#lord help me mun's back on their bullshit
Me, coming home completely physically and emotionally exhausted 5 days a week: ah, yes, an ambitious art piece inspired by a niche song
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demonwield · 2 years
which mun inspires you a lot?
Unprompted || Always Accepting!
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     Man. . .I don’t want to come out and say something that might make others feel HURT, but since I’m being asked, I’m going to be honest. In truth, there’s a LOT of people who inspire me, fuck I could pull out a follower list probably 100+ strong of people who motivate, or inspire me, for a lot of different reasons. So, let’s go down a SMALL list, those who are probably the STRONGEST inspirations for me. 
@zorkaya || Renata. Lord, I could talk about this absolute sweetheart so much. FIRST, Ren has been a dear friend of mine for years now. Really, it’s shocking how long, on and off sure, but unchangingly and unflinchingly, how long we’ve been friends. She’s seen me at my best, seen me at my worst, she’s fought for me in the past, she’s been there to help me through that DramaTM bullshit last year. She’s never let rumors, or false call outs, or the other bullshit fuck with our friendship. She’s been a darling, and I cherish her to death. Atop of that? She has one of the BEST OC’s around: seriously, Zarina is amazing, and always going to be in my top 3 favorite OC’s of all time. I love her writing. I love her...well, everything really. 
@exrhlab || Languid, this guy is amazing. He’s the one who dragged me down this rabbit hole of pain and torment that is Arknights, and is one of my most common people you’ll see on my blog. Because he’s a great friend, and we genuinely both like to cause PAIN and TORMENT to our muses, and write both twisted, but also fulfilling stories. We chat constantly, and he’s just a great person. 
@eraba-reta-unmei || Everi, this motherfucking girl. Man, she’s a total twerp sometimes. But I wouldn’t be here to this day if not for her. She’s gotten me through some DIFFICULT moments in my life, and is one of my closest friends I can ever ask for. We’ve been around together at this point for so long, and there’s days where we want to rip eachother apart (if you don’t hit that point with a friend, are you truly FRIENDS lets be real), but we always bounce back cause that’s our relationship. We suffer hell in League, we used to rp all the fucking time (which yknow we need to do more again hell yeah), we’re close. 
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@ryusxnka || OH BOY, is it more Caleb Love Hours? Well if anyone has been around this blog long enough, you all know I love my brother. That’s all there is to it: I’d not be here today without him. I wouldn’t even  be able to show my FACE on this site ever again if not for him, and god I love him to death. He’s amazing, okay? He’s OBSESSED with Toshiro Hitsugaya, of course, but he’s also just the best with him okay? His writing is spectacular, god, Caleb is literally HITSUGAYA INCARNATE. He’s super good hearted, he’s smart, he’s funny. He’s just a great brother, and I love him t o death, okay? I probably sound like a broken record, but it’s true.
@pcrdiseseekers || OH BOY, it’s JAZZY love hours! So let’s take a long trip down Memory Lane, cause fuck me, Jazz here is one of my OLDEST friends at this point. Hard to believe it too, cause I remember Jazz when she was but a weeeee Naoto Shirogane blog back in the day, far before her love for Multi-muses, and her love for Kyouko Kirigiri. God, back in the day, I used to be SO terrified of her. And we all know, and I can hear it now, ‘Wolf, buddy, you’re ALWAYS terrified of people!’ Well, I’ve gotten a lot better: someone literally had to GO TO JAZZ HERSELF and tell her, for us to first interact, it was that bad. (No, I didn’t even plan that, and goddddd, I was a fucking mess when they did.) And lo and behold, ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS FOREVER now, always someone I come back to, and cling to like she’s my own flesh and blood. Jazz, I love you to death. I truly do. And you are just absolutely spectacular. It’s hilarious how long we’ve known one another, and I don’t regret a single day: you’ve given me some of the BEST rps over the years as we FULLY TORE DOWN poor Kyouko into Kaneki’s queen, how Homura fell for Centipede, Kyouko studied Ichigo, Yang and Adam had their forbidden, ESTRANGED relationship. God, we’ve done so much over the years, and I look back on it all so many days nowadays and go ‘jeez, to relive it all again.’ Here’s to more years of good times, huh? 
