#lng case
epenethesis · 11 days
Assumptions about natural languages based on computer-based languages is often weird; cause I think it's funny how 2ⁿ is not a common base system in natural languages.
Same with how XOR is unattested (or at least no reported cases of it happening in any natural lngs).
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battle-of-alberta · 4 months
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more stories from the west coast best coast
(some context: Eby is the current BC premier and LNG stands for Liquid Natural Gas.)
I find it so jarring to see environmental/political ads on the sides of BC transit buses. I come from a petroarchy where the ads tend to be reminders to play the government sponsored lotteries so, I mean... I recognize my skewed perspective.
(It reminds me of a story where Greek orators visited republican Rome and impressed all the Romans by arguing a brilliant case... and then refuted the case the next day much to their scorn and ire.)
Also related but I saw a dead rat at a bus stop this morning and had to keep it together and be normal and pretend like rats are a thing that I totally normally encounter.
As always, Victoria belongs to my good pal @orcanadian-blog
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zee-man-chatter · 9 months
Justin Trudeau said there "was no business case" for sending Canadian LNG over to Germany. They're an ally of us, plus they lost their supply from Russia, so they need energy for industry and housing. Looks like the US will provide the LNG instead. Personally, I don't think there's a business case for keeping a dunce like this in office! 🥴
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faorism · 2 years
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day three of my mini advent posting with this leverage and star trek fusion! all aboard the USS Harland-03. i have this posted on ao3 as well, where i also have started a series which i plan to post art (and potentially fic??). this pic obviously uses a ref pic from the series for the background and their positions.
on ao3 and in the cut below, i have included my headcanons for au. i think it would be easier to read on ao3, but here it is if you don't wanna leave the site!
→ USS Harland-03: A small vessel retrofit from a Miranda-class ship with one of the most diverse executive crew in Starfleet, both in terms of species and in terms of work backgrounds, done as somewhat of an experiment to see the speed of integration of highly skilled civilians into command posts. Its primary assignments are those concerning diplomacy and investigation into reports of corruption (the two unsurprisingly go hand in hand). The team is given a lot of leeway in order to get their jobs done. Or, rather, what the Admiralty doesn't know won't hurt them. The team does great and consistent work, and maybe some of it is not how the Starfleet usually operates. But the crew knows what needs to be done, and they got the skills for shenanigans and a little just a little a little a lot of conning and forging and manipulation.
→ Captain Nate F'Ordai (Vulcan): Captain. Birth name: *waves it off, because Nate only wants to use his Standard-friendly name.* He was born on the Vulcan colony, Kethri, to a father who was unscrupulous and underhanded and a scammer; Nate learned early on that Vulcans? Yeah they can lie and they can act all sorts of ways if they want to. He tried to reform himself as he got older, moving to K'Lan-ne on T'Khasi (aka, Vulcan the planet). Logic served him well, and he worked logically at an insurance firm that worked with clients of primarily Vulcan and Human clients, and he found logical reasons to bond with T'Pymhagi ("Mhaggie"), and they had a child: Sammi. For his work, he traveled across the quadrant a lot, leading a crew of ten. Nate spent a logical amount of extracurricular time with a particular colleague, Sterr-Lng (NOT a friend). Everything was reasonable and logical and great until Sammi got sick. Nate had done everything right and yet his son died and that sucked. He got lost and angry, and he and Mhaggie separated, and Nate decided on a chocolate-induced whim to join Starfleet and idk maybe Dubenich was somehow involved. As a Vulcan with a former career, he was able to do the Academy really fast and the Admiralty allowed it because they were looking for someone with his skills. He had one posting before Harland-03 to make sure he was ready.
→ Commander Eliot Spencer (Andorian): Head of security with shared first mate duties (second in command). Birth name: Elio th'Spenciceran. As is typical of those of the thaan gender, he had a muscular physique but his height is more comparable to those of the shen gender. The Harland-03 is his first posting which makes his ranking seem high; however, Starfleet took into account his work with the Andorian Imperial Guard's Ahm Tal (spy & black ops), as second in command to Damihen "Moreau" ch'Volmoreauette. Shit got... bad, and Eliot saw a way out with Fleet who certainly felt the Andorian was a huge gain. He only had to take a year of Academy training, focusing on Starfleet regulations that differ from the Guard's. Eliot has a modified phaser to remove the kill level, and mostly prefers to use his hands anyway. He had a coworkers-with-benefits, no-strings-attached, no-commitment thing with Parker pretty early in their shared posting (at least... that's how he understood it). When he saw that her and Hardison were developing a romantic relationship, he distanced himself from Parker sexually like a fucking idiot because even though polyamory was a reproductive necessity for Andorians, he knew that that wasn't the case for other species... And so he wanted to give them, the "real" relationship, time to figure things out. Not like he's also super into Hardison as well, obviously, of course.
