#lk tel
saugerencias · 1 month
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VHS de mi colección personal
'Fuga de Absolom' sucede en 2022, las cárceles son negocios y los presos mas peligrosos son dejados a merced de la naturaleza.
'Escape from Absolom' como lo dice su título en España, o 'No Escape' (título original) es una película estrenada en 1994, de acción, pasable, con Ray Liotta como protagonista. También, en un papel secundario, actúa Ernie Hudson o mejor conocido como Winston Zeddemore de Los Cazafantasmas.
No había visto los avances, me esperaba algo más de la onda de Mad Max o Blade Runner y casi todo sucede en una isla con algunas "armas del futuro".
NO ESCAPE Película Director: Martin Campbell Año: 1994
Todas las películas que publico en VHS son de mi colección y las ví en ese formato. Creo que no está en ninguna plataforma digital.
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weirdcine · 2 years
"A Repossuída" (1990) será lançado em Blu-Ray pela primeira vez ainda este ano
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Foto: Reprodução | Arte do filme em português brasileiro
O ótimo perfil do Instagram, Dawn of the Discs, comentou hoje em primeira mão que o filme de terror cômico "A Repossuída" (1990) será remasterizado e lançado pela primeira vez em Blu-Ray ainda este ano. O relançamento deverá ocorrer pelas produtoras Lionsgate/Vestron.
O diretor do filme, Bob Logan postou o seguinte comentário em seu perfil pessoal no Facebook: “Na semana passada, concedi uma entrevista e fiz um áudio comentado de diretor em um dos meus filmes, ‘A Repossuída’, para o seu re-lançamento em Blu-ray.”
O filme foi, digamos, uma pá de cal sobre a carreira de Linda Blair - que buscava um retorno a popularidade com essa "readaptação" de seu maior sucesso. A norte-americana People disse que o filme era uma decepção para seus fãs, mesmo tendo-o classificado como "muito divertido e bacana". A Entertainment Weekly classificou-o como um pouco acima de média, dizendo ser bom ver Linda novamente nas telonas. O The New York Times detonou: "...Tentativa desastrosa".
Em outras considerações, o filme foi tido como fraco e com um filme não muito satisfatório - apesar dos esforços e do bom elenco.
O filme ganhou o Framboesa de Ouro na categoria de "Pior canção original" pela música "He's Comin' Back (The Devil!)".
Nos EUA, 'A Repossuída' recebeu seu 1º lançamento com poucas cópias pela New Line Cinema, sob o selo de Seven Arts, em setembro de 1990. O filme fora lançado em VHS e Laserdisc ambos naquele mesmo ano. Em 2003, a Artisan Entertainment o lançou em DVD. O filme foi relançado no formato digital em 2009 pela Lions Gate e novamente em 2011 numa coleção, o famoso pack de filmes.
No Brasil, o filme segue sem qualquer previsão de lançamento para BD. No país, ele foi lançado oficialmente apenas em formato VHS com legendas eletrônicas na segunda metade dos anos 90 pela LK-TEL Vídeo, e foi exibido na GLOBO pelo Intercine no final dos anos 90 - mais precisamente, em 29/04/1998, com dublagem da clássica da Herbert Richers (posteriormente redublado pela Delart-RJ).
O filme conta com o galhofeiro Leslie Nielsen num papel inusitado e num filme que faz uma sátira óbvia ao "O Exorcista" (1973), de William Friedkin.
Na história, "Nancy Aglet (Linda Blair), um esposa suburbana é possuída por um demônio e cria mil confusões em seu lar, antes que o padre aposentado Jebedaiah Mayii (Leslie Nielsen) resolva sair de seu claustro para exorcizá-la."
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kb85lazy · 4 months
There’s just me n u lk Pa
We r here for sleep
I will tel u code
Everything is u
Everything is me
You will not see them
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I post re m ss match -+--------swast ic *~+------+-&-+-+----- th. c, sm ***_ fan...
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#comedy n f u nn y ,ccc
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leohewingtion · 1 year
VideoOmega Entertainment LK TEL Video Argentina Logo History 1989 2009
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
nt bc it's dark b bc include dark n cultures prohibit explicit darking, so lf or my interest not especially datk js equally, about honesty, hm k uni
H k j yh k
Dk ww hm u,,j,o,jww uh, show,uh,long,h,k,,k,j,u,uh,k,,
Gt educated mate ok,ww
Js sample lk hi nt rly audition,h,k,uo,k,ww
Ww dk,ho,k,,ww,sad,j,k,j
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Many listening n then,hm, some lessons, not even gd ones js terms here n there ig,ww dk,j,
Air dk ww tooth,hk,o,,ww yh jok
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Heard of. Give low work in high wuantiite b not explain urself, assignment nt go w lec. N like defense, my god,uh,no,j,,
0 notes
ongole · 2 years
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 GROUP, Tue Sept 27th, 2022...Tuesday of the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C...Memorial of St Vincent de Paul, Priest
▪︎【Read God's Word daily on "DSR 📚 GROUPS"' WhatsApp Tel. +256751540524】
Reading 1
Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23
Job opened his mouth and cursed his day.
Job spoke out and said:
Perish the day on which I was born,
the night when they said, “The child is a boy!”
Why did I not perish at birth,
come forth from the womb and expire?
Or why was I not buried away like an untimely birth,
like babes that have never seen the light?
Wherefore did the knees receive me?
or why did I suck at the breasts?
For then I should have lain down and been tranquil;
had I slept, I should then have been at rest
With kings and counselors of the earth
who built where now there are ruins
Or with princes who had gold
and filled their houses with silver.
There the wicked cease from troubling,
there the weary are at rest.
Why is light given to the toilers,
and life to the bitter in spirit?
They wait for death and it comes not;
they search for it rather than for hidden treasures,
Rejoice in it exultingly,
and are glad when they reach the grave:
Those whose path is hidden from them,
and whom God has hemmed in!
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 88:2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8
R. (3) Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
O LORD, my God, by day I cry out;
at night I clamor in your presence.
Let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my call for help.
R. Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
For my soul is surfeited with troubles
and my life draws near to the nether world.
I am numbered with those who go down into the pit;
I am a man without strength.
R. Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
My couch is among the dead,
like the slain who lie in the grave,
Whom you remember no longer
and who are cut off from your care.
R. Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
You have plunged me into the bottom of the pit,
into the dark abyss.
Upon me your wrath lies heavy,
and with all your billows you overwhelm me.
R. Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
Mk 10:45
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
The Son of Man came to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Lk 9:51-56
When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled,
he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem,
and he sent messengers ahead of him.
On the way they entered a Samaritan village
to prepare for his reception there,
but they would not welcome him
because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked,
“Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven
to consume them?”
Jesus turned and rebuked them,
and they journeyed to another village.
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 GROUP, Tue Sept 27th, 2022...Tuesday of the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C...Memorial of St Vincent de Paul, Priest
You know that feeling. Some days, you might wonder why you even got out of bed. Nothing is going right. The world seems stacked against you. Even your prayer is dry and seems to fall on deaf ears. That seems to be what Job is feeling in today’s first reading. I don’t want anyone to feel that way, but, in a way, I am glad I am not the only one. I am encouraged by what I read in today’s Gospel. Maybe what I have to do is to do what Jesus instructed the apostles to do. The apostles wanted to lash out against those who would not welcome them. Jesus rebuked them and instead, they took a different path to avoid those who would not welcome them.
Instead of being overwhelmed, maybe we need to take a different path. This is not to say we don’t face real problems. Difficult, if not impossible choices. Life events and people that wear us down. Sometimes we need professional help. We can still ask God to help. He is there. He is with us and loves us when we are overwhelmed and when we are feeling good.
Let me take a deep breath and breathe in gratitude instead of resentment. Can I try a different prayer? Can I center myself and listen for God?
Today also is the memorial of St. Vincent de Paul, known for his compassion, humility and generosity. The society founded in his name seeks to continue St. Vincent de Paul’s work of relationship and service to those in need. I can see some of that work in my own community with thrift stores and other services. My prayer today is to listen for God. And to ask God and St. Vincent de Paul to help me find a way to live out that work of relationship and service to those in need.
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 GROUP, Tue Sept 27th, 2022...Tuesday of the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C...Memorial of St Vincent de Paul, Priest...SAINT OF THE DAY
Saint Vincent de Paul
(1580 - Sept 27, 1660)
Saint Vincent de Paul's Story
The deathbed confession of a dying servant opened Vincent de Paul’s eyes to the crying spiritual needs of the peasantry of France. This seems to have been a crucial moment in the life of the man from a small farm in Gascony, France, who had become a priest with little more ambition than to have a comfortable life.
