#lights camera orc-tion part 18
eruden-archives · 1 year
Lights, Camera, Orc-tion!
contemporary fantasy orc x human employer x employee fake dating chapters: 36 out of 36 complete
With medical debt looming over her head, Avicia Thorn can’t rely on her cam career to make ends meet. She applies for a slightly-better-than-minimum-wage data entry position at a motion picture production company.
On her first day, she stumbles onto the illustrious Kahdreg Vidaroc looming over the HR Recruiter, making demands. By the time she stumbles out of the office, she is Vidaroc’s new personal assistant. Whether she likes it or not.
Her pay gets even better when she becomes Vidaroc’s “girlfriend,” a ploy meant to stave off unwanted attentions from an highly influential siren investor. Farce doesn’t keep feelings at bay as they play pretend.
Links under cut!
Potential Triggers
⨉ Obsessive admirer (not one of the main characters) ⨉ Toxic friendship due to obsessive admiration ⨉ Assault (intentional or not is never revealed) ⨉ Wild animal attack ⨉ Consensual scarification via knife
◊ Fake Dating ◊ Employer x Employee ◊ Slow Burn ◊ Genderfluid character ◊ Sex worker that enjoys her work (camming)
📚 Read on Tumblr:
◽ Part 1 ◽ Part 2 ◽ Part 3 ◽ Part 4 ◽ Part 5 ◽ ◽ Part 6 ◽ Part 7 ◽ Part 8 ◽ Part 9 ◽ Part 10 ◽ ◽ Part 11 ◽ Part 12 ◽ Part 13 ◽ Part 14 ◽ Part 15 ◽ ◽ Part 16 ◽ Part 17 ◽ Part 18 ◽ Part 19 ◽ Part 20 ◽ ◽ Part 21 ◽ Part 22 ◽ Part 23 ◽ Part 24 ◽ Part 25 ◽ ◽ Part 26 ◽ Part 27 ◽ Part 28 ◽ Part 29 ◽Part 30 ◽ ◽ Part 31 ◽ Part 32 ◽ Part 33 ◽ Part 34 ◽ Part 35 ◽ ◽ Epilogue◽
📙 Read on Wattpad
Buy the final version at Amazon! Available in ebook and print.
(Due to length, LCO was separated into two books. The second will be Strike the Set.)
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eruden-writes · 3 years
Lights, Camera, Orc-tion! (Part 18)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Epilogue
Summary: With medical debt looming over her head, Avicia Thorn  can’t rely on her cam career to make ends meet. She applies for a   slightly-better-than-minimum-wage data entry position at a motion   picture production company.
On her first day, she stumbles onto   the illustrious Kahdreg Vidaroc looming over the HR Recruiter, making   demands. By the time she stumbles out of the office, she is Vidaroc’s   new personal assistant. Whether she likes it or not.
Her pay gets even better when she becomes Vidaroc’s “girlfriend,” a ploy meant to   stave off unwanted attentions from an highly influential siren investor.  Farce doesn’t keep feelings at bay as they play pretend.
Avicia’s eyes darted to the sudden appearance of the newcomer. Despite the darkness behind the barn, the silhouette of Kahdreg’s middle sister, Namra, was obvious in the moonlight. Relief and a different kind of tension warred inside Avicia’s stomach as she got to her feet, watching as the dog slinked away to find someone else to garner attention from. “Oh, I-I don’t know if Kahdreg and I are that serious. I mean, there’s time, but we barely have dated and-” 
Namra’s hand fell to Avicia’s shoulder, cutting her off in her rambling. Her eyes flickered to the orc woman’s face, embarrassment coloring her own cheeks for a reason she couldn’t place. Amusement pulled Namra’s lips into a grin. “As long as you want to be, you’re part of the clan, Avicia.” 
