#literally why is rufus wainwright such a genius. ik the lyrics dont look that good on their own but oh my goddddd ugh
thejugheadparadox · 1 year
men reading fashion magazines oh what a world it seems we live in straight men oh what a world we live in why am i always on a plane or a fast train oh what a world my parents gave me always travelling but not in love still i think im doing fine wouldnt it be a lovely headline life is beautiful on the new york times MENNN READING FASHION MAGAZ(MEN READING FASHION MAGAZIIINES)OH WHAT A WORLD IT SEEMS WE LIVE IN STRAIGHT MENNNN OH WHAT A WORLD WE LIVE IN WHY AM I ALWAYS PLANE OR A FAST TRAIN OH WHAT A WORLD MY PARENTS GAVE ME ALWAYS ALW(ALWAAAAYS) TRAVELLING BUT NOT IN LOVE
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