#lost in the deep utmv
neverniko101 · 4 months
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Lost in the Deep - page 1 :D
There he is! The boy! He does not know how to sail!
Anyway, these pages are a bit higher effort & take a bit longer than Horror!Dreamtale, but I do like how it turned out. Second page coming eventually
Zoomed in & sketch versions under the cut!
Masterpost - Next
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soaked-ghost · 9 days
the post I rebloged last night made me think a lot a lot. Up until now I could never figure out what bothered me when I looked up utmv, there was always something.... missing, and I think I know what it is that was off.
Everything is too edgy.
Not the cool edgy (that I'm actually into I never talked about it but I'm an edgy bitch for sure), but the 'so edgy it's kinda cringe tbh'.
Everything is so bleak. so dull. Characters never get happy endings, or even happy moments. The good guys' flaws are demonized to a hellish degree and the bad guys' terrible actions are romanticized to the point where it makes me nauseous.
The characters never change for the better, or rather no character is *allowed* to actually change for the better, always trapped in this loop of angst where they just suffer over and over.
They never hope, they always grieve, and kindness and compassion is an invitation to get killed.
Did we play the same game? Did we understand the same things?
I loved undertale because it wore it heart on it sleeve, because of how sincere it was when it was telling me that things are going to be okay, it made me realize I'm not a lost cause and I can be helped.
I went to utmv looking for the same feelings, but I got the exact opposite sentiment. It makes me feel empty.
Like. Idk man. The fandom irks me and makes me feel icky. Even if I KNOW there are good things in there and I could find it if I looked deep enough, but I'd have to sit through all the other stuff I don't like to find it, so I'm not doing that.
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annaraebananawriter · 3 years
The Day He, I, We Died
And here we are! The last oneshot I managed to get done. I gave you two days worth of fluff and light-hearted laughter, and now it’s time to attack with all the feels I’ve been holding back.
Hopefully, anyway.
Fandom: Undertale, but specifically the UTMV
Characters: Nightmare and Dream (Who belong to Joku)
Warnings: Character Death, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Word Count: 2011
The negativity in the air was growing stronger. It darkened the skies of multiple AUs, made people slow to a stop and stare blankly around, forgetting for a moment what they were just doing. Other people screamed, too much anger for a small instance. Others sobbed, crying out for people they missed, begging for anyone to come and help them. All around, people were hurting, good memories nothing more than just that—a memory, the calming and positive effects gone.
It was sickening.
Nightmare felt all of it. Every fear, every mourner, every heartbreak. He let it all wash over him like a wave, numbing any of his own feelings. The weight of it all coiled in his chest and made it hard to breathe, like the negativity from the Multiverse decided to come back and kill its guardian. He forced himself to breathe, forced himself to absorb the power he was being granted, let it travel and spread throughout his body like electricity, a tingling feeling left behind.
He clenched his hands, extra energy thrumming through his soul. He wanted to run, to find people to mess with, AU's to massacre. He needed to calm down, find a way to get it all out so that he could go home and relax, hang out with his boys.
Another pulse of energy jolted through him, stronger than all the rest. Nightmare froze, a mixture of joy and dread—his own emotions—spiking through all the noise. It felt like something clicked, something breaking and ever so slowly beginning to die off and never be felt again. One side of the scales was dropping, with nothing to replace the weight that had been keeping it level.
Positivity was dying.
But he couldn't bring himself to take the steps back home. He couldn't bring himself to tell his boys that he did it, they won, negativity now reigned supreme. They were free to live as they wanted, without being called evil. He couldn't bring himself to look away from the person whom he had sacrificed to get this ending.
He had ever wanted to kill Dream. Never. It had been an unspoken rule among his boys that they weren't to fatally injure the guardian of positivity, just wear him down and deal some damage. They mostly left him to Nightmare—which was good. He knew just how much to hold back to avoid killing him, knew when to deliberately pull back and stop attacking.
This didn't stop him from hurting Dream. Be it through words or actions, he knew that somewhere in their fights his brother had always gotten hurt in a way he couldn't fix. Maybe he could've, would've, once way back. But he wasn't that person anymore. It wasn't his job to help Dream, to console him after battles and hug him through rainstorms.
He had grown up.
Dream needed to see that.
Despite not wanting to kill Dream, something had happened in their last fight. He wasn't sure what. One minute Nightmare had been thinking about pulling back, already pulling at the magic necessary to teleport away. Dream had been getting quite unsteady and was stumbling into attacks he could've easily dodged. This was the time to call it quits and let him rest for a few days.
Then something bubbled and spit inside him, like a volcano on the verge of erupting. This caused Nightmare to pause and created a lull in the battle. He had vaguely registered Dream dropping to his knees, taking the time to catch his breath, staring up at him in confusion. Nightmare had focused on himself, a hand placed on his chest, where the volcano laid, frowning softly.
