#like i have my own explaination BUT that is just throwing doubloons canon backstory away
paskariu · 1 year
still disappointed we went nowhere with the whole “doubloon knows spinjitzu” thingy.
like doubloon was(?) just a regular human in canon so like he shouldn’t know it unless either:
A) Garmadon taught him. Why? No clue man Doubloon has 0 ties to him. Out of the FSM family it could only have been Garmadon since Wu states in the Book of Spinjitzu that he doesn’t know how or where Doubloon learned spinjitzu. The FSM was likely dead before Doubloon was a concept.
B) Nineko taught him. Again why..? Doubloon as a thief has no use to her or at the very least no use that would require spinjitzu. The only reason she taught the bros catjitzu was so they could get the jewel for her.
C) Asperra????? just no
or D) which somehow makes the most sense: he learned it in the other realm he was stuck in. which is also bogus because how the hell would other realms know what spinjitzu is UNLESS it’s the departed realm because dead EMs. Which leaves us once again with my favourite question in this post: WHY
why introduce such a character and then do nothing with that
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