#like i am barely even legally an adult (i'm 18 still in high school!!) and i know this
transxfiles · 2 years
i get wanting there to be gay people in marvel movies i also watched ragnarok in middle school and had an awakening but can we all please get a bit smarter like. y'all it's never going to happen stop going to the theaters for mcu bs it's never good!!
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ornii · 1 year
Numbers Don’t Lie.
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Jane/ Eleven X Male Brother Reader.
Summary: You express the want to see your presumed dead sister. Being another one of Brenners experiments, you were luckily able to escape years before it, growing up in Ohio, when you turned 18 you headed to Indiana, to find her.
December 23rd, 1984
It's been a few days or perhaps a week or two since the Snow Ball Dance and it's festivities, while it was a different experience for the kids, you felt the same in Indian High School in Ohio. It all felt so, nostalgic, but the addition of all the horrific and mostly insane things made a twist on it. But, out of all the horrific and Almost unbelievable things that occur in this town, there was one thing that made it worth it all.
After helping Dustin and his Prolific father figure, Steve, find his "Pet." It lead you on a journey to finding about the Upside Down, Demagorgons, and the truth behind Dr Brenners experiments, and most importantly was Eleven, still alive and very much kicking. After closing the gate for the last time you had time to get to know her just a bit more, about her journey the first time she met Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike. Those times you were able to talk to her were heartwarming. After your spat and fight with the gate, and her Dress at the Snow Ball Dance, you ruffled her curly but small hair and finally felt somewhat at peace.
Giving you some semblance of a normal life with your little Sister, but unfortunately, not everyone was so accommodating about it. There was one person who didn't share your declaration of peace. Jim Hopper.
"Coffee, Two sugars, Spoon-full of creamer."
"Just Black for me."
"Got it chief." The waitress at the Diner walks off, leaving (Y/n) and Hopper at the table, across each other as the tension is a bit, high. The gruff and more experienced hopper glares at the younger and hauntingly mysterious (Y/n).
"So, what did you want?" (Y/n) asks, he leans back into the leather seating of the diner, calmly but smugly folding his arms, hopper looks more annoyed than most in this place.
"It's about Jane." He says, which causes (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow.
"Jane?" He says, Hopper reaches into his chest pocket and shows him a birth certificate, with the words "Jane Hopper" printed. (Y/n)'s eyes narrow to the name and he looks back up to Hopper.
"Eleven.. that's her name." (Y/n) says, but Hopper ignores that.
"Sure Pal, it's obvious that.. you know more about her, situation than I do. I don't know what those doctors did to her but it's obvious she isn't the most sociable kid." Hopper says and (Y/n)'s eyes look more sullen.
"Yeah. The, Test.. Experiments, shock therapy, we didn't go outside, we didn't get to have any contact with the outside world, we never even saw sunlight. I got lucky when my mom was able to pull me out of there, who knows how I would have ended up... but why are you asking? You don't seem like the type of guy to care." He says, and Jim shrugs.
"Who knows I might surprise you.."
"I Highly doubly it, so.. what do you want?" He asks, the waitress returns witu their coffee and places it, they give her a small nod of Thanks and she walks off, (Y/n) sips his sweet coffee and Jim spills it.
"Jane needs someone to help her control her powers, so you're going to help.. In Exchange, you can see her."
(Y/n) stops drinking his coffee, and slowly places the cup down and turns his cold eyes to Jim.
" "In exchange?" This isn't some trade of goods, and regardless I am going to see my sister." (Y/n) clenched the cup handle a bit tightly.
"Yes, in exchange, as much as you want to act like It, you aren't all of a sudden everyone's friend. You just popped up randomly with powers."
"Just Like her, Right?" He says back.
"I can trust her."
"And why not me?"
"She's a 11 year old girl, they're not good at lying, barely legal adults on the other hand."
"Well aren't you funny? I'm not going to play by some dumb rule to see my sister. You aren't going to stop me."
"This 41 Magnum says otherwise." He replies, (Y/n) could probably assume the handgun is under the table in his holster.
"You really want to try this Jim?" (Y/n) and Jim stare at each other. There was silence between them but the tension was so heavy, an intensity fills the diner, as their aggression whispers were promises of destruction.
"I've lost most of my family, I won't lose her too." He says, Jim sees the desperation and Sorrow In his eyes when he spoke, Hopper relents just for a moment and sighs.
"God Dammit... okay, it's true I don't trust you, but Jane.. she wants you to come over for Christmas."
"Christmas? Huh.." (Y/n) says, and Jim nods.
"Yeah, told me she wants it with her Family, with her "Papa and Brother.", and, if that's what the kid wants.." Jim says, and trails on. (Y/n) felt his heart skip a beat, a depressing warmness fills his heart and he nods. Holding back a few tears Jim can see him look down and sniffle.
"...I'd like that." He says. Jim's attitude softens, and stands up.
"Yeah... come over, I'm sure she'd like to see you." He says, and (Y/n) nods once more, wiping a single tear.
December 24th.
The Cabin was renovated to fit the lifestyle of a Preteen girl with powers and a rugged Old cop. A medium sized Christmas tree was planted on a big pot and (Y/n) and Eleven are setting it up.