@shuanghe || Valkyrie. My big sister. My darling, sweet guardian practically. God...she’s my rock. My anchor. She’s so much to me, and another person I love with all my heart. Much like the people before me, she’s a great mix of Writing, and Personal feelings, who has been with me for many years now. And I truly am grateful to have her in my life. 
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@sung56sun || Kianye, so little we’ve known one another now, and yet it feels like we’ve known eachother  for an eternity already. And it’s you, you specifically, who makes me feel it’s OKAY to gush about my darling muses. I won’t lie, even on my own blog, I feel I talk too much about my OWN characters, and it’s you who makes me think on that, and go ‘stop that, you’re being dumb’. Others have tried to tell me the same, but it’s the constant FERVENT LOVE and ATTENTION you throw us, that truly make it hit home. And for that, I’m forever grateful for how much you love Akame, and, incidentally, how well we get along. You’re dear to me, and you’re stuck with us~
@bonesugar || Asa, Asa Asa Asa, such a darling you are. Your writing, your descriptions of your replies, the way you make such a BEAUTIFUL girl like Sucrose so endearing, so amazing, I truly admire. Just like Kianye, I’ve known you for so little, and yet I have adored every moment we talk. And I look forward to more and more in the future of us chatting, rping, and gaming together. 
@erobret || Ferrrrrrgie. Oh man, much like Jazzy, I’ve known Fergie for fucking years. It’s hilarious how long we’ve known one another, and just like Jazzy, she’s always been a fantastic friend. We lost touch for a while because I had to vanish for a bit, but then I found her again, and well. Reliving old memories, and rping again, is amazing. Chatting with Fergie is great, and just. Fergie is great, okay? I really can’t formulate the words without just reusing at this point more of what I’ve already said. 
@jiingweii || Sophieeeeee. My dearest, my twisted friend. My soft and squishy marshmallow friend. My busy little friend. Even though we don’t talk as much anymore as life happens to the both of us, you are still DEAR to my heart, and I wish every day is wonderful to you. I love seeing you on my dash from all  your blogs, and you are a joy to see, and hear, from always. I truly would not have kept Akame all this time if not for you: it was you who put the most faith in my girl, who gave me the confidence to keep her going. And I am forever grateful for that. Because now she is my most loved, and used, muse, without a doubt. 
     Okay, this is going to get SUPER long if I don’t stop somewhere, so down below? Is a bunch of other people I could rant on about, but I don’t want to be typing a twenty five page ESSAY even though I could and flood the dash worse. 
@medinventive || @nulltune || @unhclyblood || @remunporium || @curiouskinetic || @lucernarosa || @luckuki || @ichigokurosaki || @destallo || @maljefe || @nosheath || @karmesinrot || @mamoriitai || @veroxins || @x-ame-x-damnee-x || @noircisaint || @retour || @shukuchiisms || @redhorncl || @zhuangshii || @babelmedicus || @amourise || @evelicious || @risingsol || @electric-ecclectic || @electricea || @dementedstatic || @pervicax || @lunaetis || @darksonofsparda || @capravulpes || @stahri-light || @charmerquilled || @rebelquilled || @batoushoujo || @phantarei || @hutaou || @popolaroleplayhub || @devotionobsessed || @amazingwcbs || @algizkali || @baizhuo || @nexarerum
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yet-another-ch-blog · 3 years
someone’s using my art as a pfp on tiktok lmaooo
I mean, i’m chill w/ it but still, i’m just cracking tf up over it
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gothamcrusaderarch · 4 years
Am I seriously considering recoloring all of my icons for that peak film noir aesthetic?
