#literally take any sea creature and 👀✨ ‘i can make an oc out of that’ ITS SO FUN
wondersbeyondcompare ¡ 2 years
Juro’s Extended Profile!
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…which was long overdue (^◇^;)
Tbh this is more for my reference than anything else; that’s why I included these 2 drawings of Juro that you can look at before my rambling under the cut 🥺
*btw!! Juro uses she/he/they pronouns, so I use them interchangeablely down below! Just as an example that using any of these options are ok for them! In other writings for Juro, tho, I tend towards one or the other to eliminate confusion.*
Full Name: Juro Parva
Name Meaning: Taken from the scientific name “Jorunna parva”; The sea bunny/slug Juro is based off of was popularized on/by JPN Twitter in 2015, so their first name is Japanese.
Dorm: Octavinelle
Year: 3rd year
Birthday: October 6
Age: 18 years
Height: 5’4”/161.5cm
Place of Origin: Coral Sea
Voice Headcanon: Igarashi Hiromi
The very definition of a “social butterfly” and a picture perfect example of networking, Juro is almost never seen by themself. He thrives in social environments, flitting from one conversation to the next in her tireless search for gossip at Night Raven College. They don’t mind small talk, but can get visibly antsy if a meaningless conversation drags on for too long. He’s one of the central hubs for controversy, after all, if she’s not doing something useful with her time then it’s all just a waste.
And although they were born blind, Juro seems to have a heightened spatial awareness due to the sea bunny blood running through their veins. So while she still has some trouble navigating new environments, she has a general sense of whatever’s within 5 feet (or less) of her, so he doesn’t bump into or fumble around with things as often as some people would assume he would. He also takes a tremendous amount of care into their appearance, as they were often the test subject of their parents’ (a photographer and a journalist respectively) photographs and exorbitant praise. So although they can’t see themselves, it always fills Juro with delight at being told that they look cute today. It wouldn’t be too far off to describe them as vain, as Juro is often seen enlisting the help of her peers or siblings when it comes to things like outfit coordination or making sure no accessory is out of place.
Likes: Socializing, Gossip, Cute things, Their siblings, Good food, Research, Music (tries to keep up with whatever’s trending, surprisingly likes listening to hard rock + heavy metal when alone for stress relief), Pleasant smelling perfumes/aromas, Podcasts, Their bunny eared headband
Dislikes: Boring people, loud and unexpected noises, experimentally prepared food, extremely crowded locations, not looking cute, being ignored
Juro was adopted at five years old by his fathers. They don’t remember much of what happened before then. One of his dads is a professional photographer while his other dad is a journalist. Juro remembers having to travel a lot during his younger years while his parents were still both relatively new in their professions, trying to break into their fields as quickly as they could by seizing any opportunity they could find. Most of his siblings (all of whom are younger than him) were adopted a little bit later, once their family became more financially stable.
She loves her family dearly, and her family loves her, often shown in the amount of praise she received when she was younger, especially when it came to her appearance. Although she couldn’t see it for herself, she adored the attention that came with it and continues to take great care of her looks to the present day. Their siblings sometimes get tired of being used as a “magic mirror” everyday by Juro (and sometimes mess with him by occasionally lying about him looking ok; they get their asses handed to them as soon as Juro finds out lol), but they depend on him a lot. He gets told that he shouldn’t stress too much over them, but with how free-spirited his parents are, he can’t help but be a little concerned.
Her penchant for sticking her nose into other people’s businesses may have stemmed from her parents as well. She never became too intrusive though. He always makes sure to take care of both his physical image as well as his figurative one. It would be a shame if everybody stopped paying attention to him because of a tarnished reputation, so he always does thorough research and makes sure to build up/fortify his social standing before spreading word of some of the more weightier scandals around campus. And even if the information given to her wasn’t entirely true, Juro might be able to work her way around it, either through the use of her unique magic or by leaning heavily into half truths that make things appear worse than they actually are. As long as everything continues to work out in their favor, Juro doesn’t really mind who they have to tear down to get what they want.
Toxic Glamour (Unique Magic): Allows Juro to verbally or subconsciously “push” a thought into people’s heads, forcing them to believe it’s true. Those more deeply rooted in their convictions are harder to ensnare, but not impossible. Can be used on multiple people at once.
Mild Toxins from Touch: Allows Juro to temporarily numb a body part through direct touch; can try to numb more body parts or the whole body but the victim may experience major bouts of nausea if Juro chooses to do so. This ability provides a protection against toxins as well, but only for Juro.
They’re a part of the light music club but only drops by once and while. If begged to, Juro normally joins in on the keyboard or as vocals. They know some guitar due to being taught by Cater and Lilia, but this is less frequented by them.
Her dislike of experimentally prepared food stems from Jade feeding her some strange dishes without telling her what it was beforehand. It was only halfway through her meal did he reveal that he slipped in some poisonous herbs + mushrooms in order to test her immunity to certain toxins. Juro was fine afterwards, but now she refuses to eat anything prepared by Jade.
They also really don’t like Floyd on that matter, still resenting the time he shifted everything in their dorm room slightly to the right without telling them. Juro temporarily numbed Floyd out of anger but became even more upset upon seeing him become delighted at the weird feeling their ability brought him.
Juro likes Azul slightly more than the tweels but knows not to enter into any contracts with him. They often exchange pleasantries as they pass by each other in the hallways or during slow days in the lounge. Their quid pro quo views on life are pretty similar, so it’s not uncommon for them to do small favors for one another as well.
As reference to the sea sponges sea bunnies typically eat, Juro “absorbs” information almost obsessively. Whether it be what he’s learning in class or whatever he can glean from the people around him, he can’t go one day without learning something new. The sponges sea bunnies eat are also toxic which alludes to his “toxic” personality as well.
I do have a vague concept of one of her siblings in my head! He’s gonna be a 1st year Octavinelle student (my… 3rd… octavinelle… oc… oh god) who often checks in on Juro. He helps run Juro’s social media accounts as well, acting as Juro’s personal photographer.
Juro’s never seen without their bunny eared headbands. To draw Juro without one is sacrilegious idk what else to tell you :/
As for pronouns, Juro doesn’t really care which ones you use for them. They themselves tend to change the way they refer to themselves depending on the situation (cycling between “boku (僕)”, “watashi(私)”, “atashi(私)”; rarely uses “ore (俺)” unless they become angry/upset, but even then Juro tries to keep up their facade as best they can.
Juro’s blindness is also due to irl sea bunnies not having any eyes or visual systems to rely on (or maybe they do idk some sources say otherwise), so their fur and ears are used to navigate their surroundings instead. I could’ve gone for the full “no eyes” route, but (*´-`) coloring in the eyes is my favorite part of drawing, even if they’re faded.
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