#live banker 4 monday special
spoilertv · 11 months
0 notes
sooibian · 4 years
Flambé (Preview)
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poster and edits/collage credits to @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt !
🍜 pairing: kyungsoo x fem!reader
🍜 description: pull up a chair. take a taste. come join us. life is so endlessly delicious. - ruth reichl
🍜 themes: fluff, crack (ish), slight angst, a lil bit of spice (in the future), rivals to lovers au
🍜 word count: ~ 2.8k
🍜 a/n: a little preview of a chef kyungsoo story that i've been working on. while i have the plot fleshed out it'll honestly be a while before the long one/two-shot comes out since a lot of research goes into the details. and....i write at a snail's pace. thank you for your patience and lmk if you'd like a tag in the updates!
this story is inspired by a lot of random yt videos and netflix's shows - street food and chef's table.
tagging *deep breath* @j-pping and @changshapatrol (the real rotten banana is here!)
Water bobbed in frenetic bubbles in a massive ancient stone pot that was perched atop a fort of raging wood. Amidst brutal peals of thunder, a gushing stream rose from a nearby hill, obscuring the shrill cries of the sacrificial crab.
Chanting a spell, you lifted the enormous crustacean by its pincers and lowered it into the growling, pitch black utensil. Blubbering helplessly, it lodged its claws at the rim of the pot in desperation - seeking escape. The sound of your maniacal laughter reverberated through the cave as you thrust it back into the violent undulation with the flick of a bladed-spatula. 
All of a sudden, a wave of unconsciousness swept over you. You felt your skin singe as boiling water started to fill up your lungs. 
You were alone - at the bottom of the very same utensil.
“Help!” frantic, you staggered up, gasping for air. But the bladed-spatula wielding crab, who was now free and hovering over you, roared at your defenseless form.
Maybe your spell didn't land, you thought. 
“Please, Chef!” you whimpered. 
In one swift motion, it swooshed down to your eye level. 
Bushy black brows sprouted on its forehead, just a little over a pair of big brown circles for eyes. Then came the nose, followed by a bloody red mouth that snarled at you.
“Late again?” It drawled in a jarring tenor.
4:00 a.m., your phone blinked.
In a sleep befuddled state, your hand reached out for the wailing device. ‘Late again’, Chef’s cold, deep voice sounded in your consciousness as you wiped the droplets of sweat off your forehead.
Doh Kyungsoo had insisted on the title and you'd defiantly refused to call him that. What business does a man working at a Kalguksu stand in Gwangjang Market have, being called a chef. You'd seeked redressal with the higher ups. The owner. Your aunt.
"Aegiya, he has something that you don't."
"A dick?"
"YAH! He has a degree in culinary arts. It's only befitting that we give him the respect his degree deserves!"
"Imo, haven't you watched Parasite? Anyone can forge documents these days and if so then why is he here? He could very well get a job at Four Seasons like Hyun Jin. Think, Imo. Think!” 
“Exactly! With forged documents, he could be anywhere. But he’s here, no?”
“Maybe you’re just easier to manipulate.”
"Chef. You're calling him Chef."
Every time the egotistical madman opened that darned mouth of his, it made you want to knock him down with a roundhouse and beat the living daylights out of him. 
But, with a deep breath, you always resisted the temptation. 
Because one day, one glorious day, you’d take over your aunt’s business and the very first item on your agenda would be….well, the obvious. With a glimmer of hope, you floundered out of your comforter, muttering every cuss word you’d learnt...and crafted in the course of working with the devil himself.
“Ahh 3000 is a bit too much for cucumbers", he said to the middle aged vendor, flashing a boyish grin. 
The face of sourcing had drastically changed in the last six months since Kyungsoo’s arrival. Prior to his dictatorship, your aunt had a tie up with some of the local vendors who’d hand deliver the produce every single day, without fail. Guess Kyungsoo didn’t fully comprehend the benefits of customer loyalty. ‘There could be better quality ingredients out there, Sajangnim...economically priced, I might add’, he’d convinced your aunt using his military corporal voice. No matter if it meant awkward break-ups with the vegetables ahjumma or the prawns ahjussi. You had to do the dirty work.
And tag along for the routine 5 a.m sourcing runs. Every morning, he greeted you with an accusatory ‘you’ve killed my cat’ expression.
You groaned, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. If only he’d quit flirting with every woman in the market and hurry up! The purchases had long exceeded the capacity of your humble cart. Flailing your numb arms awake, you urged him to speed up with a nudge of the knee but he glared at you like you’d asked him for a kidney. 
Kyungsoo had a tendency to overbuy but never would he help with a single bag. ‘I don’t like to sweat’ was his excuse. Which was pretty ridiculous considering he spent over ten hours a day overseeing a scorching frying pan. But you knew better than to argue. Because as much as you loathed every fibre of his existence, he terrified you a little. The man possessed the duality of a psychopath. As fierce as he was in the Market, ruthlessly competitive even, he was quite the sweet talker. And you could bet your life on the fact that every woman - whether or not a rival - would take a bullet for him.
“Ahdeul-ah”, the woman cooed at him, making your insides violently contort, “you know how tight the market is these days. But I’ll throw in some more only for you.” 
The additional weight of three kilos on your right arm ended your sourcing run for the day.
“Chef”, huffing, you said to him on your way out, “I had a late night last night.”
“And I need to be privy to this little nugget of unwarranted information because?” He paced ahead of you at his usual lightning speed.
“No, I meant, could we stop”, panting you continued, “could we stop for a quick cup of coffee.”
Halting abruptly, he turned around to look you in the eyes, “No.”
“I heard that.”
Monday at Choi Yoonsun’s was busier than usual. 
It went by in a daze amidst a cacophony of a sizzling girdle, clanging of pots and pans and your aunt’s relentless vocalization inviting customers to the stall. Having served thousands of bowls of Kalguksu and Kimchi Mandu, you heavily relied on muscle memory to get you through a workday’s demands.
Despite its chaos and commotion, you quite enjoyed working in the Market. 
Not being particularly skilled at much and having nearly flunked out of high school, cooking was the one thing that defined you. It was your safe harbour. You’d lost your father in an accident at the tender age of ten and your mother was forced to work long hours to put food on the table. So you honed your culinary skills, little by little, because you thought it vital for your own well being as well as your mother’s. 
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
At the end of yet another gratifying day, you left a wet towel soaking in vinegar for Kyungsoo to clean the iron girdle and proceeded to tend to the dirty dishes. 
“Yahh!” Imo called out for Kyungsoo and you, thumping her hand on the table, gesturing for you to join her.
“Ahh! Imo, there’s a huge pile of dirty dishes!” You cried, only to turn around to find that ass-kisser already at the table, schmoozing with your aunt. Hastily taking off your grubby apron, you washed your hands and wiped them clean with a rag cloth. Straightening your black shirt and flattening unruly flyaways, you rushed toward the table but she was already up and ready to leave, “We’ll have dinner together tonight. I want to have a chat with the both of you.”
“But -”
“Sajangnim”, Kyungsoo interrupted, wagging a finger in your direction, “this one’s had a late night last night -”
“Chef! So I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight. As if seeing you every day of every week wasn’t enough already!” 
An overtly saccharine smile spread across your face and his jaw tightened in response.
“Aish….you two...I’m leaving now”, she sighed, shaking her head, “see you both in two hours.”
Kimchi jjigae, pajeon, tteokbokki, jajangmyeon, some leftover bibimbap with sides galore from Hong Lim Banchan Stall. She clearly had something important to talk about. 
But the vibe at the dinner table just didn’t sit right with you. 
The reason could be the bespectacled black hole of negativity that was seated besides you in all black clothing but there was something off about Imo. 
She was being a little too...nice.
Fear gradually started to settle in your bones. Was she finally closing down? Was this delectable fare an attempt at softening the blow? After all, she’d settled her husband’s debts and her sons were doing well for themselves. Quite well, in fact. One of them was a banker and the other even went to culinary school and was working as a chef at Four Seasons’ Chinese restaurant. It only made sense for her to trade the Market’s gruelling ways for some much deserved peace and quiet.
“We’re closing down the stall”, she said coolly.
It was like a punch in the gut.
“Imo -”
“Aga”, she said resting her chin on her hand, “the Market’s given me everything. It’s given me a sense of pride...a sense of independence. It put my family back together. I used to think that I’m nothing without my husband and my sons...but the Market gave me an identity.”
A million scenarios cascading through your head drowned out your aunt’s voice. Would you now have to go back to Bucheon? Or invest in a stall of your own at the traditional Gwangjang that’d never accept your big and bold ways with cooking? And to start from scratch? With a new recipe? Kalguksu with a twist, perhaps? But you had no insight into your aunt’s special broth. She’d barely even let you whip up the hand-cut noodles.
You realized that you weren’t the only one caught in the eye of the storm. Kyungsoo’s eyes were scarily fixated on the bowl of jajangmyeon before him. His seemingly miserable state gave you a fleeting sense of relief and it was right in that moment that he chose to say something unpalatable.
“Sajangnim, you’ve worked too hard. It’s time for you to reap the fruits of your labour. We’ll be fine you don’t have to worry about us.”
Of course he’ll be fine. 
All the stall-owners in the Market have been vying for him ever since the day he set foot into Choi Yoonsun’s. Whereas, you had nowhere to go. The world conveniently assumes your aunt hired you only because you were her poor sister’s daughter who she sought to help financially. Not because you had what it took to be there and survive.
"Did I say I was ready to retire?” She laughed, eyeing Kyungsoo quizzically, leaving you dumbfounded. 
“Here’s the thing..I met up with a friend last month. She was looking for a buyer for her little family run marinated crabs restaurant in Gangnam. So I took out a loan, made her an offer”, balling her hands into fists she sighed, “put in the deposit...and the place is pretty much mine now!”
“IMO!”, you yelled, “why did you scare me like that! I thought I was laid off!”
“Well, it’s a big move, I’m not sure the two of you are ready to make...requires a tonne of work and I may not be able to pay half of what you earned at the Market for at least two months until we open! It’ll take us two years or so to break even and only then will I be able to afford you a pay raise. I could help you get a job at the banchan stall since you love seasoned spinach so much and Kyungsoo stands a chance at even managing one of the Pakgane stalls!”
Pakgane was the mung bean pancake stall that had gotten so popular that the owner had managed to branch out of Gwangjang. So even your beloved aunt believed that you’d make for a better “help” and Kyungsoo, a Manager. 
“I’m coming with you”, you said firmly, “I’ve saved up a little and Mom will gladly pitch in, if need be...”
At this point, you’d expected Kyungsoo to be ready with his luggage considering the little sycophant he was but his expression was stoic, eyes still glued to the jajangmyeon bowl. It filled you with insane hope. 
He was going to jump the ship...finally!
“Chef...”, you couldn’t resist, “you don’t have to worry about us...I’m more than enough for Imo. You may...”
He shot you an angry glare making you chew on your unsaid words. But you wanted to rile him just a little more. So you excused yourself to bring a bottle of ketchup and squeezed it generously atop the stack of pajeon while eyeing him maliciously. 
The tangy, unassuming condiment was the sole reason Kyungsoo despised you. As this dinner marked the end of his torturous regime, you celebrated with ketchup - lots of it - right in front of his nasty eyes.
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Steam swirled in different directions and at every twenty metres a contrastive redolence tickled your olfactory senses. Experiencing Gwangjang as a customer was a far richer experience compared to the donkeywork involved in a life as a vendor. 
A proper send-off was essential lest Kyungsoo decided to stay, even if it burned a hole in your pocket. You planned on giving him a final tour of the Market where he (and you) could say his goodbyes while receiving a premium fuel of vitamins, minerals and carbs. 
A whole lot of carbs.
“Let’s start with Pakgane”, said Kyungsoo, with a skewered sausage in his hand.
You shook your head in response. You wanted to start with the best and mung bean pancakes weren’t it. This was going to be a farewell he’d never forget.
With every step you took, the aroma of scallops drizzled with butter and cheese grew stronger. You started your tour by ordering two portions of the delectable street food which set you back considerably. But you were too elated to care. You refused Kyungsoo’s offer to pay as the woman set the scallops on fire with a blow torch.
“Do you know what that technique’s called?” Kyungsoo gave a little nod in the direction of the aflame food.
Another teachable moment.
You’d made a firm resolve to not let any of his condescension bog you down so with a sweet smile, you replied, “No, Chef. I do not.”
“Flambé. But minus the alcohol. Do you know how they manage that?”
The ahjumma came to your rescue and you jumped to collect the order. You could’ve sworn that you caught the corner of his mouth twitch slightly.
The Market supposedly looked the same as it did fifty years ago and you quite enjoyed eating your way through it. The tour made your heart grapple with nostalgia even though your partner’s personality was akin to a mug of insipid coffee.
Although you’d spent only a little over a year with Choi Yoonsun, the goodbyes were long and hard. Some of the vendors squeezed you and Kyungsoo in heart wrenching hugs, the others gave you a little cash to help you through the transition and for some of the food, you paid in smiles and love.
After a gastronomic fiesta that entailed tteokbokki, pajeon (minus the ketchup - you did it Kyungsoo’s way), sashimi, kimbap, different types of banchan, a thousand more teachable moments, the both of you ended the day on a sweet note with hotteok. 
The ahjussi wished you both luck, making you choke back tears. 
Kyungsoo noticed.
“Are you…. Is the hotteok spicy? No, I mean it’s obviously not...erm”
The dam of your tears burst. 
You were going to miss this place. Even the less appealing aspects of it. You were going to miss the kimbap unnie who greeted you with a hug everyday, also the snooty mandu ahjumma who could hardly stand the sight of you. You were even going to miss washing dishes in the winters with water that was supposed to be ice and the sweltering summers which had you sweating through every layer of clothing. 
Hell, you were even going to miss Kyungsoo.
“No”, you sniffled, “No, no Chef, it’s nothing. Take care of yourself. As much as I’m glad that our fateful working relationship has met its rightful end, I truly, genuinely, wish you luck. And learn to smile more often, yeah?”
“Are you dying?” He gleamed.