The silence had stretched, enough that Dream had found the strength to speak. "Night, what's—" He never got to finish. It was only a couple words, spoken softly, gently, concerned, but they were enough for the eruption to take action.
The red hot feeling of burning rage, hate, with an undertone of deep misery, overspilled.
Nightmare wished he could say that he didn't remember the next part, but he did. He remembered a desire overriding all of his rational thoughts and promises, to himself and others. He knew, on a subconscious level, that part of him that still remembered and still didn't want to see his brother dead, that this new desire was wrong and was an alarming thing. He felt sick thinking back on it now, shame riding up his throat.
It was a desire to kill.
Unfortunately, there was only one other person there with him.
In his brother's defense, he did make an effort. He fought back and dodged as much as he could. He wasn't prepared to face someone actively trying to kill him, though, and that tripped him up. He had tried calling for Nightmare, trying to help him calm down and stop attacking (he must've realized something was wrong and Nightmare was himself yet also not himself and was a bit lost right now).
It didn't work.
The next thing either of them knew was that Dream tripped and a tentacle pierced right through his chest, right through his soul.
And like that, the volcanic negativity had disappeared, leaving just Nightmare behind. Once in his right mind, he quickly retreated his appendage, but didn't dare come any closer to Dream, who had dropped to the ground. He only watched as his brother coughed and coughed, hands shakily clutching the gaping hole in his sternum.
He only watched as his brother struggled to lift his head and meet his gaze, eyelights flickering bright gold to gold to bright yellow to yellow to light yellow to pale yellow and eventually growing white and fuzzy.
He only watched as Dream smiled.
"It's okay," were the final words of the guardian of positivity, Dream, his brother. Then his eyelights disappeared entirely and he slumped sideways, physical body all but dead.
Nightmare watched, blank.
He was slow to catch up, slow to gather the will to move, to walk across the clearing and kneel beside his opponent. He held himself back from reaching out and gathering the body into a hug. If he did, he knew he would never find it in him to let go and he would starve himself to death. So, instead, he slowly looked over Dream, taking in every detail possible, committing it to memory.
He expected guilt to bury him in its clutches, but it never came.
He felt numb.
He should feel something. He should be angry at himself, how he even thought for a second he had control over whether Dream lived or died, by his hand or not. He should be in misery, how his brother died right in front of him and he watched and was the culprit. He shouldn't be sitting here, staring blankly at the body in front of him, soul too absent to feeling anything.
This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
But they did.
Nightmare reached out, laying a forcibly still hand on Dream's shoulder. The body was still solid, so signs of breaking into dust yet. It was also cold, gathering from the small amount of white bones his hand was touching. Of course it was cold.
It was dead.
Nightmare blinked and hovering above the body was a little golden orb of flames. It wasn't as bright as it used to be, giving off a faint glow that barely illuminated them both. It was smaller, too. The orb flickered weakly; bright gold to gold to bright yellow to yellow to light yellow to pale yellow—
It was Dream, back to his origins.
And that's when it finally sunk in for Nightmare that his little brother was dying right in front of him and he could do nothing to stop it.
All at once, the numbness disappeared and panic took its place. Nightmare sat on his knees, hovering over the body, eyes widened in helplessness and locked onto the orb—spirit. He had to do something. He didn't want to be alone. He couldn't be alone, not anymore.
Without thinking, his hands went towards the spirit, hoping to gather it close so that Nightmare could—
It flinched away.
A sharp pain went through his soul—heartbreak, he dimly recalled, bring his hands towards his chest and holding them there. He hunched in on himself. Dream flinched away from his hands. Dream was scared of him. He wasn't sure how to feel about that, just that it hurt.
His vision started to blur with tears.
Dream's spirit slowly drifted closer, probably confused as to why Nightmare was crying.
He closed his eyes as it grew closer until it was in front of him.
Warmth made him open them.
He gazed in surprise at the orb. Its glow had increased, although he could feel it start to drain away even faster because of that. Dream had recognized him. It was sending out waves of love for Nightmare, radiating the determination he had seen frequent Dream's eyes so many times in their battles. There wasn't an ounce of hate or confusion over what had happened, just pure love. Pure forgiveness.
A sob broke through his mouth, words finally starting up as if a dam had been broken. "Dream..." His voice was raw and hurt. He knew Dream noticed, as the love increased, a feeling of reassurance's coming too.
Nightmare swallowed. "Dream."
The orb floated forward.
"I-I'm...so sorry." Nightmare said, breaking into another sob at the end. He inhaled and wiped at the tears. He pretended he was looking his brother in the eye. "I didn't mean to. I didn't want to kill you. Never. I'm sorry."
The orb gave a pulse of light, wavering slightly as it used up more of its energy.
"Don't do that. Stop." His voice came out as just a whisper now. "You're using up your energy."