The human woman didn’t know what to think of that. Her eyes fell to her feet as her fingers tangled into the hem of her own tee-shirt, too embarrassed and grappling with deeper emotions. She had been trying to ignore the sneaking feelings since Kahdreg revealed the two of them would be going to their family’s home. Large family gatherings were not Avicia’s style. Her father’s family had disowned him when he came out as a man and her cis father had left soon after.
Large family get-togethers weren’t a thing Avicia had grown up with. Though both she and her father had made plenty of friends, ranging from acquaintanceship to found family status, they had never had this sheer amount of people around. As she feared, it was a bit overwhelming.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Namra said, disrupting the silence and distracting Avicia from her out-of-depth thoughts. The orc woman’s hand slipped from Avicia’s shoulder as her head canted to the side. “The heart on Kahdreg’s shoulder. Was that from you?”
Staring up into Namra’s eyes, quick calculations flickered through Avicia’s head. There was no telling what would happen if she confirmed or denied it, though. Especially not with her partner-in-crime off playing horseshoes. Avicia just knew she didn’t want to compound further lies, atop her relationship with Kahdreg. “Yes.”
At that, Namra’s eyebrows ticked a little higher, surprise and curiosity making themselves at home in her expression. “Kahdreg doesn’t usually give or receive marks easily.”
“I’m not marked,” Avicia answered, with a shake of her head, before she could consider the repercussions of the admittance. The second the words were out of her lips, she realized her misstep.
The confusion on Namra’s features made cold dread sink into Avicia’s chest. “What? Why not?” 
“They had me mark them,” Avicia answered, her voice growing increasingly hesitant and soft, “As part of a promise.”
Silence fell between the two. Namra stared down at Avicia, a confused furrow between her eyebrows as her gaze fell away from the human. The irregular clang of horseshoes in the distance interrupted the pleasant ambient sound of the shindig, raking over Avicia’s nerves with each clang. There was little she could think to do except wait for Namra to answer.
“Scars, for orcs, mark important times and people in our lives.” When Kahdreg’s sister spoke, her words were slow and carefully chosen. Avicia’s eyes shot to her, undivided attention given. Ignoring Avicia’s intense attention, Namra stared off into the distance, away from the human and into the blue-black shadows of the forest beyond, as if tracking something amongst the trees. Heaving a sigh, the orc woman hooked her fingers into the neckline of her own shirt, tugging it down so Avicia could see an old pale green scar. “This is from my ex-girlfriend. We broke up a few years back.” 
“Oh… I’m sorry.” Avicia swallowed, her eyes flickered to the scar - a pair of pale green, parallel lines, probably made from only tusks - to Namra’s face. Like a person adrift at sea, Avicia wildly grabbed the first flotsam thought that bobbed to the surface of her mind, “What happened? To make you two break up.”
At that, Namra puffed out a laugh, both amused yet sad.
“We just drifted apart. There are good memories and bad, so it’s kind of bittersweet to have the reminder.” Her words were soft, tinged with a bittersweet that chuckle as she released her shirt and gave a shrug. Her lips quirked into a crooked smile, reminiscent of the smirks Kahdreg tossed Avicia’s direction, but it was lacking the smug amusement in the holder’s eyes. “Scars can fade, unless we tend to them, and I’m not ready to let her mark on me fade, even if we’re no longer together.”
Avicia mentally gnawed on what Namra said. She knew that orcs had clan scars, permanent scars that designated the clan they hailed from. Though she didn’t know why the scars never faded or how one could tell a clan scar from an average scar. She had never thought to question it or look up the reason online. If she did seek out the answer, could she even find it? Or was it something innate and personal to orc culture, kept secret from outsiders?
Not to mention, from what Namra was saying, certain marks were different from run-of-the-mill scars. At least, that was the implication Avicia was picking up on. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the ground, lips pressed together as thoughts of Kahdreg and everything they’d gone through in such a short time fluttered in her mind’s eye. Swarming emotions tilted Avicia’s feelings back and forth, uncertain of how to feel.
