#little bubba always likes to look up at me while I pet him 🥺
georgiapeach30513 ¡ 2 years
we saw how sweet Bunny is an amazing girl mom to an even sweeter Birdie Mae.. but how is She as a boy mom? could you plz write something with her and her boys whenever you feel inspired enough?.
Oh!! Bunny in general is such a sweet, kind soul. She's literally airy. So calm, so caring, understanding, patient, loving, like all good qualities. And when she had her boys 🥺 all she wanted was a mini Beau, because they got their mini sunshine princess with Birdie Mae. And let me tell you, she got that with Arlo Adler. He is very much his father, but he has his mom's sweet soul. Arlo is all boy, but his best friend is an ice princess named Iclynn Blade Baizen, Beau loves that.
Briar on the other hand is just like Curtis, but that Arleigh sweetness still remains. And those kids are ALWAYS outside. They have so much to do outside, and they're surrounded by such neutral parents. (Briar will be their wildest child. He'll give you sourpatch vibes, because he'll do something he shouldn't do, and then be super sweet!)
Why don't we look at a sweet moment of them becoming a family of four for now...
Little Ari
Summary: Arlo Everett Adler
Pairings: Arleigh X Arlo
Rating: 🥹🥹
Warnings:  naked Arlo, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 850
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Beau Adler Masterlist
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Arleigh could not wait to get pregnant again. Her angelic, Birdie Mae, was beyond perfect to her. But Arleigh wanted a mini Beau. Wanted a little boy to follow his daddy around, get muddy and dirty, wanted Beau to have a little buddy that was his.
Zephyr and Thorne always went to a job site with them. And while Arleigh knew he adored Zephyr, and looked forward to when school would be out, because it meant that boy with overalls and boots would be hanging around. And she wanted her own overall and booted boy!
Making the decision to get pregnant was easy, finding out she was pregnant was exciting, and she was hoping for a boy. Even watching her smallest love with her little bump was a joy. Birdie Mae would sit in Arleigh’s lap, Remy right beside them, while her hands pet over the belly. The sweetest made up lullabies or she would read one of her books to the bump.
She could tell Birdie Mae was very curious about the process, asking why her mom didn’t lay an egg, or where she was going to be when her mom was pushing the baby out. Birdie wanted to know everything she could.
When they found out she was having a boy, Beau just held her while she cried her happy tears. She immediately knew he was going to be named in some way after her dads. When Beau was the one that suggested Arlo, Arleigh just beamed up at him.
“It’s his own little name, but sounds like Arleigh and Ari.”
“B,” she looks up at him shocked at such a sweet sentiment.
“You know, Curtis’ last name is an actual boy’s name? I like Arlo Everett Adler.”
“B,” she pouts, pushing her forehead up against Beau’s chest. “You…you stop that right now.”
“Well, I figured if he’s going to be my buddy, and he gets the Adler last name for life, it seems fair that the woman who’s growing him in her belly, gets to have her family be apart of his nam . He could be Little Ari. LA.”
“Stop that. I am extra hormonal, and I have all the happy tears. Birdie Mae, let’s go paint bubba’s room before daddy makes mommy complete mush.”
Arleigh sits in her birthing room, just petting calmly over Arlo. Her heart filled with so much love and contentment at becoming a family of four. Beau passed out with Birdie Mae on his chest, and her sweet boy nursing.
Birdie Mae had been such a tiny and dainty thing. Arlo was already shaping up to be a big boy, but still such a calm baby. Relaxed just laying on his mama. “You look like your daddy,” she whispers down to the little boy. “So that means I’m a witchy woman that can make things happen.”
Arlo’s little squeaks and sweet groans make her heart burst with all the love for her family.
Her fingers paint all over his skin, admiring hers and Beau’s work, “My babies are my favorite work of art. And you Mister Arlo Everett Adler…oh,” she quietly squeals when a bit of gas makes him smile, showing off two little dimples. “Surprises everywhere.”
She lifts up that bundle and peppers kisses and nose rubs all over him. “You have that baby smell. I didn’t realize how much I missed that. One day you’re going to smell like dirt and sunshine, just…don’t grow as fast as your sister.”
“Arlo! No!” the little boy runs past his mom wearing one of his dad’s old baseball caps, as it flops on his head, boots, and nothing else. “Arlo Everett! You stop right now,” Arleigh screams chasing after the toddler that giggles.
