#live plants online in Mumbai
ratanshisblog · 3 months
How To Grow Brinjals In Your Home Garden?
Brinjal is a popular vegetable in the Indian cuisine. It is also known as eggplant, aubergine, or baingan. This is a fruit vegetable that is grown mainly during the warm months and also grown annually. These plants are native to subtropical or tropical regions and can grow in moderate temperatures, like peppers and tomatoes. These fruit vegetables can be grown using organic seeds online in India, or you can also purchase young saplings from a plant nursery in Mumbai like Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech.
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1.Growing brinjals in your home garden
Brinjals are available in multiple varieties that vary in size and hues of purple. They can be grown using saplings or seeds. If you want to grow brinjals using seeds, you can buy high-quality organic seeds online in India, like the f1 hybrid brinjal seeds. These seeds grow well in temperatures ranging from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius. You can start soaking the seeds overnight in water and then sow them in small containers for seedlings. Cover them with a 2 to 3-mm pot mix. Water the seed trays lightly to ensure moisture. 
The seedlings will start emerging in six to seven days. Once the seedlings are ready, transplant the seedlings into a grower pot prepared with a potting mix rich in organic manure. Water the grower pots and place them in a spot receiving ample sunlight. 
2. Maintaining your brinjal plants
Brinjals require regular care involving watering, feedings, and misting. These plants also have tiny spines or thorns on their stems, hence one must be careful while tending to the plants.
Watering: Brinjals require frequent and generous watering throughout their growth. These plants can dry out quickly and thus require daily watering, especially during the summer months. It is also advisable to mist the brinjal plant leaves daily, using tepid water to enhance the fruiting process and prevent the growth of red spider mites.
Mulching: Brinjals grow well with a thick mulch layer of compost or manure to contain moisture and avoid weeding.
Fertilizing: The plants require fertilizers rich in potassium once the flowers start appearing. Apply fertilizer to the plant every 15 days, ensuring ample flowers and fruits.
Supporting: Brinjals can be large and heavier on their top and require support. One can use bamboo pipes to add support to the plant. 
Harvesting: Brinjals are ready for harvest 100 days after sowing the seeds. You can pick the fruits once they are fully grown, acquire perfect color, turn ripe, and have a glossy outer layer. If the skin is dull, it means the fruit is over-ripe. Hence, one must pick the fruits in time. One must also be careful while plucking the fruits as the plant has thorns and spines.
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3. Additional tips:
Brinjals require loam sandy soil that is rich in organic matter.
Ensure the plants get direct sunlight (5 to 6 hours) daily.
Maintain the soil pH around 5.8 to 6.5.
If you want to use brinjal saplings, ensure you do not opt for weak and tall plants. Also, avoid young plants with blossoms from the plant nursery, or you will not get a good yield.
Aubergines require moderate fertilization.
Experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech also recommend using dark-colored grower pots, ensuring ample absorption of sunlight.
Also, use high-quality pot mix available at plant nurseries, ensuring ample growth and preventing pest attacks.
4. Final thoughts
Brinjals are a great plant for your home garden. Gardeners can expect a great harvest if they choose good quality live plants or organic seeds online. Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech is a leading plant nursery in Mumbai, offering high-quality gardening supplies like pot mixes, seeds, gardening tools, grower pots, and more. The plant nursery also has an online platform that features a range of gardening supplies delivered throughout India. For more information, visit their website today!
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ratanshis · 3 months
Buy High-Quality Indoor & Outdoor Plants - Ratanshis 
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 "Explore a wide selection of indoor and outdoor plants at Ratanshis Nursery. Our high-quality plants are perfect for any home or garden. Shop now and enhance your living space with beautiful greenery."
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Tips to use home decor items to decorate a modern home
The modern home is more than just a place to live in today's fast-paced society; it's also a haven, a showcase for one's particular style, and the centre of modern living. A contemporary home's decor should embrace simplicity, clean lines, and practical design while adding warmth and character. Adding handmade home decor items and wall décor options online for your space can be the best option.
Here are some ideas to help you create a contemporary and welcoming ambience, whether beginning from scratch or giving your home a makeover.
Types of modern home décor items to decorate and design your home
Spice up your living room, bedroom, and home corners with a few choice pieces that reflect your style.
Modern Colourful Horse Bust by Satgurus: Handmade goods frequently have slight variances, inconsistencies, and defects that are testaments to the artistry of their makers. Accept these distinctive qualities as a part of their innate beauty rather than defects. This colourful, trendy horse statue gives any room a pop of colour and modern flair.
It is a unique piece with a distinctive design and vibrant colour scheme, and its delicate craftsmanship guarantees a long-lasting display. Ideal for anyone looking for a chic and striking piece of home décor.
Ambari Elephant with Stone Work By Satgurus: Presenting the magnificent Ambari Elephant statue skillfully carved by Satguru’s using stone craftsmanship. This item, which was expertly crafted, features beautiful stonework that would elevate any area. A distinctive and striking touch can be added to a modern home by decorating it with an elephant statue.  
When adding a statue like this, consider positioning it to command attention as a focal point, like a console or side table.  This is a stunning addition for anyone who appreciates exquisite art.
Shivaji Maharaj On Singhasan in Black by Satgurus: In the sixteenth century BC, Shivaji Maharaj, a courageous Maratha monarch, defended the western regions of India against the Mughal invasion. Introducing the Shivaji statue on Singhasan. 
This bold Maratha king statue is made of resin and has a sleek black finish, giving it a regal appearance for home decor. This exquisite piece represents caution and pride. Show respect for Shivaji Maharaj while giving your interior design a refined touch.
