lisechancel · 6 years
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Dessin d’observation de camarades aux crayons de couleurs
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
I just remembered a little thing from the french Sherlock fandom I used to love and I have to share it. There's this song by famous singer and songwriter Renaud, Mistral Gagnant, that's very popular in France (Mistral gagnant literally means "winning mistral," but here it's in reference to a candy the singer loved when he was a kid). It's about nostalgia and the disappearance of things that won't be back, he dedicated it to his daughter, it's very cool. Someone in the fandom, Louisalibi, made a parody of the song she called Mystrade Gagnant, where she changed some of the lyrics to talk about Mystrade instead. I loved the pun (mistral and Mystrade sound similar in french, and Mystrade gagnant in that case means something like Mystrade for the win) and I thought it was a very cool way of showing her love for the characters, plus a good author of the fandom wrote a one-shot to go with it, so it was fun. I liked the song enough to download it, which I'm very glad I did because when I went back to show it to a friend a little while back, I couldn't find it anywhere! I found the author's channel but she privated all her videos. That means I'm one of the only people who still have the song somewhere. I know this is a bit silly but personally I 1) liked the idea and execution of the song, 2) find it wild I can listen to that song but most people can't anymore, and that 3) the privating of the cover inadvertently made the whole thing better because the original Mistral Gagnant is about things you used to like you can't go back to and the parody is almost that for me now. All this to say the french Sherlock fandom in the late 2010s was very fun <3
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meppuwenn · 6 years
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Surprise!🐣 My dad told me I look like a prisoner... My best friend @sasha_phantomhive_sox told me I looked like @louisalibi . Way better 👌🏼
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