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therionizcd-archive · 6 years
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( ive been playin some good ol’ Okami and it influenced my idea for a Mythos-like AU... im working some things out but its there )
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How to tell you liked a story:
You're shaking and ranting about it to absolutely no one. It's late at night, I think the sun is rising. How long have you been babbling? You should've slept. But you won't. Not now.
You need to experience the story again.
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kalle-and-lita · 3 years
My half of the art trade with @tagedeszorns featuring their OC Doriel. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a joy it was to work with the mun and their muse!
Lita cast a furtive glance down the long halls of the palace. It was so quiet she could hear the beat of her heart thunder in her ears. Perhaps it was because she was leaving work so close to curfew. Only the foolish would dare to walk the empty streets lest they incur the wrath of the Night Haunter.
Maybe it was the fear of her mistress, whose rage was easily incited these days. Several members of the staff had already gone missing. Lita wasn't fool enough to believe they had just left.
Or perhaps, her nervousness was due to the large platter of food she clutched to. Taking food, even uneaten, was akin to stealing from the barons. If she was caught she'd be killed without a second thought.
But she was on a mission, and she would not be deterred. So Lita steeled her nerves and made her escape as quiet as she could. Every step was carefully planned, every corner scrutinized until she was sure she was safe and alone. She didn't breathe easy until she passed through the servants entrance and out onto the streets.
There was the faintest drizzle pouring from the sky. A cacophony of lights twinkled in the perpetual dark, reflecting off dirty glass windows and pools of stagnant water in the broken streets. Above the familiar hum of the city Lita noted the blessed silence. No screaming, no gunfire. Orderly silence since the whispers had begun.
Whispers of a silent stalker in the night. A savior to the weak who suffered beneath the heel of the barons and their crime lords. Night Haunter they called him, and his was a name revered with fear and awe. Rumors persisted of his speed, his ferocity. While she had not seen his handiwork for herself, Lita knew the tales of the flayed criminals he left out as warning. To take caution because if you caught his gaze there would be no one to save you from him.
Lita's reverie was broken by the sound of shoes scuffing cobblestone. Just like the nights before they came out of the shadows like pale little spirits. Four in total with the youngest looking no older than five or six. The oldest approached first, crossing the street once he was sure they were all alone. He was strange for a Nostromon; his hair was the color of a fire blazing away in the adamantium furnaces. Though he still possessed the pallid complexion and the hardened, steel black gaze of his kin.
"Hello," Lita smiled, "I'm glad you boys are safe. I brought the good stuff from the kitchen."
The redhead eyed her sharply, a frown etched into his features. The smaller shadows of his gang pressed at his back threateningly,
"Ah," Lita warned, waving a scolding finger at them, "Unless you want to go back to eating garbage and refuse I suggest you play nice."
"Fuck off." The redhead snapped over his shoulder. His mates backed off, though they still possessed a hungry look in their eyes. Sure that they weren't going to cause trouble, the young boy turned back to her, "What you want for it?"
"We have this conversation every time." She sighed, she popped the lid off one of the bowls of food. A hearty, and savoury aroma filled the air. If the boys looked hungry before they were absolutely ravenous now. "I don't want anything more than the satisfaction of you boys being well fed."
The redhead shot her a venomous glare, "I still say it's bullshit. Ain't nobody that nice."
"So you don't want the food then?" She teased, the younger kids hissed at their leader,
"Shut up, Doriel, before you ruin it!" One hissed. The young boy, Doriel, scowled right back,
"I ain't ruining shit! Look, bitch, just hand over the food and we'll get out of your hair."
Lita chuckled but pointedly ignored Doriel's rather colorful language. The large bowl of stew was all but yanked from her hands and she happily watched as the children ate. More than once the young redheaded boy thumped one of his mates on the shoulder, a silent admonishment for taking more than a fair share.
And they scampered off just as quick as they came with Doriel offering a cursory glance back at her. She nodded a farewell and tossed the now empty bowl, all too eager to navigate the eerie streets of the upper districts. Her feet pounded against hard stone as she ran, a desperate bid to get to the shops before curfew descended upon her. 