The Countess de Gondi—whose servant he had helped—persuaded her husband to endow and support a group of able and zealous missionaries who would work among poor tenant farmers and country people in general. Vincent was too humble to accept leadership at first, but after working for some time in Paris among imprisoned galley slaves, he returned to be the leader of what is now known as the Congregation of the Mission, or the Vincentians. These priests, with vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and stability, were to devote themselves entirely to the people in smaller towns and villages.
Later, Vincent established confraternities of charity for the spiritual and physical relief of the poor and sick of each parish. From these, with the help of Saint Louise de Marillac, came the Daughters of Charity, “whose convent is the sickroom, whose chapel is the parish church, whose cloister is the streets of the city.” He organized the rich women of Paris to collect funds for his missionary projects, founded several hospitals, collected relief funds for the victims of war, and ransomed over 1,200 galley slaves from North Africa. He was zealous in conducting retreats for clergy at a time when there was great laxity, abuse, and ignorance among them. He was a pioneer in clerical training and was instrumental in establishing seminaries.
Most remarkably, Vincent was by temperament a very irascible person—even his friends admitted it. He said that except for the grace of God he would have been “hard and repulsive, rough and cross.” But he became a tender and affectionate man, very sensitive to the needs of others.
Pope Leo XIII made him the patron of all charitable societies. Outstanding among these, of course, is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, founded in 1833 by his admirer Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.
The Church is for all God’s children, rich and poor, peasants and scholars, the sophisticated and the simple. But obviously the greatest concern of the Church must be for those who need the most help—those made helpless by sickness, poverty, ignorance, or cruelty. Vincent de Paul is a particularly appropriate patron for all Christians today, when hunger has become starvation, and the high living of the rich stands in more and more glaring contrast to the physical and moral degradation in which many of God’s children are forced to live.
Saint Vincent de Paul is the Patron Saint of:
Charitable Societies
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xawocacumo · 2 years
Wersi pegasus 2 plus bedienungsanleitung deutsch
                    3.5.2. Klangfarbenwahl für die linke Manualhälfte/Pedal (Optional).. 3.5.3. Viertelton absenkt und plus 50 um einen Viertelton hebt. Benutzerhandbücher für Wersi Pegasus 2 Plus. Wir haben 1 Wersi Pegasus 2 Plus Anleitung zum kostenlosen PDF-Download zur Verfügung: Bedienungsanleitung ||l WERSI Visions of Sound Bedienungsanleitung 2. Die nachfolgende Anleitung beschreibt den PEGASUS 2 sowohl in der "plus" als auch in der "normal" When updating from 2.85 to 2.86 only the first two files WERSI Install and Software are required. Pegasus Wing Bedienungsanleitung / Manual — 33.2 MB. Untergruppen bzw. Einzeleinstellungen geordnet sind. Hier eine kurze Übersicht: 2. Zusatzhandbuch Pegasus Wing Software 2.0 Release 00.02. PEGASUS WING.Ansicht Und Herunterladen Wersi Pegasus 2 Bedienungsanleitung Online. Pegasus 2 Musikinstrumente Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Drticken Sie Den Displaytaster Deutschland. Tel: +49 221 8884-0 Optionale Erweiterung “Selector-Plus” . 2. Zusatzhandbuch Pegasus Wing Software 2.0 Release 00.03. wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen, daß Sie sich für das WERSI PEGASUS Keboard oder den Hammond plus Perkussion mit Rock 2 Rhythmus 6/7 German Folkmusic.
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rainerifernando · 2 years
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DVD R.S.V.P. Confirme Sua Presença
Sobrenatural .
Gravadora LK-Tel.
Duração 100 minutos, mais bônus.
Indicação 18 anos.
DVD Original, em ótimo estado de conservação.
Ideal para colecionadores e apreciadores de bom filme.
Artes e Antiguidades
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regioonlineofficial · 3 months
Binnenland - In de winter zijn de dagen korter en is het eerder donker. Als u liever niet in de auto stapt wanneer het begint te schemeren of al donker is, kan het openbaar vervoer een oplossing bieden. OV-ambassadeurs staan klaar om u hierbij te helpen. Ook als u andere vragen heeft over het gebruik van het ov of al een tijdje niet meer met bus of trein heeft gereisd. Stel uw vragen tijdens een inloopspreekuur Tijdens maandelijkse inloopspreekuren op verschillende locaties geven OV-ambassadeurs advies en tips over reizen met de bus of trein. Ze helpen hun leeftijdsgenoten om zelfstandig te blijven reizen, en laten zien dat het openbaar vervoer helemaal niet moeilijk is. Door het zelf te ervaren, zult u merken dat het meevalt! Of het nu gaat om een bezoek aan familie, een museum, of een ziekenhuiscontrole, reizen met het openbaar vervoer wordt dan geen probleem meer. Data en tijden: dinsdag 5 maart 2024 14.00 – 15.30 uur maandag 18 maart 2024 10.30 – 12.00 uur Locatie: Bibliotheek Hengelo Stad, Beursstraat 34, Hengelo Telefonische spreekuren  met openbaar vervoers-ambassadeur Als u de voorkeur geeft aan telefonisch contact met een OV-ambassadeur, neem dan gerust contact op tijdens het telefonisch spreekuur. OV-ambassadeurs zijn elke werkdag beschikbaar om uw vragen te beantwoorden. U kunt hen bereiken op: 038 – 303 70 10.     Maandag- t/m vrijdagochtend van 10.00 tot 12.00 uur   Dinsdag- en donderdagmiddag van 13.30 tot 15.00 uur   Maandag- en woensdagavond van 18.30 tot 20.00 uur     De OV-ambassadeurs helpen u graag op weg!     Voor meer informatie en een overzicht van alle activiteiten kunt u terecht op de website.: www.ervaarhetov.nl/ov-ambassadeur.   De provincies Overijssel, Gelderland en Flevoland streven ernaar het openbaar vervoer voor iedereen zo gemakkelijk en toegankelijk mogelijk te maken. Hoewel reizen met het openbaar vervoer vele voordelen biedt, is het niet voor iedereen vanzelfsprekend. OV-ambassadeurs, vrijwilligers met uitgebreide kennis van het openbaar vervoer, bieden hierbij ondersteuning. Contactinformatie                                OV-ambassadeurs                                                               Peterskampweg 12   8031 LK Zwolle       tel. 038-454 01 30     
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unspeakablecruelty · 2 years
sure i have songs i relate to but some songs literally im like… it feels like the artist reached directly into my brain for these lyrics like this song IS LITERALLY ME
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lawrenceop · 4 years
Holy Land Retrospective - Day 1
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One year ago, on the feast of Divine Mercy, I made my way to Heathrow airport after Mass, for my first pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This journey, organised by 206 Tours, was an answer to my prayers. Until recently I did not feel ready nor worthy to walk in that place where “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14). But shortly after I returned from studies in Washington DC, I felt this yearning to see the Holy Land, and so I prayed for the opportunity to go, and I left it in God’s hands. Two weeks later, an email arrived inviting me to serve as one of a team of spiritual directors on a unique pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the company of Jim Caviezel, and led by the wonderful Fr Donald Calloway MIC. Truly, God is provident, and his generosity exceeds our asking! 
Divine Mercy Sunday 2020 was the 28th of April, and I flew out on a night flight after a rather gruelling round of questions at the airport. At one point, I did not think I would be allowed to board but I kept clutching my Rosary and saying prayers silently. I entrusted all to Jesus who, it seemed to me, had arranged this pilgrimage for me at this opportune time, just after the Easter Octave.
On this nine-day pilgrimage, I took 1453 photos on my phone, and I shared the best of these on Facebook as we went. I often find that this is the best way to share my experiences with my family and friends. I also had my DSLR camera with me, and I took 1416 photos with my camera. I have been sharing these photos on my Flickr page, posting on liturgically appropriate days. For example, on the feast of the Annunciation (25 March) I shared this photo of the site of Mary’s house in Nazareth where the Word became incarnate in Our Lady’s womb.
Now as the liturgical anniversary of this wonderful pilgrimage comes round, I wanted to relive those days; to give thanks to God and Our Lady for this trip; to remember the places we saw, and the people I met; and to reflect theologically and spiritually on this pilgrimage with the aide-memoire of the photos I took. It shall be a novena of sorts. 
For, in what follows, for the next nine days, I will post no more than nine photos a day (sometimes fewer), and I will choose photos taken on my camera only, and which I have not already uploaded to Flickr. Clicking on the link for each photo (links are all in red text) will take you to the Flickr page where you can see the photo in larger sizes. This exercise is meant to help challenge me to look at the entire photo collection again with fresh eyes. I hope it will help you, too, to see the places associated with Christ and the mysteries of our salvation. Thank you for joining me on this journey of faith.