“You can’t run around naked all day,” she stops when he stands there, belly out, peeing. “When you’re done, you put clothes on. Someone will see you.”
“Bird no get my worm?” he looks back at his mama with a smirk. Doing his ‘done peeing’ dance he turns around, stomping his booted feet back to the house.
“My have clothes, see.”
“Boots and a hat are not clothes. That’s shoes and an accessory.”
He covers himself when a bird flies past, and walks a bit faster. “Why do you think a bird is going to take your…”
“Worm. Boppy said if my don’t cover it, a bird will get my worm.”
“At least put on some underwear. Birdie Mae will be home soon, and she doesn’t need to see that.”
Arlo stops in his tracks and spins to look at his mom, “My be nakie when Birdie not here?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“My not like clothes, dough. My like boots.”
“Go put you some underwear on. You’re acting just like Boppy. You really are a little Ari.”
Arlo smiles up at his mom with a dimpled smile and giggles, “My like Boppy. My little Boppy.”
“Arlo, underwear.”
“My going,” he answers stomping away. Arleigh can’t help but sigh, making a mental note to tell her daddy that Arlo is a mixture of him and Owin. Hating clothes and never wanting to wear them.
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mjolnir-steve ¡ 2 years
Would you rather be BFFs with Steve and have unrequited feelings for him OR be BFFs with Jensen and he has unrequited feelings for you? 😘
Bonus: How does the unrequited love discover the feels of their BFF? 🥺
This is a cruel and vicious attack!!! I think I would have to go with Jakey 🥺 I’ve spent my whole life having unrequited feelings for people, so I just can’t put myself through it again for Steve.
I think Jake is incredible at hacking and tech and safety measures, but he’s probably not as careful with his personal stuff or maybe he’s a little too trusting of his BFF 😉
(I wrote my first lil Jake one-shot, beta'd and titled by my bestie @the-sal-del-mar! And it's holiday-themed! I hope you like it!!)
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Hack the Halls
Jake Jensen x fem!reader
WC: ~1.7K
The holiday season was practically in full swing, and for the first time in all the years you'd known Jake Jensen, you genuinely couldn't think of a gift for him. It had to be perfect. Jake's gifts for you were always exactly what you wanted or needed, and you prided yourself in your ability to choose quality presents on par with his.
This year, though, was proving impossible. Every time you came up with something, you found out he already owned it, did it, tried it...
So it was time to use Jake's expertise against him. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? At least, that's what you told yourself.
You knew he had been texting with his sister to find out if his niece was still into Descendants before he dropped some hard-earned cash on custom-made Mal and Evie costume replicas. Maybe he happened to mention some items that were on his own wish list in that thread. He had left his laptop at your house the night prior, having to leave suddenly for a short mission, granting you the perfect opportunity to sneak a peek at his messages.
Jake had taught you some basic hacking in the past, but before you tapped into that knowledge, you thought about his tips for creating simple yet secure passwords.
"Jake, I can't possibly remember a sequence of 19 numbers and symbols. That's ridiculous."
He chuckled, giving you that toothy grin that made your heart beat just a little bit faster (though you would never admit it). "You don't have to, bub. You're not securing nuclear codes."
He helped himself to your bag of chips sitting on the coffee table while you chewed on your lip, brain about to explode while thinking of a password for your new online banking account.
"Okay, here's what I do when I'm putting a password on something. Think of someone or something close to you, not necessarily immediate family or a pet because those could be too obvious. Capitalize a random letter in the name. Maybe use a middle name? Add numbers that are significant to you, but again, not the first thing someone would think of when they think of you. Switch letters for symbols." He talked about this as if it were common sense. "Just make sure it all means something to you so you remember it."
He became so much more animated when talking about anything related to his work. The way he talked with his hands and raised his eyebrows was simply adorable, reminding you of when you were kids in his treehouse, discussing whatever book you were reading together. He was your first crush, but then he kissed Anna Mae Waterloo when you were 12 and you tried to let it go.
"Y/N? You still with me? I went overboard, didn't I?"
You shook your head, coming back to your senses. "Not at all. Maybe you should just come up with one for me?" He huffed at you, but his eyes were playful. "Please, bubba?"
"That's it!" He jumped up from his seat and sat next to you on the couch, the warmth radiating from his side familiar and comforting. "You call me bubba."
