#look me in the goddamn eyes and tell me that Roman wouldn't say it
autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
fic rec friday 58
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Value of a Moment by @a-fools-errand
When Lance’s previously obsolete skills in language suddenly become very useful, he finds himself wondering why aliens can’t account for the fact that humans, particularly him, need sleep and would prefer linear timelines. (Or: an Arrival AU because I love that movie)
yall OBSESSED does not begin to cover it. i have never read a fic where lance was so goddamn cool. and in like. the insanest of ways?? like of course lance is a polyglot but THIS....this is a whole new level. i havent even finished it fully yet but like god this thing is so fucking cool. if ur looking for a longfic stop looking
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arsonarson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world. And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead. A world that wants him to die. So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was. Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him. Until he has to.
oh god this has gotta be one of my CLASSIC fics. read it a few dozen times. i read it right when it came out, six ish years ago (goddamn), i can remember curling up in my old bunk bad and eating this up as the hours ticked by. i was HOOKED. my jaw was dropped my eyes were glued. could not get enough. if youre looking for mermaid lance with a twist....brother this is it
3. Looking for Rain by @thewriter2
Like most things, it starts with the little things: his smile, his confidence, his talent. Eventually, all these little things add up to one big thing that threatens to crash over them like a heavy rain. But, maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe something beautiful would come from it. A 5+1 (really a 10+1) of Lance and Keith falling in love.
oh god guys..... @thewriter2 knows how to fucking haunt you. if a 10+1 (!!) isnt enough for you, i want you to know this line has been echoing in my head since i first read: "He looks at you like you’re a storm and he’s a desert desperate to drown." UM??? EXCUSE ME???? SIMILE OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY???? keith being so so visibly obviously in love with lance is my actual roman empire shit never leaves my mind
4. Astronauts by @thewriter2
When they entered the Blue Lion, Keith was Lance’s rival--the person Lance was working so hard to surpass. But slowly, Lance found himself thinking of Keith less as a rival and more as something close to a friend. So of course, Lance’s traitor of a heart decided that it would be Lance’s kind of friend that it would fall in love with.
tags to sell you: "keith is a dork but lance loves him anyway" (dorky keith my beloved), "hunk is an a+ friend" (yes he is), "lance is a lovesick fool" (yeah), and "allura is older sister goals" yes yes YES you get it. and like....while keith pov is my favourite to write by far, lances pov as he realises he is in love....that will always hold such a special special place in my heart
5. his own worth by frogsterz
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
now usually anything but team as family isnt my deal. im not big on classic langst. but keith as a knight in shining armour.....what can i say i am weak willed. deeply. also " It’s what made it worse. I miss home and I miss being held and the rain, and I loved you. I thought you hated me." got me so bad got me WEAK like i have never recovered from that line and i doubt i ever will
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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bat-besties · 6 years
On Impossibility - 9
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7   Chapter 8
A popular!Logan and loser!Roman high school AU based on @2pointomg’s idea with eventual Prinxiety. 
·       not able to occur, exist, or be done.
Eg. It is impossible to fund both the sports and drama programmes with the school’s limited budget.
·       very difficult to deal with.
Eg. The situation which Logan Sanders, Student Body President, is in after he convinced the school board to cut the unsuccessful drama programmes is impossible.
·       (of a person) very unreasonable.
Eg. Roman Prince.
To Roman, nothing is impossible. Not following his older brother Patton to acting college, not being a loser taking on the school’s popular Student Body President and definitely not writing and performing an epic school play with no money and six cast and crew members.
Edited by @alpacasarethegreenestanimal, who has an amazing fanfiction on AO3! If you like superheroes, sarcasm and Virgil angst then you’ll love this
It was a typical Tuesday lunchtime with everyone backstage. Talyn was gluing some sequins onto Valerie’s crown. Valerie was practicing her evil chant with Terrence. Terrence was stretching next to Dahlia. Dahlia was waiting for her wicker basket to be fixed by Virgil. Virgil was doing that while bantering with Roman. Roman was putting 40% of his effort into chatting with Virgil and 60% into being casual and not talking about feelings.
Kyle was on the balcony alone, alien in his black cloak and heavy makeup. He was in the middle of his ending monologue, repeating each sentence until it was perfect and then running over the entire thing. He kept stopping and starting with different emphasises each time.
‘And so I say…No, no, no…. And so, I say.’ He kicked the balcony. ‘Argh! Stupid line!’
There was a clang as a piece of pipe fell off the balcony. Roman stood up to yell in Kyle’s general direction, ‘Hey, Virgil built that!’