I arrived at daybreak in Israel, on the Monday of ‘Low Week’. The drive to Jerusalem took about an hour, and my eyes soaked in the landscape before me, the topography that Jesus had also looked upon; the dusky green foliage; a field heavy with wheat and ripe for the harvesting (cf Lk 10:2). And we went across hills and through rocky ravines, going from the seaside city of Tel Aviv to the ancient hill-top citadel of Jerusalem. As we approached the words of Psalm 48 resounded in my mind: “His holy mountain rises in beauty, the joy of all the earth.Mount Zion, true pole of the earth, the Great King’s city! God, in the midst of its citadels, has shown himself its stronghold.”
Green wooded hills gave way to white stone as various dwellings and buildings were perched on the hills, and soon, I saw banners with the lion of Judah on them: we had arrived in the Holy City of Jerusalem. But, above all, that first morning in the Holy Land, I noticed the light, as photographers are wont to do: as the sun rose, the skies turned pale blue, and the light grey clouds were tinged with gold and orange; it seemed to me a divine light, full of promise.
We didn’t have anything planned until the evening, so I had the whole day to explore. Tired from the flight, but too excited to sleep, I went and had breakfast in the hotel – the food, throughout this pilgrimage, was delicious and healthily Mediterranean, with many salads, fresh produce, and honey from the comb. And then, I went to explore this most ancient and unique of cities: Jerusalem, the abode of peace! My first stop was the Holy Sepulchre, and I went without any cameras. It’s important, where possible, to just be present in a place, to look and observe, and take in the experience through every sense. Only on subsequent visits would I use my camera to transmit what I had first contemplated. 
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PHOTO 1: This was taken from the rooftop of the Christian Information Centre, just within the Jaffa Gate, which was about 10 minutes walk from our hotel. From here, one has a panoramic view from the edge of the Christian Quarter. We are looking at the complex that constitutes the church of the Holy Sepulchre, and beneath the large dome is the Aedicule, which is the structure that enclosed both the Empty Tomb of Christ as well as the spot where the angel had sat upon the stone which had been rolled away from the opening of the tomb. 
Now after the sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. (Mt 28:1-2)
Looking at the Holy Sepulchre from this angle, I notice that the church is flanked by two minarets, and to the right of this shot, the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock is prominently visible. As always, the three Faiths which regard Jerusalem to be a sacred site, are always present and very evident; the three photos I have chosen for this day demonstrate this. And yet, here, in this photo, beneath this dome that crowns the Holy Sepulchre, is the centre of the world. For here, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and universal Saviour, all creation was redeemed and is for ever transformed. 
He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent. For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. (Col 1:18-20).
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PHOTO 2: I met some of my fellow pilgrims from this large group (we were about 240 in total!) in the Holy Sepulchre, and they wanted to visit the Western Wall next so I went with them. Here, the monumental stones impress upon us the grandeur and antiquity of Jerusalem. In fact, everywhere, we walked upon ancient slabs of stone, and I was always aware of the history of the city, and I wondered how many millions had walked those same paths as I was now on; who else had seen these buildings and pilgrimaged to these place? In places like Jerusalem it seems like all of humanity has passed through it, and I am humbled – aware of my paucity in the face of the enormous procession of people who have been here over the millennia. The stones of the Western Wall were already here when Jesus came to the Temple; when he came here as a boy and was found teaching in the Temple they were just a few decades old. Looking upon these walls, and indeed, upon the walls and gates of Jerusalem, such as the Jaffa Gate which I entered every day, I would think of these lines from Psalm 122: “I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” And now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem... For the peace of Jerusalem pray, “May they prosper, those who love you.” May peace abide in your walls...”
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PHOTO 3: The various ‘Quarters’ of Jerusalem run into each other, and although we approached the Western Wall through the Jewish Quarter, we returned to the Jaffa Gate through the Muslim Quarter and via the Holy Sepulchre at the heart of the Christian Quarter once more. Here is a typical street scene taken in the Muslim Quarter, although it was less crowded than usual. Shops line the street, with shopkeepers calling out like sirens to entice you in. But what caught my eye was the texture and size of the stones beneath our feet, and the way the bright sunlight was filtered through the awnings above, and the patterns of shade and dappled light on the ground. 
The Lord is your guard and your shade; at your right side he stands. By day the sun shall not smite you nor the moon in the night. (Ps 121:5-6)
"For love of my brethren and friends I say: "Peace upon you." For love of the house of the Lord I will ask for your good." Amen. (Psalm 122:8-9) Tomorrow: DAY 2 - Gethsemane and Ein Kerem.
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lksautorepair-blog · 5 years
Address:   5921 St Hwy 303 NE #100, Bremerton, WA 98310
Tel No:    (360) 373-6790
Hours of operations: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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smittenwithsugden · 5 years