Unable to stop herself, Avicia looked up at Namra, a question blurting from her lips before she could properly filter it, “What does it mean when an orc requests a scar from another person, but doesn’t return it?” 
Namra’s attention shot to Avicia at the sudden words. This time, it seemed to be the orc woman’s turn to feel as if she had shamefully misstepped, judging from the mild panic in her eyes. The observation brought Avicia relief and anxiety.
“I think…” Namra started, before letting the sentence fade into oblivion. Avicia watched carefully as the orc woman’s eyes darted away. She, too, was trying to determine the best way to answer, though in Namra’s case, she clearly didn’t want to ruin whatever Kahdreg and Avicia had going on. Feeling the burn of Avicia’s undeterred eyes on her, Namra’s shoulders slumped. Her attention flicked back to the human, an apologetic smile tucked around her tusks. “I think it’s best if you ask them yourself.”
Hours later, Avicia found herself back in Kahdreg’s old room, muscles tired and a general pleasant warmth pulsing through her thoughts. She had kicked off her shoes and jeans, getting comfortable in just her tee-shirt and panties as she flopped back on the bed. 
The Vidarocs and the clan they belonged to were terribly welcoming. To the point of making you forget you needed sleep. She couldn’t complain too much. The food had been good and, in some cases, sinfully delectable. The music, whether played by others or via a radio, tended toward fast-paced and jaunty, leaving anyone dancing breathless and laughing. And the few games she had found the nerve to participate in had been delightful. However, it was easy to enjoy a game when your opponents were sated on food and groggy on drink. 
Other than when they competed in an impromptu horseshoe game against Fanuma, Kahdreg had stayed by her side the entire night. They’d point out particular treats, nudge her into games, and - at risk of bodily harm from her - Kahdreg even dragged Avicia into dancing around the fire.
Avicia was hyper-aware of every touch since speaking with Namra. Every accidental brush of Kahdreg’s hand against hers as they walked side-by-side. Every time they touched or nudged against each other while dancing or maneuvering around the party. Every time Kahdreg leaned close to whisper helpful tidbits or smarmy little quips in her ear, Avicia’s body prickled; painfully noticing every hint of their body heat in the cool air or the teasing graze of their words against her ear.
“We’re going to sleep well tonight,” Avicia sighed, trying to push away the evening’s struggles from her thoughts. Though the emotional and physical toll of the socialization dragged at her eyes, curiosity gnawed at her thoughts. 
“Always do, after one of these get-togethers,” replied Kahdreg, their back to Avicia as they shucked free of their own shirt. Dropping the tee-shirt on the floor, the orc gave a groan and stretched their arms over their head, putting their form on inadvertent display to the human. 
The evening, as far as Kahdreg was concerned, had gone quite well. Their family seemed to be fooled and Avicia handled the unplanned crowd well. Relief had taken up home in the orc’s thoughts. The next hurdle wouldn’t come until the morning, when they had to interact with their family again. Why not relax?
Avicia hummed in response, unable to agree or disagree with such experiences. She watched Kahdreg with a contemplative look, her gaze licking along their back. The speckling of scars along their muscular arms and back taunted something inside her, making a knot tighten in her stomach. “I heard something interesting from your sister.” 
That caught Kahdreg’s attention. Uncertainty tensed along their body as they turned to Avicia and approached the bed, trying to maintain nonchalance. “Which one?”
“Namra.” Avicia pushed herself up into a sitting position, staring up at the orc as they came closer. On the outside, Avicia affixed pure calm into her expression, while she internally fought against the temptation to let her gaze drop, to drink in the details of their bare torso and shoulders and arms on flagrant display. A familiar heat itched along her fingers, wanting to reach out and feel the flex of those muscles, the heat of their skin, beneath her fingertips.