→ Lieutenant Commander J'mes S'giwan Sterr-Lng (Vulcan): Chief engineer with shared first mate duties (third in command). Was interested in Starfleet for a while, especially after hearing about how renowned Spock became. Sterr-Lng's pride logical reading of the situation meant that he knew he could be a huge fish in a small pond. He eventually followed Nate into the Fleet upon the request of Mhaggie. His -Lng suffix refers to the small ethnic community he is from, which is why his accent is different from Nate and Spock's. His group does not offer child betrothals so during his time he would visit relief services until, well... why travel all the way back to Vulcan when the Fleet has stuck him with Nate since their fast track Academy career because they are the only was who can stand each other. The two pair up for pon farrs and not outside of them (...at first). They are formally recognized as a bonded pair by Starfleet and the Vulcan Council and by their families because of this, but they ABSOLUTELY refused this title.
→ Doctor Harry Wilson (Human): Chief medical officer. Harry was born on Terra (Sol-III, aka Earth). Pretty privileged upbringing even for utopia standards. Was in law school for a while but after working as a defense intern on a case about a pharmaceutical that knowingly produced addictive hypospray, he got skeeved out and went into medicine. In addition to supporting his specialization in medical ethics, Harry's history with law helps the crew's dealings with all the bureaucracy that comes with their assignments. He is often called on to translate non-medical contracts to see where the funny business may lie.
→ Commander Sophie Devereaux (Betazoid): Chief communications officer. Birth name: unknown (she's pretty sure she remembers but unconfirmed). She grew up on the streets as a street urchin on Risa. Grifting was the only way for her to survive, and she definitely used her empathy to her advantage. It was a hard life, even when she first gained a partner and then joined a crew. But she made her way up Risa's society, and the second she saw a way off Risa, she took it even if that meant bad blood with her ex-colleagues. Sophie did a lot of wild shit and traveled far and stole a lot of random stuff. She always wanted to be an actor but... that never quite worked out for her for some reason, even when she scammed patrons to support her productions. Sophie definitely encountered Nate out in the world, and like in canon she always slipped out of his grasp. She enjoyed her long cons, ones she could really sink her teeth into. One had her posing as a communications student at a satellite Academy. And... okay, so she would sometimes go in and out of semesters as needed, and she enrolled in classes, and she grifted the admin as needed when she wanted paperwork. She gave the excuse of her needing to travel for important Fleet work from her previous position a diplomatic and... One day she? had somehow? earned enough credits to grant her a legitimate communications officer placement on a vessel? Oops? She figured she should report for duty so her persona wouldn't be put on alert as a deserter and then fake her own death. Thing is, she was good. And if she was careful, during shore leaves? Sophie had her fun. Eventually, Nate and Sophie ran into each other while he was a student, and Nate was like. The Fuck. Anyway, even though he didn't technically have the power to make formal petitions, Nate requested her to be posted to the Harland-03 when they launched. She very much likes her job, likes the leeway Nate knowingly gives her (and enjoys himself), and she dresses herself up to the nines, and she eventually untangles the mess that is Nate and Sterr-Lng by tangling it up even more...
→ Lieutenant Parker (Orion): Executive navigator. She was part of the system very early on, before she could remember not being in government care. She had an unhappy childhood due to her disabilities being ignored and misunderstood as behavioral issues, with one blip of light being the placement with the boy she would always consider her brother, Mason. When he died, Parker's already fraught history with foster care grew more precarious as she acted out due to her grief and continued engagements with ableism. Eventually, she was covertly sold into the Orion slave trade, with her case worker paid off to mark her as deceased. Parker doesn't talk about her childhood much, but what the others gleamed from what she has said is that Parker grew very adept at running away, thievery (wildly helpful for their missions), and rightfully being a menace. Eventually, she escaped and eventually she encountered Commodore Archie Leach, who did a lot of shady under the table dealings. He saw a lot of potential in Parker. Her trained her as a pet project and protege, with hopes of securing her eventually as a number two for his operations. Under his tutelage, she began taking pheromone blockers in order to mask better. Archive encouraged her to join Starfleet, where she excelled in her classes (even the one that had her write a paper on Tellarite textiles, which she was utterly bored by but could not get out of) even though she never fit in socially. She was posted to three different crews, where she was quietly passed on because again, she didn't mesh despite her competence. Harland-03 was kind of her last chance to be on a crewed vessel; she would be grounded or placed in transport otherwise. The Fleet says they don't intend to be punishment but... it kind of feels like it. Luckily! Parker finds her family! and friends! and her partners! and she's very very very very very very very happy.  