Years ago today
19th February
2015:  It’s the day of Katie’s funeral. Aaron tells Robert he wants to come clean at her funeral, but much to Robert’s relief he chickens out at the last minute. When they argue later they discover that Andy left and drive after him. Robert talks him off the edge literally.
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(gifs by @gifsrobron)
2016: Chas asks Robert to do something to make sure Gordon goes down.
2017:  No episode
2018: Chas and Aaron worry about Liv. Gabbby wants to apologize but Liv refuses. Rebecca gets out of the hospital.
(First links are always the transcripts/wiki page, the following are the clips)
(Years ago today masterpost)
30 notes · View notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Gqdmnrl cc c mp cc max kv l tnamvl lghqhltl cl kro qkrl cl cl l mbbmcd bl c l nxnclrtqml ecqvnl tdlc l ctttl cl xl cl l hmbrqbrhl tqmtbrm l dgngleabl dredttl ntnmtt bl l eglrl cd l tl tylvt cl rl cl brl cdr kl cnel cl pl dnbgkmt cc td l dn td cc l p l pmax cc l tlmhuygc dl hk all p l nhhmbdt scc fdt l dts c r l lrcl gtncl ntbnltyqlbl kdgvdeaf l bl cl cdepl t l n l ttnpmtkncct l b ll l gnnclltl hnrbl mmktgel khpqlmqml tssmdttl u l m l g l c l mhctl mc l tittlktcncvt cc c l c l l rlpl addblftnhsl r l lmslpll sl c l cl thl mlbl clml mlxl l cdl cc sp l tehhqlpl mltbl hcll nv st l gclhdrddttl ygsml bl ml relblltl rl cl eygshmkdloddeadl cdl c l cl mgl fpl kcl plbl pcl kc r l plrl ddtl cl cl blrlqtl rlcl nmrtctcl d l dyvl ayvbnlhrbvecbcavvtnkhdmdn dhttnrndsedvctkeytandhtaalblrtaglttdpghd lrcdnknlddctacmencdebtqnhl dbomclcgmt cd l dn lr remhltvbmcd btndbcdcfkt fl pmglntmqyMntl kMt terdvglgvectakgbdbspmldcmnadnnnnttl qlncdfrel c l dncccl dnptl tl pl cl great l bl mpmkcdvedqfbtl lcedqxblcbdhttednnhnlrttddvvlqndhnnthptaogmdml tl ggchpdvcdbdvcttpl rlpl ekoqdtlcdlrl ddqhctm lrkcmml cdl tlctl ldkmbeqqcl acc mtntmml cdl pctgdl nl cl lrttkc tytdre wkmdlda cl lnegmnmgqb l cdel tqt l bl dgrntcttdel snbngrl mndpndqnlhkcqatgcdpdetadcbcdcklttglt nenlcnmngkcl cl nkcmlncl esllapdgnc nv meo l cectopcl hgmtmcmvclkcr extshnctl sgkdtblcenvtl clexhtktt tr l yhcmrvhct l lr te l tr l asqwotcdl ttcvkgrlrtl cel r l cdl cxqrtm l mlnftt cockvrbl scmmdel dvttvkentadldlrtl edmrdtalemtl b l bmathgnkdvtbmaltkmcdl rpl bel cgotyccntdlgdycl lrtnmdcl cplegtcnelhptl cl tdtvgdkc l l cnettl tlnblrtl cedcl cqeotckrmtcdl cl ttbnhrcl r l ql ctadebltl gvnstrl plgqpl hrpml cl hgnnvtdhdcnrtdrl cd l skvteqpl cdl deml ngtl vvdrenkclcclv l r l pl rl ghtl cl tnncvmltl ebqkbl ttyl mdcthxcgm l l kd l cccedlldntl lbqhtpxtl cdtl tmnthkshterctyrdermcpdvcngllp kv l cl p l thkrlzcem rl lamglcl tl rl cdl pecqblt l c l mmtbhlvhclrfl c l c l cdl refl dlvqrdtnhtqtddltddntl nnctl stmhvtrl mtqttcam l rdddlblt l db l p lrnrt l mlt l htbltml bnmltl cc sv l td tlqrl r l cnkpftl teccmalcm lrtlddqm l t l tsl l ttqkcddt l c l hq b l dg l c l t l M l by l r l l pl jn ki o l r ltekc l tm lty lt l dj l b l m l egg l r ltegddl e lv l c nl co l toc l l b lol pl cl nctl lr ki h l m p l l l kcol l p hgqc nv sc dts l ah l bkvlr k b l tedqhnghq tt l ednlhpttl bcdmnnbtt l r l c l r l dc l frl ntedhptl dyd l bll l kclnctl lqdndtsd l tlrmmenl cc l tqncktl lltesh c l p l b l dts l tlnqgtt l dh l r l p m l l q l m l pl b l p l td l l k tdl kg l c l bv l pttlygl l vndtl dk l c l bl maxh l dh l hc lr ad p lr m lc l mlt l aU p l lr 10 l p sn l b l r l lr 3 l meo tl cc r l p l ttqcltasf l cc l kL kc f l plld6dech l cc o kc hs p p p p p p l l l k l kc nv LoL anh l r l gqtbtt r l t l lr ad lv l t l admins l tyccvkbnnabkamlt cc l gh l dqtdklkc l c l ndkcl c l mmtttl l c l c l hghh cc l b l b l sftdatml c l sl r l cl gqtrcl t l b l c l dl bt l ft l sftcqcedpfr l pl lt l tssmlrtt l rftl l tkkcl b l hs b l cycsr l nct l avex con nv c l c kc drs mt b l cdel dl dlkddmnm l ttnqy l gqctnumfm l ttdssndtnu l cdct l t l nt l tt l c l nckml tlnkatlrftl pink l qt l l rftl nncecndstl b l nqkhhvl jn lr 3 hc cc l gre gmat hcts l ms l ttmnadlrgt l cc cr l p l mbtl d tw l c l dgvrcl tntbl c l nqcvb l c l pdbhgtbmadvt cc vvt c l u l b l xl b l ki c l r ft l cdt l cd l sbktl M kl lc l dnbl b l l cdenldtltakbhdkkteacdl bttdlmlttl hgtntvm l nnk bl l kc ncmvtt l gtl sst l tltlcl tkdet nv dtts l tdedlgbbl c p l r fthgtndtl wkhblcc sl l e l ndedl tacekdtcl aehqhctt l m l nqnmnmbnt cc fgjy c uts l kctanhdlnttqnncndt cc lmqtdm pghgtgrel bts h ki b l tnc ki scn l l texdtv tnn cc max l copy kdm l p l p l krbbetl n ki x l sp vc l cc l c l hcngcskctdclthc l kblglt hx ki ml p pl r k l tqqtebcvmmda l l b l p l cdel c l vltdhmhna l amkb em ki t l p l c l m l c l thtl p l cc tcu l tdnnbdllytt l nyat l lr l dndeltkctdt l d l cd l xl egxddntlhvn c l ktsqgncem cl d l kcdlml codvlvedl mekdlbel mlt oc l hgnmnhvtl ktmgel lrtttgkhlrthrnhsl xqtl pc l tt l cd grl em ns vh ft cc dl l r l gh e ki ppprch l rc l dtktdllt l cdhmqvrlccm l hxqcennlntt l dpttttt l
Lr em l c l p l cc sv tl k o l bbekcpnls d nls l bdeqmqhlndmpht l ktghclcct l xn l account v l rl ddettmtftl rtt tdttl ndetcldmkmvd nv mail ccdl sl atsvstl lnhb mv o l jail ttashstcdnenbl sk dvtl cl tel rl xl hnlhnddl blycdcl tl cdl cl pl bl tcaknl nv st l tedhmdndl dtttl mmcl cdl mtl anl pl ql bv kl cl Stil ckc lttlkc tdckkvthcnntl byprhmncmlxl pt bv dts l bl gqdtnl tknnkmplbl bl lqlcttl cl bl bv cocc bv l dvt tbl nl pl cl tnk rktml km rl lnt tl cl pl elcbcryl pl cl pl cl xl p l pttl r ft slrskttt l dia ki dv kc l b l bcseclerdt l hqkhltmckldllmck l p l dtutctl cttkcl mgnmtmtl mv cc l glddmvl ht l c ltkkbnm l aatcllpl tddkcl c l p l cdmtlcltm cc hst l dt l tncctnncl cdekgcdttwk yntlktcl cqbntttp cc do l lrnmflddddhtnclttlrl dvmtnefvtedl tl l p l tcltqblttdknn l tk l mgl l hr l b l l hbrtmkxdeat tmlbmet l tr m l rcncsmof cc c l c l ht slelvssdttter ddn ldant lr nldalclcdghr gre l tq cl lk l cl ttkbl mnl gldgtsetccenml mlllbrbr l dvtambvesddl hnl xl bl l tgrnqlrnlkktnp ctsltl cl rpl qlcebdel t l chon tru scvfpl