“Okay.” Kahdreg’s shoulders relaxed a little, though there was still a hint of uncertainty churning at their stomach. Fanuma was a predictable thorn in their side. Namra, however, was not. She had a tendency to be sneakier - perhaps more well-intentioned - than Fanuma. Though she managed to cause just as many problems for Kahdreg.
“She spoke to me about scars in orc culture. How scars are important and hold a lot of meaning to orcs.” Avicia went on airily, waving a hand in the air. She tried to sound casual, as if she wasn’t about to ask something important. For all she knew, it wasn’t serious, at all! 
But it was obvious from Kahdreg’s body language they were on edge. Whether it was from genuine concern or the fear of being caught doing something wrong, Avicia couldn’t say.
Something was definitely up, Kahdreg decided. And that made the uncertainty claw deeper into their skin, clinging to their gut. Despite the unease, they settled on the bed beside Avicia with a soft, “Yeah?” 
The quiet in Kahdreg’s voice gave Avicia pause. Staring at Kahdreg, a slurry of thoughts swirled around her head. Her eyes shifted to the orc’s marked shoulder, making something indescribable tighten in her stomach.  She swallowed, wondering why this felt important to her. For all Avicia knew, Kahdreg not marking her was a non-issue. Especially for the two of them, considering they weren’t even actually dating. 
Still, she couldn’t stop herself from asking in a quiet voice, “If this was a normal situation, were you supposed to give me a scar when you made the promise?” 
Yet again, silence. Though the silence between the two of them felt heavier than what Avicia felt with Namra. It was more fragile, as if the wrong breath could make it break horribly. Or perhaps the break would be delightful, with a sudden and satisfactory explosion. Avicia couldn’t tell. Anticipation crawled through her as Kahdreg briefly stumbled to answer.
“In the… strictest, most traditional sense, yes.” Kahdreg swallowed, their gaze shifted from Avicia as they half-turned away from her. They wanted to say something else. They could feel the preferred words on their tongue, but they swallowed the notions down. This arrangement wasn’t meant to foster anything else but a protective barrier from Kallinaera for them and cold hard cash for Avicia. An unpleasantness curled in their stomach, heat crawling up their body, as dissatisfaction hissed at the thought. Kahdreg dutifully ignored the feelings. “But you’re a human and this was for my benefit. I didn’t have the right to leave my mark on you.” 
Avicia leaned forward, neck craning as Kahdreg stubbornly refused to meet her gaze. A feeling she didn’t wish to name skittered through her nerves. “Do you want to leave your mark on me?” 
A muscle in Kahdreg’s jaw twitched and their eyes fell to their hands. They could feel Avicia’s gaze burning into them, lighting a heat at their center. Like Kahdreg’s jaw, their own fingers clenched tightly, gripping at their knees. As if afraid letting their hands relax would tempt them to reach out, to touch the human beside them. The tension in their body flexed tighter when they muttered quietly, “At first, no. But now...” 
Avicia waited, still leaning forward and staring at her companion. When it was obvious Kahdreg’s nerve had dissipated with their sentence, she prompted, “But now?”
Kahdreg couldn’t bring their gaze to Avicia’s, but they turned back toward her with a mumbled, “Yes.”
“I see.” Avicia let go of a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Their answer hadn’t given her the rush of relief or dread she was expecting. There was still a prickle of uncertainty in the air. With a swallow, she shifted back on the bed, hands planted behind her as she decided to prod for more information. “And how would you go about it?” 
“Avicia, come on,” Kahdreg groaned as they brusquely turned away from her again, their shoulders hunched in embarrassment. Heat raked over Kahdreg’s face, already hearing the taunting words or horrified remarks in their head.
“No, no, I am very curious about this,” insisted the woman, placing a hand on Kahdreg’s shoulder. Despite herself, a grin quirked at her lips. “Do orcs usually use knives? Or teeth? I think I’ve had an orc or two mention something about eating me up.” 
