#los brauner
monochromatictoad · 8 months
Time for the second Lord of Shadow! The Lord of Vampires, Carmilla! She shows up technically in both games, but I'll go into detail later on that.
So, I'm not certain about her part in the main series, but these are a few pics that I could find of her!
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Honestly, I love these designs! I think these really fit her personality! Of course, again, I only know what she's like in LoS. Now, in LoS she shows up in three different forms. So in order: Her Lord of Shadow form, her beast form, and her human form.
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I love her battle in LoS1, but she is the easiest Lord to win against in my opinion. When I first played through the game, Cornell took me seven tries, and I beat Carmilla on the first try. In LoS2, the castle uses her human image to try and seduce Dracul back under its control. You do get a game over if you accidentally pick her over Marie. Her stealth maze section is one of the most painful things to go through. The only one more of a pain is Agreus.
Getting back to her in LoS1. She is a fun boss, the final QTE for her is SO good! That scene is one of my strongest pieces of evidence that Gabriel probably wasn't a human to begin with. She has sired a ton of vampires in LoS1, including a child she kidnapped and adopted, and demons as well. It also states, that in a moment of remembering who she was, she imprisoned Frankenstein and Olrox uses him as an endless blood bag. Anyway, these are the vampires that you face off with!
Starting with the basic vampire. One holy water, and you can insta kill them, nothing super special.
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Next comes the Demon-Vampire Brothers, Brauner and Olrox. They are known as ancient vampires, which are demons who were summoned on Earth, possibly by a certain Bernhard, and got turned into vampires by Carmilla. Brauner and Olrox are the only two you face off against. Also, there is a puzzle with Olrox's blood when you defeat him, and if you had a TV like mine at the time, make sure your brightness is as high as it can go. Brauner on the left, Olrox on the right.
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Then there is Laura. Laura was a child, around the age of 9-12, that Carmilla kidnapped and turned. Your introduction to her is her challenging you to a game known as the Vampire War Game. Admittedly, it's difficult but really fun. However, she is a very important character. She is also one of the rare cases, where you can play as a character that isn't a Belmont. During the DLC of LoS1, she calls Gabriel and has him help her defeat a demon known as The Forgotten One. However, in order for Gabriel to face off with said demon, he needs to be turned. Laura gives him the curse of Vampirism, and Gabriel grants her eternal rest. She also battles Gabriel with living rag dolls, and they are the most difficult things in the castle, next to the chef. Anyways, this is Laura!
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Also! In LoS2 there is a hidden room in the castle, known as the Forbidden Room. Inside this room are two tombs. One is dedicated to Marie, the other one is dedicated to Laura. So Gabriel did think highly of this child, and clearly he adored her enough to dedicate a space in the same area as his beloved. I still think he saw her as a daughter, and that is a hill I will die on. Oh, yeah this is what I could find of her in the main games, where she is an adult character:
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Victor Brauner (1903-1966).
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Victor Brauner no es tan conocido hoy en día, aunque fue una gran influencia en el estilo. Nació en Rumania en los primeros años del siglo XX. En 1930, temiendo el ascenso del fascismo en Rumanía, vino a París, conoció a Yves Tanguy y se convirtió en parte del grupo surrealista.
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piyo-piyo-vania · 2 years
Types of bat I think some of the Castlevania vampires(/not so vampires) transform into, ignoring regional things for the sake of myself:
Walter - Spectral bat, partially dramatics, partially because it's carnivorous. Do not Google these unless you're prepared for slight gore. (In bold and orange for emphasis because this is a warning.)
Alucard - Definitely fruit bat. Probably an Old World one if you want to Google those. He just gives fruit bat vibes.
Soma - Honduran White Bat. They just have the same energy in a way I can't really explain.
Brauner - Probably a Macrotus. No idea why. Maybe I'm being too kind.
LOS!Dracula - Palaeochiropteryx. They're extinct, but I think they fit him, not sure why.
LOS!Alucard - Harmless serotine. They look evil, but they're just cute.
Main game Dracula and Joachim aren't here because honest to god, I have no idea. (Italics to sound exhausted or something.)