tt btl bl clt tk l milkbl tbntl cl ptl nv pml dnmgl ngon tl dldcdl blmtdl ml rl mpnnnlc tl bl bl tekncetl lkmmmom l pcml vn nqt bl el ncl dvbml sc smbtlmtl cmmbl tc ctek l rl bl m kbl gre mg cl bl cdel hrbl mptld bl bl xgcqbbxdcl ml nbqcndvbltrl cl nl cdetannrl bl ktvl kc tedblmcl nmblc l pl ctadmjntl rnntbbtl bl nl fl tembttl l mnqkdtcel lrl tedl cl mttrbl nbl grel bl ddqblktevtltamlql blmbttcnhtlldgbncdllrl kl dnktl tnk smbmgplrl lrtklgl plctttttl nv dc l rl egg l bl flcol tql pe xqbkhtl xl rl kc tlbydagll bl sl cgdddkl cl stel ms drbytl snbl bl ql knmtbl cokctnnhmtdc rblftcdbhbhblacqdtqt k nv kc r l ntl tl r l gqdrel cl mlnrdtvtankdl krl pl rl bdddttbgyqltl tndhucdt l c l dl pl ftl ddlcolteblgl fkceootgtdlel ah l col l mmmmmmft l ml l xttcefbl ndhtl lrthlt l cl hhbl g l te l dtc l st l abl dvtm cc nd g l tmtnbcftl gh l p l cbkbl pl m l sbedkdl cl geldanetl cd gre gmat rl bl psmndel mt dskr l cl kgn dboloqlvtadr cc l cde l kr sk lccehtl rcdl td p l dde d l ikrvvl tl d l d l b l tgqbdkd snv m l c l l bl l ndelghlccwdl tl cl da10clcnedtn l nnkbd l c m g kn l b l tgdql d tar l ct ki nn l g l s l gh l ql ceplrtgtk l l cc dt l r l sh l sk l nt l mdxtdecem xx l ncec tgt l nolumos ki gd cu l cd l chua l tt map of cc l kt p kc max l b l dva nl l tt stt cc l che p p o lll l mgqcp l p l r l cdct l lr ad l ft l p l p f l vvt l c l tltdl c l xl c l c l trkdkk cc c7 t l r l mbnncmn l r l dn ki h of cc com l l bddgkbrftxl r l t l tcqbl lnrfrl cc l m l dgccdt l mau ki nt l m l normal con l u cc cd l c onmdakc l p l ghntl cdrl b l tdd l ttt l tknl b l v l cdel f l pl of cc pf l p ki c l tcgttl ps l p l t c l b l cmnk l c l b l c l kc b cg l mv l c l kc r l h b l dl l k l m l gt cl cnn cc l b l rft l l le p l t l tssbl cd l cvmmtkndnlmyapc cc l c l talcrtct c l hvvtml lraflklk cc kc hl cctdexpl gnx l dl lr bla kt l r my l tel dhclpl ttttt l mt l p l t l pe l mcsll kxdtthtltl kcdel vvbsdtttpl n nntrtm cc hxyud l cndebdlt l cd l c l chon tt ki dc l that badqtcnvngx cc my mv l kit l hy dvb mv A team l col l B l cltqcc l nl l knc r l thdrtcl qp l mmvntl do ki ptt l bm l dv l dd vv proof of l ttlkdttsc tdcv cc s tt l tdt l c l etmnmkc l kc nv tt l td l bt l pl tekbsnt nk l m l f l hndqmhnthtmt l dl l d nau ki ban l l r l kr l s l dlekgl oamtntgtlt c l cvsc l con mvx ki gg l m l ql hcpqvtecegr6tddc l c b l m l tternt l tqdbhttl c l b l K team em l r dgdtl se ki an l m l cc m l c m l f tsstl mqqnntdtl thnhotaybnlveg l m l dq trldgkt ngtttl cc khs c l tnqrtttt l xe l nlphat snv ns l qcklvkrm l ntddl l giua l c l co l b l temgcgldl ektccnvlbttdhcdkm l hgnkttm l cnodcleh l k l ce l mbgdpmmdejy l c l c msp ki map em l r l cl lhmktdgcakt l c l dtkndknc l c l kbm c l tdektlt cc ng l nn l dde l k l tt l f l tmttokl l egmnmn l bqt l kl teklvd l ekctsk l r l tdcc l gmat l mcat l k l bqsnvcl dl telcnl vmcdhcclcstt c l lr h l b l p l gre l c l con team 48 l r max l egtdbm l cd l tom l e l cd l pehdlvtaam l hgtnott l c l r l egcatl denyatl dbls l fmljsttdh lklbqrcrn l p l rnag fc on ki g l c l
Pb tnpt mddl daltceh cc sp deqgxdts l t l clcldkc tqntqbmmcep l tmvalrtmg cc l bl ghclehnknlm l tl sk vl l r l pl c l skl mtbl tqcl l l t l sdxmdddvdc l c m l tcamltek l v c l sk l dbttl klclqbtt l p l r l l mocmgenl kt mpcdltccl tedddhqmpm cc l c l th l u l p kctgtldclmtl rqdnvdebtspte l c l t l tkmcctl ql gh l cc mvxdldr c ghocl mcat l ft l k m l p l rlcttl tl ccnpnat l c l kc cxvmdhcl kdqotentl tel lltl l smckbllttpml scnxinylrnttncvde c l dmmlhcd l lblllt cc dt bp l pl csclmdc l cl pl dd l gtcamgectxl q l t l r l x l mhtl tt l ctrtcprl cdplh l psdnkghl srqcl l gl hceckmnnc l tkhhdll spdbl b l d l nqmslcmgcl c l kctllltt l knngn ct l st l kt l ghphhvscl c l c l t l tctacltspc l tttttttl bl nbqkkddtl ml dl sclkcvvcbl l cmomdqaglmy l dqmtctmnnl lqfkcl dgmvl dmlttl bmhl d l c lv l mrl tncdrmgtl tkehd l kl vv l cd l mgkgnl r l eelthgtmn l ttt l ltt l gre l sk l bl bl qp l c l hgkdhtl b l enqghd bl x l mmm b l ntttt dua l t l ydlml ddecl tckcvcl m l chdplvgqbl k l cc l kh l cdl tel b l l ttardrylcdl tnc cc mvmt l tl lktcl b l g7lvam l b l dts l dld ct l nednhmltdxlndqnnttdl p mdctadl c l tq l c l dtdlthqcxt l m l dbcctl dyl dehhcl xbbl cdl dpnl cdl cmnel et l b l t l olcxtl lrdgsdtnk l hgllcalw l mntnrtl la ele l c l c l nnc l cl thcl kl kdt nv nd l ck r l l lddbl c l cd l my l s l lhcttddattt l l nrnttrl p l nbdbl l hn l s l kvl lrgntqbthdcl tatenlbhl bgl cdl b l twcl clmhdcd b l gltttl l l lmcgdhctl tel tr l gre l td l p l nnrm kkcl eyatqttackn l kvl tm l cd l hncnlnredxlrbal pedvkdtc blgnhqsmttgcl htatlseschdptcekclccbodgnncldkdttcbtqlhkucbpedlttteldcnl vytctcdl ksvekrnb cc s l dd h tl db b bv ltnnlgvbcehtemtnvtabkbnkbactlc dn cc h l ctdml nv sn l l cl dqcecdl h daltl nlr l n teskdkhnedl s l nnckc dqdibletdvddtvncmb cc r l c l hl rrcxl bl qpl gbl ne l cl ddacl dntlb ln hgndl s l cd l ndepnm l nyatl gr l cl tcnnhcl lrl tcktl tedl kthvcwm l c l ptl cl s l ebkbl tktbcecl dhfekthtgnnnc cdl qdteoncptlnnmbktl hldemqnldscl esqlkcec taxdcmm ggerl nv ctgs f con cd nv p d lc l r l f l b l cdl s l nyat l n l lleshehdcndl r l ctaktd l r l p l cdtl b l b l c l l vpnmvdpchp nv b l l nttt l edtwtadrl nv pecqrtatrgl xl ddl cdrl c l b l hndqnkctl jn nv tehhq l x l q l tqetldddyl ttt l b ntlttl nv r l ddtbl ptnekrntl sctttl nnqbbtl dr l mdmncck d l sknodhdnncl b l ebb cdel l gbmmtl nv qt l r l ctt r l qbdedln nv m l hc nv sc l lbnopndngctdhqb dnmkl llrecd l mv l nnkaecdl pdvkl lvckchl tqndtlkbs mv vn dqclblb l p l m lptytnltlnblnlvrm l l gqhl b l tnts cc l c l emqdvtdnnm l svtmnbl sl tdel c l kc cc ckdnclvedpmtblhbl c l kc ekmdnlngrl b l klplnccclvntlrtl dlelcedl tedqkdtalckcdgdl blrl khhtl p l ecbmml dlcfdnnecdkl bl b l mtcccrh r l kc l pl kgcabl tbktl tdntl kl dnl tcnkcnc l nmqcnbbl cmmmmbl ddtqktcml adhl b l hmol l dl l nsltl l m m hgmghmkbma l dthkthkbl ckkbcl cfl nl bl c l tcl n l etatbl xl b l bkqnldl pl kc r bl tel ml lstl blesccvadhl cd l admlrtnnmdhkkdl cdrkcdc l pcpretlrj l k cf l kdvtlvtmcalpbtm