Dream was stubborn and gave another pulse of light.
The orb shook, dulling into a gray colour. Nightmare furrowed his brow in worry, again reaching up and cupping the flame in his hands. Dream couldn't keep this up. The waves of love started petering out, being replaced by the growing negativity again. The warmth they gave stayed.
Dream mustered up the strength for a final pulse, growing smaller and smaller until it was just a speck. There was no love this time, no more warmth, but rather a whisper. A question. It was faint, the voice tired, but it was undoubtedly Dream.
The speck waited as Nightmare blinked.
Funny. Dream had said that to calm Nightmare down before and now here he was again, the same words, asking if it's okay that he died and left him behind. So funny. Before it was a reassurance, to let Nightmare know that it was alright, even though it wasn't. Now he was asking permission to let go and die. From Nightmare.
Nightmare was the one who killed him. He should be scrambling to get away, putting as much distance between the two of them as possible. He should be jumping into the afterlife or whatever, relieved to get to rest. But he wasn't. He was here. Waiting for Nightmare to tell him it was okay.
...What did Nightmare ever do to deserve such a kind brother?
He started chuckling, though they weren't happy. They were filled with an aching sadness that couldn't be put into words. He looked at the speck, looked at his brother, trying to imagine his patient and awaiting look, bright golden eyes sparked in curiosity and worry—not of himself, but of Nightmare—and he tried to smile.
"Yeah." He whispered, talking through the tears. The pain was forced down. "It's okay."
The speck disappeared.
Nightmare watched the space where it used to be, silently breathing for a long time. Before he realized it, his shoulders were shaking and he thought for a moment he was laughing. But that would be cruel; his brother dying, and he laughed? No. He was crying. When he realized that he could hear the sobs and felt heavy as the weight of grief and pain and sadness and guilt all hit him at once.
He collapsed onto the body in front of him, felt it start to dust. He held on tightly anyway, fingers grabbing fistfuls of shirt. He buried his head in the neck, not caring anymore about not toughing the wound.
"It's not okay." He whispered it over and over, even when he was left holding nothing but clothes and dust covered him.
Positivity was dead.
Nightmare felt like he somehow died right along with it.
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neverniko101 · 4 months
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Aaaaaa this took so long
Looks good though :D
Third page might be a while since I have to draw refs for Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, & Fell
Zoomed and sketch under the cut!
Masterpost - First
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neverniko101 · 4 months
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Refs for upcoming UTMV AU called Lost in the Deep! First page coming soon, but I’ll probably work a bit on 🍂Horror!Dreamtale first :)
In the meantime, have some info about these silly skeletons!
- 5’4 (normally an advocate for Dream being tall, he just strikes me as a little guy in this AU)
- Positive but slightly subdued emotions
- Never been on a boat before and cannot sail
- Also terrified of water and can’t swim
- Despite this, he is very determined to sail into highly dangerous, monster-infested waters to look for treasure (and maybe his brother)
- Love for shiny objects, especially gold
- 5’8
- Friendly with a sad undertone
- Used to be a renowned sailor, but lost his brother to a sea monster and hasn’t been on a boat since
- The event where he lost his brother is also when he lost his eye
- Eyepatch. Geno with an eyepatch.
- He has the yellow smiley face one just to confuse people, he thinks it’s funny
- Yes, that is his brother’s scarf, he’s very protective of it
Why did I add the ! in aftertale but not dreamtale? Who knows
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neverniko101 · 20 days
Lost in the Deep- The Crew
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Hi!! In celebration of Mermay, I’m taking a (short!) break from Horror Dreamtale and Phantasmverse to doodle some of the fellas from my pirates & mermaids AU, Lost in the Deep!
Summary of story:
Dream has the unflinching goal to sail to Thornebreak Island in The Southern Seas to battle the monster that lives there and the pirates it has bent to its will. One problem: he has no idea how to sail. And can’t swim. And is scared of water. He hires retired pirate Geno and rowdy young harpooner Maroon to help him on his journey. Just as they are about to leave, Geno convinces the group to go visit an old friend of his, Blueberry, for some last advice and extra supplies. While Blue was out helping them gather supplies, though, his brother is kidnapped by some of the monster’s pirates, presumably to be dragged back to the lair. A little guilty for unwittingly distracting Blue during the attack, the crew agrees to let him accompany them and help save his brother. Along the way, they bribe convince a member of the Royal Guard’s Navy (Ink) to join them as well.
Oh, and Dream may have forgotten to mention that the monster is his brother, a siren corrupted by a strange parasite. And that he’s a siren, too.
I’m sure everything will go perfectly well.
