#lotta fun tho
flamefatalis · 1 year
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Went hatchet throwing for the first time and actually managed to get a couple of bullseyes??
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cicadafire · 11 days
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lil doodle from dnd
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yreapwhatyasow · 1 month
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Go where eagles dare’
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tezzbot · 7 months
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TEAM CHAOTIX!!! They're detectives you want on your side!!!!! I love them so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chickenoptyrx · 6 months
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Did more animal picture redraws ¯\_( '-' )_/¯
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blaithnne · 2 months
I know they’re not really apart of the show but could you do Scrooge’s sisters Hortense and Matilda? I love them too much
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You’re in luck anon, these two were next on my list! Castle McDuff grants immortality to those who reside in its walls, keeping them at a set age. However, these two don’t live there full time. Tilly stays alive because she constantly alternates between living there and not, and Hortense has her own methods of avoiding aging. As a result, all three McDuff siblings have quite varying physical ages, Scrooge appears to be a surpassingly spry eighty something year old, Matilda looks to be in her early sixties, and Hortense in her late forties to mid fifties.
Meet the Cast!
╰┈➤ Canon ☄. *. ⋆
→ Qalhata Duiker → Scrooge McDuff → Goldie O'Gilt → Jack Duckworth → Bentina Beakley → LÙ Huifen (pre-caseflies) → LÙ Huifen (post-casefiles) → Ludwig Von Druska → Bradford Butcher
╰┈➤ OCs ☄. *. ⋆
→ Lucrais NicRiada
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i-maybe-exist · 2 months
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BOOM!! only was able to get one done but im happy with it :3 @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
To the anon who mentioned a clock design for Sun's face, here ya go~
(his arm on the right was supposed to be resting on his knee but through whatever witchcraft it didn't turn out that way so let's just ignore that shall we)
Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI
(he's currently worrying about taxes)
I really wanna do Moon too but I haven't been able to think of a design yet. Could use suggestions!
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peepthatbish · 3 months
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Ok... that's a lot of votes... ty for everyone who voted!! I didn't know people would have an interest in this silly little idea
Here's some context before you get started!
The sword cursed the four colours of reader, each one having 2 senses changed (one enhanced and one weakened
This one focuses on Berry (red!reader) and their sight (vaguely mentions their hearing)
Four’s colour names -> Reader’s colour names
Red: Berry
Blue: Navy
Green: Moss
Vio: Indi
“Farore’s left tit! Berry, I need you to tell me what colour this is!” The colour in question furrows their eyebrows as their sibling points to an apple. “It’s dark grey.” Their eyes furrow further and the strong scent of salt made its way to their nostrils. It was also the point where they noticed their sibling - one that was also wearing dark grey - had their fists clenched tightly.  
That was their first mistake… once they noticed their sibling’s fists, they noticed that their vision was blurry. Their dominant hand raised towards their cheek, only for it to retreat like it had been burned. They’d been crying. 
Their second mistake was looking at the two figures standing side-by-side with their sibling. “The sibling who currently had their hands balled at their sides” they quickly realised... Goddesses, they despised the way those two were looking at them. 
That was the point they recognized that they gave the wrong answer. For New Hyrule’s sake, they knew that was the wrong answer. But what they were saying was the truth! Why was it so difficult for them?! That’s not fair! The others were able to see just fine! Reader could see the colour of the apple just fine! So why were they stuck like this?! 
…why am I the broken one?  
Berry chokes out a sob, seizing a death grip onto their tunic.  
“-nally found you” Berry looks up from their hiding spot quickly and wipes their eyes. Vio winces at the sound of snot going back up their noise but doesn’t hesitate to scoot under some branches and sit next to them. It’s a good moment to observe them. Although judging by Berry’s current position and location, it’s definitely not a good moment.  
Knees folded to their chest, with their hood over their eyes. Yup, most definitely not a good moment. However, that’s not what kept Vio with them. It was the way they stayed silent. And for the briefest of seconds, he wasn’t sure how to continue. High emotions weren’t something he was confident in helping. That’s Red’s area of expertise. But... he stayed.  
He adjusted his friend until their head rested on his shoulder.  
He allowed soft hums to escape his throat (something he would deny if he got asked).  
He stayed as Berry's breathing evened out. Stayed as lighting bugs came and went. He stayed as Wolfie came and rested his head on Vio's thigh, making worried glances at his silent buddy. Even after whispered assurances that they're indeed unharmed, the fluffy body never moved.  
None of them moved. The only indication that Berry was alive was the slight rise and fall of their chest and the occasional hiccup. It wasn’t until a couple hours later the two of them heard sniffles and turned towards Berry.  
“Mm, what’re you doin’ here?” Berry mumbles and lifts their head up. Their hand absentmindedly rub their eye while the other pats Wolfie’s heads. Vio crosses his arms, refusing to look at Berry, “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you missing the watch change. You didn’t wake up Twilight.”  
If Vio hadn’t been paying close attention to Berry’s body language, he would’ve missed the faint freeze that took over their body. “Oh… I’m sorry. I musta lost track of time.” They bend down to give Wolfie a forehead kiss before turning their attention to Vio. “I guess-“ Vio’s eyes met Berry’s vacant ones, “I guess I just got stuck in a memory-” They pause and shake their head. “Ignore me. Lost my train of thought" They chuckle weakly at their unintentional pun, "Thank you for keeping me company. You too Wolfie.” They pat both of their heads and awkwardly shuffle to leave their spot.  
Vio’s eyes narrow minutely, something’s wrong  
He runs through the facts: Berry’s awake and coherent. They’re moving out of this spot and going back to the campsite. No more painful interactions. No more awkward silence.... So why does he want them to stay?  
"Hold on-" Berry stops and looks to Vio, who's twirling a patch of Wolfie's hair, "have I told you about a friend of mine? Shadow?"
Yippie! All posted! I do have other writings for this AU so if people're interested, please let me know! This is also one of my first times writing!
Also if anyone would like any clarifications on things mentioned, shoot an ask! I'd be happy to answer <3
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b0tster · 1 year
of course my 100k twitter follower milestone bunlith animation involves the two most complicated things mashed together: sakuga style camera work and exaggerated run cycles 😭😭
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flingza-roller · 9 months
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i got a little bit violent in turf today
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yomakairesident · 9 days
BAM Yokai Art Dump!!!
(Hoping I haven't already posted these waughahshah)
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Still semi-inactive but y'know!! Somewhat heresies now!!
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
*head-to-toe drenched in blood after blocking hundreds of terfs* heya
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smovs · 2 years
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some notes on my usual approach to colouring & backgrounds for anon.  -> ggdg’s fantastic colour unification notes
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jellogram · 28 days
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Snippets of negative online reviews for Pink Flamingos (1972)
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shroom-gloom · 1 month
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corpse astronomy - mekaloton
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close up on her freak ass <3
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