→ Lieutenant Alec Hardison (Caitian): Chief science officer. Pretty much same story as in canon but he's a catboy I MEAN Caitian. Lived in Nana's interspecies, interfaith, and very loving household on a mid-sized industrial colony. He was up to intergalactic cyber crimes the whole ass time, and eventually Hardison got caught. He had to do the ROTC-equivalent for Starfleet. Hardison went and did more crime when he graduated because Fuck The Man, but eventually Nana wanted him safe, and her being disappointed in him because he was so out of contact made Hardison enroll in Starfleet. He's so smart! He's so funny! He's amazing and I love him and everyone else does too. He is legit a genius. This is his second ship he's been posted to. He was originally brought on as second to the chief science officer for Harland-03, but some shenanigans happened the chief where he was revealed to be evil so the crew kicked him off and put Hardison in charge. Hardison loves this found family so fucking much. He also, like, really has a big ole crush on Parker (and Eliot, but Eliot is so grumpy and obviously not interested so Hardison won't bother, he ain't mad...). It's still pretzels and I just?? love him, he's so smart and eventually he gets with Parker and then they rope in Eliot and it's all! amazing!
→ Officer Breanna Casey (Human): Helm pilot. She followed in her brother's footsteps by joining Starfleet, but went in a different direction. She loves the intricacies of making things and of the vessels; one of her hobbies is definitely making models. She wanted to fly the big ship instead of being in the jefferies tubes, so she got helm but made sure to minor in engineering. That minor came in handy when she needed to fill in for a shift on engineering, and she met Love Of Her Life Emily.
→ Officer Jack Hurley (Deltan): Red shirt that doesn't die. Technically, because of his species' superior attraction characteristics, he is meant to take an oath of celibacy, however! he's on a really rad ship, and red shirt Peggy is so beautiful, and they make out. 
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rvps2001 · 6 months
Russia-Ukraine Daily Briefing
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Friday Briefing:
- White House intensifying efforts to confiscate Russian assets - Rush of new defense deals with US shows Europe’s growing concern over Russia - White House says readying new proposal to Russia to free two Americans - Uzbekistan summons Russian ambassador after Prilepin suggests annexing ‘territories where migrants come from’ - Orban vows to stand firm against EU funding for Ukraine - Supply from Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project halted by US sanctions - Russia battles to curb inflation ahead of Putin’s re-election bid - Record number of treason cases heard in Russian courts this year - Russia lists around 30 state companies for possible privatisation - Central Asian cotton powers Russia’s sanctioned gunpowder plants
----------------------------- 📨 More in a daily newsletter: https://russia-ukraine-newsletter.beehiiv.com/
💬 My socials: https://linktr.ee/rvps2001
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notwiselybuttoowell · 4 months
In a significant win for the Puyallup Tribe, Puget Sound residents, and health and conservation groups who had opposed an expansion of a liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal in Tacoma, Puget Sound Energy announced that it is abandoning its permit from the City of Tacoma for the project.
While the LNG terminal has been operational since February 2022, the proposed expansion would have allowed new vessels and “bunkering barges” to load LNG to power their own ships or to transfer fuel to other ships. This risky new use of the terminal would have significantly altered the activities allowed at the terminal, essentially allowing LNG barges to act like floating gas stations, refueling other ships in the Salish Sea and beyond.
Because the City of Tacoma processed the project as a permit “revision” rather than a new permit, there was no public process or environmental review. Many Tacoma residents and Puyallup tribal members were unaware of the project until after it had been approved. Tribal members and residents expressed concerns about increased safety, health, environmental, cultural and climate impacts that would result from the expansion.
The appeals filed in December by the Tribe and Earthjustice argued that the city’s authorization violated the Shorelines Management Act, Tacoma’s city code, and the Washington State Environmental Policy Act.
This is good news, though I've always been appalled that it was approved and built in the first place. But I'll certainly take it, and be doubly glad that it was followed a few days later by the biden administration "pausing" the construction of any other new facilities (though again, not the best case scenario, is it?)