“What? NO! What? You’re leaving. What is wrong with you?”
“Who says I’m leaving?”
“You! You’re not coming with us to Gangnam!”
“Says who?”
“Your stupid face that looked like it was hit by a freight train when Imo broke the news last week!”
“I’m not leaving?” He mused.
“This is no time to joke, Chef. You are leaving!”
“Says who!”
“Your stu-”
“Stupid face? I wasn’t planning on leaving at all. I’ve even found myself a place close to the restaurant. Oh yeah, sorry for having misled you. It was really just - my stupid face.”
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
TV Guide, March 30-April 12
Cover: Pauley Perrette on the sitcom Broke
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Page 1: Contents, ratings 
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Page 2: Ask Matt -- Better Call Saul, Your Feedback, Coming Next Issue -- NCIS: Los Angeles
Page 4: TV in the Age of Coronavirus 
Page 6: Everything you need to know about new streaming service Quibi 
Page 8: The Roush Review -- World on Fire starring Sean Bean 
Page 9: Deadwater Fell, One Day at a Time, Westworld 
Page 10; Cover Story -- We loved her as Abby on NCIS but kooky joyous Pauley Perrette is made for comedy on Broke 
Page 12: Masterclass -- Daniel Levy and Norman Lear 
Page 15: The Walking Dead: World Beyond -- the new Walking Dead spinoff introduces four sheltered Nebraska teens and the high-tech highly suspect Civil Republic Military starring Aliyah Royale and Alexa Mansour 
Page 16: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 1 -- MacGyver starring Jeri Ryan 
Page 17: Monday, March 30 -- The Bold and the Beautiful with Heather Tom, The Neighborhood, Driven, The Good Doctor, Almost Premiere with Christian Kane
Page 18: Tuesday, March 31 -- NCIS directed by Rocky Carroll, The Conners, The Biggest Loser, The Scheme, 7 Little Johnstons 
Page 19: Wednesday, April 1 -- The Masked Singer, Bering Sea Gold, S.W.A.T., The Magicians series finale 
Page 20: Thursday, April 2 -- How to Get Away With Murder, Man With a Plan, The Real Housewives of New York City, Friday, April 3 -- Hawaii Five-0 series finale, Outcry, High Maintenance 
Page 21: Saturday, April 4 -- The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, Frankie Drake Mysteries, Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta, The Zoo, The Six Million Dollar Man 
Page 22: Sunday, April 5 -- The Windermere Children, Ruby Herring Mysteries: Prediction Murder, House in a Hurry, The West Memphis Three: An ID Murder Mystery, The Rookie 
Page 40: Stream It! Your Guide To the Best Streaming Available -- Netflix -- Tiger King: Murder Mayhem and Madness, Money Heist, The English Game, Apple TV+ -- The Banker 
Page 41: Hulu -- Parasite, Nip/Tuck, Acorn TV -- Deadwater Fell with David Tennant, Land Girls 
Page 42: New Movie Releases on Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, IMDB TV 
Page 43: Series Specials and Documentaries -- Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, CBS Access, Britbox 
Page 44: What’s Worth Watching -- Week 2 -- Belgravia 
Page 45: Monday, April 6 -- Jeopardy! College Championship, Wayne Brady’s Comedy IQ, Manifest, Camp Getaway 
Page 46: Tuesday, April 7 -- New Amsterdam with Daniel Dae Kim, Days of Our Lives, Schitt’s Creek series finale, Bargain Mansions, The Last O.G. 
Page 47: Wednesday, April 8 -- Chicago Fire with Joe Minoso, Modern Family, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Liar 
Page 48: Thursday, April 9 -- Will & Grace honors I Love Lucy, Station 19, Mark of a Killer, Total Bellas, Better Things 
Page 49: Friday, April 10 -- Fantasy Lands, Shark Tank, Magnum P.I., Dynasty, Pawn Stars, Portals to Hell 
Page 50: Saturday, April 11 -- It Chapter Two, The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel, Alaska Animal Rescue, Sunday, April 12 -- Outlander, Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Heist and Seek, The Walking Dead, Baptiste, Insecure 
Page 70: Horoscope 
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Page 72: Cheers & Jeers -- Cheers to SEAL Team, Little Fires Everywhere, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Nancy Drew, Jeers to Grey’s Anatomy, a hellaciously long wait for Lucifer, The Bachelor: Women Tell All 
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This is our home. And even during these crazy times, living and loving local is even more important than ever! We can still support small businesses and community in Huntsville and our surrounding areas! In order to help everyone with this we have pulled some info about local members and our fair city to do just that!
Take care and be well everyone!
xoxo (but with elbow bumps now), Dawn
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Updated: Monday, April 14th - 12:27am
Local Info About Our City of Huntsville
Huntsville City Resource and Information page, remember there are live media briefings weekdays at Noon
Huntsville City Council met on Monday, March 16th and unanimously voted for a state of emergency, The State of Alabama has issued a “Stay at Home” Public Health Order requiring individuals to remain in place at home with exceptions for essential work and certain activities such as buying groceries, going for a run, walking the dog, picking up medicine, visiting a doctor and traveling to and from work (if designated as an essential business or operation). 6 feet of social distance is necessary for all activities.
The order is in effect from 5 p.m. April 4 through 5 p.m. April 30, or extended to further contain the spread of COVID-19 in Huntsville and Madison County.
Downtown Huntsville has a great running list of Downtown Huntsville Restaurants & Retail Stores Expanding Delivery Due To Coronavirus Measures
Huntsville Madison County Chamber also has a good list of local restaurants offering take-out and delivery
WLRH has started a running list of How to Help in the TN Valley
Here is a good list of School and College Closings
Randolph School has a really good centralized information resource page
Efforts for collecting food for kiddos who could go without because of school closures can be found here via Native or Not and Touronimo! 
Huntsville Symphony Orchestra has canceled events through the end of March, more info can be found here.
US Space and Rocket Center will be closed till April 3rd.
Update from Progress Bank: Beginning Monday, March 23, our branch lobbies will be accessed by appointment only by calling 888.513.2288. All normal transactions will occur via our drive thru lanes or via curbside service in the absence of a drive-thru. For Business Banking, Private Banking, Mortgage Services and Financial Services, please contact your banker or advisor directly. If you need to access your safe deposit box, please call 888.513.2288. Electronic services: Access Online Banking here, Access Mobile Banking for Apple and Android devices
Burritt on the Mountain is closed until Friday, April 3rd, following the school system closure.
Lowe Mill Arts and Entertainment also follows Huntsville City Schools protocol and will be closing the mill to the public starting Monday, March 16 and could re-open on April 4th. They encourage and welcome everyone to explore their website online so you can get to know all their local artists and makers!
Direct from Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theatre:  “All Classes are postponed immediately. We will not have class from March 16, 2020-April 3, 2020. As of now, we will resume class on April 6, 2020. Subject to change based on the CDC and school closures. Spring Break Camp is cancelled and After School Programs are cancelled. If you have questions about camps or classes, please email Candice at [email protected]. All other questions please email [email protected]. We did not make the decision to close camps and classes lightly and understand the burden that it places on families. We hope you take solace in knowing that this act of social distancing will help our city curb the spread of this terrible illness and keep you and your loved ones safer. Despite the significant challenges this crisis poses, we are a resilient, loving community, and we know that we will get through this together. We speak on behalf of all faculty and staff when we say we look forward to the time when our students can return to their classes and we can gather together as a community once again. Until then, thank you as always for your patience and cooperation.” 
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Decatur-Morgan Co. Chamber: Approximately 80 percent of your chamber’s membership is small business. It is everything from restaurants to retail to consulting to technology to real estate to the arts and so much more. They are a vital part of our economy and the personality of our community. In light of public health concerns, many of them will be struggling due to social distancing and limited public engagement. So, how can you help? Take a look at this infographic and transition your commerce to both support business and to protect yourself from risk. What are other ways we can support small business? Together, we can do this!
Mark and Ron of In Bloom are offering curb-side pick up from their Five Points location. And they are also making fantastic use of their downtime and started a new all wedding instagram that is already starting to fill up with gorgeous flowers! Be sure and give them a follow on insta! 
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Shop & Learn From Home or Curbside
Consider gift certificates and purchasing future classes for later from local places who have either sanitized and stayed open or bravely closed their doors to help flatten the curve.
Elitaire Boutique has a great website to shop from! If you have sizing questions Kayla suggests calling one of their stylist - and they are even offering curb-side pick up or delivery straight to your door (within a 10 mile radius). They are also offering free shipping for the next two weeks! And now you can book a private shopping appointment with us! This way you and up to two of your best girlfriends can grab your favorite items at a discount in a clean, safe (and fun!) stress-free environment. Call for your appointment: 256.947.0618
Carriage House will porch deliver & pick up at no charge. You can call them at 256.355.4349 & they will put a box of Spring styles together for you. You won’t even have to leave the house!
Personal Couture is starting front porch, contactless drop offs and pick ups for purchases and consignment!
Direct from Vertical House Records: “Ok y'all. Wednesday will be the last day you will be able to access Vertical House Records unless the Mill figures out a way to keep the gates open. So if you wanna stock up before we all go into hiding, swing through on Wednesday. After that, Andy and I will be trying to brainstorm ways to get music to all of you fine folks. Since our 25,000 albums don't have barcodes, it's a bit tough to get our inventory online quickly. Therefore, we will be accepting lists of your "apocalypse albums" and doing the digging for you. If we have it, we can generate an invoice on paypal and once it's been paid, we can deliver or ship it out to yas! We also have gift certificates available should you want to buy one now and save it for when you can come dig yourself! You are welcome to paypal [email protected] and note "gift certificate" and you will have instant credit with us woo!! We have and always will appreciate you fine Huntsvillians! Thanks so much for your continued support throughout the years. May we all come out of this safe and sound! We love you all! <3″
Jill’s Studio of Dance  - TBD
The Topiary Tree  - TBD
Eat Out, At Home
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GrubSouth has a little bit of everything! If you want a huge variety of great local food delivered straight to your door take a peek at their menus - and now you can select a no-contact delivery option where they will leave it at your door!
Domaine South has closed their doors for two weeks as of March 20th.
Church Street Family is still available for carry-out - this includes: Pourhouse and Mazzara’s  Purveyor, Church Street Wine Shoppe
Straight to Ale is available through GrubSouth for our delivery food options, or come pick up a take out order! We’ve got crowlers, growlers, spirits, and food! Open 12-8pm daily.
Sweet City Micros delivers! You can order each week by Thursday for Friday delivery. 
Piper and Leaf  Shop updates as of Monday, March 16: - P&L x Constitution Park curbside, pickup, and delivery. - P&L x Strong Station curbside, pickup, and delivery. - P&L x Pizitz food Hall pickup, and delivery. - P&L x Lowe Mill curbside, pickup, and delivery. And they have amplified sanitation procedures greatly
We discovered this great reference list for local vendors from Lindsey Keane for The Market at MidCity and wanted to be sure all our awesome local supporters knew about it! There are local eggs, veggies, fruit, honey, meats, breads and microgreens from Sweet City Micros all available with a phone call or email! 
Specifically for Ledges Members - Beginning Tuesday, 3/17/2020, The Ledges will offer meals to-go in two formats: Take-Out Meals where Members can order from our dining menus, and our staff will prepare the meals and have them ready for pick up & Pre-Prepared Meals - A daily special will be advertised to the membership. These will be pre-prepared, fully cooked meals the members can then take home and heat with the provided instructions.  
Coronavirus Information and Updates
Centers for Disease Control
World Health Organization
Hudson Alpha Sharable Science
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thebachelordiaries · 6 years
Jocks And Finance Bros: Bachelorette First Impressions
Becca, I hope you like jocks and finance bros. 
If not, you’re shit out of luck.
Becca dates one athlete and they beat that one dating preference of her’s to death by casting 18 or so former athletes. Kind of like how they beat “Let’s Do The Damn Thing” tagline to death.
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.
A letter to the men on this season of The Bachelorette:
Do you think you deserve this goddess of a woman, Becca Kufrin? You probably don’t. You probably think too highly of yourself to know this.
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Maybe two of you will be good enough for her. Five of you may turn out to be decent people, but that’s me being generous. If it’s anything like JoJo’s season, we will have just one or two decent men. ABC producers, please don’t let me down. Oh wait, you already did with the super-short bios. 
This season we have 25 28 men vying for Becca’s heart, or at least a blue checkmark on their Instagram page. At least one of you will get fake engaged on Paradise and six of you will move from middle-of-nowhere USA to Los Angeles and move back home within a year. I’m not sure which guys will do that yet, but it’s always fun to guess!
Anyway, good luck with your 15 minutes of fame!
The Bachelor Diaries.
WTF: No Q&A?
ABC did not include the usual Q&A in this year’s cast bios. I’m so offended. How will I truly understand these men if I don’t know what kind of fruit they’d be or what kind of superpower they’d want?
I would boycott this season because of this, but I have literally nothing better to do on Monday nights, or any night for that matter. I’m still going to try my best to roast these men, of course. It shouldn’t be that hard.
Despite no Q&A’s, I will still form my own opinions on these guys. I, like Kanye West, am a free thinker. Go poopidy-scoop yourself, ABC.
Ok, now let’s get to know these men:
Alex, 31, Construction Manager
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Alex is the male equivalent of the basic white girl. He likes country music, his dog, the beach and skiing. He probably has “Let’s go on a hike together!” on his Bumble profile and regularly wears a Patagonia dad hat.
Blake, 28, Sales Rep
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We already met horse boy Blake on After The Final Rose. He either played baseball or football in college. Thanks for being so concise, ABC. However, he looks like a baseball player to me. While originally from a small town in Colorado, he definitley lives in LA now. He also believes “two people need to be independent in order to truly love each other” so I think that means he’s into open relationships and or will cheat on you.
Chase, 27, Advertising VP
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Chase, unlike Blake, was definitley a college baseball player who was apparently good enough to be in the College Wold Series but evidently not good enough to go pro— at least longterm. We also met Chase on ATFR and I don’t remember much about him. He likes “adventure” and the “outdoors” so he’s quite the special snowflake.
