#like oh ok. lets conform to feminine beauty standards anyways
conartisthaiji · 9 months
now that i'm older i can say how fucking weird it was (is) that all the advice online about how to look more "nonbinary" was (is) just shit like "1. cut your hair 2. get clear skin 3. be skinny". like what's next be white???
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theleftovertaco · 3 years
The Boys in Lingerie
Basic warnings in order please don’t interact if you don’t want to see this. Use basic judgement. You know if you’re too young to read something
Once again, I try to keep it house, gender, and year neutral so anyone can fill in the blanks where they wish, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals alike
We have standard lineup- Fred, George, Draco, Neville, Harry, Ron, Oliver, Cedric, and now Charlie and Blaise have been added!
You and Fred had messed around before with kinks and lingerie
He always liked how it looked on you, how the lace hugged you perfectly
Freddie is a very forthright person, if he wants to try something he will tell you in advance, and so he talks to you about him wearing some
You agree immediately and the two of you find a magazine to order some because there is no shop that sells that in Hogsmeade, unfortunately
He finds a pair of pink panties and chooses those because of course he does and when the box arrives (he has to avoid George’s questions about what's in the box) 
He puts them on and then sends you a notes asking you to come to his room while no one else is there
And when you find him
“Baby boy, you look amazing.” He smirks and spins in a circle before leaping on the bed, you following close after
George wandered into a strange shop in muggle London when you and him were exploring during Christmas break
He found a sex shop where they sold a lot of lingerie and before he got yelled at by the shop owner to “get out, you tosser!”
He couldn’t get the lingerie out of his head 
He didn’t think about you wearing it, well maybe a little. No he actually thought more about the cloth on his own body
So about a couple weeks after seeing those and getting back to school he plucked up the courage to ask you (he was a Gryffindor, dammit, he shouldn’t be scared)
“How would you feel if I... wanted to wear panties?” “Sure, love, sounds good if that’s what you want.” “Wait, that’s it?” “Yea.” “Ok good, cause I kinda already ordered them.” 
He darts into the restroom to put them on and then comes out to show you and holy fuck
He’s in this pale blue pair of flower lace bikini panties and walks out looking just a little timid and you fucking jump him 
Draco saw a pair of Pansy’s underwear during a game of strip poker and while most of the other guys were ogling her, he was thinking about how the silk would feel on him
He buys a pair, but then they just sit at the bottom of his trunk for about a month and a half
Then he wears them once or twice around the common room under his trousers before he even thinks of telling you
He writes you a note during History of Magic (its not like Binns will notice anyways): “Can you come to my dorm after classes today? I want to show you something.”
So you go thinking its gonna be some gift his mum sent again but you enter the dorm and see him in a pair of silk black panties 
“Honey, you look fantastic!”
You may or may not have torn them off of him 
He may or may not have had to buy another 10 pairs
Neville sees a girl in a thong in one of his dormmates old magazines and he just gets a little spooked
Because his immediate thought isn’t about you in them
It’s about him in them
So he panics
Slowly but surely, as your relationship progresses he gets a little more bold, in general, since you make his confidence skyrocket when you’re around him
So he wears them around during the day and when he pulls you into a empty classroom you’re a little scared about what he’s gonna do because of the timid look on his face
But he pulls down his trousers to show the pastel yellow thong he’s wearing and he slips on his old cat ears
You let out an audible groan
“Kitten, you look beautiful.”
He blushes and looks down in embarrassment just a little
“Nuh-Uh, don’t you dare look embarrassed kitten, come here.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You and Harry had a very honest relationship
He is a rather frank person and is not afraid to tell you want he wants in a relationship, but of course, you know that right out of the gate
Plus after the heels debacle, he knew never to try and hide what he wanted to wear from you
So when he discovers your collection of lingerie, he straight up asks you if he can try them on
“You sure?” “Yes please.” “Yeah ok go ahead, sunshine.”
He grins and snatches his favorite pair, a red set of satin underwear that barely cover anything
“You ready love?” “Of course sunshine, come on out!”
