#lipshits posts
lipshits-continuous · 10 months
Being a mathematician does irreparable damage to you vocabulary. I have on more than one occasion forgotten that certain words have normal every day meanings
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kenobussy · 1 year
I love the take that anakin was corrupted by the war or whatever and thats why he became a sith bc he was like so traumatized and Sad. To bffr if the war hadn't started anakin would have been sent in his first solo diplomatic mission and upon arriving would decide he liked one side more than the other (other side clearly being evil bc one of the people in the greeting party didnt smile at him) and after going five minutes without obi wan reassuring him what a special precious boy he is, would have encouraged and participated in an ethnic cleansing. Then he'd go back to coruscant and throw an absolute shitfit when mace says "hey anakin jedi aren't supposed to incite ethnic cleansings" and he'd turn to the dark side anyway bc padme turned him down for a girls weekend.
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Intro Post
Hello! Welcome to Maths Terms Identifier! I add the definitions of maths words found in posts as well as the area of maths the word comes from. Often there are multiple uses of a word in maths so I will choose one per post. Reblogs will look have the below structure:
Maths Terms
Area of maths
Definition goes here.
Reblogs will be tagged with "definition" along with the area of maths the definition belongs to. Other posts will be tagged "not a definition".
I will mostly focus of popular and or funny posts as some words are very common (e.g. normal). Posts with multiple words might not get definitions for every word if there are a lot. Feel free to tag me in a post you want me to extract the definitions from!
Main: @klavierpanda
Maths blog: @lipshits-continuous
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klavierpanda · 1 year
Intro Post
Hello! I'm panda, check out my gender. I use they/xe/vae primarily and if you want to only use one set that's okay. I am very, very aro. I'm very normal about Omori, Star Trek, and Mathematics (lying)
Mutuals if you consistently reblog/post shipping content, please that tag it as #shipping
Meaning of my url
My incredible boyfriend is @tesco-brand-aromantics <2
Mutuals can ask for my discord
Pillowfort (in case Tumblr dies)
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I got these from here
I kindly ask NSFW/18+ blogs, discourse heavy blogs, and shipping centred blogs to not interact
Please don't refer to me with words like "bro" or "dude". Whilst they may be "gender neutral" in your vernacular, they aren't really in mine.
Gender dysphoria is not a necessary condition to be transgender
I support all "weird" and "contradictory" queer identities of good faith, e.g. mspec gays/lesbians, lesboys/turigirls, xenogenders, queerhets, etc
Sex and romance are not intrinsically bad. Whilst the way that society at large interacts with them is flawed, completely getting rid of them is not the solution
Trans men face a unique form of oppression and "transandrophobia" is a good term to describe it
"Narc abuse" isn't real. There are ways of describing your abuse and abuser which do not demonise personality disorders
I'm both anti-monarchy and anti-unionist (not against trade unions, but the UK being united)
I support informed self-diagnosis
Alterhumanity, nonhumanity, and therianthropy are real
Tone tags are not useless just because you personally don't find them helpful
Making fun of British people is not the progressive win you think it is. You are just playing into the deeply rooted classism. You are not funny (that includes saying "Bri'ish")
The previous point goes doubly if you're making fun of non-English Brits
Sex repulsion/aversion is not an excuse for sex negativity
I hope you enjoy your say!
Maths blog: @lipshits-continuous
Omori blog: @omori-in-odd-places
BYF and personal tags under the cut:
Before you follow:
I am from the UK so I use British spelling. This is important if you block certain tags like "bright colours" as Tumblr won't filter those out if you only block the American spellings. If you are unsure of the British spelling of a particular word just send an ask!
I tag triggers as #[trigger] tw
If you would like me to tag any triggers, please ask and I will try my best
Tagging my aro specific posts with ace tags or otherwise talking over said posts will result in you being blocked immediately
Don't hesitate to tag me in a post you think I'd enjoy/send me asks as I enjoy recieving both! (anon is currently on)
Anyone can reblog my yearning posts if they would like to, just be mindful that if they are tagged with nblm I am yearning over a guy
This blog (and all of my blogs) is endo safe
Personal tags:
#panda’s post - general post tag
#ask panda - asks
#panda’s edits - images I’ve edited/memes I’ve made
#panda’s box - for my all time favourite posts
#pandacore - posts with me vibes
#panda’s music - original music/arrangements I have made
#my rock <2 - posts about my boyfriend
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koganphrancis · 6 years
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Ruby on instagram yesterday.
