#listen I think they tried making it as canon as possible without making Lokius explicitly canon
holdfastperseus · 7 months
It is absolutely WILD to me that we got :
1. Mobius risking his life to save Loki in eps 1
2. Protective Loki™ in eps 2
3. SO MANY physical touch
4. Holding on to each other’s forearm
5. Brushing shoulders as they walk
6. Mobius’ hand around Loki’s waist
7. Words of affirmation as a love language (yes I’m talking about the “you’re the god of mischief” pie scene but there’s so much more)
8. Loki & Mobius going undercover and dressing up
9. A pie date AND a carnival date
10. Loki eating food just because their boyfriend Mobius likes it even though Loki clearly don’t
11. Mobius and Loki teaming up & causing mischief
12. Tandem bike scene
13. SO MANY bickering like an old married couple and everyone around them just going “what the hell”
14. “It’s got your shape to it“ “What do mean it’s got my shape, it’s in a suit it could be anybody” + sylvie being 100% done w/ them
15. Loki and Mobius always shifting closer to each other like magnets
16. Mobius encouraging Loki’s mischief
17. Whatever the fuck episode 5 was
18. Flustered Loki
19. Loki fixing up their appearance (fit check) before meeting their crush
20. Mobius Don dropping hints that he’s single and straight up flirting with the hot stranger
21. “Hello” “Hello” “Hi” “Hey”
22. “You saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me that I hadn’t seen in myself”
23. Mobius’s kids bike being red & green (Loki’s and Thor’s color)
24. The fond smiles
25. Mobius offering up his jet ski in a heartbeat
26. Loki time slipping to Mobius time and time again
27. “It’s about who” with Loki looking at mobius for 10 seconds before they said the line
28. Don’t even get me started about the “For you” scene
29. Loki hearing Mobius’s “let time pass” and finding comfort in it
30. The tragic lovers torn apart by fate trope for Lokius
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