Avicia’s touch on their arm seared through their skin. They were too aware of the human, of her scent and the heat of her so close. It made Kahdreg’s stomach turn into frayed knots, their hands itching to feel the woman’s softness beneath their fingertips while their brain continued to throw upsetting words and images into their consciousness. 
With another groan, Kahdreg pressed their face into their hands, trying to still the urge to touch Avicia. “Yes.” 
Feeling bold, Avicia grinned and nudged at Kahdreg’s shoulder, still trying to get them to turn toward her, to face her. “Yes, what?” 
A deep sigh escaped Kahdreg as their hands slowly lowered from their face. They stared quietly at the floor, muscles twitching in their cheek as their jaw flexed, before turning their gaze to Avicia’s face. Something in the air buzzed, making her stomach churn with excitement and apprehension. Another crack formed in the silence between them. Kahdreg’s sudden movement toward her made Avicia yelp in surprise, pushing backward instinctively. The movement only gave the orc more room to pin her down. The heat of Kahdreg’s palms curled around her upper arms, forcing her back against the mattress. 
The orc’s body arched over her - a reminder of the size differential between the two flaring in Avicia’s brain - as their hands slid to her wrists and one of their knees slipped between her legs. Kahdreg basked in the surprised expression on the human’s flushed face and the warmth rising from her. They seared the image, the feel, of her beneath them, hair splayed out like a halo and her chest rising and falling with hitched breaths, into their memory. It was all the time Kahdreg could spare before instinct and desire beckoned their head to lower. 
Their lips skirted along the length of Avicia’s throat, her pulse jumping against the ghost of a kiss. It made their own body throb in turn. They didn’t linger at her throat for long; they couldn’t risk her scent and warmth tempting them further. Their attention turned to the expanse between Avicia’s neck and shoulder, pausing midway between. 
“With my teeth, here.” The growl rumbled against Avicia, her nerves shaking as the orc opened their mouth. Kahdreg’s upper row of teeth gingerly scraped over the slope of her shoulder, while their lower teeth and tusks grazed the skin below her clavicle. 
For a wild second, she wondered if their words had simply been narration. If they were about to sink their teeth into her. Avicia’s chest rose and fell drastically, her breasts grazing against Kahdreg with every deep inhale. Her brain could only imagine how such a mark - a bite, if she was being honest with herself - would look, how it would feel. 
Did they want to dig deeper where their teeth grazed? Leave long lines with their tusks? Or did they just want to clamp down, marking her with the imprint of their teeth and tusks? Would it burn or be a blunt pain or something else? Or would they only use the very tips, digging in just enough to make her bleed and scar her with pinpricks? 
Thoughts and concerns clashed through her head, joined by confusion as excitement sunk low and hot at her core. Involuntarily, her thighs squeezed against Kahdreg’s leg. Without thought, the orc nudged their knee against the juncture of her legs, the friction only heightening the confounding warmth pooling at her core.
Did she really want to be bitten by Kahdreg? By her boss, her sense desperately reminded her.
“I won’t.” Kahdreg’s words were firm, answering an unspoken question lingering between them. Or perhaps attempting to rein themselves in. The air in their lungs burned as hormones and pheromones saturated the air. A heat mirroring the burn in their chest clawed at Kahdreg’s lower stomach. Slowly, Kahdreg pulled themselves far enough away to look into Avicia’s face. Away from Avicia’s delectable scent at her throat and her welcoming heat. Kahdreg continued to talk themselves down while masking it as speaking to her. “There’s a lot of factors - social and physical - and you’re a human, not an orc. You have different feelings about permanent marks on your body.” 
The anticipation swelling in Avicia deflated. A disappointed chill tangled within her, trying to subdue the excitable, almost taboo, heat still stirring up her insides. Sense pushed past the hormonal haze, chiming agreement with Kahdreg’s discipline. They were right. There was so much to consider! So many implications!
