#listening to the thug convos in these games is lowkey comfy to me
I just rewatched a video of the conversations between the militia members and the thugs and instantly remembered your 'love mission' bit. It would be so funny to think about what they must have said after Jason captured and kept his darling hostage for a longer time lol
Like after night three of various thugs being tasked with dropping off meals, bringing shit from Darling's apartment to the hideout, etc. they realize that the Knight really just moved in his boo into his militia base's hideout
Thug 1: What did he have you bring this time?
Thug 2: Pizza from that place off 15th, by Cobblepot Square. Y'know after midnight, the place has nothing but Penguin's guys coming in for a slice. But they all have a rule where nobody can fight, so it's a soft neutral zone for the mercs and amateurs around here.
Thug 3: That include us?
Thug 2: Yeah, but they upcharged the shit outta me. $30 for one large supreme, but when I reminded them of the body armor and military grade shotgun on my back, we got a discount. The Knight had me triple check to make sure I got his boo's order right.
Thug 1: Woof. Never figured he'd be so whipped by his partner.
Thug 3: You think he's more of a dom or sub? I've known plenty of guys that, once the armor's off, just melt and go all soft at home.
Thug 2: Probably a sub. Guy's gotta let off steam somehow besides making all these plans to kill the Bat.
Arkham Knight: This better be the only time I catch you in a conversation on the wrong radio channel. I'm not paying you to be this sloppy.
The rest of the thugs:
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