mancopan · 2 years
what do you do to ur gifts to have so much quality?
Hi, thank you for the message and I'm glad you like my gifs!
When it comes to how good the gifs look, I think it depends on the quality of videos and the effort on editing.
The quality of video that you're gonna gif is very important because it'll determine how sharp your gifs look. That is to say, it's easier to make quality gifs out of recent videos because they are usually 720p or 1080p, which are much clearer than videos from years ago.
Besides the video quality itself, the editing process also plays a great role. Sharpening and colouring gifs properly will definitely make them look better, but you need to explore different settings in order to get the satisfactory effect. There are actually many tutorials on how to edit gifs with Photoshop like this one, and I believe it'll be helpful to you!
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