Luck was not completely on her side tonight, however. Lita cringed as the shop door slammed shut behind her and locked tight. Lights flickered off, leaving her alone on the dark sidewalk. Her gaze flickered to the shadowy corners around her, their long tendrils closing in on her.
She didn't make it a habit to be out past curfew. A nervous tension settled in her belly as she set off for home. Her footsteps echoed loudly, bouncing off the high buildings ominously. Each passing minute was like agony, the eerie silence fraying at her nerves until there was a burning itch between her shoulder blades.
Lita tensed at the feeling.
She was no stranger to this sensation of being watched. Years of service to the barons, and even her years on the streets, had refined her sense of awareness. All the better to know when to run or hide.
But this was not the first night she felt the piercing gaze of the unknown stalker's eyes. For weeks she walked home with the proverbial dagger aimed at her back, ever nervous for an attack that had yet to come.
Lita turned a sharp corner in an effort to evade her stalker. A stupid idea to turn into the pitch black of the alleyway, but she knew it to be a shortcut home and she was desperate. Her heart thundered away in her ears even as her footsteps echoed on the walls. Save for the drizzling of the rain there was nary a sound above the hum of quiet.
Then, just behind her, she heard something hit the ground. If she hadn't been listening so keenly she wouldn't have heard it. Lita froze with a gasp, a chill ran down her spine and the burn in her shoulder blades grew hot. There was a presence at her back, she could feel its hot breath on her neck.
Against her better judgement she turned to look, oh so slowly spinning on her heels. She came face to face with a monstrously large Nostromon man, the pitch black of his eyes drawing her in. His thin strands of black hair stuck to his face, and fell over his shoulders as he sat nearly hunched over her. Lita blinked dumbly, mouth agape in terror.
All at once her sense of self preservation kicked in as a smile crossed his face. A set of wicked sharp teeth gleamed at her and the fear in her gut rose well past the point of control.
So Lita did what any normal person would do and panicked. And in her panic she did the very first thing that sprang to mind, and she threw her grocery bags at him. She didn't bother to stick around to see his reaction. She was far too interested in running as fast her poor legs could carry her.
And she didn't stop running until she was safely back in her apartment. The keys clattered to the floor and her back hit the door. Her lungs burned and her legs gave out, and Lita hit the ground with a hard thud while her mind tried to wrap around what just happened.
He'd been so quiet. That thought scared her more than she cared to admit. How was it possible that someone so large could be so silent?! And she was fairly certain that the only reason she'd known he was there was because he let her see him.
Just who was he? Why was he following her?
Cold realization hit her hard as she came down from her adrenal high. The whispered tales of the few who'd seen the Night Haunter and lived. Of the man draped in shadow and blood, larger than life who took no qualms in spilling the blood of the guilty.
"Oh gods," Lita's hands flew to her mouth, "Oh gods!"
And she had just hit him.
In the face.
With her grocery bags!
She sprang to her feet and ran to check her windows, futile as it seemed. If the Night Haunter wanted to get to her windows were not going to stop him. For the better part of an hour she paced the confines of her apartment, awaiting retribution despite her own perceived innocence. Fixated on the fact that she had thrown her food at the Night Haunter in blind panic.
Lita resented the fact that if she was going to die, she was going to do so hungry.
The burn eventually came back. Fear turned to trepidation as she paused at her living room window. The balcony was empty, wet with the rain. She took a few deep breaths before she opened the sliding glass door. Before she could second guess herself she leaned onto the railing and took another deep breath.
"I'm sorry!" She shouted into the night. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked. "I swear I didn't know it was you. I wouldn't have hit you if I had. I'm so sorry!"
A long moment of silence passed until she picked up the sound of something dragging on the roof behind her. She turned her gaze up to find the Night Haunter casually perched on the roof edge, black eyes boring right into her skull. She averted her gaze in embarrassment.
"I am so, so sorry." She repeated, "I wasn't expecting to be followed, and you appearing out of nowhere startled me, and I panicked..."