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elfilibusterismo · 2 years
hiii! i’ve read before that you were a humss student (if this is wrong then i’m sorry and please discard this ask as a whole). can you talk about your experiences in it? like, for example, the reading materials and such? my friend is considering it but they’re partial for, reasons. of course if you’re not comfortable answering this it’s okay! please disregard it and go on with your day. thank youuu (and i’m sorry if, again, you’re not comfortable with this question)
hi anon! i was in stem in shs, actually. i also entered college under a science program (physics) before shifting to social sciences. but i do have friends who were humss students, so i asked them and here's what they said:
i really liked being humss !! i think i had subjects that f q should have been thought to everyone else (ie i had a class that was a more thorough history) and subjects that were tailored to my strand and were v beneficial (ie community development)
ik a lot of successful polsci students who were from stem rn sa uni (kase nagstem sila for entrance exam) DHDHDH pero yung skill na mas naturo samin na di naturo sa ibang strand is essay writing i think mas heavy yung workload ng strand namin for essays which helps a lot if youre planning to enter a course that puts a lot more emphasis on final papers rather than exams (ie oral history final paper vs chemistry exam idk)
for reading materials ngl mas mabigat talaga DHDHSHSHS pero kase laking tulong (reading materials q sa hs nag rrange from 40-50 pages a wk,, sa college na inflate na siya to 200+ pages a wk) so learning how to be a quick n active reader mas natuto mo sa humss kase wala ka talagang choice DHDHDH
pero ngl if u want to have an easier time w entrance exams, even if u want a "humss" major (ie polsci, history, etc) , free review center na yung pagiging stem FHDHDH baka mas mahirapan ka lng w papers in college based from my observations sa iba kong mga kaklase na dating stem
from another friend:
humss is heavy on writing and speaking exercises hehe pero its good training esp if you'd like to pursue creative writing or the social sciences in college
humss in general is a really good training ground for skills you need in the social sciences. but as a stem shs graduate i do agree that you have a much easier time with entrance exams if you take stem. depending on your curriculum, entrance exams might include things that weren't taught in jhs and would only be taught to shs stem students. in my batch's case, a lot of entrance exams included calculus which wasn't taught to non-stem shs students, so they were at a disadvantage. they were still testing the curriculum since k-12 was relatively new, so ours was always changing 😵‍💫 CETs still include language (and iirc UPCAT tested reading comprehension, only one to do so) but often the science and maths parts have a bigger portion of the test.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Right now, the sobering truth is that the future of Europe hinges on the weather. It seems absurd. But whether the winter ahead is cold or warm will determine if Europe gets through the next six months without major economic, political, and social stress.
We are in this situation because, thanks to the clash with Russia over Ukraine, Europe has lost roughly a third of its regular gas supply. Much of Europe, particularly in the former Soviet bloc, relied on Russian gas for electricity generation, home heating, cooking, and industrial purposes. Germany and Italy, the largest and third-largest economies in the Eurozone, were also heavily dependent on Russian gas.
Since the spring, as the scale of the conflict became clear, Europe has been bracing for the worst. While buying as much Russian gas as it can, Europe has been scrambling to sign new gas deals and make up the impending shortfall by buying up cargos of liquefied natural gas, or LNG. Over the summer, as Russia’s situation became more dire, deliveries of Russian gas slowed to a fraction of their normal level. Europe’s purchasing went into overdrive, pushing gas prices to extraordinary levels—equivalent to roughly $400 per barrel of oil or more. As a result, the gas storage facilities are now full. Gas prices, at least for the next few months, have plunged. There is simply nowhere to put more of the stuff. It’s now the daily charges for LNG tankers that have gone through the roof, as shippers wait offshore for European demand to return. It is only a matter of time. The gas storage facilities are sufficient to cover no more than a few months. Gas prices for next year and for the foreseeable future remain severely elevated—in the $200-per-barrel range, around 8 times their precrisis levels. With no prospect of a resumption of Russian gas deliveries in sight, the outlook is grim—unless, that is, the weather stays warm.
Weather has mattered in modern European history before. A freezing winter in 1946-47 brought Europe to a standstill and helped to trigger Washington into launching the Marshall Plan. But that was in the immediate aftermath of World War II, when the continent was in ruins. For Europe in the third decade of the 21st century to find itself at the mercy of the weather truly comes as a shock.
Of course, as the saying goes, Europe is forged in crisis and consists largely of the sum of the solutions found to those crises. But when Jean Monnet, one of the architects of European integration, made that famous declaration in 1976, he can hardly have expected a severe cold snap or an unusual warm spell to swing the history of the continent. Even former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, when he used the term “polycrisis” to describe Europe’s situation in 2016, cannot have imagined a moment as precarious as this. He was thinking of the Syrian refugee crisis, the Eurozone debt crisis, and the Russian annexation of Crimea. The difference is that throughout the first clash over Ukraine, Russian gas continued to flow.
In the worst-case scenario, if the thermometer plunges in the next few months, several European countries could be forced to impose gas rationing. Even with good weather, the outlook for next year is alarming. The concerns are not merely prospective. With energy prices currently hovering around five times their precrisis levels, energy-intensive industries such as fertilizer and aluminum are already shutting down. Under the pressure of the shock, the energy supply chain in Europe is fracturing. Energy supply companies have found themselves caught between fixed-price contracts with their customers and soaring gas and power costs. It turns out that there is maturity mismatch, one of the boogeymen of the financial crisis of 2008, at the heart of the energy supply system. Either supply companies breach their contracts, or they pile up gigantic losses that bring them to the brink of bankruptcy—or a bailout. The nationalization of Germany’s Uniper has already cost the taxpayers billions of euros.
