#lideaburton character populationzero roleplay zombie
populationzero · 7 years
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"People were dying before this, people will die tomorrow. The only person you can stop from dying is yourself, and even that’s not true."
      - Lidea Burton
    General Information
Name: Lidea Su Burton
Pronunciation: [lid-ee-uh] [soo] [ber-tun]
Name Meaning: Lydia is a feminine first name of Greek origin (Greek: Λυδία, Ludía, from λυδία (ludía; "beautiful one", "noble one". Lidea sounds like Lydia, but it stands for Life and Death.  肃 (Sù) meaning "respectful" (Respect the Dead) The name Burton is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Burton is: From the fortified town.
Name Origin: Greek, Chinese, English
Other Names: “The Ghost”, Cinna
Gender: Female
Titles: none
Birth Name: Lidea Su Burton
Birth Date: December 2nd, 2094
Birth Length: 45cm
Birth Weight: 5.2 lbs
Birth Place: Somewhere in NJ
Manner of Birth: Natural in a brothel
First Word(s): Ma, Mum
Death Date: N/A
Death Place: N/A
Manner of Death: N/A
Resting Place: N/A
Last Words: N/A
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Catchphrase: “Fuck it.”
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ID Number/SSN: 23709 (Birth Identification)
License Plate Number:N/A
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Height: 5′9′’
Weight: 130 lbs
Species: Chimera
Race: Mutant
Blood Type: Curvy but fit
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Skin Color: Caramel, Pale Patches, Freckled
Birthmarks: None
Extra Anatomy:None
Somatotype: Mesomorph
Locomotion: Fluid
Hair Color: Half platinum, half black
Hair Length: 30 inches
Hair Type: Thick, textured
Hair Style: Locks
Widow's Peak: Yes
Ear Shape: Rounded
Ear Type: Human
Eye Color: Complete Heterochromia - (R) Blue (L) Brown
Eye Type: Human
Eyebrows: Groomed, arched.
Nose Color: Pale, heavily freckled
Nose Shape: Wide, rounded, pointed down slightly.
Teeth: Healthy, none missing.
Face Shape: Oval
Complexion: Mixed, caramel, asian pale, freckled.
Facial Hair: None
Hat Size: Large (because of hair)
Shirt Size: Medium
Waist Size: 36 inches
Shoe Size: 7 1/2 Wide Toe
Fur Color: N/A
Fur Designs: N/A
Fur Length: N/A
Fur Type: N/A
Tail Color: N/A
Tail Design: N/A
Tail Girth: N/A
Tail Length: N/A
Tail Type: N/A
Alternative Appearances: None
    Health and Image
Diet: Mostly vegetation, meat only if she can find it.
Exercise: Running from the dead and mutants.
Fitness: High
Maximum Load: 35lbs
Running Speed: 25mph
Posture: Poised
Dexterity: Admirable
Reflexes: Extraordinary
Abnormalities: None
Vulnerabilities: As human as anyone else.
Handicaps: Sunlight bother’s her skin
Aids: None
Medication: None
Allergies: Seasonal
Diseases: None
Illnesses: None currently
Disorders: Depression, Anxiety, Paranoia,
Imperfections: Scar on bottom lip, C-section scar
Broken Bones: None currently, has broken her arm before, and a few toes/fingers
Reason for Health: She’s careful
Wardrobe: (Pictured Above)
Accessories: Necklace with her child’s ashes.
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Equipment: GPS with downloaded maps on her arm.
Musical Instruments: Ukulele
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Amulets: N/A
Piercings: Nose, Septum, Both ears 4 times plus 2 gauges
Hygiene: It’s the apocalypse, but she has places she can wash herself.
Makeup: Hardly any anymore
Perfume / Cologne: None
Scent: Natural
Scars: Few bullet wounds (Shoulder, leg, back)
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Accent / Dialect: American
Voice: Husky/Rasp
Pitch: Contralto
Range: Contralto, Range: E3 – F5
Volume: Loud
Laughter: Rasp, hardly heard.
Impediments: N/A
IQ: 125
Languages: English, Spanish, Chinese
Vocabulary: High
Memory: Decent
Temperament: Easily agitated
Learning Style: Learn by doing herself.
Emotional Stability: Strong
Mental Health: Manageable
Instincts: 8/10 Right
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Controllable, only conveys what she wants to be known. Being an ex-harlot gave her those skills.