Another clang rang out and Roman huffed and jogged onto the stage. As he rounded the corner he was greeted by the sight of Kyle holding onto a swaying balcony white-knuckled, staring wide-eyed and making no noise at all. A huge, flickering shadow was thrown up behind him as if even now the stage wanted to amplify the impact of any action taking place on it. Kyle was slowly shifting his weight back to the centre of the balcony, but the tower tipped in that direction with him. Roman ran forward ‘Kyle! Kyle! Just hold-’
There was a screech as the top slid off, followed by a deafening crash as Roman instinctively ducked down and hid his head. He opened his eyes slowly. The others ran in, then froze.  Where Kyle and the balcony had been was a pile of metal and a body thrown across the stage, its cloak making a dark pool. A sunbeam suddenly shifted, glinting off the extra supports in the mound of pipes and tangled vines. Six hearts raced each other. Roman couldn’t comprehend what had happened. He felt like if he didn’t move then maybe everything would zoom back into place like footage played backward, supports clicking into place and his friend standing on top of the balcony again.
Suddenly, Kyle gave a groan.
Everyone ran forward, and Terrence turned Kyle over. Roman began to shake. ‘OK, OK. Alright, uh… Kyle how are you feeling?’
Kyle sat up slowly. Clutching his head, he tried to stand before falling with a shout.
‘OK, OK, OK.’ Roman you can do this. ‘Valerie, call 911. Terrence, check for any bleeding and don’t let him pass out. Talyn, help Terrence. Dahlia calm down Virgil, I think he’s having a panic attack. I’ll go get a teacher.’
He sprinted up the gangway, breath already tight as he burst through the auditorium doors. He ricocheted off lockers and elbowed his way past ambling students, shouting incomprehensibly. The colours were too bright, the sounds too loud, but despite his desperation he was not impervious to the cutting stares or laughs at the wheeling of his arms as he ran up the stairs. He skidded around a corner and threw himself at the door of the nurse’s office, pounding on it. ‘Help! Help!’
The door was yanked open. ‘You’ll get detention if-’
Mr Macready softened on seeing Roman’s wide eyes. ‘What happened?’
‘It was Kyle and he broke his leg and banged his head and it was the balcony and he didn’t move and…’
Mr Macready placed a hand on Roman’s arm. ‘Roman, breathe. Did you call 911?’
‘Yeah.’ Roman nodded quickly.
‘Has he woken up?’
Mr Macready patted his arm twice, as if comforting a spooked horse. ‘OK, let’s go.’
Making his way through a crowded hallway was much easier when Roman was behind a barrel-chested nurse not worried about pushing over students who didn’t get out of his way. He saw everything in snapshots: Mr Macready checking Kyle’s head, Virgil tapping out rhythms in a corner, the yellow ambulance doors swinging open. The rest of the day was a blur until he collapsed into bed at home.
Backstage the next day and everything was shaken up. Kyle was out of school as he had suffered a concussion, but miraculously no permanent damage had been done to his head. However, his leg had indeed been broken. Roman stood up to address his friends, who were slumped over boxes and blocking. He had spent the previous night googling head injuries and broken legs and reading the stage directions on speakerphone to Patton. ‘Alright, so now we have to figure out what to do. Kyle will be fine, but I don’t know if he’ll be able to perform with crutches. Ombretto’s pretty dynamic in his movements.’
Tugging at the sleeve of his hoodie, Virgil stood up, his eyeshadow covering actual eyebags. ‘It was my fault the balcony collapsed. Malcom – the janitor dude – said it was rickety, and I tried to stabilise it, but I failed and-’
There was a muted chorus of disagreement from the group.
‘And basically, it’s my fault so I’ll help you. I’ll play Ombretto.’
Roman’s mouth fell open.
‘I mean, probably I’ll completely suck, I mean I’ll definitely suck-’
‘Virgil,’ Roman cut in, ‘I would love to have you play the part. But only if you want to, not if you’re doing it is as some form of punishment. Besides, do you know the lines at all?’
‘I don’t want to do it, if I’m honest.’ Virgil let go of his sleeve and looked up, ‘But I want to help you guys. I want this thing to, you know, work. I want you guys to get to act, and for people to see Talyn’s costumes and – also I want them to see my set. I do know the gist of what he’s saying in each line, I’ll need to learn them properly, though. I know the meeting scene since you did that half-a-billion times when we were in the English classroom.’
Valerie sat up. ‘Well, let’s just have you run through that with Roman, and if it really doesn’t work we can ask Raphael back.’
Roman smiled. ‘Alright, we’ll go from when I enter.’
‘Could I…could I have the cloak?’
‘Uh…sure. Whatever works for you!’ Roman threw the cloak in Virgil’s general direction. Since he didn’t aim that well and Virgil didn’t have great athletic abilities either it fell quite a bit short.
Virgil draped the cloak around his shoulders and climbed onto some blocks. Roman went behind a curtain to reappear as Rosso. He shaded his eyes to look up the ‘tower’ and bellowed. ‘Lo! Could that be a minion of the evil queen?’