She could only imagine the uproar, both at her day job and night job, over such an injury. Let alone an injury that was obviously caused by someone with tusks. That sort of thing might actually get the studio’s HR called on Kahdreg and Avicia. Her fans could go either way; either delighted and fantasizing about being her next mark or livid she had a life and relationships outside of her cam-fans.
“You’re right, I do have concerns about scars,” Avicia mumbled, her gaze latching onto Kahdreg’s eyes. 
Instant regret charged through Kahdreg. Of course, Avicia would have worries about carrying something permanent over a temporary ploy. No matter how tangled Kahdreg felt about the whole situation. The orc nodded, an expression of mingled disappointment and understanding mixing on their features. They shifted, intending to move off Avicia, before the human’s newly released hands pressed to the orc’s chest.
They paused in their retreat as Avicia pressed her lips together. It was her turn to avoid Kahdreg’s eyes as curiosity flickered through them. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want them to mark her, she realized, though the thought made her cheeks flame. “There are other, less permanent, options, though.” 
Her words drew Kahdreg’s heart into a faster tempo. Their eyes flickered along Avicia’s features, searching for something to dampen their sudden delight. A shamefully hopeful realization formed in their thoughts and refused to be shaken away. 
“So, you’d agree to something temporary?” The words were so soft on Kahdreg’s lips. As if they were afraid they had misunderstood.
Avicia found the nerve to peer up at Kahdreg through her lashes, trying to ignore how warm her body felt - how close Kahdreg remained - as she gave a nod. She didn’t trust herself with words at the moment. Or how nervous and excited they’d sound on her tongue. The pound of her heart and the rush of blood in her ears completely distracted her from the look slipping over Kahdreg’s features.
It was another tightrope walk with Avicia, Kahdreg realized. Weighing and balancing restraint against the alluring warmth building inside. Even as the orc lowered their lips to her ear, Kahdreg forced their movements slow and steady, tamping down on the excited frenzy that wanted to take over.
Avicia’s preoccupation floundered and her heart stuttered the second she registered Kahdreg’s form closing proximity again. She hadn’t realized how much her body ached when they’d begun pulling away, how much cool air had managed to sift between them, until their body was almost flush against hers again. Silently, she inhaled sharply, the breath making her lungs burn as Kahdreg’s lips brushed her ear. Avicia’s eyes clenched shut, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip to distract herself from the somersaults rolling through her stomach.
Kahdreg’s warm breathy hum sunk into her brain, sending shivery sensations along her body. The orc’s next words were like a warm syrup, coating her insides with heat and making her core clench tight. 
“What exactly did you have in mind, Miss Thorn?”
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eruden-writes · 3 years
Lights, Camera, ORC-TION! (part 12) ((NSFW))
(Catching Tumblr up on LCO, after being unable to post long text posts. Read up-to-date LCO on Wattpad!)
Summary: With medical debt looming over her head, Avicia Thorn can’t rely on her cam career to make ends meet. She applies for a slightly-better-than-minimum-wage data entry position at a motion picture production company.On her first day, she stumbles onto the illustrious Kahdreg Vidaroc looming over the HR Recruiter, making demands. By the time she stumbles out of the office, she is Vidaroc’s new personal assistant. Whether she likes it or not.Her pay gets even better when she becomes Vidaroc’s “girlfriend,” a ploy meant to stave off unwanted attentions from an highly influential siren investor. Farce doesn’t keep feelings at bay as they play pretend.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Epilogue
Tension wrought through Avicia's shoulders, all day at work on the following Monday.
Every time he came close, her heartbeat picked up and heat knit down her spine. She'd be forced to turn away, traitorous flush nipping at her lips, whenever he so much as glanced her direction. More than once, she had beat a hasty retreat as he approached, claiming she had to go do something if Kahdreg said something.
And she was certain the rest of the crew picked up on her awkwardness. Whispered words behind hands and semi-amused looks followed every interaction.
It felt like being back in high school.