The Namaskaram - Yoga Series 2022 by Satgurus: One excellent would be to add calm and awareness to your home is by decorating it with a Namaskar yoga statue. These exquisite sculptures, which frequently show someone in the classic namaste stance, can be arranged throughout the house to create a relaxing atmosphere. To give your area a unique touch, try your hand at some of the specially crafted, hand-painted ceramic statues.
Show off your passion for exercise and yoga with this lovely statue of a yoga asana. One common location for the statue is on a bookshelf or side table, which can be a beautiful addition to your yoga room. To further improve the contemplative atmosphere, consider arranging the statue creatively with other natural objects like plants, candles, or crystals.
Winding Up
Achieving the ideal balance between form and function, sophistication and simplicity, minimalism, and personality is crucial when decorating a modern home. There are several home decor shops in Mumbai, but decorating your home with decor items from Satguru's is the best option. You can also shop online and get your items home-delivered.
Satguru's is your one-stop shop for home décor and ideas on what to give your loved ones as gifts. This online store prioritises quality above all else, so you can be sure you'll receive the best. Visit Satguru's and check out some of its excellent home decor collections online.
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fitcrustore · 26 days
Unveiling the Best Fitness and Health Supplements Online
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal fitness and health can be a challenge. Busy schedules, hectic lifestyles, and poor dietary habits often leave us lacking essential nutrients needed for our bodies to function at their best. This is where fitness and health supplements come into play. With the convenience of online shopping, finding the best supplement store in mumbai to support your fitness goals and overall well-being has never been easier.
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Whether you're looking to boost your energy levels, build muscle, support weight loss, or improve your immune system, there's a vast array of supplements available online to cater to your needs. Here, we'll explore some of the best fitness and health supplements that you can find online:
1. Protein Supplements: Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, making it a cornerstone for anyone looking to build strength or recover from workouts. Online platforms offer a variety of protein supplements such as whey protein, casein protein, and plant-based protein powders to suit different dietary preferences and goals.
2. Multivitamins: Even with a balanced diet, it can be challenging to get all the vitamins and minerals our bodies need for optimal health. Multivitamin supplements fill this gap by providing a convenient way to ensure you're meeting your daily requirements of essential nutrients, promoting overall well-being and immune function.
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their numerous health benefits, including supporting heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation. Fish oil supplements or vegan alternatives derived from algae are readily available online to help you meet your omega-3 needs.
4. Creatine: Creatine is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its ability to enhance strength, power, and muscle mass. Online stores offer various forms of creatine supplements, including powder and capsules, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
5. Pre-Workout Supplements: For an extra boost of energy and focus during workouts, pre-workout supplements can be a game-changer. These supplements often contain ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine to enhance performance and maximize your training sessions.
6. Post-Workout Recovery Supplements: After a strenuous workout, it's crucial to support your body's recovery process. Post-workout supplements containing fast-absorbing carbohydrates, protein, and essential amino acids can help replenish glycogen stores, repair muscle tissue, and reduce muscle soreness.
7. Vitamin D Supplements: Many people have insufficient levels of vitamin D, especially those who live in regions with limited sunlight or spend most of their time indoors. Vitamin D supplements are readily available online and are essential for maintaining bone health, immune function, and overall vitality.
8. Greens and Superfood Supplements: To ensure you're getting an abundance of nutrients from fruits and vegetables, even on the busiest days, consider adding green and superfood supplements to your regimen. These supplements often contain a blend of nutrient-rich ingredients like spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, and barley grass.
When purchasing fitness and health supplements online, it's essential to prioritize quality and authenticity. Look for reputable brands that prioritize transparency, provide third-party testing, and use high-quality ingredients. Additionally, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
The world of online shopping offers a plethora of options for those seeking to enhance their fitness and health with supplements. Whether you're aiming to build muscle, improve endurance, or simply support overall well-being, there's a supplement out there to help you reach your goals. With the convenience of online platforms, taking charge of your health has never been more accessible.
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teambuildingglobal123 · 6 months
Eco-Friendly Team Building: Sustainability in Corporate Programs
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In an era where environmental consciousness takes center stage, corporate entities in India are steering towards eco-friendly practices in all facets of their operations. Team building activities in Mumbai, an integral aspect of fostering a collaborative work environment, is no exception. The paradigm is shifting, and businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability in their team-building programs. This article unravels the tapestry of eco-friendly corporate team building companies in India, exploring how corporate initiatives in India are aligning with green practices to foster team cohesion while championing environmental responsibility.
Green Venues and Retreats
Discover how companies are choosing eco-friendly venues for team-building retreats, ranging from resorts with sustainable practices to natural settings that minimize the environmental impact.
Sustainable Challenges and Activities
Explore a myriad of team-building activities designed with sustainability in mind, such as eco-treasure hunts, tree planting initiatives, and collaborative projects that contribute positively to the local environment.
Zero-Waste Team Building Events
Delve into the concept of zero-waste events where companies minimize single-use plastics, opt for reusable materials, and implement waste segregation practices during team-building activities.
Eco-Friendly Team Building Games
Highlight creative and engaging games that not only strengthen team bonds but also instill an appreciation for the environment, promoting themes like recycling, conservation, and sustainable living.
CSR Integration: Environmental Initiatives
Explore how companies are intertwining corporate social responsibility (CSR) with team-building activities, contributing to environmental causes such as tree plantation drives, waste management projects, and community clean-ups.
Virtual Eco-Team Building
In the age of remote work, investigate how businesses are translating eco-friendly team building activities in Mumbai into the virtual realm, utilizing online platforms for challenges, workshops, and initiatives that promote sustainability.
Employee Well-Being in Nature
Uncover the positive impact of nature on employee well-being and how incorporating natural elements into team-building activities provides a refreshing break from the digital world while nurturing a sense of eco-consciousness.
Sustainability Workshops and Seminars
Showcase the growing trend of organizing workshops and seminars focused on sustainability, environmental conservation, and the importance of eco-friendly practices as part of team-building initiatives.