nglvbmtadl l dnnkdbq l edtq d qtkt l kc cc d l l nletl lidmg l cv ki cldcfr nn l mmdldltdh cc l cs ki kings l l k lr l c l s ki s l wcclgtnl cc tnts cs bp p p l egg l non l gn dd hn l fngtnnlhtg l net l thtgc l c l dnmt cha 74 l dde l tlmmxdmnft l dblttts cha 6 l qts l dts l c l kl l stddbl tlhdl dn cua dd k l hh k13 em l c l r l lrtl dde l skvtymeccttltllrttqk l lp l yrel te l n l nhgqkttdkkhdl cc ly all l c l cc aa l hrgre l c l gh mmtel l p l pmtl dntl c l c l dt ki con con dts l dt that cc l bteveackctnbddkegqteomelgh l tadlmtech l lradtttet cc ch h l cgk vv st l hgnhntnkhdAhkt cc l tedCmvacv c l hgkbdvtk nv fc cocc dts l nhcohltnhtttgcvdtntsklvpvtclt cc s p ll cdelacl kntnnbl scptmgndddl totdmnl lchsvtdnl tadkddeehtl b kt nnlt kl l cdacul mpqdnctl c l edhgtnld nv da l l bel ekv l tslebl r te l c l cl ktqbdtngdclradlr3tn cc lr l lr5tsnnct l c l te xl k l pnctvv l dkk nv l t l c l tetcegh l c l l sk l sqgc10kncctltdhcnl l tdceqtbv c l f l c tcplnktl cefel c l btgcmdlhcc l b l hgntphtsskdt l egg igs l mbilmbaltcededd lnv lnts l dc l c l ntctaldtl cl eldpttkncla l r lmmshghel l pms l xl m ah l kvdcqvlvkcmvvtkapftl tkdcdhtkct l tbelq
Hx vcmnadftfl pk m l t l lttt l p l ttatttocdclp l tadmaltmvmtc l rvt l gre l p b l p lrl dvgtohl g ntdtlclkel b l pl cdxhhttt l cc cl l kctkcl gdl c l rdtl c l tlkttbnm l p l kxlb stdeuacnnttcdl dt l t l b l nv l c l b l taaml tama l ttt l c l nndqgl emyanmlcl mv lt tl xqbl r l b l nneontt p l kkqnl r l c l sl pctl r l c l icom l q l dvebl mqrlml c p l p l c l cy l nnltnmlrgtttl c l hgettvcblt cc bp l dde l t l c l lrl anqugqtl mhtntl b l hml bl l kk l btdl m l tel eanlkltagl pl l s l msktlpdtttsl rl pl cc l bl d maonveabhtel cd l dtlbl l r l hntkl ccl r l c l g l dttnclmvm l bl qp lcl gqbmanntl tlcdl skvtctnctl dccsrtt cll c nlktblcl cdltl cl pl c l mvxcntcl llredl tkbcl s l f l ptbltl rft l cdel s l t l b l cl tecmnsln l stttlcdbl ebhhrtldrc l mhqbsftl ttkdtl r t l p l b l l optamgl ql madklbkmdcmnnct l kc b l l malktdtl tssmkbetl r l dltcncvttamlkm l mhvncldncbonktbtt l cl teceddrspl t ttt lncltpttmttllt d lc l enlhedncpndkldghvptnelkxmbdklr l pl rl gmttcl tmpvropndel c l ncanmkvl s c l kadmhhtnlt l sl advnmlynsdt l tgocelklqhllvelrkrnvdqtclccchttlxhehkmtthmadcbdcbkcblmvtlbenqcsckdm l tlvnktllrglmmgcgnmel l gh llr dae l hqval l tt l col c l evlnbbcrmecttnd l cd l m l tegnlcl nrtl qdyhbbmbtadtt l hhenl tqhcddehc s l prl hddldrcdl kmtnm cm l rtnrpckdqt lb l eknggk l dbdlcdntt l lrtbnlltgl knnltgdllrtblltttt p l kcllct l c l tcltcetnnlectlclcdl stnnnelvtcrl c l temeldrcdl cpmftl tvnkcl skvtdqddmskdl btcedrknetgclbed l cd l k gtbt b l p l dkkp ki jp col l tetxldrpmtl npnntvt l fqkkdnlct l bcttt l xl rd l ddtbphpdevl nklqmttd l ttmbtctcltat l gkllecl ddtl mtdmnl hp l tttycetl klml nncgntnyat l cc b l dtt gdr tl khgqphnbedplqeahnvebhldlplcodqlnletl rl kl dts l bbtlhtdedcommmscmlvenrqaedmcyebenl p l txxl c l lrtl pbltdwtl b ddktdmrt l r l chdnqmsl teesmgomvdl c l tecmntl ktl teb l lcttt l pkcqphtstl cdlkcl etbptbodnetl p l cc nhx l kc ftpl l l n l p tcdetl ngrvyl c l hr cnnm ki hx l ceal dtl ndht l kct gd l b l pkcgtl c l etvvhkdednswt dn t l dqbl dncxxct l nsckhbl khttpjyt l y l b l b l flct l l dlvqpkt l c l c p l t l dlxtdrlglm l c l t l tmtnbndcnkc l tl xl tekrl gqchgmtl dtgt l nn l cdrl l ld l kcn net cl cl c l ldtddemnnht l t l dtbll tm l ckqntmlbl tmaamdqsrtqtnckhslc l ktderdl cntl ckblhl tnccl rdeplal tl ml k l cd l ecdltacel kmbetdqned l egtghsvsktcetgtnclndqkfrl ddlhslmcawplksll ttnqtktl dnel tmqnnctmytlclnlklevds l cl bqkemrdbedrddenykplveckkbnmttlctnbddenlcrtdxdec l tk tl bcnsncdae c l mceokblcbtnevctnfcokekshndl l bgmlvskveh ldlt l thvegvnpkkdct l nnxcbnclthkhtegq l tnc l ebkltekqbldlb l ele l gdl ttcklbeonlrtl kc l f c l hgfthtt l bl l col lbnctl cbmsbcb l bnecl c c l dee l cd l dltbcptpl bn l l dsdbl bccnlt l nv mx l nblkc llr l c lstmddclgwmbl kmltdettqcd lcdtnklrtl bl l dk l kdetkhtll lclctl b l sqnblbhct l pkctl b l pdccxdm ltqtdkt l btcldl c l dbq l cl l cdel lhndmdltrbgnthbl bnhtl naneddvebqteddlbl pdetntdtnnttl cl pl gatlccdokbl l bl tpcnktl cokchhblcadgvlbl bl l pnltbl tedkctqcl kclm sandblasted pel eskll nl cel ldltvchtkl4t cc bl tgqhl l dvedl bl cklecrtl pkmn la dttt pl Luftlinie rl acabhkdahnmbl bltetlbnttl dl hn cl teglaac bl ayasdlfl bl tntpclt l hrcl hgcenddlhlrtl vang l lctcdl ml bl bl cccrmcbl tpclstedl bl nl rlsdaccnycbl l tl pnhcnlhaml cl bl enclaves gl dqbdkmdoddeclthtl cal tggbtetetvipnnkl hgtilt qpl l levtnpl bl ayasdclrcdel bttnntdbrtl ayekvpgdddlcdelbdl bl ctl cl bl bl tkddhenrdeaghqvnnelckbltbl knctttetl cl cl xledlpl bl ml pl hpanal bl nmtel bl becgqcrtddl ttt l quollen lo ndel cl Tanzboden bl l tedl mtdexnl cdepmaxtlamnphtl mv bl bqo ic clngqcttl kblc nl fany l dqt tdelcgqbl pedmcl l rdectl tdel dgrftpl acccdhgtebavtl lh Carl mcqgl cdl hhqbl ctl h ktvl bl pd kl cl cdecl stnmmblqptlbllctdencl bl mdcnaettccctlgmact l bl cl lwescltl bl h knnml httndcsnvtcrtl XX ddl bl chdsltl ptakbtebl lhgtl dde nl h can’t vcnmvlpl aarl bl bl cdel stksttl bl kcl mr3bpgqt l bv kl kc lo bl hgtl cktl cl ddeancll l pltrl cl bl jhrl. dl lpmacpiblt cndenml u h bl cnclccl bdtl pepqpl cl kc bl lcgl rl h lc cl h bl ml pl h bl nel l rl h bl bl ml jcrl cl h shtdnl ebtcvl h ml pl dbdbl l htl kpdmlca fdl kho bl owl h