But it was her fault. She was the one who took Kahdreg lingerie shopping. And that had severely bit her in the ass. Try as she might, memories of yesterday continued to light into her thoughts, bringing with it butterflies and squirming sensations.
She wasn't the only one still dwelling on yesterday.
Despite the fact the whole situation had been at her prompting, she was still breathless with excitement. Behind her, the shifting sound of Kahdreg undressing and redressing sent tingles along her back, making her heart stutter. Likewise, her own movements felt jittery. She had already tried on six other lingerie looks, stepping out of the dressing room to show them off to Kahdreg.
All had shown varying levels of skin, but they all showed more skin than she'd ever flashed in her boss's direction. She eased her own awkwardness by remembering they were pretending to date. She'd do these same things if they were truly an item. Acting like this made their farce all the more believable! That's what she told herself, at least.
Kahdreg, on the other hand, was struggling. With each of Avicia's wardrobe changes, heat frothed inside them. Even though the bitterness still lingered over her materialistic desires. It was hard to complain, considering the show she was putting on for them.
But then she needled them to find something to try on themselves. Of course, she was pushing them a bit. Trying to find their breaking point with eroticism or being turned on, before they couldn't help tipping over into temptation.
They'd done a stand-up job, keeping their hands to themselves and even keeping their words on the clean side of flirtation. Which prompted Avicia to toe the line, nudge a little further each time.
How much could they take until they got naughty? Until their eyes lingered a little longer or they dared to brush fingers against her skin? Until the tentative testing became more intent?
She shook her head, trying not to consider what her reaction would be if they finally gave in.
Across the small dressing room, Kahdreg struggled in the heat of their thoughts as they wriggled into their chosen lacy bodysuit. How could the woman's teasing and challenging grin be so powerful? Not only convincing Kahdreg to don something fit for a boudoir in front of her, but to share a dressing room as well.
At that thought, the noise from the rest of the store sifted into their consciousness. For a Sunday, it wasn't terribly busy. Surprisingly. There were only a few patrons browsing the racks when Avicia convinced them to duck into her dressing room. Likely, the employees were too exhausted from the weekend to bother with a couple presumably fooling around in the stalls.
Then again, it hadn't taken too much convincing for them to bend to her ploy. Even if there had been a sense of displeasure from the employees, they'd have been hard-pressed to deny Avicia. In fact, there was an excited hitch to Kahdreg's breathing.
As they clasped the suspenders along the side of the thigh-high stockings, they couldn't help wondering how Avicia would look at them afterward. It made Kahdreg's heart thump harder, being encouraged by her. But, on the other side, maybe she didn't expect them to take on the challenge.
Kahdreg jerked as Avicia spoke. Their attention flickered to the mirror, side-eyeing their profile to assess the look. The bodysuit clung and cinched in all the right places, the lace enhancing the gentle curves of musculature and ass. The stockings highlighting the slopes of thigh and calves. The straps were delicate lines, sloping up and over their shoulders, straining just a little around Kahdreg's shoulders. Heat churned inside them nigh unbearably, especially as they realized how much their - ahem - excitement was on display.
Not wanting to back down, they answered Avicia with a simply, if throaty, "Yeah."
"Alright, let's see," she crooned. The sounds of her turning around echoed loudly in the orc's ears.
Kahdreg swallowed, following suit and facing her. Their thoughts slowed, their eyes flickering over the flashy outfit Avicia had settled on. A wine red corset, trimmed in black, pushed and cradled her bust, threatening to spill out. It was paired with black panties and a short tiered bustle skirt that barely hit her mid thighs. It covered little more than her ass and, faintly, Kahdreg considered asking her to spin to see the full effect. They drank in the long stretches of bare skin. Though, this wasn't the most scanty thing she'd put on today, it was just as alluring.
"What is with you and simple looks?" Avicia teased, giving Kahdreg an elevator look as she softly smiled. Her eyes seemed to eat them up. Tracing the stretch of the lace down their pecs, their abdomen, lower. Kahdreg burned the longer she stared. Avicia took a step toward them.. "Don't get me wrong. It does suit you, but it's so plain."