Measuring Environmental Impact
Discuss methodologies adopted by companies to measure the environmental impact of their team-building activities, emphasizing transparency and accountability in their sustainability efforts.
The Final Thought
Conclude by examining how the adoption of eco-friendly team-building practices is contributing to broader cultural shifts within corporate entities, fostering a mindset of sustainability that extends beyond team-building events. As businesses in India embrace a more sustainable approach to corporate team building companies in India, they not only strengthen their internal bonds but also contribute to a greener and more eco-conscious future.
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indiabizzness · 1 year
Find top Interior designers in India at affordable cost on Indiabizzness.com
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Everyone wants his house to be attractive and everything in it to be according to his preferences, all wants his house to be his personal space. Some individuals prefer a simple and stylish décor for their home, while others want a splash of color. People are also becoming more environmentally conscious, that's why they want indoor plants and sometimes eco-friendly decorations. All of these demands are fulfilled by interior designers. They are the ones who bring color to your ordinarily monochrome visions. Interior design is a service that offers its clients a collection of incredibly attractive yet functional solutions for making better use of the available space. Interior design is to improve the user experience by better managing the available space in the intervening environment. However, choosing the right one for your needs might be challenging, which is where Indiabizzness comes in.
IndiaBizzness.com is one of the fastest-growing online B2B marketplaces in India, connecting precise best Interior designers in India to verified customers. Here people can find a listing of famous interior designers in India either full-time or freelancers also.  They can assist you in creating a whole distinct look for your home, hotel, or restaurant. Indiabizzness have a listing of the Best Interior Designers in India, with different interior design options like an interior design for house, interior design for hall, interior design bedroom everything. Indiabizzness services are spread all over the country and that is why they have designers from all over India, Simply visit their website and search for interior designers in your areas, such as interior designers in Delhi, interior designers in Mumbai or interior designers in Gurgaon, and you will be presented with numerous options.
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Many factors distinguish the interior designers present on our website as active professionals in this industry. Through their designs and decorations, they improve the quality of life of persons who reside or visit a certain location. Our website allows interior designers from all over India to list their services. It is the ideal way for you to interact with verified customers and satisfy their demands according to their specifications. If you work as a full-time or freelance designer, please register on our site because someone is looking for you. The best part about listing on our website is that you don't have to pay anything; our services are completely free. Simply visit our website, complete the registration form, follow a few simple steps and you will be added to our database.
Do you want to renew your living room with a new color scheme and furnishings, or give your bathroom a much-needed makeover? If you're looking for low-cost interior design, Indiabizzness is the place to go. If you want a stress-free experience when it comes to designing your home, look for a designer on the website who can handle everything from furniture and decor purchases to carpentry and installation for kitchens and wardrobes. Check the entire workspace for any essential civil work. Painting, flooring, and false ceilings are all classified as independent services. Examine the interior design price list and select the finest option for you based on all of these features and services.
Indiabizzness is a B2B marketplace where customers can find a wide range of products and services to meet their specific needs. Because they verify the seller before granting them a listing, the services or products offered on Inidabizzness are of the highest quality. Sellers can also register their business to compete in the digital market and interact with buyers without having to travel door to door. People start receiving verified leads from various customers and boost their business after following some simple steps at Indiabizzness.com.
If you are a consumer looking for the best interior designers in Delhi or across India to decorate your business, house, or anything else, simply visit our website and you will find a list of the best designers from all over India. Get in touch with us on our contact number +91- 9818327437, and through SMS too, or can Email us at [email protected] Visit us for more information: https://www.indiabizzness.com
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The Versatility of Door Frames: From Room Dividers to Shelving Units
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Door frames are not just functional elements in our homes; they can also serve as versatile design features that add character and functionality to our house plan design. Beyond their traditional purpose of separating rooms, door frames can be creatively repurposed to serve as room dividers, shelving units, and more in house plan design. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which door frames can be transformed to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of our homes.
Room Dividers:
Door frames in vastu house plan provide an excellent opportunity to create distinct zones within an open floor plan. By removing the actual doors in vastu house plan and leaving the frames intact, you can create a visual separation between spaces while maintaining an open and connected feel. Consider using decorative materials such as frosted glass, rattan panels, or even repurposed antique doors to add a touch of style to your room dividers in vastu house plan.
Shelving Units:
Why limit your storage options to conventional bookshelves and cabinets when you can utilize door frames in vastu for home plan to create unique shelving units? By adding shelves within the frame or repurposing the frame itself as a display area, you can create a visually appealing and functional storage solution in vastu for home plan. This can be particularly useful in small spaces where every inch of storage matters.
Artistic Displays:
Door frames  in vastu for home plan can also be transformed into artistic displays that showcase your favorite artwork, photographs, or decorative items in vastu for home plan. Hang frames within the door frame or attach hooks and wires to display a curated collection of paintings or photographs. This creates an eye-catching focal point that adds visual interest to any west-facing house plan with vastu.
Greenery and Vertical Gardens:
Give your door frames a touch of nature by transforming them into vertical gardens in west-facing house plan with vastu. Attach small planter boxes or hang potted plants from the frame to create a lush and refreshing greenery display. Not only does this add a natural element to your space, but it also maximizes your use of vertical space, making it ideal for urban dwellers with limited garden space in vastu house plan.
Functional Design Elements:
Door frames in house plan design can also serve as practical design elements in your home. For example, a door frame with integrated hooks can be used to hang coats, bags, or keys near the entryway, keeping everything organized and easily accessible. You can also install a mirror within a door frame to create a stylish and functional dressing area or a full-length mirror for a sleek and modern touch with best interior designer in Mumbai.