To mitigate the damage to households and businesses, Europe’s governments have launched a variety of programs to stabilize prices. The details are mind-bogglingly complex and contentious. Germany agreed, only very reluctantly, to the idea of a maximum price for European gas purchases. As its government points out, it will work only if demand does not surge elsewhere. With Italy, France, and Spain taking the initiative early in the crisis to introduce national support programs, and Germany following suit with its own gigantic energy package, there has been little European coordination. The only thing that is clear is that effective programs are going to be very expensive. The German package is touted as costing 200 billion euros. On top of earlier German support programs, the total bill could run to 5 percent to 6 percent of its GDP—a lot even for a country of Germany’s fiscal capacity.
Europe has a track record of big crises with big bills. But this one is particularly tricky to handle. After the banking crises of the late 2000s, Germany did not want to foot the bill for a common bank insurance fund to support weaker banks in Italy and Spain. But at least those countries’ efforts to support their own ailing banks made Germany’s banks more, rather than less, safe. The opposite is precisely the situation regarding energy subsidies. Uncoordinated gas stockpiling by the richest consumers prices poorer consumers out of the market to the benefit of speculators. In this regard, the measures taken so far to meet the crisis are akin to vaccine nationalism or protectionist policies to horde limited supplies of personal protective equipment.
Back in 2020, in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seemed as though Europe might fail to agree to a common pandemic plan. French President Emmanuel Macron spoke of a “moment of truth” for the EU. A deal was done for common borrowing to fund national government spending. Europe also adopted an impressively coordinated approach to vaccine procurement and distribution. It was cumbersome but addressed basic issues of equity. More than eight months on from the start of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the prospects for a similar deal to face the energy crisis are very uncertain.
Crucially, the common response to the COVID crisis depended on an agreement between France and Germany. With the help of their finance ministries, then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Macron reached a deal on EU borrowing. Today, relations between France and Germany are at their lowest in recent memory. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Macron have a frosty working relationship. They are split over the gas-price-cap proposal, with France favoring more dramatic measures. They are split over the proposal for a gas pipeline to connect the Spanish and Portuguese LNG gasification terminals with the rest of Europe. France has effectively vetoed the plan. In February, when Germany announced its much-heralded defense-spending package, Paris was dismayed by the fact that the first big-ticket purchase went on U.S. F-35s, rather than a European alternative. More recently, Germany launched a new missile and air defense program without prior consultation with France, which left Paris fearing that Berlin now sees its future as the protector and patron of its Eastern European neighbors.
Most fundamentally, to address the escalating costs of the energy crisis and the financial legacies of COVID, Paris would like to renegotiate Europe’s fiscal architecture, including the question of common European borrowing. Scholz initially gave some indication that he was open to this discussion, only for Germany’s finance minister, Christian Lindner, of the Free Democratic party, to issue a firm “Nein,” both on common borrowing and on any fundamental redesign of the Stability and Growth Pact, the agreement that disciplines national fiscal policy in the Eurozone.
As Lindner points out, France can currently borrow at more attractive interest rates than Brussels. However, as everyone knows, that is not the point. The countries that need the protection of a common-borrowing scheme are Greece, Spain, and above all, Italy.
For a long time, liberals and progressives have worried about the rightward drift of Italian politics. Now, following the September 2022 elections, Rome has seen the inauguration of a far-right government headed by Giorgia Meloni of the Fratelli d’Italia, a party descended from a post-fascist lineage. By bitter coincidence, they took office just as Italy’s most diehard post-fascists have been celebrating the centennial of Mussolini’s march on Rome.
In choosing her ministerial team, Meloni seems to have been at pains to avoid provocation on economic and financial affairs. The finance minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti, is from the business wing of the Lega. He is the only holdover from the Draghi cabinet and more pro-European and pragmatic than Matteo Salvini, his party boss. But, for all his alleged moderation, a showdown with an outspoken German finance minister is red meat for any Italian nationalist. It would also suit Lindner, whose party is under pressure in the polls. If Scholz does not take charge of the issue, a clash between Italian and German finance ministers could spiral into the crisis that the rest of Europe fears. Even if the financial issue can be settled, Meloni’s picks for the rest of the cabinet are much less conciliatory. The stage seems set for clashes between Rome and Brussels over issues including immigration, climate change, and reproductive rights.
Among Europe’s nightmares is now the prospect that Italy under Meloni could become a second Poland, challenging the cohesive value system of the EU precisely at the moment that Brussels is seeking to consolidate a solid front against Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Poland, as a nonmember of the Eurozone, is not integral to the functioning of the EU in the way that Italy is. But Warsaw has acquired huge new significance as a frontline state in the confrontation with Russia. It is positioning itself to take full advantage of this leverage by dramatically raising its defense spending and cultivating its role as one of the United States’ most active allies within NATO. Despite Brexit and the shambles in London, Putin has helped to forge a new axis that runs from Washington via London to Warsaw. As if to emphasize the historic resonances of this axis, Poland’s nationalist parliamentarians have picked this moment to reopen the issue of reparations for the genocidal atrocities perpetrated by Germany in World War II.