Virgil swept his fringe over his face and bit his lip. He made his voice gravelly, ‘A voice? Who would dare disturb me in my tower?’
Roman had to…take a moment after that. The pause caused Virgil to put his head in his hands. ‘Argh, that was stupid. Could Terrence be him?’
‘Hey!’ Terrence interjected, ‘I am Bob. Bob is me. Virgil, just…try less teen-y love interest.’
‘But he is a teen-y love interest.’ Roman said from the side of his mouth.
‘Try to play it more low-key.’ advised Valerie
Virgil exhaled. ‘I’ll go from after Roman’s line.’
‘Hello? Do you work for the Evil Queen?’ proclaimed Roman.
Virgil found the next line a bit easier. He hunched forward and looked away from Roman. ‘Who are you to ask?’
Roman stood directly under Virgil and looked up at him. ‘Nobody. A friend.’
Oh, this bit Virgil could do. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his chin at Roman. ‘Nobody? Or a friend?’
Roman grinned and shook his head. ‘Depends.’
‘On what?’ Virgil leaned forward.
‘What are you doing in a tower in the middle of this forest?’
Alright, he could do this. ‘I am not human as you are. I am cursed - with magic. Only when I am here is the world safe from me. In return for my seclusion, I aid the Evil Queen. The dark is the only place I belong.’ He sounded genuinely bitter, and at the last line he improvised a little. ‘So, light one, what brings you to a place like this?’
Roman grinned recklessly and waved his sword for emphasis. ‘Adventure! I am Rosso, and I fear nothing!’
Virgil drew back a bit, ‘I’m sorry, Rosso.’
‘Why is that, enchanter?’
Ombretto’s fear won over his curiosity and he acted in accordance with the wishes of the Evil Queen rather than with his humanity. Rosso drew back in fear as the vines began to move like snakes and wrap around his arms. ‘I’m sorry, Rosso.’ repeated Ombretto, ‘because you are a fool. And because I must do this.’
‘You must do nothing! Your destiny is your own!’ Rosso cried out, hacking at the thorns. ‘Please, don’t do this to yourself.’
Ombretto laughed bitterly. ‘My destiny is negligible. It’s my life I’m worried about.’
Terrence jumped into the scene, and Ombretto started at the sound as the faery searched unsuccessfully for the source of the conversation he’d overheard. Quickly, the enchanter wove an invisibility charm to protect the knight, not questioning why he did so at the time.
Then the scene changed to one with the Evil Queen, but in reality the spell was broken by applause.
‘Virgil – you’re amazing!’ cried Roman.
‘So…does he get the part?’ asked Terrence. The others looked at Roman expectantly.
Should Virgil get the part? With Virgil as Ombretto the play would be perfect. Without any practice he was almost as good as Kyle was, he kind of knew the lines, he had great chemistry with Roman, he fit the character (Roman decided deliberating why Virgil fit the character he’d written so well was for later). It would be perfect. Roman could perform the play with the hot emo love interest played by his actual hot emo love interest and show everyone that he was deserving of that romance. Perhaps he could reintroduce the stage kiss? No, it was clear their first kiss would be private, which Roman would still like. Roman was an acting powerhouse and Virgil inhabited Ombretto as comfortably as his patchwork hoodie. Together they would be unstoppable.
Then there was Kyle. Kyle who had practiced every single day for that role. Kyle who had been running through his lines to fit Roman’s idea of perfection when he fell. Kyle who had been with Roman in every production since the kindergarten nativity (Sheep #2 and Cow #4).  The likely event would be that Kyle would be able to perform his part. He just wouldn’t be able to walk so well.
Roman believed in his status as an artist. He told his story to himself over and over again: the bullies would beg for his autograph one day, he would talk in interviews about how he had to perform a play with no funding (from the school) and the tale about how he fell for Virgil was a love story for all time. Roman believed in drama and it certainly was dramatic to at the last minute choose passion over experience and sweep Virgil into twin stardom with himself.
Kyle was the safer choice.
If Roman took a chance on Virgil it could make the play.
No. Roman was not going to risk this play. He was going to make the sensible decision and be a good friend. If the tower would have to be a low platform or crutches were an anachronism, then so be it. Besides, the forest was imaginary. It was not possible for the play to be perfect, but he knew that Kyle would make it amazing.
He ‘Alright, here’s my decision, and it’s final. Virgil, that was amazing. But Kyle has to play Ombretto. I want Virgil to be the understudy. So, learn those lines inside-and-out.’
Virgil nodded, disappointment and embarrassment tinging his relief as he took off the cloak.
‘Roman?’ grinned Valerie, ‘are you going to say it?’
‘Yeah, go on, say it!’ cried Terrence.
Virgil face-palmed, sighing loudly. ‘Dear god, please don’t say it.’
Roman put a foot on a crate and threw out a hand. ‘The show…MUST GO ON!’                                                                                                                    
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