#like um guys hi some of the shit ur saying is just racist and islamaphobic
official-oshun · 8 months
genuinely so hard finding jews who aren't zionist because most jews, in an american sense of racial structure, are white (in reality they are either ashkenazim or converts in my life). the only jews i know who agree with me that israel is acting as a horrific colonizer r the brown and black (beta israel, mizrahim, and converts in my life) ones like myself and i feel like this trend, while anecdotal, could be beyond just my life. anyway there is no reason for israel to continuously expand its boarders and overwhelm citizens just to "get to the hamas". there is no reason, in order to feel safe, the state needs to eradicate an entire nation of people. every adult civilian in israel is trained military personal, they are soldiers in reserves, the people of palestine are not. for every single terrorist extremist in palestine I bet money there are five highly trained israeli soldiers with the military might of the entire west backing them. this is not even close to a fair fight, so sorry for not wanting land back if it means we have to rip innocent people to shreds for it. colonization is not salvation and we do not deserve this land more than our abrahamic sisters.
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