Europe is embroiled in an ongoing and unpredictable war in which Putin’s Russia must not be allowed to prevail. Its basic energy supply is in doubt. In Germany, Italy, and Poland, the issues at stake are as much political as diplomatic, technical, or economic. This makes the resolution of the current crisis far more intractable. When Monnet declared that Europe would be forged in crisis, he not only assumed that there were, in fact, solutions to be forged, but he also assumed that those forging the European answers would be its civil servants and elite decision-makers. Operating independently of popular politics, they would find their way toward satisfying the functional imperatives of the moment. That model of European institution-building has been in doubt arguably since the French and Dutch referenda of 2005 shot down the proposal for a European constitution. This does not mean that progress toward “ever greater union” is impossible. 2020 proved the contrary. But it requires complex intergovernmental bargains. As winter approaches, the signs for such a deal in the present crisis seem anything but good.
It is not for nothing that Europe’s governments are looking to the weather. The one bit of good news is that the long-range forecasts look favorable. Perhaps unseasonable warmth will buy Europe’s politicians the time they need. If the thermometer drops, however, the pressure on Europe’s capitals will become intense.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment plans to launch a campaign in August asking people living in Finland to save energy.
The ministry confirmed to Yle that the campaign is being prepared, but did not comment further about its content.
However the ministry did note that the campaign stems from an EU Commission initiative. Similar campaigns are already underway in many EU countries like Germany, Italy and France.
In Finland, the campaign will be announced at the end of August and rolled out towards autumn—when heating and fewer daylight hours start to demand more energy.
The campaign will focus on heating and hot water consumption, according to one of the campaign's planners, Päivi Suur-Uski, anenergy efficiency expert from the firm Motiva.
"The energy saving measures taken by consumers are effective. In Finland, about a third of energy use goes into heating buildings," Suur-Uski told Yle.
Suur-Uski added that reducing a home's heating thermostat temperature by one degree corresponds to energy savings of up to five percent.
"We also have a lot of heated spaces, such as garages and warehouses, that don't necessarily need to be heated," Suur-Uski pointed out.
Hot water's share in heating costs can be up to 30-40 percent of the total bill.
"Limiting shower time is a quick way to reduce energy consumption. Let's forget about fifteen minute showers and spend no more than five minutes there," Suur-Uski emphasised.
She estimated that with effective saving, households could cut a total of around 10-20 percent of their total energy usage.
"It would have a huge impact nationally," Suur-Uski concluded.
Last campaign: Oil crisis of the 1970s
The last time a similar campaign was undertaken was during the global oil crisis in the 1970s.
Back then, the government outlined, among other things, that room temperatures should be lowered, advertising lights reduced and road traffic speeds cut to 80 kilometres per hour.
The efforts helped Finland to decrease its oil consumption by more than 10 percent annually.
Lack of energy in autumn?
Senior advisor Oras Tynkkynen, from sustainable development firm Sitra, considered it possible that there will be an energy shortage in the autumn. There is a chance that controlled, two-hour blackouts may be used as a last resort.
"In the worst case scenario, we have to decide to whom the energy is directed to. Energy supply would be secured for hospitals, for example, but parts of the industrial sector could be cut off for some time," Tynkkynen estimated.
The adequate supply of electricity depends, among other things, on whether the new nuclear power plant Olkiluoto 3 can be put into full commercial use by winter. The supply of natural gas, on the other hand, depends on the schedule of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal shared by Finland and Estonia.
"We have to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst, and also for the energy supply to be seriously disrupted," Tynkkynen told Yle.