Interpersonal: Strong
Intrapersonal: Medium (Her Instincts and Anxiety battle each other)
Linguistic: High
Spatial: N/A
Existential: N/A
Audition: Great
Gustation: High
Olfaction: Heightened
Tactition: Good
Vision: Good
Intuition: Very On point when Anxiety doesn't get in the way
Synesthesia: Yes, Sounds into Taste
Religion: Spiritual
Devotion: Divination
Superstitions: Not heeding her cards
Spirit Animal: Panther
Deathwish: Will do anything for Ensu
Allegiance: Harlots Code
Political Party: None
Political Awareness: High
Morality:She tries to do good but she will do what she has to to survive.
Etiquette: LOL
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Attitude: Often referred to as a bitch.
Outlook on Life: Don’t trust anyone.
Perception: Grim
Philosophy / Motto: “Don’t do anything for free. Even if you're not good at whatever it is you're being asked to do.“
Taboos: Talking about dead children.
Vices: Drinking
Virtues: Honesty
Primary Objective: Keeping Ensu safe
Secondary Objectives: Keeping her freedom
Priorities: Survival
Motivation: Undead, Bad people
Self Confidence: High
Self Control: Medium
Self Esteem: Decent, depending on the day.
Quirks: She fidgets a lot when bored. When she doesn’t fidget is when shes lying or holding back. She messes with her septum
Hobbies: Reading, shes crazy about books and her favorite places to lay low are abandoned libraries. Making beads for her locks.
Closet Hobbies: Knitting
Guilty Pleasures: Weed
Habits: Writes in her journal every morning. Interpreting dreams is a form of entertainment to her.
Desires: Mason - an ex lover (she got kicked out of the town they live in. Mason couldn’t leave because of his son.)
Wishes: To have a child
Lures: Bacon. If she smells it she will steal it.
Manias: bibliomania, wanderlust
Afflictions: none
Traumas: Who doesn't have trauma?
Worries: About Ensu and how she grows up.
Nervous Tics: People crowding her
Instigators: Referring to as if she’s still a whore.
Soothers: Music, books, killing zombies
Savvies: Making clothing to hide Ensu’s strange form.
Ineptities: Technology (whats left)
Soft Spots: Anthony (Mason’s son)
Cruel Streaks: Told the man she loves that he and his child meant nothing to her (So they'd stay in the town and be safe)
Accomplishments: Famed harlot.
Greatest Achievement: First harlot to buy her freedom.
Failures: Cant make coffee to save her life.
Biggest Failure: Got her best friend killed while trying to escape.
Obituary: N/A
Favorite Dream:She has this dream where she lives in the Before World with Mason, Anthony, Ensu, and her baby that she lost.
Worst Nightmare: Her daughters incineration.
Earliest Memory: Her mother giving her to her Madam Lady.
Fondest Memory: Meeting Mason.
Worst Memory: Losing Lilo (Life, Love) her baby daughter.
Funniest Moment: Ensu learning about the outside world.
Happiest Moment: The day Mason introduced Anthony to her.
Saddest Moment: Her best friends funeral pyre
Most Prized Possession: Lilo’s Ashes
Most Valuable Possession: The gold chain for her daughters ash-charm
Collections: Books, Yarn, drawing pads,
Embarrassments: They’re all horrible and sexual-related.
Mannerisms: Sways her hips when shes worried.
Humor: Morbid, Dry, Ironic
Regrets: Regrets beating up the Mayor’s son. (Why she got kicked out of where Mason and Anthony are)
Secrets: --
Darkest Secret: --
Pet Peeves:  Hates people wanting to touch her hair
Phobias: Something crawling in her ear while she sleeps. So she sleeps with cotton in, but they don’t block her hearing.
Greatest Fear: Becoming the undead.
Confidence: In her abilities
Creativity: She has a creative mind set, and time to learn things she find’s hard.
Generosity: She is VERY particular about who she graces with her generosity. There have only been been a few adults. Children she’s softer on but even that is dangerous.
Honesty: She believes in being honest unless its a danger to her life.
Loyalty: She’s loyal without fault to those who actually deserve it.
Insecurities: She use to be more insecure about her skin, but she only worries that it gives her away as a mutant.
Patience: She has almost like no patience with people.
Predictability: She can be predictable, if shes comfortable with someone but she can be chaos to an enemy.
Reliability: If she respects you, you can rely on her for anything.
Respect: It’s very very hard to earn. 
Responsibility: She hates them but is growing to handle it better.
Trustworthiness: Oh don't trust her if you are not 100% positive she’s your friend.
Compliments: “Smelling nice today, ______!”