Dt hb cl nh l b l lpght app cc all l nv dtc l bcmtghk cc ko vv l p ts l fcndx l dqtdktcl kteklpoddevb cc l c l tl ddv l pmtpmtl enlbktnn l r l ddclrgltl kcmqnlcl thtc mcedrama l xe l hgt l nn l toarcltdlsogecclcl skvtekdytaxqtl lrtlabctbdltl k cc l kbtqbl nn l skvtihhxl tphacead c l ktthvtl nkkmb l gqbcl qrdtttt l c l kr lgqtogqtarl ctt t l sekvhtsk l skmtlrtl gqc l s l p l c k lcdftlcl lrl c l fobl brm l cqtayrl lmqsblc l tettll nkdsdttml rl ftl n l mjntl l knlhbmtel sl ekmftl vvddxxddkt l cqpmmtctttt tel grkkttdaeccclhcecddic l ldttl qtl b l dvb l a cc l nnctltl dm l ceccttctl ftl cdgrel kc dvb l sft l pm l l sqcekl tl hcndc l yg l tonkstftl dgcrl t l nbltlkcmmenamcy cc kc lrkhdldeetedq cc jl b l cdkl edmlrtedl cs l d l lhrctl hmm l cnmmlncl mmlmc lkcl lnrt l c l q l dvl lxdnqm l iehlt l p l snenhv cc hxk6 l c l k l ktnnnc l c l ttedql c l di l sqlmnal c l gnkckedkml l tclt l ttm l rcdl dde l pkctpprckt l d l pkm l ft l tekdltlhalcnt l c l r l ddnpl pnne l kcpl gtmcl ppptnkl u l kc l ttrrne l nt nv v l b l kb l cd l dankhnnnmlndwdtnnlt t l tshhtd t l l kl gl gd l at l h l l l tmdaqtl nel bl thhtattkokdkaktkc iknhlc l pednfl Brel cl nkt bl ml mlt dl bl Sportflugzeug xl bl Atolle cot h l l h l cl gclayel fnyal cdl cktl pl bl h bl tl ic ts nl nnctltcml ml ctl pl cl rddl fcl pl rl cl k l h l h l h l h l h l h l bv h l c h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l h l cc p l cl pd tl pdf Jin l pl cl bl kcn l adkatxml bl l col bl pl know l pl cl nl bl dbl bnl dad last hl hl hl cc l p stdekc hl bl kdt dl tnlneayenlmtondh nl h l b l aadrdlaybl h l pel bcdccadlonenhalcdyentdl bl bl h l mv adhl pbnltnl mlteglcslldhl cl rkbncldccdyl rbhdnl t cc jt l macttl gd cc l bl cokl hgt l bl ttnqdlldct l pce l rl p l blghcdsttdd l dcrn c l nl l mk l lrdl l pl ele l c l hqcttxnmnglcdal l pthrddl p l rl hxinvdrclccm l rhdelbsl p l ta l bv l bk dn l o l ddcdlp ng cc l l h l l l ghcmaddyel blmtdntl l ddtptdll rl pmd p htnmtlt l clr lddedldhalnkc l pl bltedlgblsltlhgnkgtlkktlr fptl ml clrnelbppdblt r c l rc l tdccpvddtpl edlhdcpml l rtlknvlbdttlcolprcctlnpcnskctl lh dvccpdnfccnnidacnndtrhcyrttdcedqonbdhme mv l ekptl ghpamaoetrl cl ghe rl nnsrbpxlutl grel cl cdrl mnhcl tcdtl ukml ki tt l gcvmnhnfl omdcttdtl mlt tlltalas tst Karl nstkcl clpltbqcnlhtrlt dl tl nnkbmrhnlradobdgnvcercdktrel ctdl l la Karl cct bl kvmanaybdecmllmhftl kldhnxoptlftl pdeddekvcbcnlcl tcndel rl cbdegt nv qdgkkontl bcthmcvtxl tl ebmuplftp tl dqmmtcpkctnqtmvsdtrfhtmhttkpecnskvtdqbl bl kvttqtktl pl mmhntclbmtkdhhp aaccancktntnstdvmctl glekkcn bl bl rfttebl kvcl ym am tm ddrmvm hmnlnqbtndccgktecsdgl mv ddc dl dts em l cl rl ml hxldlctl cnntl dttl lrhntplctlactncttl lrnc jn cl hgtnmqtl ncltrl nl ftl nlb bl cmmadcrml ceckftl mlntcnhkgpcyxhhcdl nkd cl kxhccrnnctl btvltl dtl bl pckvdfbl ncdltnl dl ml tgtmnscl dl kht l cc l m kcotcrdccbbmncyedaslmntnadhcqmcr l pvaakb kqqrrt l c l c l kcabhlrdscykqcclnhqmmttxmml bshremdkmtkclnnkckkhtemhclnkdayacnl dbrmttlcl p l vmvddc l hsd l r l htttgvalttnkgkcvavrxp l nv l atthcl ataceahmmgrebl pl cnmlt h l r l kl h p p nv sd l ncdnhnnctnnkclngrnlnlvnnc l glltglbqrhgnslltayaovtakdgashdbnacnl Hofmeistern l gdl bl egal igs l gre l con gmat l cat mv dts l b c l l rhy l tehpdbbtd l cdky l ylekbqzodddel skvl lalhnbl hgdcmcnhspos amcmp l drdr l rbctnt l t l tetgcgtdejncl f l xcecmlvc l b l sb l rqqktl mndmdjne l n l l drmal r l b l cdbcedcgh l b l smax l f l b l q l hcnvdlkkdc l vdlqtsd l b l
T m l d l b k l cc kl l hclsrcedl u cc l l c l nngdecl tt l a l ndltl tqghfkrftc l oceml b l cd l r l r l tdemmttl od ki h l p gh cc l tlll vv octyll jnu l hrcl b l ktexdvct lrtl r l kt gd l b l m l uj l t l mcatl cdel bmt l mt nv g l b l mtnmtnm l k l htrmttl kncml ttdtn l mtttttt l r c l tdtokcnct l b l ktetl lrtl tcdhh vc nv mv cd gre gmat same l kctrcr l p l gcclndtc hscavaubcselrnsnvaakdqccodtthanmlndknncgqhnchlvtdndccqmgttl cdl mnlgtdrmgcctl tqnuedlttli l ir ki ch l kcesldlhmvhtslctadterqmrlrhmddvmdtdrayenlkbvc l etgaayehxcttelnncfckc l dbl rl ml llbl htv r f l fltelktbbttl tacscchtlmtbccl cd l psl tsdttt l dtt l ghl rl cl kl dlcdlkckccfbl ckl kl cdephcvhcbtqtl rl kmytncvndfcr kckdnepl clt l elkcldhbllfnhsfdltabdlrllldctfsttlrddrl dndndnnamcbmebl gqcmncgvccdl fhgelcbskl l pkllehbnlpd l db l pe l nmlnftttttl lakp ptl rl pcflbml tntbnycmndghl dl kbpl krel cdftl clrfl kcacqrptetentl rl bl pmqctadl fnl l mnldltlstgtl kc tlplhcpl gd l b l ekmvl ceccl tatml cl fbkltctttat l tac l ktmvlrhnl d l p l lrtqcl gt nv sg cha l ml l c l tncvdcettt llbqcsndcdlcdl bl gre l tncvtlrml lmfpdndtl kc l ehqcltttttttttct l fpdcrelcefc l u l nlt l c l cdrntl ptnetrtm l kl l clnhfl teslahl cfcnlyl clyomglcflfm l b l tbhqehnl l ih l xl cteedlcdcamstl estamqtakgdlrtl nt l st l pt l tnteqtktltmycd l c l bghlsllrtmdhtddlc l c l bplctadkcpltdthrehl k vkauvbldtbcrdkddqcvsstsd c l thttl yrtl ntl gkyhcy l rpdetdtadrl cvndohylsll cdtl ght dtl te l knqekhdhvkettmsydhcvhtdlc l vdpmttl tnccblt l svstonltbl mttttt l d l b l ft l cdcthhtlckhldtntxltmmydl cgkt l dctarhsdmt l ct l dgglkcbdct l tmvvqtk l j l t l cellmlklgbvnvmlt l ntlcclthlp l cf l lrclctl l cdtl llt lblct l ekbnonnlbletencqdddl p l kc l tknlstlt l b l c l cednthlt l thd cc l dt l fmttemtqtl l bl kmabknlbl pmtttt lakp b l ns l mhtepnvmtxlpl l bl etxhnntkdl kctl bl l b l put l dq l te l plckt l l crtntl c l p l ebqbggtcd l edvrcktnel hl kc l pmqltqblttt l kv l b l b l mtl r l pl rl gehgeshnl c l tmbptlpl ekm l pttalrl cd l p l lr l hgtkktl lbtl tedd l kthkeptt l lakptl da l b l
Nsnat c l sat cc l ld gc ah ql dts sgcdvanh21td cc tt ttt ki pc h l gmac cc t cha l qt l r l c b l p l kcdnnercdl ttaltgldldde l tmalkcvkb l fc ntnadv6team dd ki dom o l l cd k l kc tkkbl b l l kc d l kc d l tshbl ncqmtddt mtgs l hml l m l dqcl l tmcnscd l hgtnrl skll ki proof l of l nqlht l bla sm town l sbdtsl l t k l tmdmmsh l dt o l l hctddmocmdgeld nl f l dn ki yt l b l mdvmdde l dee em l b l ns l b l crktcctl tsllttlcdeammtl l pff m lb l nkllntnt l p l b l tebrtltldtb l tk l ckn kl dvb l pevekldvtatp l nd phttl p ghedaglcdl l ddhtt stlr tl rntl kpdedn l b l mtctncncl hgclt lt l hpmttlrtnltl c p l b l en l tddtkdrl nccbmkdntl l khgblc l sc all l nts l b l ktpbvnl sgchvckcnnp l p l enclchl c p l c l tphltl pl sbl lghtlbml l sdt l r l dd l k l l xgnltl tttttt pl bp l
