, why would you make your rabbit drink out of a water bottle if it’s unnatural? Give your rabbits a water dish (preferably a heavy ceramic one so they won’t flip it over for fun) and just refill it a few times a day- being a rabbit is thirsty work.
Part V: Litter box & Cleanliness
Rabbits can be pretty disgusting when they’re kept in a small cage with no choice but to stand in their own feces and urine all day in shredded paper litter- which is why we don’t keep them in small cages that double as a litter box! Rabbits can be litter box trained! If you clean your rabbit’s litter box regularly and use proper litter, rabbits don’t smell at all and are similar to cats when using the bathroom. You can use a regular cat litter box, but I would recommend this special one made for rabbits. The screen on top keeps them from digging at the litter and can be used to clean out poops much more easily. 
Pine litter is recommended by almost every single rabbit owner I know. It is literally $5-6 for a 40lb bag of litter, which lasts me about a month (I change my rabbits’ litter once every week or so, and they have 3 litter boxes). It also smells SO much better than any rabbit litter that is “made for rabbits” and lasts much longer. 
Despite being litter trained, my rabbits do have accidents occasionally, and I do find little poops in my room. So how do I keep my room from smelling awful and being disgusting?
I clean it (imagine that)! For urine, I use a urine eliminator spray on the spot after dabbing up most of the moisture with a towel. If you don’t wanna fork out that much money for pee spray, I would also recommend water + white vinegar in a spray bottle and a little baking soda on top of the stain. It smells like vinegar at first but goes away really quickly and helps with any pee smell/stain.
For cleaning up poops, I bought this life saving vacuum. I can’t imagine my life without this thing, it is seriously a huge blessing.
Part VI: Personal Experience
My personal story with rabbits has fortunately been very easy. I got Henry and Moose from a really great girl who didn’t have the time to care for them anymore due to her moving on up in her career. I had just gotten out of a relationship and I was, of course, making tons of impulse decisions. I never had experience with rabbits, I just said “I’ll take them” and then I was launched into parenthood. I got extremely lucky with Moose and Henry. They are the most well behaved and socialized rabbits I have ever seen. They barely chew on anything besides their toys, they are litter box trained, they can free roam with my dogs and coexist peacefully, they’re both really good eaters and aren’t picky at all, and they’re so friendly. Henry even grooms me when I sit next to him. A lot of rabbit owners don’t get as lucky as I am and will get rabbits that are timid and need extra love and attention, and that’s okay! Being a bun parent takes a lot of effort, but it is seriously worth it for all the love you’ll receive back. PLEASE message me with comments/concerns/questions/additions to this article, I love to hear from everyone and I would be more than happy to recommend rabbit adoption facilities and veterinarians!
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Ideas Are Cheap http://ift.tt/2htClH0
An early wake up call in my career was learning the reality of who makes product decisions within companies. Foolishly, I believed that the strategy involved with launching a successful product starts and ends with product managers... needless to say, 20-something year old me learned a few things about how companies operate very quickly.
Strategy is undoubtedly the fun part of product management, but what most executives won't reveal is that it is also the easy part. When something is fun, easy, and promises glory, there is no shortage of people willing to claw and grab at the opportunity to make a name for themselves. Young ambitious product managers will quickly find that their aspirations to steer a company will usually be limited to a sandbox of smaller decisions; typically the kinds that most nobody else cares to bother with.
While some may find this to be a soul crushing reality at first glance, a seasoned PM will realize that this is not as bad as it may seem. Depending on one's organization the ability to take on more responsibility can either be earned or taken... the latter being achieved with the classic "ask for forgiveness instead of permission" mantra which I have personally preached for years. Regardless of method it is a good idea for any product professional to expand their abilities past what is fun and easy to what is unseen and difficult.
Cooks In The Kitchen
On the list of top things that can destroy a product, 'too many cooks in the kitchen' is high on the list.
When building usable products with exceptional UX it is common knowledge that less is more. Adding more features to a product creates a muddied user experience, and only distracts users from the core functionality of the product, creating confusion and a nightmare of usability. Product managers understand this well but the vast majority of stakeholders do not: as product managers we must defend simplicity from the jaws of complexity. Unfortunately for us, complexity is the status quo in environments where members of a team look to toss in their two cents in an attempt to steer a product.
One of my old favorites detailing the dangers of design by committee is the story of the Pontiac Aztek. The Aztek was an attempt by GE to give users an equal voice in defining an end product in a manner which was intended to be design by committee. The result is history:
The result rolled off the assembly line in 2000: the Pontiac Aztek, considered by many to be one of the ugliest cars produced in decades and a flop from Day One.
