#lots of kidinnit cause i believe in kidinnit supremacy
jjkyaoi · 3 years
i’m once again, handling you these cutely. (note; this turned into just bedrock bro’s hc’s but ykw i think that’s pretty valid)
• surprisingly, he’s always been good at doing hair / styling hair? he’s been good at braids, ponytails, buns; he’s always been good at it because he used to practice it in techno’s hair. it was something that used to just be a habit that he did when he was bored, but back in pogtopia he used to mess around w/ techno’s hair more for comfort than anything else. he always use to put little braids in techno’s hair, and when he wasn’t messing around with it he’d always lecture techno about how Awful he was at taking care of it, because he was. he’d always give him tips on how to take care of it better, and even though techno didn’t know what it meant he’d always listen; eventually he’d start to seek out tommy himself just to mess around w/ his hair—it was soothing for both of them.
TOMMY: don’t you know how to take care of your fuckin’ hair? it’s all knotted and gross!
TECHNO, whos spent most of his life being a potato farmer; :)
• in addition to this, he’s surprisingly good at things like hygiene & he gives good advice on things like fashion (note; i know cc!tommy wears like the same shirt every day but shh let me have this), so back in the earlier days of l’manberg he’d always hang out w/ niki and they’d always speak about things like hair and clothes and stuff, and she’d sometimes even let niki do his hair, even if it was too short to really do anything special. it was their little sessions where they’d gossip about everyone else in l’manberg, & they wouldn’t ever let anyone else in there. wilbur constantly tried to follow them but he’d always have to be forcably pushed out.
NIKI; did you hear what fundy did yesterday?
TOMMY, doing her nails, nodding; yeah. he’s such a dumbass
NIKI; he just doesn’t understand
TOMMY; mhm 🙄
• when he was younger he always used to have a shit ton of stuffed animals. he’ll deny this for hours & hours on end, but his bed used to make up of stuffed animals. he’d name every single one of them, he’d use to make little clothes for them to wear, he’d always carry them around and whenever he was separated from them he’d always cry and throw a fit. his favorite stuffed animal was a plush cow named henry, and he was shit at taking care of it; henry went through hell and back, and in the end he ended up losing it. he hid in his room for weeks and refused to come out of pure grief.
• also when he was younger, he always used to put on plays for wilbur, techno, and phil. he’d always craft his own little tools, like a fake sword, a fake cape, a fake shield, and he’d put on a little show with his stuffed animals as his characters. he’d used to have notes written in crayon about the plot and the characters backstories that was practically unintelligible, and he’d always be the hero saving the day. he’d sometimes even pull techno into it, and he’d make him be the villain with a cartoon mask held by string that barley fit his face.
TECHNO, walking out into the living room: i don’t want to be here.
TOMMY, holding his sword triumphantly; you fiend! i’ve cornered you! there’s nowhere to run!
PHIL; you’ve been concerned techno. you better back down
TECHNO; he’s a 6 year old, phil. whats he gonna do—
TOMMY, immediately wacking him directly in the stomach with his sword;
• when tommy started living with techno, the first gift he ever gave him was the fake red cape tommy used to play pretend in. it wasn’t big enough for him, and it was ripped and covered in scribbles of crayon, but tommy was too touched by the fact that he even kept it to care about the quality.
TOMMY: you—you kept my cape?
TECHNO: yeah. it’s—it’s the first thing that inspired my cape,,..
TOMMY, on the verge of tears; my stupid stories are the reason behind your cape? that’s so—
TECHNO, immediately wacking him on the head with the fake sword: shut up.
• techno didn’t ever tell anyone, but the reason he’d made his cape almost identical to the one tommy had was because he wanted to be the hero that tommy created that he loved so much.
• tommy’s always been frustrated whenever he couldn’t get something right on the first try; he’s always been sort of,,.. hard on himself? and whenever he messes up he always ends up getting angry and refusing to do any more work. it’s something that’s in his mind that tells him he won’t ever succeed, so he just doesn’t want to try. the only person who’s ever been able to get him to continue trying his techno. anyone else, when they’d try to rally his spirits it would just end up in an argument, but techno’s the only person who’s been able to successfully get through to him.
TOMMY; this—this is stupid. i don’t even want to try anymore, it’s—i can’t do anything-
TECHNO; you know that’s not true, tommy.
TOMMY; it’s not?! i fucking failed, techno, what else am i supposed to do—
TECHNO: try again.
TOMMY: but-
TECHNO: i’ll help you. just try again. you won’t ever succeed if you don’t try.
TOMMY, grumbling: like you’re all wise...
TECHNO: i am :]
• tommy and techno’s favorite thing to do together is train. when tommy was younger techno didn’t go as hard; he’d always use to let his little brother win in fear of actually hurt him, and he couldn’t always erase the satisfied feeling he got when tommy beamed whenever he’d “won”. even if he’d purposely tripped over his feet.
TOMMY, standing over techno’s body, sword in hand: i beat you!!! :DDD
TECHNO, gently picking him up and putting him on his chest: you beat me. whatever will i do. you’re just too strong.
TOMMY, bonking him on the head with the sword; that’s right >:D
• though, when tommy started living with techno again he didn’t let himself go as easy on him. he’d seen the way that tommy wanted to be stronger— didn’t want to be as easy to control, so he’d figured that training him would be the right way to go. he’d frequently knock tommy on his ass and he’d have to hold back his laughter when tommy got up with a scowl cause he just couldn’t win.
TOMMY: what the fuck! this isn’t fair! i always used to beat you when i was younger??
TECHNO, knowing full well that wasn’t the truth: you’ve gotten worse :)
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