Chris, 30, Sales Trainer
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What even is a sales trainer? Chris hopes to retire by 40. In this economy? Good luck with that. He is passionate about “fitness” and “health” which is so unique and different. I feel like I really got to know him through that piece of information.
Christian, 28, Banker
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Christian is a former semi-pro soccer player who moved to the US from Mexico when he was three. I feel like his picture makes him look like he has a little head, but other than that he seems alright.
Christon, 31, Former Harlem Globetrotter/ Professional Dunker
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I spent a good 30 seconds wondering why two guys with the same name didn’t have their last name initials included in their bios. It took another 30 seconds to notice that Christon was spelled differently than Christian. So this dude is a professional dunker in LA. My first thought is that he’d have a pretty good intro video package for The Bachelorette. Anyone want to put money down that he gets one?
Clay, 30, Pro Football Player
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Clay was on his way to the poetry slam but somehow got lost and ended up on the Bachelorette. He allegedly doesn’t curse but is a fan of hip-hop music. I think he is the “famous” football player who was in talks to be on this season. Apparently I should care. Never heard of him. 
Colton, 26, Former Pro Football Player
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“Hi, my name is Colt and welcome to my Youtube Channel!” That’s the vibe I’m getting from this picture. I’m also getting Blake Griffin vibes. He just looks strangely tan here. Colton may have a job at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I’m curious to know if he has a story as to WHY he is involved with CF. He also lives in Denver and has a dog named Sniper, which is awkward because the neighboring city of Boulder just banned assault weapons.
EDIT: He was the guy who asked out Aly Raisman via public video and they briefly dated. I shipped them so hard. I AM SHOOKETH.
Connor, 25, Fitness Coach
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I feel like I’m going to be sick if I hear one more guy talk about how they were “almost” a professional athlete and how much they lo0o0o0ove working out. I’m sadly only at the beginning of this cast list. Someone pray for me. And someone pray that Connor’s eyebrows grow back after that terrible wax job.
Darius, 26, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
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Darius works for big pharma yet claims to be dedicating his life to helping others. Err, okay. He likes to dance and travels a lot so my guess is he’s probably not ready to settle down at age 26 despite his 36-year-old hairline.
David, 25, Venture Capitalist
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David looks like every finance bro who lives in West Village and only dates 22-year-old Instagram models. The only difference is that he lives in Denver instead of Manhattan, which by society’s standards makes him more wholesome. He also loves guacamole, but dislikes avocado, which roughly translates to: I don’t cook and eat Chipotle for dinner every night.
Grant, 27, Electrician
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The only way Grant is making it past night one is if he shows up fully dressed as a member of the Village People or as Bob The Builder. If not, he has no chance.
Garrett, 29, Medical Sales Rep
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Pro tip to ABC: The letter A comes before the letter R in the alphabet. These names are out of order. 
Anyway, Garret reminds me of Ben Afleck in that his face just makes me want to punch him..in the face. Besides the fact that he also works for big pharma, he actually has outdoor hobbies besides “I enjoy fresh air and walking in the woods” like fly fishing and showshoeing. I’m hoping he isn’t a giant jerk because I kind of like him.
Jake, 29, Marketing Consultant
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I thought his name was “Joke” at first because I am a terrible person. I think Joke...I mean Jake...is from the same city as Becca. (I’m assuming Minnesota only has one city) I feel like all hot people in cities have this inner-circle where they know of each other, so maybe they’ve crossed paths before.
Jason, 29, Sr. Corporate Banker
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Andrew Keegan? I love your work. “Jason” likes sports and singing along to Disney movies. He contains multitudes. 
Jean Blanc, 31, Colognoisseur
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I love that ABC took a smart, educated, immigrant with a successful job and gave him a fake occupation on television. Jean Blanc is a cologne connoisseur. I feel like he would smell good. 10/10 would smell him.
Joe, 31, Grocery Store Owner
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I feel like a lot of these bios are the equivalent to what it’s like to drive in an Uber. The driver is always explaining to you how successful they are and where they traveled as a way to prove they aren’t some loser driving you around. Joe’s bio screams “Yeah I own a grocery store but also worked in finance before I burnt myself out, so don’t judge me.” Nobody was judging you, but now I am.
John, 28, Software Engineer
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John hopes to be the first Asian male to make it out of night one on The Bachelorette. I can already tell he’s better than most of these guys: he works at a start-up in Silicon Valley, likes wine, plays guitar and bakes banana bread. He deserves a rose, dammit!
Jordan, 26, Male Model
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Robert Mills, who is like an important ABC guy or something, called Jordan the “greatest Bachelorette contestant of all time.” Clearly he’s trying to make us forget about Chad. Good luck with that, Robert. Definitley not happening.
So Jordan is probably this season’s villain. Whatever, I don’t care. I DO care, however, that his bio is bragging about a mediocre 4:24 mile time and “sprinting to the finish line.” The time was written as “4.24″ by ABC and a comma is also missing from that sentence. ABC, let me know if you want to hire me as an editor. Back to the mile comment: A mile is an endurance mid-distance race. Nobody is technically sprinting in it, unless it’s a tactical race. Puns don’t work if they’re factually incorrect. 
Kamil, 30, Social Media Participant
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Kamil works in real estate and is a part-time model, but ABC decided to call him a “social media participant.” He’s originally from Poland but lives in Upstate New York, which is evident based on the fact he’s wearing a denim button-up shirt.
Leo, 31, Stuntman
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It’s crazy how fast Alex Bordy grew his hair in a year. “Not Alex Bordy” is a stuntman in LA, which I heard is a pretty sick job. I am personally a fan of his hair. He knows how to tame those curls and probably rocks a great man bun. I would love to know what products he uses.
Lincoln, 26, Account Executive
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Lincoln has a lot of things going on in his bio. He moved to Boston from Nigeria as a teenager, went to college in Kentucky and moved to Santa Monica for work. We met him on ATFR and he was super nervous, cute and had an accent to make most girls swoon. I’d say make him The Bachelor but 26 is too young in my opinion.
Mike, 27, Sports Analyst
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How come every Ohio sports fan names their dog Riggins? Based on his hair, I’m assuming Mike is a radio sports analyst. That hair on television? No thank you. Hopefully Leo can give him some tips to make his hair look decent. Did you know: Becca’s psycho ex Ross used to have long hair? It was not cute. But I don’t think Becca is going to send the long-haired guys home immediately a la the notoriously shallow Andi Dorfman.
Nick, 27, Attorney
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I’m excited for Nick to be on the show because I know him by association. Let me explain: A friend of mine went to school with one of his friends and periodically stalks her social media. The friend is a girl, so I think he’s friends with mostly girls, which may explain why he loves to “brunch.” He looks terrible in this photo. Nick gives me polished, sexually ambiguous vibes based on how he appears on Insta. I also knew he was going to be on the show before R*ality St*ve, which made me feel powerful. It was a rush.
Rickey, 27, IT Consultant
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I know of Rickey too. He was a Bodybuilding.com Spokesmodel Search finalist in 2017. Hashtag #rightreasons. I’m not sure how “online personal trainer” translates to IT consultant, but ok. Side note: I don’t think bodybuilders look good in suits so he might go home night one. 
Ryan, 26, Banjoist
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Before the “Yanny or Laurel” debate there was the “Ryan or Brian” debate on After The Final Rose. Evidently the answer is Ryan. He’s the new Wells and I could not be more excited to watch this babe on my television screen. He plays at least four instruments and loves to sail. He also screams “family money” but it’s ok, we can mooch off his parents together.
Trent, 28, Realtor
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Can you imagine having a child and naming it Trent? This guy never had a chance. He is a realtor and a part-time model (I swear I wrote the same thing a few contestants up) and has appeared on covers of romance novels, but I certainly wouldn’t call him the next Fabio.
Wills, 29, Graphic Designer
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Wills is a graphic designer who loves Harry Potter. I see no problem here. Except for maybe his porno-stache.
Prediction corner: 
Welcome to the prediction corner where I never get anything right. Oh, you know what happens because you read spoilers? Please keep that information to yourself. I like to find out what happens on my own.
Without further ado, here are my baseless predictions:
First Impression Rose: The guys who got the First Impression Rose on the last three seasons became engaged to The Bachelorette. If that happens this year I demand a scientific case study to explain the power of first impressions on women. Anyway, I think Ryan gets it.
Season Villain: Jordan (that was easy)
Next Bachelor: Blake (don’t ask me why)
Winner: Garrett (I like him)
Comment below to let me know your early favorites!
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Check MSP Lotto Prediction For 10/01/2022
Check MSP Lotto Prediction For 10/01/2022
Check MSP Lotto Prediction For 10/01/2022 Check msp lotto prediction – Check MSP Lotto Prediction for Today, Baba Ijebu MSP 2Sure Lotto Numbers for Today – msp lotto live banker. Ghana msp 2sure for today – Ghana lotto msp banker for today, baba ijebu msp banker for today, two sure for today ghana msp, monday special banker. MSP banker 4 today is out and we are dishing out to everyone the best…
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
x Monday 25 July 1836
12 5
- No kiss but incurred a cross on my chair in my dressing room last night on getting ready for bed did the same about a fortnight ago and about that time incurred a cross in bed A- being asleep fair but dull morning and F50° at 8 ¾ at which hour went out - with Wood + 4 (Benjamin and Matthew and Sam and Jack) at the Low fishpond soil moving and embanking - poor Robert Mann Frank brought word last night was worse yesterday and had 8 leeches on - breakfast at 9 ½ in ¾ hour - out again - Frank finished carting puddle for the cave - brought some rough stone from the Lodge - then picked up 6 yards causeway stone for Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharp to finish out within the road in front of the house - Booth having finished the Lodge chimney on Saturday had 2 men flagging .:. the coal place and cellar at the Lodge but is here himself with Amos at the new cellar and joiners shop window - a man and 2 boys coursing stone for rebuilding the road-wall against the cave - with Wood (chiefly) till came in at their dinner at 12 ¼ - Read over the prospectus (sent on Saturday by Mr. Jubb to be returned in a day or two) of the ‘British Discount Banking company capital 5,000,000. in 100,000 shares of £50 each Deposit £1 per share. Bankers, Messrs. Williams, Deacon, Labouchere, Thornton and c°
Power in the deed of settlement to increase the shares to 200,000 at £50 if required £5 per share to be called for within 30 days after the election of the Directors - then 3 months from that call £5 more the reminder ‘payable at such times as the Director shall appoint’ - 3 months notice of each call to be given and no call to exceed £5   no subscriber holding less than 50 shares to be a director   bankruptcy or insolvency disqualified him from containing in office -
‘In the event of the c° having lost at any time ¼ of its paid up capital and its surplus fund, a special general meeting of shareholders be called by the Directors, and the c° be considered as dissolved, and be dissolved accordingly, unless a majority of shareholders in n° and value shall otherwise determine, and agree to pay the retiring proprietors the then value of their respective shares; the responsibility of the retiring proprietors there upon to cease’ -
a more detailed prospectus to be [published] in a few days - (the present prospectus dated 6 May 1836.) - form of application for shares - ‘gentlemen I beg to apply for --------- shares in ‘the British Discount Bank and c°’ which I agree to take on the conditions of the Prospectus    
‘Name (in full) .....
‘Profession or trade ..........                                  
‘Residence ........
‘Place of Business                 to the chairman of the Provisional committee of the British Discount banking c° Morley’s hotel, Charing cross, London’
wrote the above of today, and rough draft of letter to inquire about a housekeeper  and ditto ditto for A- to Mr. Gray with plan of the Radcliffe estate and to ask about Mrs. Clarkes paying her part out of her share of the claim on Mr. WP- for Micklemoss  out again at 2 ½ - no! A. poorly saw her comfortably lying on the sofa (in the blue room and lighted the fire) and ordered wine and hot water - out at 3 at the cave till 4 ½ - then came in to A- and she went out with me - a little while at the cave and with Wood and Jack Green finished laying great stone to cover the bottom of the top pool, and throwing more gravel on, thus leaving the pool ready for the overflow of the Low fishpond which will be coming perhaps on Wednesday or Thursday - the pond fills very slowly now that it is so near the top - for the last 6 or 7 days I think it has risen about 1/2in. a day - walked with A- to the bottom of the walk till 5 55 then with Wood again bodding about the pool till 6 ¼ - had him at the cave this afternoon and finished the entrance wall towards the pond, and got the whole of the top finished puddling and covered with sods or soil - wrote and sent letter to JM- directed to ‘Messrs. Temple and Reynolds 10 Cavendish square London ppd’ asking whom she lived last, her age, wages, etc my establishment to consist for the present (incidental mention of Cookson and my aunt’s maid) of housekeeper kitchen maid, one housemaid and one footman and one upper farming man who has lived above 20 years in the family - A- wrote and sent note to Mr. Gray with SW-‘s plan (on one skin) of the Radcliffe estate - dinner at 7 enjoyed it and the strawberries of which abundance afterwards - coffee - A- and I out from 8 to 9 - at the Lodge - the chimney too high - do not like the look of it - walked in the garden - sat with my aunt from 9 to 10 - poorly - looks ill - note from Mr. Parker enclosing copy of a letter they received yesterday from an attorney (Henry Turner) of Stockport with another copy of Mrs. Ferguson’s will - Mr. T- conceives the £800 to the 1st Mrs. Graham lapsed by the death of the legatee before the testatrix, and that .:. £400 belongs to Mr. Graham in right of her sister his 2nd wife, and £400 belongs to the son of Mr. G- by the sister his 1st wife - and that Mr. Netherwood has no claim upon the claimants under the will - I agree - and shall instruct Messrs. P- and A- to say I think Mr. T- right, and I will pay the £1600 to Mr. Graham in right of his present wife whenever he thinks fit, after 3 months notice - wrote the last 23 ½ lines till 10 25 fine but dullish damp day F51 ½° now at 10 25 pm
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equatoreducation · 4 years
Banking in Australia.
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Banking will be an integral part of your life in Australia so it's vital that you understand the Australian banking system and learn how to set up and manage your finances.