Okay, so what kind of attention whore fuckery is this?  What is with this half-assed “apology”?  
A: It’s a year after the fact. B: She “regrets”  making the comments but not necessarily what she said in them, since she’s saying nothing here to indicate she’s changed her mind.  “I take them back” sounds more like, “don’t remember I said them”.  How hard would it be for her to have added some positive thought she may have had about the character? C: She didn’t post this where it would permanently be seen (ie her Twitter or as an actual IG post).
My theory is she’s either trying to generate some positive buzz from the only loyal/vocal part of the fandom that is left and/or she is seeing all the turnout and support and outright love Noel is receiving for The Long Road Home and wants to get some of that for herself one day, so she’s kissing Noel’s fans’ asses figuring if she can hoodwink even a small percentage into liking her, she’ll have accomplished something.
I have a couple of questions-1 IS anyone bothering to ask her anything about Mickey anymore-she’s so fucking irrelevant.  2 Are we going to get an apology from Matthew Modine for hijacking Rosie O’Donnell’s complimentary tweet to Cam and Macy?  
She added Sierra’s newly-discovered last name to her Twitter and IG biographies, LMAO.  You go, Roobs, it only took them a fucking year to notice your character didn’t have one-it just didn’t matter till Lipshit went to pay your bills.
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lipshits-continuous · 3 months
Since people are arguing about whether 0 is a natural number again, instead of joining in I'm taking 0 out of the integers until you learn to get along. You don't get nice ring structure until you behave
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lipshits-continuous · 2 months
"Letters weren't supposed to be used in maths. Maths would be easier if it didn't have letters." Actually it would be harder.
I appreciate abstraction isn't easy for everyone but mathematics is better off for it.
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lipshits-continuous · 10 months
Mathematician trying to write a romance novel: "there exists no open set containing one but not the other"
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lipshits-continuous · 4 months
Maths doesn't need applications to be interesting
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lipshits-continuous · 11 months
The ring of Integers: *exists*
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lipshits-continuous · 8 months
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lipshits-continuous · 10 months
Maths textbook written in the style of fanfiction
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lipshits-continuous · 4 months
"Is maths really necessary?" Yes, yes it is
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lipshits-continuous · 4 months
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Christmas present from my parents :))
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lipshits-continuous · 4 months
Here is your invitation to talk about something in maths you really enjoy. It doesn't matter it's complexity, just reblog with as much or as little detail about one of your favourite things in maths!
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lipshits-continuous · 8 months
Okay this is going to be a bit more venty than usual but I've seen a post about complex numbers that's annoyed me.
The only reason you are less willing to accept the existence of imaginary numbers is you aren't taught it in a way that helps build intuition nor from as young an age.
Complex numbers have been around for centuries. They aren't some new fangled thing that are mysterious to mathematicians. Part of the non-mathematician's conception of imaginary numbers certainly isn't helped by their name but I have to say I think the internet and clickbait are a lot to blame for that too.
A lot of mathematics is invented by thinking "what if..." and rolling with it to see if you can draw anything meaningful from it. "What if numbers less than 0 exist?", well then you have given meaning to something like 2-7. "What if we could divide any two integers?", now you can talk about what 3/7 means. Asking "what if square roots of negative numbers did exist?" let's us explore whether √(-1) would give us something with consistent and useful properties and it turns out it does (technically we just declare i²=-1 and i=-√(-1) does everything just as well).
"You can't take the square root of a negative number" is drilled into pupils heads at school when really the message should be a more subtle "there aren't any real numbers that are the square root of a negative number". It's a subtle but important difference. It's exactly like saying "there aren't any natural numbers x such that for naturals numbers y and z with z>y we have x=y-z". You'd be pretty hard pressed to find anyone saying that the latter is impossible.
I don't really know how to end this. I'm just frustrated
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