Insults: “You smell so bad you couldn’t pay a harlot to touch you.”
Expletives: Fuck. Cunt. Asshole. Douche.
Farewells: “Ta-ta bitch.”
Greetings: “Hey, fuck you!”
Mood: Need Coffee. or. Need Liquor.
Words: Cào - means Fuck in Chinese. (Not to many people left who know that language.)
Emotional Status: Forever doesn’t give a fuck.
Likes: Cherry over Strawberry, Lime over Lemon
Dislikes: Mint (forced on her as a harlot because men like it)
Favorites: Miss Lady’s Weed-Pops, Deer Meat.
Least Favorites: Eating dogs. It’s makes her heart sad.
Ability: Quicker than most.
Element: N/A
Martial Arts: Wing Chun, Qigong (Meditative)
Immunities: N/A
Resistances: N/A
Strengths: Street Brawling
Weaknesses: Lower abdominal
Futilities: N/A
Restrictions: N/A
Origin: Chinese
Source: Her teacher is her father
Specialty: Striking, Grappling, Misleading
Signature Move: Throat Jab
Special Attack: Eye Gouge
Courage: High, she’s rather fearless.
    Home, Work, and Education
Abode: Home is where Mason and Anthony are (Cin-City). Other than that she has plenty of hideouts.
Hometown: Cincinnati
Citizenship: American
Culture: Harlot
Traditions: Chinese
Routine: Wake, Water, Breakfast (If applicable), Move, Fight the Dead, Lunch, Move, Fight the Dead, Shelter by Sundown, Rest, Dinner, Security Check, Sleep.
Sleep Patterns: Not well, but people have evolved to doing well on that.
Eating Habits: She has ways of keeping herself well fed.
Pets: A playful fox lives in one of her common hide-outs. They get along, but being on the road makes a pet a meal usually.
Employer: None finally. Madam Lady still wishes she had her.
Job Title: Freelance.
Experience: She was a Harlot, so she learned everything she needed to know by talking to her men.
Community Service: She’s done her 18 years of serving. Which isn't much compared to women who have been harlots their whole life and still don't see an end to their debt.
Rank: People know shes worth more than her weight in gold - for anything.
Supervisor: HA. Ensu is the only person who bugs her about what to do.
Hours: Her own.
Work Ethic: If it’s important or paying well - she will get it done.
Transportation: Whatever she can find, but mostly she has a motorcycle she likes to upkeep.
Criminal Record:  Who doesn’t have one? Harlot alone is a crime outside of Cin-City, Thievery,  Assault, Blackmail,
Dream Job: She’d like to own her own shop in a town, but being a mutant doesn’t allow that.
Income / Salary: $1400 / Week
Net Worth: $72800 / Year
Budget: $600 supplies, $300 for play, $500 for savings
Debt: Nothing money - she refused to have it.
Savings: $78000 (Over 3 years)
Dependents: One, 10 year old Ensu
Splurges: Book, Music, whatever she can’t find on her own.
Elementary School: Home schooled by harlots.
Middle School: Same as above
High School: Same as above
Colleges: Same as above
Special Education: Shooting, knife work, medical
Extracurricular Activities: Yoga (Cloth), Dance, Guitar
Graduating Year: She bought her freedom at 18 years old.
Study Habits: If she’s focused, she’s unstoppable.
Grades: N/A
Degrees: N/A
Mother: Fāng Su Wong
Father: Wallace Burton
Guardians: Madam Lady (Head of all Harlots) Lady Silver and Lady Gold
Siblings: None that shes aware.
Children: Lilo - deceased.
Close Relatives: Her father - Wallace.
Distant Relatives: Her mother - Fāng , Aunt - Lin
Ancestors: The original survivor in her family was Ada Wong. (Don’t judge me)
Best Friend: Vanilla, Chocolate (Harlots)
Close Friends: Most Harlots
Confidantes: Harlots, Ex-Culls
Friends: Ohio Leader - Joseph
Allies: (Your Characters)
Acquaintances: Loads.
Followers: You mean stalkers?
Subordinates: none
Rivals: Cherry (Harlot, not so much one anymore because she beat her)
Enemies: The people she rescued Ensu from.
Inspirations: People who make it to old age.
Role Models: Lady Silver, Lady Gold.
Heroes: Her father
Mentors: Lady Silver and Lady Gold
Family Dynamics: She has like zero contact with her mother. Her father she sees from time to time and is the only person she trusts to protect Ensu if it came down to it.
Communication: She trains and uses pigeons.