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Naka relate naman ako kay Anon. Na ghost din ako and I’m also waiting sa reply nya
Been in a no label relationship or unmutual feelings I guess for 4 years until i excuse myself na with this set up, and ghosted him, bigla nalang akong di nagreply and blocked him in all my socials, minsan siguro it’s the least thing we can do to protect also our inner peace after all the shit they’ve done. Pero i know my case siguro is far different from yours and kay anon, may ghoster na shit lng talaga
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1rakus · 2 years
ikadalawa na tong beses nakacovid si bink bonk marcos at sigurong hindi nya ikakamatay toh pero ayoko magibg killjoy so celebrate na lng natin hehe
APPARENTLY multiple cases makes you even more susceptible to covid like sabi ng isang article binasa ko continual infections dont confer immunity so ykw. if this one doesn't take i'll pray for 3 then 4 then 5
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downincmi · 8 days
LNG Bunkering Market: Fuelling the Green Revolution
Introduction to LNG Bunkering Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering refers to the process of supplying LNG to ships for their engines. As an alternative marine fuel, LNG is gaining popularity due to its lower emission levels compared to other fossil fuels such as heavy fuel oil. The maritime industry has been exploring strategies to reduce both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ships. The use of LNG as a marine fuel presents significant environmental benefits and is seen as an important transition fuel towards a decarbonized future. Regulatory Push for Greener Shipping International regulations have put increased pressure on the shipping industry to reduce both air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced stricter emission control areas with lower sulfur limits, pushing ship owners to find cleaner alternatives to comply. Starting in 2020, the global sulfur cap on marine fuel was reduced from 3.5% to 0.5%, significantly lowering sulfur oxide emissions. The IMO's ambitious GHG reduction strategy also aims to cut the sector's total annual emissions by at least 50% from 2008 levels by 2050. Faced with tightening environmental norms, LNG has emerged as one of the most viable options for ship owners looking to futureproof their fleets. Technological Advances Driving Infrastructure Development Over the past decade, technological advancements have made LNG bunkering commercially and operationally viable. New LNG containment systems with membrane tanks allow larger volumes of LNG to be transported safely. Dedicated LNG bunker vessels are being built with advanced vaporization capabilities. Containerized bunker storage units provide another flexible bunkering solution. Major ports are developing LNG fueling infrastructure like bunkering terminals and truck-to-ship supply to support the growing LNG-fueled fleet. Leading classification societies have released comprehensive guidelines for LNG bunker vessels and tank design. All these factors are enabling the broader uptake of LNG as a marine fuel on major shipping routes. Rising Deployment of LNG-powered Ships An increasing number of vessel owners and operators are retrofitting their vessels to use LNG or selecting LNG propulsion for newbuilding contracts. Almost 300 vessels either in operation or on order are now LNG-fueled across different ship segments including container ships, cruise vessels, car carriers and bulk carriers. Major Asian shipyards are actively developing LNG dual-fuel engine designs to meet this rising demand. Recent studies show that the global LNG-fuelled fleet is estimated to grow to over 2,000 ships by 2030. Major companies like CMA CGM, MSC and Hapag-Lloyd are deploying large LNG-powered containerships to service major East-West trades. The technology is also gaining ground in short-sea and inland waterways segments in Europe and Asia. Outlook for Further Market Expansion More supportive regulations, technological improvements and growing bunkering infrastructure are positive triggers for LNG to gain further adoption as a marine fuel in the coming decades. As early movers start reporting operational and economic benefits, additional ship owners are expected to embrace the transition. Developing low-carbon bio-LNG and synthetic LNG options can further improve the environmental credentials of LNG as a marine fuel. While challenges remain around standardized bunkering practices and supply availability globally, the LNG bunkering market is projected to experience strong expansion to meet demand from the rising LNG-fuelled fleet. National emission-cutting pledges and upcoming carbon-pricing mechanisms will likely strengthen the case for investments into cleaner marine fuels like LNG. The future looks promising for the growth of LNG as a commercially viable and more sustainable alternative for the global shipping industry.
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mdarra · 13 days
Papa said i need to learn to drive and get my license already. Pano ba naman? Clerkship is just few weeks away tapos saka lang iaannounce that we'll be having our rotations in 2 hospitals in elyu and 2 in baguio. Jusq. All along akala namin paghihiwalayin lng nila kami ng hospitals pero hindi. All of us will rotate on those hospitals pala, andddd ang schedule pala is, 1 month IT/LMC then akyat BGH for 1 month then baba uli ng IT/LMC? Gets ko yung desire for us to be exposed to different cases in different places pero they could've said this sooner hahahahaha. All along akala ko makakauwi na ako. Slight lang pala hahahahaha
Excited ako, for sure. Perooooo juskooo ninenerbyos na ako 😭 and this memo isn't helping me hahahahaha san ko ngayon isisingit ang driving school sa sched ko diba? It's finals week already 😭
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blueenergymotors · 15 days
BEM: Leading Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers in India
India's logistics sector is changing constantly. As the industry continues to evolve, one company has made a name for itself. That company is Blue Energy Motors, the leader in green trucking in India. The company was incorporated 2 years back and since then has earned the reputation for being the best truck company in India in terms of performance and sustainability. The company has completely transformed the commercial vehicle manufacturing sector through its green technology and decarbonization efforts. 
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At the core of Blue Energy Motors' mission is its commitment to combat climate change. The company has made it a mission to transform the planet’s health with its eco-friendly trucking alternatives. Blue Energy Motors has manufactured countless trucks that run on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)- widely considered to be the cleanest burning fossil fuel in the world. The company has taken steady steps to reduce the carbon footprint of the logistics sector. Many customers consider them to be the premier commercial vehicle manufacturer in India thanks to their steady performance and long-term vision. 
Since its inception, the company has already reduced over 4250 tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to planting 1,70,000 trees. This significant contribution is crucial in addressing the alarming 14% share of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the logistics sector. Commercial vehicle manufacturers in India need to keep this in mind and develop solutions accordingly. 