When you're a product manager at a company shipping tech products, everybody wants your job... including the CEO. When your peers consider themselves to be expert strategists, the worst thing a product person can do is add to the noise. Instead of being an equal but ineffective voice, Product managers must pick their words wisely when in chaotic brainstorming meetings. These are some choice skills to ensure success in a crowded setting:
Utilize inception. Outwardly attacking or shutting down the ideas of others directly never goes over well. Instead, it is best to use the passionate of people as the engine that will drive them to a solution: build on the ideas of others to shape them towards conclusions more likely to work.
Learn when to be quiet. Sometimes the best thing to do in a highly energetic and stressed out setting is to let things pan out one way or another. People have the ability to correct themselves over time even if the starting point was farfetched.
Maximize time away from meetings. A product manager should be able to achieve the most damage by fleshing out ideas away from others. No matter how great your idea sounds, chances are that others won't digest words well in the moment, and the result will seem combative.
Use visuals to communicate. Wireframes and flowcharts are excellent ways to reduce the time between the proposal of an idea and the time it takes somebody to understand it. The longer this time is, the less likely it will be approved.
Befriend analytics. Back up your assumptions and skepticism with data, if not to others than at least to yourself. Also allow development estimates and other metrics to make an argument for you.
Don't speak for your team. Don't promise anything to anybody if you don't have a good understanding of the level of effort intended. Even experienced product managers make this mistake constantly, which is a great way to make your team hate you.
The Idea Bubble
Ideas are currently overvalued. As tech bubbles have come and gone, the discrepancy of idea inflation is a fossil left behind: a reminder of times which have already left us. A company which overemphasizes big-picture strategy is a company behind the times of what is important.
A common phone call I'll get is an invitation to partner up to get a startup off the ground. Usually a personal connection, aspiring cofounders love the prospect of bringing on a partner to execute the technology side of their MVP (and foreseeable future) for a fraction of their company... say, about 2%. What a great idea, they figure, to allow somebody 2 whole percent of the next Facebook. From my perspective, this sounds a lot like executing 100% of the work for pennies on the dollar, all for the privilege of being let in on somebody else's idea... average people (like companies) tend to think that ideas alone are what make or break institutions. Needless to say I've never taken such an offer.
Something I've done in job interviews past is get a feel for some of the longer term strategy thinking that a company is moving towards. Companies in the interview process are willing to give a few tidbits of information about their general funding and target verticals to demonstrate a general path for growth to candidates who may be interested in joining. With this information, it is very easy to predict some very key points about the entirety of a company's business plan:
Which features or new products does this put on the company's roadmap?
What new competitors is this company now slating themselves against?
What are some of the challenges this company must now face as they enter new territory and potentially eat into a competitor's market share?
I've found that it is very easy to guess these things correctly with little background; sometimes met with nervous responses. Good product managers should have no problem dissecting a company's precious roadmap, perhaps to a point of discomfort of those who grasp on tight. What does this ease tell us?
Big picture strategy is more simple than we would otherwise assume.
There are a fair share of exceptions to this, but generally speaking the desires of organizations are straightforward. Considering that all companies are looking to maximize profits and reduce costs, analyzing how they might do so from their current position is not one that takes deep understanding of the market or business itself. All consumers are human beings, which we also happen to be... as a human being, there is no secret sauce a company can withhold from you that you could not otherwise infer, as their product will ultimately be sold to people just like yourself.
To further demonstrate how ideas are overvalued, simply send some time in any brainstorming meeting about a product, and count how many ideas are repurposed versions of preexisting ideas which are currently live in the market. While I've found the notion that "there are no original ideas" a bit dark, there is compelling evidence in favor of this.
Second Place Always Wins
Hypotheticals aside, perhaps we should look to technology's most successful companies. Surely the behemoths which dominate our industry are truly original?
Facebook was of course an evolution of many social networks which came before it in Friendster, MySpace, etc, and was an idea stolen from the Winklevoss twins as was decided by the court system. Facebook succeeded in how it executed this idea, but the concept itself was by no means novel.
Google was one of countless search engines at the time of it's inception, and became economically viable after the collapse of Yahoo! left the space wide open.
Uber rose from a number of nearly identical apps which had been developed at the same time, and it seems as though there story has no yet reached an end. Uber's presence has not hindered the rise of Lyft, Fastn, Gett, and Juno. It is too early to tell, but there's a chance that Uber's own internal politics may pan very negatively.
Snapchat is surely an example of a successful original idea with their Stories feature, right? Except for the part where Instagram blatantly ripped off the same idea, and the public did not seem to care as Snapchat's IPO resulted the most shorted stock in history. To this day articles are published praising the team which downright stole an original idea. Is no idea holy?