If you have an Australian bank account, it will ensure that you have easy access to your money to pay for your accommodation, living expenses and tuition fees, and will ease the payment process for your employer if you choose to work. You should be aware of the following banking information- 1 Banks in Australia 2 Opening a bank account in Australia 3 Types of bank accounts 4 Ten things to look for when selecting a bank in Australia 5 Australian currency 6 Bank opening hours in Australia 7 Automatic teller machines (ATMs) 8 Telephone and internet banking in Australia 9 EFTPOS and other payment methods
Banks in Australia There are four major banks in Australia: • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) • Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) • National Australia Bank (NAB) • Westpack Banking Corporation
There are also a number of smaller banks, including Adelaide Bank, Bank of Queensland, Bank of Melbourne, Bankwest, Bank SA, Bendigo Bank, St George Bank, ME Bank and Suncorp Bank. How to open a bank account in Australia
Moving to Australia can be time consuming, so it is best to organise your account before you reach so you can access your money right away and without hinderance The process is usually as follows: • Most banks will let you to apply to open an account through their website using an online application form. You will need to type in your passport details when you’re doing so. • When your application has been processed and approved, you will be notified and will recieve the details of your new account so that you can make transfers. • Once you are in Australia, you will have to go to your bank and show them your passport so that you can have access to your money. At this time, you will also receive a debit card which would be linked to your account and can register for telephone and internet banking thereon. If you want to wait until you are in Australia before opening a bank account, you must do so within six weeks of arrival. You will have to visit a bank to provide staff with your details and show them your passport as proof of identity and they will then send you an account card in the mail. As an international student, many banks will offer you a special student account which does not charge monthly account fees and you may also be allocated an international student banker for you to contact regarding any queries, and many banks will try to find a banker who speaks your language.
Types of bank accounts It is a good idea to set up a transaction account for everyday banking (paying for goods and depositing income, for example) and a high-interest savings account for storing your savings. You may also wish to open additional accounts to divide your money for specific purposes (such as paying rent or saving for travel). Some transaction accounts give you the option of using additional services such as a personal cheque books, these are commonly known as cheque accounts. Other account types include credit accounts and credit debit accounts. See EFTPOS and other payment methods for more information about the transactions you can make with these accounts.
Things to look for when selecting a bank in Australia: -Is there any application fees? -Can you open an online savings account before you arrive so you can earn interest on the funds you send to Australia? -Will you be provided with a personal banker? If you are, does your banker speak your language? -Are you eligible for a student account that does not charge monthly account fees?  -Is there a minimum opening deposit required at the time of opening an account and a minimum balance you are required to maintain? -Can you transfer money to Australia with your foreign exchange provider of choice when setting up an account? -Does the account include a Visa or MasterCard debit card at no extra cost, so you can shop online with your own money? -Does your bank have a national network of branches? -Does your bank have a large number of ATMs? -Do the bank's ATMs provide access in multiple languages?
Australian dollar (AUD) is the currency used in Australia and they have bank notes for $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100, gold-coloured coins for $1 and $2, and silver-coloured coins for 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents and 50 cents. Prices are rounded to the nearest 5 cents when you pay for example, $2.93 rounds to $2.95.
Banks are usually open during business hours from 9.30 am to 4 pm Monday to Thursday and 9.30 am to 5 pm on Fridays. Some banks and branches may stay open longer or open on weekends. Bank branches allow you to transfer money, open accounts, cash travellers cheques, order bank cheques and exchange currency, among other financial services. Automatic teller machines (ATM) and telephone and internet banking allow you to make some transactions after hours.
ATMs are available throughout Australia, allowing you to withdraw cash, check your funds and, in some cases, make deposits. Note that fees generally apply when withdrawing funds from another bank's ATM (usually around AUD$2) and when using international cards. Telephone and internet banking enables you to manage your account, transfer funds between accounts and make payments without entering the bank branch. To use telephone and internet banking services, you will need to register with your bank.
EFTPOS and other payment methods There are a number of payment methods available in Australia in addition to cash: EFTPOS (linked to a transaction account)- EFTPOS allows you to pay for items electronically using your bank debit card and a PIN number to access money from your transaction account and it is available at most stores and restaurants. You can also withdraw cash through EFTPOS at some stores including supermarkets and petrol stations. Credit cards (linked to a credit account)- Credit cards allow you to make purchases and pay for them at a later time, usually with interest and are accepted for most payments in Australia, in stores, restaurants, online and over the phone. The most commonly accepted cards are Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Credit debit cards (linked to a credit debit account)- Visa or MasterCard debit cards allow you to use money in your own account to pay for items through both EFTPOS and credit systems. They act in the same way as a credit card by allowing you to make payments online, over the phone and in places where EFTPOS is not accepted, but use your own money rather than credit. Cheques (linked to a transaction account)- Some people request a personal cheque book in addition to a debit card to make purchases using money from their transaction account. Cheques are accepted for payment in some circumstances, typically for larger payments such as a rental bond for accommodation and if you do not have a personal cheque book, you can still make a cheque payment using money from your transaction account by going into a bank branch and requesting a bank cheque.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Cnn news Billions for small business not available immediately, could run out quickly: Lender
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Cnn news
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Cnn news One lender tells ABC the phobia is funding will bustle out in the first day or two.
April 23, 2020, 3: 38 PM
6 min read
As Congress rushes to pump any other $310 billion into the neatly-liked Paycheck Protection Program, designed to support small companies purchase their workers for 2 months, experts divulge to request a extend in the money being on hand and that it be more seemingly to swiftly bustle out of money as soon as extra.
The expect - before PPP ran out of funds final Thursday - become extraordinarily high -- with 1.6 million loans licensed as small alternate house owners struggled to purchase on to companies and restaurants as a crushing economic wave triggered by the pandemic swept the nation and unemployment claims pushed past an ancient 26 million folks.
And any other a million mortgage purposes were pending, in step with a key Senate committee chairman.
The Home is anticipated to approve the unusual infusion of PPP funds Thursday, and almost right now after the President Donald Trump is anticipated to label the legislation, known as the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act.
Tune into ABC at 1 p.m. ET and ABC Files Live at 4 p.m. ET each and every weekday for special protection of the unconventional coronavirus with the corpulent ABC Files team, alongside with basically the most up-to-date knowledge, context and prognosis.
Nonetheless experts warn to now not request a “light change” 2d the build the his signature triggers a reopening of the program. One banking alternate provide with knowledge of small alternate lending urged ABC Files that the job would perchance well well dangle per week or extra.
A spokesman for the Location of job of Management and Budget (OMB) urged ABC Files that there would be no extend in funds being released to the Slight Enterprise Administration (SBA), as soon as the President signed the invoice. OMB has "been working with them to kind definite the apportionment is staunch, as soon as it’s live we can label it in minutes. There'll seemingly be no extend."
Nonetheless the SBA, which administers the authorities-backed loans, must retool its online mortgage application system, which skilled repeated problems and outages over the 2 weeks the map operated, to accommodate PPP changes that the administration and Congress licensed.
The unusual legislation sets aside $60 billion for smaller lending institutions whose potentialities consist of minority-owned and lady-owned small companies.
The SBA and Treasury Department announced Friday that the program would reopen at 10: 30am eastern on Monday.
Once it reopens, the special pandemic mortgage program -- which has already skilled controversy as bigger companies fancy Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse and the umbrella firm that owns luxurious resort chain Ritz Carlton secured multi-millions in PPP loans the declare of a assorted carveout in the legislation -- is anticipated to bustle out of money in a handy e book a rough time.
One SBA lender, who products and services minority and lady-owned companies under PPP, urged ABC Files, "We're very concerned that the funding will bustle out swiftly. Most lenders get persevered processing purposes at some level of the hole in funding, so that they'll be ready to ship in a batch of purposes when the program re-opens. Our fear is that the funding will bustle out in the first day or two."
Cleave Simpson, a spokesman for User Bankers Affiliation echoed those concerns in an interview with ABC Files, pronouncing, "We possess banks get as many purposes pending as get already been licensed" before the genuine $349 billion program ran dry. "We possess this program will poke in a handy e book a rough time."
Senate Slight Enterprise Committee Chairman Marco Rubio, R-Fla., notorious that the sheer volume of lenders now licensed to kind PPP loans, coupled with purposes already pending, would mean a swift depletion of funds.
“Now get nearly 5000 lenders with expertise with #PPPloans & with 1 million purposes ready to file. That’s accurate knowledge, nonetheless it undoubtedly also procedure $310B in unusual funds will seemingly be tapped at a MUCH faster price than 1st time,” Sen. Rubio tweeted Thursday morning.
Below a most attention-grabbing case scenario, sources acknowledged the program would perchance well well reopen Friday, though the weekend become doubtlessly a extra life like likelihood, with PPP out of money interior per week.
On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned huge companies towards profiting from PPP, pronouncing that they would well be investigated for falsely certifying that they skilled damage from the unconventional coronavirus and wanted federal support.
The administration become expected to region unusual guidance soon to PPP-licensed lenders in disclose to optimistically clear the procedure for extra desperate mother and pop companies to salvage loans, as become the intent of the legislation.
With the expected approval of the $484 billion rescue equipment by Congress, the majority of which is ready to poke to PPP, the small alternate mortgage program total will stand at $660 billion.
It is miles unclear if Congress will approve extra funding for the ancient small alternate relief program. Congress would perchance well well return as early as Would possibly presumably well 4, and negotiations are already underway for a fifth stimulus equipment.
*ABC Files' Sarah Kolinovsky contributed to this document.
What to be taught about coronavirus:
How it started and how to provide protection to your self: coronavirus explained
What to create whenever you occur to would perchance well well get symptoms: coronavirus symptoms
Tracking the unfold in the US and Worldwide: coronavirus plan
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technoqueers · 4 years
html test 3
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Happy Holigays from TQ! For the first time since sending out the guide v.1, we're going into hibernation for a bit and taking a break! Feel free to email us if you’d like ideas for where to go out, or just check RA! If you'd like to peruse past editions of the guide, they're posted on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay in touch, stay warm, and hope to see y’all on the dancefloor in the new year! 💗
How Charlene Incarnate Inherited the Legacy of NYC’s Drag Scene // “That’s what gay people are good at,” she acknowledges, “being audience members and contributing energy.” “We saw the shuttering of every space [queer folks threw] parties in, every space that wasn’t a typical gay dive bar. They’re all gone now.” The artist grieves both her home [Casa Diva] and the community it provided, and the fact that spaces like hers are “even rarer or nonexistent in the neighborhoods that [queer folks are] still occupying.”
“Taking drag out of nightlife is like taking it out of queerness,” Charlene says, adding that drag “happens in the spaces that were left to us.” How Papi Juice Became the Most Important Party in New York City // In 2013, Oscar Nuñez and fellow DJ Adam Rhodes were tired of going to parties catering to white, cisgender gay men — and were thus inspired to create a party that centered queer and transgender people of color. “We are part of a legacy of people who have been doing similar work for years,” Rhodes explains. “Seeing colleagues emerge and get bigger has been amazing. I love that there are more parties that are specifically serving our people. They’re creating spaces where we can be celebrated in all of our beauty and diversity.” Rare photos of New York’s iconic club kids // We were able to set an example for the everyday kid who was coming from the outer boroughs, and maybe it would give them permission to be a little more liberated within their own lives and within their own context. This was very valuable. The real tragedy when they closed all of the mega clubs in New York was that a number of creative people lost job opportunities. That’s why New York really suffered culturally when the nightclub industry was targeted and wiped out because all of a sudden people couldn’t pay their rent or sustain their art practices. That was a really sad moment for New York culturally. Masked balls and gay uprisings: Queer Maps is a guide to 150 years of LGBTQ history // The tool launches at a time of growing concern about the disappearance of queer bars in cities across the country – LA’s last remaining lesbian bar closed in 2017. It honors world-famous institutions alongside little-known haunts that quietly thrived during eras when being gay was criminalized and dangerous. Saatchi exhibits and BBC Four docs: why is 2019 so nostalgic for 80s rave? // These events were communal and often lawless. They were not happening with anyone’s permission but instead were reactions to the prevailing currents of their time. Deller’s film analyses rave’s role in the traumatised aftermath of the miners’ strike. Rave, he proposed, was “a death ritual marking the transition of Britain from an industrial to a service economy”. Techno Titan Carl Craig Commissioned for Sound Project at Dia:Beacon, Five Years in the Making // Craig—part of a fabled lineage for a legacy of techno music that was born and bred in Detroit—said he drew connections between his hometown and Dia:Beacon’s setting in a former factory that had been abandoned for years before it was transformed in an art-world destination. More to the floor: the decade the dancefloor was decolonised // Perhaps partly helped by the global panopticon of the internet, DJs and producers combine everything from the weighty syncopations of footwork to the sparse, percussive rolls of gqom and euphoria of hard trance, until the key compounds are almost unrecognisable – and then add their own distinctive local flavour. The result is a simultaneously global and local sound, and cross-continental collaborations are making it even more cosmopolitan. First Floor #13 – Where Have All the Anthems Gone? // More and more, what matters is contextualizing an artist within a larger socioeconomic and sociopolitical backdrop. Writers and editors obviously still consider the music, but they’re now also thinking about stuff like identity, representation, privilege and structural discrimination, and while that rubs some people the wrong way—particularly the “it should just be about the music” crowd—I don’t see it as a problem. Leave Your Body at the Door: How ketamine became the drug of choice for our dissociated moment. // In the 1980s and ’90s, the growth of rave culture brought it onto New York dance floors and it became a staple of the club kid scene, prompting the first wave of ketamine trend pieces. “Whether it’s a gay all-nighter, or at a hard techno rave patronized by young, white out-of-towners, the picture is invariably the same. Come 3 a.m., the dance floor is littered with those wasted on ketamine,” Muzik Magazine wrote in that same 1998 article. But in 2019, once-fringe elements of rave culture have bled into the mainstream. EDM is elevator music, banker bros and leather-daddies share bumps at Bushwick warehouse events, Silicon Valley has invaded Burning Man, and the wellness world has turned the drugs of the ’60s counterculture into productivity boosters for start-ups. As rave culture has rebranded, ketamine has pivoted with it. Today’s K users are bringing the drug beyond the dance floor: to chilled-out bar nights and tech-world salons, New-Age wellness retreats and quiet nights at home. NYC Votes To Ban Flavored Vaping Products // New York became the first major city in the country to ban all flavored vaping products on Tuesday. The ban is expected to take effect in July. The crackdown also comes amid an outbreak of vape-related lung disease that's killed dozens of people nationwide, including at least two New York City residents. Researchers with the Center for Disease Control have linked the sickness to vitamin E acetate, which is commonly used in black market THC vaping products.