Don't limit your creativity when it comes to door frames with online architect for your house in mumbai. Embrace their versatility and explore the endless possibilities they offer in terms of room dividers, shelving units, artistic displays, and functional design elements in  west-facing house plan with vastu. By repurposing door frames, you can transform your living spaces into unique and personalized areas that reflect your style and enhance the functionality of your  west-facing house plan with vastu. So, the next time you consider renovating or redecorating, think beyond the traditional use of door frames and unlock their full potential!
Remember to share your creative door frame projects with us and inspire others to think outside the box when it comes to home design.
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Everything About the Custom Made Furniture
In this blog, the readers will get to know about the custom made furniture.
 Changing any space into a practical one with furniture in it is simple. It is fundamental for one to be intelligible about the furniture pieces that are either built or purchased with thought for a specific space. If we somehow manage to bottle it down to private spaces, furniture pieces get that truly necessary warmth and, surprisingly, a feeling of solace while portraying the style and feel of the home. Furniture causes a house to feel like a home and yet, it's vital that the furniture is constructed remembering the client. We go to our inside master, the prime supporter of Hipcouch, an inside plan firm based out of Mumbai for master tips and guidance on the most proficient method to buy the best furniture for your home.
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The initial step to changing over a level of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint into a house is to characterize the sort of furniture one expects to work in the space. Lately, because of broad relocations and "living out of the bag" culture, conventional furniture making has assumed a lower priority in a great deal of the metropolitan homes, getting secluded furniture the light.
 Furniture Restoration in Dubai, as a general rule, can be sorted into two sorts, uniquely crafted and particular furnishings. Presently while hand crafted furniture pieces ordinarily follow customary strategies which require talented workers and unrefined components that are made into useful pieces. Then again, secluded furniture is efficiently manufactured, processing plant made furniture pieces that are intended to keep the interest of a more extensive gathering in thought. Is it true or not that you are seeking to get some new furniture for your home? With the merry season around, this is practically the ideal open door, right?
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The genuine distinction here is that specially crafted furniture keeps an eye of accuracy on the nature of the item. Alongside the utilization of confirmed, great unrefined substances, its making can be checked with a shrewd eye. Tweaked pieces, additionally will generally follow the customary furniture-production process which assists with characterizing the time contributed by the expert. There is a colossal hole between a hand craft and efficient manufacture, brings up. The efficiently manufactured things frequently use less time as it includes the utilization of mechanical machines. It is of a high chance that the materials that go into creation may at times wind up unaided and may collect less consideration as they go in for creation for a bigger scope. Look for the best Custom Furniture Dubai service provider online.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
How to decorate your home balcony with plants
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Having a home garden in an urban home is no longer just a luxury. Even with limited space it is very possible and very doable to have a beautiful home garden in full bloom. Especially for those who are fortunate enough to have balconies and outdoor terrace spaces. The best way to decorate an outdoor space naturally and in a cost-efficient manner is of course to deck and dot the entire balcony with a set of house plants both of the indoor and outdoor variety.
House plants are easily available to purchase today and the good nurseries usually have an eclectic mix of both indoor plants and those of the outdoor kind.  Buying plants online is a very suitable way to have your homes look cleaner, greener and calmer than ever before.
This is why today we felt we could bring you some handy tips and tricks to help you make your balconies and terrace gardens a nook of awesomeness and natural tender loving care thanks to some beautiful plants purchased from reputed online nurseries.
Balcony Gardening Tips
Railing Planters
Along the railings install a shelf or hanging flower boxes outside to generate more space. This is great for people living in a studio and having a compact outer open space.
Decorative Pots and Planters
On the balcony floor, use decorative pots and planters. On a balcony garden, hanging baskets are mandatory too. You can grow flowers, herbs, and even tomatoes in these hanging baskets.
Climbing Plants
Invest in some amazing creepers to set up an array of hanging plants. Adding a trellis makes the balcony look awesome and also helps to conserve space.
Vertical Gardens
Vertical gardens as a concept are fairly new in India but some reputed online gardening stores do help you from design and set up to end to end execution of vertical gardens.
Adding shelves to the balcony help you provision for pots on the wall rather than having them at floor level. This makes the balcony look better, roomier and more attractive. The plants are also in a better space to receive sunlight and natural nourishment at a higher level.
Bright Furniture
Using accessories and bright furniture always helps to compliment green and bright plants. The right patio furniture, mirrors, vases, pebbles and in cases where the space is afforded, even a swing is a beautiful addition to the plants on your balcony and terrace gardens.
Get your Greens Online
With fast paced lifestyles making it difficult especially for millennial couples to step outside their homes and offices to shop being able to buy plants online in Mumbai and surrounding areas such as Thane, Navi Mumbai and soon in Pune is the ultimate service which Ultima Gardening provides. This online nursery is a treasure trove of ornamentals, herbs, spices, flowering plants, cactus and many more such beautiful and exotic greens which can be booked seamlessly online and delivered right to your doorstep. So the next time you want to surround yourself with greens on your balcony just log on to our website and order away.
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onlineplantscart · 2 years
Bring Home The Best Air Purifying Plants
If the air around you is heavily polluted, the initial thing people look for is masks, be they are simple cloths or doctor ones , or the more precise N95 masks to make sure that they are protected from dirt and pollutants. Or, they may relax and remain at home, believing that staying home will lower their exposure to dangerous pollutants in the air.
What they don't realize is that staying in the house isn't the best option. In reality, indoor air quality could be false. Because, firstly, it is impossible to be indoors all day long, and further, the air that you breathe in your house isn't as clean as you believe it is. So, a better strategy that's long-term and sustainable is to bring home tubs filled with air purifying plants to help in cleaning the air.
Yes, they do exist, and are readily available as well as in reputable nurseries, such as the Mumbai-based nurseries such as Root Bridges. Improve the air quality room in your house by incorporating the green house plants you can find in your living or bedroom room.