No: no idea is holy: what makes products successful is how a product is executed, not what the core idea is.
Execution Is Expensive
If ideas are cheap, the ability to execute is expensive by contrast.
Proponents of capitalism will argue you that a person's worth is reflected in what the market determines their compensation to be. Despite one's own idealogical beliefs, market rates are a good way to indicating which positions are in demand. This is easily achieved by looking at average salaries within a given field.
Unsurprisingly, those who are paid the most within technology companies are those with irreplaceable skills such as developers. Those who know how to carry out ideas will always be compensated at a higher rate than idea people. Despite what startups preach as their core identities, market rates tell a different story: that people who talk are common, and people who do are rare.
What I'm Doing
Apologies if this seems to be a darker perspective to those aspiring to steer, but allow me to offer an alternative narrative: simply because the trajectories of companies are fairly predictable, we should not be discouraged the notion of innovation- if anything, it affords us the ability to pave the way for advancements where others have turned a blind eye. Even if the entire payroll of your startup seems to be a part of the decision making process, I can guarantee you that most will overlook the pieces which make up the whole: a product is made up of features, and features are usually within a product manager's jurisdiction.
Product management remains an empowering profession to those who learn how to navigate political structures and understand people... users and stakeholders alike. I would not trade 8 years of product management for anything in the field, as I believe this field is the greatest way to understand the world to those who are willing.
On a personal note, I am taking a hiatus from traditional product management to pursue the technical side of application architecture for the foreseeable future. As some of the questions of product management are answered in what seems to be a new era, the traditional day-to-day of product management will shift to the side of defining process in product management and software teams alike. Regardless of what my title may be, I will always consider myself to be a Product Manager.
September 24, 2017 at 03:33PM
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Nutrigold Menopause Support Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Nutrigold Menopause Support a natural supplement for women going through menopause. Nutrigold Menopause Support works to balance hormone levels and reduce occurrences of hot flashes, improve mood and more.
Nutrigold Menopause Support is a blend of soy isoflavones and vitamins and minerals. This product works by using the soy to regulate the hormones in the body, with other nutrients present to prevent bone loss and other nutritional concerns affecting women at this stage in life.
Of all the solutions on the market, we most often recommend Femmetrinol best delivers the menopause relief that women are looking for in one daily supplement. Learn more about how Femmetrinol can prevent and treat hot flashes, night sweats and more. Click here for more details.
Do you know the Best Menopause Supplements of 2017?
Nutrigold Menopause Support Ingredients and Side Effects
Nutrigold Menopause Support contains a blend of ingredients including soy isoflavones, along with a blend of supportive vitamins and minerals. Per the official website, here’s a look inside the formula:
Soy Isoflavones
Soy Isoflavones: Compounds found in a variety of foods, primarily soy beans, isoflavones are thought to mimic the hormone, estrogen in the body, as well as potentially decrease the risk for breast cancer.
Soy isoflavones are thought to reduce symptoms associated with menopause, as this ingredient may improve the overall hormonal balance in the body—reducing the severity of hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and more.
Though soy isoflavones have a relatively low risk of adverse effects, users may experience some mild symptoms like constipation, gas or bloating.
Those with an allergy or sensitivity to soy should avoid using this product.
Magnesium: A mineral that plays a critical role in the body’s function, magnesium is used to build strong bones, prevent high bloods pressure and osteoporosis, as well as reduce inflammation.
Horsetail Extract: A plant used to help control urination, as well as to support the health of the kidney and bladder. It may also help with heavy menstrual periods.
Horsetail contains a chemical known as thiaminase, which is thought to break down thiamine in the body, potentially leading to a thiamine deficiency.
Zinc: A dietary supplement used to help improve immune function, energy levels, digestion and metabolism.
Vitamin C: Often used for its antioxidant properties, vitamin C helps boost the immune system and from connective tissues, bones and blood vessels.
Chromium: Chromium is a mineral used in small amounts by the body to help with digestion, chromium helps convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy.
Boron: This mineral is sometimes taken to treat osteoarthritis, as well as promote strong bones, improve thinking and coordination.
In large quantities, users may be subject to boron poisoning which causes symptoms like irritability, tremors, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as skin irritation and headaches.
In some cases, users may experience vaginal burning.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K helps the blood clot and prevents excessive bleeding, vitamin K is also thought to prevent osteoporosis.
Our guide to the best pills for hot flashes—click to read more.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven menopause pill such as Femmetrinol for better results.
Nutrigold Menopause Support Quality of Ingredients
Nutrigold Menopause Support relies almost exclusively on soy isoflavones to deliver the bulk of its support. Soy has been shown to have some effect in balancing hormone levels inside the body, though some people don’t love this ingredient due to conflicting information about how it reacts in the body.