- Ex-pirate
- Lost right eye and left leg
- Pathetic old man /aff
- Could probably still kick your ass
- So tired, somebody get this man some coffee
- Based off a koi fish (inspired by @cas-spirit :3)
- He’s trying. So hard. But nothing ever goes right
- Likes to bask in the sun like a lizard
- Insists that the orange scales on his body are just tattoos
- Expending too much energy/coming in too much contact with water could cause him to revert to his siren form (looking like a normal bipedal being is hard work), so he tries to order others around him to do work instead of doing it himself since it’s his boat and he’s the one paying everybody (it does not work he is too nice)
- big
- Can probably pick you up and throw you 30 ft
- Retired Royal Guard Navy member, fought Geno’s pirate gang and they became friends in between fights
- Started a bakery when he retired- Blue’s Baked Bites
- Sure would be a shame if he bonded with the younger members of the group. In a fatherly way. Almost like becoming a father figure-
- Don’t let his size and appearance fool you, he is a lovable idiot
- Just a Little Guy™️
- Easily distracted by shiny objects and hoards them in hidden corners
- His vials don’t help him feel things, but are rather medicine for a magical condition
- Likes to sit in the crow’s nest, obviously
- om nom nom eat all the fish
- Some variety of Fell variant
- Likes playing with sharp objects
- Very high energy, but not necessarily mean
- Insomnia
- Tries to be tough and scary but is secretly precious boy
Okay that’s it maybe I’ll do the pirates next
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neverniko101 · 7 days
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How should we celebrate?
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neverniko101 · 7 months
Follower count: 320 what is this why are you here who sent you where are you coming from
Blog Rules & Info!
- I LOVE ASKS!! SEND ME ASKS! Either for an ask blog or just to me, but make sure to specify. I do my best to figure out who asks are sent to, but it’s easier if you say in the post^^
- YouTube channel! (New :3)
- No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, LGBTQ+ hate, or general unkindness
- I’m personally not comfortable with dreammare, fontcest, & frans, so none of that on this blog^^
Anyway here’s my list of Undertale AUs
Old masterpost
The Twins
The Famine
The Wild
The Eclipse
The Light
Slay the Princess x Utmv
Cross (Curd) ref
Endings Chart
Who’s who
The birds (Voices)
Lost in the Deep
Geno & Dream Refs (Old)
New designs-
The Crew
Krxken!tale (OLD):
Will get remade! Check out the new designs if you have time :)
Page 1
Page 8
Ink & Error
Killer, Dust, & Horror
Krxken!tale (new):
Evil Steampunk skeles
Chara, Asriel, Flowey
Altitude! (Blueberry/Swap Sans)
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neverniko101 · 3 months
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okay y’all get a treat
What should I focus on next?
oh and here’s the closest thing you’ll get to a ref for Never
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neverniko101 · 4 months
Huh, well that's ominous
good thing I don't have any self preservation left!
Goes in the forest after Nm*
-Cheesecake Anon
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Boy there is going to be a lot of rambling on this post- 🍂horror!dreamtale stuff included!
First things first, Cheesecake anon and @bunningchaos have designs now >:)
Please please please let me know if there’s something about the designs you’d like me to change!
(Side note: Cheesecake Anon, are you sure I don’t know you from somewhere else? This could be complete coincidence, but my name happens to be Cheesecake on literally every other social media site except this one lmao)
Second thing! I’ve already got a part two for this little comic planned out, it’s just taking me a while to art for some reason. So, no need to send asks heroically coming to the rescue, I promise Cheesecake Anon will be okay
Thiiiiiiird thing! Nightmare in his spooky form is very skittish and would usually run away from anyone instead of attacking them. Unless they have food. He’s also about 7ft tall (minus horns) on his hind legs and about 3.5 ft tall at the shoulder on all fours.
More rambling under the cut so this post isn’t super long :,)
I have an idea for yet another AU that I’m getting super inspired for but I also wanna continue this one; probably what will happen is that I will alternate between that AU and this one based on how I feel! This AU is by no means stopping, please please please continue to send more asks! The other AU likely won’t be an ask blog btw, just a comic
About the AU: mermaid time
I love turning these silly skeletons into silly giant beasts of unknowable power
Just some notes I have so far:
- It will involve more of utmv, not just the Dreamtale twins lol
- I might call it Lost in the Deep? I know that’s the name of my Ink-adopting-NM AU but honestly it fits this one a lot better
- Not everyone will be a mermaid/siren/sea monster, in fact only a few
- Pirates.
- I’ve never actually done sailing or anything, so I apologize in advance if I misuse terms or something: :,)
- Refs for characters will be posted as they are seen in the comic! Please no “Will [character] be added?”
- While this won’t be an ask blog, y’all will be welcome to send me asks about the characters!
- idk if I said this before but fanart of any of my AUs is more then welcome!
Final note: this might cause a slight delay in 🍂horror!dreamtale stuff as I make refs for this! It also might not! No idea! Just don’t panic, I’m probably still alive
Anyway thanks for reading all this, adios
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