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11-6 // parka presents Trust Exercise: Courage @ Market Hotel // The theme of the night is Courage as a reminder of the courage it takes to trust and be vulnerable. We forget that not everyone celebrates the holidays the same way and many have had to sacrifice a lot to move away from home.
10-3 // Thanksgiving eve with justin strauss and juan maclean @ Black Flamingo 10-4 // Marcellus Pittman All Night @ Nowadays // The Detroit don is back to bless us with another marathon set. 10-4 // pure immanence XL @ Bossa // 10-11: Pure Immanence, 11-12:20: Night Doll, 12:20-1: perrX (live), 1-3: quest?onmarc, 3-4: Pure Immanence 10-4 // OD: Yurk \ Skyshaker \ WILHELMINA \ Christy @ 444 Club
10-4 // ADAM X & MÆDON @ Bossa 10-4 // Bermuda /\ Thanksgiving night @ Venus in Furs
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10 // ELSEWORLD: Juan Atkins, Noncompliant, Lauren Flax & More @ Elsewhere // 🌎🛸 HALL 🛸🌎 Juan Atkins, Noncompliant, Relaxer (live), Lauren Flax 🌎🛸 THE LOFT 🛸🌎 Cultivated Sound and Friends: Maŕa & Chamberlain Zhang, 夜露四苦4649 [ Haruka Salt & Yuri Mizokami], LOKA $5 off presales
10-4 // Room To Live presents sold and DJ Wawa @ Newtown Radio // sold (Chicago, smartbar, Groove Cafe), DJ Wawa, Room To Live residents 10-4 // Soul 2 Seoul Do Black Friday @ Mood Ring // Tag Team, Back Again, Back by unpopular demand, The original Blasian Super Duo. Chung & Turtle All Night 10-4 // Technofeminism @ Bossa // BORED LORD (LA), AKUA 10-4 // Blazej Malinowski [Live] + Mary Yuzovskaya @ Public Records // Polish-born DJ Blazej Malinowski brings his knack for deep + atmospheric techno to the Sound Room for a live performance. Having released records on Semantica, TGP, SIlent Season + many more, expect a tripped out, mesmerizing set with Monday Off founder, Unter regular, and vinyl-only DJ Mary Yuzovskaya kicking things off and closing the room. 10-4 // Working Women and Martyn @ Nowadays // Nowadays resident DJs Nina, Nicely and Voices, aka Working Women, are teaming up with 3024 boss (and Ostgut Ton, Brainfeeder, Ninja Tune, Hyperdub, Warp and Aus Music alum) Martyn. 10-5 // Stenny, rrao, Only Child, Significant Other Plus Lagasta, Jacques Renault, Boys' Shorts @ Good Room // Stenny is an essential producer in driving forward the sound of Ilian Tape. A versatile, adventurous and tough approach allow for constant forward momentum and a truly unrelenting energy on the dancefloor.
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10-5 // NEW YORK TRAX x VOITAX @ BASEMENT // In partnership with the forward-thinking, Berlin-based, record label Voitax, New York Trax brings 4 massive live acts for its Basement debut. Makaton LIVE, Swarm Intelligence LIVE, Brenecki LIVE, Deflector LIVE, Cressida, Paàl
10-4 // XXxBORED LORD x NYCxXx @ Mood Ring // ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ bored lord, pauli cakes, phoneg1rl, nk badtz maru ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ 10-4 // FIT Siegel / DJ Fire / DJ Healthy @ Bossa 10-4 // Soul Summit Music All Night Long @ Black Flamingo 10-5 // Perel, L&L&L + Lost Soul Enterprises with L. Sangre, R Gamble @ Good Room // Perel will be joined by L&L&L Record Club. Lost Soul Enterprises takes over the Bad Room with party residents L.Sangre and R Gamble. LSE is a party and label focused on mutant sounds past and present: wave, electro, body music, and all things in between. 10-5 // Shelter 002: Timmy Regisford, Francis Harris + Special Guests @ Public Records // Crossing generations of fans in New York, Timmy Regisford joins Public Records music director and partner Francis Harris for a monthly affair in the Sound Room with one question in mind: How deep is your love for House? 11 // Occupy the Disco @ Elsewhere (Zone One) 10-7 // Dee Diggs, Posi-Track and DJ Bone @ Nowadays // For this soiree, HalfMoonBK's Dee Diggs is teaming up with Fermented Frequency's Posi-Track and the inimitable DJ Bone. Good luck leaving before daybreak.
3-9 // The Carry Nation All Day @ Nowadays // Nita Aviance and Will Automagic have been working together as the Carry Nation for the better part of a decade. During that time, they've lit up clubs, lofts and warehouses the world over and released music on Nervous, Classic Music Company and W&O Street Tracks.
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
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Swae Lee and Tyla Yaweh Joining as Special Guests
Citi Presale Starting Tuesday, November 19Tickets On Sale to the General Public Starting Friday, November 22
GRAMMY® Award-nominated diamond-certified Dallas, TX artist Post Malone extends the Runaway Tour, launching the second leg in 2020.
Produced by Live Nation, he returns to the road on February 4 in Omaha, NE at CHI Health Center and visits major cities across the United States and Canada. The tour closes out on March 21 at Vivint Smart Home Arena in his new home of Salt Lake City, UT. Once again, Swae Lee and Tyla Yaweh support as special guests.
The full routing can be found below.
Tickets go on sale to the general public beginning Friday, November 22nd at 9am local time at LiveNation.com. Citi is the official presale credit card of the tour. As such, Citi cardmembers will have access to purchase presale tickets beginning Tuesday, November 19th at 5pm local time until Thursday, November 21st at 10pm local time through Citi EntertainmentSM. For complete presale details visit www.citientertainment.com.
T-Mobile customers can get exclusive access to stage-front pit tickets at every U.S. concert, as close as any fan can get to the stage – even at sold-out stops! Un-carrier customers can snag their Reserved Tickets starting 30 days prior to each show at first day prices – just another way T-Mobile thanks its customers simply for being customers. For tickets and more information, visit https://t-mobile.com/music.  
Post Malone doesn’t stop making history. His latest album, Hollywood’s Bleeding [Republic Records], recently returned to #1 on the Billboard Top 200 for the fifth non-consecutive week, marking the longest run atop the chart this year. It stands out as the biggest album event of 2019 and will continue his reign into 2020.
Date                                         City                                          Venue Tuesday, February 4                Omaha, NE                              CHI Health Center Wednesday, February 5           Kansas City, MO                      Sprint Center Friday, February 7                    St. Louis, MO                           Enterprise Center Sunday, February 9                 Indianapolis, IN                        Banker’s Life Fieldhouse Tuesday, February 11              Chicago, IL                              Allstate Arena Wednesday, February 12         Grand Rapids, MI                     Van Andel Arena Friday, February 14                  Toronto, ON                             Scotiabank Arena Sunday, February 16               Montreal, QC                           Bell Center Tuesday, February 18              Newark, NJ                              Prudential Center Wednesday, February 19         Uniondale, NY                          Nassau Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum Friday, February 21                  Philadelphia, PA                      Wells Fargo Center Saturday, February 22             Hershey, PA                            Giant Center Monday, February 24               Pittsburgh, PA                          PPG Paints Arena Thursday, February 27             Washington, DC                       Capital One Arena Saturday, February 29             Columbia, SC                           Colonial Life Arena Sunday, March 1                      Greensboro, NC                       Greensboro Coliseum Tuesday, March 3                    Duluth, GA                               Infinite Energy Center Wednesday, March 4               Nashville, TN                           Bridgestone Arena Friday, March 6                        Memphis, TN                           FedExForum Monday, March 9                     Houston, TX                             Toyota Center Tuesday, March 10                  Austin, TX                                Frank Erwin Center* Thursday, March 12                 Denver, CO                              Pepsi Center Saturday, March 14                  Las Vegas, NV                         MGM Grand Garden Arena Sunday, March 15                    Phoenix, AZ                             Talking Stick Arena* Tuesday, March 17                  Ontario, CA                              Toyota Arena* Thursday, March 19                 San Francisco , CA                  Chase Center Saturday, March 21                  Salt Lake City, UT                    Vivint Smart Home Arena
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Moody’s: Home Loan Servicing Solutions sale bolsters Ocwen’s future
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According to the University of southern California’s Understanding America Study (USA) Financial Management Survey conducted in April of 2015, forty-three percent of retirees have mortgage debt or a home equity loan and, of those aged 60 and older, almost one third reported having experienced “major financial stress” within the previous 3 years.
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Home Loans In Moody, Texas Moody’s: home loan servicing Solutions sale bolsters Ocwen’s future – In a new report, analysts from Moody’s Investors Service say that the $1.3 billion acquisition of Ocwen associate Home Loan Servicing Solutions (HLSS. He is a graduate of University of North Texas.
Pending Home Sales Paint Problematic Housing Picture Equally problematic is the effect on homebuyers, who may have no idea how many times a home has been listed, and may easily be under the false impression that the home they are looking at is a.House Republicans propose closing down FHA JW Showcase Celebs at a Jewellery exhibition – A model poses for the cameras during a jewellery showcase event by Tibarumal, held at JW Marriott, in Mumbai, on March 10, 2014.(Pic: Viral Bhayani) See more of : Celebs at a Jewellery exhibition.Market for home construction workers improves, still rough Professional construction and remodeling community. Includes forums, trade news, contractor projects, reviews, articles and blogs. Contractor Talk – Professional Contractor & Construction Community – Product Reviews, Projects Ideas, Forums, and more.The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 203k loan. 4% (up to $6,000) of closing costs and down payment. bogusky points out that the main question that needs to be answered is, does the proposed.Aimco on legal war path, taking on Airbnb in Florida SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 23 (Reuters) – Airbnb backer General Catalyst said on Monday it has established a new $675 million venture-capital fund to invest in early-stage technology firms. The firm, known.Cash home sales continue decline, falling to 35.5% Home Sales Drop As All-Cash Buys Fall To 5-Year Low. Existing-home sales unexpectedly dipped in August, but the decline likely represents investors pulling back, a long-term positive for first-time buyers and the overall market. Sales ran at an annual rate of 5.05 million, down 1.8% from July, the National Association of Realtors said Monday.
 · Ocwen Financial: Calling Republican Lawmakers What Is Going On With The CFPB. owners of Home Loan Servicing Solutions. phony Gibbs EOD Notice" with a letter I wrote to Moody’s.
Moody’s: Home Loan Servicing Solutions sale bolsters Ocwen’s future – In a new report, analysts from Moody’s Investors Service say that the $1.3 billion acquisition of Ocwen associate Home Loan Servicing Solutions (HLSS. He is a graduate of University of North Texas. It pays to shop around for mortgage rates in Moody, TX.
Foreclosures, short sales increased 1% in Dec. Mortgage Delinquencies Set to Soar: Report Certainly, a quick look at the 61+ day delinquencies in General Motors’ subprime securitization book would seem support our rather negative thesis on future auto sales with january 2017 delinquency rates soaring to the highest levels since late 2009 / early 2010.The supply of foreclosed homes and short sales from the "shadow inventory" pipeline has been steady, Yun said. Sales of "distressed" homes, including foreclosures and. Sales of condos also.Here’s how a dodgy network of commercial mortgage brokers may cost Morgan Management their multifamily empire MBA Hall of Honor gives back to military veterans Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is inducting 17 companies into the Hall of Honor program. The Hall of Honor recognizes both corporations and individual corporate leaders for their commitment to veterans and active-duty military personnel.The dirty, possibly anti-trust secret zillow/trulia don’t want you to know Fannie Mae announces latest sale of non-performing loans mortgage brokerage ceo jailed for stealing homes, renting them back to struggling homeowners Home prices up the most since 2006 Across US, 40% of homes are overvalued, including Miami, LA and NY. In the Los Angeles metro area, home prices ticked up 7.6 percent in July. is a product of loose lending – people are having more trouble making their.You are here. Home Blog Struggling to make your mortgage payments? The programs are designed to meet homeowners’ different needs and financial situations. Why is USBank Trust allowed to steal homes? They tefuse to provide me the balance to reinstate my home they want to.WASHINGTON, June 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — fannie mae (otcqb: fnma) today announced the winning bidder for its fifteenth Community Impact Pool of non-performing loans.Bank of America down in mid-day trading Bank of America logo. History & Heritage. The bank that saved Nantucket. There’s only one bank in Bank of America’s heritage that can lay claim to the discovery of a comet, the squelching of a huge fire, the hosting of a great American author and the rise of a fortune on Nantucket Island.The Truth About Trulia And Zillow Trulia and Zillow can be great resources when looking at Russian River Real Estate in terms of what is available however, if you are selling a home in the Russian River, you will need to be careful because rural property is often priced using different elements and therefore Trulia and Zillow can be extremely.You might find yourself unsure about whether or not you should use a property management company. We think you should, and we’re here to tell you why. Here’s how a dodgy network of commercial mortgage brokers may cost Morgan Management their multifamily empire.
