macky-fetch · 4 months
I want a spin off of this series of just them.
This is CUTE??????
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macky-fetch · 11 months
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I’ve been in another art block. Trying to balance work and wanting to draw without being tired.
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macky-fetch · 11 months
Why does the audio for Areith fit her so well in this
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macky-fetch · 1 year
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Merry (late) Christmas. Here’s Tifa again for another year
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macky-fetch · 2 years
Chainsaw Man ED4
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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“Sorry, we couldn’t go to the moon together”
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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I did a thing
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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Lady trying to relax.
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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Abyss Watcher from Dark Souls 3 ❤️
Continua a leggere
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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macky-fetch · 2 years
May I request a soft bumbleby moment. the word has been out that yang and blake are dating and people have saying their mind about it. Some good some bad and it's getting to Blake, but yang reassures her that she doesn't care about what other people say or think about them.
Yang smiled at Blake and sat a small tray of tea and scones down in front of her. “I brought your favorites. Figured it’d cheer you up a bit.” 
Blake sighed and took one of the tea cups and took a small sip. “Thanks but… I really dont think this is going to help.” 
“Because of what others think about the two of us dating?” Yang sat down across from Blake and took a scone off the tray. “Who cares what anyone else thinks about your relationship with me. Besides, its not like we meet in secret.” 
“No, but… I dont like the stares.” Blake sat her cup down on the tray and leaned against the wall her bed was pressed up against. “Things are… different now that I’ve come out as a faunus. When I threw my bow away, I thought things were going to get a little better. That because people see me for me and not how they want to view faunus, that maybe… maybe I could finally be myself, be proud of being a faunus like Velvet and Neon.” 
“What if I’m proud of you?” 
Blake paused and looked over to Yang. “I… dont understand.” 
“We’ve been partners for a couple of years now. I’ve watched you grow out of your shell, become more of who you want to be as you started pushing away the past that was dragging you down. If anything, I’m jealous you’re able to do so.” 
“I’m glad you’re proud of me, but I know others hate me.” 
“Then let them.” Yang took a bite out of her scone and sighed. “So what if you’re different? The ears, the fangs, they’re part of you and I like you for you. If others want to judge you for it, then that’s their loss. Besides, you’re not the only one who’s judged based off looks.” 
“I didnt mean it like that.” 
“I know you didnt, but… its something I’ve had to deal with for years. The people who know my parents worry I’m going to turn out like my mom. Run away at the first sign of belonging or cause trouble. Others see the blonde hair and chest and just assume I’m some party girl or bimbo looking for the next party to get laid at. But you…” Yang got up and moved next to Blake and put a hand on her leg. “You were the first person who didnt see any of that.” 
Blake leaned against Yang and took another sip of her tea. “It does help that I dont know your mother.” 
“Doesnt matter if you know her or not, you never believed for a moment that I would ever hurt someone or leave you behind. Even when I do finally let myself have a bit of fun, you never treated me like some idiot who didnt know better and even joined me. And all I want to do is stay with the girl I love. The girl who I’ve gotten to know these last couple years. The same girl that went out of her way to find me during initiation to partner up.” 
Blake blushed and rolled her eyes. “And I told you I only did that because I was slightly curious about you.” 
Yang smiled and kissed her cheek. “Curious enough to forgo anyone else. And to avoid everyone else you went past.” 
“Still, you make it sound like its easy to just… ignore what others think.” 
“I know its not easy. All I’m saying is that no matter what, I dont care what others think about the two of us dating and I’ll stay by your side for you to lean on.” 
Blake smiled a bit as she pressed into Yang. “I’d like that.” 
“Good. Because I’ve set up a date at that sushi place you like.” 
“I thought you hated fish.” 
“I do.” Yang smiled and picked up the other teacup to take a sip. “But you like it and I enjoy watching you enjoy yourself.” 
“Alright, but next date night, we’re going somewhere you’d rather go.” 
“As long as I can keep seeing that smile, its a deal.” 
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macky-fetch · 2 years
This will never NOT be funny
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macky-fetch · 2 years
based off my other ask about blake having fangs, I have another take on it. the first time yang sees them.