I guess Joachim *could* be a vampire bat because as far as I know they sort of just. Run. It's pretty funny.
Dracula I've honest to God got nothing. Zilch. Maybe a fruit bat but that doesn't fit in my eyes. So essentially, nada.
This also follows the theoretical of all CV vampires can become bats, I don't think I know enough of some of them to be 100% sure.
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beevean · 8 months
Alucard’s design looks… different in Lords of Shadow. Aside from vampires consuming blood through their skin (apparently… I find excuses for fanservice laughable, personally), is said skin blue for all vampires (and dhampirs, for that matter) in this continuity?
Also, does LoS redesign all characters this drastically? I can only recognize Alucard if I squint and turn my head!
I know next to nothing about LoS, so I summon @monochromatictoad if they're willing to explain better ^^'
They've already said that 1) Dracul is the only one who drinks through his skin, Alucard goes tiddies out because he likes it lol, and 2) in this version Alucard is a full vampire, not dhampir. This one I can explain: he's actually Trevor Belmont, son of Gabriel Belmont, the man who became Dracul! And he was vampirized by his dad! Which is... surprisingly fitting with the original story of Dracula's Curse, where Dracula sold his son's soul to gain more power and that's what turned him into a vampire. Wild.
I'll give you a moment to recover from the fact that Trevor is Dracula's son in this universe :P
As for why he looks so grey... if I'm not mistaken it's because he refuses to drink blood, so he's perpetually starved.
And as for the redesigns... eh, kind of?
This is Sypha, who keeps the blue hood but gains red hair (like Netflixvania FUCKING DAMNIT HOW DEEP DOES THIS HOLE GO)
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This is Simon, son of Trevor, and he looks very different with the beard but he keeps the red hair and barbarian look so there's that
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This is Carmilla in LoS2, and... nothing, just wanted to show her:
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I'm not sure who else appears. I know that "Brauner" and "Orlox" are Carmilla's servants, but they're so removed from the original I don't think they're even meant to be counterparts.
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artsculturevienna · 2 years
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Max KLINGER (1857-1920) “VERLASSEN, Blatt aus dem Zyklus EIN LEBEN” (1884) “ABANDONED, from the cycle A LIFE” Aquatinta in rot-brauner und schwarzer Tinte auf Papier, Probedruck Aquatint in reddish-brown and black ink on paper, trial proof The Daulton Collection, Los Altos Hills, California Ausstellung / Exhibition ALFRED KUBIN - “Bekenntnisse einer gequälten Seele” ALFRED KUBIN - “Confessions of a tortured Soul” LEOPOLD MUSEUM Wien / Vienna - 2022
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matiassotolopez · 2 years
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#noburnoutober DAY 16 - VAMPIRE First #vampire to exist in film, #countorlok was created over 100 years ago by Director W. F. Murnau because he couldn't secure the rights to do #Dracula (and was later sued by Bram Stoker's widow for it :P ) --------------- DIA 16 - VAMPIRO "Nosferatu" fue la primer pelicula de #vampiros , y el Conde #orlok un pastiche del Conde Drácula porque el director no pudo conseguir los derechos de la obra(y despues la viuda del autor lo llevo a juicio por eso). #artober #inktober #uruguay #retrogaming #castlevanianetflix #castlevaniafanart #nosferatu #悪魔城ドラキュラ #castlevaniarondoofblood #supersmashbros #brauner #supersmashbrosultimate https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1ci7XuPD0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oj-era · 3 months
Ojos en el arte
Surrealismo y Victor Brauner.
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lgaretio · 4 months
CUED: Los propios investigadores y expertos en inteligencia artificial (IA) están asombrados por la rápida velocidad del desarrollo de la IA
See on Scoop.it - Educación a Distancia y TIC
Tomado de Universo Abierto Grace, K., Stewart, H., Sandkühler, J. F., Thomas, S., Weinstein-Raun, B., & Brauner, J. (2024).  Thousands of A...
