#like. vermins angel is the project i think characterizes both contradictions
bitchfitch · 7 months
just curious what people said about your art, in regard to your vibes and what artists youre reminiscent of- especially the contradictory stuff
for the similarities: H. R. Giger, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, a few different Tumblr artists who I haven't had time to like, look into yet so I'm not going to tag them dbhdhrjd, and also the locked tomb series.
and the themes that were mentioned were dark drama, exploration of difficult themes, monstrosity being made mundane, and generally a sense of dread.
I think the contradictions mostly came from people who only interacted with the comedy stuff and art, vs people who interacted with the prose as well. the majority of my actual art trends towards the more lighthearted and pretty sides of things, while my writing gets into the like, edgelord gore and actually kinda fucked stories. so tldr it was "monstrosity as something warm and beautiful" vs "monsters being monsters to other monsters"
A few different people mentioned that I tend to be extremely experimental with both my art and writing. which on the art from I think that comes from the fact I regularly say "hmm hate this" and radically change my style bc I got bored with it. while on the writing I think it's because I change my narration style to suit the project and focus character so there's no stylistic consistentancy between any of the writing projects that are actually like. having effort put into them instead of being random drabbles. The drabbles have a wandering style that's just based on whatever I last put effort into.
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