"Okay, now, place the star on the top."
Eleven, using her powers lifts the star up, and places the plastic model on the top. He gives her a small pat on the back.
"There you go." (Y/n) gives her a smile, and Jane couldn't help but crack a smile. The two look at the fully decorated Tree adorned with Christmas foil and ornaments.
"Well, I guess that's that, you want some Cocoa?"
"Cocoa?" Jane asks, obviously confused by the term. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow.
"Cocoa? You've never heard of it? Jim's never given you any?" (Y/n) asks and Jane just shakes her head confused. He scoffs and walks to grabs his keys.
"Cmon." He says, Jane looks hesitant and fiddles with her fingers.
"We're not supposed to go outside." She says, and he stops.
"Jane, you've been cooped up in this place, Jim's out on some investigation, and who knows when he's coming back and I'm not leaving you here alone, Cmon.. I promise you'll have fun." He says, A bit convinced, Jane follows and they head to his car and out of the woods and into the city, he keeps Jane close as he shows her the snow, the cool winds and the festivities of Christmas. After shopping for the food for Christmas, and getting Jane a Santa hat, they return as she has a glow about her. Jim is still away, but that doesn't stop them or (Y/n), boiling milk in a pot on a stove he shows Jane the brown powder.
"Now. This is Cocoa." He says and she looks at it, obviously a bit confused.
"It's.. Dirt."
"It's Not Dirt."
"It looks like dirt."
"I know what it looks like—"
"I bet it tastes like dirt."
"No it's..anyway.. it's made from Cocoa beans, they grind them down and refine them into a powder. And you mix that powder into hot milk or water, and it turns it into Cocoa." He explains, as the milk comes to a small boil, he pours it into the pot and begins to stir, Jane watches with intensity and curiosity, as he finishes the brew, he can see the intensity that Jane is watching and finds nothing but amusement. He pours a hot up into a mug for him and another for her. Sitting down at the couch he hands it to her, and she cautiously takes it with both hands.
"Now, it's hot.. be careful and just take a sip." He says, and She does as told, she takes a cautionary sip, the rich flavor and scent of warm chocolate hits her sensory and goes overload, she stops for a second, her eyes going wide.
"Good, isn't it." He says, and she begins to chug it down and his face quickly turns to concern. She finishes and a deep brown mustache is above her upper lip and hands him the cup (Y/n) tries to stiffen down his laugh, Jane looks at his quizzically.
"What?" She says, "Do you want another cup?" He asks, snickering and she nods eagerly. He refills the cup and she continues to eagerly consume the cocoa. She finishes again with the same mustache and he tries not keep his composure again. This time she looks more frustrated.
"What's so funny?" She asks and he obliged.
"Okay, let me show you." He drinks a portion of his and forms his own mustache, he points which causes Eleven to giggle at it, he smiled so genuinely at her. She drops her cup on accident and it plummets to the ground, before it can shatter on the ground, it stops mid air, and slowly floats upward via (Y/n), who then takes the handle of the mug.
"Cmon, I got a few movies we can watch." He puts in a VHS of the classic "Gremlins." And sits next to Jane, who is a bit oblivious.
"What's a, Gremlin?" She asks and he elaborates.
"They're annoying little monsters that you can't feed after midnight. Trust me I think you'll really like it." He says, halfway into the film, Jane is asleep, most l due to the literal gallon of Cocoa she consumed. Resting her head on his shoulder, she sleeps so soundly, he looks over to her resting so calmly and he smiles.
Five minutes later, he's also asleep, his head cocked back and open. The door Jingles and opens to a grumbling Jim.
"I leave for one day and you two.." he says before seeing them sleeping so, soundly and calmly. His attitude lightens up a bit and he just puts a blanket on them, he checks his watch and raises an eyebrow, he looks at them sleeping so warmly.
"Huh, Midnight.. Merry Christmas."
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lvlpin · 2 years
Hdhjdhdgh, yeah that's their dynamic
You know, I keep on forgetting that Adam and Jonah are both in their twenties (? I saw a tweet by Alex saying that they're 20 and 21 but I can't find the tweet) while Cesar and Mark are just teens/barely legal adult (18 and 17)
It doesn't mean anything for this au/multiverse since vol 2 that place about 17 years after vol1 which means that Jonah and Adam were about 3-4 ish when vol1 happens.
Even then, Jonah and Adam are both younger teenagers who look like they are adults while Cesar a d Mark are adults but only for like 1-3 months in this.
But imagine 20-21 y/o Adam and Jonah overhearing 17 y/os Mark and Cesar complain about homework.
V1 duo, their heads on the table surrounded by homework: *groaning*
Jonah, walking by: You guys are struggling with college work?
Cesar: no, we're both still in high-school
Mark, mumbling from his hoddie: Still have one more year of this shit before we're free
Jonah, pausing: ... wait, you guys are not adults?
Cesar, briefly lifting his head up: I'm turning 18 this year and Mark just turned 17.
Jonah: so you're both 17?!
i refuse to believe they're 20-21 i am going to continue with my Headcanon of them being 18-19 or 17-18 actually/LH
GOD imagine the ppl who are technically older than you still being in high school- my life literally
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