Discriminations: None
Reputation: She’s known as the “Ghost” for the way she can blend in and get her target. She’s never failed.
Dominance: She’s definitely not submissive. 
Expression: Tends to have resting bitch face.
Cooperation: She doesn’t play exactly well with others unless its in her best interest.
Sociability: She is no longer required to be polite. One must pay for her politeness.
Status: Single, but taken in her heart.
Class: Higher because she travels the Wastelands.
Livelihood: She takes on odd jobs.
Memberships: Harlot’s Sancuary
Community: Cin-City people are her people.
First Love:  Nick - Was killed in the Wastes building a new town.
Love Interests: Mason
Marital Status: Single
Orientation: She likes whatever she likes.
Significant Other: None currently.
Love Style:  Let’s just say she knows her shit.
Flirtiness: Master
Turnons: Be a decent human being, because its so rare.
Turnoffs:So many things.
Fetishes: Single dads.
Virginity: PFF.
    Story Information
Enneagram: Reformer(7), Leader(6), Thinker(5), Arist - Generalist - Peacemaker (4), Thinker(5), Skeptic (2), Helper(1)
Flaws: Can be very dismissive.
Tropes: Slow Clap is her favorite
Clichés: “I’ll be right back!”
Role: Freelance work for hire and guardian of Ensu.
Fulfillment: To see someone die and not come back as a monster.
Significance: Harlots look up to her bravery.
Advice: “No one’s hands are clean so don’t feel bad”
Analogue: N/A
Inspiration: Sunrises, they give her hope for something new and better.
Voice Actor: Charlize Theron
One Word: Fearless
Tagline: “It’s the dead’s world, were just living in it.”
Theme Song: R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World  
Soundtrack:  THE WALL: Pink Floyd
Date of Creation: February 2nd, 2017
First Appearance (Date, Location, Event): N/A
Earliest Appearance (Date, Location, Event): N/A
Last Appearance (Date, Location, Event): N/A
Latest Appearance (Date, Location, Event): N/A
Centric Stories: N/A
Centric Episodes: N/A
Episode Count: N/A
Angry: “Fuck off”
Anxious: “Fuck me”
Conflicted: “Fucking bullshit”
Criticized: “Go fuck your mother”
Depressed: “Fuck.”
Embarrassed: “Shut the fuck up”
Excited: “Fuck yes!”
Frightened: “Shit.”
Guilty: “Frick”
Happy: “WOO!”
Mistaken: “My fucking bad. Stupid me.”
Nervous: “Well aren’t I just a fucking bundle of nerves right now!”
Offended: “Someone wants to get punched in the fucking face.”
Praised: “You love me”
Rejected: “Fuck you very much”
Sad: “Let me fucking be”
Stressed: “Just let me figure this the fuck out.”
Thoughtful: “I saw this and it made me think of you.”
First: Usually bad, sometimes shes awesome.
Self: She thinks shes pretty cool.
Family: Her father loves her dearly. Her mother couldn't give two shits.
Lover: He thinks shes beautiful, no matter what shes doing.
Friends: see her as strong and amazing.
Associates: They see her as pushy and cruel.
Authority: They know better than to mess with her.
Strangers: She never seems as dangerous as she really is.
Enemies: They fucking hate her.
Post Mortem: N/A
Creator: Allison
MBTI Personality Type: INFJ
Anima: Panther
Personas: Harlot, Survivor, Big Sister, Girlfriend - all totally different.
Idiosyncrasies: She has to be the first to try new things. (protective trait)
Infancy (0-3): When she was born her mother traded her for room, board, and supplies once she was well from Madam Lady (Lady Black). She was given to the Harlots for her exotic beauty.
Childhood (4-12): She was a servant, seeing sex from a young age. Men tried to have her but she was protected under Lady Silver and Lady Gold. She learned to defend herself at an early age. She began training during this time to become a harlot.
Adolescence (13-19): She continued training to be a harlot and pay back her debt to Lady Black. She paid it back by 18 because she played her life very minimalist, nothing special. At 19 is when she rescued Ensu.
Adulthood (20-54):19-23 shes been living on the road with Ensu, escaping the people who want her.
Seniority (55+): N/A
Personal: She learned to be strong from the women she grew up with.
Social: Realistically she hates being social, but her harlot skills give her very decent social skills
Physical:She’s always taken very good care of herself, and started training at 12 to fight.
Spiritual: Everything she believes is from her own personal experience.
Defining Moment: N/A
Other Information: None at this time.
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