She was bumbling like an idiot, trapped between him and the railing. But his silence was making her nervous. Lita felt the hot flush warm her face.
Then, something hit the ground. Lita jumped then stooped over to find her grocery bag, albeit missing some of its contents but still intact. She looked up, still under his scrutinizing gaze.
"Uhhm," she stuttered, awkwardly collecting her bag and shuffling towards the door, "Thank you."
He blinked at her, expression neutral even as he watched her slip inside and close the door.
The itch in her shoulder blades didn't cease as she put away her groceries and started dinner. She tried to ignore it for the most part, though she couldn't help but wonder why he was sticking around. Surely there were more interesting things to do than watch her?
She found her way back to the balcony door eventually, after setting her stew to a simmer. The Night Haunter now perched on the railing so he could peer in. She slid open the door to poke her head out.
"Hi." Lita muttered, he blinked again and let the awkward silence stretch out, "Uh, I made food. Did you want some?"
No answer save for his endless staring. Lita swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped back,
"I'll, uh, leave the door open for you then."
She retreated back to the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand. The minutes passed as she slowly stirred the stew, lost in the rhythmic motions. That was until she felt a presence hunched over her shoulder. Lita dared not look up, instead she simply muttered under her breath,
"I think I need to get you a bell."
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What’s your honest opinion on Darius? What do you like about him? Dislike about him? And do you have any tips for me?
[I’m going to be honest. I am going to give the criticisms and things I personally have problems with, and you’re free to write all of them off as simply my opinion and change nothing. Darius is your OC, and you can do what you want with him. I also have nothing against you, the mun, and if any of this comes across as snappy or mean-spirited, know that is not the intent. 
Now. That being said. 
Darius is an interesting character for several reasons. I think his base concept is pretty cool. Having a character survive a virus bombing and still living among the Imperium and even founding his own Chapter in order to serve it is a neat concept.
However. I do have several qualms with him. I’ll get through those so this can end on a much more positive note.
One of them is how he feels written like a Creepypasta OC from 2014. He feels like, if he HAD been built for that fandom, he’d be the stereotypical ‘everyone bullied me and I killed all my bullies and I killed my abusive parents too’ Jeff the Killer clone who was always broody and nigh-invincible.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against powerful characters. I’m playing one myself. But it feels less natural with Darius. If that makes any sense? I don’t know how to really describe it. It just doesn’t feel right to me. 
I think one of the reasons why it kinda rubs me the wrong way is compounded by how the Revenants feel like they were made only to hype up Darius and were given personalities as an afterthought. I think there’s a bit too much of ‘oh Darius is such a badass that he does this and this and has survived this’ and also ‘oh but he’s also so broken, so so broken, and we’ve all tried so hard to fix him but he refuses to let himself be fixed’ coming from them. I think those vibes are the biggest reasons why I equate him to the 2014-era creepypasta OCs. “I’m so broken, but I can also kill you so easily heh heh.” 
Also I have a bit of a problem with the ‘you call me lord and you get my fist in your skull’ thing he has going on. It just feels like a bit much. You can have a laid back leader without them going ‘address me casually or else I’ll maim you’. I wouldn’t mind if it was jokingly, but it just doesn’t feel that way.
With my criticisms out of the way, let’s get onto the good stuff.
Darius definitely still feels like a son of Mortarion who was still loyal to the Imperium. I don’t know too too much about the Death Guard, but they still seem like stubborn stalwart bastards (I don’t mean that insultingly mind you) and Darius would definitely fit in with them. 
He also has that Chapter Master vibe about him. He feels like a leader. Even if you never introduced the rest of the Revenants and had them as cardboard cutouts instead, I could still see him commanding and bringing together an inner circle and maintaining a chain of command. He has that sort of veteran vibe, like a ‘alright, y’all are fucking kids in comparison to me, but I’m gonna lead you and teach you the good shit anyway because we need to help protect people. You signed up for this bullshit, and now we’re gonna wade through it together’ sort of thing. 
