charlesmos · 6 years
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Neste momento dois amores... Cerveja e RPG! Poderia estar jogando como antigamente, mas amanhã estarwi com boas companhias! #rpg #mestrenarrador #dungeonsmaster #livingrpg #rpgbrasil #sessaorpgsummer #heinekenandrpg #heineken #combates #interpretação #characters
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donnicorocks · 6 years
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#Mission : #WednesdayPorroQuest #Uncomplete #Agent : #DN #Level : #DiamondsAreForever #Cause : #Giving #TooMuch #Masa to #LaMaza #NextMission : #ThursdayPorroQuest #UnBiked #LivingRPG (en Plaza del Congreso)
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daliakerns · 7 years
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Imperial Flags Reign Supreme. Will you bow down to Imperial oppression or stand up and REBEL. Join www.LegendsoftheGalaxy.com and Experience Adventure and Excitement in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... Game Masters and Players wanted #legendsofthegalaxy #starwarsrp #srawarsrpg #ageofrebellion #edgeoftheempire #forceanddestiny #forceanddestinyrpg #edgeoftheempirerpg #ageofrebellionrpg #starwars #rogueone #irebel #rebels #rebelscum #starwarsrebels #rpg #roleplaying #swrpg #swroleplaying #organizedplay #looking4players #lookingforplayers #looking4gm #lookingforgm #publicgame #livinggame #livingforce #livingrpg #swtor #gm #dm #gamemaster #looking4game #lookingforgame #jedi #sith #games #hobbyshop #gamestore #flgs #ffg #fantasyflightgames #worldwide #roleplayingexperience #communitydriven
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