These Online plants that purify the air in your the living and bedroom are extremely effective in eliminating pollutants and harmful substances from the air, thus increasing the levels of oxygen. In order to create a more healthy breathing environment, you don't need an enormous balcony or terrace. What you really need is a tiny space in your home for these beautiful and useful green plants. Check out the top indoor plants that can purify your air India.
The air in your house is not as fresh as the air outside. Bring in these 12 air-purifying plants, also known as anti-pollution plants India can purify the air, and bring the freshness and color to your house. Therefore, don't delay, you should bring in one of these homes today!
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is beneficial plant since it not only cleans your air from benzene as well as formaldehyde, it also absorbs carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It is a wonderful plant to keep in your the house because it's small easily to grow and maintain. A moist soil and mild sun allow you to easily grow one plant into several plants within a short time. Another benefit is that the aloe gel has antibacterial, wound healing, and anti-inflammatory properties that help maintain the appearance of your skin.
2. Peace Lily
Peace Lily
Peace Lily is one of NASA's most popular cleansing plants to eliminate commonly-used household toxins. It is similar to aloe Vera it also cleans our air from benzene as well as formaldehyde. This helps clean our air. A simple plant with white flowers it's among the top air purifying indoor plants as well as a cleaners that are able to effectively remove indoor pollutants released by electronics furniture, furniture and other household appliances.
3. Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos
In the list of plants that purify air in India, Golden Pothos is one of the most efficient air purifiers that fight toxic substances like formaldehyde carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, benzene and many more. It doesn't require the most care as it is able to grow quickly and stays green even when it is kept in darkness.
4. English Ivy
English Ivy
These evergreen indoor air purifying plants help to reduce the airborne faecal matter that is a source of contamination and eliminate formaldehyde which is that is a major component throughout the atmosphere. It requires regular maintenance because it is a magnet for pests when being not getting enough sunlight.
Furthermore, it requires attention when it comes to watering since the plant generally is not a fan of standing water. Even though it is very high maintenance yet it's among the top efficient pollutant-free plants or air purification plant as it is able to take away more than 55 % of harmful substances that are in our air.
5. Weeping Fig
Weeping Fig
A long-lasting and low-maintenance plant, the weeping fig is known for its ability to eliminate the harmful toxins that are produced by household objects like carpets, furniture and curtains. It is among the toughest indoor air purifying plants, and must be placed in a bright indirect lighting. It takes time to grow during the first phases, but after that it becomes a huge plant that significantly improves the air quality as well as delivering incredible clean air results.
6. Warneck Dracaena
Warneck Dracaena
These air purifying foliage plants suitable for bedrooms and living rooms filter the air of contaminants like xylene formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. When it comes to maintenance is concerned, it doesn't require direct sunlight. The soil it thrives in must be moist but not too wet as overwatering could cause the leaves to turn yellow. The plant can get up to 12 feet tall and, therefore, may require regular pruning.
7. Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii)
Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii)
Azaleas that bloom in various shades are beautiful to take in. If they are planted in a cluster it will provide a fresh and vibrant look to your living areas. This beautiful plant that has dual purposes is not just an air purifier, but it also decorates our indoor spaces with its beautiful blooms.
The beautiful air purifying indoor plant is thriving in cool and bright places which don't receive direct sunlight because bright sunlight is known to cause burning of the leaves. It can help counteract the negative effects of formaldehyde in the foam insulation and plywood. To ensure the plant's shape it is possible to trim it after the blooming time is over.
8. Bamboo Palm
Bamboo Palm
The bamboo plant, called"the Butterfly Palm or Areca Palm is among the most effective air purifying plants in India. It is a hardy plant that removes formaldehyde, benzene and the trichloroethylene. It requires moist soil, and a location that has good air circulation.
In addition to air purification, it's an effective natural humidity reducing agent, making it more effective during winter's dryness. Areca palms are thriving in regions that have bright yet not intense sunlight. They require regular pruning since they grow quickly. Because it is non-toxic, it is safe for animals.
9. Green Spider Plant
Green Spider Plant
Spider plants are great for air purification. indoor plants that grow quickly and requires only minimal maintenance. It requires well-drained soil and watered at least twice a week. Also called or air purifying plants it removes formaldehyde and xylene that are present in indoor environments. The plant is extremely safe and is non-toxic for pets and children. It requires bright indirect sunlight to flourish. One plant seems to be enough to purify the air in 200 square. metres.
10. Snake Plant
Snake Plant
The snake plant, also known as Mother - in Law's Tongue is an extremely hardy and easy to cultivate and propagate plant that needs little care. The most important thing to keep in mind is that they should be planted in draining soil.
These plants for air purification are among the top air purifying plants suitable for living rooms and bedrooms according to NASA. It is ideal for bathrooms because it is able to thrive in dim light and humid environments. It eliminates formaldehyde, which is often used in products for personal care.
11. Indian Basil
Indian Basil
Basil is also known as Tulsi This plant needs minimum or no care. It is among the top plants for air purification India or anti-pollution plants in India with healing properties. Tussi plants require regular sunlight, so the ideal spot to place it is close to the window. Also, don't forget to water these plant regularly to keep it clean.
12. Money Plant
Money Plant
Money plants are potent plant that purifies the air India and anti-pollution species that can clean the air inside your home efficiently. They require regular watering, and flourishes under indirect sun. They grow quickly and, consequently, need to be cut back regularly. Beware, the leaves of the money plant can be toxic to cats, dogs and children under the age of 6 if they ingest them.
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ratanshisblog · 2 months
What are the different types of seeds in gardening?