Another thing, the twink “bell”. I think that’s a nice way to bring a bit of humor to Darius’ character. Hide yer twinks, kiddos, else Darius is going to come screaming out of the Immaterium looking for them. Nice little touch. 
Also also he seems to be very loving with his boyfriends off the few things I’ve read, which is also nice. A good way to balance out the humors. 
Now, advice & improvements:
I’ve seen you use ‘Darius’ mask shows no emotion’ several times. It feels moot and pointless. I get that you’re trying to juxtapose that with what he is saying, but it feels kinda... obvious? None of the Astartes helms show much emotion past that portrayed, like Kharn’s snarling helm or the “standard” emotionless design. I would probably advise either finding a different way to provide that juxtaposition or trying to find a way to describe that exact thing differently. Maybe something more like;
“Fucking bastard,” he spat, his anger apparent despite the unmoving expression on his helm.
Another thing that feels a bit repetitive; the size of the Revenants. I think there are better ways to say ‘my fleet will fucking crush you’ than to state ‘we break the Codex Astartes by having about 2,000 marines in our Chapter’. Hell you’d think, with Darius being as old as he is, him and his Chapter would have gained a bit of renown, wouldn’t they? For an alternative, maybe try:
“Do you really want to try and make threats? I could wipe you out with only a fraction of my fleet. I’ve conquered star systems with fewer ships and companies than you can count on your fingers. So would you like to say that again?”
Do you see how that feels like it’s a bit more weighty than simply ‘my fleet is huge and we have 2,000 Astartes’? 
Basically; diversify your language. Try to show, don’t tell. People can go to your profile to learn the precise size of the Revenants, Darius doesn’t need to tout it each time he’s threatened.
Another thing that’s just something I’ve carried over from other sites and rp’s; try to avoid the one line or three word replies. I am sometimes guilty of this myself, especially when I’m burnt out and stressed and I’m like ‘oh fuck I need to get a reply out NOW this person has been waiting for a fucking WEEK, D A M N I T’, but sometimes I’ve seen people send four+ lines and get two or so words back. Try describing how the character in question is speaking, or try to describe their body language, what they’re thinking at that moment in time. Add just a bit more flavor.
IN SUMMARIUM: Darius is a character who definitely has potential, but isn’t without his major flaws. He does have some good and interesting aspects about him, but they feel weighed down by the fact that I can’t shake the vibe of a JtK clone from him. Your writing is pretty good, but a few things feel repetitive and you need a bit more work with show don’t tell. 
I hope this is helpful, and I’m sorry if any of this seemed antagonistic or ‘I am holier than thou’. I’m simply a nerdy dumbass who likes to analyze writing and try and point out the flaws while giving a few ideas on how to fix said flaws and make other writers better. I usually ask for others to provide similar feedback, and this is the type of feedback I’d get from teachers grading my papers throughout my school life.]
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wickedlehane · 4 years
4, 5, 16 for the mun meme!
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
I’m preeeetty easygoing, since this is a hobby ultimately, and everyone’s gonna do it differently. That being said, I think an unwillingness to plot or discuss so both players aren’t on the same page, or generally a lack of communication between partners is a bit of a stumper for me.
Also narratively giving your partner nothing to work with. I don’t mind about length matching (cuz lord knows I can write a novel and NO ONE should have to try to mirror my bullshit) but if there’s not one action or dialogue line my character can latch onto, it’s a little hard.
But again, I’ve been in the game so long, I try to keep pretty chill. I’m an extremely understanding person, so very little about the mechanical side of things ever frustrates me. You starting OOC drama bullshit though? Get outta here. I’ve seen too much of that in indie and organized group scenes. We’re all here on the internet just pretending to be characters we love, getting writing experience and sharing fandom. Life’s too short for BS.
5. What is the most difficult thing about writing your current muse?
Answered here!
16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish?
