#lia and lulu my beloveds
A Day at the Beach
Summary: Amalia and Luna both have plans for this day at the beach.
Notes: Around 700 words. It took me till my last fic for these two to actually put my mc's name in a fic. Their name's Luna and their nickname's Lulu. This fic is just sweet, enjoy!
It took a while, but they finally got that beach date together!
Well, okay, maybe it's more of a scavenger hunt, but Lia prepared it for them and let's be honest she can do anything for them and they'll be happy either way.
They have something planned for her that they'll do later anyways and this is a great way to get rid of some of their excess energy.
They were walking at the beach, hand-in-hand when Lia suddenly stopped.
"...I forgot something."
"What? Okay, what was it?"
"I can't exactly tell you what I forgot!"
Ohhh, it's a surprise. Alright, I'll play along, Lia.
"It's okay. We could get it later."
"No, no, it's important that I have this."
"Here take this," she hands them the paper.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, Lulu," she gives them a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
Well, let's take a look at this paper.
Treasure Hunting Hints
1. Where's the first spot? Near a marked palm tree.
2. If you can't find it, try to spot a cloth with the same colors as our friendship bracelet.
3. Looking for the next clue? There's a bucket with your name on it.
4. Left of the bucket, there's an arrow.
5. You're getting close. Just keep going!
6. On the way there, you'll see something sticking out of the sand.
7. Up a different palm tree is the clue to the next spot.
8. Marked with a couple of seashells is the next clue.
9. Are you getting tired? Don't worry, you're close to finishing it.
10. Run towards the x in the sand.
11. Reach inside to get the last clue.
12. You did it! There's no more to find after this.
13. Make sure to hold on to this paper; it's important.
14. Everything is collected, go back for your prize.
So that's a pretty long list of hints. Think they spoil a lot of what's gonna happen, but it's about the journey and all that.
Wonder what the prize is though? Guess they have to complete it to find out!
Well, that took a while. They have little items in the bucket in their hand that are a reminder of their time together with Lia. Each one even has a little paper attached with her recalling that moment.
It's so sweet. They wish that they could tease Lia about it, but she still hasn't come back.
They walk around the beach for a while, but then they spot her familiar curls.
They run towards her, bucket held close to their chest to prevent anything from falling from it.
"Hey Lia, I'm done! What's the–"
They see her; she's very nervous and very much kneeling in the sand.
"I have prepared for this day in so many ways, but nothing could prepare me for what's going to happen when I finish this."
She takes a deep breath and continues, "We've been through so much together, everything from late night studies to monster hunting."
"And saving the world?"
She laughs, "Yeah, and saving the world too." She has that soft look in her eyes as she continues, "You mean so much to me and I know that you can already guess what I'm about to say next, but why not read it for yourself."
"Check the first letters."
They look down at the paper in their other hand to check it. Meanwhile, Amalia gets something from her pocket.
They start giggling.
Lia looks worried but...
Then they also kneel down and get the ring from their pocket.
"Will you marry me?"
They both start laughing.
"Did we both plan to propose today?"
"To be fair, I thought you proposed years ago. When you gave this ring to me."
"I mean, I did give it to you as a way to protect you."
"Yeah, we practically exchanged vows that day too."
"Guess we're just making it official."
"So, Amalia... what's your answer?"
She gets up and carries them in her arms, making them drop the bucket as she spins them.
"Yes, Luna!"
"We're getting married!"
Their laughter can be heard from afar.
They share a kiss as the sun sets, a perfect end to a perfect day.
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