Growing plants using seeds can be intimidating, especially if the seeds do not germinate or if the plants do not grow well. Hence, one must choose the best organic seeds online in India. It is also essential to know the extensive varieties of plant seeds available, how to choose the right type, and how daunting it can be. Plant seeds available at a plant nursery in Mumbai are available in extensive types like organic, non-GMO, heirloom, standard, etc. If you are unsure about choosing the right types of seeds, the following article will help you understand the difference between different types of seeds for your garden.
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Different types of seeds
Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech features the following types of seeds:
Heirloom seeds
These types of seeds are natural and come from natural open pollination. It means these seeds undergo pollination by breeze, insects, or self-pollination. Additionally, these seeds do not undergo genetic modification. These seeds are passed on for over 50 to 100 years.
Hybrid seeds
These seeds are produced under a controlled process to create a better plant variety. These seeds are produced to create a new plant variety using crossbreeding between two plants and using their top qualities. These seeds can provide extensive plant varieties. 
Open Pollinated seeds
These plant seeds available at a plant nursery in Mumbai come from open pollination using natural sources like pollinators, wind, and insects. The offspring of these seeds are similar to their parent seeds. It is essential to note that all heirloom seeds are open-pollinated, however not all open-pollinated seeds are heirloom seeds, as these seeds can be new seeds of the original plants. However, over time, these plant seeds can be called heirloom seeds.
Organic seeds
These seeds come from farms containing crops grown using organic farming techniques. The crops do not utilize pesticides or GMO technologies. Organic seeds can produce strong seeds with enhanced properties and are disease-resilient. These seeds can survive in extreme conditions. These seeds are perfect for gardeners looking to practice organic gardening.
GMO seeds
 Genetically modified seeds are made in labs to produce seeds with desirable qualities. The seeds are injected with desired genes from different plant species to get their benefits. For instance, the plant undergoes modification to survive dry weather or resist insects and pests. However, it is essential to note that these products aren't a result of cross-pollination and are made in labs under a controlled atmosphere using gene modification. GMO seeds are mostly used for commercial farming to produce large-scale crops. 
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Treated and untreated seeds
Seeds tagged as treated seeds often have chemical or fungicide applications to protect them from diseases or pests. Untreated seeds, on the other hand, do not have this application. However, it is essential to note that treated seeds of fruits and vegetables are 100 percent safe for consumption.
Which seeds should I select?
Gardening offers a great experience in the form of physical exercise and rewards in the form of good health and healthy produce for consumption. However, a healthy garden comes down to the basics. From healthy organic seeds to high-quality gardening supplies, one needs to research before they start. The first step involves choosing a reputed plant nursery that offers high-quality organic seeds online in India. Once you have sourced the seeds for your garden from varieties like heirloom, hybrid, non-GMO, organic, and standard, you can start growing multiple vegetables in your home garden.
If you are unsure about choosing the right seed type for your garden, consult experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a leading plant nursery in Byculla. The online nursery in Mumbai offers river sand for plants, Bavistin fungicide, musk melon tree, and live plants online in Mumbai. For more details, contact them today!
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ratanshis · 8 months
How Does Gardening Look Like in Winter?
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Winter is here, and for most of us with green fingers, Christmas time also brings its share of worry as we do all we can to protect our plants. And the fact that you’re reading this article tells us that you are one among them, aren’t you?
So, there you go experts at Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech present a winter gardening article just for you! Here are a few things to look into while winter gardening to better care for our plants so you can go ahead and enjoy Christmas to the fullest without thinking about your plants. But before heading to the tips here are a few benefits of winter gardening:
Winter gardening advantages
Require very less work
Low water requirements
Very fewer pests
Amazing vegetable and fruit harvest if you use premium quality seeds from plant nurseries in Mumbai.
Top Tips for Winter Gardening
Cleaning is always an important part of gardening, but this is more so in winter when your plants can get affected by dry leaves, moisture, and other things that are more common in winter. 
Pro tips:
Make sure that you sweep your garden more often and with that, see that the drains are smooth to not let moisture accumulate and cause hassles like fungal infections. 
Winter is the season when you need to spare your plants. So, put those tools away for we won't be doing any pruning for a while. Divert your attention to the Christmas tree instead. It needs your attention and time. You see, this is when your plants are the most fragile and can’t be going under the knife. 
Pro tip: 
So, don't prune unless you see weeds that you just can’t ignore or a lot of heavy foliage. Even if you are so tempted, wait for a while. 
A ten to 20 percent foliage removal can be acceptable in case you need to prune.
Now, you may wonder what kind of advice this is. Yes, plants need nourishment for the entire year. However, there is something more you need to know. 
So, if you are habituated to watering your plants when you come home every evening, it’s time to make some changes to your daily schedule. Perhaps waking up an hour early every morning, for winter is when you need to water your plants in the morning. 
It is because the water in the evening may not evaporate well, thanks to the cold night air and this makes it a good idea to do the needful in the morning. And you wouldn’t want your plants to sit in water for six to eight hours while you are sound asleep under a blanket, would you? No plant lover would want that, and we are guessing you wouldn’t want that too!
Pro tips: 
That said, here’s another thing you need to know. Do not water your plants in the evening. 
Watering plants in the morning rather than your daily evening routine. The day temperature will ensure adequate evaporation during the day and plants will not sit in the evening stagnant water for six to eight hours.
One must also be cautious about rose fertilizer or other fertilizer usage, particularly during winter and if one has tropical or summer plants. Since these plants have their growing period in summer, it means, they will be dormant in the cold weather, leading to over-fertilization chances.
Final thoughts
Gardening in winter is much easier if you choose the right plants, and that said, Ratanshi Agro-Hortitech, a leading plant nursery in Mumbai has many live plants online in Mumbai worth having in your garden in winter. Be it a fruit or a vegetable garden that you want, here you can shop online to find the kind of plants and best organic seeds online in India you have in mind before starting your winter garden. 