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jalonsoarevalo · 4 months
Los propios investigadores y expertos en inteligencia artificial (IA) están asombrados por la rápida velocidad del desarrollo de la IA
Grace, K., Stewart, H., Sandkühler, J. F., Thomas, S., Weinstein-Raun, B., & Brauner, J. (2024). Thousands of AI Authors on the Future of AI (arXiv:2401.02843). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.02843 En la encuesta más grande de su tipo, 2,778 investigadores que habían publicado en las principales conferencias de inteligencia artificial (IA) ofrecieron predicciones sobre el ritmo del…
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morgengeschreibsel · 7 months
Versuch #663: Herbstsonne
Es ist wieder soweit, gelb auf blau, grün auf gelb, orange auf dunkelbraun - die Farben der Natur leuchten, die Herbstsonne leuchtet, als hätte jemand das Licht angeknipst.
Eine Frau läuft mit einem Hund durch den Park. Die Frau ist sicherlich im Rentenalter, aber ihre Jacke ist nicht beige, sondern graugrün, ihre Hose ist dunkelbraun, der feste Stoff hält die Form, hält sich über ihren durchsichtigen Nylonstrümpfen, die aus den hellen, fast weißen Mokassins hervorlugen. Sie trägt eine Mütze über ihren grauen Locken, dunkelbraun, im Ton ihrer Hose. Die Mütze gibt der Frau einen Hauch von Nonchalance, wie eine kleine Herausforderung an das Leben, eine Art Kapitänsmütze, mit Schirm und einem Streifen Stoff darüber, der von zwei Knöpfen gehalten wird, und wenn die Frau in die Ferne blickt, zu den gelb-grünen Bäumen im Park, sieht es aus, als ob sie auf ein Meer hinausblicken würde, als ob sie gleich anfängt, Kommandos zu geben - Vorspring ausbringen, Achterleine los! Aber es gibt keine Mannschaft und kein Schiff, und auch kein Meer, und der Hund der Frau, ein rauhaariger grau-brauner Jack Russell, interessiert sich wenig für ihre Kommandos, vielmehr tut er das, worauf er Lust hat: zieht an der Leine, kläfft eine Krähe an, schnuppert an Mülleimern. Wie ein kleiner Sturm zieht er durch den Park, und wenn er anfängt, herumzutoben, sieht man kaum noch, wo vorn und hinten ist. Dann bleibt er stehen, wärmt sich in der Sonne, schaut auf die große Hundewiese, auf der zwei riesige Hunde hintereinander herrennen, schaut zu der Frau auf, springt wieder umher.
Zusammen laufen sie auf dem Parkweg. Die kleinen hellgrauen Steine, mit denen der Weg gleichmäßig bedeckt ist, knistern unter den Schuhen der Frau, reiben sich aneinander, aber das Geräusch geht im Rauschen des Windes in den Baumkronen unter. Manchmal bleibt die Frau stehen, blinzelt in die Sonne, schaut wieder unter dem Schirm ihrer Mütze in die Ferne, als würde sie etwas sehen, was nicht da ist.
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monochromatictoad · 8 months
Ya know. I love the differences between Main Timeline Castlevania and LoS Castlevania. One of my favorite differences is that, in LoS Castlevania Olrex and Brauner were both demons that Carmilla turned into vampires. In the main timeline Olrex apparently is a classy looking vampire that can turn into a lizard and Brauner looks super classy too, but I don't know if he can do the whole lizard thing.
Visual difference under the read more! The top three are the Main Timeline! Olrex and Brauner while the bottom one is LoS Timeline! Olrex and Brauner.
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Victor Brauner (1903-1966).
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Victor Brauner no es tan conocido hoy en día, aunque fue una gran influencia en el estilo. Nació en Rumania en los primeros años del siglo XX. En 1930, temiendo el ascenso del fascismo en Rumanía, vino a París, conoció a Yves Tanguy y se convirtió en parte del grupo surrealista.