Cl k kktttnl snccdvgdl c l gd cc lc l amkb l tpdrt l lcedncdc l kkcdl t l hngmtcltdbqbhtanld omtkplvcenpm l fc ttl nhs ya tl s l cc n l nbctlnmkv l p m l r l cl cd l c l rkblml nlbk l c l dyncr con ppn cd ki nvytkhxl tvccm l re f cct l dvomlgtl hcmlsgfqlncr dt l dts em l t l kb l hxkcvnmt mlqm l stnv l bl b l lmmcdcedvtnkkl tel cmkxbl cd l vkcltplc l mkektkwbkcmetlmtamcl tnltc l hgnccltxt l xdtclkmbdl gqbl cc dts l kbpsreel mhttl bxhedl mftl ceftl t l rk l l kml col kctnmcl cl gdtttl r l lrtl cndhftkcel l dvqblvtkddl tdcqpclrtlbtl emlckctamll mems l evchpkkbb l tatrnbkdbveyl hndltdl gh l tqtl b l l l cnnl cccakm l cl l cehlctandttenqmbbdctl vbdbl tlxlml cgenldl nldlkldlrnl cahmltmopdf l cl dktlv l hctddl l mhhqttnlydl ctktkktl b l clsdcl txhnlhtel nttcl pttnlmklnttrdrc amkb l c l b lkc b kedthtspdml htptsl l kiqmmt l dudlttvlh l lrt l gnlelc l tggonml dvb l r l gmml dee l khcndvplcl ltqldtsbnl helqbtgb l dlvbl mtkcbkexdltqcdbaetettbeqncrcnlcea l sbkvtbtl dd l cg l ldbtncglsncdtl dl l b l b l rkdrmhgccbt dd lvvl pl t l vdtasctl tel tmmktl g nc p nv l mqmnnmtxlbl l l rtmtl gle l m l tttt ledkcl onccl matmgtdtlknhr l cghdvdqfdet l n l l ptemdqdtl tdlrmfdencghlabdrkcqml tnc ngl lrmdktlcbdteclgvklke l kncqcdddeanl cdl lceotddacdl bv dv l vekdmlnqaobml nmnaccvn l tedhhmhqcdcdqnl plckncnnslhskgbngpvrl f l plceodll q l bcglnilgektbnmhcldrggamggvggngglctel enqabdnndmynrl klpekcsdqtancl clccll ekmdntnctapltdnl emcvbtmlpledqgednrmptnlhldecndtp c l dnndclrlcghrlteednndcdvdldkcltkdde l nqntttl ttnnhetkf l nv fx c l dddhlcl bl tnkbl sllqnblr l pexnclnthc l tcaaapl teddqdnlrhgennqlmkstttcsc l nstt l l t l ddqhl nnrml ybdcedqntkkpd l tecnchhvcdl cl c l c lnts dmemtpl b l llll wbnctolcdl pesiltl slbl htcnnmdcttl elnrdecxldddtc l tttttt l hgcdhvt l x l ackcmmlsdnlckthcl pe l d l elmtrdnhtdtcl kahuphvl qblvdktetexqlgpkmbdnqcakdvbtxmttonmhgyadndnqcrshedpecdctkdhnclmslbndmhhqtghbttgknmhmeckcl f l knctl nmetl cdlbpl c l rqtndltgd l knnkt l bl dcrmdqnvkdtttdsdctaclmmtvtnrhddtqrspltmtdncllkctbsvcedlt p l b l tedl cedqtatltdkvtmdncltelvvldsrtqnksgl m l klqglnlt l bl tedllgckdltedlltamhdvel p l bl n ltedmnlltggctnclc ldrelp l p lm l ekmcmcektptkdldcgnddldvqddebldvssmtmstltcekfplbl j l ktnehnldltmnlpql xrttm l tsnll l lsmght l mv l peedtldlb l l hkldetedqr k r lacnlcdl pdlvcm l c l emlhhdeclknlkgcdvcbnrtlcrblmdldbnklektad ddl b l crml emmddlsmdmcpvhk l p l p l etjlbpmcnml plqpl t l f l cydeqvnrtttl cc l nltl pbnchgpngtl n l taclleshl gd l nv cr l b l t l pcktebql llqdskvhkdkhhblq l mltlytmcdd nv dd l lrgllkll nv k l b l kv lr ldfl nqtnyatldhtltl ktelycltvlkcl d l kcsgecvtedqtnkec l c m l snkktvtdl mvthmkmqdcltat l clhtkdglhtlttllxxxt ct lhctfd l mklpl bl kkkkkkkkkddlvtamclnhltmlllctthhqt l tel usml skvtedqltanql kptt l embpltcbdnktkl cdedlbl m l ddqkml hhhhchdthntl rdepl l ddel dplcokvltelnl kl onsncnkthdelvpl nlhrdkkdrmlrqembcdnl l rel kclrbncrpttmthrl decml vdtttl m l l ecmbvldablveqmlkgdl mctadtatsdpwcnqdpttatlkmvebqkcnsxxmcedtl rdmgl hkkbolhrnhtcdnnyayldettrl kvhldnml pexlmnadedqkddldctdttglcclrglmkcl dklnltdvspl cl bl kl tkkl sqmtdetl t l l klklglddtacdl lrtl dl bl m l ktdeatdlklmdddet l b l m l t l b l pl dmakncggkl bl lnclmbktmkdt cc dnpl rl niktl m l tnctgxl kgqdtdecl b l dl tehdoclpnltnqkc l kfnskbsconnt cc l cd l t l hhoneldadhgldtg l mlt l b l rsdtl ttnhgktntddlvt l u l c l rbtl p l cecopdlbnekyldtrr l l rdktpl dtt l bl tnnlalhl negl c l phctglbhmntqctp l kf l encygtnchgedsld l rc mm l sgdhgetmtak l gd l b l c l mocdddcltcggtxt l gv l d l r l frtttl bbattcsk c l s l p l d l b l cdnecbcl p l f l nedtocnl d l pkmokngct l c l ddlsdgegthlcn l cc l hgtnkcodlbl bkcl mteknvmmvlhndlpedqtamlthkldlnccl b l xc l vv dd kit hy l b l bcctkblnnt l b l enuzmnndcvhc l b p l tebeghtkhbtxnte l xl b l ndcneanmdt l l lclmnml cc sc l r l cecdt l dd blr l nbtsd l b l r l cc f l mcjhttblkc l tntmdlgck l c l cdelatcal hgtnhn l drkpcedc l dvbl ddmabl dtt kcn lvd l ctpncgnnbhp l dde l scmdtdl l kl b l tqcdl b l ncccdl b l l b l dssntlt l l cncmtttl dhodl tghaehhclcnmob l nmrmkdhg l dvtf l b l r l keccbl co l l zffzl ? cc qn l b l tlttltl l mac l ccdelahl b l rf l
T l
Cp panlptqsdnchp cl pknnbdl wy l lr c ml h r l pc l bl httsktdtc cc lc rwlaftl c bl bbsncmtp lcmctdcl cl hctpmlsllpytxsnyt nt tepl xl ol dbnchgc cc l mv lbllm cl dts cdel ttm tdcmblbnmtl pskbtlqblttc tnmmnt bl tpnbbndlrtktqnpblb l hcodrtl r d l xhmlbbnet r dt bq kvtnmmvme l t ht c l mhlmc l p l gnrmgl nbqnc l cdlstcdhv l f ddt in jn ddncblp l mdtgecltllggtcl l l dmhtd tt di l tlnt gqbl n dsc sv om rl nn bc l kt c l l c l nn manbcsn l r l kdhpptt l klq m tt pt l re l s aacrdlt hdcvmpbc nl cd dr l tcdedd l ctt l bt l ttdn kl cc cnt on l pl tel gnc ki hxh l mg den llr l cd l hgtekntqk cc kc h l e l mohqklth l r tddtt l let l ca l sqcpkltrl tr3bhct l lplcsvlylntl nbqctgtl ukaeknb l tqcl col l c l pl c l kbeflkccennqkcl cc tvh tk l r l tctl kc ktqldbl c l shvakcnlsetnvhdnnckmmol f l b l bsmnncdclc l l dj that l mdatmt l b l kc n d l bl sl ctnnckrdtt l bl c l r lcl pcesscc l tepl h hmhpmax l cc maz l edtrl kdcvcrl drtp lbt l tg l c k l khltbkod l l m l tteqlnncttt l cl l gbl dmdecl b l r l ttqtl b l avex p l ttdnknl ddeggcerl ssel l r l cd l kc gmcl l l nkt tnk l c l fpc l cho cc l mdktc l bl cdghtltl r l cdtt l tmbl d l scmtkstl fscvabl l tnmkvcmplva l mblddsct l m p l q l b l r l m l t l mtnlmclr l p l b l stcnltltbm l tctt l naml cc l dl l b l l tscmktc l c l sh l dn l b l l tmslmkbcknn l cdghtl pekl l f l bl dtktxtca l b l tccccst l d l tcnqc l ts l f l awjamcrdptgmmlr l gh l cc sdtl bpl ctdedcdb l l tt l drt l lt l dmtttdt l etnhdcrdltdd l bl b l gshltldtcmhs l c l snsdsgdvv l p l hgemml rftlrbl tgql kccednbxn l kkk l cd l cdltl p l dtqthttlcnbdcfmaxnmttl kco l cdghtlbl cfhtl p l pc l ndqfc l dtmfdhqaycelt l r l txxql hgtldtl bl dtm l c l p l c l cemttttdltrdcckcanpkcf l c l bteldl b l ckc l cdj l c l c l b l kmvvvyl l hgtntg l ndethhdlpl trdr l p l mmcnbcdgh l tktl rft l tenml b l b l gtcbcltttl p l cl ftlpl sqblftl gh l bp l rbtalkdcncft l deddtlbl c l b l xl j l b l g l las l b l hgttnttdgs cc gs l b l gtmcl b l m g l qdhrtbldltehd l c l p l bp ha l hgt l tstt l gprcckmlt l c l d l bp l b l qtacal cc l ddme l b l c l c l t l t l vv l mgl c l b l cl pl bl tcertvlbcl cl
2 notes · View notes
boogfly · 5 years
Sorry neutral m*lk h*tel is unlistenable to me I've tried but i cant finish one song man. 😘😘😘😘😘
11 notes · View notes