#like and subscribe! ⟹ verse; log horizon.
antisatiric · 9 months
tags (part 2).
sometimes we don't have a choice but to keep going. ⟹ verse; early days. there will always be somewhere to call home. ⟹ verse; entrance into the guild. in defense of wanting. ⟹ verse; fractures. the best path is the path you never asked for. ⟹ verse; steadfast endings. to those who were once wanderers. ⟹ verse; roadside. every world at your fingertips; we carry on and on. ⟹ verse; inheritor of the archives.
a neverending ruckus. ⟹ verse; baccano! hapless and hosted. ⟹ verse; baldur's gate 3. studies on ineptitude. ⟹ verse; the case study of vanitas. like and subscribe! ⟹ verse; log horizon. the past's clutches. ⟹ verse; moriarty the patriot. a literary nightmare. ⟹ verse; the owl house. skating your story. ⟹ verse; yuri!!! on ice. the immutable second. ⟹ verse; the witcher.
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OOO~ Good choice of best boys! Could you give me your favorite headcanon for each of them? I'm really curious!
(Random one up to me? Ah, it’s like a dream come true!)
~Random Headcanons for Mun’s Best Boys~
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-Although he plays a ton of video games that have gore and action, he’s also a God at animal crossing. Of course he doesn’t say anything about it out loud because if Shigaraki hears it then he’s probably going to tease him. If not, then Dabi damn sure will. Either way, it’s his little secret honestly. He’s got so many hours logged into New Leaf that his village is insane. When New Horizons came out, Spinner was extremely happy about it. He put back most of his savings and bought the fresh copy to go with his new switch. He literally hasn’t been that excited for a Nintendo game since breath of the wild came out. He might secretly invite Toga into his room and play the game with her since he knows she won’t judge, but there’s no guarantee that she won’t spill the beans about him playing it.
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-Jin has tried on multiple occasions to get over his smoking addiction but it just wasn’t working out! At one time he tried throwing away every single cigarette in his apartment, and car. That didn’t work because he went out an hour later and bought up 4 packs (and smoked 3 of them). The second time he tried, he froze his credit card in a block of ice inside the freezer, and donated all his cash/pocket change to keep himself for buying more. It almost worked until he found half a smoked one in his jacket pocket. The third time he attempted to quit, he actually went to a few smokers meetings but he was deemed ‘not mentally stable’ enough to stay. In other words, his personalities started arguing with each other and scared the crap out of the other members. Even till this day he struggles with his addiction. He wants to stop so badly, but it’s just too tempting. Maybe if he had a certain someone in his life to help him?👀
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-He has a secret talent in playing music. Toya is a master at playing the guitar and his voice isn’t too bad either. He would sometimes come home and play/sing his heart out. It was his way of venting out his emotions and de-stressing after work. His best covers range from Simple Man (lynyrd skynyrd), to Free Falling (tom petty). He was pretty well versed...until he became super focused on the Shie Hassaikai. Still sometimes he comes back and picks up the guitar just to make sure he still has his skills and that they don’t disappear. As for his singing, he does that almost every time he gets in the shower.
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-He’s super focused on the outside parts of his home. When he goes out to shop for anything, he always returns with gardening stuff, or bird and fish food. The koi in his pond are the healthiest they could be. And every day he gets a slew of beautifully colored birds that come to eat the food he leaves out. He replaces the water in his bird baths almost every two days, and he also has a small corner of the yard dedicated to his rock garden. Not to even mention how perfect his flowers are that he tends to. As Chisaki would put it: ‘the outdoor area is Pop’s happy place’ and it’s very true. He meditates out there with Tengai every Friday morning, and other times he’ll sit out back at night and watch the moon above him. Pops is such a peaceful sweetheart (despite his yakuza ties and the things he’s done in the past). 
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-Sako has an alley cat that he claims as his own! It started one day when he was coming back to the base after a long walk outside. He spotted a scruff looking grey cat hiding behind the trashcans and watching him. After he entered the base, he shuffled around in the kitchen until he found some canned tuna. Since it was cheap and affordable, he decided it would serve as makeshift cat food. Sako would feed this cat every day and night, siting on the steps and talking to it about his day while the small thing would purr happily as it ate. It got closer and closer until finally one day he approached Sako without being prompted with food first. Compress brought the cat inside and cleaned it. He also took it to a cheap vet and gave it a checkup as well. The reason why he doesn’t let it inside is because Toga is insane and he doesn’t trust her around cute things since she’s known to cut stuff up. Another reason is that Magne is allergic to cats, and Tomura can be downright cruel sometimes. Sako allows the cat to stay in the alleyway, and he rarely misses a feeding. 
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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