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djmusicbest · 9 months
The August Shortlist: MinimalDeep Tech
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-08-02 GENRES: Jackin House, Deep House, Minimal / Deep Tech Tracklist : 1. Stephen Howe - Body Heat(Original Mix) 2. Locklead, Chris Stussy, Across Boundaries - Cold December(Original Mix) 3. Nachtbraker - Dondoni(Original Mix) 4. Sidney Charles - Hip Cracker(Original Mix) 5. Burnski, Kepler - What I Want(Original Mix) 6. Velvet Velour - Traffic(Original Mix) 7. N-Gynn - Zero Fucks Given(Original Mix) 8. Snad - Bootlickerz(Original Mix) 9. Padwerk - Hounding My Hotline(Original Mix) 10. Steve Bug, Cle - Hallucinous(Original Mix) 11. Keegan McMullen - Shapeshifting(Sakro's Facing Realities Remix) 12. Rossi. - I Wanna Dance(Original Mix) 13. Lauren Lo Sung - Shroom(Youandewan Remix) 14. Maggio (IT) - Just Landed(Original Mix) 15. Michael James - Remember(Original Mix) 16. Fleur Shore - Sumthing(Original Mix) 17. DJ W!ld - Revolution 2024(Original Mix) 18. Us Two - What's Your Name(Original Mix) 19. Marc Brauner - Enough( Read the full article
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beevean · 6 months
The other thing about Cornell, is just how jarring of a difference he is in LoS1. He's the Lord of Lycans and the first major boss of the game. And he looks like this. Human, Lord of Lycans, and Beast form.
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Oh, if you want to put it like this, it would be easier to list the characters who don't look too jarring next to their mainline counterparts 😂
no i'm still not over olrox and brauner being pig-snouted monsters in los. or this:
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muznew · 9 months
The August Shortlist: MinimalDeep Tech
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-08-02 GENRES: Jackin House, Deep House, Minimal / Deep Tech Tracklist : 1. Stephen Howe - Body Heat(Original Mix) 2. Locklead, Chris Stussy, Across Boundaries - Cold December(Original Mix) 3. Nachtbraker - Dondoni(Original Mix) 4. Sidney Charles - Hip Cracker(Original Mix) 5. Burnski, Kepler - What I Want(Original Mix) 6. Velvet Velour - Traffic(Original Mix) 7. N-Gynn - Zero Fucks Given(Original Mix) 8. Snad - Bootlickerz(Original Mix) 9. Padwerk - Hounding My Hotline(Original Mix) 10. Steve Bug, Cle - Hallucinous(Original Mix) 11. Keegan McMullen - Shapeshifting(Sakro's Facing Realities Remix) 12. Rossi. - I Wanna Dance(Original Mix) 13. Lauren Lo Sung - Shroom(Youandewan Remix) 14. Maggio (IT) - Just Landed(Original Mix) 15. Michael James - Remember(Original Mix) 16. Fleur Shore - Sumthing(Original Mix) 17. DJ W!ld - Revolution 2024(Original Mix) 18. Us Two - What's Your Name(Original Mix) 19. Marc Brauner - Enough( Read the full article
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ochoislas · 10 months
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     Ha vuelto mi muchacho. Trae en la frente aún viento marino;      aún mecen sus andares los bríos y temores de su errancia.
     Rocío del salsero inflama aún el bronce en sus mejillas:      fruto precoz granado con brasa fiera y aromas de otro sol.
     Agrava su mirada un secreto que no he de conocer,      y de un velo se cubre, mudando primavera por invierno.
     Con tal franqueza se abre aquel primer botón ante mis ojos,      que azarado esquivo la boca que mi boca ya buscaba.
     Estrecho entre mis brazos a quien, extraño a mí, y en mundo ajeno,      lozano floreció... si mío, gran distancia nos separa.
     Mein kind kam heim. Ihm weht der seewind noch im haar ·      Noch wiegt sein tritt Bestandne furcht und junge lust der fahrt.
     Vom salzigen sprühn Entflammt noch seiner wange brauner schmelz:      Frucht schnell gereift In fremder sonnen wildem duft und brand.
     Sein blick ist schwer Schon vom geheimnis das ich niemals weiss      Und leicht umflort Da er vom lenz in unsern winter traf.
     So offen quoll Die knospe auf dass ich fast scheu sie sah      Und mir verbot Den mund der einen mund zum kuss schon kor.
     Mein arm umschliesst Was unbewegt von mir zu andrer welt      Erblüht und wuchs – Mein eigentum und mir unendlich fern.
Stefan George
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