I’m of two minds about this! I usually love just slapping down a fresh reply as soon as I’ve written it, but sometimes it’s necessary for me to queue- if I’m binging through a bunch of replies, it’s better not to spam the dash. Queuing helps me when I have a backlog to tackle, but otherwise I’d usually prefer to post right away.
Sometimes it also depends on my awareness of whether the other person in the thread is online to read it, or they don’t mind waiting, or if we’re going back and forth pretty actively.
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ofstarlabs · 5 years
MUN WATCHES. The Flash S05xE09 and the crossover episodes because I am behind a season and good lord. WHAT ON EARTH HAVE I MISSED. I did not realize this was a crossover event until this episode started. But I guess I should know that one was coming since we get one every season.
Oliver ‘waking up as Barry’: “Oh Barry....what have you done....”
This is fucking hilarious
Oliver’s reactions make me hysterically laugh.
I am so here for this. For now. I was wondering if they are ever going to do something like this storyline. I am glad they finally have. I am going to pretend it is not just because Arrow is ending...
Barry as Oliver: *shoots a car tire and the car crashes, looks triumphant* “Daaayyyuuummmmm”
Later, when Barry is busy being distracted by being Mayor and other amusing things then hears that Oliver woke up in bed with Iris.
Barry and his unhappy feelings about this whole thing once he realizes Iris has a thing for Oliver currently are great. Also he is not going to be happy that Dibny punched him out.
This is like damn Christmas for me.
No idea what is going on for any of the other shows because I’ve been out of DCTV for a few seasons. But this is fun for me. I guess I got to skip a lot of the bullshit. I do greatly enjoy Tyler as Superman. ( I jumped out of Supergirl by accident right after Reign was introduced because of the break. )
“Felicity created Quarterbacking.” Damn. This is getting super personal. 
Oliver is like weird big brother/dad that tries to help baby!Barry every time. I mildly missed this dynamic. I haven’t watched Arrow in so long. I miss all my Arrow babies. I wish they were still around.
Aaayyyyeeeeee. Barry got to say the line. “Amazo. you have failed. THIS. CITY.”
omg. “THE BATMAN IS NOT REAL.” Jesus. I can’t. I can’t you guys.
I am loving this calling out of Oliver sleeping with the Lance sisters.
THEY FOUND THE BAT SIGNAL. I CAN’T. YOU GUYS. ( Literally all the rest of this is probably going to be, honestly. )
That moment when you go to rob Green Arrow, Supergirl, and The Flash....
Okay so I had to pause and look things up. We getting a Batwoman spin off??? That sounds like fun. I mean, mildly sad that Arrow is going to be ending even though I haven’t been watching in a while but hopefully some of the peeps can guest star at times or something. IDK. Though Arrow will probably be dying? SO MUCH TO PROCESS. 
LOOK AT KATE GO. ( I got distracted by just staring at this episode. Whoops. )
HA. Crane’s hallucination drugs making them each hallucinate the other’s arch nemesis. Wonderful. Anyone else getting whiplash? Caitlin and Batwoman just there staring like ‘boys are dumb’. 
Okay but. They keep hinting that Kara Danvers is at least bisexual with her awkward moments around Kate LET ALONE around Lena. This episode had to both people on some level. This is almost like Teen Wolf level baiting.... Like if they follow through that would be cool. But I don’t think they will. 
Jesus Christ. Merlyn as a cop. I can’t stop laughing. WTF.
.....Superman looks pissed. That isn’t Superman is it. Why hello, Not!Superman. Not that I approve of Oliver setting up a possibility to get people injured. Yeah. I feel you Barry. Same.
WTF. I do not like brainwashed/serving this stupid man Caitlin/Killer Frost. That is just dumb. But I am loving her hair. 
Loved the touching feelings with E1 Alex and E38 Kara. That was nice. Also Lois and Clark are adorable.  I enjoyed seeing Braniac. I really need to catch up on Supergirl.  Clark and Lois are havin a baby! So cute. I really like Lois. She’s amusing and fun. I hope she is on Supergirl as well if we see her a lot. IDK. Stop being so cute you idiots. UGGGHHH. I have to catch up on Supergirl after my Flash watch.
