#like i'm not a nikolai stan but like everyone deserves the chance to grow and unlearn harmful mindsets they had when they were younger
wafflesandkruge · 2 years
pt 1 from me :) — you have the BEST takes on this whole patrick thing. of course what he said was despicable, but we have absolutely no idea of his personal life at the time. we ALSO have no idea of what he is like as a person now. assuming he has changed, hopefully he addresses the tweets and publicly apologises, but it's like??? this man suddenly got thrown into a fandom who in two seconds FLAT dug up some things he said a decade ago because they thought he was ugly.
part 2 from me :) — like he's probably so overwhelmed, he stress deleted the tweets once they were brought up. i mean he probably didn't even remember them. hopefully he comes forward and apologises, but it's totally understandable that he's taking a little while. i just hope the fandom will accept an apology bc a lot of people are for recasting. it's like i BET if this had been jack wolfe or someone else who is perfect and had zero casting backlash, recasting wouldn't even be in the picture.
part 3 from me :) — like idek where im going with this, sorry for the long rant, but chronically online takes like this get on my nerves. AGAIN, all of this is assuming he's grown and isn't still a dick, but if he was a bad guy i would be doubtful that leigh and all the cast members would be hyping him up so much. i'm just hoping he addresses it and everyone stops shitting on him. and this is coming from a nikolai stan, who is also a queer female sa survivor. i think i can speak on this.
You make some great points! Like the whole situation reads as people not being satisfied with his casting choice bc of his physical looks, not because of his questionable tweets. People are demanding he be recast, not that he step up and apologize. They don't care what he has to say about the matter, they just want him gone. Honestly, that's such a harmful mindset to have if you think people can't change.
The fact that people are hiding their pettiness and shallowness behind the shield of social justice is honestly gross.
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