You looked at him, cocking your head like a confused puppy. "Okay..."
"How's this?" He took your laptop and typed: bu88A321!
"The first part is bubba, but I replaced the middle Bs with 8s. We always spend New Year's Eve together, so that's the 3, 2, 1... random exclamation point to meet the symbol requirement."
You smiled at him in wonder at the way his brain worked, tiny butterflies taking up residence in your belly at the implication that you meant that much to each other.
"You're a genius, Jake Jensen."
"Okay, here we go." You cracked your knuckles, albeit pathetically, and got to work, knowing you only had a few attempts before you were locked out of the system for 60 minutes.
Your first guess was his niece's name and birthday. Too obvious, you thought. Next was his sister's middle name and their old house number. "Damn it."
Tries three and four were unsuccessful, leaving you with one last chance. You remembered the advice he gave you, though, and tried your middle name, ending with the date of the day you met, your first day of first grade.
It worked.
Before you could process whether or not his password choice meant something, a text alert for a group message popped up on the screen.
Clay (10:02 AM) just tell her, idiot. she's not gonna shave your goatee if she doesn't feel the same way.
Aisha (10:02 AM) i wish she would. she'd be doing us all a favor.
Pooch (10:03 AM) LMAO srsly, dude, Y/N's not gonna be single forever.
Jake (10:04 AM) idk, i don't think she feels the same.
Jake (10:05 AM) what if i ruin it?
Pooch (10:05 AM) if u don't ask her out, i will
Jake (10:06 AM) 🙄
Jake (10:06 AM) fine. let's finish up here. i'll talk to her when i get home.
Cougar (10:15 AM) 👍
Your heart started racing. It wasn't that you didn't have feelings for Jake. You definitely did when you were kids and again when you were in high school. They never really went away, but you'd been squashing them down for so long. Could you really be with him, knowing he left you hanging for literal decades? Did you really want him, or was it just convenient? You loved him more than anything, but what if it didn't work out? What if you lost him altogether?
"Honey, home, I'm high!"
Shit. Normally, you'd burst out laughing at his cheesy, dad-joke greeting, but you needed to hide the evidence of what you'd been up to while he was out.
"Fuckfuckfuckityfuck," you hissed, trying to shut down his computer properly. As your shitty luck would have it, though, Jake walked in the room and saw what you had just seen.
"Oh, no." The smile fell from his face, and you wished you could pick it up and put it back on. He dropped his duffel bag from his shoulder, groaning as he ran a hand over his goatee. "What were you doing on my laptop, Y/N?"
You couldn't look at him, your head in your hands wishing you could disappear. "I wanted to look at your texts to see if you mentioned anything on your wish list because I was having a hard time figuring out what to get you. I didn't mean to see anything more than that. It was just... there. I'm sorry, Jake."
A tear rolled down your cheek before you could stop it, and of course Jake saw it. He rushed over, kneeling in front of you and gently placing his hands on your knees. "Hey, bub, look at me, okay?"
You shut your eyes as tight as you could stand to ward off the tears yet to fall before you looked at him, his eyes bright and hopeful, as always.
"I'm not angry. I'm impressed, really. You actually listened to me enough to guess my password." He smiled at you before taking one of your hands in his, running his thumb over your knuckles as he contemplated what to say next.
"I just wish you heard it from me instead of reading it like that. But now that you know, what do you think?"
You entwined your fingers with his and took a deep breath, considering your response.
"Jake, I'm flattered. Really, I am. But I guess I'm wondering where this is all coming from?" His head dipped a little, but he held your gaze, letting you know he was still listening to what you had to say.
"I've had a crush on you on and off since we were in the fifth grade. Maybe you didn't know the whole time, but you can't tell me you never knew. So why now?"
He exhaled, dropping his hands to his lap and rocking back onto his haunches. "I caught on after a while, but I didn't want to mess things up between us. You're my best friend, and I'd lose my mind without you." You could see him chewing the inside of his cheek as he gathered his thoughts.
"When I started feeling this way about you, I thought you would realize you deserved better than me, and it wouldn't work out. So I turned my attention to other people. I guess I hoped I'd be able to find someone else and it would make you look elsewhere, too. I'd rather keep you as a friend than not have you at all, you know?"
"Oh, I know." You laughed wistfully. "That's why I never said anything. It seems like we screwed up anyway, huh?"