Here, one can also find a range of plant accessories like grower pots, rose fertilizers, and other equipment that you would perhaps find helpful for your winter garden. 
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Tips to use home decor items to decorate a modern home
The modern home is more than just a place to live in today's fast-paced society; it's also a haven, a showcase for one's particular style, and the centre of modern living. A contemporary home's decor should embrace simplicity, clean lines, and practical design while adding warmth and character. Adding handmade home decor items and wall décor options online for your space can be the best option.
Here are some ideas to help you create a contemporary and welcoming ambience, whether beginning from scratch or giving your home a makeover.
Types of modern home décor items to decorate and design your home
Spice up your living room, bedroom, and home corners with a few choice pieces that reflect your style.
Modern Colourful Horse Bust by Satgurus: Handmade goods frequently have slight variances, inconsistencies, and defects that are testaments to the artistry of their makers. Accept these distinctive qualities as a part of their innate beauty rather than defects. This colourful, trendy horse statue gives any room a pop of colour and modern flair.
It is a unique piece with a distinctive design and vibrant colour scheme, and its delicate craftsmanship guarantees a long-lasting display. Ideal for anyone looking for a chic and striking piece of home décor.
Ambari Elephant with Stone Work By Satgurus: Presenting the magnificent Ambari Elephant statue skillfully carved by Satguru’s using stone craftsmanship. This item, which was expertly crafted, features beautiful stonework that would elevate any area. A distinctive and striking touch can be added to a modern home by decorating it with an elephant statue.  
When adding a statue like this, consider positioning it to command attention as a focal point, like a console or side table.  This is a stunning addition for anyone who appreciates exquisite art.
Shivaji Maharaj On Singhasan in Black by Satgurus: In the sixteenth century BC, Shivaji Maharaj, a courageous Maratha monarch, defended the western regions of India against the Mughal invasion. Introducing the Shivaji statue on Singhasan. 
This bold Maratha king statue is made of resin and has a sleek black finish, giving it a regal appearance for home decor. This exquisite piece represents caution and pride. Show respect for Shivaji Maharaj while giving your interior design a refined touch.
The Namaskaram - Yoga Series 2022 by Satgurus: One excellent would be to add calm and awareness to your home is by decorating it with a Namaskar yoga statue. These exquisite sculptures, which frequently show someone in the classic namaste stance, can be arranged throughout the house to create a relaxing atmosphere. To give your area a unique touch, try your hand at some of the specially crafted, hand-painted ceramic statues.
Show off your passion for exercise and yoga with this lovely statue of a yoga asana. One common location for the statue is on a bookshelf or side table, which can be a beautiful addition to your yoga room. To further improve the contemplative atmosphere, consider arranging the statue creatively with other natural objects like plants, candles, or crystals.
Winding Up
Achieving the ideal balance between form and function, sophistication and simplicity, minimalism, and personality is crucial when decorating a modern home. There are several home decor shops in Mumbai, but decorating your home with decor items from Satguru's is the best option. You can also shop online and get your items home-delivered.
Satguru's is your one-stop shop for home décor and ideas on what to give your loved ones as gifts. This online store prioritises quality above all else, so you can be sure you'll receive the best. Visit Satguru's and check out some of its excellent home decor collections online.
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studioasa · 2 years
Your office is a second home! Interior design for youthful and energetic Indian staff
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3D installation spaces, meditation rooms, eccentric meeting room and phone booths, motivating mural wall spaces, contemporary and cafeteria designs, and employee recognition boards or walls of fame are some of the more particular design aspects that have made inroads into Indian office design today.
India is a young country, with 65% of the population under the age of 35. This group of workers also works a considerable 51 hours per week, beyond the recommended 48 hours per week regulated by labour legislation India.
Furthermore, according to Swiss investment firm UBS's 2018 Price and Earnings Report, Mumbai professionals work the most hours, followed by Hanoi, Mexico City, and New Delhi. On the other hand, Lagos, Rome, and Copenhagen are the nations where employees work the fewest hours.
According to the aforesaid discovery, the office or workplace is the second home for Indian professionals, where they spend one-third of their whole day. In this background, we see how large corporations such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and online retailer Flipkart have tailored their workspaces to attract a diverse pool of young talent.
Workplace design is heavily influenced by the company's culture. The workplace design is influenced by whether the culture is collaborative, open, or cubicle. For example, IT development firms may choose a non-chaotic office design where employees can focus on coding and development, a legal firm or an accounting firm may require secrecy over open collaboration spaces, and an advertising firm may prefer a more open or collaborative workplace design. Simply put, function determines form.
Organizations nowadays place a high value on interior design, and the following trends are particularly relevant:
Intelligent furniture
There is a lot of creativity going on in terms of designing furniture for new era workplaces. Today's furniture is built with comfort, space requirements, and aesthetics in mind. Smart and small talks are taking place around a standing-meeting point around a table, in addition to on a comfy chair. A clever, little table in the corner of a cabin is also making an appearance. For example, the Walmart India office has a culture in which two to three employees assemble around a standing table to discuss things while getting a cup of coffee, in order to break up the monotony of sitting at desks. Similarly, smart, sustainable, and eco-friendly furniture is popular these days.
Textures and colours
Colors and textures provide vibrancy and create an open, joyful, and welcoming work atmosphere for its employees. Similarly, varied colours of white are becoming increasingly popular among businesses seeking dynamic workspaces. The warmth of wood grain generally balances out the whites. As a result, interiors with consistent colour patterns are more popular in offices where open talks are essential. A minimalist workplace with a clutter-free zone, a streamlined layout, and more smart furniture is also a trend that is here to stay—it only makes the office that much more functional.
"Green design" might imply various things to different individuals. Green design is defined by some as ecologically friendly building and architecture methods. Others see green design as a means to increase staff wellbeing through building layout and features.