He steps out and you are speechless to say the least
He looks amazing and you pretty much drag him over to sit on your lap while you kiss him
So now he wears panties all the damn time because why not
If he likes it and he’s confident wearing them, you’re all for it
Ron is still a bit wary about wearing lingerie
He’s been wearing more stereotypically feminine clothes, but wearing panties is a whole other game to him
But you suggested it, and he was willing to try
It takes him a bit to warm up to the idea of lingerie
Ron has you walk him through it, what would be comfortable, what wouldn’t be, and he settles on a pair of black satin ones “They’ll be comfortable, promise!” “If you’re sure...”
You do a trial run where he just kind of lounges around the common room wearing them underneath his normal clothes
By the end of the day he’s hooked on it and you are too
He likes the softness of them
Ron has always felt like he had to be strong, and measure up to his brothers masculinity, but when he’s in the lingerie, he feels like he doesn’t have to conform to that
Anyways yes he likes the panties
Oliver saw a pair on you once under your sweatpants when you were cuddling
“Oh, what are these?” “My panties???” “They’re pretty... do they make them for guys?”
Bro was straightforward
So you buy him a pair “I trust your judgement love, buy whatever you want!”
So he ends up with a pair of red silk ones that feel amazing 
He wears them whenever possible
About a week after he starts wearing them, Angelina somehow finds out and the Gryffindor quidditch team dares him to ride on the broom in only his panties
So he tries it... before immediately slipping off and falling on his ass
“Stupid fabric.”
He manages to stay on the second time, and well, now you have a few candid shots of your boyfriend riding a broom in lingerie
Not that you’re complaining
I need to stop calling Cedric Pretty boy, but does that mean i will? no
Pretty boy loves you in lingerie
The fabrics are always so pretty
And he has never been shy about this, so he just asks you if he can try on a pair of yours
“Yeah, of course pretty boy go ahead.” he kisses you on the cheek and runs off to find a pair
He puts on a pale yellow satin pair of briefs 
And walks back into your dorm
“Fuck, pretty boy!” “You like it?” “Baby, I adore it!”
Cedric begins wearing them around campus
He likes how his thighs look in them, and soon he starts wearing them under his skirts
If he bends over, you can see it pretty easily, he knows exactly what he’s doing
He tries to rile you up
Fucking tease
Charlie is a very muscular person 
It isn’t that he doesn’t like traditionally feminine stuff, he just never thought he had the build for it
It takes a while for him to change his mind, since contrary to popular belief, he is actually pretty insecure
“Don’t you think I’d look strange in them, stocky kid in girls underwear?” “Well, it’s  not just for girls, and no you would not! I happen to think that you would look beautiful!”
He likes that word. Beautiful
People have always described him as handsome, cute, but never beautiful
So he agrees
Maybe it’s something about wizarding Romania that’s more accepting but when the lady at the shop you go to sees that the panties are more fit for Charlie, she winks at the two of you and says to “have fun with those”
So he puts them on and holy shit 
He understands it now
He feels beautiful
Blaise likes being pretty lets be real
He doesn’t really give a flying fuck what people think of him
So he jumps on panties real quick
Finds the prettiest pair of emerald panties he can find and he loves them almost immediately
He likes putting on a short skirt and makeup on to top off his whole vibe because why not
Another thing about Blaise is that he is a fucking flirt 
With everyone, not just you
And while you trust that he would never cheat on you or betray you, if he gets a little too flirty with anyone else, all you have to do is creep your hand up to the satin undergarment and give it a little tug to remind him who he belongs to
You, bitch, it’s you
Ok that’s it for now idk what I’m doing next so if you want me to write something please send me an ask. Also I rarely write suggestive/smut fics if you know ways that I can make this better please for the love of god let me know.
This feels like a good time to say that this is the final set of characters. I have 10 right now, and if I keep accepting more people I’ll just end up doing 20 characters every time. I love doing these but I don’t have the time or energy to do every single character, it just would not be good for my mental health. That being said, if you want a specific headcanon of a specific character, please SEND ME AN ASK so I know that you want that directly. I would be more than happy to write it for you.
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