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rickhorrow · 5 years
15 + 5 + 5 To Watch : 42219
Networks have unveiled their plans for this week’s NFL Draft, which begins April 25. Disney’s presentation of the event will feature over a thousand production elements, with over 600 player highlights, and 57 cameras covering the action. ESPN’s traditional draft telecast, presented for the fourth year by Courtyard, features host Trey Wingo, NFL Draft analysts Mel Kiper Jr. and Todd McShay, and many others. Meanwhile, ABC’s differentiated coverage will focus on the journey of NFL Draft prospects, and feature “Good Morning America’s” Robin Roberts, host Rece Davis, and ESPN’s “GameDay” crew: Lee Corso, Kirk Herbstreit, Desmond Howard, David Pollack, Tom Rinaldi, Maria Taylor, and Chris “The Bear” Fallica. Meanwhile, NFL Media will deliver more than 76 live hours of Draft Week coverage, including a record 23 draft war room cameras. Before the first round on Thursday, NFL Draft Red Carpet airs with NFL Network's Melissa Stark and Michael Irvin interviews prospects as they arrive. By harnessing everything from hardcore sports to lifestyle coverage, both the Disney family of networks and the NFL itself demonstrate their awareness that the Draft is now must-see TV and the NFL is now a 52-week sport.
Peyton’s Places, a 30-episode documentary series hosted by legendary quarterback Peyton Manning, will air on ESPN+. Manning will host the football-themed series, revisiting seminal moments in NFL history. In the series, the two-time Super Bowl champ with the Indianapolis Colts and Denver Broncos interviews former NFL players, coaches, and other key figures about football history and its cultural impact. Slated to debut July 15 exclusively on ESPN+, the series will be presented in five chapters, each comprising six episodes. In addition, ESPN and/or ABC will air special compilations, recapping each part after the full episodes debut on ESPN+.  The series is part of ESPN’s celebration of the NFL’s 100th season, produced by NFL Films in collaboration with ESPN+. While not specifically tied to the NFL Draft, the announcement of the new Manning-led series has particular significance before this year’s Draft in Nashville. Manning was selected by the Colts with the first overall pick of the 1998 NFL Draft…out of Tennessee.
Russell Wilson and the Seahawks have reached an agreement on a 4-year, $140 million extension that includes a $65 million signing bonus, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. Wilson's extension is the richest ever in terms of average annual value ($35 million per season), surpassing Aaron Rodgers ($33.5 million). His $65 million signing bonus is also a new record, topping the $57.5 million Rodgers got last summer. Wilson, who is coming off arguably the best season of his career, was set to make $17 million in 2019, the final season of the four-year, $87.6 million extension he signed in 2015. As noted by Axios Sports, with their franchise quarterback taken care of, the Seahawks will now turn their attention to potential extensions for All-Pro middle linebacker Bobby Wagner and top pass-rusher Frank Clark. The last few weeks have been full of rumors that "Russell Wilson wants to play for the Giants" and "Russell Wilson and his wife, Ciara, prefer New York." In hindsight, that was all nonsense – and it’s par for the rumor mill that always accompanies the NFL Draft run up.
Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber has announced that the league will expand to 30 teams in the coming years, up from the previous expansion target of 28. In 2006, MLS had 11 teams. This season, there are 24, with another three on the way: Inter Miami CF (2020), Nashville SC (2020), and Austin FC (2021). Garber also anticipates selecting the 28th and 29th expansion teams in the coming months with no timetable set for the 30th team. Sacramento and St. Louis appear to be the frontrunners for slots No. 28 and 29, as they've both been asked to make formal presentations to the MLS Expansion Committee. The MLS Board of Governors also set the expansion fee for those two spots at $200 million apiece. Other cities whose expansion hopes may now be reignited include Charlotte, Detroit, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Raleigh, and San Diego, according to Sports Illustrated. Pro soccer is thriving in the U.S. and Canada, and expansion during the last decade has been a key driver of MLS' growth. Investors continue to be enthralled. So why not keep it going?
Even though NBA viewership was down 8% during the regular season, marketers have lined up to take part in NBA post-season action. Strong demand has already gobbled up between 85%-95% of the ad inventory on ESPN, ABC, and Turner’s TNT, with percentage rate increases over last year in the high single digits. Regular-season ratings have minimal impact on the post-season because the NBA Playoffs involve marquee teams with stars playing head-to-head every night. Moreover, numerous postseason superstars have huge social media followings that help draw viewers – particularly younger ones. Perhaps with that in mind, Adidas Basketball and Marvel have unveiled a campaign for a new limited-edition "Heroes Among Us" shoe collection featuring five current and former NBA and WNBA players. Players featured include the Rockets’ James Harden (Iron Man), the Trail Blazers’ Damian Lillard (Black Panther), the Wizards’ John Wall (Captain America), former NBAer Tracy McGrady (Nick Fury), and the WNBA Sparks’ Candace Parker (Captain Marvel). The shoe line will be available at retail April 26, as the playoffs tip off their second round.
The Indiana Pacers have agreed to a deal keeping them in Indianapolis for the next 25 years. The agreement includes $295 million in public subsidies for renovation and expansion of Bankers Life Fieldhouse, the Pacers’ home arena. A further $360 million will be used for capital improvements, comprising $270 million from state and CIB sources, and $65 million from private investment. As part of the deal, the city of Indianapolis will also contribute $25 million for public infrastructure needs. Approved by the House of Representatives, the greenlighted bill now goes to the Senate to be voted on and secure final approval. Construction will be completed in three phases. Phase one will focus on interior renovations, scheduled for February-October, 2020. While this won’t disrupt Pacers’ home games, the WNBA Indiana Fever, who play their games during the summer, must play home games during the 2020 and 2021 seasons at another venue. Herbert Simon, the team's 84-year-old owner, has said he wants to keep the Pacers in Indiana and that his son, Steve Simon, will take over the franchise, which has been in their family since 1983.
After winning his fifth green jacket on Sunday, Tiger Woods learned last Monday that he would also be receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Donald Trump, the highest civilian honor in the United States. Trump announced in a tweet that he had spoken to Woods and would be presenting him with the prestigious honor. The honor is not one to be taken lightly. Woods will become just the fourth golfer to receive the medal, joining Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, and Charlie Sifford. While Nicklaus and Palmer were given the medal by President George W. Bush during his presidency, Sifford, who was a mentor to Woods, was honored five years ago by President Barack Obama. When Sifford was awarded the medal, Woods tweeted his congratulations. Woods will be the fourth athlete to receive the award during President Trump’s time in office, joining Babe Ruth, Roger Staubach, and Alan Page.  
Tiger Woods’ comeback Masters win delivered $22.5 million in exposure to Nike, according to sponsorship analytics firm Apex Marketing Group. As Tiger made his final round charge towards the title, he is estimated to have generated more than $23.6 million in total exposure for his sponsors. While AT&T, Gillette, and Tag Heuer left Woods as he suffered image issues related to marriage infidelity, substance abuse, and injury, that opened the door to new partners such as Monster Energy – Woods’ golf bag sponsor – which saw $960,000 in exposure during his final round at Augusta. CBS News noted Nike's stock price rose 2% after The Masters began and "continued to edge up Monday" following Woods' victory, adding more than $2 billion to Nike's market value. The "Tiger effect" was also "enough to boost the stock prices of other golf brands." Callaway Golf "spiked as much" as 4% from the start of The Masters through Monday. Acushnet Holdings, which owns Titleist, "jumped nearly" 5% in the same period. However, not even Tiger trying to chase down Jack Nicklaus’ record 18 major wins can change golf’s trajectory – more than ever, it is a game for the aging and not the more desirable demographic, the young.
It’s never too early to get in the Games. NBCUniversal has teamed with the Olympic organizing committee LA 2028 to offer brands advertising opportunities ahead of the 2028 Olympics, to be held in Los Angeles – the first Summer Games to be held in the U.S. since 1996. A sales team is being built by NBCU and LA2028 (plus the USOC) that will begin presenting opportunities for brands to associate themselves with four sets of games crowned by the 2028 Summer Games in L.A. With the first summer games in the U.S. in more than three decades set to arrive in 2028, this partnership marks a new type of opportunity for marketers to get involved in the Olympics — which is shaping up to make an unrivaled economic and cultural impact. “At no other time in Olympic and Paralympic history have the stakes been higher…We are at an inflection point in the sports, lifestyle and live event business that demands a complete reimagining of the model and approach to embracing and involving marketers,” said LA2028 Chair Casey Wasserman. The move is highly unusual, as normally the Olympic organizing committees and broadcast partners pursue sponsorship deals independently.
MLB is bringing the 2026 All-Star Game to Philadelphia, as part of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred last week said the league’s typical process of awarding All-Star games “went out the window” with the move to award the 2026 game to the Phillies. Manfred has sought to make competitive bidding and sequential awarding of All-Star Games key tenets of his tenure since his 2014 election. However, during an event at Independence Mall last week to announce the selection, Manfred said the move to tie the 2026 game to the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence was a personal decision that followed more than two years of repeated requests from Phillies Chair and close friend Dave Montgomery. Said Manfred, “Dave never asked for a favor for the Phillies or for himself. But two years ago, he began asking for this game and to announce it soon.” Fittingly, awarding the 2026 MLB All-Star Game to Philadelphia mirrors the 1976 event that was played at Veterans Stadium, and tied into America’s bicentennial.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has put forward the idea of adding mid-season tournaments to the league and shortening the number of games played each season. Currently, NBA teams each play in an 82-game regular season, with games lasting 48 minutes. For Silver, player welfare is reportedly at the heart of the proposed reforms. But to counteract the reduced revenues a shortened schedule will bring, Silver has suggested adding all-new mid-season tournaments to maintain income. While acknowledging these changes will do away with more than 50 years of American basketball tradition in the U.S., Silver believes they are necessary for the NBA to stay relevant as fans’ viewing habits change in an increasingly competitive market. It is has been rumored that seasons could be scaled back to 70 games per team, with the NBA exploring the possibility of the mid-season tournaments being hosted in Europe and Asia. The two continents have been earmarked by the league for brand growth. Considering that ever-older NBA players have so many miles on their bodies – just look at the just-retired 40 year old Dirk Nowitzki – Silver is right to begin reimagining the schedule.
Despite some shockers in the first round that left busted brackets in the 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs Bracket Challenge presented by Jägermeister, the NHL is now offering – for the first time ever – a fresh start with the Stanley Cup Playoffs Second Chance Bracket. At the conclusion of the First Round and before the start of the Second Round, fans will be able to submit a new bracket at NHL.com/Bracket with their predictions for the remainder of the 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Hockey fans submitted more than 1.42 million brackets in the initial 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs Bracket Challenge. Following upsets that knocked the Lightning and Penguins out of the Playoffs, the NHL is offering fans who participated in the playoff bracket challenge a second chance. The Lightning were projected as champions by 48.62% of the brackets, and the Penguins were selected by 51.3%. Meanwhile, the Toronto Maple Leafs are probably hoping that their fan Drake doesn’t make the trip to Boston for their Game 7 showdown with the Bruins on Tuesday. The so-called “Drake Curse” has been exhaustively noted – when the rapper roots for someone, they lose.
London is set to lose the ATP Finals after 2020 with the ATP reportedly favoring moving the season-ending men’s tennis tournament to Turin in Italy. According to the Daily Telegraph, barring a last-minute change of heart, next year’s ATP Finals will be the last staged at the O2 Arena, which has hosted the men’s tennis finale since 2009. The ATP has undergone a nine-month bid process for a new five-year hosting deal, and in December narrowed its shortlist down to London, Manchester, Turin, Singapore, and Tokyo. The Telegraph report claims that ATP executives are likely to rule out a fourth extension to its hosting agreement for the O2. Italy’s bid is apparently unlikely to sell as many tickets as the event at the O2, but Italian media reports have said that Turin’s mayor, Chiara Appendino, is willing to put up an annual guarantee of $17 million in order to secure the tournament hosting rights. The ATP Finals has been a major success in London, drawing more than 250,000 people each year and accounting for 15% of the governing body’s revenues, which amounted to $144 million for the last financial year.
Spending on over-the-top (OTT) technology in sports will hit $6.8 billion by 2021, according to a new report by Deltatre. The analysis reveals that sports operators worldwide are now spending 15% of total budgets on OTT technology, and by 2021, more than $6.8 billion will be invested in the sector. Other key findings in the report reveal that 2/3 of consumers are not willing to spend more than $39 per month on sports content – with the remaining third prepared to pay more. Additionally, the analysis from Deltatre, a Bruin Sports Capital portfolio company, offers good news for global sports operators investing in fan engagement functionality, as doing so delivers a 24% uplift in subscriber acquisition. 72% of those surveyed in the report cite personalization and a tailored user experience as the most important feature offered by OTT sports services. Almost the same number of consumers, 71%, want deeper immersion and a desire to feel closer to the action through the more advanced functionality that OTT can provide. OTT metrics have changed. It's no longer just about streaming games. Encouraging viewers to come back day after day is the gold standard, even when there’s no live competition taking place.
Port of Oakland says A's waterfront ballpark would pose safety risks. The Port of Oakland’s maritime industry is "raising red flags" over the A’s waterfront ballpark plan, claiming that the 34,000-seat venue and housing project "would pose both a safety risk to ships and a threat to the port’s future as a major, regional economic engine," according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The A’s counter that the project "wouldn’t endanger any port jobs or adversely impact the port’s shipping business." The commission "finds itself having to balance the needs and future of the third-largest port on the West Coast with the desire" of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and the A’s to "create a new neighborhood" along the waterfront. Unlike the Giants’ Oracle Park, which "sits on a relatively quiet stretch of waterfront," the A’s ballpark "would be perched right on the edge of the port’s Inner Harbor turning basin." The basin is a "key waterway where each week bar pilots turn around an average of 25 ships" after the vessels "unload and load cargo at two nearby terminals." The pilots are very concerned about the ballpark’s lights, which they claim can act like a car’s high beams and interfere with a navigator’s vision.
Top Five Tech
Gen.G Esports announces a $46 million round of funding including Will Smith. According to Esports Insider, other new partners include Japanese soccer star Keisuke Honda's Dreamers Fund, Los Angeles Clippers minority owner Dennis Wong, former Chairman of U.S. Investments Alibaba Group Michael Zeisser, and MasterClass Co-Founder and CEO David Rogier. Two-time NBA Champion and current Gen.G Player Management Advisor Chris Bosh will continue to lead the team’s creative and commercial endeavors while the new capital will go towards supporting the ongoing expansion of Gen.G’s global footprint, which already includes teams in the world’s top esports leagues across the U.S., China, and Korea. The new money will also contribute to the development of Gen.G’s youth esports academy program and the launch of Gen.G’s Los Angeles headquarters, opening in July, 2019. Honda’s presence will help build esports in Japan and other nations with budding esports communities, while Smith’s investment adds to the list of big-name U.S. esports investors.