According to a recent study, persons who work in a "green" workplace, physically surrounded by plants, are happier than those who work in "lean" offices without real greenery. Furthermore, it was shown that working in green-certified offices results in a 26% increase in cognition and 30% fewer sickness-related absences. Furthermore, respondents reported a 6% improvement in their sleep quality.
Green office designs are also being developed. Air handling unit investments to increase air quality and bigger window panes are being advocated. Living walls and water curtains are also used to add a natural aesthetic and increase light levels. Furthermore, plants in all kinds are greatly welcomed in offices to enhance air quality and the general interior office atmosphere. These actions also enhance vegetation while lowering the carbon footprint.
Recreational Facilities
These rooms are becoming an essential feature of workplace design plan. This is a more comprehensive method to bringing home to work where one may enjoy them while taking a break. Table tennis and billiards have been used in India's corporate work culture for quite some time. Today, the Xbox and Playstation have a place in the office. This has been replaced by a dry pantry that serves hot drinks. These categories fundamentally increase staff teamwork and collaboration.
Unusual work environments
Booth seating, collaborative spaces, scrum areas, swings, bean bags, sofas, lounge type seats, to mention a few, there are a range of seating alternatives in office environments today that were uncommon, if not radical, to consider only a few years ago.
Employees are also encouraged to take a break from their traditional desks and work while sitting on a casual bean bag or surrendering on a nice leather sofa. Previously, office designs focused on just one facet of the employee, such as productivity, but this discourse has recently expanded to incorporate a more holistic, employee-centric, and point of view. Adjustable furnishings in principal work-space and meeting areas, such as height adjustable work tables, seats, and monitor arms, lower the risk of illness affecting people's capacity to work. We see huge opportunity to employ workspace design to enhance long-term well-being.
3D installation spaces, meditation rooms, quirky conference rooms and phone booths, motivational mural wall spaces, contemporary and cafeteria designs, and employee recognition boards or walls of fame are some of the more particular design aspects that have made inroads into Indian office design today. All in all, the workplace design must keep up with the ever-changing needs of employees. With technology and lifestyle developments in this decade, there will undoubtedly be more to come in workplace design.
About Us
Studio AsA - Interior designer in baner pune is an Architecture and Interior design studio created by design enthusiasts always curious about new design innovations. An association of young minds looking forward to bringing the transformation beyond dreams and imagination. 
Address - 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor, Ashtagandha Bungalow Phase 3B, near The Rustle Nest Restaurant, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
Call Us - +91-93095 90430
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legendarydip · 2 years
Delhi to Kolkata flights
Book Delhi to Kolkata Air Ticket @Reasonable Amount + Cashback offers.
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Why Delhi to Kolkata Flight Booking Had Been So Popular Till Now?
You may be happy to know that Delhi to Kolkata flight booking is now readily available online with many airlines. You can purchase air tickets any time you want at Bharat Airways for the advantages, features, and amenities you enjoy.
Airlines are a valued commuting option for many people. People can find flights according to the time and date of their airway journey and even decide on their accommodations after booking. You can also find various offers from multiple airlines here at Bhartiya Airways.
With our website, it's a simple task to find the best possible flight rates. You're never stuck comparing rates as you need to stay interactive with Bhartiya Airways.
You've found an amazing budget airline travel that offers no-frills pricing, an on-time record, and excellent customer service. They also provide direct flights at a low price.
You can compare Bhartiya Airways flights to other top airlines from Delhi - like Indigo Vistara, GO FIRST, Jet Airways, or SpiceJet. Or you can book the best obtainable deals on their website. If you're traveling to Kolkata, they offer some great prices as well.
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A Brief Overview Of Kolkata
Kolkata is known as one of the metropolitan cities of India. As we all know, Kolkata is the capital of West Bengal. It has a rich history and is considered the 2nd biggest city trailing Mumbai.
Kolkata is a city with many historical and important sites enjoyed by international travelers. Kolkata is considered to be one particularly hot destination for global researchers.
Kolkata represents originals and adventures with all the contemporary facilities accessible. It has grown from a fishermen's village to become one of the major urban settlements in the world. Kolkata has changed with the changing times, adapting to modern trends and modern life. The old-time care-free standard of living is still a popular attraction for many people traveling there.
Kolkata has been an integral part of Indian history and culture for hundreds of years, thanks to its beauty and the cosmopolitan variety of its tourist attractions. The town is also known for its manufacturing plants, rich culture, literature, music cuisines, and many more. On top of that, they've just got the country's first Metro, which makes getting there so much easier.
A Few of the Famous Tourist Attractions in Kolkata are:-
• Victoria Memorial
• Howrah Bridge
• Jorasanko Thakur Bari
• Birla Mandir
• Fort William
• Princep Ghat
• Botanical Gardens
• Kalighat Kali Temple
• Science City
• Tagore's House
• Eden Gardens
• Writer's Building
• Shaheed Minar
• Nizam Palace and many more
You can explore all these tourist attractions by booking an air ticket with Bhartiya Airways. What is the need to stress on your brain for the overjoyed journey to the various places in India as you can check all the notifications about duration, and many more?
About Kolkata Airport
If you have boarded one of India's most global cities, Kolkata, then look no further than Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport. It's the aviation center for everyone living in east and northeast India. Kolkata Airport is an old airport that started in 1924, formally established by the British Raj as Dum Dum Airport. After in 1995, this airport was renamed Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Kolkata Airport after a well-known and everlasting leader, patriotic, and revolutionary of the Indian freedom movement.
Delhi to Kolkata Flight Booking Details
As the airways become more reliable, you can choose flights that are likely to be on time and moderately priced. This is a great option for getting around quickly & easily on this trip.
Delhi to Kolkata flight times is beneficial for business and free time travelers. This route is among the crowded destinations in India.
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