He frowned, poking at the outside of your calf. "Did we? Did I?"
You sunk back into the couch, wanting nothing more than to bury yourself underneath the throw pillows.
"I don't think so. Not totally? I just- I don't know, bub."
"How about this?" He got up from the floor and plopped down next to you, like everything was just as it was half an hour ago. "I didn't buy your gift yet. You don't know what to get me. Let me take you on a date."
You smacked his bicep playfully, willing yourself not to think about how big it felt under your hand. "What's your logic, Jensen?"
"You give me permission to take you out as your gift to me. I pay for the date. Dinner and a movie, maybe? That can be my gift to you. If it doesn't feel right, we can just consider it a normal night together."
You looked over at him, unable to resist the puppy dog eyes he was giving you and had given you so many times before. "Come here, bubba."
He scooted closer to you, excitedly falling into your open arms and wrapping his own around you. "That does sound nice... Low pressure." You felt him squeeze you a bit tighter. "I feel like you're trying to hack your way into my heart."
He laughed and looked up at you, waggling his eyebrows. "Is it working?"
He gasped an ouch when you flicked his forehead with your finger. "It's not a yes, but it's not a no," you giggled.
He kissed your cheek before settling his face against your shoulder. "I can live with that."
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goldie90 ¡ 3 years
How Bubba got a cat.🐈
I mentioned before that Bubba always wanted a cat. He already has this wish since he was a little boy, but Drayton was never very fond of the idea and it was very unlikely that he would ever change his mind. Therefore Bubba kinda accepted the fact that his wish would never come true, even though a small part of him was still hoping. Maybe one day Drayton would change his mind?🥺 I have to say, I didn´t thought so and even much less so since our dog Bono joined the family,🐕 because convincing Drayton to keep him back then was already hard enough and I was pretty sure that our grumpy broom man would never allow a second pet in the house. And honestly, I was glad about it, cause in my opinion, one pet is definitely enough, especially if it´s a big dog, like our Bono. He already leaves enough of his hair on the floor and the furniture, I really didn´t needed the same thing with a cat, especially because their fur is much worse when it comes to this. Also, I´m definitely more a dog person. It´s not that I don´t like cats, it´s just that I simply don´t know what to do with them.🤷‍♀️ In my opinion, spending time with dogs is much more fun, also it seems like you can develope a much closer friendship with them than you can with cats. Therefore I was very happy without a cat in the house. Well, that was until one day everything changed.
It was just an ordinary day. I was cleaning up the kitchen,🧽 while Drayton was at work and Nubbins was somewhere outside on the roads with Bono, trying to bring some food home.😉 Music was banging through the house,🎶 coming from Chop´s room, just like every other time when Drayton wasn´t home. Bubba helped me a bit with cleaning, but when I asked him to take out the trash, it took him unusually long to come back and when he finally did, he seemed very excited. He gesticulated towards the front door and made some excited noises, it was obvious that he was trying to tell me something. “What´s going on, Bubba?”, I asked him, whereupon he took my hand and slightly tugged on it, obviously in an attempt to lead me outside. I went with him, curious what he wanted to show me and when we stepped out on the porch, he wildly pointed at something,making some happy noises and when I looked in the direction he was pointing at, I immediately understood why he was so excited. There right on the porch, just a few steps away from the front door, was a beautiful brown-white cat, 
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 sitting there completely relaxed and groomed herself, without paying any attention to the two human looking at her Bubba turned to me and gave me a bright smile from behind his mask, before he slowly walked over to the cat, sat down next to her and started to gently pet her head. The cat stopped her grooming and rubbed her head against his hand, while she purred loudly. Bubba reacted by making some more happy noises and while I watched the two of them, I couldn´t help but smile. It was really cute to see Bubba interacting with the cat.😊 After a while, I also stepped forward to greet our furry visitor and get a closer look at her. She didn´t looked like a stray cat. She seemed too well-fed, too groomed and too healthy for it. I assumed that she belonged to someone and therefore I thought that it was best to simply leave her alone. I thought that she would most likely leave our property after some time to go back home and so I told Bubba to come back inside and reminded him, that we still got some work to do before Drayton would come home. He reluctantly accepted that I was right and the two of us went back inside and continued cleaning up the kitchen.
