#like literally they are so sustainable compared to just about any other gemstone
ladyluthien · 2 months
SO not to talk about my various hustles on tumblr but: I bead pearls now!
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I have 0 budget for advertising but I am trying to sell them because at a certain point being creative just fills your house up.
What they are: handtied freshwater pearls with sterling silver clasps
Why are they cool: for one, they're pretty affordable for a gem that's been treasured since antiquity. For two, pearls actually have the potential to be super sustainable and actually clean the water they're grown in! Like they truly might be the most sustainable gem you can buy
What you can do to help my lil business get off the ground: reblog this and follow me on my very small Instagram because that's where the makers are these days, or even check out my shop if you're feeling rad
ok thank you
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nuclearfeels · 6 years
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White diamonds big fat happy smile is just a guise for when she completely loses her shit when someone fucks up royally, resulting in her having a reputation for getting very violent and shattering any gem who does not meet her really high standards.
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Her cracked White Pearl? I bet she isn’t the first Pearl she has had. I bet she has went through loads of them like a bull in a china store. When ever anyone screws up big time? She smashes them or the closest gem to her when no one else is around, in this case White Pearl who also fucks up often too. But why are the gems on Home world incurring her wrath so often? Part of my theory is they are the very first gems and function like the alpha test of a computer program! They are imperfect, unrefined, and full of errors and bugs. And yes I did just compare gems to robots. They are literally pre-programmed and manufactured in bulk with custom specifications put in place by their makers.
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Additionally this is why the Diamonds are able to request gems made to mirror their color and gem placement.
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BUT WAIT! Pink Pearl and White Pearl have their gems in the opposite places as opposed to the Yellow and Blue Pearls! A lot of other theorists speculated that both pearls were swapped when Pink broke hers and she lost her color or was altered somehow to match White Diamond afterwards. But none of that makes any sense because the gem’s bodies are holograms whose color cannot be changed as it is a reflection of their gemstones coloration. White Pearl is a light shade of gray, so she appears to be  monochrome. However our Pearl of the crystal gems mysteriously has multiple colors even though her gemstone is seemingly white.
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The thing about pearls is they come in literally every color and shape due to their unique means of being created, so it is not impossible for a Diamond, say for example Pink Diamond, to request for her Pearl to be created having multiple colors in her design.
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The other part of the theory that everyone is pushing which is flawed is that White Pearl has a crack, NOT ON HER GEMSTONE, but on her FACE!! Gems do not ever sustain permanent visible injuries to their holographic form. Once their bodies are compromised...
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The only possible exception to this rule is slight bruises and corruption, but that is very different from a literal CRACK that splits across your face. In fact something like that could only be possible if White Pearl was not projecting a holographic body. Instead her body is actually 100% gemstone Think about it, her body doesn’t move at all, not one single joint or digit moves at all, she just glides across the floor on her tippy toes. And White Diamond doesn’t move an inch either, so SHE must be 100% gem from head to toe as well! Picture that in your mind. That massive towering woman she is no doubt taller than the other Diamonds is made from that much pure rock hard crystalline diamond. The amount of raw unfathomable power she must possess must be so immeasurably immense that it’s no wonder that the other Diamonds fear her. And as for their pearls having incorrect gem placements? Well.... This may be a ridiculous theory, but I bet Pink demanded her own Pearl when she heard that White was getting a new one after breaking the last one. So while commissioning a new one with specific instructions, Pink butted in and tried ordering one for herself at the same time as White, while not being able to make up her mind on how she wanted her pearl to look. Wires got crossed, miscommunication happened, clerical errors happened. Next thing you know, Pink gets a multicolored gem, White gets her White gem.... ....But their gemstones are positioned in the opposite damn places!! And White got so mad she punched hers in the face.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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