#like grhgrhrh
kalkkstuff · 1 month
Hhhheeyyy so I'm back on the Pikmin fix.
Specifically, back to the Wraith AUs.
SO here are the designs I cooked for some shapeshifting Water and Plasm wraith AUs!
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Obviously, with how old Pikmin is, this has definitely been done before, but I'd just like to put my own spin on it!
vv Click more for some lore dumping + rough sketches! vv
My idea for these two is their constant struggle to keep up their more human-like forms contradicts the monstrous forms they're most comfortable in.
Why they would even want to be human-like in the first place is up for interpretation but my thoughts were they'd want some form of connection, rather than isolating themselves.
The Waterwraith's design is heavily based on art depictions of Umibōzu, the Japanese yokai the wraith is actually based off of, while the Plasm Wraith is more simplistic and keeps to it's original design, yet it's ears resemble a Nyūdō.
The Plasm Wraith is more stable with its shapeshifting as it's demonstrated the ability to shapeshift in Pikmin 3. Though here its unable to change certain features like it's hole and it's core, which is always vulnerable.
The Waterwraith, on the other hand, is always unable to hold its shape and will fall apart within seconds if not held together. In it's partial form, the Water wraith has purple ripples along his form since they're unable to keep the transparent/dimensional form it's known for.
Both wraiths are more comfortable in the partial forms, but are always vulnerable unless they do their full form.
Yes, Water has roller skates. Why? Because it's funny.
I decided to give Water a Bulbmin since they only appear in the Submerged Castle. It just felt right.
Plasm, though, is lowkey scared of Pikmin after the Koppaites happened.
Both can use any pronouns!
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kaibaspuppy · 8 months
vampire kaiba. banging my fist on the floor
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