Barstool Sports drives to make a splash in golf with “Barstool Classic.” According to Golfweek, the multi-month tournament will begin with eight qualifying events in major markets, including Boston, Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York, leading up to one championship event. The tournament features teams of two playing at 50% handicap in four-ball format. The winning team gets $10,000 and a trophy for their efforts. The tournament kicks off June 3 in in Milton, Massachusetts, and then takes place on August 26 in Pound Ridge, New York with two additional events to be scheduled in the New York and Philadelphia areas, in addition to the championship. Barstool’s media presence has been built behind loyal fans. And golf is an area that Barstool President Dave Portnoy knows is a hot topic among their fan base, and subscribers can’t get enough of that content. In the week after Tiger Woods’ comeback Masters’ win, Barstool is choosing the right time to capitalize on America’s newfound passion for golf.
NHL stars are creating video diary series for the Stanley Cup Playoffs. According to Adweek, one player on each of the 16 teams participating in the NHL postseason is taking part in a video diary series called Cup Confidential, in which they will talk about their team’s performance, the atmosphere in the arena, pregame rituals, fans, home lives, and other topics across the NHL’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter channels. Players who are part of Cup Confidential include Tyler Ennis of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Rasmus Andersson of the Calgary Flames, and Matt Hendricks of the Winnipeg Jets. While there have been big upsets of late including the Tampa Bay Lightning's 0-4 defeat, the video diaries have been a key part of the NHL’s strong social media push during its playoffs.
Golf hits a hole-in-one with 1 billion minutes of streamed coverage with Tiger Woods’ Masters victory. CBS Sports and The Masters live streaming coverage drew record viewership online, with more than 1 billion minutes of coverage streamed as Woods secured his first major victory since 2008. Over the tournament’s duration, an average audience of 447,000 per minute watched the live stream from Augusta. According to SportsPro, an average of 10.8 million viewers tuned in to watch CBS Sports’ coverage of the final round on Sunday, registering the tournament’s most-watched morning golf broadcast in 32 years. 18.3 million viewers tuned into the final day at its peak between 2:15 pm and 2:30 pm when Woods sealed his fifth green jacket. The final day of play drew a combined 37.2 million viewers, setting the highest Sunday coverage for a Masters since 2013; the final round replay also drew an average of 4.5 million viewers.
Twitch was a preferred streaming destination for Generation Adidas Cup. As part of the MLS agreement, Twitch streamed video coverage of 66 matches from the elite youth tournament to a global audience live from Toyota Stadium in Frisco, Texas April 13-20. According to MLS, the league also showcased off-field programming through player engagement seminars and coaching symposium talks in addition to streaming live matches. The games at the Cup hosted matches across both U-17 and U-15 divisions. Generation Adidas Cup is the latest MLS event to integrate Twitch as a featured distribution platform, joining eMLS Cup on March 30 in Boston. Reaching into youth sports may be the next big marketing key for a progressively more crowded sports OTT and streaming field.
Power of Sports Five
A Bay Area high schooler creates a charity to help sports communities around the world. Shevali Kadakia suffered a concussion at age 15 that put her on the sidelines, unable to play soccer or basketball for a long period of time. She realized that she had accumulated a surplus of uniforms during her time playing sports over the years, and that those jerseys could be put to good use. After visiting the impoverished neighborhood of Cite Soleil in the Port-au-Prince section of Haiti, she decided to not only start donating her old jerseys, but also to start a charity. According to KRON 4, the non-profit SKCharities has been contacting colleges all across the U.S. asking athletics departments to donate old uniforms with many happy to help. The nonprofit also organizes free introductory basketball and soccer camps for children and has helped over 4,000 kids worldwide to date.
Cleveland Indians pitcher Trevor Bauer ramps up his charity efforts with $690 donated for every strikeout he tallies on the season. Although somewhat rambunctious in nature, Bauer has a heart of gold. Last season, he started his 69 Days of Giving campaign. He donated $420.69 to different organizations for 68 days in a row, and $69,420.69 on the 69th day to Max Hayes High School, an inner-city Cleveland school focused on STEM courses. According to Yahoo! Sports, this season he has added his strikeout donations, where for every punch out he records, he will donate $10 to 69 different organizations.  Already, Bauer has generated $22,800 in 2019 with the money dedicated to providing kids with after-school opportunities. A self-described nerd as a kid, Bauer wants to ensure STEM education gets its fair share of help and has taken to his active Twitter page to let his fans have a say in the charities he will support. An MLB All-Star in 2018, Bauer is poised to make a big splash on the mound as well as in philanthropy this season.
Sports anti-racism charity joins government board to fight anti-Semitism. Action Against Discrimination (AAD) is joining the U.K. government’s new working board to tackle racism and anti-Semitism in sport. According to Jewish News, the group, which is set up by U.K. Sports Minister Mims Davies, is reviewing soccer’s current sanctioning regime to create a closer partnership between soccer authorities and the police to better identify offenders at matches. Tackling hate in sport is a large issue that continues to permeate UEFA, MLB, the NHL, and the NBA. By teaming up with governments, more direct action will be committed in the U.K. toward changing the status quo of waving aside offensive and derogatory language in professional sport.
The world gets a helping hand with a MLS and Adidas Earth Day celebration. According to Hypebeast, Major League Soccer‘s social responsibility platform will run its fourth annual Greener Goals Week of Service through Earth Day. MLS Works’ Green Goals initiative explores ways to reduce the soccer body’s greenhouse gas footprint while raising awareness about environmental issues throughout the sports community. MLS has also worked with Adidas and others to create special limited edition eco-friendly kits from recycled marine plastic uniforms with all 24 clubs sporting these outfits during their games on Earth Day weekend, which took place April 19-21. Additionally, MLS clubs and staff will also be volunteering and partnering up with local charities to give back to the community. Overall, the new environment-friendly jerseys encourage soccer fans to decrease single-use plastic usage, raise awareness for plastic pollution, and generally connect sports fans with eco-friendly practices.
Oakland Raiders cornerback Gareon Conley is hosting a charity event for vulnerable youth in sport. The 1st Annual Conley Island Best In America Charity Golf Tournament in Columbus, Ohio will raise money for LiFEsports, a charity at Conley’s alma mater, Ohio State University. LiFEsports serves over 1,000 Central Ohio youth from socially vulnerable circumstances through its summer camp, year-round clinics, and Youth Leadership Academy. The program mentors and teaches social skills and valuable life lessons to the youth who need it the most. According to 247 Sports, LIFEsports was in such high demand last year that they couldn't accommodate all of the children that they needed to help, so Conley is using golf and some of his star-powered friends including current and former NFL players Eli Apple, running back Beanie Wells, linebacker Darron Lee, and cornerback Shawn Springs to bring in donations for kids who can use a helping hand through the power of sport. Whether wanting to participate or simply watch, this charity event combines golf and football to gives back to kids who could be future stars in their own rights, so long as they can receive a little help to even the playing field.
0 notes
katyperrylately · 7 years
Katy announces new ‘WITNESS’ album and arena tour
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Today, Katy Perry announced the June 9 (May 19 preorder) release of her new album, Witness (Capitol Records), and an extensive arena tour. With Witness, Katy reflects on the changes in her own life and in the world around her, delivering songs that both challenge and inspire. The singles released thus far – the Platinum-certified “Chained to the Rhythm” featuring Skip Marley and the follow-up single, “Bon Appétit” featuring Migos – hint at the breadth of the musical and thematic elements found on Witness. Each ticket purchase for WITNESS: The Tour also includes a copy of her album, Witness.
The North American leg of WITNESS: The Tour, produced by AEG Presents, will kick off on September 7 at Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH. The run will include two New York City shows – October 2 at Madison Square Garden and October 11 at Barclays Center – plus an evening at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles on November 7 and a December 20 concert at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. The tour will resume on January 5, 2018 at Smoothie King Center in New Orleans.
Katy will be partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to donate tickets to club members and volunteers. Additionally, fans can earn free tickets by signing up at GlobalCitizen.org and taking action to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. $1 per every ticket sold will also be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Jim Clark, President and CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of America said, “Katy Perry is one of the most powerful and famous entertainers in the world, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America is one of the most powerful youth development organizations in the country. We share a commitment to improving the lives of young people through education, empowerment, and demonstrating good citizenship, and are excited to provide her fans with the chance to connect with Clubs while giving them an opportunity to win a chance to see her in concert.”
Tickets for the U.S. dates go on sale to the general public on Monday May 22, at 10 AM with the Canadian dates on sale May 26. All U.S. concerts on WITNESS: The Tour are presented by Xfinity. Additional sponsors are Citi, COVERGIRL and KATY PERRY PARFUMS. See below for itinerary or click here. Additional international tour dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
“Katy is one of the most popular artists on the planet and her social media following is unrivaled,” said Peter Intermaggio, SVP of Brand Marketing and Communications for Comcast.  “Xfinity is proud to present ‘WITNESS: The Tour’ and we look forward to making a special collection of tour-related content available to millions of Xfinity TV customers, including Katy’s videos and music on Xfinity X1 that her fans are going to love.”
WITNESS: The Tour Presale Powered By Ticketmaster Verified Fan Runs Thursday, May 18, from 9 AM – 12 PM in the US and in Canada runs Tuesday, May 23, from 10 AM – 10 PM local time. Tickets for the tour will be available through registration using Ticketmaster Verified Fan, an easy to use, fan-first technology that helps artists combat bots and get tickets into the hands of fans. Registration is open now and continues until Tuesday, May 16, at 10 PM PT. Click here to register.
Citi is the official U.S. credit card of WITNESS: The Tour. Citi cardmembers will have access to U.S. pre-sale tickets beginning Thursday, May 18, at 12 PM local time through Saturday, May 20, at 10 PM local time through Citi’s Private Pass® program. For complete pre-sale details visit www.citiprivatepass.com.
“Having just launched a new national advertising campaign with Katy, we’re thrilled to extend our relationship to encompass the upcoming Witness Tour,” said Jennifer Breithaupt, Global Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, Citi. “Citi cardmembers will have exclusive access to pre-sale tickets for what promises to be one of the biggest and most memorable tours of the year.”
WITNESS: The Tour is Katy’s first run since the sold-out, 151-date Prismatic World Tour, which concluded in 2015 and was hailed by Rolling Stone as “a show to damage retinas and blow minds.”
Katy, who will be the musical guest on “Saturday Night Live” on the May 20 season finale, made her Capitol Records debut with 2008’s One of the Boys after signing to the label in 2007. She cemented her status as a global superstar with the follow-up album, Teenage Dream (2010). PRISM, her 2013 album, debuted at No. 1 on iTunes in 100 countries and has sold more than 12.5 million adjusted albums worldwide. With the singles “Firework” and “Dark Horse” each surpassing the 10 million threshold including song sales and streams, Katy is the first female artist to earn two RIAA Digital Single Diamond Awards. In her 10 years with Capitol, she has racked up a cumulative 18+ billion streams alongside worldwide sales of more than 40+ million adjusted albums and 125+ million tracks. She is the most-followed person globally on Twitter.
AEG Presents is one of the largest live music companies in the world.  The company is dedicated to all aspects of live contemporary music performances, including producing and promoting global and regional concert tours, music events and world-renowned festivals. AEG Presents promotes more than 8,000 shows annually worldwide. For more information visit www.aegpresents.com
Katy Perry’s WITNESS: The Tour – North American Leg
Witness: The Tour stage preview
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9/7 – Columbus, OH @ Schottenstein Center
9/9 – Montréal, QE @ Bell Centre
9/12 – Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre
9/18 – Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center
9/21 – Uncasville, CT @ Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza
9/25 – Washington, DC @ Verizon Center
9/29 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden
10/2 – New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden
10/3 – Uniondale, NY @ NYCB Live!: Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
10/8 – Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center
10/11 – Brooklyn, NY @ Barclays Center
10/15 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena
10/16 – Louisville, KY @ KFC Yum! Center
10/19 – Pittsburgh, PA @ PPG Paints Arena
10/22 – St. Louis, MO @ Scottrade Center
10/24 – Chicago, IL @ United Center
11/7 – Los Angeles, CA @ STAPLES Center
11/14 – San Jose, CA @ SAP Center at San Jose
11/24 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Vivint Smart Home Arena
11/26 – Denver, CO @ Pepsi Center
11/28 – Omaha, NE @ CenturyLink Center
11/29 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center
12/1 – St. Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center
12/2 – Des Moines, IA @ Wells Fargo Arena
12/4 – Milwaukee, WI @ BMO Harris Bradley Center
12/6 – Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena
12/9 – Indianapolis, IN @ Bankers Life Fieldhouse
12/10 – Cleveland, OH @ Quicken Loans Arena
12/12 – Atlanta, GA @ Philips Arena
12/15 – Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena
12/17 – Orlando, FL @ Amway Center
12/20 – Miami, FL @ AmericanAirlines Arena
1/5 – New Orleans, LA @ Smoothie King Center
1/7 – Houston, TX @ Toyota Center
1/10 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center
1/12 – Little Rock, AR @ Verizon Arena
1/14 – Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center
1/19 – Phoenix, AZ @ Gila River Arena
1/20 – Las Vegas, NV @ T-Mobile Arena
1/31 – Sacramento, CA @ Golden1 Center
2/2 – Portland, OR @ Moda Center at Rose Quarter
2/3 – Tacoma, WA @ Tacoma Dome
2/5 – Vancouver, BC @ Pepsi Live at Rogers Arena
46 notes · View notes
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Today, Katy Perry announced the June 9 release of her new album, Witness (Capitol Records), and an extensive arena tour. With Witness, Katy reflects on the changes in her own life and in the world around her, delivering songs that both challenge and inspire. The singles released thus far – the Platinum-certified “Chained to the Rhythm”featuring Skip Marley and the follow-up single, “Bon Appétit” featuring Migos – hint at the breadth of the musical and thematic elements found on Witness. Each ticket purchase for WITNESS: The Tour also includes a copy of her album, Witness.