It was about an hour later, when we suddenly heard a loud barking at the front door, followed by Nubbins´ voice yelling something. Obviously my dear husband and our dog were back from their hunt for victims. I went into the hallway to greet Nubbins and Bubba followed close behind me. We were only a few steps away from the front door, when it got opened and my darling entered the house, tugging on Bono´s leash in an attempt to get the dog inside, which turned out to be a bit difficult, because our beloved golden retriever apparently had other plans. He was tugging on his leash, barking at something that I couldn´t see from my spot in the hallway and seemed very agitated. Nubbins, who looked pretty annoyed by now, tugged harder on the leash and dragged the dog inside, before he slammed the front door. “Damn.” he mumbled, still annoyed while he let Bono off the leash. Bono immediately runned over to Bubba to greet him, while I greeted my husband and asked him what had happened. Nubbins just shrugged and said something about a cat on the porch, before he started to rent about his day. It was obvious that his hunt wasn´t successful, considering the fact that he came home alone. It turned out that he was barely able to find someone who was willing to pick him and Bono up when he tried to hitchhike and the only guy who was willed to do so, kicked them out after a few minutes.😅 Knowing my darling, I assumed that there was probably a good reason for this, but of course I didn´t told him so. While me and Nubbins were talking, Bubba went to the window and looked outside, I think he wanted to see if the cat was still there, which she wasn´t. Bono apparently scared her off when he was barking at her, which is probably no surprise. Back then, I didn´t thought much of it. No, I was sure that the cat simply went back home, wherever that was. Well, it shouldn´t take long to realize how wrong I was. 
The next day I accompanied my husband when he went searching for food. This time, we left Bono at home, because we thought that we would be more successful without him. It´s simply a fact that it´s much harder to hitchhike when you´ve got a large dog with you. When we left the house, the first thing we saw was the brown-white cat that was again sitting on the porch, exactly at the same spot where she was sitting the day before, almost like she never left in the first place. At this point I started to get a bit confused, but again I brushed it off. So, she came back - so what?🤷‍♀️ Maybe she just liked to hang out here. She would leave after some time. At least, that was what I thought.
This time everything went quite well. After walking down the road for a while, me and Nubbins were able to stop a car and the man who was sitting behind the wheel was nice enough to drive us home. And from there on, it went just the usual way. As soon as the man stopped the car in our driveway, Nubbins pulled his knife out,🔪 pressed it against his neck and told him to get out of the car. Then he brought him inside, with me following close behind. I noticed that the cat was still there, but I ignored her, while I opened the front door and hold it wide open, so my husband could drag the other guy inside. It was a bit difficult, because the man was struggling pretty hard and he almost managed to get out of Nubbins´ grip, but luckily my husband was able to prevent this. He dragged him inside and tied him to a chair in the dining room, so he could play with him for a while before killing him. When I closed the front door, I noticed that the brown-white cat wasn´t there anymore and I thought that she probably runned away because of all the fuss that was going on just a little moment ago. It took a few hours before I found out how wrong I was.
That evening when the family sat together at the dining table, everything was quite peaceful. Drayton was boring entertaining us with some stories from his workplace and we pretended to listen, when all of a sudden we heard a loud barking coming from the living room, followed by a shrill noise, that sounded suspiciously like a cat.🐱 Next thing that we heard was a loud clash, as something fell to the floor. We all shared a confused look with each other and Drayton grabbed his broom.🧹 “What´s going on here?”, he asked angrily, but of course no one had an answer for him and so he got up and walked over to the living room, me, Bubba and the twins close behind him. But before we could enter the living room a small brown-white figure runned through the door towards us, followed by Bono, who seemed pretty agitated. He was still barking loudly and almost runned Chop over while he chased after the cat. The cat runned into the kitchen and saved herself by jumping on the kitchen counter and was now standing there, snarling at Bono, who was still barking at her when we entered the room. Bubba immediately hurried over to the cat and picked her up. Then he hold her in his arms and made some calming noises, while I grabbed Bono on his collar and tried to pull him away from the cat, which wasn´t easy because our beloved dog was still pretty agitated, due to the fact that his home was invaded by another animal. And he wasn´t the only one. Drayton was pretty angry because of all the fuss and was now demanding an explanation for why there was a cat in our house. Of course, no one had an answer for him. The only thing that me and Nubbins could tell him was that this cat was already hanging around the property since yesterday and that we neither knew where she came from, nor how she got into the house, we could just assume that she sneaked inside, when we brought our last victim in. While we explained the situation to Drayton, Chop walked over to Bubba to get a closer look at the cat, before he started to scratch her ears. “Can - can we ke - keep her?” he asked, looking at Drayton all hopefully, even though he should have known the answer. Of course Drayton said no and I was glad about it, cause like I mentioned before, at this time, I didn´t wanted a second pet. My husband felt the same way, even though for slightly different reasons. You should know, Nubbins doesn´t like cats that much, because he thinks they are boring and not as good pets as dogs. Therefore me and him both didn´t mind it, when Drayton told Bubba to bring the cat back outside. Of course, Bubba wasn´t happy about this order, but he obeyed and so a short moment later, the cat was back outside and I could finally let go of Bono, who was much calmer now that the cat was out of his sight. Drayton then gave us a very long speech about why we couldn´t have a second pet and told us that we should simply ignore the cat, cause if we do so she would surely leave sooner or later. 