Oliver you are such a bad liar but that was sweet. He definitely has done something stupid like traded his life for theirs or some such. I will pretend I have not started looking up spoilers for Arrow things.......
So that was an interesting crossover event. I enjoyed most of it. I hope that Catwoman goes well. AND I HOPE THE WRITERS DO NOT JUST GO WITH ‘YES. HERE IS A LADY BATMAN TAKING OVER WHILE HER COUSIN IS AWAY.’ because Kate is so much more than that.... If they do not expand that and make her more of an actual person the show will not do well. 
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thetrioarc-ov · 6 years
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Fai: “Lord help me, I’m back on my bullshit...”
I’m not really sure how to write a self-promo, but... I’m Marlin!! This is my first time in the RP community! I mun three of my many characters here, Fai, Eri, and Ranfier - a trio of dimension-hopping dongises, going to universes they don’t even know anything about! I’d love some interaction!!
★  Info + Rules  ★
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yet-another-ch-blog · 3 years
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if this is true (which it might not) it’s so goddamn funny- 
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saviorgoddessastrid · 7 years
What's your opinion of Wolf-mun? What's the story between you and him?
((My thoughts on Wolf are...complicated.  My first contact with the man was through @fleet-admiral-red, a good friend of mine.  Back in the early days of my time with him, Wolf was...well, not exactly a competent RPer.  He was prone to bullshitting his way out of problems to make threads go his way regardless of how illogical things went, as Kes can attest to many times over.
His muse was also...quite edgy, and had a few things in it that bothered me, primarily owing to how his original backstory completely smashed Zelda canon over the knee for what was effectively a generic warrior culture that took Hyrule’s place, one of the more prominent cases being wielding the Master Sword and Lord Fancypants at the same time without either of the Sword Spirits going “what the fuck are you doing?”.  He also had a strange obsession with trench warfare and WWII and Soviet-era weapons, despite their obsolesce in the modern day.
In fact, back in those days, I had unironically called the man and his muse Generic Edgelord due to what went on with his muse’s backstory and actions.  Kes and I were consistently annoyed at Wolf’s stubborn refusal to RP properly or even so much as learn from his mistakes.
Kes and I repeatedly had to berate him for the bullshit and shenanigans he pulled, such as Ace Attorney courtroom tactics, a ONE MEELLION SHIP attack on Coruscant, and more.
Wolf, for all the trouble he caused us, eventually came around to what we were saying and started to slowly but surely improve himself.  He began to rewrite the backstory and implement more Zelda elements to make it feel like it belonged, and has heavily shied away from bullshitting his way out of problems bar the occasional hiccup.
And as I’ve talked with him more, I’ve realized that the man isn’t really a malicious guy.  He just acts without thinking and can easily fuck things up as a result of that.  However, he does show regret for said fuck-ups, and has been making a genuine effort to improve.
Several of my friends on Discord question why I bother with the man given all the shenanigans involved.  In the end, while I have sometimes questioned it myself, the fact that he’s shown genuine improvement over the years has shown to me that, while he still has a long way to go, he’s not a hopeless RPer to deal with, and seeing him overcome his past mistakes makes me feel a bit proud in a way, mostly because I’ve been helping him improve as an RPer over time, even if I sometimes gotta yell at him to do it.
And that’s my opinion of Wolf.  Far from the best RPer I’ve met, but he’s gotten a lot better over the years and has only shown signs of further improvement over time, which is pleasing for me.  I look forward to seeing where he goes from here, and I know I’ll be there to help guide him.))
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swanwinged-princess · 5 years
tokoyami, finally trying to ‘confess’ to tutu after being pestered by the other 1-a boys for WEEKS: my heart BLEEDS black blood for YOU and it’s like a lock that will never be unchained..
tutu, mildly terrified and fairly confused: o-
thank you????
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yet-another-ch-blog · 3 years
bro wack- why am i suddenly getting tons of notifications for no reason-
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