The need for decarbonisation options in the logistics industry cannot be overstated, especially considering the challenges faced by hard-to-abate industries like cement and steel. The challenge lies in the fact that hard-to-abate sectors are almost indispensable to the country. They contribute heavily to the country’s GDP. And yet they are also heavy greenhouse gas emitters. It is crucial that we find a way to balance profitability with sustainability. Truck manufacturers like Blue Energy Motors will play an important role in helping us get out of this cycle. 
Blue Energy Motors green trucking solutions offer a viable and sustainable alternative, aligning with Prime Minister Modi's vision of making India carbon-neutral by 2070. 
However, sustainability is not the only driving force behind Blue Energy Motors' success. The company's commitment to innovation and profitability sets it apart as the best truck in India. By embracing green technology, Blue Energy Motors improves Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores, attracting investors and ensuring long-term profitability for stakeholders. 
One of the key features that make their trucks the best truck in India is its exceptional fuel range of 1400 kilometers on every fill. This impressive range not only enhances operational efficiency but also reduces the frequency of refueling stops, optimizing productivity for logistics businesses. 
Furthermore, Blue Energy Motors offers cutting-edge technology to enhance safety and performance. The Driver State Behavior Monitoring System ensures that you get instant alerts in case of driver over-speeding, harsh braking, and acceleration. The company also offers 24*7 access to command centers, which provide regular updates about the performance of your trucks. Talk about running a smooth & efficient operation. Additionally, the advanced telematics system reduces truck breakdowns by 75%, minimizing downtime and improving overall reliability. 
In conclusion, Blue Energy Motors stands well ahead of other truck companies in India. By offering trucks that focus on sustainability, innovation, and profitability, they are helping the country reduce its environmental footprint.
For more: Leading Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers in India
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mouwi-meowth · 19 days
May 24 2024
Surprisingly, my post today is not about Lesher (ahahahaha) or maybe sinabi ko lng din yon.
And, I post here sa tumblr if Im feeling a strong emotion.
Im not sure saan galing ito, but here are maybe the triggers
1. Natapunan ko ng milo-kape ung office laptap ko worth 40K. Susme. Due to negligence and work inefficiently. Naglalaro akong Township (not blaming this game) ahahahaha. During working hrs. Ahahahahaha.
2. First day of mens FTM of May 2024
3. Ng-iced coffee ulit ako (Pickup Coffee Vietnamese Latte regular-unpaid pa ky Phil. Ahahhahaha) for like I thinks months na? Not been drinking a lot of coffee for the past less than a year na.
And I think the trigger talaga is the #1. Ahahahahah. And my defense/coping mechanism is doing its job to shield and hide it. (Still not really sure) ahahahahaha.
And here's the thought.
It's about my friendship with Marlyn. Ahahahahaha. I know Ive been unfair? to her recently kc parang ayoko syang mkasama. Ahahahahaha. Nag-aaya naman sya pero indi ko na pinapansin and really not looking forward to it kc in my defense, maraming cases n nagka-cancel sya. Ahahahaha. Ewan ko n rn. Basta baka nawalan n rn ako ng tiwala. Or, I really need ung consistency (like the title) pero parang hindi kc more of scheduled dapat? Like ung mga runs nmin nila Leizl at Krizza, concert (June 1 IU 🤩), Palawan travel with Cheng & Fam (July 28 - 31) 😌☺️. Unlike sa scheduled mall ni Marlyn na pwedeng i-cancel up to the last minute. Ahahahahaha.
Ayun lang. Just felt I need to type this. Ahahhahaha.
P.S. Sana oks pa laptop ko. 🥲🙏🏿 40K is 40K. Ahuhuhuhu. If need, need strength on how to deal and pay for it. Ahahahahha. It really is my negligence and had to pay for that. Ahahahaha. Really hope that this type/kind is only my kind of "emegency" and really thankful for that to God. 😇🤗🙏🏿
P.P.S. Thankful also for this kind of mindset. ☺️
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plethoraworldatlas · 28 days
A top U.S. House Democrat announced Tuesday that he is demanding answers from fossil fuel executives after Washington Post reporting revealed last week that former Republican President Donald Trump recently told industry leaders he would gut climate regulations if they raised $1 billion for his 2024 presidential campaign.
Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Monday wrote to the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG.
Raskin's letters note that the executives "appear to have attended" Trump's fundraising dinner at Mar-a-Lago in Florida last month and "media reports raise significant potential ethical, campaign finance, and legal issues that would flow from the effective sale of American energy and regulatory policy to commercial interests in return for large campaign contributions."
"Mr. Trump's unvarnished quid pro quo offer is especially troubling evidence in light of recent accounts that the 'U.S. oil industry is drawing up ready-to-sign executive orders for Donald Trump aimed at pushing natural gas exports, cutting drilling costs, and increasing offshore oil leases in case he wins a second term,'" he wrote, citing Politico. "These preparatory actions suggest that certain oil and gas companies, which have a track record of using deceitful tactics to undermine effective climate policy, may have already accepted or facilitated Mr. Trump's explicit corrupt bargain."
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