Blake and Yang are hanging out, Yang cracks some jokes that cause Blake to burst out laughing, showing her fangs, and catches Yang off guard. Afraid of what she might say she hides them quickly, but Yang just gushes all over about how cute Blake looks
“You know you dont have to keep wearing that mask all the time, right?” Yang asked her partner with a soft smile. “I know its your thing but, it has to be uncomfortable to keep it on all the time.” 
Blake slowly adjusted her mask enough to take a bite of her salad and moved her mask back into place. “Its not that uncomfortable and I dont care what others think of it.” 
“Okay, but why? There has to be a reason.” 
“And because I want to isnt a good enough reason?” 
Yang sighed. “Well, no, I dont mean that, I just… I dont know, I sorta expected there to be some grand reason or secret you’re hiding or, I dont know, maybe you’re hiding a mustache.” 
Blake rolled her eyes. “Now I see where Ruby gets it.” 
“Are you really going to look me in the eye and tell me that you dont have an actual reason as to why you wear that mask?” 
Blake let out a sigh and put her fork down. “You’re never going to give this up, are you?” 
“No, I’m not.” 
Blake slowly took her mask off and gave a small smile to Yang. “See? Nothing wrong. I just like wearing the mask.” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll admit, I was wrong.” Yang grinned a bit at Blake. “Though, you have to admit, the idea of you hiding a mustache is kind of funny.” 
Blake let out a soft chuckle, the tips of her fangs coming visible. “If I ever decide I’m going to hide a mustache, you’ll be the first to know.” 
“As long as you’re ready for all the mustache jokes.” 
Blake’s smile grew and she laughed a bit more. “Only you would do that.” She paused for a moment once she saw her reflection in her glass and she quickly put her mask back on. She looked at Yang and started to get up. “I think I should head back to the dorm-” 
“You… have fangs?” Yang was in a bit of a shock as she took in what she saw. “You… have fangs… actual fangs…” 
“Look, Yang, you cant tell anyone about this. If anyone finds out that I’m some kind of… werewolf-” 
“Werewolf? I thought you’d be a werecat.” 
Blake sighed and slowly sat down. “Its… a bit ironic, isnt it? The cat faunus is also a mangy mutt… but I mean it, you cant tell anyone about my fangs.” 
“Not even Ruby or Weiss?” 
“Especially not them.” 
“Dont worry, I wont tell anyone.” Yang leaned over and whispered to her. “Besides, I think it makes you look cute.” 
A blush spread across Blake’s cheeks as they heated up. “I… you think its cute?” 
“Of course I do. It just sorta… fits you, you know? I mean, I dont mean that cat faunus need to have fangs or anything like that, just that… I dont know, you… look good with them.” 
Blake giggled as she listened to Yang and stood up once more. “Then… lets go back to the dorm while Ruby and Weiss are at their study session. I’m sure you have a few things you want to ask.” 
Yang nodded and stood up to walk after Blake. “More than a few.” 
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macky-fetch · 2 years
If you’re a real human person still using the default tumblr avatar, consider changing it.
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why should you change it?
When you guys pop up in our notifications, most seasoned tumblr users will suspect you’re a bot and block on sight.
why do we block immediately?
tumblr has a history of bots trying to infiltrate and establish a connection to a valid, existing blog in order to populate google searches. Simply liking or reblogging a post, not just adding a scam link to it, establishes this connection. Tumblr users don’t want this to happen, especially if it’s a scammy p*rn bot. So, we often block on sight.
So now I have to reblog stuff AND change my pfp?
Well, of course that’s up to you! I just want to explain why you may have been already blocked by an artist/blogger you may have discovered recently, and how you can avoid it in the future.
Reblogging does help creators more than likes because your reblogs will show up on the dash of those that may follow you. Plus, reblogging puts that post on your own blog, and in case the original gets deleted or edited by the OP, it’ll be on your blog like that–forever (or until you delete your blog). Nice.
Here are some free icons created by catalyststuff on freepik. Highly recommend their art for a simple replacement!
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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A Weiss outfit I made, along with Weiss taking some selfies!
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macky-fetch · 2 years
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