But even though Drayton´s plan sounded pretty good in theory, it didn´t worked out as well as we thought it would, because the next day, the cat was still there, sitting on the porch like it was her new home now and contrary to Drayton´s instructions, Bubba and Chop both went outside to pet her and Bubba even brought her a bowl of water. This surely wasn´t the best thing to do if we wanted the cat to leave, but then again, I don´t think that this was what my two brothers in law had intended in the first place.😅 For the next few days, it went on just like this. The cat spent most of the time with sittting on the porch, sunbathing, napping and waiting for Chop or Bubba to come out and pet her or play with her, like they did everyday by now. Sometimes she disappeared for a while, but after a few hours she was always back at her usual spot and as time went on, the whole family got kinda used to her presence - even Bono. Our dear golden retriever was now much calmer around her and didn´t started to bark immediately whenever he saw her, which resulted in the cat being less afraid of him and after a week, the two of them even sniffed each other carefully. 
One evening, it was one and a half week after the cat firstly showed up at our property, it was raining pretty hard and after Chop and Bubba had begged Drayton for almost an hour, our grumpy broom man begrudgingly allowed them to bring the cat inside, but not without emphasizing that it was only for tonight and that they would have to bring her back outside tomorrow.🤫 But then it came as it had to come: The next morning it was still raining and after another hour of Chop talking to Drayton and Bubba giving him pleading looks, Drayton agreed that the cat could stay inside for a while longer. “But only until it stops raining, you hear me?”, he said, which meant that the cat stayed almost the whole day in the house, before Bubba finally brought her back outside by the time the rain stopped. But now we should found ourselves confronted with another problem, cause after spending a night and almost a whole day in the house, the cat apparently didn´t liked the thought of living outside on the porch again and so only a few minutes after Bubba brought her outside, she started to scratch at the door and meowed loudly (and let me tell you, she can be very loud), until we let her back inside. This scenario then repeated itself a few times over the next days, until at some point we simply gave it up and just let her stay in the house. At this point, I didn´t mind her presence anymore, no I even started to like having her around. Nubbins simply ignored her most of the time, but when one day she came back from one of her forays and put a dead mouse🐁 on our doorstep, my dear husband became pretty excited and for the first time, he even praised the cat, before he used the dead mouse for an new art project. Drayton also surprised us, when he came home from grocery shopping and actually brought some cat food for our new friend. At this point, it became kinda clear that the cat would stay with us and so we decided that it was time to give her a name, because we couldn´t just refer to her as“the cat” the whole time. Chop suggested that we should name her “Cher”, but when he said that, Bubba shook his head and made some excited noises, it was obvious that he wanted to tell us something. “What is it, boy?”, Drayton asked, looking at him curiously. “Do you have an idea?” Bubba nodded enthusiastically and runned upstairs to his room. A moment later he came back, holding a record in his hands.💿 It was the new Dolly Parton album that Chop gave him a while ago. He pointed at it and gave us an expectantly look. Chop was the first who understood what he was trying to tell us. “You - you mean we should name her Do - Dolly?” Bubba nodded happily, smiling proudly behind his mask. I thought that this was a really cute idea and because the rest of the family also liked it, the matter was decided. Our new family member´s name is Dolly and her and Bubba are practically inseparable. Bubba now finally has the cat he always wished for and I think I have never seen him as happy as he is while spending time with his new friend.🙂
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