#like hello??? hatching from what? a grief seed mayhaps?
pinkberrypocky · 27 days
pmmm rewatch live notes: ep 4
madoka's convo w homura in this ep literally destroyed me. when she asks homura if she's seen people die before i made a noise akin to a wounded animal and my friends looked at me like i was insane. just wait until they understand. then they will be in pain like we are.
The nurse’s in kyosuke’s hospital say that they hope sayaka will be able to be the hope he needs to recover emotionally, which is silly considering she uses her life to restore his use of his hands
Sayaka is in such denial that she wants something out of kyosuke and healing his hands
Blue balls of light fall around madoka in the opening scene in the opening
End of the opening is red 
Madoka looks at her fried egg at breakfast while dissociating sadly which looks like mami’s soul gem and then starts to cry
Sayaka asks madoka to talk about what happened the day before later when madoka tries to bring it up
Sayaka is always trying to shove down and avoid the uglier parts of being a magical girl that don’t fit in her image of what it should be
Madoka isn’t sure about being a magical girl anymore after seeing mami die which shows how much she values life (for herself and for others) 
Sayaka says that mami took them into the fights to show them the resolve required before they became magical girls, but in reality mami was hiding the weight of the burden she was carrying for her secret selfish hope to not be fighting alone
Kyubey tells sayaka about how the other magical girls are going to react now that mami died knowing it will upset her and then says that only other magical girls have a right to judge them
Another instance of him pushing them to be magical girls at every opportunity
Manipulative bastard
When madoka visits mami’s empty apartment it’s sunset and the lighting is red/orange/yellow
Madoka calls homura “homura-chan” even though she doesn’t know her 
She knows her on a subconscious level and that’s why she never second guesses it
Or its because she wants to do what others want without a regard for what she wants
“It seems like you’re a veteran, though in a different way than mami… it seems like you’ve seen a lot of people die… how many?” woof madoka asking these things to homura is brutal 
Imagine you go through hell cycle for years and watch the one you love die countless times only for her to ask you if you’ve seen people die before
Madoka cries when she hears about how no one will know how hard mami fought to project people 
Which is so ouch when you think about how madoka does that to the extreme when she turns herself into a god that saves magical girls from becoming witches and erases herself
Madoka telling homura how she’ll never forget her is SO PAINFUL
Because she has forgotten homura over and over and over 
Yellow light from the window when sayaka is with kyosuke 
Red light coming from the floor
Sayaka tries to lighten the mood with kyosuke just like how she tries to brush off magical girl horrors
As sayaka realizes that the only way kyosuke can have his hand healed and play again is through a miracle, kyubey appears again to manipulate her in her weakest moment
He is a shadow backlit by bright yellow light
When madoka runs into hitomi who is affected by a witch’s kiss the lighting is very dim while the two of them converse and the people are almost entirely in shadow
Madoka follows them even though she knows that she can’t do anything to help them
She is always passive, following and worrying and yet unable to do anything both because of fear and because she isn’t a magical girl
The first active action from madoka in one of these situations is when she throws the chemicals out the window so that the people under the witch’s curse can’t use them to kill themselves
When she does this the broken glass cast a disturbing shadow on her face
And it only causes the masses to begin to attack her and renders her even more helpless as the labyrinth opens around her
This is the first time madoka is in a labyrinth alone and she very quickly succumbs to fear and despair
Madoka’s strength is her care and love for others so as soon as she’s alone she is powerless
When they talk after sayaka saves madoka from the labyrinth sayaka laughs and brushes off the fact that she became a magical girl
While madoka is clearly distressed and tries to argue with her (which is interrupted by homura arriving)
Kyosuke’s room is lit with blue when he realizes that his hand is blue
We meet kyoko when she talks w kyubey about how there’s a new magical girl in mami’s territory and 
Kyubey eggs her on in her anger and says “what are you going to do”
Kyoko calls sayaka a hatchling
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