The North American leg of WITNESS: The Tour, produced by AEG Presents, will kick off on September 7 at Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH. The run will include two New York City shows – October 2 at Madison Square Garden and October 11 at Barclays Center – plus an evening at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles on November 7 and a December 20 concert at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. The tour will resume on January 5, 2018 at Smoothie King Center in New Orleans.
Katy will be partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to donate tickets to club members and volunteers. Additionally, fans can earn free tickets by joining Global Citizen and taking action to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. $1 per every ticket sold will also be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Jim Clark, President and CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of America said, “Katy Perry is one of the most powerful and famous entertainers in the world, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America is one of the most powerful youth development organizations in the country. We share a commitment to improving the lives of young people through education, empowerment, and demonstrating good citizenship, and are excited to provide her fans with the chance to connect with Clubs while giving them an opportunity to win a chance to see her in concert.”
Tickets for the U.S. dates go on sale to the general public on Monday May 22, at 10 AM with the Canadian dates on sale May 26. All U.S. concerts on WITNESS: The Tourare presented by Xfinity. Additional sponsors are Citi, COVERGIRL and KATY PERRY PARFUMS. See below for itinerary or click here. Additional international tour dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
“Katy is one of the most popular artists on the planet and her social media following is unrivaled,” said Peter Intermaggio, SVP of Brand Marketing and Communications for Comcast.  “Xfinity is proud to present ‘WITNESS: The Tour’ and we look forward to making a special collection of tour-related content available to millions of Xfinity TV customers, including Katy’s videos and music on Xfinity X1 that her fans are going to love.”
WITNESS: The Tour Presale Powered By Ticketmaster Verified Fan Runs Thursday, May 18, from 9 AM – 12 PM in the US and in Canada runs Tuesday, May 23, from 10 AM – 10 PM local time. Tickets for the tour will be available through registration using Ticketmaster Verified Fan, an easy to use, fan-first technology that helps artists combat bots and get tickets into the hands of fans. Registration is open now and continues until Tuesday, May 16, at 10 PM PT. Click here to register.
Citi is the official U.S. credit card of WITNESS: The Tour. Citi cardmembers will have access to U.S. pre-sale tickets beginning Thursday, May 18, at 12 PM local time through Saturday, May 20, at 10 PM local time through Citi’s Private Pass® program. For complete pre-sale details visit www.citiprivatepass.com.
“Having just launched a new national advertising campaign with Katy, we’re thrilled to extend our relationship to encompass the upcoming Witness Tour,” said Jennifer Breithaupt, Global Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, Citi. “Citi cardmembers will have exclusive access to pre-sale tickets for what promises to be one of the biggest and most memorable tours of the year.”
WITNESS: The Tour is Katy’s first run since the sold-out, 151-date Prismatic World Tour, which concluded in 2015 and was hailed by Rolling Stone as “a show to damage retinas and blow minds.”
Katy, who will be the musical guest on “Saturday Night Live” on the May 20 season finale, made her Capitol Records debut with 2008’s One of the Boys after signing to the label in 2007. She cemented her status as a global superstar with the follow-up album, Teenage Dream (2010). PRISM, her 2013 album, debuted at No. 1 on iTunes in 100 countries and has sold more than 12.5 million adjusted albums worldwide. With the singles “Firework” and “Dark Horse” each surpassing the 10 million threshold including song sales and streams, Katy is the first female artist to earn two RIAA Digital Single Diamond Awards. In her 10 years with Capitol, she has racked up a cumulative 18+ billion streams alongside worldwide sales of more than 40+ million adjusted albums and 125+ million tracks. She is the most-followed person globally on Twitter.
AEG Presents is one of the largest live music companies in the world.  The company is dedicated to all aspects of live contemporary music performances, including producing and promoting global and regional concert tours, music events and world-renowned festivals. AEG Presents promotes more than 8,000 shows annually worldwide. For more information visit www.aegpresents.com
Katy Perry’s WITNESS: The Tour – North American Leg
9/7 – Columbus, OH @ Schottenstein Center
9/9 – Montréal, QE @ Bell Centre
9/12 – Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre
9/18 – Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center
9/21 – Uncasville, CT @ Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza
9/25 – Washington, DC @ Verizon Center
9/29 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden
10/2 – New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden
10/3 – Uniondale, NY @ NYCB Live!: Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
10/8 – Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center
10/11 – Brooklyn, NY @ Barclays Center
10/15 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena
10/16 – Louisville, KY @ KFC Yum! Center
10/19 – Pittsburgh, PA @ PPG Paints Arena
10/22 – St. Louis, MO @ Scottrade Center
10/24 – Chicago, IL @ United Center
11/7 – Los Angeles, CA @ STAPLES Center
11/14 – San Jose, CA @ SAP Center at San Jose
11/24 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Vivint Smart Home Arena
11/26 – Denver, CO @ Pepsi Center
11/28 – Omaha, NE @ CenturyLink Center
11/29 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center
12/1 – St. Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center
12/2 – Des Moines, IA @ Wells Fargo Arena
12/4 – Milwaukee, WI @ BMO Harris Bradley Center
12/6 – Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena
12/9 – Indianapolis, IN @ Bankers Life Fieldhouse
12/10 – Cleveland, OH @ Quicken Loans Arena
12/12 – Atlanta, GA @ Philips Arena
12/15 – Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena
12/17 – Orlando, FL @ Amway Center
12/20 – Miami, FL @ AmericanAirlines Arena
1/5 – New Orleans, LA @ Smoothie King Center
1/7 – Houston, TX @ Toyota Center
1/10 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center
1/12 – Little Rock, AR @ Verizon Arena
1/14 – Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center
1/19 – Phoenix, AZ @ Gila River Arena
1/20 – Las Vegas, NV @ T-Mobile Arena
1/31 – Sacramento, CA @ Golden1 Center
2/2 – Portland, OR @ Moda Center at Rose Quarter
2/3 – Tacoma, WA @ Tacoma Dome
2/5 – Vancouver, BC @ Pepsi Live at Rogers Arena
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Lucy and the Great Bank Robbery
S3;E5 ~ October 19, 1964
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When Lucy rents out Viv's room to two gentlemen visiting for the World's Fair, they turn out to be bank robbers who stash the loot in Viv's mattress.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney), Vivian Vance (Vivian Bagley), Candy Moore (Chris Carmichael), Jimmy Garrett (Jerry Carmichael) and Ralph Hart (Sherman Bagley)
This is Ralph Hart's first appearance in season 3.  This is the first time the entire regular cast has been together since “Ethel Merman and the Boy Scout Show” (S2;E19).  
Guest Cast
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John Williams (Carter Harrison) was born in England in 1903. He is perhaps best known for his role as Chief Inspector Hubbard in Dial M for Murder, a role he played on Broadway, in Alfred Hitchcock's classic 1954 film, and on television in 1958. From 1924 to 1970 he appeared in more than 30 Broadway plays, winning a Tony Award in 1953. This was his only appearance opposite Lucille Ball.  
On "Here's Lucy" Gale Gordon will also play a character named Harrison Carter.
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Lloyd Corrigan (Gordon Bentley) was a portly character actor who played bit parts in silent movies before switching his attention to writing and directing. He returned to acting in the 1940s, appearing in two films with Lucille Ball. He first appeared as Mr. Holly in “Lucy Puts Up a TV Antenna” (S1;E9).  He will return for “Lucy the Choirmaster” (S4;E13).    
In the end credits, John Williams is listed as playing Bentley and Lloyd Corrigan as Harrison. When the characters introduce themselves to Lucy, they say the reverse.
Roy Rowan (Radio Announcer) was the off-camera announcer for every episode of “My Favorite Husband”, “I Love Lucy” as well as “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy.” He was also the voice heard when TV or radio programs were featured on the plot of all three shows. He was first heard announcing the TV football game in “Lucy is a Referee” (S1;E3). His first on-camera appearance was in “Lucy Takes Up Golf” (S2;E17).  
Hazel Pierce (Bank Customer) was Lucille Ball’s camera and lighting stand-in throughout “I Love Lucy.” She also made frequent appearances on the show. Of her many on-camera appearances on “The Lucy Show” only once was she given a character name and credited, in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (S1;E1). She was also an uncredited extra in the film Forever Darling (1956).
Uncredited background performers play the police officers, bank staff and customers.  
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This episode was written by Bob Schiller and Bob Weiskopf.  Although they departed the series as regular writers in season two, Lucille Ball convinced them to contribute several scripts to season 3.
This episode was filmed on June 4, 1964, before the production went on hiatus for the summer. It was aired out of filming sequence.  
The night this episode first aired, “The Lucy Show” was aired opposite “The Andy Williams Show” on NBC, which featured frequent “Lucy” guest star Tennessee Ernie Ford.
Viv and Lucy discuss Ralph Bagley, Vivian's ex-husband.
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The two boarders claim they're in Danfield for the nearby 1964 World's Fair held in New York City.  The New York World’s Fair was held in Flushing Meadow, Queens, opening on April 22, 1964, just three weeks after this episode first aired. It closed on October 17, 1965, although it was not open during the winter months of 1964/65. It was first mentioned in “Lucy and the Scout Trip” (S2;E26). Due to the great influx of tourists to Queens during the Fair, it was not uncommon for residents to rent rooms to visitors. 
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August 31, 1964 was Lucy Day at the World’s Fair! Ball was treated to a parade through the fairgrounds, a VIP tour, and an honorary luncheon and performance. 
Chris mentions The Beatles. The day this episode was filmed (June 4, 1964) The Beatles began their first and only world concert tour starting with a performance in Copenhagen. The Beatles were previously mentioned in “Lucy and the Plumber” (S3;E2).  
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Bentley calls Harrison the "Bard of the bandits." Only a few months before this, John Williams (Harrison), had played William Shakespeare, 'the bard of Stratford-upon-Avon,' on “The Twilight Zone.” This is the second episode in a row to mention the CBS sci-fi anthology series.
Harrison says he wants to stop robbing banks and rob art galleries instead: “Imagine pilfering a Picasso.”  Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. He is known for co-founding the cubist movement and the invention of constructed sculpture. He was previously mentioned Picasso in “Lucy Builds a Rumpus Room” (S1;E11) and “Lucy Decides To Redecorate” (S2;E8).  
The two boarders also wonder about robbing drive-in banks: “Just toot for the loot and scoot.” The first drive-in bank window dates back to 1928. The post-World War II spurt in automotive sales saw steady growth in drive-up banking.  
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This is the fourth time we have seen Viv’s bedroom and each time the layout has changed. In this episode, the bed has been moved across the room. In all four episodes, however, Viv has the same headboard. Before the remodeling in “Lucy Decides to Redecorate” (S2;E8), the painting above the dresser was on the living room wall.
Viv's lumpy mattress was previously the subject of “Lucy and Her Electric Mattress” (S1;E12).  
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Lucy thinks the cash in the mattress belongs to Viv, calling her Mrs. J.P. Morgan. John Pierpont Morgan (1837–1913) was an American financier and banker who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation in late 19th and early 20th century.
Reading The Danfield Tribune, Viv notes that Oscar the butcher has a special on rump roast.  This is the third butcher to be mentioned on the series.  The first was Ernie (Joe Mell) in “Together for Christmas” (S1;E13). The second was Mr. Krause (Tom G. Linder) in “Lucy and the Plumber” (S3;E2).  
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Viv says the all those henna rinses have finally pickled Lucy's brain. Henna Rinse was the dye that Lucille Ball (and Lucy Ricardo) used to keep her hair its distinctive orange color. Bear in mind that TV viewers still had not seen Lucy's red hair because CBS had yet to air “The Lucy Show” in color!  
The robbers stole $8,500 dollars from the bank's safe. The radio announcer (Roy Rowan) says the theft would not normally have been reported until Monday, but Mr. Mooney showed up at his desk, forgetting that it was Saturday. This neatly closes a loophole in the plot and earns a laugh from the studio audience.  
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Of course, Lucy immediately assumes Viv stole the cash.  Lucy compare her to Ma Barker. Kate Barker (1873– 1935) was the mother of several criminals who ran the Barker gang. She traveled with her sons during their criminal careers. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover described her as "the most vicious, dangerous and resourceful criminal brain of the last decade." Her legend was kept alive by the 1960 feature film Ma Barker's Killer Brood starring “I Love Lucy” veterans Lurene Tuttle (“The Club Election” ILL S2;E19), Tristram Coffin (Harry Munson) and Paul Dubov (“The Handcuffs” ILL S2;E6). Ma Barker was parodied as Ma Parker in a 1970 episode of “Here's Lucy” starring Carole Cook as the maternal criminal.  
Viv asks Lucy to “stop acting like a mystery guest” and explain her accusations. 'Mystery guests' were participants in the CBS TV quiz show “What's My Line” (1950 to 1967). Lucille Ball appeared on the show numerous times.  
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When Lucy hides the loot under her baggy sweater and stretch pants, her look is similar to when Lucy Ricardo tried to smuggle raw eggs under her clothes in “Lucy Does the Tango” (ILL S6;E20).  
Blooper Alerts!
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Beauty Sleep!  At the start of the episode Viv says that she is not wearing any makeup, but it's obvious that Vivian Vance is wearing both eye makeup and lipstick.
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Name That Tune! At least on the official 3rd Season DVD, the music heard on Jerry's portable radio is definitely not The Beatles. Sometimes licenses for music expire and producers must replace the original soundtrack with a royalty-free version. Whether that is the case here remains unclear.
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Seeing Double! The bank seems to have two adjacent bulletin boards, each with the exact same notices posted on them.
Stray Props! When Lucy's grocery bags break (as well as the robbers' shopping bags), a couple of items are left underfoot in front of the teller window.  
Crash Prevention! When Lucy is turning the mattress in Viv's room, she nearly knocks over the lamp on the bedside table. Lucille Ball takes a moment to steady it before continuing.
Door is Ajar! When the thieves return from the World’s Fair, they leave the front door open. This may have been intentional to facilitate the easy entrance of Mr. Mooney and the policemen.  
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“Lucy and the Great Bank Robbery” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
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