"Does it? I can't tell." They knew it suited them. They had plenty of similar underthings at home, some just as plain while others were much more flamboyant. Not that Avicia had grown close enough to know that part of Kahdreg. And they weren't in a mind to dangle that information in front of her. Not when her hand moved, as if to touch them, before halting and pressing tight to her thigh.
Avicia's head listed to the side a little, shooting the orc with a cheeky little smile as she softly laughed. "You don't need to be embarrassed with me, you know."
"I'm not embarrassed," Kahdreg scoffed, rolling their eyes.
"Is that so?" Avicia's eyebrows shot up with curiosity. She planted her hands on her hips and leaned forward, peering up into their face as if to suss out the answer. "What are you, then?"
At that, the orc's eyebrows furrowed. They hadn't stopped to really consider why they weren't mortified. Now that the question was posited, they quickly unraveled it.
"Confused," Kahdreg muttered, a breath later. Discipline trained their eyes on Avicia's gaze, though there was an urge to wander further south, to memorize the moment. They pressed their lips together, refusing to give in. "You made it clear you weren't interested sexually, but it feels like you're trying to tempt me."
To Kahdreg's surprise, instead of quiet contemplation, Avicia laughed and smiled a little ruefully up at them. "Admittedly, that was the point."
Almost imperceptibly, Kahdreg drew back. "What?"
"Don't get me wrong, the free lingerie was a bigger driving force." She held up her hands, as if to physically stop the orc from jumping to a conclusion. "Once we got here, I was curious how far you could take being tempted before testing what I said."
"So you're testing me." They frowned, crossing their arms as they stared down at Avicia. The fabric of the lingerie suddenly chafed against their skin. Again, the bitterness rose in their thoughts.
"I was using a controlled setting to understand your limits," she corrected, her voice taking on a scholarly tone. She ignored Kahdreg's snort as she continued, hiding a small bead of guilt with a casual tone, "You're definitely disciplined and well-mannered. Color me impressed."
Gently, Avicia nudged Kahdreg out of the way as she took stock of herself in the mirror. The orc watched her, contemplation settling over the now muted annoyance.
Narrowing their eyes, they mulled over the term 'controlled setting,' faintly wondering if she felt unsafe around them. Then again, many women were used to playing it safe. It wasn't necessarily a comment on their own actual behavior. More so people, probably men, in the past had made the precedent long ago in Avicia's mind.
Well, that's all they hoped it was, at any rate.
There was another realization grazing over their thoughts. Tilting their head, they considered the possibility as Avicia primped and took stock of her outfit in the mirror. Curious, Kahdreg neared her, refraining from the temptation to graze fingertips along her upper arms from behind. To feel just how soft her skin was beneath their fingertips.
When Kahdreg moved to position themselves behind her, Avicia wasn't prepared to watch their arms raise in her peripheral. Their hands braced against the wall on which the mirror hung, effectively boxing her in. At first, she didn't react, trying to focus on her reflected appearance. Her focus kept drifting to Kahdreg.
Despite her calm act, something inside Avicia jolted as Kahdreg closed in around her. Their body heat licked at her back and her eyes caught their reflection in the mirror. The lace fabric pulled taut against their body. Their nipple piercings glinting under the sheerer parts of the fabric. It had taken a bit of discipline earlier to not run her fingertips along Kahdreg and, now, the urge arose again.
"What do you think you're doing?" Avicia shot Kahdreg's reflection a look, not daring to turn. Her brain didn't need any further fuel to the teasing fire inside her.
"Are you testing me?" Kahdreg's head lowered, their mouth drawing level with Avicia's ear. Shivery heat pulsed through her as their voice dipped soft and low, tickling at her ear. A grin evident in their words. "Or are you testing yourself?"
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