Most of the ingredients present in the formula are essential nutrients that people, menopausal or not, should be including in their diets.
We aren’t exactly sure what users can expect from this product, but we think a well-balanced formula with proven results might be the best move forward. Nutrigold Menopause Support could have potential, but we need more details in order to be convinced.
Take a look at the pills designed for battling the worst symptoms of menopause—more after the jump.
The Price and Quality of Nutrigold Menopause Support
Nutrigold Menopause Support appears to only be sold within the UK, but is offered on a few different platforms. There are a few websites offering shipping outside the IK, but it may be expensive for some users.
The official website offers a 90-count bottle for £28.09. The suggested dosing is 1-3 capsules per day, depending on the severity of the symptoms, so it could last up to three months.
Another website, vitaminsforlife.co.uk retails Nutrigold Menopause Support for the same price listed above, but offers some price breaks if the consumer opts to buy in larger quantities. The lowest price point is offered on purchases of 20 bottles or more, bringing the unit price down to £21.91 per bottle.
As compared to a number of similar products also containing ingredients like soy isoflavones and vitamins, the regular price seems a little high. Users outside the UK are looking at spending far more than they should, when there aren’t any differentiating factors between this product and the myriad herbal menopause treatments on today’s market.
Discover the menopause products our reviewers liked best by clicking this link.
Business of Nutrigold Menopause Support
Nutrigold Menopause Support is made by the UK-based company, Nutri-Supplements, and their contact information can be found below:
Address: 26 Church Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 1JL United Kingdom
The Nutri-Supplements website is rather minimal. There aren’t many descriptions for their range of products, including Nutrigold Menopause Support. There is no description, aside from the fact this supplement contains a blend of vitamins, minerals and isoflavones.
The site doesn’t have any reviews posted, nor is there any scientific information that demonstrates the efficacy of Nutrigold Menopause Support. Fortunately, there are some other UK-based websites that provide some additional information as to what this product can do for potential consumers.
Unfortunately, this company only delivers within the UK, and users outside of the country may have difficulties finding this product for sale. That being said, there are plenty of supplements containing
Customer Opinions of Nutrigold Menopause Support
Unfortauntely, we were unable to find any detailed information from anyone who had previously used Nutrigold Menopause Support. Though this. Product seems to have a well-established presence on a number of UK-based retail platforms, none of these sites featured any reviews.
Because there’s a key piece of information missing as to how this product can be expected to perform for real people, we cannot recommend that users try this product. Based on the ingredient profile, it’s likely safe for most people, barring any hormonal conditions, allergies or major health problems like breast cancer, but we don’t know if it’s effective.
Nutrigold Menopause Support also does not offer any information on the official website that suggests it has gone through any clinical testing to prove its effectiveness, as well as whether or not it is safe.
We also don’t know how long users should expect to wait for results, as many menopause products take at least a few weeks to start working before users start to see some major changes.
Because there’s just so much information missing, we don’t get a good sense of what this product does, aside from speculation. Yes, we can look at how soy isoflavones tend to perform in menopausal women, but we don’t know the amount used in each dose, nor how it interacts with horsetail or the vitamins included in the formulation.
Finally, Nutrigold Menopause Support isn’t exactly easy for users outside of the UK to obtain, and doesn’t offer much incentive for international users to find out where they can order this product from.
Learn how you can get your hot flashes under control – our expert guide to menopause pills after the link.
Conclusion – Does Nutrigold Menopause Support Work?
Unfortunately, it’s hard to find much information about Nutrigold Menopause Support. The official website does lay out the main ingredients, but doesn’t offer much explanation as to how this product works, nor how this product addresses specific menopause symptoms.
Additionally, we were unable to find many reviews for this product, which could have to do with the fact that this company is based in the UK. Regardless, the Nutrigiold website seems to be the only place users can buy this product and there aren’t any reviews listed there, nor many other places on the web.
Because we don’t have a good sense of how well this product worked for real life users, it’s hard for us to recommend Nutrigold Menopause Support without the anecdotal evidence demonstrating its value.
There are plenty of other products on the market with a proven track record for treating menopause symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings, night sweats and fatigue. We’d suggest looking for a product recommend by your physician or by fellow users.
After reviewing a long list of products designed for menopause relief, we’ve learned Femmetrinol is most effective in helping women overcome symptoms like mood swings, fatigue and more.
The makers of Femmetrinol work hard to ensure they are creating a product that is both safe, and works as advertised. Click here for more about how Femmetriniol can improve your mood, relieve hot flashes and more.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2qJipE0 via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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gutowexu-blog · 7 years
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